Muscles of the perineum hurt after childbirth. Pain after childbirth. You will have pain in the vagina

The perineum is the area between the vagina and the anus. During natural delivery, there is a lot of pressure and load on it, because it stretches so much that the baby's head can pass through the hole. Sometimes its diameter increases by 15 times. Due to the fact that the tissues are so stretched, women in labor feel pain in the perineum after childbirth.

In this article, we will talk about how to cope with discomfort, what dangers can be, and how long the heaviness in the vaginal area lasts.

Girls who have not had incisions are very surprised when they feel heaviness and discomfort in the vulva area. And ask logical questions about. If the process of resolution of the burden passed without additional intervention of doctors, then the muscles of the vulva pull about 7-8 days after the birth of the baby. This is a normal recovery process when your body returns to its previous forms. The pain is like pain from a bruise.

Sometimes there may be swelling on the labia majora and even a slight bluing.

Also, if a woman has little fatty tissue in the genital area, it may seem to her that after giving birth, the bones between the legs hurt. But do not be afraid: just a bruise is given to the surrounding areas.

In order to alleviate suffering, you need:

  • On the first day after discharge from the hospital, provide yourself with bed rest. The most correct position in this case will be “in the pose of a star”: the girl should lie without pants and underwear on the bed on a special hygienic diaper, legs apart so that the wounded area is ventilated. This will ensure a speedy recovery.
  • Do not touch the sore spot, wash yourself as carefully as possible by directing a warm (in no case hot) jet of water to the bruised area.
  • (they are cotton without fragrances and relief). You need to change every 2-3 hours in order to avoid debate.
  • Do not use toilet paper- Rinse gently with warm water.
  • You can put a pack of sanitary pads in the freezer for a while. Then the gasket will give off cold and the discomfort will subside.
  • If you feel discomfort when sitting, buy a special orthopedic pillow and put it under your buttocks.
  • You can take baths with a decoction of chamomile. 5-10 minutes in warm water with healing herbs in the morning and evening will greatly reduce your suffering.
  • The first 3 days you can drink ibuprofen (with the permission of a doctor).
  • If the discomfort does not go away for more than 10 days, you need to visit a doctor. He will conduct an examination and if he does not find any pathology, he will prescribe you an anesthetic or a special cooling gel.

Cuts, tears and stitches

Natural resolution does not always go smoothly: often the fetus is too large, and the woman's pelvis is not adapted to such expansion. In order not to injure the child and not cause unnecessary pain to the mother, the obstetrician makes an incision, expanding the exit so that the head crawls through without problems.

The incision is made to avoid tearing, as smooth tissue is easier to stitch than a laceration, heals faster, and is less likely to bleed. This area is then sutured with non-absorbable sutures. In fact, this is a mini-operation. Answering the question about how long does the perineum hurt after childbirth, we can say that if you have such stitches, within 3-4 weeks you will feel pain after childbirth vaginal area.

Also, internal stitches will give you discomfort if tears occur during the birth process and the doctor has to sew up mini-wounds on the cervix or in the womb. Such scars heal quickly, and the threads are then completely absorbed by the body or come out in pieces through the vulva. Such seams bring a woman less trouble and pain between legs after childbirth much less. By intensity and time - up to 21 days.

How to care for a seam

First of all, hygiene is important during care, because the danger of scarring is that pus can go or an infection can penetrate. And infection of the vulva is dangerous because the virus can go further into the uterus and cause. Therefore, here are the basic rules for caring for a seam:

  • Wash the scar 2 times a day with warm water and antibacterial soap.
  • Wear special pads in order to avoid debate and not provoke itching in the perineum.
  • Rinse with warm water after every visit to the toilet.
  • In the first three days, in the morning and in the evening, treat the scar with an antiseptic. Suitable peroxide, Miramistin or any other substances that do not cause burning and irritation.
  • If the seam is at a break in the bosom, you can treat it with cotton wool completely soaked in a disinfectant.

