With God's help is fine. Robert Shekley - With God's help. Everything, with God's help, will be fine

If someone does not fall under sorrow, but in the hope of God
Carries the burden of sadness, then for patience is a great reward from God.
Saint Vasily Great

What leaves a man who completed the earthly path in memory of himself? At a minimum, two dates, between which is whether the dash, or minus ... or a ditch. All without residue human life Accommodates this shortcut. They say, if we can not push the temporary borders let us go, cannot lengthen their lives, it follows it - within the scout period - expand. Each person can interpret this recommendation in his own way, but the one who behaves meaningful spiritual life knows exactly what this volume is achieved. For it is not about the escape from boredom, but about the salvation of the immortal soul.

Today we save patience of sorrows. Paradox, we do not want anything so unconditionally as salvation, and at the same time hotly and incessantly praying for well-being. So the man works. We are afraid of the cross, we are afraid of writing and betraying. Frank pain. We are sinful to a little and failing. We know about yourself, we mourn your slack for confession, but remain the same. If there were no lighthouses that light a strong spirit, we would be doomed to darkness, because our lamps are not suitable for anything. The love of God's lighthouses is. They shine to everyone who begins to move vertically.

We met by Natasha three years ago at the Orthodox Forum. Cute young woman, mother of three sons. The faithful and loving wife. All life is given to the family. Perhaps that I was immediately surprised, this is her seriousness and some kind of stubborn focus on the main thing. And the main thing for her was loyal to the Christian path. She was not sprayed into petty and funeral. Now I understand why: she did not have time for this.

I do not want to talk a lot. I don't even want to talk at all, just pray. If we say, then the main thing. So how did it natasha. I will give the floor to her. Here is one of the advantages of virtual communication: words are pronounced writing. Thanks to this, I have the opportunity to tell about Natasha with it with the words, gently assembled by brothers and sisters in Christ - those with whom Natasha consisted in a friendly and prayer communication.

To become a large family, they were not going with her husband. But God gave children, and Natasha accepted them with gratitude.

In my own example, I will tell you how you can do without children. We arrived in Russia ten years ago. There was no housing, normal work, stable salary. When it began to go to the temple, there was hope for the best. I unexpectedly prevented the second child. The husband was against birth. It is clear why. And I was very sick, the wind was wore. Thoughts about abortion, thank Lord, was not. In the last deadlines, the doctors said that the child could be born freak. Batyushka in the temple blessed me frequently often and I gave birth to a shortness of a healthy son. Thank God! The Lord merciful was to us, and her husband was offered good work. Then we bought an apartment, also helped good people. One woman gave a debt without receipt and interest, the other simply presented a large amount of money. After 6 years, I again got pregnant with a third child. Husband planned to buy a car. He did not want to understand that an abortion is a terrible killing of his own child! It was hard. Praying to the Virgin. Thank God, gave birth to a third son! Such joy for everyone! And the Lord's car wonderfully attached. But it's not even in machines or other benefits. The Lord blesses the family and all their offspring, if this family does not kill children given by God.

I am always surprised by the mercy of God in the fact that a person has a free will. But this precious gift often people are not used in the glory of God, but in the ministry of the devil. For a long time I read that one person with indignation in the soul prayed to the Lord so: "Lord, why is it around some criminals, thieves, drunkards? Why power doctors such unscrupulous deceivers? Where normal people? " And he heard the voice: "You killed them in abortions ..."

So, we are with you and all people have a free will - how to raise children to show an example to others. We need a weakness and grief for the truth path. I am very worried about the children of patients and cripped up with our own parents. But do not let the Lord and I squeeze your children with upbringing and a bad example.

I also love October. And I also want to look at the black branches graphics, admire the bend of each twig, the forms of kidneys. And October plays a significant role in my life. In October, I met a future husband, in two years in October I got married in pre. Sergius of Radonezh (October 8), and another year on the cover Blessed Virgin Mary We had a son. And we always move in October, but we moved five times.

