National Association of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces. "megapire" does not change habits

October 30, 2012 at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill held the XI Conference of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) (as a general meeting).

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association A.N. Kanshin.

In connection with the election of A.N. Kanshin as President of the International Advisory Committee of Reserve and Reserve Officers, he asked to be relieved of his duties as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association and proposed to elect Major General V.N. Bogatyrev, who previously worked as the Head of the Administration - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association. This proposal was unanimously supported by the conference delegates.

The conference agreed with the proposal of the Chairman of the Board of the Megapir Association, retired Colonel-General Yuri Dmitrievich Bukreev, to name the Megapir Foundation after the participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union Lieutenant General Vitaly Andreevich Ulyanov.
The conference participants laid flowers at the memorial in the Hall of Fame of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the conference, the Vice-President of the International Advisory Committee of Reserve and Reserve Officers, Chairman of the International Officers Club, Chairman of the Club of Generals of the Republic of Slovakia, General Frantisek Blanarik, presented the medals “Officer Solidarity:

President of the Fund "Army and Culture", People's Artist of the USSR, Lenin Prize Laureate Vasily Semyonovich LANOVOY;

Chairman of the Board of the "Military Philosophical Society" of the Association "Megapir", Colonel of the Reserve Alexander Pavlovich KOVALEV;

Chairman of the Council of Representatives of the Megapir Association in the Kamchatka Territory, reserve lieutenant colonel Viktor Aleksandrovich IVANCHIKOV;

Chairman of the Council of Representatives of the Megapir Association in the North-Western Federal and Western Military Districts, Colonel of the Reserve Yuri Nikolayevich KLENOV;

Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation, representative of the Association "Megapir" in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Colonel of the Reserve Valery Ivanovich VASILEV;

Member of the Megapir Association, head of the VEAKON group of companies, reserve major Vladimir Viktorovich GORBUNOV;

Chairman of the Board of the Foundation "Support for Veterans and Officers of the Military Medical Service" of the Association "Megapir", Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Colonel of the Medical Service of the Reserve Vladimir Ivanovich KHANZHOV;

First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Megapir Association, Executive Director of the Forum "Public Recognition", retired colonel Boris Mikhailovich SAMSONOV;

President of the Electric Power Association "Corporation United Electric Power Complex", Doctor of Technical Sciences Anatoly Fedorovich DYAKOV;

Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration of MGIMO Vladimir N. SHITOV;

General of the Army Makhmut Akhmetovich GAREEV, President of the Academy of Military Sciences;

Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, representative of the Megapir Association in the North Caucasian Federal District, Alexander Viktorovich KUCHER.

The participants of the conference were welcomed on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by General of the Army Yu.N. Yakubov is an assistant to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for work with veterans. He announced the order of the Minister of Defense and presented the medals "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" to the First Deputy Chairman of the Association, retired colonel B.I. Volkov and the Chairman of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Association, retired Colonel-General M.D. Popkov.

The conference also received numerous greetings from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, State Duma, other law enforcement agencies, the Government of Moscow, the Government of the Moscow Region, a number of heads of subjects of the Federation of Veterans and other public organizations.

On behalf of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of the Army N.E. Rogozhkin, Lieutenant General Rovensky conveyed warm words of greeting.
During the conference, he was elected new composition Board of Directors of the Megapir Association:

1. BOGATYREV Chairman of the Board of Directors, Major General of the Reserve
Vladimir Nikolayevich
2. VOLKOV First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired colonel
Boris Ivanovich
3. ALEKSEEV First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, reserve lieutenant colonel
Alexander Anatolievich
4. BUKREEV Chairman of the Board of the Association - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired Colonel General
Yuri Dmitrievich
5. KANSHIN Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Megapir Group of Companies - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Alexander Alexandrovich
6. EFIMOV Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired colonel
Igor Evgenievich
7. MOISEEV Head of the Advisory Group of the Association - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired Colonel General
Nikolai Andreevich
8. MAHUKOV Association Manager - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Sergey Georgievich
9. NAVOZNOV Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired major general
Viktor Semenovich
10. AZAROV First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General of the Reserve
Vitaly Mikhailovich
11. BARANETS Member of the Supervisory Board of Public Television, military observer for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper
Viktor Nikolaevich
12. VELIKHOV Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician
Evgeny Pavlovich
13. GAREEV President of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, General of the Army
Mahmut Akhmetovich
14. GORBENKO Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Colonel of the Reserve
Alexander Nikolaevich
15. GROMOV Member of the Federation Council (Representative from executive body of the state authorities of the Moscow region), Hero of the Soviet Union, retired Colonel General
Boris Vsevolodovich
16. DVURCHENSKY Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow, Colonel of the Reserve
Viktor Alexandrovich
17. DYAKOV President of the United Electric Power Complex Corporation, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Anatoly Fedorovich
18. ZUBKOV General Director of the Megapir Publishing House, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Association
Vladimir Nikolayevich
19. IVANCHIKOV Representative of the Association in the Kamchatka Territory
Viktor Alexandrovich
20. KABOLOV Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, retired major general
Soltan Nalikovich
21. KAMENSKY Representative of the Association in the Central Federal District
Pavel Fedorovich
22. KOVALEV Director of the Department of Territorial Policy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Colonel General
Yuri Pavlovich
23. KOZLOV Chairman of the Board of Directors of Megapir Construction and Production Company LLC, Colonel of the Reserve
Viktor Alexandrovich
24. LANOVOY President of the Army and Culture Foundation, People's Artist of the USSR
Vasily Semenovich
25. MAEV Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia, retired colonel general
Sergey Aleksandrovich
26. MIKHALKIN President of the Officer Brotherhood Foundation, Marshal of Artillery
Vladimir Mikhailovich
27. OVCHINNIKOV Representative of the Association in the Southern Federal and Southern Military Districts, retired Colonel General
Alexander Ivanovich
28. POPKOV Chairman of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Association, retired colonel general
Mikhail Danilovich
29. SAVVATEEVA Head of children's and youth programs of the Association
Olga Mikhailovna
30. SAMSONOV First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association, retired colonel
Boris Mikhailovich
31. SAMUSEV General Director of High Technology Implementation Center LLC, reserve lieutenant colonel
Alexander Alexandrovich
32. SIMONENKO Head of the Medical Educational and Scientific Clinical Center named after P.V. Mandryka of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Professor, Major General of the Medical Service of the Reserve
Vladimir Borisovich
33. SOROKIN Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the International Union "Commonwealth of Public Organizations of Veterans (Pensioners) of Independent States", Admiral of the Fleet
Alexey Ivanovich
34. SURKOV Vice-President of the research and production company "Geotechnology", Lieutenant General, retired
Mikhail Semenovich
35. Timoshev President of the Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research on Security Problems "Science XXI", lieutenant general of the reserve
Rafael Mirgalievich
36. TYUSHKEVICH Chairman of the Council of the Military Philosophical Society of the Association, Major General, retired
Stepan Andreevich
37. UVAROV Head of the municipality TROPAREVO-NIKULINO
Nikolai Valentinovich
38. KHADIKOV First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Azamat Taimurazovich
39. CHUGUNOV Head of the Project Management Department of OAO Gazprom, retired colonel
Leonid Semenovich
40. YAZOV Chairman of the Council of the Officers' Meeting of the Association, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Dmitry Timofeevich
41. YAKUBOV Assistant to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for work with veterans, General of the Army
Yuri Nikolaevich


XI reporting and election conference (as a general meeting of participants)
National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR)
(on the first item on the agenda)

After listening and discussing the report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) A.N. Kanshina "Report on the work of the Board of Directors for the period from October 2010 to October 2012 and the development strategy of the Association" XI reporting and election conference:
notes that during the reporting period the Association has taken significant steps in the development and strengthening of the socio-economic base, increasing the role in the public life of the country, the implementation of regional policy, youth and children's programs; expanding international cooperation; philosophical reflection and research problems military history and military construction; promotion and development of the best traditions of the officer corps of Russia and its Armed Forces;
considers that there are considerable reserves for increasing the efficiency of the Association's activities, provided for by the charter, as well as the goals and objectives of the organizations that are part of it.

The XI Reporting and Election Conference decides:

1. Take note of the report on the work of the Board of Directors.

2. Implement the following strategic directions for the development of the Association:
- raising the social status of reserve officers (retired), actively using their potential in the interests of strengthening Russian society and the state, and the country's national security;
- formation among reserve officers (retired) of relationships based on the observance and enhancement of the traditions of the officer corps, officer honor and dignity;
- definition and implementation of social programs in the interests of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military service, family members of military personnel who died in the line of military duty;
- development of patronage over formations, military units and ships;
- support for children and youth charitable intellectual, cultural, educational, sports and health programs in the interests of forming a highly educated, spiritually, morally and physically healthy generation of Russian youth brought up in the spirit of patriotism;
- expansion of the Association's assets in federal and military districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, as well as abroad;
- further development of the economic base of the Association and the structures included in it, the implementation of the principle of social responsibility of business.