You should immediately contact your attending gynecologist if you notice:

  1. An increase in temperature that is not due to any obvious external factors.
  2. Profuse discharge of pus.
  3. Unpleasant yellow-green discharge from the womb, which has a bad smell of putrefaction.
  4. Increased edema and swelling.
  5. Divergence of the edges of the wound.

Procrastination and self-treatment in such situations can cost you too much.

How to ease the pain

Regardless of whether how long does the perineum hurt after childbirth, a sewn place brings a lot of suffering to a woman. If you unquestioningly follow basic hygiene requirements, you can speed up wound healing and prevent complications.

But how to reduce discomfort during the recovery period, because you can’t drink strong painkillers, but active image life with a newborn is essential.

Here are the main tips:

  • On the first day, you can apply a special bag with a chilled gel or a cool towel to the wounded area. This will relieve swelling and reduce the sensitivity of your nerve endings for a while.
  • When the surgeon makes a large incision and puts more than 3 stitches, the woman in labor is usually prescribed pain medication. Women who are breastfeeding are allowed Ibuprofen and Paracetamol, they do not contain any substances harmful to the baby, unlike Aspirin or preparations based on it. Women who are not lactating or who for some reason have refused breastfeeding can drink any strong drugs.
  • Do not sit or stand for more than half an hour. If you can't lie down (if you're cooking or ironing), change your position from standing to sitting and vice versa every 20 minutes. Whenever possible, lie down. It is also better to feed the baby lying down.
  • Do not sit directly on the buttocks, try to sit sideways in order not to put pressure on the scar.
  • Ventilate the wound often.
  • Try to avoid constipation. As you push, you may inadvertently break the threads. Balance your diet and, if there are any problems,.

Listen to your body, don't self-medicate if something goes wrong, and enjoy the joys of motherhood.

Will my perineum hurt after natural childbirth?

Most women experience pain in the perineum (the area between the vagina and the anus) for some time after giving birth, and the degree of pain varies from woman to woman. The birth of a child is an amazing event, but for a mother it is associated not only with joy, but also with physical pain. It is only natural for the perineum to stretch and swell after a child weighing 2.7 kg or more passes through it.
If you have had or have had a perineal tear, you will also have to put up with some pain and discomfort for a while. The perineal area is extremely sensitive. As noted by women who have given birth, the pain after suturing can be both tolerable and unbearably acute. It usually takes about 10 days, but pain can persist for up to one month.

How can you relieve pain in the perineum?

Your doctor should talk to you about perineal hygiene, ways to relieve pain, and recommend any pain medications. If you suddenly forget the advice of a doctor when you are at home, call the antenatal clinic.
Here are some tips to help speed up the healing process, whether you've had an episiotomy or a tear:

  • Try not to touch the injured area.
  • Change sanitary pads at least every four hours. Be sure to wash your hands before and after this procedure. Make sure the pad is securely attached and will not move around causing further irritation.
  • After each trip to the toilet, instead of using toilet paper, wash yourself with warm water. Then, gently pat your perineum with a towel from your pubis to your buttocks to keep germs out of your vagina.
  • During urination, direct a jet of warm water to the perineum. Water will dilute the urine, and this will help to avoid burning.
  • Store pads in the refrigerator so that they cool the painful area and relieve pain when used.
  • Start doing as soon as possible. They increase blood flow to the tissues, and this speeds up the healing process, as well as helping to restore muscle tone and control.
  • In the first 12-24 hours after childbirth, apply a chilled gel pad (available from a pharmacy) to the perineal area. Do not use ice to relieve pain, you may get frostbite.
  • When you get home from the hospital, try to periodically lie in bed without a pad, placing an absorbent hygienic diaper (they are sold in a pharmacy) or an old towel under you. Let the painful area "ventilate".
  • Frequent baths or baths help relieve pain. Do not add salt to the water, as there are no scientific evidence its benefits for pain, in addition, it can lead to dryness and irritation. Do not take water treatments for too long, this can delay the healing process.
  • In order to be comfortable sitting, you can purchase a special pillow that reduces pressure on the perineum.
  • Don't stand or sit for a long time.
  • When feeding your baby, sit in a comfortable position, or try lying down.
  • In the first few days after childbirth, you can take paracetamol in the doses recommended by your doctor to relieve pain.
  • If the pain does not subside, or you have a fever, see your doctor. He will prescribe stronger painkillers for you, as well as a special spray or cream. The temperature may indicate the onset of inflammation, which sometimes happens during suturing. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene will help reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.
  • Try to relax and give your body time to recover. Every woman experiences this process differently. Tune in to restore and replenish the strength needed to care for your baby

