What are "Dvach", "Forchan" and other imageboards? What are Dvach and Fochan? 2ch mobile version

0 If you started asking the question "Sap Dvach", what does it mean, you probably watched a very popular video in which Karina Stremersha shares his thoughts. This video sequence was talentedly transferred to music and began to differ very strikingly from the original, an unpleasant screeching voice disappeared somewhere, and the girl turned into a lamp cuddly. In one of her phrases, this squeaky beauty mentions Sap Dvach. What does Sap Dvach mean? Most began to wonder what language she speaks in general, what kind of sounds are flying out of her mouth?

Sap Dvach- means hello forum!

What does Sap mean?

Glanders- this is a greeting that is very often used on imageboards (forums where you can not only write messages, but also attach graphic files to them ( image)), such as 2ch, 4chan(ch or chan is short for channel ( channel)). Many believe that the term "Sap" is derived from an English expression " What "s up", they usually say" wassup ", after a while it became just" Sup ".
And the impetus for the emergence of this jargon was advertising of beer "Budweiser", which was released in 1999 and "spun" until 2001.

What does Dvach mean?

Now the time of anonymous imageboards is coming to an end, now there are only semblances, copies of the most "powerful and terrible" forum 2ch (two hours, two hours). After he was solemnly buried on January 17, 2009, and the remains were scattered throughout the world wide web, his followers began to sprout, but this is not the same. The very name "2ch .ru" was stolen from the Japanese imageboard, which was called "2ch .net", however, the people who created the Russian imageboard were more focused on the English-language counterpart - 2chan, and this is understandable, because English is much easier to understand than Japanese.

Imageboard Dvach had forty different thematic sections. However, / b / (nonsense) was considered the most visited and in demand. There was no specific topic in this thread. It is in this section that the most famous memes of the Internet were born. Some believe that it is Dvach that is the largest hotbed of Russian Internet culture in Runet. After the closure of Dvach, a good follower of the imageboard that died in the Bose, which is called Lurkomorye(Lurkmore), this site is built on the Wiki engine and is a modern encyclopedia of culture and subculture.

So, Dvach users developed their own special language, which was incomprehensible to the uninitiated until you yourself became Dvach, it was sometimes very difficult to understand the meaning of jokes and memes. Since now it does not exist for a long time, and the announcers bitterly claim that the current copies are not at all the same.

An example of how Dvach users communicated:

"Chayanka crowing on

Even if you have been surfing all kinds of Internet like forums, contacts and other chats for ten years now, this does not mean that at two o'clock you will easily join the team, and in general you will understand what they are talking about. But don't be upset! Especially for such newphages as you, there is this list.
Sap dvach- greeting
Anon(pineapple, antoine) - anonymous, dvacha user
Abu- admin and owner of Dvacha
Achivka- achievement
Thread- topic \ topic \ discussion thread
Kuhn- guy

Tian \ Eot (there is one chan) \ Aphid (tnya)- girl
Bump(Bring up my post) - raising a thread when sending a response, a sign of interest. A kind of like.
Sage- Anon's dissatisfaction with this thread.
Wipe- active posting of various kinds of material, mostly repetitive or united by a common theme, in order to omit or further destroy the thread by lowering it to a critical point. Where the critical mark is the limit, after which threads are automatically deleted by the system as having lost their relevance.
Bitard- a frequenter of the / b / section of imageboards, well-versed in local slang and adequately behaving.
Bugurt (Butthurt)- butt pain, negative reaction to a sore subject.

