How to cook healthy fruit drink. Morse: useful properties. Morse composition: vitamins and minerals. Cooking and recipes for fruit drinks at home. How to cook fruit drink: old recipes

Fruit drinks have been prepared since the end of the last millennium. It is believed that the inventors of this miracle drink are Romanians.

They kneaded the berries at hand, added water to them, and honey for sweetness.

It is because of this ingredient that the name came about.

Translated from Romanian, "murs" means "honey water". Over time, "u" changed to "o" and the drink began to be called fruit drink.

It has never been considered just a thirst quencher. Mors has always been called healing and used to restore the body's strength, to ensure the intake required amount useful substances. If you give up sugar in favor of honey, then this benefit increases even more.

But the most popular still remain berry drinks. They are richer in vitamins and mineral salts, contain pectin, vitamins of groups B, C and A, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. in large quantities.

Regular consumption of magical fruit drinks helps to normalize the functioning of all systems and organs, cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates metabolism, and improves bowel function.

It's easy to explain.

For the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is very important to have a sufficient supply of potassium compounds.

In this regard, fruit drinks are indispensable in the heat, when mineral compounds based on potassium are washed out of the body along with sweat.

This drink is truly magical.

Perhaps it is in it that the secret of the longevity of our ancestors lies, because they drank a fairly large amount of it every day.

Most often in Russia, fruit drinks were prepared from cranberries, lingonberries and blueberries.

Freshly picked berries were sorted out, ground through a sieve, simmered for some time in the oven and the resulting juice with pulp was removed to the cellar for a couple of days.

After filtering and drinking.

Today, technology has not changed much.

However, despite the presence of kitchen “helpers” in every housewife, it is advisable to grind the berries by hand.

It is believed that in this way they are less injured, retain more useful substances and give them to a person with great desire.

Morse is a drink that anyone can make. Traditionally, wild berries are used for this, and cranberries are considered the most popular in this regard. The following positions are occupied by lingonberries, viburnum, raspberries, strawberries, currants, strawberries, blueberries, etc. More and more often, fruit drinks are prepared from apples, oranges, pears, but, undoubtedly, the combined options are the most delicious.

If earlier only freshly picked fruits were used for drinks, today frozen options can also be used, although, of course, they have less benefit.

How to cook fruit drink: proven recipes

The method of preparing fruit drink is standard.

The berries are sorted, if necessary, pitted, the pulp is ground through a sieve and the resulting puree is poured with boiled or purified water.

On low heat, the mixture is brought to a boil, immediately removed from heat. Morse with pulp is not served. Be sure to strain it before serving. After that, honey and sugar are added to taste, and recyclable materials are used to make pies or other pastries.

They drink fruit drinks both warm and chilled. You can add a slice of lemon or orange to the finished drink.

Sometimes a simplified version is used. In this case, the mixture of grated berries and water is not brought to a boil, but simply mixed with sugar or honey, filtered and served. Such a drink is richer in useful substances, but it should be drunk immediately after preparation.

It is necessary to grind the berries in a non-oxidizing bowl and manually using a pusher. The use of a blender is allowed and significantly speeds up the cooking time, however, it is believed that the berries are too damaged in this way, which reduces the amount of nutrients.

Among all existing fruit drink recipes, cranberry and lingonberry are considered the most popular and useful.

To prepare cranberry juice you will need half a kilo of berries, 2 glasses of water and 100 g of sugar (or 5-7 tablespoons of honey).

Cranberries must be sorted out, washed under running water. cold water, carefully transfer with a wooden spoon in an enameled bowl.

After mixing with water, recline in a colander or sieve to remove the pulp.

Pour the resulting juice into bottles, add sugar or honey just before drinking. Drink cold.

The drink is used not only to quench thirst, but also to increase immunity, as well as to treat many diseases (primarily colds, SARS, sore throats, hypertension and gynecological problems).


