The problem of scientific progress is fatal eggs. Essay on the theme of M. Bulgakov “Fatal eggs. Genre and direction

We invite you to get acquainted with Bulgakov's story "Fatal Eggs". Summary of this work, first published in 1925, is presented in this article.

Professor Persikov, 58, was a prominent scientist, completely devoted to science. He lived alone in his apartment and conducted research in the field of zoology, he was especially interested in amphibians. Persikov worked at the Moscow Institute. The first chapter of the story "Fatal Eggs" tells about the life of the professor before his fatal discovery. It tells about what changed in the professor's life after the revolution. At first, three out of five rooms were taken away from him, the institute fell into disrepair and even stopped heating, but after a while Yablochkov regained his living space, and the institute was renovated.

The action takes place in 1928, that is, in the near future, since the story itself was written in 1924. In April, the professor made an important discovery. He found that a red ray, isolated from the spectrum, promotes incredibly rapid reproduction of amoebas and the emergence of organisms with new properties. They become larger, more agile, and more aggressive. Persikov established that this ray can be distinguished only from electric light, it does not stand out from the sun.

The professor, together with his assistant Ivanov, ordered special lenses from abroad. Ivanov designed a camera that significantly increased the beam diameter. Experiments were carried out with frog eggs and amazing results were obtained - large frogs the size of a cat, multiplying very quickly. The professor became famous in Moscow, everyone was talking about him. Soon a new camera was constructed, even more powerful than the previous one.

In the summer of the same year, an unexplained chicken disease began in the country, as a result of which all the chickens died. Persikov had to take a break from his experiments for a while and take up the chicken question. He was also constantly distracted by journalists and various visitors, interfering with his work. Bulgakov humorously describes how the journalist annoyed him, how the professor was angry that he was not allowed to work.

Once Alexander Semyonovich Rokk, head of the Krasny Luch state farm, came to him. Previously, he worked in an orchestra, played the flute, but after 1917 he left this occupation. The Kremlin instructed him to raise chicken breeding in the country with the help of Professor Persikov's beam. Persikov was outraged, because he understood that Rokk did not understand anything in science and that God knew what he could do, especially since the properties of the beam had not yet been fully studied, and experiments on chickens had not been carried out at all. But the professor had nowhere to go - an order from the Kremlin. I had to agree. Persikov's cells were taken away, leaving only the smallest one.

The professor ordered the eggs of tropical animals from abroad, and Rokka was to be sent to the state farm chicken eggs... But they were confused by mistake. As a result, instead of chickens, giant and very aggressive snakes, crocodiles and ostriches hatched from eggs. They ate Rocca and all the inhabitants of the state farm, destroyed the entire Smolensk province, and then moved on to Moscow. Martial law was introduced in the capital. The Red Army, armed with gas, went to fight the reptiles. Meanwhile, an angry mob broke into the institute and killed Professor Persikov.

It is not known how this story would have ended if not for the 18-degree frost, which unexpectedly came to the capital at the end of August and lasted two days. These two days were enough for all the giant creatures to die before reaching the capital. It took a long time to clear the land of their corpses and eggs, to restore the economy. But by the spring of 1929, the capital began to live its former life. The former assistant professor, privat-docent Ivanov, tried to design a new camera and separate the red ray from the spectrum, but for some reason the ray did not stand out. Couldn't get it to others either. Apparently, this required not only knowledge of the technical side, but also something else that only Professor Persikov had. This concludes the story "Fatal eggs" (summary).

The Fatal Eggs, written, in the words of M. Gorky, “witty and dexterous,” were not just, as it might seem, a caustic satire on Soviet society of the NEP era. Bulgakov makes an attempt here to make an artistic diagnosis of the consequences of a gigantic experiment that has been carried out on the “progressive part of humanity”. In particular, we are talking about the unpredictability of the invasion of reason, science into the endless world of nature and human nature itself. Ho not about that he spoke a little earlier Bulgakov, in the poem "The Riddle of the Sphinx"

(1922), the wise Valery Bryusov?
World wars silently tell us about other universes under microscopes.
Ho we are among them - moose calves in the forest,
And it's easier for thoughts to sit under the windows ...
All in the same cage guinea pig,
All the same experience with chickens, with reptiles ...
But before Oedipus, the solution to the Sphinx,
The prime numbers are not all unraveled.
It is the experience “with chickens, with reptiles”, when giant reptiles come to life instead of elephant-like broilers under the miraculous red ray, accidentally discovered by Professor Persikov, that allows Bulgakov to show where the road paved with the best intentions leads. In fact, the result

the discovery of Professor Persikov becomes (in the words of Andrei Platonov) only "damage to nature." However, what is this discovery?
“In the red stripe, and then in the whole disc, it became cramped, and an inevitable struggle began. The new-borns pounced on each other violently and tore to shreds and swallowed. Among those born were the corpses of those killed in the struggle for existence. The best and the strong won. And these best ones were terrible. Firstly, they were about twice as large as ordinary amoebas, and secondly, they were distinguished by some kind of special malice and agility. "
The red ray discovered by Persikov is a symbol that repeats itself many times over, say, in the names of Soviet magazines and newspapers (Krasny Ogonek, Krasny Pepper, Krasny Zhurnal, Krasny Projector, Krasnaya Vechernyaya Moskva, and even organ of the GPU "Krasny Voron"), whose employees are eager to glorify the exploit of the professor, in the name of the state farm, where the decisive experiment is to be carried out. Bulgakov, incidentally, parodies here the teachings of Marxism, which, having barely touched something alive, immediately arouses in him the seething of the class struggle, "anger and agility." The experiment was doomed from the beginning and burst by the will of predetermination, fate, which in the story was personified in the person of the communist ascetic and director of the Krasny Luch state farm Rocca. The Red Army must engage in mortal combat with the reptiles crawling to Moscow.
“- Mother ... mother ... - rolled through the rows. Packs of cigarettes jumped in the lighted night air, and white teeth bared at the crazed people on horseback. A deaf and pinching heart was singing through the rows:
... Neither ace, nor queen, nor jack,
We will beat the bastards without a doubt,
Four on the side - yours are not ...
The buzzing peals of "hurray" swam over all this mess, because the rumor spread that ahead of the ranks on a horse, wearing the same crimson head as all the riders, rides a legendary 10 years ago, aged and gray-haired commander of the horse community. "
How much salt and hidden rage are in this description, which undoubtedly brings Bulgakov back to the painful memories of the lost Civil War and its victors! In passing, he is an unheard-of insolence in those conditions! - venomously mocks the holy of holies - the anthem of the world proletariat by the "International", with its "No one will give us deliverance, neither God, nor the tsar and not the hero ...". This story-pamphlet ends with a blow of a sudden, in the middle of summer, frost, from which the reptiles die, and the death of Professor Persikov, with whom the red ray was lost forever.