3. In 2013-2015:
- to carry out a further increase in the role of the voluntary association of the Officers' Meeting of Reserve Officers of the Association. Creation of regional and municipal officer meetings in all subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as municipalities where there are representative offices (representatives) of the Association;
- to complete the formation of a system of representative offices (representatives), as well as councils of representatives of the Association in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, to fine-tune their interaction with military authorities, state and public structures in the interests of implementing the statutory goals and objectives of the Association in the field;
- annually summarize the work experience of representative offices (representatives), disseminate best practices, strengthen them with active personnel;
- continue the practice of rewarding the most efficient representations (representatives) who have achieved tangible results in their work.

4. The Board of Directors to develop interaction with civil society institutions, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Civic Chambers of the regions, public councils of law enforcement agencies, both chambers of the Legislative Assembly, the Security Council and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry of Defense, and others law enforcement agencies in which the legislation provides for military service, initiate, participate in the development and implementation of legislative and other regulatory legal acts.

5. Develop and improve the work of the Forum "Public Recognition". The Executive Directorate of the Forum annually, in connection with the Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, together with representatives of the Association in the field, state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and foreign states, award diplomas of the Forum to participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers.

6. Plan and implement a set of all-Russian and international actions, other events of the Association in connection with the preparation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
Continue with " Russian newspaper”and the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on National Security and Socio-Economic Conditions of Life of Military Personnel, Members of Their Families and Veterans of the All-Russian Campaign “Society and Veterans”.

7. In the international activities of the Association, to build up close cooperation with organizations of veterans of the armed forces of foreign states within the framework of the International Advisory Committee of Organizations of Reserve and Reserve Officers, as well as on a bilateral and multilateral basis in order to strengthen the international security system, friendship and cooperation between peoples and armies by methods " public diplomacy.
To support the efforts of the Coordinating Council of the International Union "Commonwealth of Public Organizations of Veterans (Pensioners) of Independent States" to strengthen fraternal relations between veterans in the post-Soviet space.

8. The military sponsorship of the Association should be directed to patriotic education military personnel, support and participation in holding all-army and other competitions among officers, sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors) and units, as well as other events aimed at increasing the prestige of military service using ample opportunities and moral incentives established by the funds "Officer Brotherhood and Megapire. Actively involve in this work figures of culture and art, while relying on the great authority in the troops of the Interregional Public Foundation for the Promotion of the Preservation and Development of Patriotic and Cultural Values ​​"Army and Culture".

9. To the Union of organizations parading over military units and ships of the Armed Forces, to develop close ties between labor and educational teams with military units (ships) and military educational institutions. The main efforts should be concentrated directly in the regions where troops (forces) are deployed (based) through representative offices (representatives) of the Association.

10. Together with public organizations, to initiate in the federal legislative and executive bodies the solution of the problems of the children's and youth movement, the issues of strengthening forms of state support for the families and children of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.
To provide moral and material assistance to the scholarship holders of the Megapir Foundation - children whose fathers died in the line of military and official duty.
Actively collaborate with State Museum- Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after N.A. Ostrovsky in helping people with disabilities, promoting their success in work, creativity, sports, and other activities.
Participate in the implementation of projects of the Interregional public organization"Young Achievements", National Youth Martial Arts League.

11. In the interests of the military-patriotic education of young people and preparation for military service, constantly interact with the DOSAAF of Russia, public and youth councils under regional and local authorities.
Persistently seek the restoration of teaching in schools and other educational institutions of the Russian Federation of basic military training as a separate academic discipline.
Interact and support the activities of cadet corps, patriotic clubs and associations, actively involve children and youth in participation in the actions carried out by the Association. To encourage children, adolescents, teachers, mentors, coaches, fruitfully working with the younger generation, to actively use the award of the Association "For fidelity to the traditions of older generations."

12. To promote the military-philosophical society in every possible way: deep understanding of the military-philosophical heritage; countering attempts to falsify the history of the Great Patriotic War and World War II; study of the development of the system of philosophical education in Russia; maintaining continuity, improving skills and scientific growth young scientists.
To intensify the development of topical military-philosophical problems of the philosophy of war, the philosophy of the army, the philosophy of security, the philosophy of patriotic and military education, the methodology of history and military theory.

