Vibration effects in urban environments. Impact of noise and vibration on human health. Impact of noise and vibration on people and the environment

Such pollution is close to noise pollution and is characterized to a large extent by similar indicators. The main difference is that vibration propagates only in solids, while sound propagates in any medium. Therefore, vibration affects living organisms only with surface contact through the supporting surfaces. Under the influence of vibration, a person develops a special vibration disease.

Vibration of anthropogenic origin, like ultrasounds, currently has only a local effect on ecosystems. Anthropogenic vibration pollution of the human environment in the process of labor, namely, industrial and transport vibration, has been mainly studied and normalized.

Vibration pollution is associated with the impact of mechanical vibrations of solids on environmental objects. Distinguish between local and general effects. Local vibrations include, for example, vibrations from a jackhammer, power tools, etc., transmitted to individual parts of the body. If vibrations are transmitted to the whole body, then the impact is considered general, for example, vibration from a passing train, etc.

The main sources of vibration are rail transport (tram, subway, railroad), various technological units (compressors, engines), forging equipment, construction equipment (hammers, pneumatic vibration equipment), heating and water supply systems, pumping stations, etc. The peculiarity of the action of vibrations lies in the fact that these mechanical elastic vibrations propagate along the ground and exert their effect on the foundations of various structures, then causing sound vibrations in the form of structural noise.

Vibrations can be harmful and beneficial. Harmful vibrations create noise pollution of the environment, adversely affecting the human body. In addition, acting on various engineering structures, they cause the appearance of cracks in the foundation, walls and, in some cases, their destruction. Useful vibrations are used in many technological processes (vibration compaction of concrete, vibration vacuum installations, etc.). But even in this case, protective measures must be applied.

The vibration area is determined by the value of their attenuation in an elastic medium (soil) and on average this value is approximately 1 dB / m. At a level of vibration parameters of 70 dB, for example, generated by rail transport, at a distance of about 70 m from the source, this vibration practically disappears. For press-forging equipment, as well as when hammering reinforced concrete piles during construction, the vibration zone can reach more than 200 m.One of the main reasons for the appearance of low-frequency vibrations during the operation of various mechanisms is the imbalance of rotating parts resulting from the displacement of the center of mass relative to the axis of rotation. Rotational imbalance can occur for many reasons. For example, the curvature of machine shafts, the presence of asymmetric fasteners, backlash, gaps and other defects arising during the assembly and operation of mechanisms. The source of vibration are various kinds of resonant vibrations of parts, structures, mechanisms, installations, etc. Vibrations are often accompanied by infrasonic vibrations. On the other hand, infrasonic vibrations, for example, during earthquakes, often cause vibration of elastic bodies and surfaces.

Attenuation of infrasonic oscillations in the surface layer of the atmosphere is approximately 10-6 dB / km. Therefore, distance protection for infrasound is ineffective. Soundproofing and sound absorption methods are more effective. Sound insulation is used at frequencies over 10 Hz. Sound absorption is used in conjunction with the use of resonant phenomena, for example, in the form of Bekesy panels.

The main parameters characterizing vibration are frequency f (Hz); displacement amplitude A (m) - the value of the greatest deviation of the oscillating point from the equilibrium position; vibrational speed v (m / s); vibrational acceleration a (m / s 2).

The entire spectrum of vibration frequencies perceived by a person is divided into octave bands with geometric mean frequencies of 1, 2, 4, 16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz. The admissible level of general vibration is 130 dB (63 Hz), local - 120 dB (~ 500 Hz). The most dangerous frequency of general vibration is in the range of 6-8 Hz. This is due to the fact that the natural frequency of oscillations of internal organs has approximately the same values, therefore, a resonance phenomenon occurs, associated with disruption of the functioning of organs or even their destruction.

A person's subjective feeling of vibration depends on age, fitness, individual tolerance, general condition of the body, emotional stability and on the characteristics of vibration f, A, v, a.