Mom gave birth to me in 42 years, I went with a lot of sores. Doctors then just tantrums rolled, where they say, give birth, and even such a sick, and herself will die, and the child will perish. I was born, though on time, but with a weight of 1400. I didn't even have a strength to take a breast. I was fed from pipette. Doctors immediately told mom that I did not store. But my mom I had a battle, I gave all doctors and taking me home, I began to push me together with my dad. So they went out, thank God! And I am with God's help And God's mercy gave birth to three boys, it's still a fourth to give birth! Each winged child has the right to life. Experience all our Orthodox! (unchurched, baptized).

The Natasha Christian path began with a child's disease. What should be the effectiveness of this? Thank God for everything!

I had such a day. Long. Fifteen years ago. My four-month son is seriously ill. We were put in the hospital. He began to be diligently, but there was little sense. The child was faded. He did not sleep for two weeks. I completely saddled with him. At that time knew one prayer. The main thing is: "Our Father ..." read it and cried. The son was not even baptized. Son stopped crying and fell asleep. I also faced with him. I was wondering in a thin dream, so far everything is clearly remember and goosebumps on the skin. Give me that I take a child and go to the exit. I feel that someone is behind the back, although I lay alone in the ward. I look around - grandfather sits on the bed. Affected one! I took me a fear, I think, everything! This grandfather came not from the world of this son! And he is so kindly, so gentle says: "Do not worry! Your son will soon recover! " And disappeared. Then, however, we were quickly discharged. Now the son is 16 years old. Thank God for everything! I think it was Nicholas.

Of the creations of the Holy Fathers, it becomes known that the diseases are popped by people not only because of their sinfulness, but also for the test of faith, as well as for reasons known to the Unified Lord. Children are ill, too, for various reasons: and because of the sinfulness of the parents (for their own inspection), and in the fishery of God (remember the disease Ilya Muromets). It happens, the sorry child increases in love to other patients, knowing the gravity of ailments, feeding an example to healthy people.

I really like to re-read the Mother Sokolov "under the presence of the Most High", but she has a really heavy cross. But kids what wonderful grew - the example of the father was !!! And what else!

Natasha spoke about her faith, as if she was in a hurry to reach each heart. Now her words seem to be a message, we have a good way to the threshold remaining until time.

We all need to be cut by love that is not looking for your own. Then there will be no disappointment. Egoists we are all, installing everyone for "pleasure", and not to return, sacrifice. No matter how many Christ did not teach us, and we all divide people on "bad" and "good!" It is necessary to start with yourself ... and finish themselves ...

Without God, life is nonsense. Think yourself, why live? To eat, drink, rich, root and die? We are all at the beginning of the victorciations strive for God for the calling grace, and then you need to work. How often do you go to the temple, read and confess. Everything will be fine - believe me!

... Life in Christ, humility, meekness, courage and loyalty to the truth - this is what we should strive for.
Madness pops up for Godlessly! For pride, for vanity, and so on (list is large). Although what kind of person, "without skin", kind, but without God he is a dummy.

Often and we are mistaken. Man is able to change, with God's help. "You are the salt of the earth ..." "Light of the world ..." Let's shine to all. And communists too.

... Definitely, at all times there were true Orthodox, and those who believe themselves, but live like demon, then God is a judge. And very sorry. There are sins - as the saints say, which need to be corrected for a long time, and there are, which you need to immediately cut off, without justifying yourself in the fact that it is now there are alleged many. You rotate in such a circle and see the same, thinking that you will still stand up there for such a lot to your protection. Although the whole world goes for you - empty case. The Lord will be on the side of those who hate sin and eradicates him.

In any situation, the Lord will not leave. He is with those who forgives and loves, and not with those who scrolling sensations He is looking for himself. Help you Lord !!!

Aid to you God, do not lose. When it is difficult for me, I tell myself - it is temporary. And the difficulties of this now in many, unfortunately, there are families. The Lord will not leave you - you do not leave it only.

