Pear weight. Pear "Conference": calorie content, nutritional value, balance of BZHU. The magical properties of flavonodes and phytoncides

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is a punching bag for?
  • What are the boxing bags
  • What are the criteria for choosing punching bags
  • How to choose a punching bag for your child
  • Where to buy a punching bag

What is a punching bag? This is a sports equipment that can be useful not only in professional sports. If you want to tighten your body and improve your health, build strong arms and firm abs, make your shoulder girdle wide, develop qualities such as endurance and self-confidence, then the punching bag is the right equipment for you. How to choose a punching bag for your home workout? Punching bags come in a variety of sizes, shapes, weights, and materials, so it won't be easy for those inexperienced to figure out the range. Let's try to help you.

How to choose a punching bag and what is it for

Choosing a punching bag for an athlete means finding a suitable equipment for practicing punches and other fighting techniques. But many do not pursue this goal and do not even consider the punching bag as equipment for achieving other positive results.

So, what are the benefits of practicing on a boxing bag:

  • Exercising on a boxing bag, you train the whole body, and the ligaments and joints, and not just muscle groups. By hitting the punching bag, your body is stressed and strengthened. You will feel better than a non-exercising person.
  • Properly organized training will lead to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer will significantly decrease. Punching bags are considered aerobic exercises that make the body fit. This is due to the need to be in constant motion. There is a strengthening of the muscles of the legs, the cardiovascular system, as if you were jogging.
  • By exercising on a punching bag, you relax, let go of negative emotions, using a more correct method than other options.
  • Without even pursuing the goal of learning self-defense, you will master these skills.
  • You will spend less time training on a punching bag, as this type of load is considered more exhausting than running.
  • You will notice improvements in motor coordination, reaction and balance.
  • Moderate training on a punching bag will allow you to improve your mental performance and begin to absorb information faster.
  • All you need to do is select, purchase and install a punching bag in your room, saving you time on trips to the gym. If the punching bag hangs in your room, then you simply cannot ignore it and walk by, which means that your workouts will be more regular.

In other words, a punching bag is a must-have equipment for those who want to improve their health, appearance and fitness! The punching bag is the most effective sports equipment thanks to which you will learn to protect yourself!

Which punching bag to choose: the main types

There are several types of punching bags:

  • Heavy bag.

This is a cylindrical sports equipment weighing about 60-110 kg. To support such equipment, you must purchase a sturdy suspension system.

If you decide to choose a heavy punching bag, you can work out almost the entire range of punches on it, since such a bag will not wobble - this is what heavyweight boxers value. Basically, such punching bags are used for practicing the lethal series of techniques and strong punches.

  • Medium bag.

The medium weight bag is suitable for both professional and home workouts. It is made in the shape of a pear or a cylinder. The weight of such a projectile is approximately 30-60 kg.

You don't need heavy-duty harnesses to support such a punching bag. In addition, it is quite roomy. On such a projectile, you can work out the technique of strikes.

  • Lightweight bag.

Lightweight boxing bags are considered equipment for children, as they weigh only 5 to 30 kg. Usually, leatherette is used for their manufacture, and rags, rubber chips and sawdust are used for filling.

  • Horizontal punching bag, or uppercut bag.

A cylindrical bag, which is suspended in a horizontal position, is necessary for practicing lower techniques (uppercuts). The weight of such a bag is 25-50 kg.

  • Pneumatic bag.

As the name suggests, the shell is filled with air inside, and not with rags or crumbs.

There are two types of air bulb, depending on the installation method:

  1. installed with two stretch cords
  2. one end of the pear is attached to a static platform.

Both types of air bags keep the punching bag immobile, so you can work out the sharpness and speed of the blow. The main thing you will need to do while training with a pneumatic bag is to be accurate and fast, as your strength is not so important in this case. If you want to work out the reaction and slopes of the body (pendulum), then you need to choose an air bag.

How to choose the right punching bag: 6 criteria

Criterion 1. Weight

If you decide to choose a punching bag, you probably wondered: how much should a punching bag weigh?

Choosing the right bag doesn't mean getting the heaviest one. Harder doesn't mean better. Those who think the other way around sometimes cannot even explain themselves why they think so. This is mistake. Of course, the weight of the punching bag is very important and will depend to some extent on the weight of the athlete. However, the principle "the harder the better" is fundamentally wrong.