13. Organizations that are members of the Association, its regional representative offices (representatives) should better use the newspaper "Officer's Alloy" and the Military Philosophical Journal, the journal of the International Advisory Committee of Organizations of Reserve and Reserve Officers "Officer Brotherhood" and other periodicals, the Internet portal of the Association " Officers' Alloy" to exchange information, glorify the people working in it, develop and implement joint socially significant projects and programs.
Provide support to military journalists, develop their corporate spirit. To intensify the work of the Club of Military Journalists of the Association.
To continue the development of the Megapir Publishing House, the Megapirfilm studio, the Center for Public Relations and Information of the General Directorate of the Association.

14. The Board of Directors and the General Directorate of the Association to organize preparations for the 20th anniversary of the Association. At the same time, the main attention should be paid to building up the socio-economic potential of the Association, maintaining and developing the corporate traditions that have developed in the Association, and increasing the role of young personnel in the activities of the Association's organizations.

The name "Megapyr" in Greek means a resistant alloy of high standard, was registered by officers dismissed from the army. Of the "starting capital" for all there were only used Zhiguli. But there were still hands and army hardening.

Today, the National Association of Reserve Officers "Megapir" is a diversified corporation that includes economic, social and analytical blocks, enterprises, retail chains, funds and other structures, with an annual turnover of billions of rubles. Its representative offices operate in the subjects of the Federation and military districts, the association unites hundreds of thousands of reserve officers. This unusual officer organization is permanently led by reserve colonel Alexander Kanshin. Our correspondent met with him.

Chairman of the board of the Megapir association Alexander Kanshin: "There are no former officers." Photo: RIA News

Alexander Nikolaevich, 25 years ago, interrupting the brilliant military career you are on the street. No stake, no yard and no garden... And now you are a major leader, a well-known person, deputy chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense, head of the Commission on Military Affairs of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the past three convocations, Doctor of Philosophy. We can say that life is still good. What helped your company, which started literally from scratch, not only survive, but also straighten its shoulders?

Alexander Kanshin: In those years, many companies started next to us. Now you look - some are no longer there, those are far away, and others shamefully changed their names, which means there was something to be ashamed of. We survived because from the very beginning we set the goal not to make money, but to help those who feel bad, who are left without work and a roof over their heads, the children of dead soldiers and officers, and the army itself in its difficult days. They spent almost everything they earned on it. And somehow life itself led us along. Probably not in vain they say that the more you give, the more you get back.

For a doctor of philosophical sciences, the judgment is somewhat fantastic. The goal of any commercial enterprise is precisely income, profit, and from big profits you can also donate a bit to charity ...

Alexander Kanshin: This is our main difference - we do not do charity work. The purpose, meaning, or whatever you want to call it, but the essence of all our work is in the righteousness of life. We earn not in order to make new money, but habitually use income for social, educational, educational and other programs and projects. Sometimes I even think: perhaps this is the best way to build a welfare state?

In the "dashing" nineties, when the tanks stood without diesel fuel, and the officers unloaded the cars at night to feed the children, "Megapir" helped the army in every possible way. Patronage over the regiments, even all-army competitions of batteries with the award of the winner passenger car, monetary benefits to the children of servicemen who died in battles with terrorists in Chechnya - far from all the benefits of the company. Which of the social programs are still working today?

Alexander Kanshin: Payments to the children of fallen soldiers and officers continue until they come of age, and when they enter a university, they continue until graduation. It is no longer necessary to pay for shooting and driving; today the army is provided with everything necessary. But patronage over the shelves, the orphanage, the military hospital lives on, creative teams, an art school, and sports sections have been added to this list. This summer, we held the All-Russian "Alpiniada-2017" with the ascent to the peaks of the Caucasus, we establish prizes in competitions in honor of outstanding commanders. The "Public Recognition" forum headed by Academician Velikhov, the "Officers' Brotherhood" fund, and a program to support especially gifted young talents are still operating. In a word, all our social programs have been preserved and are being developed.

You have worked fruitfully in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, where you entered on the list of the president and headed the Commission on Military Personnel Affairs for three terms. In many events, the participation of Megapire was obvious. Was such cooperation justified?

Alexander Kanshin: Those years coincided with difficult reforms in the army. People say: they cut down the forest - the chips fly. But the fate of people cannot be ground into chips, and this also happened. The Commission of the Public Chamber, like the National Association of Reserve Officers, could not remain indifferent. A strong analytical apparatus has been created at Megapire, many famous people, doctors and candidates of sciences. Such as world-class scientists Yevgeny Velikhov, major military leaders, former Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Yazov, President of the Academy of Military Sciences, General of the Army Makhmut Gareev, Admiral of the Fleet Alexei Sorokin, former Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces, Colonel General Yuri Bukreev, Doctor of Philosophy General Stepan Tyushkevich, other experienced generals and officers.

