Types of social pedagogical work. Categories of children - objects of social and pedagogical work. Social and pedagogical activity at school

Forms of social and pedagogical activity are an external expression of the organization of interaction between a social teacher and a client. The classification of forms of organization of social and pedagogical work is ambiguous, they can be characterized by:

1.3 and specific features:

Functionality, which indicates a form that will ensure the implementation of certain functions of socio-pedagogical activity (for example, the implementation of prevention of certain social situations requires some forms, and rehabilitation work - others);

Structurality, characterized by specific rules for the construction of individual organizational forms;

Integrativeness presupposes the unification of various forms of social and pedagogical activity.

2. In the areas of social and pedagogical activity: - cognitive and developmental; - artistic and aesthetic; - sports; - labor.

3. By the number of participants:

Individual (working with an individual);

Group (work with a small group, family);

Mass (work with a large number of people - the community);

4. By the dominant means of educational influence: verbal, practical, visual.

5. By the complexity of the construction: simple, complex, complex.

6. By the nature of the semantic content: informational, practical, informational and practical.

7. In the areas of social and educational activities: preventive, rehabilitation, protective, etc.

Forms of social and pedagogical activity are divided into traditional (conversations, quizzes, disputes, competitions, oral magazines, thematic evenings, etc.) and unconventional (youth "Internet cafes", street game libraries, preventive programs "Teenager-teenager", "Peer-peer", etc.).

Every organizational form requires its design. Organizational form project - this is a package of information and practical materials and recommendations for its organization and visual, time, premises, appearance of the participants.

The implementation of socio-pedagogical activities takes place in an open socio-pedagogical system and a system of specialized institutions (see table 1).

table 1


Place of work

Institutions of social and educational activities

Socio-pedagogical services of educational institutions

Preschool, general education and professional institutions, colleges, lyceums, boarding schools, orphanages; specialized secondary schools, higher educational institutions

Social services



Nursing homes, family orphanages, rehabilitation centers, social shelters, special schools for children with mental and physical disabilities, employment centers, labor exchanges, prisons, etc.

Social services


Commercial structures, hostels, creative and public organizations, various foundations, banks, charitable organizations

Municipal social services

Social services, socio-pedagogical, cultural and sports complexes, centers of social pedagogy and social work, departments for social protection of the population, departments of social assistance, etc.

Cultural animation services

Teenage clubs, culture houses, craft schools, family clubs, family hostels, playgrounds, parks, etc.

Valeological services

Psychological health centers, dispensaries, rehabilitation rooms and complexes, centers for folk remedies, first-aid posts, etc.

Private practice

An open socio-pedagogical system brings together social, economic, political, cultural institutions that contribute to the socialization of the younger generation. It is multifunctional, maintains ties with all social institutions, works on the principle of consolidation, which ensures individual development and formation of the individual, protection of the rights and interests of various categories of the population, forms civic opinion, provides a cultural and educational level, which is implemented through a set of affairs and events. It includes the family, school and higher educational institutions, people around, public, youth and children's associations, special structures and other socializing institutions.

Depending on the areas of the specialist's activity, the following areas of social and pedagogical activity can be determined:

o socio-pedagogical activities with a family (problematic, religious parents, with a family in which there are gifted or sick children);

o social and pedagogical activity in the school education system;

o social and educational activities in the microdistrict;

o social and educational activities in shelters;

o social and educational activities in boarding schools;

o socio-pedagogical activities with difficult children, with children from the "risk group";

o social and educational activities in correctional institutions;

o socio-pedagogical activity as an organization of leisure.

Each area of ​​activity has a corresponding methodology, which is carried out according to a specific algorithm, has its own strategy and tactics and its own direction. However, the common one is the logic of client diagnostics: study in order to know; know in order to understand; understand to help.

The general concept of assistance is:

1) in identifying the causes of deformation in the development of the client, searching for means and ways to eliminate them, changing the environment in the interests of the client;

2) development of an adequate methodology for the socio-pedagogical process, which will allow the normal development of the client.