The biological effect of vibrations in the frequency range up to 15 Hz is manifested in the violation of the vestibular apparatus, displacement of organs. Vibrational vibrations up to 25 Hz cause osteoarticular changes. Vibrations in the frequency range from 50 to 250 Hz adversely affect the cardiovascular and nervous system, often cause vibration disease, which manifests itself as pain in the joints, increased sensitivity to cooling, and convulsions. Vibration can cause metabolic disorders, functions of the visual apparatus, endocrine system, changes in pulse rate and blood pressure, etc.

Vibration protection is performed either by reducing vibrations in the source, or by acting on vibrations in the path of propagation of elastic vibrations in various media. Reducing vibrations in the source can be achieved by establishing an optimal operating mode that would eliminate the occurrence of resonant vibrations. Vibration suppression in propagation media is achieved by using vibration damping, vibration isolation and vibration damping means.

The essence of the vibration damping method consists in increasing the mass and rigidity of the structure, in combining a mechanism - a vibration source with a foundation, with a base plate or vibration damping bases.

The essence of the vibration isolation method is to mount the equipment on vibration isolation supports. Rubber and plastic gaskets are used as vibration isolators; leaf springs; cylindrical springs; pneumatic vibration isolators using air cushions.

The meaning of the vibration damping method is to increase the active losses of oscillatory systems. For this, various vibration-damping mastic and sheet coatings are used (mastics - A-2, VD-17-58, VD-17-63, plastic "Agat", etc.; coatings - polystyrene PVC-E, hair felt, mineral wool board , spongy rubber, technical vinitor, etc.).

For residents of the city, noise is a common thing. Often a person does not even think about his unnaturalness. In any region of the city, vehicles are noisy, a tram is roaring, an enterprise is working with noise, planes take off from the airfield nearby. Refrigerators and washing machines are noisy in the apartments, elevators are in the stairwells. This list can be continued indefinitely. If there is so much noise in our life, it may seem that it is not harmful. However, noise is more harmful than chemical pollution in its effect on the human body. Over the past 30 years, in all large cities, noise has increased by 12-15 dB, and the subjective loudness has increased by 3-4 times. The noise reduced the productivity of work by 15-20%, significantly increased the growth of morbidity. Experts believe that noise in big cities shortens a person's life by 8-12 years.

The incidence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in people who live in noisy areas is several times higher, and coronary heart disease occurs in them three times more often. The overall incidence is also increasing. As a comparison, it should be noted that for 100 thousand rural residents there are 20-30 people who have poor hearing, while in cities this figure grows 5 times. According to statistics, residents of large cities lose their hearing acuity already at the age of 30 (at the norm - 2 times later). Under the influence of noise, sleep and learning sensitivity are impaired. Children become more aggressive and moody.

To denote the complex effect of noise on a person, doctors have introduced the term "noise sickness". The symptoms of this disease are headache, nausea, irritability, which are often accompanied by temporary hearing loss. Most residents of large cities are prone to noise sickness, who constantly receive noise loads. For example, the normative sound levels in dB for residents of residential areas should be 55 during the day and 45 at night. But different sources man-made noise make a significant contribution to the sound environment of the city. In modern urban areas with significant traffic, the noise level is close to the danger limit of 80 dB.

Noise affects the human body not only directly, but also indirectly. Thus, in urban conditions, the life expectancy of trees is shorter than in rural areas. The main reason this is the effect of intense noise. When exposed to noise of 100 dB, plants survive for only 8-10 days. At the same time, flowers quickly die, and plant growth slows down.

So, noise is harmful, but is it possible to reduce its effect on living organisms, including humans? It turns out that it is possible, and there are many such events. First of all, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the current regulations. Today, on the streets of large cities, the noise does not fall below 80 dB. To reduce this level, significant efforts are expended, and above all, to improve technology. Designers are working on low-noise engines and vehicles, residential buildings are removed from transport highways, the latter are separated from houses by concrete screens, and the coating is improved.

Greening is an effective measure to prevent noise exposure in cities. The trees, which are very densely planted, are surrounded by dense bushes, which significantly reduce the level of man-made noise and improve the urban environment.