Because more often in the temple - the Lord will all heal. Best tool From the despondency to look around and see who is even worse, to help with power and opportunities. Switch your attention to others. Also, spiritual literature fits the soul very much and does not give her bad thoughts to torment. I did it, with God's help, of course. Now I think - as well, but I could never have reached the temple. Help you Lord and the Maternity Mother !!!

The last, the fourth pregnancy was difficult for many reasons. Natasha then very much asked prayers. She surprised us by the power of the Spirit and the gloomy, with which he endured all the tests that fell on it.

"The birth, not yet born,
You always had a man!
Nine months secret most
You hoped, believed, loved! "

True, beautiful poems? I read them in women's consultation on a poster.

It is always necessary to dig in yourself, but with the benefit and hopefully. Purple closer to God and his Major Mother, how little children are doing at the moments of danger - pressed to the mother and are looking for comfort, if the earth mothers are unable to refuse their native dyat, then the more heavenly mothers will not refuse anyone in consolation!

At the time limit, the Bogatlish Baby Baby John appeared. I regret now that I did not save the SMS-Ki phone in the memory of the phone, which I sent Natasha from the hospital.

Soon after discharge from the hospital, Natasha began serious health problems.

... must inform me the result of the tests. And I believe that not a pure randomness, and not the mistake of the doctors will be, even if you even say that there is nothing. It will be the mercy of God! Forgiveness and leaving my grave sins! We must seriously prepare for confession, communion and harmony.

The survey did not doubt the diagnosis: cancer.

Thank God for this crumb! If you saw what a wonderful kid! I will miss children again. Isn't a miracle that I endured a child with a tumor? It's not for sure that the Lord, so that my croche does not remember the mother. Tomorrow I am waiting for the father with the holy gifts, I hope Christ will come again, cleanse my soul, will help the sick body. This is the great mercy of God to me, sinful!

... I am very sinner, but I do not realize that, and there is no true repentance in me. The Lord visited me with a disease, cancer, 2nd courses were already treated, discharged, but now, after 2 months, metastases appeared in the vertebra. We have 4 Sons-17 years old, 11 years old, 5 years and 6 months (Vladislav, Vladimir, Dimitri, John). Thank God for everything!

How it will be possible, maybe you need to share what is. But honestly, I do not see anything interesting in my life - one vanity of life, what will tell here? If I had somewhere somewhere, I would have seen something, but after all, all 18 years old - Pans and diapers ...

I went to the temple in the temple with the children, they were noisy, then something they need (you know!), What prayer did I have in the temple?! No! Houses - all the time running. Previously, I could read the secret when my husband at work, canons, akathists, spiritual literature. Now there is no strength, children need a lot of attention, I'm glad I can serve them at least so. I pray on the go. Short rule. And in the evening and the worse - fatigue and barely in the bed "Father our ..." and "Virgin ..." Ishiva. I have no spiritual life.

... no, I am not a man of deep faith, but a sinner, a cowardly and unsentful, otherwise it would not be sick. The Lord my dear soul teaches, teaches, I will not teach any way. How much he did for me! Thank God that he filed sisters and brothers in Christ, who tirelessly pray for me. All that was good, so it was the Lord in me, and I have nothing to do with it.

... Now I am lying in the hospital, with liver toxicosis, in general, to be treated for a long time, the body does not withstand the loads, everything fell immediately. Thank God, there is an opportunity to be treated and slowly, God will give, will work out.

Help everyone Lord live in love and harmony! Now insomnia suffer, and you can not suffer, but to read here much and encourage. Pray again as it should. See the opinions and love of people as they cope in difficult unpredictable situations. Yesterday I came to the cellular SMS from the "Good Word": "The frequent communion and the hot prayer of many healed when the doctors refused. (IG. Nikon (Sparrow) comforts the Lord, does not leave me a sinner, no matter what. Of course, I knew it for a long time and also did before. But now it was necessary to read it once again. I wrote, maybe who will also come in handy.

