American politician Nikki Haley: biography, personal life, career. Who is nikki haley nikki haley biography

Nikki Haley. Photo: Reuters

The US Senate approved the nomination South Carolina Governor Nicky Haley for the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Haley has served as Governor of South Carolina since 2011. During her Senate confirmation hearings, she said the new administration should be careful in its dialogue with Russia. Haley has criticized Russia's policy towards Ukraine and condemned Moscow's involvement in the Syrian conflict. At the same time, she, like the new president, spoke in favor of cooperation with Russia in the fight against international terrorism. provides a biography of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.


Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Hailey was born in Bamberg, South Carolina on January 20, 1972. Her parents, Dr. Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, immigrated from the Indian district of Amritsar, Punjab.

Hailey graduated from a private high school in Orangeburg and then received a bachelor's degree in accounting from Clemson University.

She worked for FCR, a recycling and recycling corporation, before moving to her mother's high-end apparel firm, Exotica International, in 1994. The family business soon grew into a multi-million dollar company.

In 1998, Haley was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce and in 2003 to the Board of Directors of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce.

Hailey became treasurer National Association women entrepreneurs in 2003 and president in 2004. She spearheaded fundraising events in Lexington for the local hospital. She is also a member of the Lexington Medical Foundation, the Lexington County Sheriff's Foundation and is a member of the Lexington Rotary Club.

Political career

In 2004, Haley was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives. She became the first Indian American to hold this position in the state of South Carolina. She was re-elected in 2006 and again in 2008. Hailey was secretary of the medical, military, state and municipal affairs committees.

Hayley is anti-abortion and has consistently voted for bills that restrict abortion and protect the unborn child. She believes that the funds allocated for public education can be used more efficiently. Hayley proposed a plan whereby a teacher's salary would be determined not only by experience and qualifications, but also by labor productivity. Their qualification rating will be determined by the assessments and reports of supervisors, students and parents. Haley also advocates for tax cuts and the mandatory use of photo ID in elections.

On May 14, 2009, Haley announced that she would run for governor of the state. On November 2, 2010, Haley defeated Democratic candidate Vincent Shikhin in the general election with 51% of the vote to 47% of her opponent.

She was re-elected on November 4, 2014, with 55.9% of the vote against 41.4% for Democratic rival Vincent Shikhin.

Political views: republican.

Family status: married, has two children.

The main opponent of Russian diplomats in the UN Security Council - Nikki Haley - has repeatedly found herself in curious situations. But, like any diplomat, a woman with brilliance manages to find a way out. Female charm helps the American to act on equal terms with opponents in the world of male politicians.

Childhood and youth

The biography of US Representative to the UN Nikki Haley begins in South Carolina, where a girl was born in a Sikh family on January 20, 1972. The parents of the future politician immigrated to the country from the Indian state of Punjab.

Mrs. Haley is not a full-blooded American by nationality. In addition, the name of the woman is Nimrata, and the maiden name is Randhava. Since in the family the daughter was called from childhood by an affectionate middle name - Nikki, later it became familiar to the politician.

The Randhawa family is quite large. In addition to Nikki, the parents raised two sons and another daughter. The girl received an excellent education, graduating from a secondary private school in Orangeburg, which prepares graduates for college. She then earned a bachelor's degree in accounting from Clemson University.

The graduate got a job in a company that dealt with waste disposal. After working there for several years and gaining experience, the girl decided to move to the position of commercial director in her mother's company, which produces clothes of the highest quality.

Soon the small family company grew to an impressive size and began to bring excellent profits. Since 1998, Nikki Haley's career in the economic field has been inexorably going up.

The commercial director is appointed to the boards of directors first of Orangeburg and then of Lexington. In 2004, she became president of the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs.

In addition to entrepreneurial activities and business, he devotes time to social work and charity. Supports medical and sheriff's funds.


The first steps in the political arena were made by Haley in 2004, when a woman was elected to the House of Representatives of her native state. Subsequently, she was successfully re-elected to the position twice more, bypassing her rivals according to the voting results.

Nikki Haley is a representative of the US Republican Party. In the State House of Representatives, she served as secretary of the committees regulating the medical, military, state and municipal spheres.

As a politician, the Indian-American is strongly opposed to abortion. The woman believes that even an unborn child already has the right to life. In this regard, she voted and supported projects against abortion.

A supporter of the bill, according to which, after an ultrasound that diagnoses conception, a woman can make a decision to maintain or terminate a pregnancy only after 24 hours, thereby retaining the opportunity to consider the outcome.

