Proper positioning of the legs when walking. Beautiful gait: how to learn to walk gracefully and easily. Support reaction force

A beautiful walk is not even a visiting card of a woman. This is a brand, this is character, this is destiny! Few people are given such a gift from birth. So what? Let's make a beautiful walk - let's step towards fate.

Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. And all because gait is not only physics, but also psychology. That is, you will have to deal not only with your legs, posture and back, but first of all with your habits, mood, and even worldview. Are you ready for such a radical change? Then go ahead, for a beautiful walk!

Folklore never deceives, never! From time immemorial, women's gait attracted the male gaze and aroused great interest. “It looks like a peahen” here it is, the ideal of the beauty of the past. Times are changing, in our, as they say, impetuous age, the ideals are already different: “You came out of May with a flying gait.” And even: “She passed, like a caravel, along the green waves”, what is it like, huh? Only here is where to get it, this flying light gait. How to make a beautiful walk - let's move on to practice.

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The basis of a beautiful gait is posture. The object of envy and admiration is the stately posture of queens from medieval engravings, the grace of oriental beauties, the figure of ballerinas and gymnasts stretched like a string. Let's not indulge in envy, it's better to learn from beautiful beauties. With queens, everything was simple: an invariable part of royal clothing is a corset, with which you want to keep your back straight.

Here's to you exercise number 1 from queens:

They threw a scarf around the neck (preferably not very elastic, but more rigid), stretched the ends of the scarf under the armpits and asked one of the sympathizers to tie a tight knot on the back. Shoulders straightened, back straight - beauty! With such a "corset" to walk every day for half an hour, you can longer, if possible. Very soon, the shoulders and back will get used to the correct position.

We study further. Slender and portly oriental beauties. What are they wearing on their heads? Jug?

Exercise #2:

we can start with a small pillow or a book. Only, chur, do not support with your hands! Is it possible to keep the burden on your head? Wonderful! Now let's try to walk around the room, sit down, stand on one leg.
From ballerinas and gymnasts - great workers - not even one exercise as a gift.

Exercise #3

Walking with sticky socks in place. It is not necessary to smear socks with glue, the main thing is not to tear them off. Do "one": the right knee bends and the heel, respectively, rises. The left knee is maximally straightened. Do "two": the right heel drops to the floor, the knee straightens, and the left heel rises. We continue the exercise at a moving pace, we try to make the movements of the hands natural. Run time 5 minutes.

Exercise #4

Stand straight, feet together, put your hands on your belt. Take your right leg out to the side. It is important that the body remains motionless during this movement. Stand for a few seconds, trying to avoid unnecessary tension. We do the same with the left leg. When moving from foot to foot, we also try to remain still, and not to shift from foot to foot, like, excuse me, a bear. We continue the exercise for five minutes.

Exercise #5

We tear the right leg forward a little from the floor, put our hands on the belt. Rotate the foot first to the right and then to the left. In each direction 816 times. Change legs and do the same. Exercise can be diversified and raise the leg to the side. You can, by rotating the foot clockwise, raise the leg as high as possible, and by rotating it counterclockwise, lower the leg to its original position. If this option is too complicated, and there is no strength to maintain balance, then the exercise can be done while sitting with legs crossed.

Exercise #6

Starting position - stand on toes, hands on the belt, elbows as far back as possible, back arched. March without bending your knees! The duration of the exercise is one minute.

Exercise number 7

The conventional name is "rocking chair". Imagine that your foot has a semicircular shape. Try to smoothly roll from heel to toe and back again. We walk around the room for at least a minute, rolling from toe to heel. Then vice versa - from heel to toe.

Exercise #8

Easy toe run. It is best to do this exercise barefoot. We got up on our toes and ran around the room for 5 minutes.

But what is she - a beautiful walk? Airy, light, swift, flying - what else? Aside from poetry and metaphor, let's try to "believe harmony with algebra". The correct gait depends on the correct posture (that is, on how we hold our back and head) and on the placement of the foot. A beautiful gait is a gait from the hip, we keep our heads straight, the step should be moderately wide and correspond to height, and our gaze should be confident. Do not swing your arms, do not make unnecessary movements with your body! Doesn't it remind you of anything? That's right, the lessons of the secretary Verochka from the Office Romance, they are, as they say, for all time. A few tips for achieving a graceful gait:

  • We choose the "right" shoes. Walking in high heels is a separate science. You can train at home, but you don’t have to take out your inability to people - walking on bent legs with a heel constantly clinging to the asphalt cannot be called beautiful.
  • No need to walk too fast! It is better to go to work a little earlier than usual, the gait will only benefit from this.
  • We pay attention to the setting of the feet: they should be slightly turned to the sides, and the heels should go in a straight line when walking. Putting your feet too wide, like stepping "overlapping" is an equally big mistake.