I pray briefly, but I asked hotly, it is necessary to suffer back, I feel sorry for loved ones.

February 13.
Tomorrow I am waiting for the father with the holy gifts, I hope Christ will come again, cleanse my soul, will help the sick body. This is the great mercy of God to me, sinful!
The worst thing is to die without repentance, and this disease gives a good opportunity to repent.

February 17.
Christ came to me sinful, the father committed the sacraments. Thank God! Began to eat, pains tolerant. The merciful God does not leave us, thank him!
Do not give God to forget the gentlemen to me, so much grave for me, sinful! Glory to you, Lord!

March 14th.
Today, liver ultrasound showed metastases. It seems to get my candle ... if I won't write to you for a long time, then remember for rest.
I hope only for the mercy of God. What I can? And what about my "resistance", so this is the Lord I did everything in me, strengthened and supported.

On April 7, Natasha turned 39 years old. On April 8, she was communioned by the Holy Taine. On the night of April 9, her angelic soul moved to the Lord. Until the last minute, it was faithful and loving husband Alexander.

Belief in God is the gift of God. If we often do not have this gift - this is from our sinfulness. Think what will happen to us after death - where will we be and before which I will appear?! Human life is not her grass: it took away and faded forever. Soul is immortal!

The eternal memory of the servant of God of Natalia, and the Lord stops her a bright soul in his kingdom.

Christ is Risen!

But still interesting: why are we, people, always and everyone is unhappy? We don't like what we are hungry, we eat and be angry that they move ... We are looking for love, we suffer without it, we find and now it is unhappy that our passion is too jealous if Pasia ceases to jealous, we are angry that he (she) We are too indifferent to us ... We suffer that you need to take a bunch of exams in the "stupid University" and go into depression, when we represent that another year - and we will become free people ... for we do not know why we need this freedom, in fact Need ... We are angry that since childhood we are driven into the framework of socialization, they are sent to school, where we, unfortunate, baremother 10 years ... Then "apply us" higher education In the form of some gu ... we are always unhappy with everyone. Man still can not be absolutely happy. He will always find a reason to donate, complain to life ...
How many times I cursed everything myself around, when I didn't work out something .. some kind of trifle. Oh, poor, with a guy problem ... oh, unhappy, the exam for 3 passed. How many tears were, snot ...
I have more and more convinced of the famous truth with every minute: to become happy, you do not need money, a high social situation and even, damnity, do not need a loved one. More precisely, it is not the necessary conditions Happiness. But the necessary and sufficient condition of this preparal of happiness is harmony with you, with your soul. The main thing is to take yourself as you are. And you know what is the most striking? When you really take yourself and you begin to appreciate, the surrounding also begin to appreciate you ... Probably because you feel this calm, self-confidence ... Next to you, it becomes good ... You never noticed that next to Even the most difficult people is even difficult?
I know ...
I am a man depressive, with a hard character, black stripes (which I personally create myself) I have for several months. And I noticed such a tendency: when you complain about life, the first time your friends are listening to you and what they can try to help when you do it for the second time - friends are still trying to help, but with less enthusiasm ... And for the third time it causes a specific one Irritation and misunderstanding even at the closest people. So, as it is not regrettable, I realized that from any depression, a person should get out of himself and no one must help him and cannot help in this ...
People are weak by nature ... Plus, every person has so many of their problems that he just doesn't physically think about the problems of others. In addition, you will agree. If you are now, at the moment good, you do not want to spoil it "well", I don't even want to communicate with those who can at least shake your calm ...
But actually I started writing this strange post in everything, not then to talk about depress.
I wanted to say that today somehow I especially clearly understood how our owners are with you. I am not a fatalist. I do not believe in fate either by gram. I know one thing: the person himself determines his life. Believe me, all trouble is just nonsense. In life simply can not always be all good. It is important to attitude towards these most troubles. Nahami in transport - Match over the stupidity of the conductor, smile passing by beautiful girl (guy) and believe me - everything will be just wonderful.
Perhaps I am writing uppercase truths. You probably understand all this and you yourself ... But today I just became so good enough of my own stupidity !!!
After all, small problems can be simply not noticed, big problems arise from the fact that we just do not want to solve them ... and not because of the fact that I "such an unfortunate, hurt, God doesn't love me."
For Prize, I will take myself ... and your unforgettable guy. We often swear with him. It sometimes sometimes happens to us .. Just horror. I sometimes do not go out of depression for weeks. You can blame God in this, you can my boyfriend ... But it is more correct to blame yourself. I can't decide this. If you love - it means love. Goodbye. Take what it is. If you do not like - go ...
After yesterday's global quarrel, I decided that "enough". It's time to answer these simple questions. And the answer is simple: I love. Consequently, if I love it, then you just need to love ... not to quit ... do not scandal. And love. So, I will try. It would be nice, he also looked at the world, like me :))))

