Olga Abramovich's official Instagram page: fresh photos and videos. Olga Abramovich's official Instagram page: fresh photos and videos Childhood and adolescence

Leafing through the blogger's Instagram page Olga Abramovich? Olga was an ordinary girl. The story began in a standard way: kindergarten, study, friends, friendship, love ... Today everything has changed. Olga has become different from ordinary girls in that she is followed by 1.3 million subscribers and in her native Perm she is a real star.

The girl is connected with the famous oligarch only by her surname, but looking at the girl, one gets the impression that she will do quite well as the oligarch's wife. Beautiful face, luxurious shapes, enchanting eyes. The girl has everything by nature, the rest was sewn by the surgeons. Fans love the girl and watch the beauty from the screens of their phones with interest.

Olya is delighted with her fame, blogs regularly, collecting thousands of likes whenever she wants. She knows that she is pretty and proves this with pictures in and without sexy lingerie. And you can see how beautiful girls can be in her profile Abramovich Olya Instagram under the account @oabramovich.

The beauty uses her account on full program, you can find in it:

  • travel photographs;
  • thousands of selfies;
  • professional staff (Olga works as a model);
  • sexy photos in lingerie, swimsuit, nude;
  • another selfie.

The profile does not shine with a variety, but we admit that all the pictures of the account are beautiful, juicy, attractive. There are very few shots from his personal life, there are no everyday pictures, home stories rarely appear. The city of Perm rarely sees Olga, the girl prefers to be in other countries.

The history of the girl's popularity began a long time ago. Unlike thousands of other girls, she started without the funding of a rich daddy, did not enter into million-dollar contracts with modeling agencies, but first things first.


Olya Abramovich set off to her glory in a completely different way. The girl armed herself with a phone with a good camera and began to take pictures on Instagram. Popularity did not appear immediately, but the girl was quickly noticed. The charming beauty has attracted many people, and now (March 2020) the number of her subscribers has almost reached 1.4 million. Abramovich is loved not only in Russia and Belarus, but all over the world.

Olya Abramovich does not let her fans get bored and often warms them up with juicy photos. She constantly takes and uploads selfies from the coast of the ocean, sea, pool, bedroom, bed, beauty salon. The shots allow high-quality, and most importantly, expensive to show the body and appearance.

It is more difficult to find pictures of Olga in clothes than without her. Probably, the girl is an active fan of air baths. Abramovich knows very well his main advantage - his appearance and does not consider it necessary to hide it. The audience is happy, Olya is happy, we are the same. The model does not hesitate to present herself as sexually as possible: lips with a bow, butt with a house. By the way, the house is amazing, see for yourself.

Olga Abramova Instagram

Do you think there is nothing sexier than swimsuits and lingerie in your profile? But no: we said that the main thing for health and beauty is for the skin to breathe! Not only in a frankly erotic bikini, you can see the model in the account of Olya Abramovich Instagram Perm. The girl is absolutely not shy about uploading her images to the Insta profile in the "18+" style.

Not without Protestant activists. There are those who believe that this is too immoral, frank and unnatural. Many people want to leave their opinion in the comments, but our heroine is not a mistake and can easily indicate to everyone where the "unsubscribe" button is. No wonder no one unsubscribes.

The girl often writes to her subscribers about her “Nude” photos that she does not see anything unnatural and all the more shameful in her naked body.

The model considers her own body worthy to be admired not only by her beloved, but also by fans. Complexes are alien to her, but she does not force anyone to be on her personal page and examine the curves of her body. Therefore, moralists and hypocrites are clearly not expected in the profile.

Photos and videos of Olga Abramovich on Instagram

There are a lot of photos in the profile. Nothing personal about her life. Selfies, professional photos, advertising posts only. There is practically no video in the profile, live broadcasts are extremely rare, and the stories are mainly of an advertising nature. From time to time the faces of the girlfriends flicker. There are not too many posts on @oabramovich's profile, but each of them is worthy of attention.

The frontman of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov married for the fourth time. According to Vechernyaya Moskva, 27-year-old Olga Abramova became the artist's new chosen one.