Boiled or pre-purified water is used to prepare fruit drinks. Otherwise, the drink is covered with foam and loses some of its benefits.

To prepare lingonberry juice, you will need 2 cups of freshly picked berries (although frozen ones are also allowed), a liter of water and half a cup of sugar, or a quarter cup of honey.

Lingonberries are sorted, washed, kneaded, put in a glass jar and left for a day.

After the juice is filtered, the pulp is poured with hot water, put on fire and brought to a boil.

Strain again, cool, mix with the resulting juice, sugar (or honey) and serve. Stored lingonberry juice is excellent, but before serving it, unlike cranberry, it is advisable to warm it up a little.

Very tasty, no less useful than the previous recipes, cherry-raspberry juice is obtained.

To prepare it, you need to take a glass of berries, one lemon, 2 liters of water, honey or sugar to taste.

Peel the cherries, mix with raspberries, sprinkle with sugar, mix and put in a cold place for a day. Then squeeze the resulting juice, and pour the remaining pulp with water and bring to a boil over low heat. Mix the juice and the broth obtained after straining, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Serve cold.

Refined taste in raspberry-mint juice.

To prepare it, you will need 2 cups of raspberries, the zest of one lemon, a bunch of mint, half a glass of sugar and a liter of water.

Raspberries must be rubbed through a sieve, strain the juice and pour it into an enameled container. Leave for a day in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Pour the pulp with a liter of water, add mint and zest of one lemon, bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 7-10 minutes. Then cool and strain. Mix the juice and the resulting broth, add sugar. Ready!

If the lemon is rinsed, and then removed for 3-5 minutes in the freezer. So the zest will acquire a richer aroma, and the juice will have a more refined and mild taste.

For those who have problems with immunity, arterial and intracranial pressure, it is better not to find a drug currant juice. Just remember that red and black have different properties. Black currant is the champion in vitamin C content, and red currant is in the amount of vitamin A, and it is also more juicy.

To prepare a fruit drink based on 150 grams of berries, you need 120 grams of sugar and a liter of water.

Sort the berries, crush them, so that the juice stands out better, you can add a little water. Remove the juice in the refrigerator, and pour the pulp with a liter of water and boil for about 5 minutes. After the broth, insist for half an hour, strain, add sugar, mix with juice. Serve chilled.

What is compote and how is it useful

"Compote" in French means "to mix" , although this drink can be prepared from one type of fruit.

Fresh, frozen or dried ingredients are used for cooking.

Drink compote both hot and cold.

Use immediately after preparation, and harvest for future use.

For the first time, compote was prepared in France, but in this country it does not have quite the look that we are used to. The brew is quite thick and somewhat more like fruit puree.

The benefits of compotes depend on the benefits of the fruits used for their preparation. Peach drink is recommended to increase tone, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Compote, in which cranberries are present at least in a minimal amount, is recommended to increase immunity, but at the same time it is categorically contraindicated for gastritis and liver problems. Plum promotes healing from anemia and relieves gout, but at the same time it is not recommended for those suffering from flatulence.

You can drink compote all day and every day. However, few people think that this particular drink can cause obesity and increase blood sugar levels. Well, it's understandable in what situations it happens. But if you use unripe fruits, the acidity of the stomach may increase, and if you use overripe fruits, even serious poisoning is possible.

How to cook compote

Many people mistakenly believe that absolutely any fruit is suitable for making compote.

For it, unripe or, conversely, overripe fruits are used, the so-called non-condition.

However, according to the rules, only ripe ingredients are suitable for the drink, which are not damaged and even more so do not have signs of decay.

Compote, which will be consumed immediately, is prepared according to the standard scheme:

  • half a kilo of fruits and 6-10 tablespoons of sugar are added to 3-4 liters of water (depending on the sweetness of the ingredients used), boiled after boiling over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.

This is the foundation. And then you have to start from your own preferences. Sometimes you can do without sugar at all. If necessary, honey can be added for sweetness, and some fruits are so tasty that they do not need sweeteners at all.