ZY And also, I advise everyone to re-read the Bible ... For 10 commandments are 10 steps to harmony with himself, and therefore, fortunately.
I do not consider myself an Orthodox, but I consider myself a believer. Believers in God as a symbol of higher justice. For me, God is a spiritual stem of a person, all that is bright, that drives our souls ... the most sunny, beautiful gusts of our souls. So, with God's help I will strive for the knowledge of yourself, to harmony with me, fortunately ...

The day today began as usual. Having twisted the stove and falling asleep with her coal, I was engaged in the morning procedures with stepfather (he - lying).
He rebuilt and fed him, then looking at the clock, rushed into the village medical club to make another injection (I was treated from asthma) and take a trust act for the removal of coal last year from the nurse-deputy of the village council for stepfather. Then I sat down in a mine bus to go to the next village in the post - to assure this most act.
I got everything: I assured the paper and hurried to find out when I finally brought this ill-fated coal for the second half of last year, which we cannot bring in any way.
In the mine, I was told a chauffeur that they were not profitable to carry coal at close distances, that is, in five kilometers to earn the attributes - eight hundred rubles. Now, if you're away to "cut down" at once two thousand ...
But on this day, coal was no longer released and I was advised to come on Monday or on Tuesday in the morning: maybe someone will agree to bring this coal.
Having learned that an hour, I realized that buses in my direction would not be in the near future.
On the street there was a minus temperature and I decided not to stand still at the bus stop, but to move, so as not to get more stronger.
If someone goes - I will try to ask to bring.
But no - so no!
With God's help I will get home: just do not stand still, but to move.
And I went on foot along the track. Moving me the cars alone with one more cooler, but no one was doing to a woman walking along the highway between settlements. I did not even try to stop someone. Only helped themselves: "Go forward and with God's help you will be at home ..."
I have already passed, probably one third distances between the villages, when the car stopped near me. The door opened and told me: "Sit into the car, take it." Who regretted me all the same? Seeing man behind the wheel, I was not surprised. It was our father - Father Victor, the abbot of the temple of Olga and Mikhail's village of Yassenovsky. He asked why I was walking and so far. And I explained to him.
Soon we got to my stop. I thanked and went home. And the soul was warm and light.
Here really - with God's help ...


Yes ... you don't believe ... believe it!
Such amazing pleasant purchasing only
Strengthen faith that all over, everything is under control!
He knows everything ... with the holy baptism of our Lord
Jesus Christ! Health to you and all your home!
With warmth Boris.

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Everything, with God's help, will be fine

Sergey Kazuk worked as the head of the Directorate of exhibitions at the Perm Fair 25 years. 18 years old was the executive director of the Art Perm art salon and exhibitions of the author's dolls and bears Teddy "Magic Cabinet".

Sergey Alexandrovich, how did you react to the news about the closure of the Perm Fair since June 2016?