Other works on this topic:

  1. History of creation The story "Fatal eggs" was written by Bulgakov in 1924. Already publishing the story in abridged form in four issues of the magazine "Krasnaya Panorama", Bulgakov ...
  2. Chapter 1. Curriculum vitae of Professor Persikov Professor of Zoology Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov is the director of the Moscow Zoological Institute. At 58, the scientist is still lonely ...
  3. These works are united by the theme of the scientist's moral responsibility for the experiment; satirical depiction of post-revolutionary reality; the use of fiction and grotesque. What is the satire directed against in the stories of M ...
  4. (1924) The story takes place in the summer of 1928 in the USSR. Professor of zoology at IV State University and director of the Moscow Zoological Institute Persikov Vladimir Ipatievich unexpectedly makes ...
  5. Bulgakov MA The action takes place in the USSR in the summer of 1928. Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov, professor of zoology at the IV State University and director of the Moscow Zoo Institute, completely unexpected for ...
  6. The action takes place in the USSR in the summer of 1928. Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov, professor of zoology at IV State University and director of the Moscow Zoo Institute, quite unexpectedly for himself makes a scientific ...



INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………… 2

1. Life and time of the creation of the stories "Fatal eggs" and "Heart of a dog" ……. 3

2. The experiment of professor Persikov in the story "Fatal eggs" .......... five

3. The experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky and its consequences in the story "Heart of a Dog" …………………………………………………………………. eight

4. Lessons learned from the analysis of Fatal Eggs and Heart of a Dog ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………… 13

List of sources used …………………………………………. fourteen


Bulgakov's work is the summit phenomenon of Russian artistic culture of the twentieth century. Bulgakov's work is diverse. But special place it is occupied by the theme of a scientific experiment, which rises in the socio-philosophical stories of satirical fiction "Fatal Eggs" and "Heart of a Dog", which have much in common.

This topic relevant and today, because Bulgakov's satirical fiction warns society about impending dangers and cataclysms. We are talking about the tragic discrepancy between the achievements of science - the desire of man to change the world - and his contradictory, imperfect essence, inability to foresee the future, here he embodies his conviction in the preference of normal evolution over a violent, revolutionary method of invading life, on the responsibility of a scientist and terrible, destructive force smug aggressive ignorance. These themes are eternal and they have not lost their significance now.

Tasks of this essay are to analyze the plots in the stories of MA Bulgakov "Fatal eggs" and "Heart of a Dog", the place and influence of scientific experiments of their main characters on the development of plots in the stories, and also draw conclusions about which the writer warned his contemporaries in his works , and aim of this essay to find out what impact it has on our modern life.

In this work, materials of critical articles by literary critics of the work of the writer M.A. Bulgakov of the Soviet and modern periods were used, as well as independent conclusions on this topic.

The novelty of my work lies in the proof of the significance, relevance and "vitality" of the literary heritage of MABulgakov today, about the threat of any thoughtless experiment that contradicts human nature and his morality.

1. Life and time of creation of the stories "Fatal Eggs" and "Heart of a Dog".

The story "Fatal Eggs" was written in 1924, and published in 1925, at first in an abridged form in the magazine "Krasnaya Panorama" No. 19-22, 24, and in No. 19-21 it was called "Ray of Life" and only in No. 22.24 acquired the now well-known name "Fatal Eggs". In the same year, the story was published in the almanac "Nedra", in the sixth issue, and was included in Bulgakov's collection of "The Devil", published in two editions in 1925 and 1926, and the publication of the collection in 1926 was Bulgakov's last lifetime book in his homeland.

The story "Heart of a Dog", written in 1925, the author never saw in print; it was confiscated from the author along with his diaries by the OGPU during a search on May 7, 1926. "Heart of a Dog" is Bulgakov's last satirical story. She escaped the fate of her predecessors - she was not ridiculed and trampled by pseudo-critics from "Soviet literature"; was published only in 1987 in the Znamya magazine.

The action of "Fatal Eggs" is timed to 1928, the realities of Soviet life in the first post-revolutionary years can be easily recognized in the story. The most expressive in this respect is the reference to the notorious “ housing problem", Which was allegedly resolved in 1926:" Just as amphibians come to life after a long drought, with the first heavy rain, Professor Persikov revived in 1926, when a united American-Russian company built, starting from the corner of Gazetny Lane and Tverskaya, in in the center of Moscow there are 15 fifteen-storey buildings, and on the outskirts of 300 workers' cottages, each with 8 apartments, having once and for all finished off that terrible and ridiculous housing crisis that so tormented Muscovites in the years 1919-1925. "

The hero of the story, Professor Preobrazhensky, came to Bulgakov's story from Prechistenka, where the hereditary Moscow intelligentsia had long settled. A recent Muscovite, Bulgakov knew and loved this area. He settled in Obukhovoy (Chisty) Lane, where Fatal Eggs and Dog's Heart are written. People who were close to him in spirit and culture lived here. The prototype of Professor Philip Filippovich Preobrazhensky is considered to be Bulgakov's relative by his mother, Professor N.M. Pokrovsky. But, in essence, it reflected the type of thinking and the best features of that layer of the Russian intelligentsia, which in Bulgakov's entourage was called "Prechistinka".

Bulgakov considered it his duty to "persistently portray the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country." He respectfully and lovingly treated his hero-scientist, to some extent Professor Preobrazhensky is the embodiment of the outgoing Russian culture, culture of spirit, aristocracy.

Since 1921 M.A. Bulgakov lived in Moscow, which, like the whole country, was passing to the era of the NEP - paradoxical, acute, contradictory. The harsh era of war communism was a thing of the past. The era was raging. Bulgakov's pen was in a hurry to capture the rapidly flowing incredible, unique reality. It responded with satirical strokes in essays and feuilleton, whole fantastic satirical works, such as "Fatal Eggs" and "Heart of a Dog".

2. Experiment of Professor Persikov in the story "Fatal Eggs".

Apocalyptic motives are imbued with Bulgakov's satirical story "Fatal Eggs", on which, as well as on "The Devil", was carried out during the writing of "The White Guard".

The plot of the story "Fatal Eggs" is very simple and echoes the plots of many science fiction novels by H. Wells (about which there are direct instructions in the story). It amazes with the boldness of the author's imagination and the abundance of very risky private statements and satirical attacks.

At the center of the story is the traditional image of an eccentric scientist, a theoretician, completely immersed in his scientific research, far from reality and does not understand it. Professor Vladimir Ignatievich Persikov was 58 years old, "a wonderful head, pusher, bald, with a bunch of yellowish hair sticking out at the sides."

The second most important image in the system of characters in the story is the image of A.S. Rocca. The very outward appearance of Rocca is presented in the story as the personification of the era of war communism, a time absolutely alien and hostile to Bulgakov and personifying for him the essence of the proletarian revolution: “He was terribly old-fashioned. In 1919, this man would have been perfectly appropriate on the streets of the capital, he would have been tolerated in 1924, at the beginning of it, but in 1928 he was strange. While the most even backward part of the proletariat - the baker - wore jackets, when in Moscow a jacket was a rarity - an old-fashioned suit that was finally abandoned at the end of 1924, the one who entered was a leather double-breasted jacket, green trousers, windings and ankle boots on the legs, and on the side there is a huge old design Mauser pistol in a yellow bat holster. " It is curious that, according to the narrator, this man would have been tolerated precisely at the beginning of 1924. I think that we have Bulgakov's unequivocal indication of the time of Lenin's death, and, therefore, Rokk here personifies the Leninist era, which, as it seems to the author, has passed into an irrevocable past.