Compote recipes related to preparations for the winter are also quite similar.

Clean, sorted fruits are put into the prepared jar, poured with boiling water.

Their number can be arbitrary, like ¼, or a full bank.

After 15-30 minutes, the liquid from the jars is drained, brought to a boil, and poured into the jars again. Again, you have to wait half an hour. Drain the liquid, add 200 grams of sugar per liter of water to it and, after boiling, pour the fruit with syrup. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.

After the compote is removed to a cool place for storage. If the fruits have not been pitted, the drink cannot be stored for more than a year, but if there are no pits, the shelf life is tripled.

More details can be found in the following collections of compote recipes:

    What is the difference between fruit drink and compote now you know, but still there are more similarities between them. Ease of preparation, real taste, the use of natural fruits and berries, as well as benefits for the body belong to both one and the second option.

    You need to know the difference between drinks and choosing them in the store.

    Pay attention to the composition and expiration date.

    Morse cannot be stored for a long time and does not contain pulp or fruit pieces.

    In compote, pieces of fruit, on the contrary, are even welcome, and the shelf life is much longer.

    Drink vitamin drinks, take care of your health and the health of your family, and finally, we invite you to watch a video that describes in detail how to cook a delicious fruit drink.

    And now watch a video about making cranberry berry juice with raspberries, strawberries and honey:

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Or a glass of cherry compote: an aromatic liquid with a fruity taste and a rich reddish tint. Have you ever wondered how compote differs from fruit drink? Are there any basic determinants: where is fruit drink, and where is compote? Let's try to figure it out.

What is morse?

A refreshing drink, ideal in hot weather and made from berries, is called fruit drink. The main condition: fresh berries should not undergo heat treatment, but water, on the contrary, must be boiled, it is possible with pulp for brighter palatability. Juice is squeezed out of the berries, and the remaining cakes (this is the pulp) are added to boiling water with sweeteners and immediately turned off. Then the previously squeezed berry juice is poured in: the fruit drink is ready!

The best cranberry juice is with the sourness inherent in this healing berry. Also good with lingonberries and raspberries, currants or blackberries, some make cherry juice. Narrow-minded people consider fruit drinks to be jam diluted in water. This is not so, because jam is fruits or berries that have been boiled for a long time with sugar, that is, the main rule for preparing fruit drinks is violated: berry juice must be raw.

What is compote?

Fruit boiled in sweetened water, sometimes with the addition of berries, is the compote. From fresh berries or frozen, from fruits or a mixture of the first and second. In compote, a prerequisite is the presence of heat treatment to which the fruits are subjected. Sliced ​​fruits are boiled until tender in a large amount of water with sugar and most often thrown away - only the liquid remains, which is called compote.

It is noteworthy that the word "compote" is French and means "fruit puree". Over the centuries, the French version was diluted with water, then the fruits stopped grinding altogether - they just cut. In this form, the compote has reached our days.

What is uzvar and how is it different from compote?

Mors is raw natural juice with boiled water, compote is water with fruits boiled in it, and what is uzvar? After all, everyone has heard this word more than once, and more often on Christmas Eve. Uzvar is a compote of dried fruits, in which pear predominates, but other dried fruits are also acceptable: apples, apricots and cherries.

It is prepared in the same way as a regular compote, with the difference that the uzvar is cooked a little longer so that the dried fruits are boiled soft and give their aroma and taste to boiling water.

What is more useful: fruit drink or compote?

What contains more nutrients and vitamins: raw carrot or boiled? Of course, raw, everyone will answer. That's exactly the same with compote and fruit drink: it's more useful that contains a fresh component. Under the influence of temperatures in the compote, some vitamins are lost, and with them the benefits of the drink. This does not mean that it is useless - on the contrary, it is much better than juices from bags in the supermarket, but if we compare percentages of which is more useful, compote or fruit drink, then, of course, fruit drink is in a more advantageous position due to the presence in it natural and freshly prepared berry juice.