We continue to study the technique of beautiful gait. The forward movement always starts with the leg, not the body. This will help make your walk smoother.

The stride length should be proportional to the height. If you artificially increase the step, then the gait will turn out to be bouncing. We keep the chin straight, the stomach should be tucked up, and the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows. In no case should you wag your hips, this is a bad form. Ideally, the hips should move up and down, and even then only a little.

? A pair of old shoes can tell a lot about the condition of your feet. Experts say if you see that the outer side of the heel is worn out more, then you have the right one. foot placement.

However, if you notice that you are wearing your shoes mainly on the inside of the heel, this may indicate a violation.

Let's talk about habits that are bad for the health of your feet and heels. After all, even a small anomaly in the setting of the foot in the long term can lead to more serious complications: sprains or such a painful phenomenon as.

Foot placement: how exactly do your shoes wear out?

Look at the picture above. In the upper left corner we see a leg with the correct position of the foot, in which the support on the heel occurs in an optimal way.

Now if you look at the image on the right, you will see that heel slightly angled. This leads to the fact that the inner side of the heel on the boots wears out more. A suboptimal foot position can cause some problems over time.

Basically, when walking or running, three types of foot placement can be distinguished:

  • Supination. With supination, as a rule, support occurs mainly on the outer part of the foot. This part takes the brunt of the impact on contact with the ground.
  • Pronation. The pronator, in contrast, concentrates the weight of the body mainly on the inside of the foot.
  • Neutral (normal) position. In this case, the person distributes their weight evenly across the foot, without relying predominantly on one side or the other.

Of course, now you are wondering which of these options is the most correct and healthy? In fact, they are all physiological. The problem arises only when the so-called "overpronation", that is, when we see that our shoes wear out much more from the inside of the sole.

Then, you begin to notice that you get tired faster when walking, your ankles begin to hurt, and when you put your foot on the floor, there is a feeling that a needle is stuck in the heel. All this suggests that you have developed an incorrect setting of the foot.

Need to closely monitor the appearance of all these symptoms and how shoes wear out. If you suddenly notice signs of excessive pronation, consult a specialist.

Methods for preventing overpronation.

First, you should know what factors contribute to the fact that one day we can notice signs of overpronation.

Usually, it is at this moment that we feel the first discomfort, complaints appear, as well as pain in one of the heels:

  • Generally, heel problems are more common in women than in men. wear out over time and start to work worse. That is why usually the first inconveniences begin to be felt around the age of 45-50 years.
  • Also, do not forget that the heel is one of the largest bones in the foot. It bears all the weight of our body. What does it mean? Overweight people are more prone to these kinds of problems..
  • Also be careful about any back problems. A slight curvature, injury or some kind of disease can cause a change in posture. The gait will also change, and with it the way you put your heel, that is, the position of the foot when walking. Don't forget about it!

Tips to help keep your feet and heels healthy

  • The most important thing is to watch your weight.

Try to always keep fit, because extra pounds create an additional load on the legs. It is also worth noting that musculoskeletal system is a very complex structure. It consists of many bones and is very sensitive to our movements and changes in body weight. Don't forget about it.

  • Be responsible in your choice of shoes.

We all know that wearing heels is not good for our legs or back. We do not urge you to always wear shoes with a completely flat sole, because this can also be harmful. Ideally, shoes should have a small heel, 2 to 4 centimeters high.

It is also important that the shoes have a well-reinforced heel area. The best option is a flexible rubber sole. The leather outsole, while impressive, does not distribute the force of impact on the ground as well as rubber.

Never spare money on a good pair of shoes, because this is how you take care of your health.

  • Exercise never hurts.

Be careful, they should not be overly intense, as this can also lead to foot problems. Swimming, for example, is an ideal sport for bones, muscles, and joints.

  • Stick to the right diet rich in silicon and zinc.

These substances are ideal for strengthening bones and muscles.

What foods contain them?

  • Spinach
  • Walnuts
  • Almond
  • Beet
  • Parsley
  • Pumpkin
  • Sesame
  • red fish

Don't forget to add them to your daily menu!