The main event in the story is the discovery of the scientist Persikov. Outwardly, this event is nothing more than an artist's joke. While setting up a microscope for work, Persikov accidentally discovered that when the mirror and the lens moved, a kind of red ray appeared, which, as it soon turned out, has an amazing effect on living organisms: they become incredibly active, angry, proliferate and grow to enormous sizes. But Persikov's ingenious invention in the conditions of Bolshevik Russia leads to confusion and devilry, which is associated with the end of the world.

It all started with a domestic misunderstanding. “Eternal confusion, eternal disgrace,“ some indescribable disgrace ”, as a result of which the addresses were confused with eggs: instead of snake heaps the professor was transported“ these hen's eggs ”, and Rokka was brought only three boxes of eggs instead of hens.

Events are developing rapidly. When Persikov guessed about the terrible mistake, it was already too late: "something monstrous" was happening in the Smolensk region. Rokk bred snakes instead of chickens, and they produced the same phenomenal clutch as frogs. " The snakes moved to Moscow. Nothing could stop them. Death threatened the entire state. Moscow quieted down, and then a mad panic, fires, looting began. As a result of a pogrom perpetrated by an angry, uncontrollable crowd, the Institute engaged in laboratory breeding of "new life" burned down, the chamber that gave rise to the ill-fated red ray was broken, the experimenter himself, Professor Persikov, was killed and torn to pieces by the crowd, along with Pankrat and the servant Marya Stepanovna. And only the traditional Russian frost that miraculously broke out “on the night of August 19-20, 1928” (“frosty god in the car” - Bulgakov ironically in the title of chapter XII of the story) saves Russia from a catastrophe of a terrible scale. Giant reptiles like ancient dinosaurs Mesozoic era, froze to death on the way to Moscow. The countless snake, crocodile and ostrich eggs that covered the “forests, fields, boundless swamps” of Soviet Russia were “dead”.

The plot of "Fatal Eggs" contains many of the most incredible events and coincidences of circumstances. This is a chicken pestilence that came out of nowhere, and Persikov's accidental discovery, and a confusion with eggs, and an eighteen-degree frost in August, and the fact that for some reason neither the chicken plague nor the invasion of reptiles spread beyond the borders of the country, and much more. The author seems to deliberately whip up such accidents, not caring that they are in any way plausible. But behind the allegorical images and pictures, it is not difficult to see real events, or at least quite possible ones.

"Fatal eggs" is not just a satire, but a warning against excessive enthusiasm for a long time, in essence, an open red ray, or, in other words, revolutionary progress, revolutionary methods of building a new life. They do not always and do not always benefit the people, the writer argued, but they can be fraught with catastrophic consequences, because they awaken enormous energy in people, not only thinking, honest and aware of their responsibility to the people, but also ignorant and outrageous. Sometimes this process lifts such people to great heights, and its further course depends on them.

The most bitter thing was that Bulgakov was not mistaken even in the timing. It was in 1928 that a nationwide disaster began, which was called universal collectivization. Agriculture and the elimination of the kulaks as a class, and caused enormous damage to the country.

An apocalypse really happened in Russia, against which MABulgakov warned in his satirical story "Fatal Eggs".

3. Experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky and its consequences in the story "Heart of a Dog".

The story is based on a great experiment. Professor Preobrazhensky, a middle-aged man, lives in solitude in a beautiful comfortable apartment. the author admires the culture of his life, his appearance - Mikhail Afanasyevich and himself loved aristocracy in everything, at one time he even wore a monocle.

The professor who transforms a dog into a person bears the name Preobrazhensky. And the action itself takes place on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile, by all possible means, the writer points out the unnaturalness of what is happening, that this is anti-creation, a parody of Christmas. And according to these signs, we can say that in "Heart of a Dog" the motives of Bulgakov's last and best work - the novel about the devil - are already visible.

The proud and majestic professor Preobrazhensky, who sprinkles old aphorisms, is the luminary of Moscow genetics, a brilliant surgeon is engaged in lucrative operations to rejuvenate aging ladies and lively elders: the author's irony is merciless - sarcasm towards prosperous NEPmen.

But the professor plans to improve nature itself, he decides to compete with Life itself, create a new person, performs the main work of his life - a unique operation - an experiment, transplanting the human pituitary gland to the dog Sharik from a 28-year-old man who died a few hours before the operation. This man, Klim Petrovich Chugunkin, was sued three times. “Profession - playing the balalaika in taverns. Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is enlarged (alcohol). The cause of death is a stab in the heart in a pub. "

As a result of the most complicated operation, an ugly, primitive creature appeared - an inhuman, who completely inherited the "proletarian" essence of his "ancestor". The first words he uttered were swearing, the first distinct words: "bourgeois." And then - street words: "Don't push!" "Scoundrel", "get off the step", etc. He was a disgusting “man of small stature and unsympathetic appearance. The hair on his head was growing hard ... The forehead was striking with its small height. A thick head brush began almost directly above the black threads of the eyebrows. He “dressed up” in the same ugly and vulgar way.

The smile of life lies in the fact that as soon as he stands on his hind limbs, Sharikov is ready to oppress, drive into a corner the professor who gave birth to him.

And this humanoid creature demands from the professor a residence permit, confident that the house committee will help him in this, which "protects his interests."

Whose interests, may I ask?

It is known whose - the labor element. Philip Philipovich rolled his eyes.

Why are you a hard worker?

Yes, you know, not a Nepman.

From this verbal duel, taking advantage of the professor's confusion about his origin ("you are, so to speak, an unexpectedly appeared laboratory creature"), the homunculus emerges victorious and demands to assign him a "hereditary" surname Sharikov, and he chooses his name - Polygraph Polygraphovich. Sharikov grows impudent every day. In addition, he finds an ally - the theorist Shvonder. It is he, Shvonder, who demands the issuance of the document to Sharikov, claiming that the document is the most important thing in the world.

The scary thing is that the bureaucratic system does not need a professor's science. It costs her nothing to appoint anyone as a person. Any insignificance, even an empty place, can be taken and appointed by a person. Well, of course, having formalized it in the appropriate way and reflect it, as it should be, in the documents. By setting Sharikov against the professor, Shvonder does not understand that someone else can easily set Sharikov against Shvonder himself. It is enough for a man with a dog's heart to point out anyone, to say that he is an enemy, and Sharikov will humiliate him, destroy him, etc. How it resembles Soviet times and especially the thirties ...

The finest hour for Polygraph Poligrafovich was his "service".

To the dumbfounded professor, he presents a paper, which says that Comrade Sharikov is the head of the subdivision for cleaning the city from stray animals. Of course, Shvonder arranged him there. When asked why he smells so disgusting, the monster replies:

Well, well, it smells ... it is known: by profession. Yesterday

cats were strangled - strangled ...

So Bulgakov's Sharik made a dizzying leap: from stray dogs - to orderlies to cleanse the city of stray dogs / and cats, of course /. Well, the pursuit of their own people is a characteristic feature of all Sharikovs. They destroy their own, as if covering up traces of their own origin ...

The last, final chord of Sharikov's activity is a denunciation-libel against Professor Preobrazhensky.

It should be noted that it was then, in the thirties, that denunciation became one of the foundations of a "socialist" society, which would be more correctly called totalitarian. Since only a totalitarian regime can be based on denunciation.

Sharikov is alien to conscience, shame, morality. He lacks human qualities other than meanness, hatred, anger ...