It is important to know that it is not the weight, but the filling of the boxing bag that plays a key role. The right bag padding material will help absorb impact and hold the boxing equipment. Even if you hit very hard, the bag won't wiggle around the room. Previously, boxing bags were filled with crumb rubber mixed with sand, which gave it weight and prevented it from bouncing when practicing techniques. However, a rigid punching bag can cause injury to athletes.

In addition, if you decide to choose a boxing bag for home training, then you certainly have a problem of limited space, insufficiently strong walls, most likely you have made repairs and you may even need to periodically remove the boxing bag from the place provided for it. If the projectile weighs 80 kg, then this is quite difficult to do. That is why it is better to choose a medium weight punching bag with two-way fastening (there is a special ring at the bottom of the bag). With the help of this device and a rubber cord, the bag is attached to the floor covering or an anchor fixer, thanks to which it almost does not bounce and makes purchasing a heavy boxing bag simply meaningless.

How to choose the weight of a punching bag without a lower anchor? We focus on the following indicators:

  • an athlete's weight is less than 60 kg - a bag of 25–40 kg;
  • an athlete's weight is less than 75 kg - a bag of 30-50 kg;
  • an athlete's weight is less than 85 kg - a bag of 40-60 kg;
  • the weight of an athlete is more than 85 kg - a bag of 50 kg.

Criterion 2. Material

Decided to choose a punching bag? Pay attention to the material. There are 3 types:

  1. Genuine Leather;
  2. leatherette;
  3. PVC-coated awning.

In addition to these options, unusual or low-quality materials are also used, for example, tarpaulin, burlap, etc.

  • Boxing bags made of leather.

Natural materials have always been distinguished by their durability, and leather is no exception. Good seam treatment can make it even more wear-resistant. Surely, in old gyms and rocking chairs, you saw punching bags shriveled and knocked down, but still whole. Most likely, such shells have grown more than one generation of athletes.

But durability costs a lot of money: boxing bags made of genuine leather are much more expensive than shells made of awnings or leatherette.

  • Boxing pears made of leatherette.

Faux leather is an inexpensive material used to make punching bags. The durability of such bags depends on the thickness of the woven base, which is directly under the skin. But often such shells do not last long.

  • Awning.

Awning material is most commonly used in the production of punching bags and other sports products. Awning fabric can be of different density, but, as a rule, ranges from 600 to 900 g / m 2.

At the basis of the awning fabric, a reinforced nylon fabric is used, which is covered with PVC on top. This is what makes the awning resistant to wind and moisture. Bags made of PVC fabric are quite durable, especially if the material has a high density.

Criterion 3. Filler

If you decide to choose a punching bag, then it's time to figure out which filler is better. Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. For example, some boxing experts advise choosing a punching bag filled with rice or cherry pits. Therefore, we list the main types of boxing bag fillers with all their advantages and disadvantages.

Most often, shells with the following fillers are presented in stores:

  • sawdust;
  • sawdust + rubber crumb;
  • rags (rags);
  • rubber crumb.

Sand can act as an additional filler, thanks to which the weight of the bag can be adjusted and the sawdust can be made heavier.

The most affordable filler for punching bags is sawdust. Among the disadvantages are the following: in the absence of a dustproof lining, such a bag becomes a source of dust, quickly loses its shape and shrinks. Advantages of a boxing bag with sawdust: availability and low cost.

Another available filler is rags. Disadvantages: lack of elasticity when practicing techniques, impossibility of uniform filling of the projectile.

The crumb rubber punching bag is expensive, but it is quality material. Its disadvantages are the high price and, perhaps, environmental friendliness. Advantages: pleasant sensation upon impact, slight shrinkage.

Often foam rubber, polymer chips, etc. are used instead of crumb rubber.

If you decide to opt for a boxing bag with crumb rubber or sawdust, you must make sure that the bag is covered with a special lining, and the seams on the side and bottom are strong enough to keep dust out. If the pear filler is a mixture of sawdust and crumb rubber, then ask the seller what the proportions of the materials are. Often in such bags, most are inexpensive sawdust, and the presence of crumb rubber is just a marketing ploy.