In 2010, she nominated her candidacy for governor of South Carolina and again bypassed Democratic rivals in the vote. In 2014, she was re-elected to this post. In 2016, the American was honored to receive an offer to take the place of the US representative to the UN. At the end of January 2017, Haley's candidacy was approved by the Senate almost unanimously.

As an ambassador to the United Nations Security Council, a woman speaks out against world politics Russian Federation. The negative attitude towards Russia, towards the president of the country clearly slips in every speech of the Permanent Representative.

Open polemics and confrontations began in the Security Council between Haley and the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, continued after the appointment of s. The Russian side, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, reasonably consider Haley to be Russophobic.

Speaking with statements about the position of the United States in the strategic issues of world politics, Haley often makes mistakes caused by an insufficient evidence base for the charges. Most often, the country's claims are directed towards the Russian Federation, which supports the Assad regime in Syria. In addition, she spoke sharply about the situation in Ukraine and about the inaction of the UN during Russia's invasion of the territory of Crimea. In addition to the Russian Federation, the confrontation is directed towards the DPRK.

Personal life

Since September 1996, the woman has been happily married to her husband Michael Haley. The politician's husband is a federal employee of the US military department.

It is noteworthy that Nikki Haley does not forget about Sikh roots and respects the religion of her parents. Considering himself a Christian, he nevertheless respects the rites of the Sikhs. The wedding ceremony of the spouses was held according to the traditions of both faiths. The couple has two children - daughter Rena and son Nalin.

The appearance of the woman clearly indicates the presence of Indian blood. Nikki Haley is a pleasant and smiling American woman of average build (the politician's height is 173 cm and weighs 60 kg). Looking at her, one can not immediately draw a conclusion about the ability to enter into passionate political disputes.

American politician. Member of the Republican Party. US Permanent Representative to the UN (2017 - 2018). Governor of South Carolina (January 12, 2011 to January 24, 2017).

On October 9, 2018, Haley resigned as US Ambassador to the UN and will leave the position before the end of the year.


Nikki Haley (née Nimrata Nikki Randhawa) was born on January 20, 1972 in Bamberg, South Carolina to a Sikh family. Her parents, Dr. Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, immigrated from the Indian district of Amritsar, Punjab. She has two brothers, Mitty and Charan, and a sister, Simran.


Nebenzya commented on Hailey's departure

Recently, the resignation of such an undeniably bright personality as the US Permanent Representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, was announced. What does this mean for the US?

Nikki Haley: Trump's "Baghdad Bob"

She was chosen to represent the United Nations for one reason, a senior GOP political consultant explained to me, reacting to the news that Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, had just left the Trump administration. She was supposed to deliver a feminine or, shall we say, softer version of Trump's "America First" message. Instead, it has become the administration's national security sledgehammer."

Nikki Haley resigns as US Ambassador to the UN

US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley has announced her resignation.

President Trump and Haley met in the Oval Office in front of reporters.

Trump Accepts Resignation of US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley

US President Donald Trump has accepted the resignation of his country's permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley.

At a meeting at the White House, Trump told reporters that Haley would leave her post at the end of the year and that her resignation was being prepared in advance. At the same time, he noted that Haley could return to the administration for another position.

Haley left the UN Security Council during the speech of the Ambassador of Palestine

The United States defiantly left the meeting room of the UN Security Council, where the events on the border of the Gaza Strip were discussed. This happened during the speech of Palestine, which blamed the US for the loss of life.

US Ambassador to the UN again refused to consider Russia a friend

Russia will never be a friend of the United States, but Washington is ready to cooperate with Moscow if it is beneficial to the States. This was stated by US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, speaking to students at Duke University in North Carolina.

US envoy to the UN threatens new military actions in Syria

The United States does not rule out a military solution to the conflict in Syria and reserves the right to launch airstrikes on the forces of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's government forces, US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley said during a speech at the University of Chicago Policy Institute, TASS reports.

US envoy to the UN refuses to consider Russia a friend

US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley said at a meeting of members of the Republican Party in West Virginia that Russia is not a friend of Washington, even given that countries can cooperate in some areas, Fox News reports.