On the basis of the prepared recommendations, we carried out a number of major events with the help and funds of Megapira. They worked in the troops of the Eastern and Southern military districts, in the Northern and Pacific fleets, in military academies and at enterprises of the defense complex. The work ended with a joint discussion of problems with the military command and the leadership of regional and local administrations, and the final reports and conclusions were sent top management up to the head of state.

Of course, we caused a lot of trouble for the authorities, but we managed to do a lot - with the provision of housing and employment for dismissed officers, assistance to families who have lost their breadwinners, and support for enterprises. Such as, say, the Irkutsk aircraft plant, which produces the now famous "Su" combat vehicles, a shipbuilding plant in the Far East. Managed to defend a number of specialized military educational institutions, put under the knife of "optimization".

Is there anything that hasn't been done?

Alexander Kanshin: The idea of ​​a "ministry of the elderly" was not carried through to the end. It arose at an all-Russian meeting of representatives of veteran organizations, which we held together with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. People came from all over the country, heads of several ministries, health workers, social protection. Veterans have a lot of problems, including because they are solved by different departments in different local conditions.

Say, the status of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War is the same for everyone, but is it possible to compare the quality of life, pension and social security, medical care of a Muscovite or St. Petersburg resident and a resident of a steppe or taiga village? Then the idea arose to gather veterans in one department and hand care of them into one hand, that is, to create a kind of "ministry of the elderly." There is such an experience in the world, and it is successful. The veterans' initiative was reported to the very top, and then the president instructed the ministries to work out the issue. But...

In the past, as deputy chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense, you openly and harshly criticized the army leadership for the loss of the authority of military service, for separating the army from the public. Is everything different now?

Alexander Kanshin: With the arrival of Minister Sergei Shoigu to the department, the situation has changed radically. There is no need to say how much the authority of the army has grown in the eyes of the people and what its real combat power has become - this is obvious to everyone. The style of military leadership has changed, the army has become an organism that is open and understandable to people, the minister himself participates in almost all socially significant events. With his light hand, the children's and youth mass movement "Yunarmiya" was created. Hundreds of thousands of young men and women, instead of meaningless "parties" in basements and nightclubs, where you will not find anything except bad habits, go in for sports, temper the body and soul, get acquainted with the glorious pages of our history, learn to be citizens and defenders of their native country. The Public Council, which is now headed by the head of the capital's journalistic organization, Pavel Gusev, is an active participant in useful undertakings.

We do not earn in order to make new money, but we use income for social programs

In 2011, Megapir organized an event on a planetary scale - at the Congress of Veterans in Paris, the International Advisory Committee of Reserve and Reserve Officers was created, which included representatives of 28 countries, and you were elected president. What is this organization today?

Alexander Kanshin: The idea to gather at one table the former military from the NATO bloc and the Warsaw Pact, who had previously looked at each other through the slots of the sights, was met with enthusiasm. People should speak, not guns - this motto turned out to be close to literally everyone both in the West and in the East. The IWC really included veteran organizations from Europe, Central and Southeast Asia, Latin America, from the Middle East and from Africa. Frenchman Laurent Attar-Bairou, General Frantisek Blanarik from Slovakia, General Anatoly Boyko from Ukraine, representatives of Spain, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria were elected Vice-Presidents of the IWC. It was about joining the ICC veterans of the United States, Germany and a number of other countries, even about coordinating efforts with the Confederation of Reserve Officers of NATO countries. But times have suddenly changed. Due to various sanctions and restrictions, cooperation has become more difficult. Nevertheless, the IWC is alive and continues to work.

A large-scale action "Mission of Peace and Friendship", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, was held in Paris with the laying of wreaths at the Eternal Flame and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe. The Parisians stood in ranks along the central street and accompanied the delegation of Russian and French veterans with applause.

The same cordial welcome was given to the participants of the fifth IWC forum in Bratislava last summer. In conditions when the military situation in the world has become difficult to predict, we consider live human contacts between influential veteran organizations to be especially important. This "people's diplomacy" of ours is approved and supported by the Foreign Ministry and the presidential administration.

The National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) was established in 1993. Today it includes dozens of economic, charitable and public associations. MEGAPIR is widely known as an organization that has united under its wing many prominent and honored officers whose main goal is to serve their Fatherland and people.

