Damage from a photograph to death. Damage to death: black magic. Damage protection. Consequences for the customer of damage

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to independently inflict severe damage on the imminent death of the enemy. Powerful rites of black magic must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, and the rituals must be done in a complex, otherwise there will be no sense. In other rites, the old magicians say that the enemy will quickly die from this black corruption. But, those were real sorcerers of such strength that the enemy began to wither from one whisper. You are far from this, because you have just embarked on the path of independent use of black magic. Yes, and witchcraft rites of guidance at a distance of damage to the imminent death of the enemy are different.

In the old rituals of black witchcraft, there are types of damage to death, which have great power if they are brought. These rituals have great power. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that a novice in witchcraft, home damage to death, will not put the enemy in a coffin. But, the earthly life of the offender will be greatly spoiled.

So, before you take on strong rituals of black magic, read reviews who did damage to death, learn about what others have achieved by practicing black witchcraft on their own. What were the results, and how to send damage to the enemy, so as not to make mistakes, and not harm yourself.

How to spoil a quick death - 2 ways to kill the enemy yourself

When things develop in such a way that there is no justice and pacification for your enemy, if he is stronger than you and boasts of his strength, belittling and oppressing you in every possible way, then you need to use magical rituals in order to give your offender a worthy rebuff. And he will not even know where his troubles came from, and he will leave you behind. He will not be up to you. So that's when it happens need damage to the death of the enemy, then you can apply the witchcraft rites of the old, black cemetery damage. But even with such a ritual of severe damage to death to take revenge on the enemy, he hit 7 aspen stakes.

After Ivan Kupala, every day, for 7 days in a row, come to the place where the fire burned, and in that place pierce an aspen stake and read the words of the conspiracy to induce revenge on the enemy:

“Like people had fun with fire, so (name) was created into dust. Amen".

So say and leave without looking back. Do the same the next day. And the next day, stick an aspen stake with a conspiracy. And so all 7 days to do. How to pierce the seventh stake, read the words of the conspiracy of damage to the death of the enemy:

“Like seven days the world was created, so seven stakes (name) on the graveyard are gone. Amen".

Strong black magic has in its arsenals many independent rituals, how to make damage to the death of a person. In the black books of sorcerers, a lot of things are written, hidden. But there is already a lot of free access. Here, for example, is another independent ritual of spoiling your enemy, as an offender through a sliver of a grave cross into need and curse disaster. It is necessary to break off a chip from the cross, soak it in rotten swamp water, and with a lining and throw it to your enemy under the threshold. At the same time, you need to read strong conspiracy damage to the ill-wisher:

“Cross with blasphemy and swamp water into rot, and you (name) walk into the coffin, and rest in the grave. Amen".

Home rituals of damage to the death of a person

  • When they heard that the bells in the church of the Lord are ringing, but not on any day, but on Wednesday, then you need to spit on the ground and say:

    “Remember the Lord (name) taco bring him to the land, as if to overcome this dry. Amen".

  • And here is another home ritual, which works on the hatred of the magician - the performer. If you are very angry with some person, and you crave revenge, then you need to clench both hands into fists, lower them along the body, and direct your gaze to the sky and read the words of the spell:

    “I have two fists, and the thunderbolt has an arrow. I can’t wave my fist, but the thunderbolt at (name) is thin to throw. Amen".

If it is said in the hearts of the sorcerer, then everything will be in force, and black damage to the death of the enemy will act soon.

  • A magical ritual of quick self-damage to death, which can be done on strong emotions, and the consequences of such damage will be illness and stench emanating from the victim. It is necessary to pour plenty of salt on dog shit, and read the text of the conspiracy:

    “From the inside to the inside, but the body (name) is bad, but he is very sick. Amen".

  • From the same category, the ritual is damage to cat shit. Causes disease and stench, from which it is impossible to get rid of. If you hover it 13 times in one turn of the moon, then as a result of home damage to death, the person will suffer from pain, and the body of the enemy will stink. You need to read the plot:

    “Go stink, go bastard, go sickness, go morina, go otmerina, but throw yourself at (name), and cling to him with shit. Amen".

Pointing at the distance of damage to the death of the enemy through his photo

And this seemingly simple home ritual makes it possible to cause severe damage to a relative to death. If the relative is not blood, then do it yourself on the waning moon.

To inflict damage on the death of your enemy, take:

  • enemy photo
  • some runny honey
  • a handful of earth from a nominal grave
  • jar with tight lid

In the photo, you need to pour a little honey, and pour a handful of grave earth, read the words of the conspiracy to inflict damage on an evil person:

“Like bees flock to honey, so dead people cling to (name). If this is not removed, then the accursed power will not subside. Yes, if it does not calm down, then (name) will be thrown into the coffin. Amen".

Put this photograph with all the contents in a jar, cover it with a lid, and bury it at the edge of the field. Take land from the grave according to the rules. If they are not known to you, then before do damage to death through objects associated with death and the energy of the dead, familiarize yourself with the rules of cemetery magic.

Here is another magic ritual associated with the cemetery, applying which, there is a chance send quick spoilage to death. It is done at the cemetery crossroads, through an unmarked grave. You should have a good connection with the graveyard entities. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that this connection is only developed by witchcraft practice. There is no other way to get in touch with the Graveyard Forces. Inflict damage on the death of a person on a waning moon, at night. What is needed is the thing of the one whom they decided to curse, which he wore on his body for a long time. Go to an unmarked grave at night, and tear out the cross from that grave. From there, go to the cemetery crossroads. There, put the enemy’s thing on the ground, and throw a grave cross on top. At the same time, read the text of the conspiracy to induce damage through the cemetery intersection:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“He met with one cross, but with this cross he perished. It’s not a majestic asshole, it’s a quick suicide bomber. Delano. Made. Done for death. Amen".

Leave without looking back. Going out the gate of the old cemetery, say this:

“The suicide bomber is done, but my path is different. Amen".

Is there a risk of getting a rollback from self-made damage to death?

In order not to experience the power of magic rollback damage to death, strong protections for yourself, put ritual ones. And weaken your enemy. The weaker it is, the sooner it will accept negative energy from the sent black damage. If you see that the evil enemy is resisting, weaken, break the magical defenses without pity. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, know that if everything is done correctly, a rollback from self-made damage to death bad man will not be. However, do not think that everything is so simple, and that anyone can curse to death.

And here it is not. Not any. Not every magician manages to put his enemy in a coffin with the help of damage. But to spoil life, to change fate, to deprive of something, even those who cannot call themselves a master are capable, but some of them have. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, know how strong sorcerers manage even in home damage to death(there are strong rituals in black magic), but most of the rites of a destructive nature are done in places of Power.

Inducing damage to death from a photo - how to pray for an enemy to death in 9 days

Induce powerful damage to the death of the enemy at a distance from the photo, on the waning moon, on Friday night.