Vibration is also a negative physical factor in the city. Sources of vibration in cities are: rail transport, road transport, construction equipment, industrial installations.

Vibration propagates from its source to a distance of up to 100 m. The most powerful source of vibration is railway transport. The vibration of the ground near the railway exceeds an earthquake of magnitude 6-7. In the metro, intense vibration spreads to 50-70 m.

Electromagnetic radiation of industrial frequency (50 hertz) and radio wave frequencies adversely affect the human body. In the premises, electromagnetic fields are created by: radio equipment, televisions, refrigerators, etc., which poses a certain danger. If there is a constant source of electromagnetic radiation nearby, which operates at a similar (or multiple) frequency of the internal organs of the human body, then this can lead to an increase or decrease in the normal frequency of the human organ, resonance and, as a result, headache, sleep disturbance, overwork, angina pectoris. and even death. The most dangerous radiation will be when a person (especially a child) is asleep.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible, and not necessary, to do without household appliances. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules in the process of use: do not install a computer in the bedroom, a "base" for a radiotelephone, and also do not turn on devices for recharging batteries and accumulators at night; TV, music center, VCR must be disconnected from the mains at night; the electronic alarm clock should not stand near the head while sleeping; power microwave ovens may change, therefore from time to time it is necessary to contact the master to control the level of radiation

Noise is a combination of sounds of varying intensity and frequency arising from mechanical vibrations.

Currently scientific progress caused the noise to reach so much high levels, which are no longer just unpleasant to the ear, but also hazardous to human health.

There are two types of noise: air (from the source to the place of perception) and structural (noise from the surface of vibrating structures). Noise propagates in air at a speed of 344 m / s, in water - 1500, in metal - 7000 m / s. In addition to the speed of propagation, noise is characterized by the pressure, intensity and frequency of sound vibrations. Sound pressure is the difference between the instantaneous pressure in the environment in the presence of sound and the average pressure in the absence of sound. Intensity is the flow of energy per unit of time per unit of area. The frequency of sound vibrations is in a wide range from 16 to 20,000 hertz. However, the basic unit for evaluating sound is the sound pressure level, measured in decibels (dB).

Per Lately the average noise level in large cities increased by 10-12 decibels. Noise in cities is caused by the contradiction between transport development and urban planning. High noise levels are observed in residential buildings, schools, hospitals, recreational areas, etc .; the consequence of this is an increase in the nervous tension of the population, a decrease in working capacity, an increase in the number of diseases. Even at night in an apartment in a quiet city, the noise level reaches 30–32 dB.

Currently, it is believed that for sleep and rest, noise up to 30–35 dB is acceptable. When working at an enterprise, the noise intensity is allowed in the range of 40–70 dB. For a short time, the noise can rise up to 80–90 dB. At an intensity of more than 90 dB, noise is harmful to health and the more harmful, the longer its exposure. Noise of 120–130 dB causes pain in the ears. At 180 dB, it can be fatal.

As a factor of environmental impact in the house, noise sources can be divided into external and internal.

External ones are, first of all, the noise of city traffic, as well as industrial noise from enterprises located near the house. In addition, it can be the sounds of tape recorders, which are turned on at full volume by neighbors, violating the "acoustic culture". An external source of noise is also the sounds of, for example, a store or post office located below, the sounds of airplanes taking off or landing, as well as electric trains.

External noise, perhaps, should include the noise of the elevator and the constantly clapping front door as well as the crying of a neighbor's child. Unfortunately, the walls of residential buildings are usually poorly soundproofed. Internal noises are usually inconsistent (except for sounds from TV or playing musical instruments). Of these variable noises, the most troublesome are the noise of improperly installed or outdated plumbing and the noise of a working refrigerator, which is automatically turned on from time to time. If there is no sound-insulating rug under the refrigerator or shelves are not fixed inside, then this noise can be quite significant - short-term, but strong enough to ruin a person's mood. A person is disturbed by the noise from a working vacuum cleaner or washing machine, if the design of these devices is outdated and does not meet the accepted requirements, including the permissible noise level.