Organization of aid should be based on the provisions of the UN: the universal declaration of human rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The success of assistance is possible provided that all subjects are united into a single system, the center of which should be the social, psychological, socio-legal, psychological, medical and pedagogical service.

Collective forms of social and pedagogical work differ from forms of mass work by the number of participants and the level of activity of each participant in the activity. Collective forms of work can be carried out at the level of educational associations of UDL (circles, clubs, workshops, sections, etc.), as well as temporarily operating associations (business councils, creative associations, etc.)

Among the collective forms of work can be called special, characteristic of socio-pedagogical activity.

Training- a form of collective work, which is a systematically implemented program of various exercises with the aim of forming and improving social skills and abilities, increasing the efficiency of social activity.

Business game- a form of collective activity, which assumes, in the process of imitating a real situation, finding ways to solve typical problems of collective interaction, behavioral communications, as well as solving problems of training, education and development of its participants.

Role-playing game- a form of collective work, involving the adoption and playing by children of certain social roles that meet the requirements of society, built according to certain rules of play action to create layouts that replace objects in a real situation. Play is a unique mechanism for the transfer of collective experience, where the main motive is not the result, but the process itself.

Situational role play- a form of collective work, involving a specially organized competition in solving the communicative tasks of participants who perform strictly assigned roles in a fictional situation, and regulated by the rules of the game.

Creating a problem situation- a form of collective work, involving a collective analysis of a real or fictitious situation in order to find ways to solve the problems that have arisen in them.

Children's production team- a form of collective activity, involving the creation of a single collective product (paintings, souvenirs, toys, etc.) or the collective production of a product (material, spiritual, intellectual) that is in demand among the population. In some cases, the participation of children in a children's production team involves receiving real wages for the labor invested by each participant in the activity.

Creative workshop(theatrical, musical, journalistic, etc.) - a form of collective work that promotes the exchange of experience (including social), communication.

Professional meetings- a form of collective work that implements the tasks of professional growth and cooperation of children and youth. The content can be both a meeting with people of different professions, and an exchange of experience of professional activities of children.

Forms of individual work with children

Within the framework of social and educational activities, individual work with children occupies a special place.

Individual socio-pedagogical work can be carried out in the following forms:

Testing- a form of individual work, involving the identification of certain personality traits and the intensity of their expression through a series of tests (questions, tasks, situations, etc.). Testing helps the teacher to identify a social problem in a timely manner, make the correct diagnosis and find ways to effectively resolve the problem.

Building an individual educational route- a form of individual work, involving the joint activity of the child and the teacher to develop, within the educational potential, of his individual educational route.

Consulting- explanation, expert advice on a complex, topical problem. Counseling allows the child, together with the teacher, to deeply and comprehensively consider the problem, receive the necessary information, and jointly find ways to solve the problem.

Other forms.

Thus, all forms of work with children can be divided according to the number of children participating in it: mass, collective and individual.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the family in modern conditions needs social support, which can be provided by the social assistance service and the social teacher of the school.

Targetwork of a social teacher - creating favorable conditions for the personal development of the child (physical, social, spiritual, moral, intellectual), providing him with comprehensive social and psychological assistance, as well as protecting the child in his living space. The social educator acts as an intermediary between the child and the adult, the child and his environment, as well as in the role of a mentor in direct communication with the child or his environment. He conducts socialdiagnosticsfamilies isassistance programfamily, educates parents in raising children.

A social teacher, according to his professional purpose, seeks to prevent the problem as much as possible, to identify and eliminate the causes that give rise to it in a timely manner, to provide preventive prevention of various kinds of negative phenomena (social, physical, etc. plan). The social educator does not wait for someone to turn to him for help, but in an ethical form he himself “comes into contact” with the family. The object of influence of a social teacher can be a child
in the family, adult family members and the family itself, as a whole, as a collective.

In the practice of social and pedagogical work, a certain model of activity with problem families has already developed. Currently, social educators are actively using the following models of family assistance: pedagogical, social, psychological, diagnostic and medical. The use of this or that model depends on the nature of the reasons causing the problem of parent-child relations.