Criterion 4. Shape and size

What size punching bag should you choose? You need to proceed from where your bag will hang, what is the height and width of the room. If the room is quite spacious, then the size 45x120 is ideal for a boxer, 35x180 for a mixed fighter. If the space does not allow you to choose such a large projectile, then buy a punching bag 30x100 or 35x100. Fighters who are fond of mixed martial arts can choose a 30x150 bag. One way or another, you must objectively assess the capabilities of the premises and the functionality that you expect. To choose the right bag, you need to understand that to train in a stance, you need about 1.5-2 m from the bag in all directions or at least in one direction. If you practice kicks, the required distance is 2-3.5 m. There are also non-standard boxing bags in the form of a sleeve, cone, ball, horizontally suspended shell, etc. Such bags are useful for practicing various strikes, so they may also interest you ...

Criterion 5. Height

Boxing bags with a height of 1.2 m are considered the most suitable, as they are easy to use. But if the room does not allow installing such a projectile, then you should choose a bag 60–80 cm high.

Criterion 6. Mounting

There are types of bags that are attached either to the ceiling (ceiling) or to the floor (floor). The first shells are installed using strong fasteners, the second are equipped with a heavy base and their location can be changed. Pears that are attached to the ceiling are more in demand and available.

The way the punching bag is fastened does not affect the training process. It is important to focus on living space here. If the size of your home allows, you can hang the bag for a long time so that it will not cause any inconvenience to anyone and will allow you to perform blows of various maneuverability. Then you can opt for a ceiling bag.

If the area of ​​the apartment is small, then it is better to choose an outdoor punching bag so that it can be moved to the center of the training room and then removed.

Bolt-on ceiling mounts usually come with hanging bags, but even if you don't have them, you can get these parts from any sporting goods store.

How to choose a punching bag for your child and what to consider

The child is interested in everything new and unknown. According to many boys (and even individual girls), boxing is a sport for fostering resilient, resilient and strong personalities. A bright object of an unusual shape, which in their understanding is associated with boxing, of course, will interest children. Along with the boxing bag, you should choose the right training gloves.

What exercises can a child do with a boxing bag? Here's what he can do:

  • it is harmless to let out children's emotions in a rather useful way;
  • recharge with vigor while exercising, especially in the morning before lessons;
  • arrange a competition with your dad when you are bored or unable to go for a walk due to bad weather.

It's good if the kids training punching bag isn't the only exercise equipment to improve your child's fitness in your home.

If you want to know which punching bag to choose for your home, then remember that you do not need a lot of space for a baby punching bag. There are three types of children's punching bag: wall, floor and ceiling. A ceiling pear is the most popular option, as it is very functional, and even dad will not refuse to train on such a projectile. They mount it in much the same way as a chandelier: in the place that you decide to choose, install the fasteners for the hook (for this you need a gun for mounting and dowel-nails). Depending on the height of the child, the appropriate height of the boxing bag must be chosen. Usually, such models come with equipment that allows you to adjust the height of the suspension of the pear, taking into account the fact that the child will grow.

A tabletop punching bag is considered ideal only for toddlers, as it cannot withstand even light blows. The main and indisputable advantage of such a projectile is its spaciousness and mobility, allowing you to remove the pear from the table when needed. Wall-mounted models have more limited functionality, but they are very convenient to use, since the attachment and lifting / lowering of such a pear can be easily adjusted to the required height.

Stretched options are considered a separate type of punching bags, but they are not suitable for kids, since a beginner in boxing may not calculate the speed of the bag return, which means that he risks getting an unpleasant punch in the face.

The best option would be to choose an inflatable punching bag, as these bags are very light, reliable, safe, and can be quickly put into working order. The recoil of the bag will depend on the amount of air inside, which can be adjusted according to the anthropometric parameters of the user.

Where to hang your selected punching bag for your home

The question that is asked by everyone who has already decided to choose and purchase a punching bag sounds like this: "Where to install a punching bag?" This issue must be resolved in advance, but if it did not work out, then the bag does not need to be carried back to the store. The most common method of installing a punching bag is with an anchor bolt.

We carry out the installation in stages: we drill, install in the hole, twist and hang the pear. This is a budget-friendly, affordable installation method that can loosen and lead to backlash.

Another fixing method is to drill a hole in the top floor. This is a fairly reliable method, which, however, can cause conflict with neighbors from above.

Another option for placing a punching bag is to install it on a sports crossbar. It is desirable that this crossbar is located in the doorway. Use a rope or chain to attach the projectile to the bar - the punching bag can now be used.