Renovation in your apartment or in a neighbor's apartment is a cacophony of sounds. The sounds of an electric drill are especially unpleasant (modern concrete walls are very difficult to penetrate) and harsh sounds from a hammer blow. Among the internal noises, the sounds of radio devices occupy a special place. In order for music to be enjoyable (what kind of music is another conversation), its level should not be higher than 80 dB, and its duration should be relatively short. From an environmental point of view, it is unacceptable if the TV or radio is turned on at a high volume and works for a long time. An acquaintance of the author told a neighbor who was constantly talking about something that he loved the radio because it could always be turned off. The constant use of the player is dangerous. Not only do the sounds of the player disrupt the work of the eardrums, but they also create circular magnetic fields around the head, disrupting the functioning of the brain.

Each person perceives noise individually; it depends on the person's age, state of health and environmental conditions. The hearing organs can adapt to constant or repetitive noises, but this adaptability cannot protect it from pathological changes in hearing, but only temporarily postpones the timing of these changes.

The damage caused to hearing by loud noise depends on the pitch and frequency of sound vibrations and the nature of their changes. With hearing impairment, a person begins to first of all hear worse high sounds, and then low ones. Exposure to noise for a long time can negatively affect not only hearing, but also cause other diseases in the human body. Excessive noise can cause nervous exhaustion, mental depression, peptic ulcer disease, disorders of the cardiovascular system. The elderly are especially affected by noise. People of mental labor are more affected by noise than physical labor, which is associated with greater fatigue nervous system with mental labor.

Household noise significantly impairs sleep. Intermittent, sudden noises are especially unfavorable. Noise decreases the length and depth of sleep. A noise of 50 dB increases the duration of falling asleep by an hour, sleep becomes more superficial, after waking up one feels fatigue, headache and palpitations.

Sound waves those with a frequency below 16 hertz are called infrasound, and above 20,000 Hz - ultrasound; they are not heard, but they also affect the human body; for example, a household fan can be a source of infrasound, and the squeak of mosquitoes can be a source of ultrasound. The sound reduces not only the acuity of hearing (as it is commonly thought), but also the acuity of vision, therefore, the driver of a transport should not constantly listen to music while driving. Intense sound raises blood pressure; rightly do people who isolate the sick in the house from noise. Besides, the noise just causes normal fatigue. Work done in a sound pollution environment requires more energy than work in silence, that is, it becomes more difficult. If the noise is constant in time and frequency, it can cause neuritis, while at the beginning the sensitivity to sounds of a certain frequency is removed: at 130 dB there is pain in the ears, at 150 dB - hearing damage at any frequency. The author's neighbor almost completely lost her hearing after working for 25 years in a weaving factory.

To protect people from harmful influence noise, it is necessary to normalize its intensity, spectral composition, action time and other noise characteristics.

With hygienic rationing, such a noise level is set as permissible, at which no changes in the physiological parameters of the human body are detected for a long time.

For people of creative professions, a noise level of no more than 50 dBA is recommended (dBA is the equivalent value of the sound level, taking into account its frequency); for highly qualified measurement work - 60 dBA; for work that requires concentration - 75 dBA; other types of work - 80 dBA.

These levels are determined for production, but it is not recommended to exceed them at home.

The sanitary norms of permissible noise in the premises of residential and public buildings and on the territory of residential development establish standard sound pressure levels and sound levels for premises of residential and public buildings, for the territories of microdistricts, hospitals, sanatoriums, and recreation places.

An important role in the fight against noise pollution belongs to the control system and methods of measuring the actual noise level. At present, in large cities of Russia, noise is monitored at certain points of the city, and noise maps are being drawn up. To help the sanitary service, special standing commissions have been formed to combat urban noise.

The establishment of sanitary standards for permissible levels and nature of noise allows the development of technical, planning and other urban planning measures aimed at creating a favorable noise regime.

The presence of standards and knowledge of the actual situation in relation to the places of occurrence of the intensity and sources of noise allow planning measures to combat noise and present the necessary requirements for enterprises, construction sites and various types of transport.