It seems to a pregnant woman that childbirth is the final stage, after which the discomfort caused by her current condition will disappear. However, 9 months of bearing a child cannot pass without a trace, and sometimes even after a trouble-free pregnancy in female body unpleasant sensations appear. One of the reasons for this may be pubic symphysitis in the postpartum period.

What is symphysis

The symphysis is a cartilaginous or fibrous transitional connection between the bones of the skeleton. The pubic symphysis, or, in other words, the pubic joint, is a semi-joint with little mobility. Normally, it is in a fixed state, but during pregnancy it softens to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the mother's pelvic ring, and the increased pressure on it can lead to excessive mobility and inflammation.
Normally, the pubic articulation is a single whole, with symphysitis, the bones diverge

Why does the pubic bone hurt after childbirth

There is no clear answer why this disease occurs. It may be the result of problems such as:

  • increased production of the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for softening the ligaments of the pelvic bones and opening the cervix;
  • lack of calcium in the mother's body;
  • multiple births;
  • traumatic childbirth - the imposition of forceps, excessive dilution of the hips during childbirth, rapid childbirth;
  • large (over 4 kg) fruit;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • development of symphysitis in previous pregnancies;
  • natural childbirth with the first or second degree of symphysitis during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the disease

The most common symptoms of symphysitis:

  • pain localized in the region of the pubic joint, pubis, lower abdomen;
  • pain in the areas adjacent to the pubis - lower back, perineum, hips, back;
  • pain during movement - bending, turning, climbing stairs, getting up from a chair, lifting legs;
  • swelling of the pubic region;
  • pain when lifting straight legs in a supine position;
  • sounds when probing the junction of the pubic bones - clicks, crackling, grinding;
  • clicking sounds when walking
  • specific "duck" gait;
  • problems and difficulties in the act of defecation.

Symptoms can occur both immediately after childbirth, and within a day after. If measures are not taken in time, the disease will progress, the pain will intensify, the discrepancy between the bones will increase.


In the postpartum period, various methods can be used to diagnose the condition of the pubic joint. Usually use:

  • ultrasonography;
  • magnetic resonance therapy, which allows you to assess not only the condition of the bones, but also the soft tissues around;
  • differential studies - the symptoms of symphysitis are similar to some other diseases, such as, for example, inguinal hernia, urethritis, nerve compression, for correct setting diagnosis should be confirmed in their absence.

Symphysitis treatment

Three degrees of symphysitis are divided depending on the divergence of the bones of the pubic joint:

  • first degree - 5–9 mm;
  • second degree - up to 20 mm;
  • third degree - over 20 mm.

The first degree of postpartum symphysitis usually does not require medical intervention. Pain and discomfort disappear with a decrease in load or rest. Often, women do not even suspect that something is wrong with the body, attributing discomfort to the consequences of childbirth. Under favorable circumstances (small loads, enough vitamins and minerals, healthy lifestyle life) the first degree can pass on its own.

In the second degree, the pain becomes more pronounced, swelling of the pubis and heaviness in the lower abdomen appear.

The third degree is characterized by almost constant pain, pronounced swelling and clicks during palpation of the womb.

The second and third degrees of symphysitis can lead to a woman's disability, therefore they are subject to mandatory monitoring and treatment. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

There are several treatments for symphysitis, depending on its severity. To alleviate the condition of a woman, apply medicines. It should be borne in mind that this only relieves the pain syndrome, fights the effect, and not the cause.