Simple recipes for fruit drink and compote

In order to make sure of own experience in the benefits of these drinks, it is recommended to cook both at home and make sure.

Rinse 200 grams of berries under running water and chop with a blender, squeeze the juice out of the mass, and pour the remaining cakes into 1-1.5 liters of water, add sugar to taste and boil. We filter the cooled liquid and add the previously squeezed juice from fresh cranberries to it, cool it in the refrigerator. A wonderful cold drink is ready!

In the same way, fruit drinks are prepared from other fresh berries: raspberries, currants, lingonberries, etc.

  • Fresh fruit compote recipe.

To prepare compote, any fruits or berries are taken to your taste, you can also use mixtures of various fruits. They are cut into pieces of any size and placed in boiling water: an average of 400-500 grams of fruit is taken per 2 liters of water. The mass is boiled for an average of 15-20 minutes until the fruit is fully cooked, at the end sugar is added to taste, some spices are added: cloves, cinnamon or vanilla. Then the compote is filtered, and you can serve it to the table: they drink it both hot and cold. Sometimes part of the fruit is put in a glass for beauty, the kids really like to eat up a piece of boiled apple or a cherry after drinking compote.

Such a drink is prepared from almost all types of fruits, you can make assorted compotes by mixing several types of fruits and berries at a time. They are also rolled up in three-liter jars for the winter. When it is not possible to buy fresh fruits during the cold season, such preparations come to the rescue (or an uzvar of dried fruits is cooked).

Is it possible to drink fruit for a child?

Some young mothers are concerned: is it possible for a child from one year old to drink juice? If you know how fruit drink differs from compote, then you understand that in the first drink of useful substances and vitamins, the child needs, several times more, respectively, it will be more correct to give drink exactly fruit drink. To raise immunity and prevent colds, 100 grams of cranberry juice for a child is just right.

But there is one important condition: the baby should not be allergic to the berry from which the drink is made - a skin rash, loose stools and other indicators will show you the right way.

There is another indicator of how fruit drink differs from compote - this is color. Morse has a more natural bright color of the berry from which it is made, the compote is more muted, washed out due to the heat treatment that the fruit has undergone. Therefore, one glance at the drink is enough to determine what is in front of you.

In the traditional way, fruit drinks are prepared from forest and garden berries with the addition of honey and freshly squeezed juice. Suitable cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, currants and cloudberries. If you know how to cook fruit drinks correctly, then you can save all the useful qualities in the drink.


Honey 3 tbsp Water 1 liter Berries 1 stack

  • Servings: 4
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

How to cook fruit drink: old recipes

The most useful fruit drink is obtained from fresh gifts of summer, but frozen ones can also be used. The main thing is that the raw materials are of high quality, so the berries should first be sorted out.

It is easy to prepare an invigorating drink:

  1. Mash the washed berries and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Pour water over the remaining mass after squeezing, combine with honey, bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 to 12 minutes.
  4. Pour berry juice into the cooled broth, filter.

In winter, the drink is better to drink warm, and in the summer heat - chilled, you can even with ice cubes. If one of the family members suffers from an allergy to bee products, take a similar amount of granulated sugar instead of honey. For piquancy, you can add lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, mint, anise. They should be entered 5 minutes before readiness.

Another way to prepare a healthy drink involves boiling whole fruits with honey or sugar. Then the broth is mixed with the juice resulting from squeezing the berries through a sieve.

How much to cook fruit drinks - depends on the raw materials. A drink made from fresh berries is kept on fire for 5-7 minutes. If you take frozen fruits, you need to cook for at least 10 minutes. If jam is used to prepare fruit drinks, the preparation time for the drink is reduced to 3-5 minutes.

Winter fruit drink from frozen berries

It does not need to be boiled, but the cooking time is greatly increased. For seaweed you will need:

  • frozen berries - 150 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.