Here's what you need to stock up for a witchcraft ritual:

  • 9 candles from graves
  • black canvas
  • mirror
  • enemy photo

Go to the cemetery and collect 9 memorial candles from the graves. Taking a candle from the grave, the deceased must be left with a remembrance. These are the classic rules of graveyard witchcraft. They cannot be violated or ignored. Whether you need to bring damage to a quick death, or you are planning to do something for the good, the rules of magical work in the cemetery are the same for everyone.

Cover the table with black linen at night. Put a mirror on the table, behind it put a vertical photo of the offender with the image facing you in order to see the face of your enemy, and so that he is reflected in the mirror surface. Put a grave candle on the mirror, light it, and look at the picture of the enemy through the flame of the candle. Look at the enemy, and read the plot three times to bring the most severe damage to death a bad person who, by his own arbitrariness, has become an enemy to you:

“The book was written by nine elders, but that book was called accursed, and prayers of prayers were collected there. Yes, now that book will be read by me, I will become stronger than all people, but with death itself I will know. Yes, death will submit to my word, but it will be blessed with a prayer of retreat. My request is black and black punishment, a nine-day talker. I read (name) to death, let nine doors open, nine tears roll down my cheeks, even death itself with a scythe will rise, but on the trail (name) it will start. If the roads are walked by them, and the paths of Vedana, and the unknown are gone, then death will be attached to (name). For eight days, flour (name) will be exhausted, but on the ninth day it will be cleaned up by death itself. The heavenly intercessor will retreat from him, but he will fit into the coffin of el (name). Yes, that coffin will fall into the black earth, but it will be buried in a deep grave (name). Tears are crying, but words are spoken, the grave (name) is crowned with a cross. That human memory will become decrepit, but (name) will be forgotten by everyone, neither the old nor the young (name) will be remembered, all that remains, but they will see it, then it will be closed up with a churchyard grave. Then everything will come true, yes everything will be done, if the prayer is read, but for nine days everything will affect, (name) will be cleaned up by death, but will be buried in the grave. Amen".

Read the words of a black conspiracy to kill a person 3 times. Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out completely. Do this for 9 consecutive days. Bury a photo of an evil person and a mirror on an unmarked grave.

How does damage to death work through an unmarked grave?

And so that the victim should soon go to the next world. Together with the photo and the thing of the victim, if you have one, you can dig in, because an additional binding will never hurt, it will only enhance the result. In addition to paying off the dead, before witchcraft, a purchase is made to the owner of the cemetery with a request for help. It is not necessary to bury all this goodness in the dark, it is possible during the day.

When a person dies from induced damage to death

The time aspect is of great importance. How long does damage to death, i.e. how long does it take for a powerful corruption to unwind and the first result appear? I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that this issue is purely individual. Much depends on who brings black deadly damage to the death of a person at a distance. But, the magical rite itself also determines the result.

The witchcraft rite of inducing deadly damage to the enemy should not be carried out alone. It is necessary to make a complex, then there will be sense. When performing any cemetery work, and whether there is a connection with the cemetery where the ritual of black magic is done, and whether there are graves that have been worked out. Not every sorcerer can put his victim in a coffin. This is a serious and far from easy matter. You have to have a lot of strength. Besides personal witchcraft power, the contact must be good with the protecting Forces. So, when a person dies with damage to death, it’s generally difficult to say.

If the victim was properly weakened, and the complex of damage sent was chosen correctly and correctly executed, then the result will not take so long to wait. Some practicing magicians unsubscribe on the forums that they are ruining their "wards" within 40 days. Like it or not, who knows? Witchcraft practice is an individual and secret matter. Other practicing magicians also share their experiences. They don't work, they say black damage to the death of the enemy. This is more like the truth, because heavy death rites do not work, because not everyone can do this. Enlisting the support of the Forces, and then you will be able to work productively. You don’t have to bring damage to your enemy for years.

Damage to death is one of the most dangerous induced negative programs. The most surprising thing is that this particular ritual is most popular among people. And these are not just words, because the strongest envy, hatred of the enemy are just as strong feelings as love. But if lovers use black magic to bind a loved one, then anger pushes people to perform dangerous rites. Moreover, their action can affect not only the victim, but also the performer or customer. So, how to find out damage to death? How does the rite work and how can you remove a given program?

How does the death ritual work?

Damage, suggesting a fatal outcome, is done with one single purpose - to destroy a person, to take away from him the most precious thing - his life. The performer can choose different ways of how to bring damage to death. However, all these rituals can work only according to two principles.

  1. impact on the fate of the victim. In this case, the future of the person against whom black magic was used changes dramatically. He may be the victim of a disaster, accident, or other "unexpected" event that will result in death. Thus, damage to death manifests itself through misfortune, acts quickly and sharply. And it won't necessarily be car accident or attack by criminals. Inducing damage to death can be manifested by an icicle or brick falling from the roof that has fallen on the victim's head. Misfortunes will always haunt a person, but the witch simply changes the event field and allows everything to be completed in the way she needs. How death will happen, no one knows. Protection against damage of this kind must be very strong, only a professional magician can make it. Amateurs can only make matters worse.
  2. The next option is easier and more popular. In this case, damage to the death of the enemy is done through the weaning of health. In this case, the victim will die from the disease, no matter how severe the disease. This kind of damage to death is done if they dream of bringing a person as much suffering, pain as possible, they want him to feel fear of the inevitable end life path. The peculiarity of the rite is that it does not have to intervene directly in the fate of the victim. A ritual can be performed through a phantom, when the performer affects the human biofield. Moreover, there can be several such "breakdowns", and then the victim suffers not from one disease, but from several at once, and eventually dies.

In some cases, performers combine both methods. First, they send illnesses to a person and, only having enjoyed the agony, despair of the victim, they allow her to die quickly, influencing her fate.

Retribution for the induced damage

Everyone who is going to perform the ceremony on their own or turns to magicians about this should know that any witchcraft has a rollback, including damage to death. The consequences can be the most unexpected. As a rule, the punishment follows at the moment when the reverse rite is performed on the victim, that is, the removal of the negative. It is impossible to avoid a rollback, since the given program, which is damage to the death of a person, has not been worked out, which means that it will go to the one who ordered it. And this is true from the point of view of witchcraft. Of course, if the damage to death was custom-made and it was done by a professional magician, then he will be able to mitigate the consequences. However, if the ritual was performed by an ignorant person, then expect trouble. The performer in this case will most likely expect the same fate that he wished the victim. However, the worst thing is that the consequences of a rollback can affect completely innocent people - close to the customer. Moreover, sometimes the consequences are so strong that they fall on the whole clan of the customer, transforming into a terrible curse. As a result, the descendants of the customer will suffer. The cursed family is marked by early deaths, frequent suicides, the presence of epilepsy and cancer. Women of this kind often give birth to sick babies or are completely barren. However, the most bright sign the existence of a curse is the presence of mentally ill people in the family.