How to get a man's attention? First of all, a beautiful walk, says psychologist and relationship coach Julia Lanske. Is it possible to learn to walk so that people pay attention to you? And what common myths prevent women from learning how to walk beautifully? Everything you need to know about women's walking - and exercises to practice walking beautifully.

Once Marilyn Monroe was complimented: "You have such a beautiful walk. Who taught you to walk like that?" "No one," she replied. "Like all children, I started at one year, and since then I have not taken lessons from anyone." That's right, she didn't take it, although many courses teach how to walk beautifully, but she had a flair for how to present herself deliciously. That is, in a year she, of course, did not think about it, but then she used her natural grace to the fullest.

And another example, the opposite. “Everything will go off, it will tie up in a knot, it will shrink like an old tattered shoe, and now it scratches for work, as if it is driving piles,” secretary Verochka from “Office Romance” very accurately described average women who categorically do not know how to “walk from the hip” .

The same woman can walk in different ways - faster or slower, can part or lengthen her step, can swing her arms, can put her hands in her pockets, or can carry bags of food in both hands - this also affects her gait.

By walking you can judge the state of mind of a woman. When everything works out, the mood is high, we fly, when everything is bad and terrible, we drag ourselves like old nags, raking our feet.

Remember, when men walk, it is the breasts that attract men to women, and not the nose, forehead, head, chin, shoulders, hips or knees. Of course, when you take a step, your straightened leg will appear first, but the lower part of the leg is not at the level of the man's eyes. Your chest should be in the center of attention, a man's eyes should stumble upon it.

Try experimenting and see which part of your body is the most "prominent" in the walk you parade through life.

A beautiful gait involves slightly turned out socks: starting position - heels together, toes apart, full extension of the knee and a straight back. If you slouch while walking, it adds to your age and reduces the chest, turning the zero size into a minus one. The chest does not stand, but hangs on the belly. Some walk leaning forward, and look at him with his nose peck - such a "bird" gait also does not add charm. Others walk on bent knees, trying to balance their heavy bottoms.

Myth two: a beautiful walk is possible only in heels

The way we walk depends on the shoes we wear. Heels are great, but not everyone knows how to walk in heels. If heels interfere with a woman, this is immediately noticeable - movements become constrained, it seems that most of all their owner is afraid of falling. Way out: having bought shoes with unusually high heels for you, first wear them at home (the neighbors below will tolerate it), then in the office, and only then go out into the street. I cannot but say that the constant wearing of high heels deforms the foot. Alternate shoes - a heel for going out and a heel for every day, lower.

Many women walk with their legs wide apart. This is a man's walk. Women's gait is walking along one ruler. It contributes to the "turning" of the female silhouette - an hourglass.

If you stand or walk as if "feet shoulder-width apart", your silhouette will be rectangular - masculine. And if you narrow your gait and teach yourself to walk in a narrower trajectory, such a gait will contribute to a triangular shape - feminine.

The masculine gait is developed by those who prefer sneakers or flat shoes and slap on the "ski". I agree that the shoes are comfortable. But - on a run or when you are going out of town for a barbecue.

The ideal option is a free sliding gait. The length of the step depends on what you have on your feet, but in any case, you should not mince, however, you should not take too wide steps. Never make sudden movements, they carry nervousness, and this cannot attract a man in principle. Try to lengthen the step and slightly pull the toe so that the graceful foot does not stick out like a poker and is not loose.

Myth three: you need to learn how to walk from fashion models

Assessing the movements of a woman, her gait, I usually distinguish three directions: down, forward and up.

Down is when you walk, as if you are marching, slamming your feet into the ground. There is no need to talk about the beauty of movements here. There is only one thought: how hard it is for you, how many worries you have, what kind of a man is there, to get home as soon as possible.

Forward - this is how fashion models usually go. Despite the fact that their hips are actively working, the bones of the pelvis often protruding from thinness are moved forward, the figure seems inanimate, or rather, “cartoonish” - there are few natural movements in this gait.

Do not take the gait of fashion models as an ideal. They move sharply, worked out, dryly. It is important for them not to show themselves, but to focus on clothes. Your task is the opposite. Neither the image of the wife, nor the image of the mistress, the gait of the fashion model is in any way connected. I would call this gait "working" - for the podium, but not for ordinary life.