Rules for working with a boxing bag

To avoid injury, there are some rules to keep in mind:

  1. Train with bandaged hands and boxing gloves. This is an important condition that everyone must follow, since the more powerful the punch, the greater the risk of injury to the fist. Bandaged fists are a must for those who do not want to peel the skin on their knuckles (healing is long and painful).
  2. Warm up before exercising to reduce the risk of injury. The warm-up can be done on a punching bag.
  3. If you are a beginner and have never boxed before, learn the correct punching technique first before punching with full force. Boxing punching technique is the backbone of the basics. At first, you must perform all the punches and techniques slowly, but once you master them, you can increase the strength and speed of your movements. In this way, you will reduce the risk of injury and make your workouts more effective.
  4. If you are tired, then follow the rest, no need to further box on the bag. If you continue to exercise while tired, your technique suffers and the risk of injury increases!
  • Exercise to strengthen your fists, as this will make your punches harder and you will not experience pain. Do push-ups on your fists, easily box a punching bag or even a wall while exercising your fists.
  • Don't forget to rest too! Your body needs to make up for the lack of energy after exercise. If you are tired, then you do not need to exercise, because there will be no benefit from this.

Where to buy a punching bag

Sportstyle is a company that has been producing and selling punching bags for over 20 years. Our boxing equipment has gained a good reputation in the Russian and neighboring markets. A punching bag is a sports equipment necessary for practicing techniques in martial arts. This sports equipment is presented in two basic versions: a hanging bag and a floor bag. The larger the bag and the better the material (leather or PVC) from which it is made, the higher its cost. Any inscription or logo can be made on the bag.

In our assortment there are punching bags weighing 40, 60, 80 or 100 kg, you can also choose a children's punching bag. The bag comes with a fastener: chains and a carabiner. An outdoor pear consists of the bag itself and a heavy base. The range includes bags with heights of 1.8 and 2 m.

If you want to choose a punching bag and cannot decide on your decision, then our company will be able to make a projectile according to your individual order of any size and shape.

The Sportstyle company was founded in 1992 and has been successfully presenting its products and services in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries for more than 25 years.

One of the main activities of the company is the production of tent structures, sports equipment, and leisure goods. Our products are very popular and in demand, among them everything for:

  • Martial arts... Equipment and sports stock for boxing, wrestling, wushu, taekwondo. Boxing bags, pears, shell gloves, paws, shields, stuffed animals.
  • Gymnastics, fitness, aerobics... Gymnastic mats, hoops, sticks, jump ropes, wall bars, horizontal bars, rings, ropes, benches. Aerobics platform.
  • Sports games... Sports equipment for basketball, volleyball, tennis, ice hockey and ball, football, mini-football, handball, etc.
  • Athletics... Ball throwing boards, throwing grenades, obstacle course barriers, high jump equipment.
  • Winter sports... Safety cubes, short track mats, ski protection mats.

Practicing striking technique is an integral part of any contact martial arts, therefore, punching bags are used everywhere. But often, for novice athletes who want to train at home, the question arises - how to choose a punching bag by weight? And I must say that this is a conceptual moment that largely determines the effectiveness of the training process.

Boxing bag weight- an exact value that speaks not only of the mass of the sports equipment, but also of its purpose. The generally accepted classification is that punching pears are divided into three types, based on their specific weight:

  • Light projectiles... The weight of a punching bag of this type ranges on average from 5 to 30 kilograms. Obviously, the smallest pears weighing up to 10 kilograms are used to train children. Variants from 10 to 30 kg are suitable for young men and amateurs for setting a strike, practicing speed and technique, and at first even for increasing strength indicators. The dimensions of such pears usually do not exceed 90x35 centimeters, with the exception of uppercut (horizontal) pears for bottom-up strikes. Such shells, although they weigh a little, are used only by professionals.
  • Medium pears... In this case, the weight of a punching bag will vary from 30 to 60 kilograms. This weight allows you to work out a full range of strikes, it is convenient for athletes of different weight categories to work with it (excluding heavyweight). This is the most popular version of the punching bag, which can be found not only in the apartments of amateur athletes, but also in professional gyms. The dimensions of such pears can be very different, up to models with a total height of up to 120 centimeters.
  • Heavy bags... Such a projectile is suitable if we are faced with the question of how to choose the weight of a boxing bag for a professional fighter. These bags can weigh between 60 and 100 kilograms, although there are also heavier options. From a technical point of view, such pears are as versatile as medium ones. But in this case, more weight leads to increased requirements in terms of strength indicators. That is, it can be difficult for a lightweight to just move such a bag. This is a projectile for training hard and uncompromising techniques in the style of Mike Tyson, when one hit equals one knocked out body.