Damage symptoms

In books on black magic, you can find a lot of recipes that tell how to bring damage to death or bewitch a loved one. However, the full rites that professional sorcerers follow are unlikely to be described in publications accessible to the common people. There is nothing there about how the victim will feel. That is why many people cannot determine that the sword of Damocles is already hanging over them. However, it is difficult to name any special signs of damage to death, since they are often intertwined with symptoms after other rites: for a bad life, for health, and so on. As a rule, damage to death is manifested by the appearance of suicidal inclinations in the victim for no apparent reason, a constant decline in strength, nightmares, a sudden addiction to alcohol and drugs, the presence of diseases that traditional medicine cannot diagnose. If there are pets in the house, you should take a closer look at their behavior. As a rule, their attitude towards the person on whom the damage is imposed changes greatly. This is especially noticeable in the reaction of cats. Animals are afraid of man, hiding from him.

How to recognize damage to death?

We will talk about how to remove damage to death later, first you need to make sure that the ceremony was really carried out. After all, sometimes we take for signs of witchcraft is an ordinary coincidence.

You can find out about a running program using a regular chicken egg. Pour into a faceted glass cold water, not reaching the edge a couple of centimeters. Next, take a raw egg and carefully break it, you need to keep the yolk intact. After that, they sit down on a chair, press the chin to the chest and put the glass with the contents on the crown of the head, gently holding it with your hand. You should sit like this for about 3 minutes. Movement is not allowed. The maximum that is possible is to change the hand holding the glass. When the time is up, look at the result. If the water remains clean, and the yolk is in the protein, then everything is in order with the person, there was no interference in his fate. If columns of protein are seen in the glass, then there is spoilage. In this case, you should carefully consider the decayed egg mass. If the protein broke up into thin columns resembling hairs or cobwebs, then the ritual was performed by an amateur, and the damage will go away by itself after a while. Moreover, she will return to the performer and become three times stronger. If there are bubbles on the protein columns, then damage is induced an experienced magician. But this rite was done on bad life. Signs of the ceremony, the result of which should be a fatal outcome, are immediately noticeable. In this case, in addition to the bubbles, black dots will be observed on the protein columns. They will also appear on the yolk. This means that a very strong cemetery damage to death has been imposed on a person. If, in addition to black spots and bubbles, the edges of the protein mass look like scalded, and green and gray spots appear in the middle of the yolk, then the person has the most severe and terrible type of damage - to a painful death.

Who to contact to remove damage?

When the first signs of interference in the biofield appear, you should immediately think about how to remove damage to death. Of course, it is best to turn to a strong magician or parapsychologist with this problem. In addition, a qualified psychotherapist who knows hypnosis can cope with damage. During the sessions, he will be able to penetrate the subconscious of a person doomed to death and set him up for recovery, thus freeing him from previous negative settings. Such protection against spoilage is very strong, since the body can independently cope with external interference.

How to independently remove damage to death?

If it is not possible to contact specialists, you can try to remove the negative program yourself. To do this, you need to go to the church, where they will tell you which prayers from damage to death help the best.

Sometimes damage is caused through any object. Therefore, when you find some strange or unfamiliar thing in or near the house, you should say the following words:

  • "Water descends to the Earth as rain, then returns to the clouds. So let the deeds of my enemies return to them. So be it! Amen!"

In ancient times, people also tried to get rid of damage on their own. For the ritual, 3 women were found: an unmarried, an old maid and a widow. The main thing is that these women themselves express a desire to participate in the ceremony. All together they went out into an unsown field and pulled out a hole. Further, sand was poured into the dug recesses, which they brought with them and kept in a cloth bag in their bosoms. After the sand was poured out, it was required to pronounce the following words:

  • "When the covered sand rises, then life (the name of the victim) will leave. Amen!"

Having pronounced the plot three times, the women turned around and left without looking back.

Ritual for the removal of damage

You can remove the induced program in another way. However, it will take much more time than the previous ones. However, health, and even more so life, is more important. In addition, this ritual not only saves from damage, but also gives protection and patronage to the Higher Spiritual Forces. It is necessary to start the ceremony on the last day of the week, that is, on Sunday. The duration of the main part is 7 days. During this time, you should visit a church or prayer house daily, and read the Our Father in the evenings. The best time for the ceremony is Holy Week, which falls on the eve of Easter. In addition, a person who has been damaged during the period of its removal should definitely wear a pectoral cross, and during the ritual, put in front of him an icon with the face of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" and a lit church candle. A conspiracy from corruption, which will need to be read, will be given in the church. It should be pronounced in a whisper 3 times. The full course is 3 full weeks. The first 7 days they adhere to strict fasting, then during Holy Week they read prayers, and in the last week they drink charmed water. Unfortunately, professionally made damage to death has incredible power, so it is almost impossible to remove it at a time. As a rule, three such courses will be required.

Corruption protection

In order not to become a victim of damage to death, knowledgeable people recommend setting up protection. You can do it in different ways. The simplest and most popular is sealing. To do this, take an empty bottle of any volume and fill up to half with small nails, crushed glass, metal shavings, needles. The rest of the volume is filled with hydrochloric acid. While filling the bottle, certain words should be pronounced:

  • “Going out into the open field, I met 7 demons with half-spirits black, evil, unsociable. You demons go to unkind people, be with them. So that I, who suffered from their hands, remain unharmed in the forest, in the house, in and foreign lands. Amen!"

After that, the bottle is closed with a tight cork, sealed with wax and buried in a shallow place in a deserted place. In the future, this bottle will be able to save its owner if they suddenly start damaging him to death. It will operate for 5 years. After this, the ritual should be repeated.

Runic damage to death

Runic corruption is one of the most complex and powerful types of magical curses. As the name implies, runes will be used to conduct the ceremony. Damage to death is done, as a rule, through a small ritual with an invocation to Hel. Without special knowledge, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, since it can turn against the performer himself. Runic damage can only be performed by the person on whom the correct "protection" stands. Rune combinations (the so-called formulas) used by sorcerers act on each individually. Therefore, when using the formula, it must first be diagnosed. This will help you not to make a mistake with the choice and select the right one. If you have to apply several formulas, they are first checked for compatibility, since some runes conflict with each other. After that, the performer must say prayers to God for several days in a row and bring a ransom. Some people think that this is not possible. In principle, this is true, but then the ritual performed will have much less power. To inflict damage on the death of an enemy, "Mannaz" is first drawn, and then "Hagalaz" runes are laid on both sides. Only a highly qualified specialist can remove such damage; beginners cannot do it. This is explained by the fact that runic corruption is the use of special symbols that are keys that can open the entrance to the secrets of ancient magic. Full information about these signs has not reached us, now specialists spend a lot of time and effort on this, we can say that information is mined bit by bit. A limited number of magicians have access to information.