And finally, up is the best choice: the figure is pulled up, the head is raised, you are not walking, but lightly carrying yourself. Not a burden of worries, not the dress that you are wearing, but yourself, the very best. With such a gait, the muscular corset of the back carries you. Learn to stretch up and you will feel like a bird preparing to fly.

If you get into the habit of reaching up towards the sun, you will have more control over your movements and balance, and walking will be much easier. Unconsciously, positive emotions will turn on, and when an interesting man appears next to you, you can turn on and get into the field of view, whatever your mood was seconds before his appearance. After all, the body is already moving with a flying gait, and turning on a smile is a matter of seconds.

The gait does not depend on your weight. You can be full, but at the same time graceful, "delicious", as men will say. And you can be thin, but walk like a wooden Pinocchio.

Our gait is influenced - at the subconscious level - by clothing. We wear sports or military style clothes - there is more freedom or rigor in movements. Romantic style suggests fluidity, evening wear requires classic precision in every gesture. The chosen style gives rise to an image, and the image involves reincarnation, including a change in gait.

Of course, it doesn’t happen that you get up in the morning and immediately swim like a swan - if your gait is far from ideal, you will have to work on it. You can start with the simplest - exercises in the morning, including the abdominals. A beautiful posture and a beautiful gait are practically the same thing.

I have a course called "The grace of a luxurious woman." At my request, the course participants made videos for me. They came to the store, put on different outfits, left the fitting room and asked the consultants to shoot a short passage on the phone. And then I looked through these videos and suggested what to pay attention to: where is the center of gravity, where is it shifted, how do the arms work, how do the legs, and so on.

Myth #5: Only long legs are beautiful

I want to refute the persistent stereotype that only long legs are beautiful. Not at all! It often happens that a long-legged woman walks like a heron. And there are women with "average" short legs, but they will step so gracefully that men will not tear their eyes off.

Learn to draw men's attention to your legs. For example, I have a thin ankle and pumped up calves, because I was engaged in folk dances. My legs are short. When I stand on a heel, my thin ankle looks very beautiful, and, knowing this, I try to demonstrate it. I don’t like everything from the knee and above, and if I don’t like it, I try to choose shoes and clothes so as not to focus on the thighs and hips. But if you have beautiful hips, then you need to show and emphasize them. You are the mistress of your body, so dispose of it in such a way that it would be pleasant for you. And others.

Exercises for a beautiful walk

  1. Stand with your back to the wall so that your shoulders, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels touch the surface. Chest - forward. Stay like this for a few minutes, remember the position of the body with your muscles. Stretch the top of your head 2-3 centimeters up. Try to maintain this posture when walking and sitting.
  2. Walk around the house with a book on your head. So you learn to keep balance and practice graceful gait. The main thing - do not pinch. You should carry the book as if by the way, not think about it.

Technique "Enter the chest"

How to make sure that the chest is leading in your walking? Try the experiment with the door - go to the door at a distance of one step, close the door so that you can open it with a light push.

Start moving forward, walk in small steps, try to push the door with your chest. Do this exercise several times. Naturally, in life you don't need to open doors with your chest, but this technique is necessary to feel what it means to carry your chest forward.

Technique "Honey"

I recommend performing this technique with slow music. Imagine that you are immersed in honey or in the water column, and you have to go. You are all saturated with this honey, honey is viscous, and your movements become slow. It's like a golden glow emanates from you. Listen to the inner music of the body, to slow down. Add touches - to a handbag, a neckerchief, a chain, a strand of hair or lips - experiment!

This technique is especially helpful for women who are constantly running around and thinking about anything but themselves. Add sensuality, beauty to your walk, feel every cell of your body and exude honey around men!

Comment on the article "How to learn to walk beautifully? 5 myths about women's gait"

How to learn to walk beautifully? 5 myths about women's walking. A beautiful posture and a beautiful gait are practically the same thing. I have a course called "The Grace of a Gorgeous Woman". It really boosts self-esteem, mine just blooms and tries more ...

We urgently need to learn how to use hairpins and any similar garbage like spirals and tydy. How to learn to walk in heels. For starters, it is better to choose shoes with medium heels with an ankle closure.

unfeminine girl. Daughter is 11 years old. He walks terribly - such a peasant's waddling gait. Although in itself very beautiful, but this gait kills everything. People refer to her as "boy" even though she's wearing a skirt. During my life, 4 sections of dances were tried (in one there was nothing ...

it’s a myth that dancers don’t have posture problems, there are some more: (she’s from there, from dancing .... 10 years old. My daughter goes to dances like that. She masters everything much more slowly than others, but in But quit dancing , which give posture, smooth movements, gait, etc. we definitely won’t.