It is good that on the pages of the story the sorcerer-professor managed to reverse the transformation of a man-monster into an animal, into a dog. It is good that the professor realized that nature does not tolerate violence against itself. Alas, in real life the Sharikovs won, turned out to be tenacious, crawling out of all the cracks. Self-confident, arrogant, confident in their sacred rights to everything, semi-literate lumpen brought our country to the deepest crisis, because the Bolshevik-Schwonder thesis of the "great leap forward of the socialist revolution", mocking disregard for the laws of evolution, could only give rise to the Sharikovs.

4. Lessons learned from the analysis of Fatal Eggs and Heart of a Dog.

Everything that happened around and what was called the construction of socialism was perceived by Bulgakov as an experiment - huge in scale and more than dangerous. To attempts to create a new perfect society by revolutionary, i.e. methods that did not exclude violence, he was extremely skeptical about educating a new, free person by the same methods. For him, this was such an interference in the natural course of things, the consequences of which could be dire, including for the "experimenters" themselves. In the diary of M. Bulgakov ("Under the heel. My diary"), the point of view of a witness, ironically observing from the sidelines a grandiose social experiment ("It would be interesting to know how long the eschatological intonations ("Yes, let it all end with something. I believe ..."). The author warns readers about this with his works.

The stories "Fatal Eggs" and "Heart of a Dog", in my opinion, are distinguished by an extremely clear author's idea. Briefly, it can be formulated as follows: for the first time, Bulgakov's rejection of revolutionary changes was definitely manifested, and the revolution that took place in Russia was not the result of the natural socio-economic and spiritual development of society, but an irresponsible and premature experiment; therefore, it is necessary to return the country, if possible, to its former natural state.


In the story "Heart of a Dog" the professor corrects his mistake - Sharikov again turns into a dog. He is content with his fate and with himself. But in life, such experiments are irreversible. And Bulgakov managed to warn about this at the very beginning of those destructive transformations that began in our country in 1917 after the revolution, when all conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of ball-balls with dog hearts. The totalitarian system greatly contributes to this. Probably due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, that they are among us now, Russia is going through hard times now. The Sharikovs with their truly canine vitality, no matter what, will go everywhere over the heads of others. The heart of a dog in alliance with the human mind is the main threat of our time.

In the course of the work, an attempt was made to prove that the stories written at the beginning of the twentieth century remain relevant and today, serve as a warning to future generations. Today is so close to yesterday ... At first glance, it seems that outwardly everything has changed, that the country has become different. But the consciousness, stereotypes, the way of thinking of people will not change in ten or twenty years - more than one generation will pass before the balls disappear from our life, before people become different, before there are no vices described by Bulgakov in his immortal works ... How I want to believe that this time will come! ...

Such are the gloomy reflections about the consequences (on the one hand, possible, on the other - accomplished) of the interaction of three forces: apolitical science, aggressive social rudeness and spiritual power reduced to the level of the house committee.

List of sources used.

1. Beznosov E.L. Lecture 4. The image of the post-revolutionary Soviet reality in Bulgakov's story “Fatal eggs” and the images of “new” people in the satirical story “Heart of a Dog”. // Literature. - 2004.- No. 38.

2. Bulgakov M.A. Under the fifth: My diary // Ogonek. - 1989. - No. 51.

3. Bulgakov M. Heart of a Dog: A Novel. Stories. Stories. –M .: ZAO Publishing House EKSMO - Press, 1999.

4. M.A.Bulgakov. Dog's heart. Reference materials. 11 cl. / Auth.-stat. THEM. Mikhailova.-M .: Bustard, 1998.

5. Bulgakov M.A. Sobr. cit .: In 5 volumes, M., 1989-1990. T.2.

6. Kamakhina T.V. Experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky // Literature at school. - 2002. - No. 7.

7. Kireev Ruslan. Bulgakov. The last flight // Literature.-2004.- №32.

8. Petrov VB Mikhail Bulgakov looks to the future. / / Literature at school.-2002.- №7.

9. Chekalov P.K. Dogs and human in the story of MA Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" .// Literature. -2004. -No. 8.

10. Yablokov E.A. Motives of prose by Mikhail Bulgakov. M., 1997.

M.A. Bulgakov (1891-1940). Life and destiny. Writer's satire. Analysis of satirical works ("Heart of a Dog", "Fatal Eggs").

The whole life of this restless and brilliant writer was, in essence, a merciless battle with stupidity and meanness, a battle for the sake of pure human thoughts, for the sake of the fact that a person should be and dare not be reasonable and noble. K. Paustovsky

Andrey Sakharov

Lesson objectives:

    show the complexity and tragedy of life and creative path M. A. Bulgakova , arouse interest in the personality and work of the writer;

    to reveal the multifaceted nature of the problems of Bulgakov's stories, to reveal the principles of combining everyday specifics and fiction in the writer's work,show the relevance of satirical works, develop the skills and abilities of analyzing a prose work , helpto understand what Bulgakov's stories warn us about;

    develop the skill of ideological compositional and stylistic analysis of the text;

    proceedto form the ability to choose the main thing in the development of an action , express your thoughts clearly and consistently, argue your statements, prepare a report; develop the ability of students to formulate the main thoughts in a synopsis.

Lesson Objectives:


1.Give short review life and creative path of M.A. Bulgakov; to acquaint with the peculiarities of the fate of Bulgakov as a writer and a person, to note the diversity of the writer's work, to acquaint with the author's methods of creating satirical works; improve the skill of searching for information about the life and work of a writer; improve the skill of monologue speech.

2. To acquaint with the stories "Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs", to understand the meaning of the works, to help to understand what Bulgakov's stories warn us about, to assess the topicality of the works; prove that the writer's satirical works are modern and relevant.

3. In the process of working on works to develop the ability to ideologically, compositional and stylistic analysis of the text, to continue to form the ability to choose the main thing in the development of action, to express your thoughts clearly and consistently, to argue your statements; improve the skills of analyzing a literary work

Developing: promote the formationindependent cognitive activities, development of skillscarry out reflective activities; develop the ability to correctly generalize reflexive activity; develop the ability to correctly summarize data and draw conclusions.

Educational: foster love and respect, respect for the national heritage, promote the formation of patriotic feelings,rejection of hypocrisy, cruelty, arrogance and lack of culture.

Educational resources: Literary dictation, lecture material, slide films about the life and work of M.A. Bulgakov, stories "Heart of a Dog", "Fatal Eggs", assignments for group work. Video by V.V. BortkABOUT "Dog's heart".


Stage 1

1 . Organizing time.

II. Knowledge update .

Today we are starting to study the work of a Russian writer, playwright, theater director, I half. 20th century. Author of novellas and short stories, many feuilletons, plays, dramatizations, screenplays, operas libretto (Libretto- the verbal text of the theatrical musical and vocal work),

let's get acquainted with his difficult and tragic fate).

Before we start talking about him, first watch a slide film,and then we will continue the conversation.(No. 1 Viewing a slide film about the writer from 00.00 - 0.40)

Goal setting.

So ... what associations did you have after what you saw? Who are we talking about? Look at the desk. You see a portrait of the writer. Below is the date -1935. This is practically his last years life. In five years, the writer will be gone ... He had only49 years old. (see epigraph), + (Classical board)

So, we will talk about M.A. Bulgakov.