She was first spotted walking arm in arm with a musician at the restaurant of his ex-wife Matilda in early September. The cord was wearing white shirt, shorts and a long light striped coat. His companion is in a windbreaker and a flowing midi dress. A little later, the singer appeared with a mysterious stranger at the "Person of the Year" award ceremony held at the "Barvikha Luxury Village". The couple constantly sought to leave the noisy celebrity community and retire to kiss plenty.

Abramova is a native of Yekaterinburg, her father is a businessman, ex-head of the security service of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Valery Abramov. At the age of 14, Olga moved with her parents to Moscow, graduated from Moscow State University with honors with a degree in International Relations, then studied art history in London.

The Abramov family has several apartments in Moscow, as well as Vacation home on Rublevka, the newspaper notes. Friends consider Olga a spoiled girl, well versed in wines, adoring art, exhibitions and fashion shows.

As it became known, the couple signed on October 20 at the Wedding Palace No. 1 on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg. The secret ceremony was modest and quick. The young people entered the registry office through the back door, then also left the institution.

Before Shnur Abramova was in a relationship with the millionaire Ruslan Fakhriev and the son of the owner of the M-Video network, Larry Zayonts. How it happened that a person so spoiled by attention and money turned her gaze to the bully and swearing man Sergei Shnurov remains a mystery, including for the girl's inner circle.

Friends of Olga Abramova assure that about four years ago she was still that cheeky party girl and, in fact, "an ordinary girl". But then she abruptly disappeared from the company, broke off all friendly relations. “Her parents have a lot of real estate, and not only in Moscow,” her friends say. “She always lived on their money, she didn’t do anything herself. Now she lives in a huge house on Rublevka.”

The couple immediately attracted the attention of journalists, because Shnurov became an enviable bachelor, and Olga became a potential contender for the title of the artist's new passion. Only they themselves know how sincere the relations of media persons are.

Childhood and youth

Little is known about the biography of Olga Abramova. The girl was born in 1991 in the family of the Yekaterinburg businessman Valery Abramov. Her father is known for scandalous deals and suspicions of fraud, which were repeatedly reported in the media. In the past, the man served as the head of the security service of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. In 2013, due to health problems, Abramov was transferred to work in the Moscow office of the organization. He took over as Director of External Relations.

Providing for the family was not a problem for Valery Abramov, so little Olya from childhood had everything that she could only dream of. The daughter of a businessman received an excellent education and status in society.

The girl graduated from Moscow State University with a degree in international relations. She became the holder of a red diploma and continued her education at the Christie's Institute in London. Olga studied art history in the UK, which speaks volumes about her creative nature. No wonder Cord presented his companion at the "Person of the Year" award from the "GQ" magazine as "the poet Barbara".


Today Olga Abramova is not interested in professional implementation. Upbringing and high-quality education open up enviable prospects for the secular lioness. But the life of wealthy people dictates its own terms.

Olga prefers to spend time at events where the elite gathers, and does not bother building a career. The girl rests in fashionable resorts and does not deny herself anything thanks to her family's income.

Personal life

Famous persons claimed the status of Olga Abramova's lover. She was a companion of businessman Ruslan Farkhiev. The man is known for his failed romance with his daughter.

For some time, Olga was in a romantic relationship with Larion Vuokila (Larion Zayonts), whose notoriety was made by participating in an accident where the oligarch's son was the culprit. He is known to the media as the son of one of the leaders of the Rusagro agricultural holding and the owner of the M.Video network, Alexander Zayonts.

But not a single romantic hobby attracted as much attention to the girl as appearing in the world hand in hand with Sergei Shnurov. For the first time, the paparazzi noticed her in the company of a St. Petersburg artist at a football match in Northern capital... The couple watched the confrontation between Zenit and Spartak from the VIP lodge. The journalists recalled that they had already observed Abramova next to Shnur on the set of the program "" in Moscow and at a concert in Sochi.

Officially, the couple first appeared together at the opening of the 6th educational season of the 418 Intellectuals Club. At the event, Sergei Shnurov gave a lecture on the modern objectlessness of “fluid art”. Olga accompanied the speaker.