Damage to a quick death from a photograph

A photograph contains a lot of information about a person, so it is most easy to damage it. Of course, it is better to use a paper photo, rather than digital or taken from social networks. The latter are not "live", so they are not always suitable.

The easiest way to induce damage is to put a picture in the coffin of the deceased, that is, to bind the living with the dead. In this case, it will be necessary to imagine how the dead man drags the victim behind him. Thus, during this rite, the main task of destroying a person falls on the spirit of the deceased. This ritual belongs to necromancy, which is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous sections of black magic, since any wrong move can cost the life of the performer himself.

Sometimes it happens that the biological field of the victim is well protected, and it retains its vitality until the picture in the coffin decays, that is, the victim's face is not visible. In this case, the conspiracy will subside by itself, and the person will begin to slowly return to normal life. To avoid such a situation, black magicians laminate the photo of the victim, and then it can be stored almost forever. If it is not possible to throw a photo in the coffin of the deceased, then other rituals are done. Of course, they will not be as strong, but they also work. For example, they do it as follows: a picture of the victim is thrown into a pot of boiling water and boiled, saying:

  • "Let the body of the slave (slave) (name) burn, the blood boils, it does not find peace. And if it finds peace, it will remain there. Amen!"

The photograph is boiled for about 5 minutes. After that, the picture is dried, the water is poured out. A person who is subjected to such damage will begin to get very sick, and soon die.

Corruption is one of the most dangerous rites in black magic. With the help of this rite, various kinds of illnesses, failures in life and even death can be caused. It is very dangerous to play with such things, it is not known what can happen.

Damage to death with the help of photography

First of all, it is worth noting that this rite may not be possible for everyone. And absolutely all damage has the properties of a "boomerang", that is, everything will return with the same power. Damage can return not just to you, but for example to your children or grandchildren.

Therefore, it is worth considering carefully whether it is worth it or not. This ritual will not work the first time, you need to perform it for several days. There are several types of damage to death with the help of some attributes:

  • Photos;
  • phone;
  • Cemeteries.

We will consider the first option - damage to death from a photograph. This ritual is quite simple and most effective. Especially when you consider that in our time it will not be difficult to find a photograph of the enemy.

But in no case is it advised to perform rituals on your own, because your lack of professionalism in these matters can lead to an irreparable outcome.

There are also corruptions that can provoke martyrdom. Your enemy will slowly but very painfully leave this world.

There is also a fairly easy trick to achieve your goal. During the burial of the deceased, attach a photograph of your enemy to his heart and then the damage will begin to act immediately. It will be very difficult to get rid of this damage.

How to inflict deadly damage to the cemetery?

Damage to death in the cemetery. To do this, you need to purchase some things:

  1. Black scarf. You need to take two scarves. One must be put on before performing the ritual, this helps to neutralize negative energy. In the second you put a photo;
  2. Photo of your enemy. You need to find a photo where the face of your enemy will be clearly visible. It is better to purchase a photograph where the person is taken close-up. Also the best photo is where the person is all alone;
  3. Needle. It is worth buying a new, good needle;
  4. Candle.

With all the items you will have to go to the cemetery. There you will need to find exactly the grave where the name is written on the tombstone, which will match the name of your enemy. The grave must not be very old. Taking a handkerchief, sprinkle the earth there.

Then start piercing the photo with a needle. Then fill everything with candle wax and wrap it in a scarf. Bury matter in the grave. Remember a few rules for performing the ritual:

  1. Leave and don't look back;
  2. Don't talk to anyone;
  3. Go along a different road, not the one you came to the cemetery;
  4. At the third intersection, throw coins over your left shoulder and say "Paid off (sya)"

Try to do everything that was listed earlier, the slightest mistake and damage may not work or go against you.

How to get rid of a deadly conspiracy?

Such conspiracies have a very strong effect on a person. He will often begin to feel tired, all his vitality will be, as if pumped out. All energy channels will be closed, and a person will have a very hard time.

Perhaps financial difficulties, which later lead to serious problems, as well as to eternal depressive states. At this rate, a person will slowly but surely approach death.

But, if the caster makes a mistake during the ritual, then the person will not die, but simply get sick, although the disease wakes up for a very long time. There are several ways to get rid of a deadly plot:

  1. During the waning moon, you will need to visit the cemetery. There you need to choose three graves with a name like yours and put a memorial church candle. Ask forgiveness for disturbing the deceased and read a special plot. After the end of the ceremony, pay off with coins. Leave them on the graves of the dead;
  2. Buy a white headscarf and wear it for three days. After that, wrap it in plain paper and take it to the cemetery. In the same place, start reading a special conspiracy No.
  3. This ritual will take time. We will have to fast for seven days from the beginning of Sunday. Every day you will need to attend church and read a prayer twice " Our Father».

How to define a deadly plot?

It is very difficult to notice such damage. The victim of this conspiracy begins to slowly fade and not everyone can help him. Below are a few symptoms that can be used to calculate this conspiracy:

  1. Eternal depression, a kind of melancholy, thoughts of suicide may arise. Some discomfort is possible in sacred places (church, mosque);
  2. But there is a possibility that damage will not appear in any way and the victim of the conspiracy will die unexpectedly;
  3. A person can change dramatically in the face. He may have wrinkles, age spots, circles. Hair may turn gray. Also, a person can drastically gain weight or lose weight. While reading a prayer, he may become very uncomfortable. The reading of the prayer may cause fear or anger;
  4. Nightmares haunt the victim every night, after which it is difficult for him to recover. Because of this, insomnia may develop;
  5. Animals will begin to behave strangely in the presence of the patient. They can moan, growl, or even attack.

But you can protect yourself from such conspiracies in advance with the help of talismans. Usually the talisman is a leather bag inside, which contains prayers. You can also take any ring, bracelet or pendant, the main thing is that it be read with a prayer.

Deadly damage in the photo

How to make damage to death from a photograph? It will not be easy and will take a certain amount of time. The victim may live for a long time, but his vitality will be excised, and his health will deteriorate every day.

Thus, your victim will die in agony. He will have problems at work and in his personal life. But damaging a person from a photo is also punished severely. Whatever you do, everything will surely come back to you.

Can you make a conspiracy a common person? Of course, in a state, there are such practices, but this one can reflect badly on the person who performs this ritual. It is unlikely that this will lead to the death of your enemy, but you will definitely provide him with illness.

This ritual can be performed:

  • At the cemetery;
  • At the crossroads;
  • In the church;
  • In the woods;
  • You can also do the work at home.

Go to the forest and find a tree that will be as tall as a man. Leave the photo overnight, and in the morning take the photo and pick a couple of leaves from the tree. Burn them, and transfer the ashes to a vessel. At night, place the vessel and photograph around six candles. Wrap the photo in black ribbon and place an even number of flowers next to it.