Pain reduction

No-shpa, Baralgin, Paracetamol are effective pills that should be taken only in exceptional cases (for example, if the pain is too strong, or if a woman has to spend a long time on her feet) to avoid addiction and not to blur the picture of the disease. It should be remembered that all drugs have contraindications and side effects before use, you should consult your doctor.

Table: comparison of the most famous and common medicines

NameDrug typeIndications for useContraindicationsSide effectsRelease formaverage cost
Myotropic antispasmodicSpasms of smooth musclesbreastfeeding period
Liver, kidney or heart failure
Headache, dizziness, insomnia

Nausea, constipation
allergic reactions
Tablets100pcs - 200r
Ampoules5pcs - 100r
SpazganCombined analgesic and antispasmodicSpasms of smooth musclesbreastfeeding period

Intestinal obstruction
allergic reactions
Lowering blood pressure
Impaired kidney function
Dry mouth, tachycardia, difficulty urinating
Tablets20pcs - 100r
Ampoules5pcs - 100r
PapaverineMyotropic antispasmodicSpasms of smooth musclesGlaucoma
severe liver failure
Nausea, constipation
Lowering blood pressure
Candles10 pcs - 50r
Tablets10pcs - 5r
Ampoules10 pcs - 40r
PentalginCombined drugModerately severe pain syndrome of various originsbreastfeeding period
Liver or kidney failure
allergic reactions
Increased excitability, drowsiness
Palpitations, increased blood pressure
Tablets24 pcs - 200r
Analgesic-antipyreticPain syndrome of weak and moderate intensity of various originsHypersensitivity to paracetamolIndigestion
allergic reactions
Tablets20pcs - 15r
BaralginAnalgesic-antipyreticPain syndrome of various originsLiver or kidney failure
Blood diseases
allergic reactionsTablets20 pcs - 250r
Ampoules5 pcs - 230r

Decreased swelling of the pubis

Indomethacin, Indovazin, Diclofenac and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments with three main therapeutic effects - anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic. In the list of contraindications for some of them is lactation, so their use should also be agreed with the doctor.

Table: comparison of ointments against edema and inflammation

NameIndications for useContraindicationsSide effectsaverage cost
Articular syndrome, traumatic inflammation of soft tissues and jointsallergic reactions50r
IndovazinRheumatic soft tissue injurybreastfeeding period
Violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​application of the ointment
allergic reactions
Burning sensation, skin redness
diclofenacInflammation and swelling of soft tissues and joints due to trauma and rheumatic diseasesbreastfeeding period
Violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​application of the ointment

Photo gallery of painkillers

No-shpa is one of the most commonly used antispasmodics Paracetamol is an analgesic that is allowed during lactation Indomethacin is an ointment to relieve swelling

Other medicines

Preparations enriched with calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, allow you to fill the body's need for them, if the cause of symphysitis is precisely in the deficiency of the necessary elements. What can be taken:

  • multivitamin preparations - containing in one volume all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Examples of such complexes are Ortho Calcium + Magnesium, Vitrum Osteomag, Calcium D3 Nycomed. Also suitable are multivitamin complexes intended for pregnant and lactating mothers - Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal, Pregnavit.
  • monovitamin - containing only one element. Monopreparations allow you to choose the right combination of vitamins in required quantity, in addition, they are suitable in case of individual intolerance to any components of multivitamins.

Photo gallery of medications

Multivitamin complexes make it possible to compensate for the deficiency of several vitamins and microelements at once Monopreparations contain only one useful element
Vitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women meet the needs of the body of women who have given birth in vitamins and trace elements

Proper Diet

Instead of vitamin complexes, you can choose the right diet that fully satisfies the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements.