1. And now an acquaintance with the work and life of M.A. Bulgakov(# 2 Slide film "Biography of a Writer" up to .30; up to 1.03; up to 1.36; up to 2.09); textbook, page 118

- What biographical facts impressed you? What are the works of the writer known to you?

(Famous works of Bulgakov: « Master and Margarita », « % A% D% BE% D% B% D% B% D% 87% D% C% D% B_% D% 81% D% B% D% 80% D% B% D% 86% D% B », « % 97% D% B% D% BF% D% B% D% 81% D% BA% D% B_% D% E% D% BD% D% BE% D% B% D% BE_% D% B % D% 80% D% B% D% 87% D% B », « % A% D% B% D% B% D% 82% D% 80% D% B% D% BB% D% C% D% BD% D% B% D% B_% D% 80% D% BE % D% BC% D% B% D », « % 91% D% B% D% BB% D% B% D% F_% D% B% D% B% D% B% D% 80% D% B% D% B% D% F_% 28% D % 80% D% BE% D% BC% D% B% D », « % 98% D% B% D% B% D% BD_% D% 92% D% B% D% 81% D% B% D% BB% D% C% D% B% D% B% D% B % D% 87_% 28% D% BF% D% C% D% B% D% 81% D% B "," Notes on the cuffs "," Fatal eggs "," The Devil ").

The story (addition) of the teacher about the life and work of M.A. Bulgakov.

Bulgakov the writer and Bulgakov the man are still largely a mystery. His political views, attitude to religion are unclear…. His life consisted, as it were, of three parts, each of which is somewhat remarkable.

- Until 1919 he is a doctor who only occasionally tries himself in literature.

- In the 20s Bulgakov is already a professional writer and playwright

In the 30s Mikhail Afanasevich -theater employee.

Hisdid not print , the plays were not staged, they were not allowed to work in their beloved Moscow Art Theater.

He had a special relationship with Stalin. The leader criticized many of his works, directly hinting at anti-Soviet agitation in them. But despite this, Mikhail Afanasevich did not experience what was called a terrible wordGulag (The headquarters of the camp and places of imprisonment - subdivision % D% D% B% D% 80% D% BE% D% B% D% BD% D% B% D% B_% D% BA% D% BE% D% BC% D% B% D% 81 % D% 81% D% B% D% 80% D% B% D% B% D% 82_% D% B% D% BD% D% 83% D% 82% D% 80% D% B% D % BD% D% BD% D% B% D% 85_% D% B% D% B% D% BB_% D% A% D% A% D% A% D% A , % C% D% B% D% BD% D% B% D% 81% D% 82% D% B% D% 80% D% 81% D% 82% D% B% D% BE_% D% B % D% BD% D% 83% D% 82% D% 80% D% B% D% BD% D% BD% D% B% D% 85_% D% B% D% B% D% BB_% D % A% D% A% D% A% D% A " supervising the places of mass forced confinement and detention in 1930-1956. ). And diednot on bunk (although in those days they were taken away for much lesser sins), and in their own bed (fromnephrosclerosis inherited from the father).(No. 3 see film from 00.51).

Robbed to the bone, absentE From readers and viewers, "sealed" in his apartment with government seals, mortally ill, who knew that his days were numbered, Bulgakov remained himself: he did not lose his sense of humor and sharpness of language. This means that he did not lose his freedom.

Such was M. A. Bulgakov ... A doctor, journalist, prose writer, playwright, director, he was a representative of that part of the intelligentsia that, without leaving the country in difficult years, sought to preserve themselves in the changed conditions. He had to go through an addiction to morphine (when he worked as a zemstvo doctor), civil war(which he experienced in its two blazing hearths - his hometown of Kiev and in the North Caucasus), cruel literary persecution and forced silence, and in these conditions he managed to create such masterpieces that are read all over the world.

Anna Akhmatova called Bulgakov succinctly and simply - a genius, and dedicatedhis memory poem(read by a student):

Here I am for you, instead of grave roses,

Instead of incense smoking;

You lived so harshly and carried it to the end

Magnificent contempt.

You drank wine, you joked like no one

And in the stuffy walls he was suffocating,

And you let yourself in as a terrible guest

And I was alone with her.

And you are not there, and everything around is silent

About a mournful and high life,

And on your silent feast ...

2. Blitz survey

“The life and work of M.A. Bulgakov "

    When and where was M.A. Bulgakov? (15.05.1891 in Kiev)

III. stage Analytical conversation .

2. Satire the writer

Teacher: Today, the focus of our attention is the writer's satirical works.

Question: let's let us recall the theory of literature: what is satire and its types.

Satire - kind of comic.

Image subject - vices.

A source - the contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life.

Types of satire:

    Humor is a good laugh.

    Irony is a mockery.

    Sarcasm is a caustic, stinging mockery, highest degree irony.

Satire means:

    Hyperbolism is an exaggeration

    Grotesque - a combination of the fantastic and the real

    Contrast - opposition

The satirical stories of M.A. Bulgakov, written in1925 g ., sounded very timely, became a reflection of the mentality of a number of scientists and cultural figures who felt anxious about the changes taking place in Russia.

Question: What worried the writer himself? This is what we will understand.

Teacher: The stories are satirical and therefore today we will talk about what ? (ABOUT satirical skill of the writer - the successor of the best traditions of Russian satire of the 19th century in the person of N.V. Gogol, M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin).

- What are the main problems posed by the author in his works? (Eternal struggle good and evil , morality and immorality , freedom and lack of freedom, the problem of human responsibility for their actions - these are all eternal, basic problems human life.)

- What are the names of such works in which common human problems are touched upon? (Such works are called philosophical )

- What is the peculiarity of the creative manner of the writer Bulgakov? (In his works - combination of real and fantastic , monstrous grotesque and real norm; the swiftness of the plot; flexibility of lively spoken language.)

Why exactly at this time Bulgakov writes satirical works? To answer this question, remember how Bulgakov perceivedOctober Revolution.
(Everything that happened around, which was called the construction of socialism, was perceived by the writer as dangerous and huge experiment ... Bulgakov believed that the situation that developed in the first decades after October revolution, tragic ... People are turned into gray, homogeneous, faceless mass ... Perverted concepts about eternal values. Dullness, wretchedness, lack of spirituality, primitiveness prevail. All this causes a feeling of dislike and indignation in the writer. Apparently, this contributed to the fact that in the first decades after the October Revolution appeared satirical works .)

So what works will be discussed today? ( Fatal Eggs (1925), Heart of a Dog (1925).
In literature, Bulgakov first appeared as a newspaperman, wrote feuilletons.

Until the mid 20s he is a satirist writer, author of the novellas "The Devil" (1923), "Fatal Eggs" (1925), "Heart of a Dog" (1925) complete the cycle of the author's satirical works.

Teacher: We have already seen more than once that writers are very sensitive to the slightest changes in social life: they reflect the mentality of people, predict the course of social development, try to warn about any alarming consequences of certain events.