Buhurt-thread- a thread in which anons tell unpleasant stories from their lives on a certain topic.
Camwhore- a whore in front of the camera. The girl who performs the requests (requests such as show the breasts) of the annonies, providing proof (a photo with the inscription "sup / b /" with the current date).
Wangyu- from Wang, I predict
TNN- chan are not needed
ITT("In this tread") - in this thread
IRL("In real life") - in real life
Discach(discas) - discussion
Lulz- lol
Lamp- cozy, warm, homely
Erokhin- alfach (alfasamets), a successful guy
Sonulya tartlet(Sychev, Omezhka) - mom's son
DS(default city - city by default) - Moscow
Muhosransk- a city in the depths of Russia
Pic related- a standard phrase that is written if the image loaded by the opom in the first post of the thread matches the subject. In the case when the image is selected randomly according to the principle "to have it" (since on many imageboards, opening a new thread without attaching a picture to it is prohibited. For example, the / b / dvacha section), write the opposite phrase - pic unrelated or pic not related ...
Condensed milk shines- the term in prison is shining
inb4 (In before)- waiting for something
Hikka- a person who consciously and purposefully isolates himself from society
Lost from this(capitulated, "in a voice") - laughed
Karlan- a guy of small stature
Pitch(bakery) - PC - computer
Fapat(fap, fap) - masturbate
Bioproblems- problems with sex
Paste- copy-paste - copied content
Sauce- source - source
Force(force) - to impose
Malafya(fapcha) - cum
Empire- Russia
Liberator- Putin
Vatnik- a patriot of Russia, a person who takes a pro-Russian point of view
TIRES- WIN - win - victory, something worthy and fit
Moralfag- moralizer
Oldfag- old fashioned
Newphage- newbie
Sosnitsky's theorem- fat trolling of schoolchildren asking their questions from exams on the Internet.

2ch.hk - Forum for everyone, everything is there.

From sections with games and anime, to sections about weapons and history. Sections where a discussion of a cartoon character can turn into a real political discussion.

The biggest and most understandable rule for all forums of this type is anonymity.

You cannot reveal your personality, the whole essence is based only on this. Without registration and SMS; D

Everyone can find a suitable section for themselves, and if not, then you can always go to the most visited branch - Delirium / b / There you will definitely find what to read

Each of the forums, except for Delirium, has its own theme. Discussions are held there, adhering to the direction precisely on their topic.

There is a column on the main page News, you can click on each of them and read in more detail, or participate in the discussion.

There are only 15 points in the rules

Yes, and the prohibitions themselves are standard, which all sites have, do not violate the law, do not throw off malicious programs, in general, blah-blah-blah ... Anyway, they can only ban on the IP, and even then the ability to read Dvach is not lost , only you can't post - and many don't need it anyway.

The form of posting and creating threads and for replies is the same:

In addition to the text, you can attach a video, picture, drawing.

There are also mobile clients of Dvacha, for any platforms, you can read more about this in - / mobi / Mobile devices and applications .

Compare the view from the mobile application Dashchan and version for PC, using the example of the Books section - / bo /

In conclusion, we can say that Dvach is a platform for communication, exchange of information, without being tied to a person. Here you can not be afraid to seem stupid, or ask some intriguing question. But you should understand that on the other side of the monitor, anyone can sit. So it's better not to listen to advice from two.

What is Dvach? 2ch.ru is a popular image-boarding site of domestic origin, which existed until 01/17/2009. This resource stood out among its competitors in that it had no registered users, and all publications were carried out anonymously. The web forum gained fame thanks to its resonant content, which was uploaded by the users themselves.

What is Dvach? What was the popular Internet resource like?

The imageboard resource contained about 40 thematic sections, the most notable popular was the category "Delirium", which did not belong to a specific genre. Most of the popular Internet memes were posted there, which were often borrowed from foreign analogue sites (for example, "Forchan" - 4chan.org). All the trends and jokes that were gaining popularity on the world and Russian Internet were related to the imageboard of "Dvach".

What is "Dvach" / b /?

The famous Dvacha category was completely copied from the Japanese imageboard Forchan (4chan.org). The content knew no boundaries and rules - absolutely everything was published, contrary to universal values ​​and moral principles. In the heading / b / it was possible to "post" everything that does not contradict the current legislation (however, this rule was not always taken into account). The forum was not much different from the "forchan" - almost everything was borrowed, down to the jargon and slang.

Jargon and slang of users of "Dvacha" (2ch.ru)

The Russian-speaking audience with great enthusiasm communicated among themselves in a distorted language, exchanging sharp jokes and various kinds of content. It would be extremely difficult for an uninitiated person to determine the semantics of the words of the regulars. For example, the new guests of the web forum often had a question: "what does sap dvach mean?" And the explanation is quite simple - this is the usual greeting from members of the forum. Part of "glanders" meant an abbreviation from the English-language expression "what’s up", which in translation means the usual "how are you?" Among the inhabitants of the forum (in particular, the / b / section), it was customary to greet the people with the phrase "sap dvach".