MEGAPIR - translated from Greek, heat-resistant. In industry, this is a group of alloys such as chromal, consisting of different proportions of chromium, iron and aluminum, capable of withstanding temperatures well over a thousand degrees. So, by its name, the Association symbolizes the state of firmness and inviolability, fidelity and commitment, honesty and decency of people working in it. However, its creation is a forced step. Fifteen years ago, a group of officers and generals of the Ground Forces, retired, thought about how to help the reformed Russian army, its officers and generals, who suddenly found themselves out of work. As a result, "MEGAPIR" emerged - the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces.

There are three main areas of activity. First, raising the authority of the Armed Forces and the prestige of military service. Secondly, support for veterans of the war and military service, families of fallen servicemen. And, finally, the military-patriotic education of young people and their preparation for military service.

In Rostov-on-Don in 2003, the Representative Office of the Association was formed in the Southern Federal and at that time the North Caucasian military districts, which organizes and coordinates the practical implementation of the main activities of the National Association.

The representative office consists of: Ovchinnikov A.I. -supervisor; Medvedev B.A. - Deputy Head, Chairman of the Board of the Rostov Regional Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies; Tkachenko A.G. -Chairman of the officers' meeting in the Rostov region.

Together with local authorities, the district command, the veteran community, the Representative Office takes part in military-patriotic events, discussing various issues of public life. These are all-Russian public holidays (meetings, processions, laying of wreaths and flowers), dates of significant events in the regions (formation of republics, territories, regions, liberation from Nazi invaders).

On a regular basis, educational events are organized and carried out in the sponsored Neklinovskaya
general education boarding school with initial flight training. All the most important school events, such as graduations, taking the oath, meetings with veterans, school anniversaries, public holidays, are attended by members of the Representatives. Financial assistance in organizing events is required.

With the support of the Representative Office, ten excellent students for their efforts and successes were awarded an excursion trip to Moscow. During the visit to the capital of Russia, students had the opportunity to visit museums and theaters, Red Square, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. A meeting with the legendary Marshal of the Soviet Union D.T. Yazov. In memory of the meeting, everyone was given the book "Marshal Yazov".

For second place in All-Russian competition in flight training and other types of aviation activities, the 10 best pupils were awarded 500 rubles each. Two pupils-orphans of the school monthly receive a scholarship of 500 rubles from the MEGAPIR Association.

In Rostov-on-Don, the reception and creation of officer meetings continue. So for 2010 Marshal of the Soviet Union Yazov D.T. were presented in the District House of Officers Certificates of a member of the officers' meeting to 35 officers, among whom were the Hero of Russia, retired Colonel General Labunets M.I., Colonel Vasin S.L., Lieutenant Colonels Toporin Yu.V., Avdeev V.G. other.

In a solemn atmosphere at the Drama Theater. Gorky were presented by Ovchinnikov A.I. certificates to the Chief Director of the theatre, reserve captain Sorokin N.E., Afghan soldiers, reserve officers, captains Shcherbakov A.I., Topilin SP., Marsak D.I. and others. In 2010, certificates were accepted and handed over to 156 people.

The representative office organizes quarterly meetings with fellows and their parents. All children of the servicemen of the Rostov region who died in the line of duty receive a scholarship of 500 rubles until the age of 18.

Every month, materials on the activities of the Representative Office are published in the National Priorities magazine, the newspapers Military Bulletin of the South of Russia, Argumenty Nedeli, special issues of the Bulletin of the Representative Office of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) are monthly held.

In 2010, the Representative Office of the Association was the initiator, organizer and main financial sponsor of the Artistic Gymnastics Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Rostov-on-Don. Five young talents of the Olympic Reserve School receive monthly scholarships of 2,000 rubles each.

The representative office, based on the "Concept of the Federation for military service for the period up to 2020" adopted in February 2010, developed a proposal for the preparation of an appropriate program in the Rostov region. First Deputy Head of the Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region - Vice-Governor S.I. Gorban noted the need to prepare a Regional program for pre-conscription training of youth.

In the practice of the Representative Office special place is given to the staff of the District Military Hospital, wounded, sick servicemen, reserve officers who are being treated. "MEGAPIR" meets with them, provides moral and material assistance, participates in various events held by the leadership of the medical service of the district and the hospital. Such meetings of reserve officers with hospital patients have already become a good tradition.

Head: Ovchinnikov Alexander Ivanovich

Address: 344068, Rostov-on-Don, st. Evdokimova, 37-A, of. 5.