  • Foods rich in calcium (mg / 100g) - sesame and poppy seeds (1100-1400), processed cheese - 500, sea ​​fish - 350.
  • Magnesium-containing foods (mg/100g) – sea ​​kale(800), wheat bran (586), cocoa (420).
  • Foods with B vitamins - beef liver, chicken, eggs and dairy products

Photo gallery of useful products

calcium forms bone tissue Magnesium is responsible for muscle relaxation B vitamins normalize the activity of the nervous system


This subsection includes several methods, including medical procedures, and various gymnastics:

  • massage - reduction of puffiness, restoration of the anatomical position of the bones;
  • electrophoresis - local saturation of the body with the necessary active substances (for example, calcium and magnesium);
  • magnetotherapy - impact magnetic field low frequency on the area of ​​the pubic symphysis;
  • therapeutic exercises - physical activity with symphysitis should be as limited as possible, however, special exercises, on the contrary, are recommended for implementation - they can reduce swelling, strengthen ligaments, restore the position of bones, increase muscle tone. A set of exercises is selected with the help of a doctor on an individual basis. Basic exercises:
    • "Cat" - standing on all fours, arch your back up, lowering your head down and straining your abdominal muscles, stay in this position for 5 seconds, then return to its original position; repeat 3-5 times;
    • lying on your back, bend your legs so that the feet are as close to the buttocks as possible; slowly spread your knees, lowering them as low as possible, return to their original position; repeat 5-10 times;
    • lying on your back, put your legs so that the lower leg and thighs are at a right angle; slowly raise the pelvis until a straight line with the body is obtained, slowly lower; repeat 6-10 times
  • breathing exercises - relaxation of muscles, improvement of blood supply to internal organs and tissues.

Photo gallery of therapeutic gymnastics exercises

Lying on your back, spread your legs bent at the knees Standing on all fours, arch your back up Lying on your back with bent legs, raise your pelvis up

Mode change

In order for the pubic joint to be at rest, a woman is prescribed bed or semi-bed rest, the load is reduced. This allows you to speed up the healing of the symphysis, and sometimes enough for recovery.

Auxiliary and corrective means

A cane, crutches, or walker can help reduce stress, and a brace helps return the bones to their original position.

The greatest success has complex application methods under medical supervision.

Most likely, you are ready for the fact that after childbirth you will experience pain and discomfort, however, discomfort in the postpartum period can last for several days or even weeks. Listed below are the types of pain you may experience after your baby is born and how to deal with them.

EVERYTHING will hurt you

After I gave birth to my daughter, I felt like I was in a boxing match. My ribs hurt, my stomach throbbed, my back ached from the epidural.

“Given the effort you put into helping the baby out and the way you can arch your back during labor, it’s no surprise that you will feel tired, exhausted and sick.”

Julian Robinson, MD, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital

However, this discomfort will only last a few days and can be managed with pain pills.

you will have spasms

After you have given birth to a child, your uterus must complete the work it has done, or rather, it will contract to return to its original size. This process does not go unnoticed by a woman, most new mothers feel uterine contractions as a slight flutter or abdominal pain that resembles menstruation pain. During breastfeeding, these sensations intensify. If you are experiencing too much pain, talk to your doctor and ask for advice on pain relievers. In any case, brace yourself - contractions should not last longer than a week.

Your chest will become huge

In the early hours of my motherhood, I wondered how I would know that there was milk in my breast. Three days later, I received an answer to my question - I woke up from the fact that my chest became huge and began to hurt a lot.

“The best way to prevent nipple engorgement is to make sure the baby is properly latching on to the nipple and that the breast is completely emptied after feeding.”

Frida Rosenfeld, Certified Lactation Consultant and Childbirth Instructor

If the breasts are too tight, you can express some milk before feeding - this will make it easier for the baby to take it into her mouth. Applying an ice pack to your chest will help relieve the pain.

You'll be bleeding for a while

Many mothers awaiting the birth of their first child understand that there will be some blood during childbirth. However, most of them are shocked that bleeding occurs after childbirth.

“No one prepared me for the fact that I will have blood streams after I give birth”

Young mom

Bleeding can last up to 4 weeks, but in most cases it resolves in 2-3 days. Use pads for a week, but not tampons, as they can promote infection. You will probably notice that you start to bleed while breastfeeding, this is due to the fact that breast-feeding provokes uterine contractions. If the bleeding doesn't stop within the first few days, tell your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

You will sweat a lot in your sleep

Most mothers suffer from heavy sweating during sleep in the first days after the birth of a child.