Pedagogical model is based on the assumption of insufficient pedagogical competence of parents.
The subject of the problem is the child. Using this model, the social educator focuses not so much on the individual capabilities of parents as on the methods of upbringing that are universal from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology.

Social model - used in cases where family difficulties are the result of unfavorable life circumstances. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the life situation, the help of external forces is needed (benefits, one-time payments, etc.).

Psychological model - used when the reasons for the child's difficulties lie in the field of communication, in the personal characteristics of family members. This model assumes the analysis of the family situation, psychodiagnostics of the personality, the diagnosis of family relationships. Practical help consists in overcoming communication barriers and the causes of communication disorders.

Diagnostic model - is based on the assumption that the parents have a lack of special knowledge about the child or their family. The object of diagnosis is a family, children and adolescents with communication disorders.
Medical model - suggests that diseases are at the root of family difficulties. The help consists in conducting psychotherapy (treating the patient and adapting healthy family members to the patient's problems).

Typically, the school social educator usespedagogical (educational) model in working with parents. As mentioned above, this model is based on the assumption that parents have a lack of knowledge and skills in raising children. This model is of a preventive nature, especially dysfunctional families need it, since it is aimed at increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, expanding and strengthening the educational potential of the family. For this purpose, use the followingforms of work with a problem family within the framework of the pedagogical model:

    Psychological and pedagogical consultations on the topics: "The role of the family in the development of the child", "Family atmosphere", "Marital conflict and the emotional state of the child", "Child-parent conflict and ways to overcome it", "Family cruelty", etc.

    Pedagogical assignments , for example, organizing work in the family, family holiday, child's day regimen, family reading or writing a letter to your child, etc.

    Pedagogical workshops on the following topics: "What kind of parent are you?"

Acting in the interests of the child, the social educator is called upon to provide the necessary help and support to the family. Its tasks include establishing contacts with the family, identifying family problems and difficulties, encouraging family members to participate in joint activities, providing intermediary services in establishing contacts with other specialists (psychologists, medical workers, representatives of law enforcement agencies and guardianship and guardianship authorities, etc.). ). The activity of a social teacher with a family proceeds in three directions:educational, psychological, mediation ... Let's consider the named areas of work.

Educational direction ... Includes assistance to parents in education and upbringing. Assistance in teaching is aimed at the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents and their education. Help in upbringing is carried out by creating special upbringing situations in order to strengthen the upbringing potential of the family. This direction is based on the use of a pedagogical model of family assistance.

Psychological direction ... Includes socio-psychological support and correction and is based on psychological and diagnostic models. Such support from the position of a social teacher is aimed at creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family. Providing support in an alliance with a psychologist becomes most effective. Correction of relations is carried out when the facts of psychological abuse of the child (insult, humiliation, neglect of his interests and needs) are observed in the family.

Intermediary direction ... This area contains the following components: assistance in organizing, coordination and information. Help in the organization consists in organizing family leisure (including family members in organizing and conducting holidays, fairs, exhibitions, etc.). Coordination assistance is aimed at establishing and updating family ties with various departments, social services, social assistance and support centers. Information assistance is aimed at informing families about social protection issues. This direction is based on the use of a medical and social model.

When working with a family, the social educator usually plays three roles:counselor, consultant, advocate . Advisor - informs the family about the importance and possibility of interaction between parents and children in the family; talks about the peculiarities of the child's development; gives pedagogical advice on raising children.Consultant - advises on family law issues; issues of interpersonal interaction in the family; explains to parents how to create the conditions necessary for the normal development and upbringing of a child in a family.Defender - protects the rights of the child in the event that one has to deal with the alienation of parents from the process of raising children.

In the practice of social and pedagogical work with the family, mainly two are usedforms of work, short-term and long-term ... Among the short-term forms arecrisis, intervention andproblem-oriented model interactions.

Crisis intervention model family work involves providing assistance directly in crisis situations that may be caused by changes in the natural life cycle of the family or accidental traumatic circumstances.