Gait. Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. See other discussions on the topic "Does anyone know why older women develop a waddling gait?"

How much gait is formed on average?. Medical questions. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development How long does the average gait form? The question is the following - Pavlukha began independent steps for exactly a month ...

Walking in heels is not difficult for me because I went to dances for 5 years. But for whom, like for many, heels are just hell. I have shoes on a platform. And my mother is going to buy shoes on a 4-5 platform. Folk-character shoes with a heel no more than 4 cm.

dressed today. baaalin. steps of 30 cm. slow and careful. moreover, the heel has nothing to do with it - the foot is comfortable, I normally wear high heels, and in general the block is good. but this platform ... it really hit hard when HERE is worse on a hairpin - the hairpin fails.

How to learn to walk in heels. For starters, it is better to choose shoes with medium heels with an ankle closure. Sandals and clogs will have to wait until you gain more experience.

Now I would like to learn how to walk like this at ballroom dancing, my partner and I had a difference of 20 cm - this is considered a lot, so all shoes were with a hairpin at least 8-9 cm. .

I remember adult patients - the gait is completely uneven, but they walk quite steadily, do not sway and do not lose their balance. Does this mean that this stability is acquired with age, or is it necessary to do something specially for this?

There is some secret trick - how to walk in heels so that your legs do not get tired? A whim came - I bought myself boots: the shoe is comfortable, the toe is wide, but I can’t walk in heels either, this is especially sad with a height of 158. I’ve spat for several years and don’t buy such shoes ...

The ability to walk .... Help. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. I learned something, but minimized it :) You need to watch how the legs come off the ground. At the moment of separation (in shoes without heels ...

I have observed more than once how gait and posture affect the impression of a woman. Khukhra then noticed that the riding breeches were from an incorrect gait. Let's discuss how to walk? The same with posture - what posture is beautiful, and how to achieve it?

You can try to learn how to walk like a model, but not in order to portray a model walk on the street - this is inappropriate there. Feet should be placed toe forward on the same line, as if walking along a narrow path. It's all about walking in heels.

Some women in high thin heels acquire a strange gait - the legs are slightly bent, the backside is slightly protruding, the body is tilted forward. I saw it several times, once my husband asked me. Now I saw it again and thought - what caused it?

How to learn to walk in heels How to hone your gait in the supermarket How not to fall off your heels on any surface. In the summer, training sandals with a 5 cm high heel were bought. I learned. Therefore, I buy shoes with heels of absolutely any height ...

How to learn not to slouch? There are women with such a royal bearing, feast for the eyes. I don’t seem to be very stooped, but next to them I look like a cow. The same goes for walking. You look at this one, it goes like it flies. How to learn to walk like this?

I don't like wearing high heels at all. The highest is 7cm. And even then, only on holidays. And the rest of the time I prefer otherwise your heels will break with terrible force. And remember, no one is born with heels, this can and should be learned.

How to correct gait and posture? Figure. Fashion and beauty. But I don't know how to do it. Where to begin? Are there any classes? I thought about the school of models, but then I decided that they walk ugly, unnatural.

How to walk? At first, the question may seem, to put it mildly, silly. However, if you try to find the answer to it, it immediately becomes clear that this is not so easy to do. Be that as it may, even posture and proper movement are the foundations of an impeccable appearance and a guarantee of a good impression.

As for posture, this topic is especially important. The manner of keeping your posture can tell a lot about a person, and if you understand something in etiquette, then follow this important point when walking.

A person who thinks about how to walk correctly probably strives to establish himself well in society and wants to learn how to avoid slouching, lowering his shoulders, relaxing the abdominal muscles and other trifles. All that was listed in the previous sentence can be safely called "symptoms" - symptoms of bad taste and inability to behave in society.

Remember: smartness and good posture are indicators not only of good manners, but also of self-confidence. And without it, you won't be able to walk properly.

Tips for Correct Posture

  1. Always keep your back straight, however, do it discreetly so that no one notices that you are putting any effort into it.
  2. Make sure your shoulders are straight.
  3. The head should continue the line of the spine. Should not be pushed forward. The neck is straight, the chin is raised.
  4. The abdominal muscles must be tense in order for the press to look more toned and beautiful.
  5. Always keep your legs straight, but again naturally. In no case should you stand on sluggish, half-bent legs.