To measure the noise level in everyday life, it is best to recommend a small-sized sound level meter ShM-1. This device can be bought in an appliance store or in environmental firms (for example, in "Ecoservice"). The procedure for working with the devices is given in the accompanying documentation.

There are a number of possibilities for reducing noise levels in cities and towns. General measures to combat intense noise in production include the design of low-power machines and the use of silent or low-noise technological processes; development and use of more effective insulating materials in the construction of industrial and residential buildings; the device of noise protection screens of various types, etc.

Various urban planning measures offer great opportunities to protect the population from noise. These include: increasing the distance between the source and the protected object; the use of special noise-barriers for landscaping; various planning techniques, rational placement of noisy and protected objects of microdistricts.

Green spaces between roadways and residential areas contribute to the concentration of noise (and carbon oxides) levels.

The fight against household noise can be successful only when a person shows the maximum of "acoustic culture".

What methods of dealing with household noise can you recommend to residents?

Just as for other types of radiation, methods of protecting a person from the harmful effects of noise are protection by time and distance, reducing the power of the sound source, isolation and shielding. But here, as with no other influences, plays a role and social protection, or rather, compliance with the norms of cohabitation of people.

In terms of the importance of the method of protection against noise, apparently, it is necessary to start with reducing its power. External noises, as a rule, cannot be reduced on their own, unless you move to another, quieter area of ​​the city. But not all residents of the city can get away from traffic noise (including, for example, the noise of planes and electric trains). It is easier to deal with sound hooligans (young lovers of loud music, usually located in playgrounds) up to contacting the police after 11 pm. An exception is the graduation party, when at the end of May throughout the night, according to an unknown established tradition, the sounds of modern music are carried with the loudness of a liner taking off (more than 100 dB). Exceptions include explosions of firecrackers on holiday nights, especially in New Year's Eve... But here an ordinary resident will not be able to do anything, no matter how tired he is during the day. The only way out is to go outside and launch the rocket yourself. The noise of the elevator can be partially reduced by contacting the housing office with a request to repair and prevent the power equipment of the elevator. If the housing is located on the top floor, the noise and vibration of the elevator can only be protected by shielding (soundproofing) the wall adjacent to the elevator. The slamming effect of the outer door can be prevented by installing a modern, low-noise door or in the old fashioned way by gluing, for example, rubber gaskets to it. You can protect yourself from the crying of a neighbor's child or from the results of family showdowns in three ways: hang a carpet on an adjacent wall (although this is not fashionable), move the bedroom to a quiet room (that is, create a quiet rest area for yourself) or use personal protective equipment against noise - beads (or cotton swabs in the ears). Now you can buy inexpensive and very effective foreign beads in workwear stores.

Internal noise is easier: electrical appliances must be modern (i.e. quiet). Unfortunately, they are often very expensive. The refrigerator, washing machine and vacuum cleaner - indispensable attributes of technological progress - should, if possible, be turned on for a short time, at minimum power and away from sick children. This is protection by time, distance and power reduction of the source of radiation of waves. It is also advisable to install the refrigerator and washing machine on a rubber mat, which will protect residents not only from noise and vibration, but will also provide an additional degree of electrical insulation. Radios (TVs, radio tape recorders, radios) are a serious noise problem in the home. But here the owners can not only weaken the attack, for example, of children on their eardrums, but also promptly and radically eliminate the source of the noise by turning it off. It depends on the "acoustic culture" of the apartment residents.

Some older people cannot stand loud, harsh sounds. For example, a disabled veteran of the Second World War, one of the first to use Katyushas, ​​is very sensitive to knocks, stating that he had heard enough of them when mines were bursting.