The next appearance under the camera lenses was a joint appearance at the "Person of the Year" award, established by the "GQ" publication. Shnurov intriguingly introduced his companion to journalists, but did not disclose the details of their relationship. All evening, the idol of millions cheerfully joked and flirted with Abramova, forcing the press to guess what really connects them.

Olga Abramova now

The personal life of the socialite immediately became the subject of discussion after the appearance of the photo from the "GQ" award in glossy magazines and on the vastness of social networks. Her appearance was discussed, comparing with, the ex-wife of the artist. And subscribers, who noticed that Shnur and Abramova were not subscribed to each other on Instagram, wondered about the relationship between media persons.

Now Olga lives on Rublevka. A former regular at the fashionable bar "Simachev", the girl surprises her loved ones with a change of priorities. From a party girl, she turned into a modest lady, who abruptly cut off communication with representatives of the "golden youth", about whose adventures the gossip chronicles tell.

In October 20187, Shnurov admitted that for the fourth time. Fans of the musician are convinced that Olga Abramova has become the new chosen one.

Olga Abramova is the new beloved of the scandalous frontman of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, whose name became the object of increased attention of secular reporters in the fall of 2018.

Childhood and adolescence

Olga Abramova is still a "dark horse", information about her childhood and school years practically absent. It is only known that she is the daughter of the influential Ural "silovik" Valery Veniaminovich Abramov, who for a long time headed the security service of the Ural MMC. He was far from the last person among the local elite and, judging by the publications in the media, he could have been involved in many dubious transactions and financial frauds within the holding.

In 2013, Abramov moved from Yekaterinburg to Moscow, where by that time his family had already firmly settled, and took over as the head of external relations of the UMMC. The official version is vision problems, which did not allow him to make long flights anymore. Unofficial - castling in the company, as a result of which there was a change of existing players.

Obviously, the family of such an influential person did not experience financial difficulties, and Olga and her sister grew up in prosperity and prosperity. The girls went in for dancing and horse riding, learned languages, played tennis and conquered the steep slopes of elite ski resorts.

Since childhood, Olya was interested in art, read a lot, tried to write poetry. It would seem that such a creative nature has the very place in a theater university, but the girl chose a different path.


After leaving school, Olga became a student at the Faculty of International Relations of Moscow State University, from which she graduated with honors. But she did not work by profession and continued her studies at the London art school Christie "s.

Having gained knowledge and secular gloss, she returned to her homeland, where she became a regular at fashion parties, exhibitions and presentations. She preferred a bohemian lifestyle and rest in prestigious resorts to boring workdays, fortunately, her parents, and later her boyfriends, allowed her to live in grand style.

Personal life of Olga Abramova

It is not surprising that an intelligent, beautiful and wealthy girl who knows her worth and knows how to maintain small talk has always been in the center of male attention. According to the classics of the genre, positive girls from prosperous families most often prefer the "bad" guys, and Olga was no exception.

For some time, the girl met with the famous metropolitan party-goer Ruslan Fakhriev, the failed fiancé of Galina Yudashkina. The next contender for a place in her heart was the son of oligarch Alexander Zayontsa Larion, who in 2013 knocked down a pedestrian to death in his Ferrari. And in the fall of 2018, Olga appeared in public in an embrace with Sergei Shnurov, who recently officially parted with his third wife Matilda.

With their sudden joint appearance, the couple made a lot of noise at the annual “Person of the Year” award ceremony, which was held in the elite complex “Barvikha Luxury Village”. Shnurov presented his companion as "the poet Varvara", refusing to comment on this further.

About a month later, photos from the St. Petersburg registry office appeared on the Web, where the musician reappeared with his young lover. This time Shnurov did not deny it and called the exact date- November 17, when she and Olga become legal spouses. True, soon after this event an unexpected incident occurred, which did not go unnoticed by Internet users.

On October 10, the musician published on his Instagram page, which he had thoroughly cleaned before, an unexpected picture - on it he flaunts with a black eye. Shnurov explained the incident with the treacherous attack of a disgruntled subscriber, but soon in the comments there was information about a domestic fight between Sergei and Olga.