An excellent choice would be a mix of 100 grams of blackcurrant, a couple of large strawberries and 2 tbsp. cranberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the washed fruits with boiling water, add sugar, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel.
  2. Infuse in a warm place for 3 hours.
  3. Squeeze the berries, filter the liquid.

You can drink juice warm or chilled.

If time is short, make a quick cranberry drink. Grind the berries with a blender, combine with sugar and put in the refrigerator. Before use, the mixture is diluted with water or tea to taste.

A healthy drink not only quenches thirst and saturates the body with vitamins. It is useful for flu and colds, as it has a tonic, tonic and diuretic effect.

In this article, the online publication "" talks about what fruit drink is, when the first fruit drink appeared, as well as which fruit drink is more useful and how to cook fruit drink yourself.

Mors is a soft drink based on fruit juice with the addition of water and sugar. The appearance of fruit drink is due to the fact that berry and fruit pure juice is sour and thick, and not every human body is able to perceive it in this form.

In addition, a lot of berries are needed to make juice. The first fruit drink was prepared in Romania several centuries ago and was called a honey drink.

Useful properties of fruit drink

Useful properties of fruit drink depend on the ingredients that were used to prepare it. For example, lingonberry juice stimulates appetite and copes with colds, cranberry juice has an antipyretic effect and strengthens the body, currant juice strengthens the immune system and blood vessels and relieves inflammation, blackberry juice improves digestion, strengthens nervous system and the whole organism as a whole.

Regardless of what fruit, berry or vegetable the fruit drink is made from, first of all it quenches thirst in summer if you add a piece of ice, and warms you in winter if you drink it warm. A sip of juice lifts the mood and relieves fatigue.

Morse contains a supply of vitamins necessary for a person. The drink is rich in vitamins C, A, E, B2, B9 and PP, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and calcium. Morse contains a substance that improves digestion and removes toxic substances from the body - this is pectin.

Morse can be drunk as a prophylactic to improve the condition of the body. To improve the body, it is necessary to drink a glass of fruit drink for two weeks before meals. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that with reduced and normal acidity, fruit drinks are drunk half an hour before meals, and with increased acidity, 1.5 hours before meals. By the way, such prevention has an official name - sea therapy. It is recommended to repeat the course twice a year.

Fruit drinks are useful for women who are watching their figure or want to lose weight. To do this, you need to do a fasting day twice a week. During the day, drink up to two liters of fruit drink. The drink allows you not only to lose weight, but also to feel much better.

What fruits, vegetables and berries are used to make fruit drinks?

Absolutely all fruits, vegetables and berries are suitable for making fruit drinks. Just keep in mind that it is better to prepare a drink from vegetables (fruits and berries) that grow in your area. For example, exotic fruits (oranges, mangoes, kiwi, etc.) do not grow anywhere in the country, which means that it is not worth preparing fruit drinks from them. Our country is characterized by fruit drinks made from cranberries, blackberries, lingonberries, currants, plums, cherries, cucumbers, carrots, beets, herbs, pumpkins, etc. Recently, mixed fruit drinks have become popular, that is, not one product, but several, has been used to make a drink. For example, they mix cranberries and currants, pumpkins and apples. When preparing a mix fruit drink, you can show your imagination and create a completely new taste.

Traditional fruit drink is prepared from forest and garden berries, such as currants, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.

General rules for making fruit drink at home

Morse is a drink that is rarely found in the store and, if you find it, it will cost quite a lot. Of course, you can replace it with industrial-made fruit drink, which is cheaper, but it does not contain useful substances and vitamins. All useful substances disappeared when they went through the heat treatment process. In addition, these drinks contain dyes, vitamin substitutes, flavorings and many other chemicals that do not benefit the body. Therefore, the only way out is to cook fruit drinks at home. At the same time, you will be confident in the quality of the products used and in their benefits for you and your family.