As for plumbing, unfortunately, taps often leak (which also causes economic damage to the state, since water consumption in Russia is 2–2.5 times higher than abroad, and we still cannot switch to using meters water). Foreign ball valves are very convenient, which almost do not make noise and do not leak. The owner must carefully monitor the plumbing and prevent breakdowns. The noise of water in the cistern is successfully reduced by installing a rubber hose on the float regulator, but most often it is ripped off by a stream of water, and residents, without looking into the cistern, wonder why the drain has become so noisy that it wakes up households at night. Strongly unnecessarily opening the taps is impractical, both because it is noisy, and because the crane vibrates, and therefore overruns drinking water... Noise in the chimneys of the building is eliminated with difficulty and only by specialists and mostly irritates the residents of the upper floors. To solve this problem, it is sometimes enough to contact the plumbers of the housing office so that they eliminate air congestion in the water supply network.

As for protection by distance, it is advisable to take the refrigerator to the hallway, and the washing machine to the bathroom, which, unfortunately, is not always possible with the small size of the kitchen, bathroom and hallway.

The apartment should have at least one room without radiation (including a room without noise) - this is a quiet and safe area will increase the life of people living in the apartment.

Renovation of an apartment is, of course, force majeure (apartment-scale emergency situations). People who are renovating their houses are noticeably different from other people: they are nervous, tired and pale. The noise of the repair (the roar and vibration of the drill, the clatter of hammers, the noise of parquet machines) contributes to this state. Fortunately, this emergency lasts relatively short.

Unlike other radiations that pollute the domestic environment, noise can be beneficial and even comfortable. The author is referring to the sound of sea waves, wind in the forest, birdsong and the sound of rain, if you are in a shelter, and, of course, music (quiet, melodic and best of all classical).

I recall one pedagogical experiment conducted by the author in college. When replacing the lesson on world culture, the author allowed the students to go about their business (rewriting notes, quiet conversations, solving crosswords), but quietly, by 40 dB, turned on the tape recorder with the recording of Mozart's symphony. After the lesson, several students were asked to rewrite this recording, despite their love of pop music.

In nature and in production, there is another type of waves - vibration. Fortunately, it is not typical for housing, except for the vibration of the refrigerator, washing machine or fan. It is much worse if a CHP or a shallow metro is located nearby. The main method of dealing with vibration is the use of dampers (vibration dampers), which can be carpets, rugs and rubber rugs.

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1. City apartment and requirements for its environmental safety.

2. Noise and vibration in urban environments.

3. The impact of noise and vibration on the health of urban people.

4. Environmental issues of construction in the city.

5. Environmental requirements for the organization of construction in the city.

1. City apartment and requirements for its environmental safety

A dwelling is a complex system of natural and artificially created environment, where the effects of physical, chemical and biological nature are combined. The factors of physical nature include microclimate, insolation and illumination, electromagnetic radiation, noise, vibration of man-made origin.

Chemical factors include exogenous air pollutants and endogenous pollutants, which include anthropotoxins, household gas combustion products, polymer pollutants, aerosols of synthetic detergents and household chemicals, tobacco and kitchen smoke.

Biological factors include bacterial contamination, which is defined as a dust-bacterial suspension.

2. Noise and vibration in urban environments

In production conditions, various machines, apparatus and tools are sources of noise and vibration.

Noise and vibration are mechanical vibrations that propagate in gaseous and solid media. Noise and vibration differ in vibration frequency.

Mechanical vibrations propagating through dense media with vibration frequencies up to 16 Hz. (hertz is a unit of measurement of frequency equal to 1 vibration per second), are perceived by a person as a shock, which is usually called vibration.

Oscillatory movements transmitted through the air with a frequency of 20 to 16000 Hz are perceived by the ear as sound.

Oscillatory movements over 16000 Hz are related to ultrasound and are not perceived by the human senses. Ultrasound is capable of propagating in all media: liquid, gaseous (air) and solid.

Noise is a random, irregular mixture of sounds of varying strength and frequency.

The ear's sensitivity to sound vibrations depends on the strength and intensity of the sound and the frequency of the vibrations.

Bel is taken as the unit of measurement of sound strength.

The organ of hearing is able to distinguish 0.1 b., Therefore, in practice, decibels (dB) are used to measure sounds and noises. The strength of sound and frequency are perceived by the hearing organs as loudness, therefore, with an equal level of sound strength in decibels, sounds of different frequencies are perceived as sounds with loudness.