Question: What event is 1 half. The 20th century can be considered decisive for the development of Russian art, incl. literature? ( October Revolution of 1917 ) . ( October Revolution (full official name at 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 - Great October Socialist Revolution , other names:"October coup" % E% D% BA% D% 82% D% F% D% B% D% 80% D% C% D% 81% D% BA% D% B% D% F_% D% 80% D% B % D% B% D% BE% D% BB% D% E% D% 86% D% B% D% F " ] , "October uprising", "Bolshevik coup" ) is one of the largest political events XX century, which influenced the further course% 92% D% 81% D% B% D% BC% D% B% D% 80% D% BD% D% B% D% F_% D% B% D% 81% D% 82% D% BE % D% 80% D% B% D% , literature and art.

You can treat this event in different ways, but it is impossible to deny that it became fateful not only for Russia, but also for other countries of the world.

After all, M.A. Bulgakov was not the first who turned to the topic of revolutionary transformations in the country..

A. Blok, S. Yesenin, V. Mayakovsky, A. Fadeev, E. Zamyatin - these are just some of the names of writers who tried to comprehend what was happening in their own way. The intonations were different: enthusiastic, cautious, glorifying, and pessimistic ...

IV. Analysis of satirical works ("Heart of a Dog", "Fatal Eggs").

I could not part with the thought that I was involved in

unrighteous and terrible deeds. I had a terrible feeling of powerlessness.

Andrey Sakharov

Question: Why do you think these words of Academician Sakharov are taken as an epigraph to the lesson about the stories "Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs"?

(Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov - % A% D% A% D% A% D% A % A% D% B% D% B% D% B% D -theorist, academician% 90% D% D_% D% A% D% A% D% A% D% A , was one of the founders of the first Soviet% 92% D% BE% D% B% D% BE% D% 80% D% BE% D% B% D% BD% D% B% D% F_% D% B% D% BE% D% BC % D% B% D% B ... Laureate% D% D% BE% D% B% D% B% D% BB% D% B% D% B% D% 81% D% BA% D% B% D% F_% D% BF% D% 80 % D% B% D% BC% D% B% D% F_% D% BC% D% B% D% 80% D% B ). Weapon opening mass destruction made him, like Bulgakov's professor Preobrazhensky, think about the responsibility of the scientist and science as a whole to society, to history.

20th century - the time of all kinds of revolutions, the century of world wars and unprecedented changes in the way of life and the way of thinking of billions of people. The search for truth, the search for truth has become a fundamental search for the best representatives of the intelligentsia.

IN"Notes on the cuffs" M.A. Bulgakov will say with bitter irony:“Only through suffering does the truth come ... That's right, be at ease! But they don’t pay money for knowing the truth, they don’t give a ration. Sad but true. "

Being in the center of a rapid cycle of events, people and opinions, Bulgakov asks himself and his readers the eternal question of the gospelPontius Pilate : "What is truth?"

Already in the 20s, the difficult years of the 20th century, the writer tried to answer this question with his satirical works, raising in themthe following problems :

1. Merciless condemnation of the "pure" science of its priests.

2. The problem of the personal responsibility of a person of culture to life.

3. The problem of human self-government.

Let's try to trace how the writer reveals theseProblems.

And first, let's recall the content of satirical works ("Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs")

Literary quiz.

The story "Heart of a Dog"

2. What song does Sharikov play on the balalaika? ("The month is shining")

3 who hates the most the main character? (Cats)

4. The first word that Sharikov uttered? ("Abyr" - "Fish")

5. For what purposes did Sharikov take 7 rubles from the house committee? (For the purchase of textbooks)

6. How does Sharikov explain to the bride the presence of a scar on his forehead? (Wounded on

on the Kolchak fronts)

The tale "Fatal eggs"

a) Aprikosov

b) Yablochkin

c) Persikov

5. What were the consequences of the unexpected frost?

1. Satirical condemnation of "pure" science and its priests, who imagined themselves to be the creators of a new life.


M. Bulgakov's stories "Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs" are about professors of the old school, brilliant scientists who made brilliant discoveries in a new era that they did not quite understand. Both of them came to Bulgakov's prose from Prechistenka (now Kropotkinskaya Street in Moscow). Bulgakov knew this area well and loved its inhabitants. Therefore, he probably considered it his duty "to portray the intelligentsia as the best layer in our country."

Question: Why did the classical intellectuals from Prechistenka suddenly become the object of satire? ( But because Bulgakov's satire is a clever and sighted satire. The writer saw that the talent of a scientist, impeccable honesty combined with loneliness can lead to tragic and unexpected consequences. This is what happens to Professor Persikov, dear to Bulgakov's heart, almost the same thing happens to Professor Preobrazhensky).

Question: What discoveries did they manage to make?

So, "Fatal Eggs" (See Presentation "Fatal Eggs") 1-4 frames.

1 . Student speech with individuals adania"Scientific discovery of Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov" 5 frame.

“Life was in full swing in the red stripe. Gray amoebas, releasing pseudopods, stretched with all their might in a red strip and in it (as if magically) came to life. Some kind of power breathed into them the spirit of life. They climbed in a pack and fought with each other for a place in the beam. There was a frenzied reproduction going on in him, no other word for it. Breaking and overturning all laws ... they budded before his eyes with lightning speed. ... In the red stripe, and then in the whole disc, it became cramped, and the inevitable struggle began. The new-borns pounced on each other violently and tore to shreds and swallowed. Among those born were the corpses of those killed in the struggle for existence. The best and the strong won. And these best ones were terrible. "

Such is the brilliant discovery of Professor Persikov , which would bring him fame, world fame, which, obviously, could somehow be used in the national economy. The professor did not think about this, because he had to carry out a series of experiments and experiments.

Teacher: And now the story"Dog's heart". You met this story in the 9th grade. The story was filmed in1988 year ( 1987 printed ). Film directorVladimir Vladimirovich Bortko ) - Russian film director, screenwriter and producer. The adaptation of the story brought the director recognition of the world cinema community - the film was awarded the Grand Prix of the Perugia Film Festival (Italy).

2. Student speech with an individual task"The unique operation of Professor Preobrazhensky in his experience of pituitary transplantation."

( Pituitary - the cerebral appendage in the form of a rounded formation located on the lower surface of the brain in a bone pocket called the Turkish saddle, produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism and reproductive function )».

Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky (60 years old) - a luminary in medicine. He produces a unique experience in transplanting the pituitary gland of a deceased person (Klim Chugunkin) to a homeless dog Sharik. This operation was carried out by professorDecember 22 , butJanuary 2 recorded inDr. Bormental's diary, this humanized dog got out of bed, who “... hind legs". And on the same day, according to the testimony of Professor Dr. Bormental's assistant: "In my and Zina's presence, the dog (if you can call it a dog, of course) cursed Professor Preobrazhensky on the mother's side."

This operation of the professor is truly scientific discovery: “He looks strange. The hair remained only on the head, chin and chest. Otherwise, he is bald, with flabby skin. In the genital area - a developing man. The skull is greatly enlarged. The forehead is sloping and low. "

Teacher: It would seem that the scientific discoveries of Persikov and Preobrazhensky were supposed to shock the world scientific community and bring some benefit to mankind. What is really happening?

- What is withfishing for the "red ray" discovered by professor Persikov?

Someone came to the professorAlexander Semenovich Rokk "With government paper from the Kremlin", surprisingly reminiscent of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov: "Small eyes looked at the whole world in amazement and at the same time confidently, there was something cheeky in short legs with flat feet."6 frame.

The great discovery of a talented scientist led to disaster.