But these are far from all the nuances that we need in order to understand how to choose a punching bag by weight. Indeed, in addition to the mass of the projectile, there is also the mass of the athlete himself, and this is also a fundamental point. Even if we are talking about a super-strong fighter, who, however, weighs no more than 70 kilograms, then a super-heavy punching bag exceeding his own weight would be redundant. For clarity, you can remember Bruce Lee, who weighed only 66 kilograms, but the force of his impact was colossal. Nevertheless, Lee never practiced his technique on shells exceeding his own weight.

Pear weight - specificity and design nuances

It is believed that the optimal weight of a boxing bag should be equal to the weight of the athlete. However, you need to understand that a 12-year-old child weighing about 40 kilograms can simply be crippled by engaging in an unequal battle with a pear of the same weight. This rule also works in the opposite direction. At a certain stage, a professional (or semi-professional) athlete, being in the category up to 80 kilograms, is unlikely to work with a boxing bag of the same weight. He needs a heavier bag so that he can develop tough power combinations.

It turns out that the question of how to choose a boxing bag by weight has significant individual implications. The level of training of an athlete, his physical characteristics and the technique in which he works is of great importance. That is, a middleweight infighter (a boxing style that is based on speed and work at an average distance) and even more so a spoiler (passive close combat) is unlikely to train with a bag significantly exceeding its own weight. In turn, punchers ("knockouts") always work with the heaviest bags, because for them strength is a priority.

But it is important not only to understand which punching bag (by weight) you need. Equally important is the knowledge of where you can buy a reliable and high-quality equipment that will make your training truly effective .. A large selection of punching bags will allow any athlete to choose the right equipment, increasing the effectiveness of their training and taking another step towards their own. cherished dream.

Kira Stoletova

The sweet and aromatic fruit is extremely popular all over the world. However, not every gourmet knows that favorite fruits are classified as dietary products. What is the calorie content of a pear and what else is in the composition? Let's take a closer look at the strengths and weaknesses.

  • BZHU

    In the modern world, people are struggling with excess weight, so they are looking for food with minimal nutritional value and the ability to increase metabolism. Despite the sweet taste, the fruit contains healthy fructose, not sucrose like apples. Nutritionists have calculated BZHU in 100 g of a popular dessert (in grams):

    • proteins - 0.4;
    • fats - 0.3;
    • carbohydrates - 1.

    Fruits contain more than 85% water, which allows you to saturate the body with useful fluid without fear of increasing centimeters at the waist. In addition, each fruit contains a lot of plant fibers. Substances like a broom "sweep" the accumulated food debris from the digestive system.

    Nutritional value

    Many people do not want to get fat, so they try to calculate how many calories are in the pear. A large fruit with skin weighs at least 200 g, and its energy value is 70 kilocalories. If you remove the skin, then the nutritional value will slightly decrease and there will be 65 kcal.

    In fruits

    The calorie content of a pear per 100 g depends on the variety of the popular dessert. The juicier the variety, the more nutrients it contains: Pakham fruits have 48 kcal, and sweet Lucas contains no more than 43 kcal. Nutritionists find only 42 kcal from the favorite of domestic farmers Khrustalnaya.

    For people who carefully monitor the figure, the energy value of fruit can be calculated by the color of the skin. The green variety is always less nutritious than the yellow or red variety. Calories in pears are also determined by the density of the pulp. The harder the fruit, the less carbohydrates it contains. A loose, granular structure indicates that the products are ripe and enriched with all useful elements.

    By the way, those who are trying to minimize the intake of nutrients into the body can be advised to eat fruits without the peel. However, it is worth remembering that it is to the skin that the maximum amount of vitamins, trace elements and dietary fiber is found. By removing a useful coating, a person loses many components.

    After processing

    After cooking, the calorie content of pears may change. The ultimate nutritional value appears in the jam: when sugar is added, the dietary fruit "gets fat" up to 265 kcal. Dried fruits freed from the liquid in the pulp are not much inferior to jams - 251 kcal. Fried options are not much "lighter" (240 kcal) and may surprise gourmets with the extra pounds that have appeared.