As mentioned earlier in the article, this rite is very dangerous. It is better to think a hundred times than to regret your act later. Keep in mind that all your actions will pay off, but damage will definitely pass to you or your offspring.


Damage to death - how does it work? What types of damage to death exist? What is a retraction and what is a shortening? How to determine damage to death, what signs does it have? Is it possible to remove damage to death on my own?

Often one or another of my visitors, without waiting for my verdict, almost "on the threshold" himself voices his diagnosis: "I have damage to death. And for a long time." I sometimes come across a similar statement in letters addressed to me. But what do you think, how long can a person live after he is spoiled for death? Years 50 or 60? And then, at the age of 90, he will die with the thought: “Well, this damage to death appeared, about which the fortuneteller told me in my youth ...” Just like in the famous joke, when one 70-year-old old man says to another: "Remember, in the army they added pills to our compote so that we wouldn't want women? So, it seems, they are starting to work!"

Deadly spells, say these words out loud and your head will start popping up as soon as scary pictures and really, what could be worse than being a victim of deadly corruption? Maybe just fear of the unknown? The fact that the dreaded words "death spells" hides a very specific phenomenon, if you have a strong fear or, who knows, a strong desire to inflict such damage, then you should be aware of what it represents.

So, given that dear reader is not spoiled, from the information received, this article has been divided into three parts. In the first part, you will learn what a phenomenon is. In the second, and you will find a description of specific methods of targeting corruption at death. The third part will tell you how you can remove the death spell using the unique ritual of "Rebirth", which helped many to avoid this unenviable fate.

Most often, when they wish a person to die, they try to do everything so that the "result" happens faster, and then the victim of witchcraft is unlikely to live for more than a year. But there are also such "pros" of witchcraft science who are able to pre-program the time limit for the remaining sacrifice of life, and the most knowledgeable masters can even set a date. However, such types of damage, although they subsequently imply a fatal outcome, are referred to as " shortened", in the sense that they shorten life for a certain period. There is also the so-called " exodus"when a person is plagued to death with various diseases and troubles, although this may take a different amount of time: some months, and a stronger person will be able to fight for several years. By and large, any serious damage, if you do not get rid of it, life will pretty much shorten .

Deadly spells of a negative program aimed at the complete destruction of a person. Death may be different, for example, a person may suddenly fall ill and soon die. However, no drugs or doctors can help him. In most cases, they are not even able to make a diagnosis. It is also possible with an accident getting hit by a car and embarrassing. In this case, no matter how important the result is death.

It is said that some of the sorcerers and healers view the damage of their death as a quick and very powerful energy blast that takes people to the grave in a relatively short amount of time. The thing is, when you inflict damage on yourself with your death, you don't use your own energy more often. Witches resort to the death of Energy, energy, elements, etc. the reason for this is simple, but if the damage is lethal to a strong and experienced magician, it is unlikely that it will be such a strong energy to cause a fatal blow.

Can a person independently determine that he has damage to death? I guess not. Of course, there are certain signs and symptoms of damage to death: interest in life disappears, appetite disappears, deaf longing appears, the victim’s eyes become “cloudy”, the person begins to dry, in a dream he turns to the wall all the time, he may dream of deceased relatives who call him to her, etc. However, similar signs can also appear with other types of witchcraft curses. An unequivocal diagnosis can be made by a qualified specialist. Someone needs to pour wax on water in order to see images of crosses and graves, someone uses a chicken egg, someone uses maps or a bible. To be honest, I don’t need all this diagnostic arsenal, I see a person “spoiled for death” from the very doorstep.

Symptoms of death spells to make someone sick and die

Remember that the true art of a magician is not how to use their own, but in order to accumulate and direct energy in the right direction from the outside, and the damage of their death is no exception. Death spells can be the following symptoms. Sudden feeling of ill health, unexplained weakness, worsening chronic diseases. For example, everyone might have the following scenario. Completely healthy people can suddenly become ill, feeling like every day is waking up to get worse.

It should be noted that damage to death has a considerable number of varieties. For example, as a result of one type of such spoilage, cancerous tumors appear, as a result of another, heart attacks. Damage to cancer is usually valid for one year from the date of its production. The tumor occurs suddenly, develops rapidly, medical measures are completely ineffective. Damage to a heart attack acts faster: it happens that just a month is enough for the witchcraft program to be realized. In general, damage to death has a huge number of varieties and, accordingly, manifestations.

Naturally, people will go to the doctor, but, as mentioned above, doctors either cannot make a diagnosis, or they make different diagnoses every time. Meanwhile, the state of the alarm clock is deteriorating. Death spells and can look like an accident. In the accident version, a person can ever get into some unpleasant situations, for example, if a person drives a car, within one month, he can have an accident three times. In most cases, it is not known in advance how a person will die.

How to do Death Spells Quickly and Quickly

Unless, of course, the damage is inappropriate, let's say for a serious illness. The death spell is not a Kalashnikov assault rifle, with which a person can be sent to another world in a matter of seconds. This is a more complex process. But in any case, you can give specific dates. As a rule, death by death destroys a person's life from three months to one year. In rare cases one month, however, this does not often happen. The period during which the damage kills the victim, subject to the following circumstances.

A special kind of death curse - suicidal spell. At the same time, a person, as a rule, regularly hears a voice in his mind that persuades: “Go there, take a rope and hang yourself!”, “Go to the window and jump”, etc. For some time, a person struggles with an obsession, but if help is not provided on time, he gives up. You can’t even imagine what a huge number of suicides happen for no reason visible to others! I often have to talk with relatives of suicides who come to see me in order to understand the tragedy that has occurred. These people, as a rule, are sure that the person who killed himself had absolutely no reason for suicide and, most likely, he was allegedly killed by strangers who staged suicide.

Severe damage to death with the help of blood

Firstly, this is the power of the magician, the magician must understand the strength of his experience and how he developed his abilities. The ability to control the flow of energy, as if it were your own, and to attract from abroad. Secondly, the level of protection of human rights. The level of protection from magic affects each person and depends on many factors, including the strength of his energy field, the presence of patrons subtle world, the use of special talismans and amulets, or the use of special protective rituals. From the above, we can conclude that any damage, even the strongest for death, does not kill instantly, it takes some time.

Is it possible to independently remove damage to death, without the help of a master? There is an opinion that it is possible. At least the relevant literature describes some rituals intended to be used on their own. True, I have never personally met people who would destroy such damage on their own. Maybe there are such people, I just have not had the pleasure of knowing them personally, although I have several thousand people at the reception every year. But, frankly, I do not believe in self-healing from damage to death.

In the modern world, where photographs have long been no longer a luxury item, but an accessory to people's everyday life, damage to the photo of the victim is becoming more common.