Problem-oriented model is aimed at solving specific practical problems, declared and recognized by the family, that is, at the center of this model is the requirement that the specialists providing assistance focus their efforts on the problem that the family has realized and on which it is ready to work. This model prescribes to solve the problem with joint efforts. The work is carried out in a spirit of cooperation with an emphasis on stimulating the ability of family members to solve their own difficulties. Successful problem solving creates a positive experience for solving subsequent problem situations on your own.

Long-term forms of work includesocial and pedagogical patronage and supervision. Counseling work and educational training are universal forms, since they are used in both short-term and long-term forms of work.

Family diagnostics is a constant component in the activities of a social teacher, on which the family help and support system is based. Diagnostic procedures require adherence to a number of principles.: complexity, objectivity, sufficiency, consistency etc.

You should not expand the diagnosis if there are no necessary indications for that. A new study can only be undertaken on the basis of an analysis of previous diagnostic information. One should start with the initial diagnosis of family problems, and then, having studied the validity of these problems, identify the causes of these violations.

Some researchers (A.A.Bodalev, V.V. Stolin) believe that the diagnosis of a family and family upbringing is based on two provisions:

    Theoretical position - the reasons for violations in the behavior and development of the child may lie in the characteristics of parent-child relations, the style of upbringing, as well as in the distortion of the process of self-development;

    The practical situation is the construction of diagnostics according to the principle of a "branching tree", that is, the next diagnostic step is done only if the corresponding result is obtained at the previous stage.

During the initial diagnosis, it is important to understand the nature of the problem, which can be justified, partially justified and unfounded. It is necessary to find out how the parents themselves understand the problem, whether they correctly see its causes, what kind of help they expect from a specialist. The main purpose of diagnostics is to draw up an opinion on the state of a particular family and trends inherent in a particular family.

Diagnostic techniques :

observation, questioning, polls, testing, conversations.

A special group is made upmethods of studying the family through the eyes of a child : drawing technique, game tasks, technique of commenting pictures, technique of completing a story, technique of unfinished sentences, etc.

One of the main forms of work of a social teacher with a family is -social patronage, is a family home visit withdiagnostic, control, adaptation and rehabilitationpatronage requires adherence to a number of ethical principles: the principle of family self-determination, voluntary acceptance of help, confidentiality, therefore, opportunities should be found to inform the family about the upcoming visit and its goals.

Patronage can be carried out with the followinggoals:

    diagnostic: familiarization with living conditions, study of possible risk factors (medical, social, household), study of existing problem situations;

    control: assessment of the state of the family and the child, dynamics of problems (if contact with the family is repeated); analysis of the course of rehabilitation measures, implementation of recommendations by parents, etc .;

    adaptation and rehabilitation: providing specific

educational, mediatory, psychological assistance.

    Regular patronage is necessary in relation to dysfunctional and, above all, asocial families, the constant supervision of which disciplines them to some extent,
    and also allows timely identification and counteraction of emerging crisis situations.

Consultation conversations a form of work widely used by social educators. Counseling, by definition, is designed primarily to help healthy people who have difficulty solving life problems. A social educator, working with a family, can use the most common methods of counseling: emotional "infection", suggestion, persuasion, artistic analogies, mini-trainings, etc.

The subject of social and educational counseling are:

    in life support : employment, receiving benefits, subsidies, material assistance, etc .;

    in the field of organizing everyday life : organizing a child's corner in an apartment, instilling hygiene skills in a child, organizing free time, etc.;

    in the field of family health : diagnostics and prevention of morbidity, organization of recreation and health improvement of children, etc .;

    in the field of spiritual and moral health : traditions and foundations of the family, the divergence of value orientations of family members, etc .;

    in the field of raising children : solving problems of school maladjustment, diagnostics and correction of deviations in the development and behavior of children, pedagogical failure and lack of awareness of parents;

    in the field of internal and external family communications : restoration of new positive social ties, conflict resolution, harmonization of parent-child and marital relations.

A number of general and sequential stages of the work of a consultant can be distinguished, characteristic of any model of counseling. The allocation of stages in the complex process of social and pedagogical counseling is conditional.