Also, within the imageboard, one could find the phrase "two-thread", which is also not immediately clear to a new user of the web forum. A thread in translation from English (thread) means "thread". In "two" it was used as a figurative designation of the direction of discussion (branch of discussion).

Regular guests of the category "Delirium" called each other "/ b / tards" (which was read as "bitard" and is close to the English "retard"). Users, endowed with self-irony, ridiculed themselves and each other in the sense that the nature of their interests is nonsense on Dvacha. There is another version of the origin of the word "bitard" - translated from English the word "bastard" means "bastard".

Runet and world records

The category "delirium - / b /" was the most watched and active on "Dvacha". By 2009, the number of publications in this section had reached six million. Every schoolchild and teenager knew what "Dvach" was! Each new day, the category was replenished with thirty thousand new messages. The second most popular category was / vg / (very good), in which various lifekahs (useful tips) were fasted, and the number of publications did not exceed 250 thousand. The Internet community "Dvacha" was one of the largest image boards in the world ("Dvach" was the second most popular in the world after the Japanese "Forchan").

Anonymity on Dvach: what does it mean?

The most important and notable difference between Dvacha and its peers and competitors was anonymity. The ideology of the imageboard was based on this - the forum preached anonymity. If other sites provided an opportunity not to register on their resource, but simply to be able to view pages and make any publications, then the developers of "Dvach" literally forced their community to anonymity. Considering these connotations, such a concept as "anonymous" was born within the site. However, if desired, in all categories (except for the / b / ("Delirium") section), it was possible to leave data about yourself: the author of the publication could write his name and leave his tripcode along with an e-mail address. The inhabitants of the Dvacha web forum did not welcome such users, because such actions were considered contemptuous. Within the same site, the concept of "trypfagi" was born, that is, people who do not adhere to the unspoken ideology of the site - anonymity.

There was also the concept of "deanonymization", that is, the calculation of the identity of the anonymus. We did it in many different ways. Some could specifically give out information about themselves in order to light up their persona in order to promote themselves. Basically, such upstarts were subjected to massive condemnation and ridicule (sometimes "harassment" outside the web forum, it was called "raids"), because the advanced society "Dvacha" was difficult to outwit.

How has anonymity affected the life of the imageboard?

Namelessness gave users complete freedom of opinion and speech, they were proud of their forum. You can say absolutely any thing, regardless of morality and human order! More often than not, this led to endless arguments and mutual insults among the two-person audience. It was believed that an anonymous dispute is the fairest way to let people express their arguments and dissatisfaction with their opponents; it is impossible to "crush" them with their life authority and status.

The ideology of anonymous permissiveness has turned the site into a real trash heap of negativity, black humor, trash, immorality and extremism. Often, all insults addressed to each other and other high-profile information on the site were not taken seriously. Not everyone understood this kind of atmosphere, and this only added fuel to the fire of Internet trolls and a rare "cattle".

The grief of "Anonymous"

On January 17, 2009, the most popular Russian-language Internet resource "Dvach" (2ch.ru) was closed (more often they say "drank") forever. In the last years of the resource's life, many "oldfags" (people who remember "Dvach" from the very beginning) often complained that the forum has turned into something other than a previously successful imageboard. A lot of fierce conflicts and phrases "Dvach is not the same" led to the fact that the owners of the site decided to close it. There is also an alternative version about the termination of the work of the site 2ch.ru - they say that this decision was caused by pressure from the federal services.

Various imageboards are a very popular topic on the Internet. But modern Internet users sometimes do not know what it is, since they simply did not find the times of popularity of such sites. Let's take a closer look at this topic. At one time, the two most popular image boards were "Dvach" and "Forchan". When analyzing the concept of "imageboard", we will analyze these sites. After all, it was they who at one time gave rise to a huge number of memes. Okay, let's start looking at this in more detail.

What is an imageboard?

Imageboard(English image board, "image board", also a vat from English Channel) - a type of forum with no registration and organization of communication in a section-thread way. The informal definition also includes the concept that this is a site where users have lively conversations using messages with attached graphic files.

An imageboard consists of thematic sections or boards (sometimes the imageboards themselves are also called boards). The discussion on each board is divided into separate threads, consisting of posts - consecutive replies to the first (initial) message. Any visitor to the imageboard has the ability to create their own threads or respond to those that already exist, anonymously or by subscribing.