In this regard, when comparing the sound volume level, it is necessary, in addition to the characteristics of the sound strength in decibels, to indicate the frequency of oscillations per second. The sensitivity of the hearing aid to sounds of different frequencies is not the same. It is 10 million times more at high frequencies than at low frequencies.

In industrial conditions, as a rule, noise occurs, which have different frequencies in their composition.

Conventionally, the entire noise spectrum is usually divided into low-frequency noises with a frequency of up to 300 hertz, medium-frequency noises from 350 to 800 hertz and high-frequency noises above 800 hertz.

To measure the characteristics of noise and vibration in production, there are special devices - sound level meters, noise frequency analyzers and vibrographs.

3. Influence of noise and vibration on the health of urban people

Until recently, it was generally accepted that noise has a negative effect only on the organs of hearing. It has now been established that people working in conditions of noise get tired more quickly and complain of headaches. When the body is exposed to noise, a number of functional changes can occur on the part of various internal organs and systems:

Blood pressure rises, heart rate increases or slows down, various diseases nervous system (neurasthenia, neurosis, sensitivity disorder).

Intense noise has a negative effect on the entire human body. Attention is weakened, labor productivity decreases.

Vibration, like noise, has a harmful effect on the body and, first of all, causes a disease of the peripheral nervous system, the so-called vibration disease.

In order to prevent disease from exposure to noise and vibration, sanitary legislation establishes maximum permissible levels of noise and vibration.

Measures to combat noise and vibration:

Replacing noisy processes with silent or less noisy ones;

Improving the quality of manufacturing and installation of equipment;

Shelter for sources of noise and vibration;

Removal of workers from the area of ​​exposure to noise and vibration;

The use of personal protective equipment.

4. Environmental issues of construction in the city

Modern life creates many factors that negatively affect the surrounding world and man, creating ecological problems construction. You can protect your home from them as much as possible and create a healthy atmosphere in it only by taking into account the issues of nature protection during construction and operation. In nature, everything is interconnected, and it is impossible to create paradise separately standing house in a depressed state of nature. Therefore, everyone who strives for a healthy life should not only take care of their home, but also should not pollute. environment... Environmental approaches to construction and nature protection are partially represented in the norms and laws, but nevertheless, many of them, both in our country and abroad, are designed for the voluntary use of guidelines by conscious citizens.

5. Environmental requirements for the organization of construction in the city

In developed countries, which seriously care about the environment, the principles of ecological construction (English Green construction or Green Buildings - green construction) have been developed. They are set out in green building certification systems, of which LEED (The Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, USA) and BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method Method for assessing the environmental performance of buildings, UK) are the most widely used in the world.

Environmental certification of buildings is completely voluntary. But it is not only prestigious, but also useful for building owners: on the one hand, it helps to create houses with a reduced level of consumption of material resources, and on the other hand, it increases the durability of buildings and the comfort of the internal environment. It is also important that green construction is an instrument of reasonable economy: it saves money not only during operation, but also during the construction of buildings.

The principles of building ecological houses include: efficient use of energy, water and other resources; reducing the amount of waste and reducing other impacts on the environment; using local natural materials whenever possible. To save resources, it is recommended to improve the energy efficiency of the building, heat water with solar collectors, use wind energy, minimize energy consumption and collect rainwater for domestic needs. It is also recommended to use certified building materials with low environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle of the building (including its disposal), reuse the materials.

The requirements for the internal environment of the eco-house are also indicated: in a sufficient amount of daylight; “Comfortable temperature conditions; e high quality of indoor air, provided by natural ventilation; in the absence of noise; to ensure good looking from the window to relax the eyes. Requirements for an eco-friendly home are consistent with sanitary and hygienic standards (the SanPiN system of sanitary rules and regulations). They can be guided by when building an eco-friendly house, while observing the rules of nature protection (which are also spelled out in the legislation) and taking into account, if possible, higher environmental standards and a breadth of approach to environmental issues adopted in developed countries.