For me it was a blow, shocking and tragedy. I worked at the Perm Fair from the first day of its foundation. The whole life of this company has passed on my eyes, but it is not the main thing. The essence of the drama is that now, most likely, will "die" many projects that have become so loved by all the Perm. One "Art Perm" is worth! After all, this project is already rattling throughout Russia, he is now at the very takeoff.

February 2016, when the last exhibition was held, proved this: among the participants there were artists from all over Russia, the exhibition was visited over 10 days more than 25 thousand people, a folder with applications for participation next year, as always after this exhibition, filled with hundreds of applications, including from completely new artists and masters. And what now? Perm lost one of his best cultural events, lost what could be proud of.

Now I remember the reviews of the participants and visitors of the salon from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They said that only in Perm you can see such a grand event that in their capitals nothing like this was unlikely that it would once happen. Now here and in Perm is unlikely ...

At a press conference collected about the closure of the Perm Fair, the founders said that the exhibition business in Perm reached his "ceiling" that he had nowhere to develop and this main reason Sales of exhibition pavilions. What do you say to it?

I categorically disagree with the founders and I think they are shy. I think that the motives for the sale of pavilions are completely different. On the contrary, the presence of such a developed exhibition infrastructure in the city center is a huge plus of the Perm Fair. In other regions, there are no advantages that our exhibition center has. My opinion that the opportunity to continue its activities at the Perm Fair was even debugging, but the leadership and founders decided in their own way.

Here is another example of the fact that the free market is not much adjustable and coordinates, or it makes it a stupid and how it will be lit. See what happens: no competition. Experts working in the company, one of the best in the country, in the modern exhibition complex with experience in doing business in 25 years, conducting excellent social and commercial projects, have left with anything. Yes, nothing! As soon as more luxurious income looked at the horizon, everything collapsed, despite social and cultural significance.

Do you say that the sacred place is not empty? And let's see what Perm gets in return. It seems to me that the Renaissance process, if such and will begin, will be long and very painful. I think that only the state, that is, the Government of the Perm Territory, can revive the exhibitions in Perm, building a new exhibition complex, but judging by the way we build a new zoo and a new gallery, I think that it is not necessary to hope much.

Sergey Aleksandrovich, shortly before the news on the closure of the Perm Fair, you filed a departure. You have already knew what happens. If not, what did you move?

By God, I swear that I didn't know anything about the plans of the founders, and the news that hypermarket will be made from the exhibition complex, for me there was indeed news. The rumors went, of course, are different, but that's how suspidate everything will end, none of my colleagues, nor I did not even assume.

Robert Shekley

With God's help

There are at the Universe Planet Atalla. And on it - the huge mountain of Sanito, at the foot of which, in the valleys, where the climate is moderate and favorable, the various civilizations flourish. The top of Sanito is cheap eternal icebut on the slopes then avalanches are going. These slopes are not just steep - they are almost rigorous, and among the bare rocks there are a bottomless abyss.

No man visited Sanito top. It is considered impregnable. Even the hills in her foothills seem to challenge the climbers. However, as the legend says, once the saint managed to rise to this mountain, because the holiness of this person has reached the level of divinity for many years - and all thanks to the enhanced and unidirectional concentration of all its spiritual forces.

This newly newly, before His Ascension on Sanito, known among the local population, under the name of Shelmo, cut off the cave in the granite cheek, made himself a bed from the ice block and split from lichen mat for meditation. He did not need anything more - after all, he learned to produce quite enough energy and internal heat for his livelihoods.

Shelmo decided to spend a few millennia on the top of Sanito and it should be practiced in the use of unidirectional concentration, although it has completely owned by this skill, and it even brought him the title of God. But the results achieved did not satisfy it. He believed that he could still hone his skill.

Paged a century. Civilizations arose and disappeared, but shelmo was not before: to achieve a truly full-fledged time concentration, extremely much required. On the other hand, shello understood that, perhaps, there was some egoism towards people living in the neighborhood in the neighborhood - it is necessary for him, God, somehow look after people, and he forgets about them, all his time has been devoting to his beloved lesson without the rest. But then the shelmo judged the right: first, the laws are not written to the gods, and secondly, the time ahead is even more than enough and it is possible to have time to prove yourself as a highly moral deity, when he will be able to fully master finally the skill of unidirectional concentration.