How to walk? This is a question that worries both women and men. Some are surprised that professional models spend a huge amount of time learning how to walk the catwalk. Let's list a few simple rules for a beautiful walk.

  1. We must not forget about posture.
  2. It is important to keep your legs hip-width apart, and you should not place them too wide so that the gait is not “collapsed”. At the same time, the legs should not be too close to each other. The hip gait is a gait where the hips play an important role, so don't overdo it.
  3. The body with the correct gait should sway a little (a little!) In time with the steps.
  4. Watch the movement of your hands. You can often see people walking around waving their arms in all sorts of directions, which doesn't look very pretty. Please note: when stepping with the left foot, the right hand moves forward, the right - the left. Hands when walking are almost pressed to the body.
  5. Don't scuff your feet. Don't drag them. The feet should come off the floor.
  6. When walking, you need to step on the heel, after which the center of gravity should be transferred to the toe.
  7. The feet are kept parallel to each other. Give up the clubfoot gait.

The correct gait of a man is a moment that also requires consideration. It can be seen that men, when walking, put their feet in 2 lines, which is very clearly visible in the winter on the fallen snow. In principle, this is normal, and this is what distinguishes a woman's gait from a man's.

Everyone can learn to walk beautifully if you follow the rules. If you neglected any of the tips, pay attention to it. It may be difficult at first, however, after a little time, everything will come to automatism.

So, the question of how to walk correctly cannot be called stupid. The answer to it is not easy, but it is very important for every person, because no matter how he dresses, no matter what he says and does, trying to impress others, he is unlikely to succeed in his attempts if he has a twisted posture and a heavy gait . It is the gait that can tell an attentive observer about your character, attitude towards others and knowledge of the elementary rules of etiquette.

Walking is the most elementary physical exercise that we do every day. But even with such a load, the cells are saturated with oxygen, which contributes first to the oxidation of fats, and then to their breakdown.

When walking fast or climbing stairs, calorie burning is much more intense. For example, if you walk in an active step for 2 hours a day, then in a week you can additionally lose up to 2000 kilocalories.

However, many factors affect the burning of calories while walking: weight, age, physical form, metabolic characteristics, route relief, air temperature, as well as the speed, duration and regularity of walks.

〉 On a flat road at a speed of 4 km / h - 3.2 kcal

〉 On a flat road at a speed of 6 km / h - 4.5 kcal

〉 On a flat road at a speed of 8 km / h - 10 kcal

〉 Uphill at a speed of 2 km / h - 6.4 kcal

〉 Walking in nature - 6.4 kcal

〉 Race walking - 6.8 kcal

Walking and heart

Walking has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, primarily because it trains the heart muscle well. It is known that during dynamic walking, working muscles require more oxygen, which leads to an acceleration of contractions of the heart muscle. Walking can be an effective therapeutic tool even for some cardiovascular diseases.

However, each person has his own threshold of tolerance to physical activity. For example, in coronary heart disease, the reserves of the body are markedly reduced. Intense walking is contraindicated in severe angina and in those who have recently had a myocardial infarction.

Another contraindication for intensive walking is severe cardiac decompensation (reduced ability of the heart to provide blood supply to the body). All initial manifestations of diseases of the cardiovascular system are not a contraindication for dosed walking.

It is advisable to control your load by comparing your heart rate and blood pressure before and after walking. An increase in pressure is permissible within 10-15 mm of mercury, while the pulse should not become more frequent by more than 20 beats per minute. Moreover, if the indicators do not return to normal after 5 minutes, then the load was too high.

Walking and joints

According to doctors, health walking is much more beneficial for the joints than aerobics, as it puts little stress on the joints. Such walking also favorably differs from running due to the almost complete absence of trauma. But despite its simplicity, wellness walking is very effective in preventing osteoporosis. In addition, numerous studies have shown that 30 minutes of walking 3-5 times a week is enough to increase bone mineral density by 2%.

nordic walking

More recently, Nordic walking has begun to gain popularity in Russia. Its main advantage lies in sticks: thanks to them, walkers, unlike the same runners, load almost their entire body. Moreover, walking with sticks relieves the load on the joints and spine. An equally pleasant result of regular Nordic walking will be getting rid of joint stiffness, corrected posture and improved coordination of movements.The risk of injury in Nordic walking, unlike running, is minimal: if running on the foot has an average load of three times the body weight, then with Nordic walking this load is reduced by about half Well.