People flew out the doors, howling:

Beat him! Kill! ..

World villain!

You dismissed the bastards!

Short person, on ape's crooked legs, in a torn jacket, in a tornshirt front , who had strayed to the side, ahead of the others, caught hold of Persikov and with a terrible blow from a stick cut his head open. "

A man surprisingly similar to Sharikov is killing a brilliant scientist.8-9 frame.

Output: And soHELL. Sakharov saw the consequences of his invention, after he proposed to use an electric charge inplasma, placed in a magnetic field to produce a controlled thermonuclear reaction. It is not known in whose hands the scientific discovery will fall, for what purposes it will be used. So, flowing from the first, the second satirical theme soundsdilogies M.A.Bulgakov.

2. The theme of the personal responsibility of a person of science, culture to life, to history.

- And what happened to the real Sharikov?

The dog Sharik was in his own way, dog-like clever, observant and not even alien to the satirical gift. The life that he saw from the gateway was indeed aptly captured by him. He knew how to highlight typical details in it.

And now Sharik turns into Sharikov.

    What techniques does the author use?

Grotesque. Implementation of the metaphor : who was nothing, he will become everything. Uses a fantastic situation. Helps to understand the absurdity of the idea.

    How did Preobrazhensky's life change with the appearance of Sharikov?

The house turns into HELL ... The theme of the house is through with Bulgakov. Home is the focus of human life. The Bolsheviks destroyed the house as the basis of the family, the basis of human society.

Sharikov's appearance in the professor's house is a nightmare ...(No. 6 slide film "Who killed Madame Polosukhina's cat ...).

Teacher: When did it come "Finest hour" Sharikov?

-P joining the service. “Yesterday the cats were strangled, strangled” - the pursuit of their own - a characteristic feature of all ballpoint. Destroy their own, covering up traces of their own origin . Deceived the girl. Shame, conscience, morality are alien. There is hatred, anger . He is really dangerous ( №7 . Cm . slide film Sharikov's Benefit ... ); ... Cats were strangled, strangled; + 2min. 37.

Teacher : Professor Preobrazhensky, planning to improve nature, took the liberty of competing with life by creating an informer, an alcoholic and a demagogue, who sat on his neck. The professor realized his mistake.

Output: So a person, even a genius, who invaded the laws of nature, imagining himself to be the Creator, suffersfiasco.

In the novel The Master and Margarita, with whom we will get acquainted later, Woland asks a question to two Moscow writers Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny, who assert that there is no God: "If there is no God, then, one wonders, who controls human life and all the order on earth in general?" To which Ivanushka replies: The man himself controls! "

This is how Bulgakov poses the most real and acute problem in the 20th century.

3. The problem of human self-government

This is the third most important theme of the story "Heart of a Dog".

20th century became a time of destruction, disintegration of the previous thousand-year order of human life. This is the time of destruction of the old human ties, the old ways of controlling human behavior. The old type of government was based on the veneration of Christian commandments, on the authority of the tsar, class morality. Now the words have become the leading idea of ​​the era:“No one will give us deliverance: neither God, nor a king, nor a hero. We will achieve liberation with our own hand. "

This is where Blok freedom came from"Without a cross". Freed from the previous dependence, a person fell into a more difficult submission to his uterine, selfish, egoistic interest. Bulgakov leads usto the conclusion : where the natural course of life is spurred on by ignorance, self-interest, there is nothing good to expect.

Question : Is it possible to entrust the management of life to Sharikov, Shvonder, Rokku?

The clever professor Preobrazhensky understood this (No. 8 Cm . slide film); 35.32-37.17.

But the Shvonders, Sharikovs, Rockies will never understand this truth.

Sharikovs breed quickly, and no one is going to fight them (unlike naked reptiles). Professor Preobrazhensky talks about it(№9 . Cm . slide film Shvonder is the main fool ... ); 38.18 – 38.51.

An interesting conversation of Professor Preobrazhensky about devastation(№10 . Cm . slide film ... Devastation ... ch. 3) +

Bulgakov repeatedly callsexperience Professor Preobrazhensky "crime". Thus, the author, developing the theme of Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", did not believe that in an instant it is possible to make a person sinless and righteous, and leads the hero to the famous conclusion:(№11 . Cm . slide film ... Never commit a crime ...). 37.50-38.17

This idea will be the main one in The Master and Margarita.

Conclusion. Perhaps,more crime - under the guise of revolutionary renewal to commit violence over the entire course of history, over the fate of people. Professor Preobrazhensky talks about such experiments: “They are wrong to think that terror will help them. Terror completely paralyzes the nervous system. "

Isn't it a bold story! But it was not published during the life of the author. On the faceterror over literature, culture, Bulgakov was right:terror over culture led to paralysis, stagnation and death.


In alltimes of satire served the ideas of humanism, enlightenment and the ideals of beauty, which the authors of satirical works called for, revealing the seamy side of reality with various means of humor and calling for the virtue of morality, spirituality, education, and intellectual development.

Writers - classics of the 19th century, represented byA.S. Griboyedova, N.V. Gogol (poem "Dead Souls") A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, I. A. Krylova in fables , and especially "biting "satire by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin , expressed aversion to tyranny, serfdom, capitalism with the help of satire, because satire - this is a thin line of humorous and comic, which boldly reveals the essence in an accessible and understandable form, stigmatizing social vices, gives hope and lifts the spirit even in the most bitter moments of life precisely because it helps to turn the usual picture of the world, turning it from tragic into unimaginably tenacious and inspiring joke.

These can rightfully include the satirical works of M.A. Bulgakov, which we talked about today in the lesson.

7. Reflection.

Bulgakov did not change his views for fashion or profit. But he thought hard about everything that he saw in front of him. And his thought ... was inclined towards the analysis of living things, not confused by dogmas or prejudice, and was backed up by the responsibility of a witness and chronicler of great and tragic events in the life of his homeland. In all the ripples of fate, Bulgakov remained faithful to the laws of dignity ...

V. Ya. Lakshin

Resource material for the lesson

Literary quiz based on the story "Fatal Eggs"

1. What is the name of the main character?

a) Aprikosov

b) Yablochkin

c) Persikov

2. What scientific discovery is Professor Persikov making?

a) It opens the "ray of life", under the influence of which bacteria begin to multiply wildly

b) He finds an antidote for cancer

c) He managed to clone a sheep

3. What is the difference between individuals that appeared with the help of the "ray of life"?

a) They age much more slowly

b) Their endurance increases

c) They become incredibly aggressive and frenziedly destroy weaker relatives

4. What is happening in the USSR in the meantime?

a) An all-out "chicken disease" begins, and all chickens on the territory of the USSR die

b) Some kind of fungus settles on cereals, and cereals begin to die in huge quantities

c) Cattle begin to die from an unknown disease

5. What happens after Professor Persikov and Rokk are discharging eggs from abroad?

a) Rokk, with the help of a beam and chicken eggs discharged from abroad, restores the number of poultry

b) Snake eggs and chicken eggs get confused on delivery and Rock gets snake eggs

c) Eggs written by Rocke break

6. What happens after Rock puts the reptile eggs in the chambers?

a) All cameras fail at the same time

b) Birds and frogs are removed from the place, and dogs howl, anticipating trouble

c) Having carefully examined them, Rockk realizes that these are not chicken eggs

7. What happens after the reptiles hatch from their eggs?

a) The room in which they are located can be isolated, and the reptiles themselves can be interrupted

b) A terrible chaos begins in the country, and hordes of reptiles are approaching Moscow

c) An unknown disease begins to mow the hatched monsters

8. What happened on the night of 19-20 August?

a) Hordes of monsters attacked Moscow

b) Suddenly hit the eighteen-degree frost

c) Moscow managed to be recaptured from monstrous reptiles

9. What were the consequences of the unexpected frost?

a) Frost destroyed all reptiles and their embryos in eggs

b) He plunged the monsters into suspended animation

c) He weakened the animals, and people partly took them out of the country, partly exterminated

10. What happens to the magic beam technology after a disaster?

a) It is sold abroad for a lot of money

b) No one else can get the beam

c) The beam begins to be used for military purposes

Answers: 1-in; 2-a; 3-in; 4-a; 5 B; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-a; 10-b.