    Heat treatment increases the energy value of the product. When baked, the nutritional value of a standard fruit becomes 350% more than fresh. In juice without additives, the calorie content of a pear does not change.


    In addition to its nutritional value, the popular fruit has many beneficial ingredients. When consumed wisely, foods can help maintain a healthy body. The daily allowance for an adult should not exceed 200 grams of pulp.


    If you are confused by the calorie content of 1 pear, then we recommend that you pay attention to its composition. A huge number of elements necessary for people are concentrated under the skin. Favorite food is more valuable than apples or lemons.

    1. Group B. Vitamins take care of the state of the nervous system and help in the treatment of skin diseases.
    2. E. Responsible for preserving the youthfulness of integuments, hair and nails, participates in the production of sex hormones. 100 grams of the product contains at least 0.4 mg of the beneficial substance.
    3. Folic acid. "Female" vitamin supports the body of mom and baby while carrying a fetus. Inside 1 medium fresh pear there is 2 mcg of the element.
    4. K. Phylloquinone is responsible for protein synthesis and ensures normal blood clotting. In a healthy fruit, you will find 4.5 mg of the required substance.
    5. Retinol. Essential for a healthy immune system. 100 grams of your favorite fruit contains 2 mcg of the component.

    Remember that a fresh pear retains maximum vitamins when stored properly. If you prefer a healthy diet, then don't cut the skin off. The yellow, green or red skin of the fruit is a natural storehouse of useful elements.


    The favorite fruit has a diuretic effect, therefore it is indicated both in dietary nutrition and in the treatment of heart diseases. An invaluable source of potassium (up to 155 mg per 100 g) makes it possible to naturally replenish the loss of an important mineral. Without it, problems with the cardiac system begin, and fluid is poorly excreted from the body. To keep the body in good shape, a couple of pears a day are enough.

    Sweet fruits are high in iron and zinc. The unique combination of the two components helps to better absorb vitamins and catalyzes oxygen metabolism. Fe is responsible for the production of male hormones, which positively affects the quality of sex life.

    A bond of phosphorus, fluoride and calcium helps to maintain a healthy skeleton and teeth. Of course, there are not so many substances in the composition of the product as in milk, however, with a rational menu, you can not be afraid of a deficiency of microelements. Even the minimum daily allowance will provide the body with important components.

    100 grams of pulp contains the amount of cobalt that an adult needs for 24 hours. The substance helps to absorb iron, participates in the formation of hemoglobin and hormones. A seasonal fresh pear keeps the thyroid healthy.

    Beneficial features

    Fruits contain a lot of fructose, so they are perfectly absorbed by the body without the release of insulin. This feature, along with low calorie content, makes it possible to use the product in diabetic nutrition. A person receives all the necessary components without endangering the body.

    When losing weight, people do a lot of physical exercise. Fruits are just those remedies that will help to maintain excellent shape and relieve muscle pain. One garden pear contains enough trace elements that can reduce body fat without complications.

    A huge amount of plant fibers cleanses the digestive system from slagging. With reasonable use and moderate physical activity, it will be possible to maintain the body in excellent condition without any problems. Due to its antimicrobial properties, pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract can be destroyed.

    "Improving bowel function speeds up digestion and therefore carbohydrates will be used up for energy production and not stored as fat."

    By the way, fruit compotes and decoctions are not only an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, but also a good way to fight respiratory diseases. Wild varieties are especially famous for these properties. Regular fluid intake softens and removes mucus from the bronchi.

    Every athlete or parent who gives a child to single combat knows how important it is to buy a punching bag. This sport cannot be imagined without this attribute. The main purpose of the bag is to practice strikes and improve techniques in boxing and similar sports. With the help of this projectile, a person develops rigidity, speed and accuracy of swings. How to choose a punching bag by weight is one of the most common questions for novice athletes and parents of young men, because with the help of this silent friend, you can conquer new heights! We will deal with all the nuances of the choice so that you can make a smart purchase.

    Punching bag and its device

    The domestic market offers a huge number of different bags for single combat. They all differ in type, weight, design, type. The above nuances affect the training process and the achievement of the desired result.


    The most common option for acquiring a “silent friend” is a padded bag. This attribute is most popular with boxing fans. This sports equipment uses crumb rubber inside. Due to this feature, the pain during training is of a fairly small degree.