Among the occult attacks using the image of a person, there are also strong induced damage to death from a photo.

Black magic and severe damage to death

The world has changed. If a few years ago the vast majority of people rejected witchcraft as a phenomenon impossible by definition, today black magic has strengthened its position, and many have heard about the possibility of free damage to death.

Black damage to death from a photo - a man and his image

Photography is a carrier of a person's personal energy. A long-term relationship is maintained between the image and its owner. And a person practicing black magic can easily through her photo. Up to pointing damage to death.

Witchcraft damage to a quick death according to a photograph in a modern interpretation should be considered not as a magical non-contact attack, an instant fatal blow, but as a series of illnesses, accidents, which, if the victim does not get rid of the induced destructive program, sooner or later, will lead her to death.

As for the quick infliction of death on a person, such practices were known to the sorcerers of antiquity. Today, these practices are considered lost.

Modern black magic - damage to death from a photo as a tool for changing fate

Let's go back to modern reality. Despite the fact that many have already mastered the basics and elementary techniques of witchcraft, nevertheless, not everyone is given the opportunity to damage death from the photo of the enemy. In addition to powerful energy that allows you to overcome the protective barrier of the victim, you need to have a personal one to activate and control the process, in addition, you need to know how to protect yourself and master these techniques.

A really strong witchcraft damage to death from a photo, distorting the fate of the spoiled, where development life situations will happen in a completely different way, it can be induced by a practicing master with the blessing and help of dark forces.

Black magic - damage to death as it is

It is known that in order for the sorceress to induce a strong negative, she must take something from the victim or give something to her in order to have a means of communication or an intermediary that transmits damage. Actually, it's not necessary at all. In addition to the material carriers of the energy virus, i.e. damage, masters of black magic have thousands of opportunities to accomplish their plan - to magically harm a person.

For example, in order to bring powerful damage to the death of a victim, it is enough for a sorcerer to know her name. Once having seen his potential victim, the sorcerer will be able at any moment to recall her image and accurately address the negative program of damage, which, being worked out, will gradually destroy a person’s life. And such extramural methods of black witchcraft - darkness.

However, for every tricky nut there is a tricky bolt. and coercion is opposed by the magic of protection, no less strong in its concept. And if black sorcerers have thousands of ways to attack, then healers - masters of defense magic, have thousands of methods for eliminating black witchcraft libel!

Black damage to death - consequences for the customer

Everyone who intends to perform independent witchcraft or wants to turn to black magicians must understand that powerful damage to death gives a rollback, and the consequences for the customer can be very serious. If a rite of removal of the negative was performed on the victim of corruption, then the customer needs to wait for a rollback. This is inevitable, because the program of damage has not been worked out, and it will go to the one who initiated it. From the point of view of witchcraft, this is true.

If black damage to death was custom-made, and the master did it, then he will be able to soften the back blow, and the consequences for the customer will not be too noticeable. But if the damage was done on your own, then expect trouble. In this case, the performer of an independent destructive rite expects what he wished for the victim of his witchcraft.

Damage to death is the strongest negative energy effect on a person. The victim in this case is programmed for death in shortest time, and from the side it looks as if the person himself is looking for death.

Before being interested in the question of how to make damage to death, one should realize that such a destructive effect is very dangerous for both the customer and the executor of the negative message. In the world of magic, they say that the damage done to death is sealed with a black seal and can lead to the most unpredictable terrible consequences.

Ways to inflict damage with a fatal outcome

Being interested in the question of how to make damage to death, one should realize that this negative impact is akin to killing a person. In addition, it should be understood that this ritual in the magical world is considered the most unpredictable. Most black magicians who have sufficient strength and knowledge turn out to inflict damage on death, as they fear the consequences.

But if for you, damage to death on a person is the only way to solve problems, then you should strictly follow the conditions of the chosen rite. You should know that most of the rituals, during which the message of deadly negativity is carried out, are carried out in the cemetery.

The most common way to inflict damage on a person is to order the funeral of your enemy in the church. Sorokoust, which provides for the commemoration of the human soul for 40 days, can greatly weaken the immunity of the living. In addition, often, in an effort to bring damage to death, many pour earth from the grave under the threshold of the enemy’s house. But such a method can harm and set up for death only a weak-minded, impressionable person. As a rule, ordinary people remove the lining and easily get rid of the negative impact using simple rituals of white magic. The maximum trouble that threatens them is a slight malaise for several days.

But there are stronger rituals, which, of course, should be carried out by professionals. They can protect against kickback, although it is very difficult to foresee everything by performing a rite of black magic with the promise of damage to death.

The following types of rituals can be distinguished, which are very dangerous:

    A negative program for imminent death using a picture of a person; Powerful damage to death using cemetery land; Deadly harmful effects using the victim's item.

All methods that are used to send a negative death message involve certain actions with dead matter. Thanks to this, the most powerful energy is called from the other world, which is able to absorb the living energy of a person in the shortest possible time and provoke death.

The demanded rite for self-fulfillment is the following. On Friday evening, you need to get to the cemetery and find an abandoned grave there. It is desirable that there was not even a sign on it. Further, so that no one sees, you need to drive a previously prepared aspen stake into the center of the grave.

While pronouncing the magic words three times:

“Friday-Friday, for all unfortunate affairs, a companion. This is your plan, executed by me, your nameless assistant is. I drive a destructive aspen stake, I drive death to my victim. Through the nameless dead man, with a stake of aspen grief-trouble on the Slave (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) I send. Everything is done right. Amen".

The stake must stand on the grave for a week. Next Friday, you need to repeat the spell, driving the stake deeper, and repeating the magic words. The ritual is repeated for three weeks in a row, after which the stake is pulled out and driven in next to the enemy's house.

Using a photo of a person

You can also use a strong rite to send a negative program to death using fresh photo victims.

In addition, the following attributes will need to be used in the ritual:

    A patch of black new fabric; An ordinary sewing needle; A wax candle; Coins.

The ritual is performed in the cemetery. Arriving there, you need to go to a fresh grave, and the name of the deceased must match the name of the victim. From the grave, you need to take a small amount of earth and put it on a black piece of cloth spread on the ground. After that, you should take a photograph and make several punctures with a needle in it. In such an action, you need to invest the maximum amount of negative energy. To do this, try to awaken all the hatred and evil that is in the soul for the person you are planning to send to death.

After that, the picture must be placed on top of the ground, which was poured onto the flap. Next, a candle is lit and after the wax begins to melt, it must be held so that it pours onto the picture of the victim. When the photo is completely filled with melted wax, then the piece of cloth must be tied into a knot, which should be buried directly on the grave.

After that, you need to quickly return home in a different way than the one you came to the cemetery. You can't talk to anyone along the way. When you cross the third intersection of the cemetery paths, you need to throw the prepared coins over your left shoulder.