Literary dictation. “The life and fate of M.A. Bulgakov ". The story "Heart of a Dog"

I. “The life and fate of M.A. Bulgakov "

    When and where was Mikhail Bulgakov born? (15.05.1891 in Kiev)

    Where did you study? (Alexander Gymnasium, Medical Faculty of Kiev University).

    Most famous works writer ("The Master and Margarita", "White Guard", "Beg", White Guard ".)

    What role did women play in life? (Inspired, helped in life's difficulties, served as his ideal).

    Where and when did Bulgakov die? (10.03.1940)

II. The story "Heart of a Dog"

1. In what year was the story written? (1925). Printed? (1987)

2. Remember the lines of Professor Preobrazhensky's favorite romance.

("From Seville to Grenada ...", "To the sacred banks of the Nile ...")

3. What song does Sharikov play on the balalaika? ("The month is shining")

4. Who does the main character hate the most? (Cats)

5. The first word that Sharikov uttered? ("Abyr" - "Fish")

6.How old is Professor Preobrazhensky? (60)

7. How much money did Sharikov steal from the professor? (2 ducats)

8. For what purposes did Sharikov take 7 rubles from the house committee? (For the purchase of textbooks)

9. How does Sharikov explain to the bride the presence of a scar on his forehead? (Wounded on

on the Kolchak fronts)

10. What, according to Sharikov, will the cats killed by him go? ("On Polts").

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Reflections of M. Bulgakov in the story "Fatal eggs"

To be a person, to have such a high status means to feel responsibility to your actions and not let go of thoughts of the consequences. Mikhail Bulgakov created the Fatal Eggs dystopia in order to warn people against mistakes. The writer deftly alternates satire, irony and philosophical conclusions in a fantastic work.

From the lines of the story it becomes clear that M. Bulgakov defines responsibility as the main theme. Persikov, intellectual, educated person, opens a "red ray", which contributes to the active reproduction of organisms, and their size reaches gigantic. At the same time, the country suffers a chicken pestilence that has destroyed all chickens. The government finds a solution to the problem in an experiment by a zoologist and asks him for help. Bulgakov draws our attention to the fact that Persikov's drugs end up in the hands of ignorant and short-sighted people, which entails catastrophic consequences. From this, the following conclusions can be drawn: one should not get down to business rashly, and even more so to interfere with human nature. Human nature is a substance that cannot be invaded. bulgakov dystopia satire philosophical

Such an invasion leads to death. Unexplained phenomena in the story, mainly eighteen-degree frost in mid-August, they make it clear to us that nature is much stronger than us, and neither the Red Army nor other troops will save mankind from its nets. The very composition of the work is saturated with a paradoxical phenomenon. The heroes, following good intentions, wanted to do what was best - raise chickens and provide food for the whole country, but the opposite happened. Rock, in whose hands the professor's drugs fell, is only a daring experimenter.

He does not have the necessary knowledge that would serve to achieve positive results, but this does not stop him. The haste of the experiment and negative reviews from foreign countries turn out to be stronger, and the hero goes against nature. Because of his ignorance, monsters appear from the eggs, which destroyed everything around. Failure to establish them leads to the murder of the scientist. There is another story in the story. story line... Bulgakov parodically repeats the path of the Napoleonic invasion. The snakes represent the French who once attacked Moscow. The author in "Fatal Eggs" was able to display the time, and the tones, and the pictures that were imprinted on the pages of history after the Napoleonic battles.

Bulgakov wants to draw our attention to the impossibility of changing the course of evolution. He shows that when planning for the future, we have to live only in the present. People are building a "new ideal life", being confident that it will be much better, but, unfortunately, they forget that there can be no bright future in the absence of sound thinking and meaningfulness of all the consequences. Nature will not allow someone to decide the fate of people without having the right to do so.

I would like to summarize in the words accurately spoken by Silovan Ramishvili: "People make the biggest mistake when they present what they want as reality." This statement perfectly reflects the essence of the story "Fatal Eggs", because a person is endowed with a mind that should warn against such tragedies.

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    Akhmatova as "the voice of a hundred million people" in the years of total silence. Pathetics and deep tragedy of her works. Bulgakov's fantastic stories as "an evil satire on the Soviet country, outright mockery of it, outright hostility."

    abstract, added 11/10/2009

    Problematic and thematic analysis of Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog", research of critical literature on this topic. The theme of the tragedy of the Russian people in the work of the author. Display and meaning of the subject of the experiment in the work "Heart of a Dog".

    term paper, added 06/06/2011

    Basic concepts of linguo-socionics. Linguo-social portraits of the heroes of the story by M.A. Bulgakov: Professor Preobrazhensky, Sharik-Sharikov. Speech and author's characteristics, description of personality types of characters. Intertype relationships of the heroes of the story.

    abstract, added 07/27/2010

    Social "metaphors" of the story: revolution and evolution. Reflection of time in the artistic canvas of the story. Bulgakov's social skepticism: "dialogue" with Mayakovsky. The nihilism of the revolution: "transformation" by destruction. The Creation of the "New Man": Homo Soveticus.

    thesis, added 06/24/2015

    The story "Heart of a Dog" among the satirical works of M. A. Bulgakov. Persistent portrayal of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country. The experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky and the social experiment of the early XX century in this story.

    abstract, added 01/13/2011

    The artistic world of the story "Heart of a Dog" by M.A. Bulgakov: Analysis of Critical Literature. The theme of food as a reflection of the way of life and customs of Moscow residents in the 1920s in the story "Heart of a Dog". Dictionary of names of dishes used at the beginning of the XX century.

    abstract added on 11/27/2014

    Studying epics in school. The specificity of the epic. Features of the study of the story. Introductory lesson and reading of the work. Analysis of the story "Heart of a Dog". Working with literary concepts: humor, satire, pamphlet, fantasy.

    term paper added on 11/21/2006

    Similarities and differences between humor and satire in fiction. The influence of the satirical creativity of N.V. Gogol's satire by M.A. Bulgakov. Bulgakov's satire of the 1920s: satire of 1922-1924, early satirical prose, the specifics of warning satire.

    test, added 01/20/2010

    Disclosure of the theme of disharmony, brought to the point of absurdity due to human intervention in the eternal laws of nature in Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog". Acquaintance with the philosophy of Preobrazhensky. Assessment of the influence of Shvonder's upbringing on the formation of Sharik's personality.