For God, who wants from all to all over, Sanito Mountain was truly perfect. The roar of storms and roasted avalanche created an excellent sound background, and the whispering white clouds and dark clouds were an excellent object for meditation. And the cave of the shelmo was so high that human prayers rarely reached his ears. Heated by the winds and the thickness of the snow, they seemed like the shelmos rather with sad moans or sighs that did not have a relationship to him.

However, even the gods are not given forever to stay away from the worldly cheese. For some time, of course, you can hold out, but in the end you will still get the earth problems.

And now, once a person from the lower world caught the shelmo by surprise, rummaged at an impregnable top and finding him the cave. (But shelmo, of course, did not show any surprise on this issue - they never wonder. And yet it was unexpected for him.)

The man fell in front of the deity of the NIC and began to take him long prayer.

Yes, yes, thank you very much, - interrupted his shelmo. - Tell me better, how did you get here? After all, no one is believed to climb Sanito, except the gods. Do you happen to God in a human one?

No, "said man. - I am an ordinary person. And the name is Dan. I was helped to rise to such a height of both my own virtues and piety and prayers of people who are there, downstairs worship you.

Clearly, - said the shelmo. - Do you want to sit down from the road? Here is a suitable ice boulder. I hope you have a good thermoregulation?

Yes of course! - answered Dan. - After all, this is one of the easiest steps towards the highest spirituality.

You are right, - Shalmo agreed. - Well, tell me why I suggested me?

Dan more comfortably sat on the ice bluing, corrected clothes and said:

Lord, we, your believers, molim you about help! Without your intervention, we will soon be destroyed, erased from the face of Atalla.

Yes? And what happened to you? - asked Shelmo. - I hope something serious? I do not like when they are distracted by trifles.

It's all about the damned steel crabs! - exclaimed Dan. Self-programming mechanical vampires, of course, of course, not a gift. Yes, and copper scorpions with exploding tails are somewhat fed. But the main still crab. These damn machines have learned to reproduce themselves! We destroy one plant, so a dozen new one appears! Damn creatures flooded our homes, streets, they are fully even in the temples! They are created as killers, and now we are clearly losing.

And at my time on Atalla, there was nothing like this, - noticed Shelmo. Where did these crabs come from?

Well ... - Beginning Dan, "after all, you probably know that the world reigns on Atalla. But even in the recent past, some countries continued to fight each other, then steel crabs were invented. And after a while they broke out from under the control of people and instantly spread first in the territory of the country where they were created, and then around the world. Crabs breeded faster than they had time to destroy. We, of course, made a big stupidity, but ... now they just disappear! Lord, Impute, Javi your mercy, help us! Do at least something!

Despite Voluntary Help, Shelmo still felt something obliged to these people - "his believer", as they called themselves.

Well, well, I'll settle it, "he said," but can you subsequently take care of yourself, but I'm left alone? "

O, sure! - exclaimed Dan. - We are absolutely confident that human society is able to manage them. We, people, want to ride their destiny! We consider the branch of the church from the state justified. That's just ... The damn crabs, unfortunately, broke out from under control!

Shelmo comprehensively studied the problem of "damn crabs", including the great knowledge that was now (as God) had. Below was really serious trouble.

Of course, he could easily create a miracle, and all the crabs would immediately disappear - God to spit it once! - However, the Council of Divine Ethics is unlikely to approve such direct interference with people. Such "miracles" usually leads to the emergence of superstitions, and the shello had to create a certain virus - people, by the way, did not manage to figure it out in its origin - which destroyed the chips not only steel crabs, but also copper scorpions and mechanical vampires. Specively manipulating the virus at the genetic level, shello forced him to destroy only harmful machines for a person, and then subjected to self-dissemination.