To prepare homemade juice, you must follow the following rules:

1. For the preparation of fruit drinks, fresh or frozen berries are used. They are rubbed through gauze or rubbed in an enamel bowl. You can use a juicer or other utensils, but when acid comes into contact with a metal surface, the products lose all vitamins and nutrients.

2. Water should be used boiled or distilled. If it is possible to use spring or artesian water, then this will be the best option for making fruit drinks. The taste and quality of fruit drink largely depends on the water.

3. If possible, replace sugar with honey. If honey is used, it should not be boiled. Therefore, it is added when the cooked fruit drink has cooled down. In this case, honey is diluted with warm water or juice.

4. Add cloves, tincture of medicinal herbs and citrus zest to the fruit drink. This will improve the effect of drinking the drink.

5. Freshly prepared natural fruit drink should not be stored for more than 24 hours.

Stages of preparation of fruit drink:

1. Berries are boiled in water.

2. Boiled berries are ground.

3. The grated berries are poured with the water in which they were boiled.

4. Sugar is added. If honey is used, then it is added at the end.

5. The resulting fruit drink is boiled for 5 minutes.

6. Add citrus zest, decoctions of medicinal herbs or spices to taste.

Recipes for making fruit drinks at home

Cranberry juice

One of the most famous and healthy fruit drinks is made from cranberries. To prepare cranberry juice, you need to take:

125 grams of berries;

120 grams of sugar, but it is better to use honey;

1 liter of water.

Cranberries are sorted and washed. After that, the cranberries are poured with water and brought to a boil. Boiled berries are rubbed through a colander. The resulting juice is poured with water in which the berries were boiled, sugar (honey) is added and boiled for small fire 5 more minutes.

Morse from lingonberries, raspberries and currants is prepared according to the same principles. To prepare a fruit drink, 150 grams of currants or lingonberries and 170 grams of raspberries are taken.

Mixed vegetable fruit drinks

To prepare a mix-morse from beets and lingonberries, you need to take one kilogram of beets and lingonberries, 3 liters of water, sugar or honey. Juice is prepared from lingonberries, which after preparation is poured into a glass jar. While the lingonberries are cooling in a cool place, the preparation of the beets begins. To do this, the beets are rubbed on a coarse grater, boiled in water and juice is squeezed out of it. Lingonberries and beets are poured with lingonberry juice and sugar or honey is added to taste.

To prepare a mix of cranberries and carrots, use 0.5 kg of carrots, 250 grams of cranberries and one liter of water. Cranberries are prepared in exactly the same way as in the recipe for cranberry juice. Carrots are peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. After that, juice is squeezed out of the grated carrot. All the ingredients obtained (juice from carrots and cranberries) are combined and sugar or honey is added to taste, as well as various spices.

lemon juice

Despite the fact that lemon is practically not grown in Russia, lemon juice is popular with people. Lemon juice is also called lemonade.

To prepare lemon juice, you need two lemons, a liter of water and 125 grams of sugar. With the help of a grater, the skin is erased from the lemon. The zest is boiled in water for several minutes. After that, the juice from two lemons is squeezed there and sugar is added. Before serving, the drink can be slightly cooled and mint added.

Another fruit drink recipe is made from frozen berries. For its preparation, any frozen berries or their mix are used. For example, to prepare a fruit drink, you can take 100 grams of strawberries and currants and 125 grams of lingonberries. The berries are poured into a container and poured with hot water. The amount of water should be enough to cover the berries with it. The berries are slowly mixed. After a few minutes, water is added to make one liter of liquid. Sugar is added there. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a towel and left for three hours. As time passes, the berries are taken out and rubbed. You can add mint. Morse is ready!

All of the above recipes use the pasteurization process. But you can cook fruit drinks without it. In this case, juice is first squeezed out of berries or fruits. The remaining cake is boiled and then mixed with juice.