And say:


Having completed the rite with such an action, it is possible to some extent to minimize the reverse negative, which always takes place when directing damage to death.

No visit to the cemetery

You can send a strong message to the death of another person without visiting the cemetery. But it requires a lot of energy. Such a ritual, for example, can be carried out by people who are able to manage a team. For the black rite, you will need to first purchase four black roses.

You will also need to use for the ritual:

    Fresh photo of the victim; Two black wax candles.

The magical action is carried out in complete solitude. An altar should be organized in a separate room. To do this, the table should be covered with a dark-colored tablecloth. On it you need to install the icon of Jesus Christ upside down. Black candles are placed on both sides of the image. The prepared photo is placed in front of the icon, and black roses are laid out crosswise on top of it. Such an installation should be left untouched for 3-4 days. The main thing is to make sure that no one enters the room during this time. When the roses wither, you can begin to perform the ceremony. The ritual should begin promptly at midnight.

To do this, the following black spell is read over the photo:

“I deny you, my enemy (name of the victim) from Jesus Christ. I renounce you, my enemy (name of the victim) from the Holy Mother of God. I call on the Almighty Satan, enter the soul of my enemy (name of the victim), take it. The table for this is ready and the throne is properly set. Do that, I conjure and command. Take the soul of my enemy (name of the victim) to hell. Payment for this has already been made. Get it."

After pronouncing such a spell, you should tear off the withered petals and stick them with wax to the photograph. You need to do this until the rock until the image of a person is completely covered. After this, the photo, along with rose petals, should be buried on the street in a deserted place.

After this is done, you must say:


As soon as the attributes of the rite begin to rot, damage to death will begin to work. Candle stubs the next day should be taken to the churchyard, where they should be quietly burned and thrown away.

Using a shirt

Damage to the quick death of a person involves the use of the victim's shirt.

During the ceremony, the following actions are carried out:

    The shirt is spread on the table; At midnight, during the waning moon, a black rooster should be killed over it with a knife, while the blood should sprinkle the victim’s thing; During the sacrifice, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“Like a black rooster at the time of his death, unclean spirits are summoned from the other world, and let the demons that come to the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) be attracted by his blood.”

    All attributes magical rite, including a knife, wrapped in a shirt; After the sacrifice, you should immediately go to a busy intersection and bury all the items there, while there should be no witnesses; The same plot is read again; You should leave the intersection quickly without looking back.

strong ritual

Severe damage to death can be inflicted with the help of water, which was used to wash the deceased. It is poured into a separate container and added to the drinks consumed by the victim within 3 days after the burial.

After that, you need to stick a knife into the bread and say the following magic words:

“I change Nav to Yav with my actions. The deceased, in the world of the dead, will find a victim, and Yav will turn to Nav.

Bread must be buried on the grave of the deceased. After that, the victim will die within 40 days.

To take revenge on the enemy

There is a strong rite that can lead to death. But if a person has strong energy by nature, then such a directed message will bring him many unpleasant minutes and harm him, but will not be fatal. That is why such an impact is often used to take revenge on the enemy.

To make your enemy regret what he did, you need to send a curse that can eventually disappear on its own. To do this, you first need to go to the place where your enemy walks. You need to follow in his footsteps, and for this it is not at all necessary to follow him in close proximity.

It is necessary to take six steps and in the process of this, whisper the following conspiracy six times:

“Let the devil run in your footsteps, my enemy (name of the person), let him stick to you forever and drink all your blood. May it be so!"

The ritual continues next Tuesday. To do this, at 6 pm you should go to the cemetery. It is necessary to find the grave of a person who, during his lifetime, bore the same name as the victim.

You need to stand next to her and say this spell six times:

“I tie you to this grave, my enemy (person’s name), I securely seal you, my enemy (person’s name) in a coffin and leave it forever in this cemetery. I bury your health, your joy in the cemetery ground. Time will pass and all your life force will go to hell.”

Despite such scary words, the message is rarely fatal. But at the same time, when the damage starts to work, it will seem to the person for some time that death is close. After pronouncing the words, you need to take a handful of earth from the grave and quickly leave the cemetery without looking back. This land must immediately be taken to the house of your enemy and thrown under the threshold. As soon as the stew steps on the charmed land, leaving the house, damage will begin to work.

There is a very simple rite that allows you to send damage. Its main difficulty lies in being at the funeral and imperceptibly lining the deceased in the coffin. To do this, you can use a photo of a person or some genetic material, for example, pieces of nails or hair. You can also use any personal item of the victim for this, but in this case the force of the negative impact will be weaker.

Before throwing a thing, photo or genetic material into the coffin, the following spell should be read over the attribute:

“I slander and conjure, I want to cause damage in order to exterminate my enemy (name of the person). I curse him, let bad weather, troubles and grief be added to his life, let him pursue him in everything. Let famously surround him from all sides and life will not be sweet to him. Everything will be bad for him.”

After the thing is thrown into the coffin, all that remains is to wait. It is believed that the time will come and the dead man will draw a person into afterworld. It should be understood that it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove such damage, therefore, before performing such an action, it is necessary to weigh everything.

Very often a ritual is performed, with the help of which damage is sent to death with cemetery land. There are many diverse and quite simple, at first glance, rituals. But their simplicity is deceptive. For their success, it is necessary not only to strictly observe the conditions for their conduct, but also to hate your enemy so much as to organize a strong outburst of negative energy during the performance of magical actions.

Powerful death message

One of the strong rituals that allows you to make a strong negative message for death is to carry out the following actions:

    It is necessary to get a fresh photograph of the victim, in which the person is depicted alone; Go to the cemetery in the afternoon on one of the days of the waning moon period and dig a photo on an unmarked grave; Take some earth from the chosen grave and go home; At home at midnight of the same day you need to speak the cemetery land with the following words:

    “This night is clear, but the day was dark, the water in it is dirty, like tasteless swill. I will take seven pieces of rusted locks, chains, knives, and seven pieces of unsharpened axes, and nine coffins made of oak planks. I’ll come to the cemetery, here I’ll knock on the coffin of the nameless one three times and shout with a loud cry: “Open up, the nameless dead man appears and take death to the ground with you, and let one devil get along with you. And I will turn around myself three times and twist on my leg. Take away the dead man awakened by me seven rust-covered locks and chains. Wrap them around the legs and arms of the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim). Let a fierce disease shackle him with unthinkable pain, the bright sun will forever close in clouds for him, and the healing water will become a drink. And you, death, take away seven knives covered with rust, and in addition to them, seven unsharpened axes. Chop, cut the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) into nine bloody pieces. And let this day be the last for my enemy. You, devil, alone, called to finish off a man with your horns, and trample with shaggy legs with hooves. Take the servants of hell human pieces, and put them separately in nine coffins made of oak planks, and then nail them securely and forever. My strength is strong and my words are strong. The soul of the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) will fly away and free me. My conspiracy is terrible and will not change. May it be so!"