    Another popular sports attribute is the pneumatic or inflatable boxing accessory. The main advantage of this model is that after an impact within a few seconds, the rubber is restored to its original position. The inner cavity is an air chamber.


    The most modern, popular and demanded attribute for martial arts is considered to be a hydrobag. The essence of this sports equipment is that it is filled with water. It is made of high quality dense rubber. The service life of such a bag is very long.

    Important! Before choosing a punching bag by weight and purchasing it, you need to feel the sports equipment. Content should be clicked equally in all places. There should be no soft spots anywhere.

    Varieties of pears

    Before deciding how to choose a punching bag by weight, it is necessary to consider all types of attributes that are currently most in demand in the gym for all types of martial arts. In this case, we will take into account the possible training options and the mass.

    Classic pear

    It has a mass of 25 to 45 kg. This attribute can be used both in the gym and at home.

    Important! With the help of this projectile, you will be able to work out basic techniques and various sets of strikes.

    Uppercut model

    This sports equipment is in the shape of a cylinder. Its mass index varies from 25 to 50 kilograms. For children, the weight of the cylinder ranges from 5 to 30 kilograms. The bag is installed in a horizontal position.

    Important! It is an indispensable accessory for practicing the technique of swinging from below, which is referred to in boxing as “uppercut”.

    Pneumatic bag

    With the help of this accessory, you can learn how to put a sharp and rapid blow, as well as develop combined chords. The main feature of sports equipment is that it has elastic resistance. This creates a slight effect of real combat at home.


    We have already talked about this sports equipment above. It is of high quality and durable. Quite often there is such an attribute in the form of a human body. This is the main feature and advantage, as you can practice all the techniques on the projectile.

    Important! It is very popular with novice athletes and experienced craftsmen.

    Wall bag

    This sports equipment is a wooden frame that is very firmly fixed to the wall. A bag with a convex shape is mounted between the two bars.

    Important! With this design, you can work out strength exercises. Most popular for jabs and hooks.

    Serial bag

    It has a mass of 60 to 110 kilograms. An indispensable accessory for the work of professional athletes in all types of boxing and martial arts.

    Important! It is used to practice lethal and serial strikes.

    Mannequin Pear

    This attribute has the shape of a person. Its mass can be very different. If it is filled with water, then the maximum value is 135 kg. However, when using sand, the mass of a sports equipment can reach a greater mark.

    Important! Can be used in the gym and for home exercise.


    This is a little kind of punching bag. Its main indicator is 18 kilograms. Has little freedom of movement. After a strong push, it moves in a circle and returns to its original position.

    Important! Can only be used in the gym.

    It is not very easy to choose a pear for boxing by weight, since there are a lot of varieties of sports equipment themselves.

    Choosing the weight of the pear

    One of the most important nuances when buying sports equipment for practicing any technique is weight. Let's take a closer look at all the factors of how to choose a punching bag by weight.

    Boxing sports equipment is divided into three categories:

    1. Heavy equipment category. There are large cylinders here. Attribute weight varies from 60 to 110 kg. This category is popular with professional athletes.
    2. Medium category. This group contains inventory ranging from 30 to 60 kilograms. In this category, the main strikes are practiced. You can use these attributes at home and in the gym. The middle category is the most popular in the sports world of martial arts and boxing.
    3. Light attribute category. The mass of the shells varies from 5 to 30 kg. Most popular among children, young men and amateur beginners.

    Important! The weight for daily training should be the same as the mark on the athlete's scale. In this case, you will achieve an amazing result.

    Choosing a pear for a child

    So, you have already figured out how to choose a punching bag by weight for adults. However, there is a group of sports equipment for children:

    • All trainers advise to instill a love of boxing in children aged 3 to 5. In this case, the boxing bag weighs only 1.5 kg. The sports attribute is filled with foam crumbs.
    • If the child's age is from 5 to 7 years old, then it is worth giving preference to attributes weighing about 4 kg. In this group, pears are filled with lightweight sand or weighted polypropylene.
    • There are bags filled with crumb rubber. The mass of this sports equipment reaches 8-9 kg. Suitable for children over 8 years old. With constant loads, active training and following the recommendations of the trainer, the mass of sports equipment can increase up to 16 kg.


    We have told you how to choose sports equipment according to the preferences and age of the athlete. With the help of such a bag and our tips, you can conquer new heights in the world of sports!