There are several ways to make fruit drink from jam or fresh fruits and berries. Any drink is prepared depending on the availability of ingredients. IN winter time fruit drinks can be made from summer preparations, and drinks based on natural berries and fruits are used as a refreshing drink in summer.

How to prepare and store berries?

For a simple berry juice, only sugar, water and fruit raw materials are required for the season. The recipe for making a drink involves the use of any berries, fruits, and even root crops. Preparation consists in washing the summer gifts of nature. But where to get fruits and berries in winter?

Modern technology allows housewives to keep the harvest of berry products for several months. This means that even out of season you can make fruit drinks from frozen berries and fruits. In terms of its useful qualities, such a drink is no different from the summer version: when frozen, all vitamins and minerals are preserved in the berries.

You can freeze any berries and fruits. Before storing, the fruit raw materials are washed, cleaned of debris and dried, scattering a thin layer on a clean towel. Prepared berries are placed in the freezer and the freezing mode is set. Refrigeration equipment takes care of the rest, and the hostess will only have to get a portion of the workpiece before cooking a fruit drink from frozen berries.

Another modern version of the drink is made from fruit puree prepared without boiling. To preserve the berries, it is enough to crush them and mix with an equal volume of granulated sugar. You will have to store such puree in the refrigerator, in glass jars. With this method, it is possible to save most of the vitamins. Puree can also be used as a regular jam.

An old way of harvesting berries is urinating. Only lingonberries and cranberries are suitable for this method: they have antiseptic properties and are preserved in in kind without any additives. Berries need to be sorted out, washed and dried. Arrange in jars of a convenient size and pour cold boiled water. Under plastic covers, the workpiece can be stored in a refrigerator or cold cellar until spring.

Morse preparation methods

Making juice at home is quite simple. There are such ways to make a drink yourself:

  • mixing juice and water without heat treatment;
  • preparation of fruit drink with pulp digestion;
  • use of ready-made jam or mashed potatoes.

The easiest way is to mix juice and water. For this, a liquid is squeezed out of the berries, which is diluted and sweetened to taste. This option is only suitable for certain types of raw materials, since not all fruits have pulp that easily releases juice. Morse from frozen berries is easier to make in this way: during freezing and thawing, the cells of the pulp of the fruit are destroyed, and it is easier to squeeze the juice.

To extract the remaining juice remaining in the pulp, another method is used. The pomace is boiled for a short time. The finished broth is mixed with juice. The preservation of vitamin C depends on how much juice is boiled, so it is important to know how to cook it in this way.

Jam as a basis for fruit drinks is used in cases where the drink needs to be made quickly. It is important to remember that there is practically no vitamin C left in the classic preparation, so it is best to use mashed potatoes that are made without cooking. The algorithm for making fruit drinks in this case is the same (stir a few tablespoons of jam in water), and the benefits of the drink will be much greater.

Recipe for a classic fruit drink from berries

For the preparation of fruit drinks according to this recipe, any fruits and berries are suitable. You can take several different types raw materials to make the drink tastier and healthier. Would need:

  • 0.5 kg of fruit and berry products;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar (you can take more or less);
  • 0.8-1 l of water.

Berries and fruits intended for fruit drinks must be chopped. Soft varieties are easy to crush with a pestle or fork, denser ones can be passed through a meat grinder or use a blender. The result should be a slurry from which you can squeeze the juice.

The resulting liquid must be set aside, and the pomace put in a saucepan and pour boiling water. Sweeten to taste.

Some types of berries with tender pulp and dense skin (currants, cherries, cranberries, etc.) can not even be boiled. In this case, the pulp is in boiling water until completely cooled. The infusion is filtered and mixed with the previously squeezed juice. More sugar can be added if needed.

If the pulp of the fruit is dense (irga, blueberries, apples, etc.), then after extracting the juice, the pulp must be boiled. So you can extract the maximum of useful substances from it. Properly cooking fruit drink means not heating it for more than 5-7 minutes. Sugar is easier to add during cooking. Cool the broth, strain and mix with juice.