The US Ambassador to the UN asked the organizers of the Grammy not to get involved in politics

At the Grammy ceremony, they showed a video in which famous people, including Hillary Clinton, read the book "Fire and Fury" with criticism of Trump. The US Ambassador to the UN said that the organizers should not mix music and politics

US Ambassador to the UN urged to hear complaints about Trump's harassment

Anyone who makes such complaints should be looked into, Hayley said in response to a question from a CBS anchor. Previously, the White House tried to "ignore" the accusations against Trump, writes The New York Times

US envoy to UN calls Trump's decision on Jerusalem 'correct'

President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the US embassy there is "the right thing to do," said US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley. This is reported by the CBS channel.

The US envoy to the UN accused Russia of "military actions" against America

By interfering in the American election process in 2016, Russia thereby unleashed "military actions" against America, said US Ambassador Nikki Haley. At the same time, according to the American diplomat, Moscow is conducting similar "attacks" around the world, reports it. The words Washington Examiner.

US Ambassador to the UN said Washington did not want to fight with Pyongyang

Business with the president: Trump offered the post of US Secretary of the Army to financier Vincent Viola

Trump's choice for education secretary is Betsy Devos, an education lawyer. Trump appointed Nikki Haley, governor of South Carolina, to the post of permanent representative of the United States to the UN.

Former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, may become a US national security adviser. He is known for his harsh criticism of the Obama administration: in his opinion, Washington underestimated the threat from the Islamists. In addition, the general has repeatedly called for better relations with Russia.

Big Donald's new people

Nikki Haley - well, what kind of ambassador to the UN? She worked her entire career in South Carolina, first at the family's clothing company, then as state governor.

General James Mad Dog Mattis, who was nominated for the post of Secretary of Defense, completely "set up" from all sides. And Marcus Aurelius loves to quote, and quarreled with Barack Obama, and is skeptical about finding gays and women on the front line. Well, what type, huh?

Haley served as the 116th Governor of South Carolina from January 12, 2011 to January 24, 2017. She was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from the 87th congressional district from January 3, 2005 to November 8, 2010.

Nimrata "Nikki" Haley (nee Randhava) was born on January 9, 1972, in Bamberg, South Carolina (Bamberg, South Carolina), in a Sikh family. Those close to her always called her "Nikki", which means "baby". Her father and mother are immigrants from Amritsar, Punjab (Amritsar District, Punjab, India). The family settled in Canada (Canada), after which in 1969 they moved to South Carolina.

When Nikki was five, her parents took her to the Miss Bamberg pageant, where they traditionally chose a "black" and "white" queen. The judges decided that Haley could not qualify for any of the titles - and disqualified her. From the age of 12, Nikki helped with the bookkeeping of her mother's quality clothing store, Exotica International. Gradually, the family business turned into a company with a multi-million dollar turnover.

In 1989, Haley graduated from the independent Orangeburg Preparatory (College) School, notorious for its history of segregation. Nikki graduated from Clemson University with a BA in Accounting. She worked for FCR before taking over as Chief Financial Officer of Exotica International in 1994.

Nikki has served on the Board of Directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce since 1998. In 2003, Haley was on the board of directors of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, became the treasurer of the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs, and in 2004 - the president of this association. Haley is a member of the Rotary Club of Lexington.

The ascent to the political Olympus began in 2004, when Nikki was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives. She challenged incumbent Representative Larry Koon in the GOP primaries - and won 40% of the vote. In the runoff, Haley beat Kuhn 55%–45% to become the first Indian-American woman to be elected to the South Carolina State House of Representatives in the next unopposed election.

Nikki was the only candidate for re-election for a second term in 2006. In 2007, she won re-election to a third term, defeating Democrat Edgar Gomez by 83% to 17%.

Seeking to achieve stability in the economic system, Haley said that one of her goals as a policy would be to cut taxes. When Mark Sanford remained governor of Southern California, Nikki voted against a surcharge on cigarettes. She supported a bill that increased the sales tax by 6%; this bill bypassed "uncooked foods", including canned food, and eliminated the tax on "non-rental residential property".

Best of the day

Nikki managed to implement a plan according to which the level of teacher salaries now depended not only on experience and qualifications, but also on the very quality of work, determined by marks and characteristics from principals, students and their parents. Haley supported a wide range of educational programs and the existence of schools with their own charter. She stated that wasteful spending of budgetary funds occurs when these funds "stay" in departmental accounts for too long.

As the daughter of immigrants, Hailey believes immigration laws need to be enforced. She voted for legislation requiring employers to prove that the employees they hire are legal residents of the United States, as well as requiring all immigrants to provide all proper documentation at all times.

Nikki is anti-abortion. She supports bills that restrict abortion and protect the unborn child. Hailey said, "I'm not against abortion because of the GOP. I'm against abortion because we've all gone through a phase where one of these special babies comes into our lives."