Neighbors allegedly saw the girl throwing herself at Cord like an angry panther and shouting insults at him. Time will tell whether this is true or a well-thought-out PR move, but the fact that Shnurov and Abramova became the most talked about persons in October 2018, along with Mamaev and Kokorin, is an indisputable fact.

The personal life of the popular musician Sergei Shnurov has been discussed for more than a month: all the past summer, the public talked about his loud divorce from his wife Matilda, and then, immediately after the legal aspects were settled, a new informational occasion appeared. Sergei Shnurov married just a month after the divorce to Olga Abramova.

It is known that the girl is twenty-six years old, and she is a native of Yekaterinburg. Shnurov himself in a poetic form "hinted" on his page in social network that he could not remain a bachelor and, accordingly, his fans concluded that the rumors about the marriage of a musician were not fiction.


Recall that on October 12, Sergei Shnurov and his chosen one were seen leaving the capital's registry office. It was this fact that gave rise to a wave of rumors and gossip about the next marriage of the shocking singer. By the way, the guesses of journalists and fans were confirmed by Stas Baretsky, who, as you know, is a member of the Leningrad group: the man said that Shnurov would actually marry soon, and at the upcoming concert he would already show the audience his chosen one.

There is a version that Sergei Shnurov and Olga Abramova already officially signed a few days ago: at least that's what eyewitnesses who were at the registry office at that time say. They say that Shnurov and Abramova, who, according to media reports, is a secular lioness and poet, "entered" the institution through an emergency entrance, immediately signed without fanfare and white dress, and left just as soon.

By the way, back in early September, Sergei Shnurov showed up with his beloved at a party organized by a popular magazine and introduced his companion to journalists as “the poet Barbara”, which surprised the fans, since Abramova is known as a “socialite”. In addition, they talk about the girl as an ardent hunter for money and connections, because her relationship with Shnurov was immediately attributed to a selfish motive - this, however, the lovers did not comment on.


As mentioned above, Shnurov presented Olga Abramova as a poetess - apparently, just for the sake of a joke, since the public immediately began to get information about the girl's creative successes. They were not found, but information was leaked to the press that Abramova was allegedly a hunter for money and fame. Among her fans are Ruslan Fakhriev, the owner of the "money" company Rupax, as well as Larry Zayonts, who is the heir to the empire of the M-Video chain of stores.

Meanwhile, the post of Sergey Shnurov on the social network made sure of the conjectures about the wedding of the fans, first of all:

Drinking a third shot with you
I told myself - do not rush, wait.
And then he grabbed you by the ass.
Look, I’m not single again.
As usual it was not calm
The bloc that NATO,
The exchange rate of the ruble, bitcoin fluctuated,
Only I am consistently drunk and married.
They will ask if you weren’t enough women?
No, complete, but there is one trifle.
I love. The same rake.
I’m not a bachelor.

Matilda Shnurova, the former wife of the musician, also "responded" to the news on her page on the social network. More precisely, the girl did not indicate what the poem is dedicated to, but the audience guessed about it themselves:

You started late or left early.
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -
No lost days, no burnt out love.
Let another play the flute brilliantly,
But you listened even more brilliantly.

Note that Ksenia Sobchak also could not ignore the news about Sergei's marriage, noting that "life does not teach him anything." Ksyusha is a friend of Shnurov's ex-wife Matilda, and all the time, while the lovers were in a quarrel, she wished them a "truce".


The relationship between Sergei Shnurov and Olga Abramova, according to eyewitnesses, is very "passionate": just before the painting in the registry office, the musician earned a black eye. It is believed that it was put on by none other than the chosen one of the scandalous musician - Olga.

So, netizens relished the details for a long time, told the neighbor Sergei Shnurov: he shared his "impressions" of the quarrel of lovers "doves". Shnurov and Abramova, a witness to the quarrel and fight, claims that “the whole front door” listened to the screams: the girl literally yelled at Shnurov, threw his things and, as one might assume, beat him.

Eyewitnesses say that money, fragments, things were scattered everywhere after the quarrel, and even blood was seen. Shnurov had to "pay" for the ardent temperament of his beloved - we are talking about a cut on the head and a black eye.