Communication style

The main essence of communication on imageboards, and what made them popular in due time is anonymity. Not only is it not required here, it is not even necessary to sign messages. Existing only for the convenience of users' statements, the conditions of anonymity have laid the foundation for a whole qualitatively new segment of culture. The consequences of anonymity are a wide range of characteristics that have arisen in the course of the development of imageboards.

1. First, they result in absolute freedom of expression, they ban anonymous only for things prohibited by the law of the IRL-country: child porn, propaganda of violence, Nazism, however, most image boards have a / b / section created for any topic, but on In practice, all prohibitions come down to only the first, everything else is possible! This forms in the minds of users a special type of thinking, when you can not be responsible either for your words, or for your own creativity, or for your behavior. A negative consequence of this is the formation of prerequisites for total flooding, pointless (spam) and out-of-the-box (offtopic) messages. It also opens up an opportunity for the formation of a "cancer that kills / b /" community.

2. Secondly, anonymity, in the absence of fear of condemnation from society, allows you to raise topics that are prohibited or unacceptable in real society, and even on forums, for example, such as planning a murder or homosexuality. This also has a positive effect: topics for communication are arbitrary, there is no fear, conscience is far away, which allows image boards to become a place of free cultural perception, awareness and combination, turning them into places open to all thoughts and any possibilities, something that is in the understanding of culture world IRL-cities can be compared with network cities, of course, only psychologically.

3. Thirdly, the anonymization of communication has led to the creation of the illusion of Anonymous. The essence of Anonymous is that you not only do not know who is answering you and where: the very thought of different people is not shared - the flow of information forces the participants to bring in the first thing that came to mind, or at least not thought out for too long, usually this is not very good things. If you forget that anyone can post from anywhere, then dividing the message into “friends” and “non-friends”, you may get the impression that you are communicating with one person, while an outside observer gets the impression of an instant blog of one person - Anonymous ... And everything would be fine if people did not always go further - amazed and fascinated by the beauty and aestheticism of anonymous culture, people who do not have their own culture in real life begin to create, which as a result resembles only an imitation of creativity. Anonymous himself calls them cancer. In fact, cancer is people for whom the very process of communication one day becomes more important than its content. The first steps to cancer, apparently, were those who, only after the emergence of this type of communication, began to create parodies and various macros, write paste, most likely his name is hidden for us forever. But the thousandth, maybe the millionth, Anonymous continues, in the best traditions, the development of a topic that has long been boring everyone, and has exhausted itself, it would seem, but the direction of culture continues to live, developing. Well, I wonder what will happen next.

4. Fourthly, in the already established anonymous culture, the aspect of the identification of posts often causes a lot of drama and lulz, causing the appearance of such terms as “neymphag” (nazanets), “seymfag” (Semyon, tozhesamets) and “trypfag”. The latter arise due to the presence of the ability to enter in the name field also an individual tripcode - a pseudo-registering set of numbers and letters to identify messages from one person. You can simply subscribe in any way and any number of times.

5. As already mentioned, a really alternative to anonymous communication on the imageboard can only be a tripcode. To use the tripcode, write in the alias field after your nickname, the # symbol and your password (no spaces). For example: Nickname # tripcode → Nickname! 3GqYIJ3Obs After that, do not forget to put in the field for the name after the name of the symbol # with the SAME password that you do not disclose to anyone, do not forget

6. Due to the presence of the numbering of posts, the concepts of "get" (taking) are widespread - a deliberate post with a get number, and doubles - on very fast boards, the requirements are the post number with two identical last digits.

7. The last, and perhaps final, in terms of investigation, property is the prescription of communication between different anonymous people on the image board. Unlike a forum, where one user cannot be confused with another, it is unrealistic to distinguish one unsuccessful user of memes from another on the imageboard, therefore, the sadness of users with experience of communication in the community - oldfags, over misinterpretations, too high hobby, or simply themselves often leads to dramas the desire to immediately add something of their own by newly arrived users - newfagos. Unlike common myths, memes are ubiquitous, from the very essence of humanity, and are not a feature of imageboards.

What are Dvach and Fochan?

These two sites, as we have already figured out, belong to one very large category of Internet resources called imageboards. This is one of the types of forum that has advanced options for attaching pictures. In fact, this term is literally translated as "image board", which simplifies the understanding of this phenomenon, which has now almost disappeared into oblivion. Usually, imageboards are built according to the same scheme, complete with a large number of sections.