In 2006, Haley, as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, voted for a bill that would provide penalties for harming an unborn child/fetus. The project stated that the act of violence against the fetus is akin to a criminal act against the mother.

Nikki also voted for two separate bills that would require women to have an ultrasound, wait 24 hours, and then decide whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. In 2016, Hailey re-signed a new state law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

In September 1996, Nikki married American officer Michael Haley (Michael Hale); two ceremonies were held - Sikh and Methodist. Nikki converted to Christianity and joined the community of the United Methodist Church. She attends both Methodist and Sikh services.

Michael Haley is a United States Department of the Army federal employee and an officer in the South Carolina National Guard. In January 2013, he was sent on a one-year business trip to Afghanistan (Afghanistan). Michael and Nikki have two children - Rena and Nalin.

In May 2015, Nikki received an honorary doctorate in public service from the University of South Carolina.

On November 23, 2016, US President-elect Donald Trump nominated Nikki Haley for the post of US Permanent Representative to the UN. On January 24, 2017, the Senate confirmed Haley in office with a vote of 96–4.

Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Hailey(Eng. Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley) is an American politician. Member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2005 to 2010. Governor of South Carolina since 2011, member of the Republican Party. 29th U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN (2017-2018).

Place of Birth. Education. Nikki Haley was born on January 20, 1972 in Bamberg, South Carolina. Her parents, Dr. Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, immigrated from the Indian district of Amritsar, Punjab. Her father taught biology at Voorhees College and her mother started her own business. She has two brothers, Mitty and Charan, and a sister, Simran. Hailey graduated from a private high school in Orangeburg, South Carolina, and subsequently received degree in accounting from Clemson University.

Career. Hailey worked at FCR, a recycling and recycling company, before moving to her mother's high-end apparel firm Exotica International in 1994. The family business soon grew into a multi-million dollar company.

In 1998, Haley was appointed to the board of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce, South Carolina, and in 2003, to the board of directors of the Lexington, South Carolina Chamber of Commerce. Haley became Treasurer of the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs in 2003 and President in 2004. She spearheaded fundraising events in Lexington for the local hospital. In addition, she is a member of the Lexington Medical Foundation, the Lexington County Sheriff's Foundation, and is a member of the Lexington Rotary Club.

Political career. In 2004, Haley was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives. She became the first Indian American to hold this position in the state of South Carolina. She was re-elected in 2006 and again in 2008, defeating Democrat Edgar Gomez with 83% of the vote. Hailey was secretary of the medical, military, state and municipal affairs committees.

On May 14, 2009, Haley announced that she would run for governor of the state. Her candidacy was supported by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Movement. On November 2, 2010, Haley defeated Democratic candidate Vincent Shikhin in the general election with 51% of the vote to 47% of her opponent.

On November 4, 2014, she was re-elected, gaining 55.9% of the vote against 41.4% of Democratic rival Vincent Shikhin.

On January 24, 2017, the US Senate approved the appointment of the United States Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley by the President, she received the support of 96 out of 100 senators. She was supported by the majority of Democratic senators, as she does not support the efforts of the Republicans to reduce US funding for the UN. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin also noted that after the annexation of Crimea, Haley said that the island "is not Russian" and spoke out harshly in defense of Ukraine's sovereignty.

On October 9, 2018, US President Donald Trump announced that Haley would officially leave office at the end of 2018.

Views. Hayley is a typical conservative. Hayley is anti-abortion and has consistently voted for bills that restrict abortion and protect the unborn child. Haley believes that public education funds could be used more effectively. She proposed a plan according to which the teacher's salary would be determined not only by experience and qualifications, but also by labor productivity. Their qualification rating will be determined by the assessments and reports of supervisors, students and parents. Haley also advocates for tax cuts and the mandatory use of photo ID in elections.

At the same time, in 2015, she achieved the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol building (the flag of the southern slave states of the times civil war, which is still hung on the buildings of institutions in several US states).

Family. Hailey was born and raised in a Sikh family. On September 6, 1996, she married Michael Haley. Ceremonies were held in both the Methodist Church and the Sikh Gurdwara. Hailey identifies as a Christian but, out of respect for her parents' culture, attends both Methodist and Sikh services. Michael Haley is a federal employee of the US Department of the Army and an officer in the South Carolina National Guard. The couple have two children, Rena and Nalin. Haley's brother, Mitty, was an officer and served in the US Army for 20 years.