6. Environmental safety of materials used in the construction of residential buildings and non-residential premises

The environmental safety of buildings, structures and air conditioning systems serving them has recently attracted wide interest among specialists. Currently, this topic has acquired particular relevance due to objective necessity and public reaction to the growing number of examples of climate and environmental change as a result of human activities.

The need to design buildings, structures and service air-conditioning systems taking into account their environmental friendliness arose precisely as a consequence of this situation, and the Kyoto Protocol, signed by all large industrial states (with the exception of the United States), was a determining factor in the practical application of this concept.

Environmental safety characteristics

With regard to the field of construction of buildings and structures equipped with air-conditioning systems, such an interconnection between a building and engineering systems is considered to be environmentally safe, which, throughout the entire service life, ensures the efficient operation of the facility, subject to the following conditions:

Minimum emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, in particular, substances that contribute to the creation of the greenhouse effect, global warming, acid rain;

Minimal amounts of energy consumed from non-renewable sources, reducing energy consumption and energy saving;

Minimum volumes of solid and liquid waste, including from the liquidation of the building (structure) itself and the disposal of parts of engineering equipment at the end of the service life and the development of the resource;

Minimal impact on the ecosystems of the environment at the location of the object;

The best quality of the microclimate in the premises of the building, sanitary and epidemiological safety of the premises, optimal thermal and humidity conditions, high air quality, high-quality acoustics, lighting.

A) The effect of noise on human health.

Noise is an unpleasant or undesirable sound or a set of sounds that interfere with the perception of useful signals, disturb the silence, have a harmful or irritating effect on the human body, and reduce its performance.

· Noise is a general biological irritant and, under certain conditions, can affect all organs and systems of the whole organism, causing various physiological changes.

· Noise acts on the body as a stress factor, causes a change in the sound analyzer, and also, due to the close connection of the auditory system with numerous nerve centers at a very different level, profound changes occur in the central nervous system.

· The most dangerous is the long-term effect of noise, in which the development of noise sickness is possible - a general disease of the body with a predominant damage to the organ of hearing, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The crux of the problem: WHO experts draw attention to the public's underestimation of the impact of noise on health, drawing attention to the steady increase in the background noise level, in particular in Europe. Compared to the 80s, in the 90s the background noise increased by 26%. To a large extent, this increase is associated with an increase in the number of road transport. According to the latest research published in the scientific journals of the European Community, up to 40% of the population is exposed to noise levels above 55 dB from motorways and 25% above 65 dB. Up to 30% is exposed to noise intensity exceeding 55 dB at night. In many countries, sleep problems are primarily caused by the presence of various sources of noise. As a result of a special study of scientists from the University of Michigan, it was found that exposure to loud noise increases blood pressure in a person. For every additional 10 decibels of average noise level, the blood pressure rises to 2 mmHg. Art., which, in turn, increases the risk of stroke by about 10% and the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 5%. The harm caused by noise and vibration effects to human health is not immediately noticeable. The gradually accumulating acoustic irritation leads to fatigue, hypertension, drowsiness, nervousness and other more serious consequences. For comfortable living, it is recommended that the noise level does not exceed 30 dB in rest rooms and 40 dB in other rooms where people are. This sound level is practically harmless to humans, it is a natural background noise.

Sources of noise.

Noise levels in residential apartments depend on:

The location of the house in relation to urban noise sources,

Interior layout of premises for various purposes,

Sound insulation of building envelopes,

· Equipping the house with engineering and technological and sanitary equipment.

Sources of noise in the human environment can be divided into two large groups - internal and external.

External sources:

o various means of transport (land, water, air),

o industrial and energy enterprises and installation,

o various sources of noise within neighborhoods associated with human activities (for example, sports and playgrounds, etc.).

Internal sources:

o engineering, technological, household and sanitary equipment, as well as sources of noise generated directly by human activity,

o lifts, pumps, chutes, ventilation,

o pneumatic and electrical tools, machine tools, centrifuges, hoppers and other installations with moving parts.