These sections contain so-called threads in which people discuss certain topics. The replicas themselves (sometimes with pictures) are posts. A similar forum system exists today. The advantage of the imageboard in comparison with other forums was that all users there are anonymous.

Some consider this to be a chaotic flaw in such systems. Nevertheless, despite the absence of the need to register, on such sites there is often the possibility of identification, determining that the posts were written by the same person. Let's take a look at two of the most famous imageboards at the moment: Dvach and Forchan.

What is Dvach?

Dvach was a popular 2ch.ru site that had a variety of forums where people could chat about popular topics and voice their opinions. A lot of memes and slang words came from this project.


Dvach consisted of 40 thematic sections, the largest of which was / b / (nonsense) - a section without a specific topic. Most of Dvach's memes came from there. In turn, these memes were borrowed both from abroad and from the Runet memes in general, however, many memes were of local origin and were popular only on Dvacha. Dvach has become one of the largest centers for the development of Internet culture in Runet. As a continuation of Dvach, Lurkmore was created: one of its founders, Zoi, was the hoster of Dvach, and most of the words of Lurkomorye originated from Dvach jargon; in addition, Dvach and his memes are one of the few things that are almost not ridiculed in Lurka.

Dvach was an anonymous image board and preached "forced anonymity" (that is, the inability to register in principle), but sometimes it is easy to understand whether two messages were written by the same person or different. However, it was possible to fill in the "Name" field (when publishing a post with an empty "Name" field, the title indicated "Anonymous"), but those who did this were hounded, calling them nymphages. The lack of moderation (since 2007) and anonymity were the reason for the impunity that reigned in Dvacha, which attracted many notorious trolls or people who, hoping for anonymity, were not afraid to embarrass themselves on Dvacha, but there were frequent cases of the so-called. "De-anonymization", when, according to some indirect instructions in posts or images attached to them, it was possible to establish the name of the anonymous person in real life, and sometimes some other data. If the de-anonymized one was disgraced on Dvacha, then a wave of persecution of this person outside Dvacha could well have passed. A similar system of anonymity is common on other image boards, but it was on Dvacha that the largest de-anonymizations in the history of Runet took place at that time.

Due to the same anonymity and impunity in the Dvach culture, obscene and non-parliamentary expressions were extremely common, including insulting the opponent as such, therefore, the regulars of Dvach rarely took these insults seriously, but they were merciless in them towards newcomers who were called Newfags (now the insulting connotation of this word has been lost). The images posted on Dvacha were also often extremely naturalistic and often consisted of shock content.

In the last days of his life, Dvach was flooded with the so-called. "Cancer" (there is an opinion that Lurkomorye is also to blame for this, but there is also an opposite opinion). According to one version, this was the reason for the closure of Dvach. According to another version, the closure took place at the request of the owner of Dvacha (in addition, the owner does not want to part with the domain itself, as evidenced by the renewal of the domain twice, after two hours has ceased to be available, proofs in the history of whois and alexa). conspiracy theorists argue that the destruction of Dvach is not least the work of the special services. Many two girls switched to other image boards, some of them became regulars in Dvatirech.

What is Fochan?

4chan(Japanese 四 葉 yotsuba, "four sheets", Fochan, Forchan) - English-language imageboard and anonymous web forum, influenced by the Japanese futaba channel. At the moment, it has surpassed the futaba channel in traffic and popularity and is probably the largest imageboard in the world. Fourchan opened on October 1, 2003 by Christopher Poole (moot). On January 21, 2015, 11.5 years after its creation, moot announced that he was leaving the position of the resource administrator. On September 21, 2015, 4chan founder Christopher Poole announced that the site would be taken over by 2channel founder Nishimura Hiroyuki


4chan contains over 60 image-style sections, including one oekaki section and one flash section. Previously, on the world4ch domain, and then on the dis.4chan.org subdomain, only text sections functioned, similar to Japanese forums like 2channel, which were later eliminated.

Each section has a short letter code (for example, / a / for anime and manga, / k / for weapons, / mu / for music, etc.), which is usually used as the title of the section. Each section has its own subject (except / b /), its own rules, and its own subculture. All sections allow you to send anonymous messages.