It is recommended to cool the finished drink before serving as a soft drink. After that, it is poured into glasses and served with ice. Based on the basic recipe, you can make several variants of the drink, as well as make a delicious fruit drink yourself from frozen raspberries or other types of raw materials.

Healing drink for colds

To prepare it, you need berries with the properties of natural antibiotics: cranberries, lingonberries or sea buckthorn. In this case, the fruit drink will turn out to be truly healing. But other fruits are also useful due to the content of vitamin C and fruit acids, which help reduce fever and strengthen the immune system.

Berries (200-250 g) mash and squeeze the juice. Pour the pulp with boiling water (500 ml) and let it brew until cool. Strain, mix with juice and sweeten with honey. For colds, berry juice is better to drink slightly warm.

Cooling drink with mint

By adding aromatic herbs to the drink, you can get an unusual fruit drink, reminiscent of the famous Mojito cocktail. For manufacturing you need:

  • lingonberries - 300 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar to taste;
  • a few fresh mint leaves.

Crush lingonberries, pour boiling water over them, add crushed mint leaves and sugar. Put the container in a water bath and insist for 1 hour. Cool and strain. Serve the drink in cocktail glasses, you can add ice and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine

A hot spicy drink is also a fruit drink according to the method of manufacture. This is a recipe for fruit drinks from frozen berries, but they are processed in the same way as fresh ones. Will need:

  • blackberries or blueberries, but other not very sour varieties with a bright juice color (200-250 g) are also suitable;
  • water (500 ml);
  • spices to taste (cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger);
  • sugar and honey - optional.

Squeeze out the blackberry juice, and pour the pulp with boiling water. Put the necessary spices there and boil the liquid for 3-4 minutes. Strain and mix with juice, adding honey or sugar. Drink hot or chill.

Other fruit drink recipes

The easiest way to make a fruit drink is from jam. For fast food drink, take 1 glass of boiled chilled water, add jam or jam syrup, stir. The drink is ready to drink.

There is another way to cook fruit drinks from sweet fruit preparations. In this case, they should be used in the same way as fresh or frozen berries. For this method, candied jam is well suited. The product is dissolved in hot water, brought to a boil. To remove the remains of berries, after cooling, strain the solution through cheesecloth or a sieve. The ratio of ingredients can be very different, but usually about 3 parts of water are taken for 1 part of jam.

You can cook berry fruit drinks from juice canned for the winter. With this method, they proceed in the same way as in the manufacture of a drink from jam. It is enough to dilute canned juice with boiled water and sweeten to taste with sugar or honey. Unlike the juice itself, fruit drink will have a lower concentration and a less pronounced taste of berries. It is easy to make from sea buckthorn, cherry or other highly acidic juice.

Morse can be canned. In this case, fruit raw materials are not boiled, as in the manufacture of winter compotes, but once they are poured with boiling water and the jar is rolled up. To make the drink tasty and healthy, you need to take about 2 cups of prepared berries (you can make assorted different types), place them in a sterile 3-liter jar and cover with sugar (2 cups). Bring the water to a boil, carefully pour into the jar almost to the edge, roll up and turn the container over. Wrap and leave to cool for 8-10 hours. After that, immediately put it in the cellar or pantry.

Morse can be made even from vegetables. Cook it from sweet root crops: carrots, beets, rutabaga, etc. Vegetables are peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. The juice is squeezed out, and the pulp is treated in the same way as in the manufacture of fruit drinks from fresh berries. If desired, add ginger or other spices, give the prepared drink a sour taste with lemon juice.

Berry juice prepared in any way can be used as a base for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. You can also make fruit drinks at home from citrus fruits, using a little of their zest to flavor the drink. By adding a little vanilla, cinnamon, ginger or fragrant herbs to a drink made from frozen or fresh fruits, you can come up with your own exclusive recipes that will become the highlight of any holiday table.