"I woke up all wet"

Jennifer McCulloch New York Mom

There is still a lot of fluid in your body that accumulated during pregnancy. Sweating is one of the body's ways to get rid of excess fluid. After a few days, this unpleasant symptom should pass. Place an extra sheet to keep the mattress dry.

Itching in the area of ​​scars after caesarean section

If you've had a caesarean birth, the good news is that you've likely avoided some of the side effects of a vaginal birth, such as episiotomy stitches and hemorrhoids. Now for some bad news: a caesarean is a major operation, and it has its own downsides. side effects. In the early days, most patients experience nausea and fatigue. During the recovery process (4-6 days after surgery), be prepared for a feeling of numbness, tingling and itching at the site where the incision was made. An elevated temperature along with redness and bleeding of the scar can signal the development of an infection.

Scar from caesarean section

You will get constipated

A few days after giving birth, many women experience problems with bowel movements. Sometimes it's pure psychological problem, caused by fear about rupture of the seams. And sometimes it's because your body begins to rebuild itself after pregnancy. Either way, try to relax. Nothing will happen to your stitches and within a week everything will be back to normal. If this problem persists, your doctor may recommend a stool softener. Eating plenty of fiber-rich foods, drinking enough water, and exercising (even if it's just a walk down the hallway) can help you deal with the problem.

You will have pain in the vagina

Even if you have not had an episiotomy, childbirth makes itself felt: swelling and pain in the vagina is inevitable. However, the recovery is pretty fast. After 10 days, you will get rid of the stitches, and the swelling will also disappear during about this period. In the meantime, apply an ice pack to the swelling site. If it hurts to sit, use a breastfeeding pillow.

Get ready: your hair will fall out

About 10% of women find that after pregnancy they begin to lose their hair a lot. This is due to a decrease in hormone levels. But relax - of course, you will not go bald. Usually during pregnancy, the hair becomes thicker. After childbirth, you simply lose excess hair. After three months this will stop, but if after this time you still find too much hair on your comb, consult a doctor. You may need to have your thyroid checked.

October 27, 2017 author admin

Beauty does not always return to women immediately after childbirth. Often there are problems that cause young mothers a lot of grief: excess weight, sagging belly, age spots, stretch marks or varicose asterisks, painful sensations.

What diseases cause pain after childbirth:

How much pain after childbirth? after childbirth
Pain in the perineum and the discomfort associated with it is also normal, because it is unrealistic to expect that a 3-3.5-kilogram child will pass through the perineum without any consequences. Even if during childbirth you avoided ruptures and did not undergo an episiotomy (perineal incision), this area was still stretched, squeezed, i.e. was injured. The pain will go away in a few days.
In the case of an episiotomy, pain may increase, especially with laughter, coughing, sneezing, defecation. Like any wound, the episiotomy site will not heal immediately - it usually takes 7 to 10 days. At this time, the woman is forbidden to sit so that the seams do not come apart. At the same time, they are allowed to sit on the toilet and sit on a hard chair on the 5th day on that buttock where there is no seam.

Possible causes of pain in the musculoskeletal system of a woman after childbirth
1. After childbirth, due to stretching of the muscles of the pelvic floor, ligaments of the pubic joint, spine, there is pain in the lower back, spreading to the legs, weakness in the legs.
2. Muscular efforts applied during childbirth can lead to feelings of stiffness, pain in the cervical, lumbosacral spine, shoulder girdle, since childbirth is a work similar to that which is performed when playing sports. An untrained body can hardly tolerate increased stress.
3. After childbirth, the muscles and ligaments of the spine, weakened under the influence of pregnancy hormones, have not yet acquired the necessary tone, which is why the vertebrae put more pressure on each other and on the nerve roots. The need to lift something heavy, often taking the baby in your arms leads to pain in the joints, muscles of the hands, various departments spine. Possible aggravation of already existing diseases of the spine.
4. After childbirth, a woman may also experience muscle pain in different parts of the body. Which muscles hurt the most depends on which particular group you strained the most during childbirth: pain can be concentrated in the area chest, back, legs and even shoulders. If the pain is indeed muscular in nature, it should gradually subside over the next few days.
5. Dizziness, palpitations, headache, staggering when walking, nausea may occur due to changes in the curvature of the neck with an uncomfortable posture during sleep and when performing homework, as a result of which there is a clamping of blood vessels and there is a circulatory deficit.

Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth
Pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth can be cramping or pulling. This is a common occurrence in the postpartum period. The uterus contracts, returning to its previous state (less than a cam), this is accompanied by painful sensations. Pain increases with breastfeeding, as the production of oxytocin increases, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus.
Usually the pain disappears by 4-7 days after childbirth. If this pain is difficult for you, pain medication may be used. But check with your doctor.

Pelvic pain after childbirth
Many women begin to complain of pelvic pain some time after giving birth. This is the so-called syndrome, known as symphysiolysis. The syndrome consists of symphysiolysis proper, rupture of the symphysis, and pain in the pelvis or symphysis. Symphysiolysis is characterized by a divergence between two pubic bones and instability. Acute rupture of the symphysis is very painful. Pain in the pelvic region after childbirth is characterized by soreness of the symphysis and sacroiliac joints. Complaints usually recur after the next pregnancy.

Back pain in the lumbar region after childbirth
Young mothers often complain of back pain. According to statistics, discomfort in the lower back, neck and shoulders occurs in every second woman in labor. Sadly, this condition can last from a few weeks to 1 year. There are many reasons for back pain. These are heavy loads (everyday carrying the baby in her arms), and displacement of the axis of the spine during pregnancy, and stretching of the muscles of the back and abdomen, and the birth itself, which is a great stress for the lower back and sacrum.

Back pain is related to the condition of the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy, these muscles stretch and lengthen, diverge to the sides, as a result of which the psoas muscles shorten. Modification of the lumbar muscles entails the formation of a "hollow" in the lumbar region, while the stomach protrudes. So there is pain in the lower back, which is especially clearly felt when bending forward, lifting weights and squats.

Another cause of back pain is the stretching of the pelvic muscles during childbirth, because the passage of the fetus through a narrow birth canal is a lot of stress. Most suffer from discomfort in the back of a woman whose physical preparation at the time of childbirth left much to be desired. The same women in labor, who during pregnancy were engaged in special gymnastics, note much weaker pain. However, not only the lack of training is fraught with overstretching of the pelvic muscles. Change plays a big role here. hormonal background, which causes metamorphosis in the structure of ligaments and joints. Moreover, orthopedic doctors revealed the following pattern: if a woman had a curvature of the spine before pregnancy, then after childbirth she will be bothered by back pain more likely than women with normal posture.

If we talk about the causes of back pain in women in labor, then it is worth mentioning birth injuries. A birth injury is usually understood as a displacement of the femoral joints and vertebrae of the sacro-lumbar spine. This problem most often worries women in labor who have a large body weight, as well as those women who went into labor unprepared (did not master the technique of proper breathing, did not take gentle postures during contractions, etc.).

Some experts believe that anesthesia during childbirth does not allow a woman to focus on her feelings. For this reason, it is best not to use strong painkillers during labor (unless instructed by your doctor). In the future, it is precisely because of the displacement of the joints for a long time after childbirth that a woman may be disturbed by debilitating pain in the hips and lower back. Sometimes the pain spreads along the entire leg. If the birth injury was serious, then surgical intervention, but most often it is possible to get by with conservative therapy methods (osteopathic techniques, physiotherapy, manual therapy, exercise therapy will help). Medicinal treatment is prescribed much less frequently, tk. for women during lactation, many drugs to relieve inflammation and pain are contraindicated. If you experience back pain after childbirth, in no case tolerate it, be sure to consult a doctor and tell him about your symptoms.

Women in the postpartum period should clearly dose physical activity and not engage in hard work, because. for another 5 months after childbirth, the muscles of the back and abdomen remain very vulnerable.