    The charmed land must be poured in a small amount into the food of the victim.

Such damage is very strong and acts quickly, but at the same time the rite requires very high energy costs. Therefore, the performer of the ritual will feel very bad for a long time.

With a knife

This ritual is very powerful. In order to minimize its negative consequences for themselves, the performer needs to follow the recommendations exactly. The main attribute of the ceremony is a knife with a black handle.

It should be purchased without change, and at the time of payment, you need to mentally say the following phrase:

“I take a magic knife not for myself, but to send damage to my enemy (person's name).

The ceremony is held on Thursday during the waning moon.

To carry out a magical action, you should go to the cemetery, taking with you, in addition to the knife:

    Four plastic bags; Payback with a lot of different sweets.

First you need to go around the cemetery or go around if it is very large. At each cemetery corner, three handfuls of earth should be taken. Subsequently, having entered the cemetery, it is necessary to pour out the collected earth in the middle of any cemetery intersection.

On the formed mound of the earth, you need to draw crosses with a knife, and in the process of this, say the following spell:

“The earth is white and black, I cut you with a magic knife, I put up dead crosses, black, not church ones. With these crosses I call upon the dead, lying in the corners of the cemetery, to help me. I direct them with a black arrow of the grave right into the heart of my enemy (name of the victim). Let them torture him, twist his arms and legs, twist his body as if into a whirlpool, let the blood in his veins be replaced with water. Let them torment him, and the body is taken apart. I fix my words with cemetery land. I call on Satan to help me. Let the horns of the unclean pierce my enemy and shake his whole soul out of him. Let them take all the forces and scatter them in the corners of the cemetery and confuse them so that they could not be collected. Let my enemy experience the fear of death both day and night. With a magic knife I cut and cut into small pieces the life of my enemy (the name of the person), and I throw his body into the pit and sprinkle it with cemetery earth. Amen!"

Next, with a cross-shaped movement, it is necessary to divide the earth into four parts and pour each into a separate bag. The knife, along with the ransom, should be left at the crossroads. Then you should go to the crossroads, where a lot of people usually pass.

There you should pour out the earth from the first package, pronouncing the following words:

“I order the Black Mother to go around all four lenten corners and get to the body of my enemy (the name of the person) in order to drive him into the coffin. Amen".

The earth from the second package should be poured into a natural flowing reservoir and say the following words:

“Go away with running water, a quarter of the cemetery land, and take your soul (name of a person) with you, drag a black ribbon of death with you. Amen".

The third package should be freed from the ground on the grave of the deceased, who during his lifetime bore the name of your enemy.

In the process of this, you need to say the following words:

“One dead person is lying, and soon another dead person will be lying next to him. An enemy cannot escape his death, just as this dead man, his namesake, never gets up. My enemy will accept a terrible death. Amen".

The earth from the fourth package must be poured out in the place where your enemy will pass through it. As soon as a person sets foot on the charmed land, damage to death will begin to work.

Pouring out the earth, you should say the following magic words:

“Everything is cut with a magic knife and marked with cemetery corners. Black melancholy will descend from all the dead, and my enemy will forever be attached to you. You will not be able to fight her off, and you will not resist, but you will go to the grave with her. Amen".

This is a very powerful ritual. Such damage can only be removed by a professional magician. But if this can be done, then all the negativity will return to the performer and cause him irreparable harm.

The consequences of damage to death

Damage to death is a strong energy program that aims to eliminate the victim from life forever. According to professionals, there is not a single item in the magic book of life that would justify this negative impact, so the consequences of damage to death can be the most terrible and unpredictable for the customer and the performer.

The performer, who seeks to take revenge on his offender, sending damage to him, must remember that such a magical act will not go unpunished. The punishment will be especially severe for believers. After such an action, they will not be able to pray for such a sin, which means they will not go to heaven. Sending damage to another person, the performer not only causes a flow of reverse negative energy on himself, but also endangers his loved ones in future generations. The children of a person who used damage for revenge can be seriously ill, and the traces of such an act will have traces in the family for many generations.

How to conduct a ritual

In order to minimize the negative consequences of damage to death associated with a rollback, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules that are prescribed in the rite.

Most often, the rite is performed independently using a photograph of the victim. A visit to the cemetery is also a must. Moreover, sometimes this needs to be done in the afternoon, but for a strong energy message to death, a visit to the cemetery at midnight is required. You may also need a voice connection with the victim of damage to death. For this you need to use mobile phone, which the person on whom the negative impact is directed does not know. Since the ritual does not require conversation, but only the response of the victim, the call must be associated with a random call.

A person who has been cursed for death and everything is done correctly will soon fall ill with an incurable transient disease or die in an accident. And it is from this moment that the performer or customer must understand that a sin falls on him.

To reduce the power of the reverse negativity, it is recommended to make a buyout. As a rule, it is the completion of the ritual and provides for special actions at the crossroads. For each specific rite, its own redemption has been developed, and it cannot be replaced by any other actions.

After the ritual has been performed to bring damage to death, the customer must stop communicating with his victim, even if he is a close friend or relative. This will reduce the negative effects. And, needless to say, no one can tell about the rite. You should know that the dark forces that help to ensure that damage to death is successful appreciate the vow of silence and, to a certain extent, in this case, can protect the performer from negative consequences.

If damage to death was performed by an experienced professional magician, then, of course, he will put up special protection to protect himself and the customer from the reverse wave. But at the same time, there is still no 100% guarantee that there will be no rollback. But if the ceremony is carried out independently, then it is safe to say that in most cases, descendants will have to pay for sin for many generations.

Damage to death does not differ in special signs, they coincide with the symptoms that other types of damage cause. The main difference is that all signs work harder and, as a result, a person can die at any moment. Damage to death can be compared with an avalanche of negative energy, which very quickly destroys all systems of the human body. The main sign of a negative program aimed at death is an unexpected serious illness that occurs in a practically healthy person. Moreover, despite the constantly worsening condition, there are difficulties in establishing a diagnosis using the methods of modern medicine. As a rule, the disease is diagnosed in the later stages. At the same time, treatment with traditional medicine is ineffective. Another obvious sign is constant fatigue, which does not leave a person for a minute. Against this background, thoughts of suicide arise. A person under the influence of damage to death is also constantly tormented by nightmares that do not allow you to fully relax. Trying to relax, the victim begins to drink alcohol and she quickly develops addiction, which leads to alcoholism. Pets that begin to behave restlessly and do not want to approach the owner or mistress can also warn of damage to death. They react especially painfully to a change in the energy of a cat. When there are suspicions that you have been cursed to death, you need to urgently diagnose it. If the fears are confirmed, then you need to urgently remove the negative program. It should be remembered that it is very difficult to remove damage on your own, therefore, in order not to lose time, it is better to turn to a professional magician.