The activity on the site is monitored by moderators and cleaners. The first - they are called mods - post content, delete posts, communicate with users and, if necessary, ban them. Cleaners are handpicked from regular users. They monitor individual sections, but do not have the right to ban users. Moderators and cleaners must remain anonymous. Those who reveal their identity or status are kicked out without warning.

/ b /

The most popular section on 4chan is / b / (random), recently it receives an average of 200,000 messages per day. Users of this section call themselves / b / tards (from English retards or bastards; can be translated as “/ b / olvany” or “u / b / ludki”; Russian transcript analogue - “/ b / tards” or “bitards”). Unlike other sections, it does not have a specific topic. The section does not accept local moderation rules, and only a number of global ones are in effect. Due to the fast flow of messages and the high density of distinctive memes, it can be difficult for newcomers to the section to understand the meaning of the discussions. Due to the number of users, some memes originating in / b / are widely spread and even get some press coverage.

The nature of the users

Despite the anonymity, the analysis of publications and user behavior of / b / suggests that:

  • the age of most of the users who post are between 18 and 30 years old. This statement is based on an analysis of references to pop culture phenomena that primarily date from the late 1980s and early 1990s;
  • they belong to the white race or to people, consciously or not demonstrating "white" thinking: / b / is characterized by trolling of people of color in general and African Americans in particular;
  • most of them are suburban middle-class Americans. How to read 4chan?

4chan's anonymous imageboard, to be sure, can be a truly terrifying and disgusting place! Nevertheless, if you get used to it and survive the first shock, then everything will go on like clockwork. This article will teach you how to work with 4chan.


1. Find out if you can log into 4chan. If you are under 18, if you are offended by innocent jokes about your mother and her sex life, pornographic content, racism and all that, well, or if you ... ahem ... a representative of the intellectual majority (however, even in this case, 4chan will be of interest to you - but only / b), then you shouldn't enter either 4chan or boards in general.

2. Read the rules. As a rule, “Newfags” are banned precisely for ignorance of the rules. Bans on 4chan are such a thing that is very, very difficult to remove. Remember, however, that even following the rules will not save you from being banned - you can be banned forever for some phrases, images and tripcodes. And remember that 4chan has two sets of rules: 4chan rules and / b (non-topic) rules.

3. See which discussion board you are interested in. Of course, most popular is / b, where there is no theme. It was there, by the way, that most of the modern popular memes appeared (it was there, and not in Runet). However, if humor, porn and other "board-killing cancer" are not particularly interesting to you - welcome to the topic.

4. Lurca. Don't start new threads right away without knowing the local rules, or you will be rightfully called an idiot. Do everyone (and yourself too) a favor - sit in the ridonly for at least two weeks. See how the board lives, how it breathes, as it says. Make sure you know the basics of how to post, how to unsubscribe to threads, how to quote, how to spot trolls, and so on, before you actually start posting.

5. Learn the local slang. Someone remembers some Muta? If you come across an incomprehensible word, look for it, say, on Lurkmore.to, to understand what it actually means.

6. Don't be a cancer killing / b! Cancer threads in / b are a plague of 4chan and many other boards. These immensely disgusting and annoying threads created by Newfags, these endless "platinum threads" - threads like "Newfages can't triforce", "roulettes", "copy-paste threads", "laughed - lost", etc. In general, do not create them, do not unsubscribe to them, drive them out, despise them!

7. Start unsubscribing. If you read the article carefully and did not miss anything, then now you are ready to dive into the vat with g ... that is, in 4chan. Good luck and remember the rules!

  • Please type carefully. 4chan doesn't like the illiterate.
  • Learn slang (OP - original poster, author of the thread).
  • Don't click on all the links, no matter how tempting they sound. Not sure what site is? Don't go there.
  • Do not be afraid if the thread is washed away from zero. Even good threads sometimes wash away.
  • Remember that for some words and images, the ban goes almost instantly, and forever.
  • Don't be afraid to answer anonymous. You can talk to them very sincerely.
  • Of course, you shouldn't upload personal data to / b. Be anonymous, don't give yourself away.
  • Don't take advice from / b. Seriously.
  • You cannot unsee what you have seen! What you see can be removed from the board ... but not from your head.
  • Remember, no matter what you're told, don't uninstall system32.
  • Don't get fooled by the old tricks like “open a picture and save it as 4chan.jse” etc. Such viruses can seriously damage your computer.