    Establishing contact. At this stage, it is important to create a supportive atmosphere that will help build trust between the consultant and the client.

    Collection of information. The family's problems are clarified, as they are seen by the participants in the process. It is important for the counselor to highlight the emotional and cognitive aspects of the problem. In this he can be helped by closed and open questions. Clarification of the problem is carried out until the consultant and the client reach the same understanding of the problem.

    Determination of the goals of counseling, psychological contact. It is advisable to discuss with the client how he envisions the result of the consultation. This is of fundamental importance, since the goals of counseling for the counselor and the client may be different. After defining the goals, a contract for consulting is concluded, that is, the parties agree on the rights and obligations that they take on.

    Development of alternative solutions. Possible alternatives for solving the problem are openly discussed. It is at this stage that the consultant faces major difficulties. The counselor helps the family members identify all possible solutions to the problem and select those that are most acceptable from the point of view of the existing degree of the family's readiness to change.

    Generalization. At this stage, the results of the work are summed up, the results achieved during the consultation are summarized. If necessary, a return to the previous stages is carried out.

Along with individual counseling conversations, group methods of working with the family (families) can be applied -trainings.

    Socio-psychological training defined as a field of practical psychology focused on the use of active methods of group psychological work
    in order to develop competence in communication.

    Group working methods provide an opportunity for parents to share experiences with each other, ask questions, and seek support and approval in the group. In addition, the ability to take on a leadership role in the exchange of information develops parenting activity and confidence.

The social educator uses the following forms of supervision.Official supervision - This is supervision carried out by a social teacher on behalf of the official bodies (guardianship and trusteeship bodies, educational authorities, etc.), whose responsibilities directly include control over the activities of the relevant social facilities.Informal control - this is the mutual control of the participants in a process over the observance of each of them formally established obligations. Social supervision carried out by a social teacher does not imply active correctional and rehabilitation measures on the part of a specialist. This is how it differs from social patronage.

Another form of work of a social educator with a family issocial and pedagogical monitoring of the family Is a scientifically grounded system of periodic collection, generalization and analysis of socio-pedagogical information about the processes taking place in the family, and the adoption of strategic and tactical decisions on this basis.

    Basic principles of monitoring: completeness, reliability, consistency of information; efficiency of obtaining information
    and their systematic updating; the comparability of the data obtained, which is ensured by the unity of the chosen positions in the collection and analysis of information; a combination of generalized and differentiated assessments and conclusions.

    The essence of social and pedagogical monitoring of the family consists in the complex use of all sources of data on the processes and events of family life, as having a natural character (information offered by family members on their own initiative; direct and indirect observation, compositions and graphic works of children about the family
    etc.) and obtained in the course of a specially organized research (survey, questionnaire survey, method of expert assessments, biographical method, psychological methods for identifying indicators of intra-family relations, etc.).

    An important role in the implementation of social and pedagogical monitoring is played by the ability of a social teacher to systematize the collection of information and the results obtained.Ways of systematizationthere may be several. Let's consider one of them.

    Since the family is a complex system, the social educator takes into account the subsystems within the family, the relationship between individuals and subsystems.

    Parental subsystem "mother - father". The social educator focuses on the interaction of the married couple as the parents of the child (children), the norms of relationships adopted in the family: mother - children, father - children, parenting style. The upbringing potential of a family is largely determined by the content and nature of the functioning of the parental subsystem. Mistakes that parents make, their distorted values, contradictions
    in the systems of requirements and the influence of the family on the child.

    Subsystem "brothers - sisters". The social educator focuses on the relationship of children, the characteristics of the social role of each child, the division of responsibilities established in the family between brothers and sisters.

    Relationships between children in a family are an irreplaceable experience of communication and interaction of a long-term nature, when the distribution of responsibilities, tolerance, the ability to resolve and prevent conflicts, share the manifest
    in relation to them, the care and attention of adults, and much more. For most children, these relationships for a long period acquire the character of the most significant. However, a significant potential of desocializing influence is hidden here (relations of subordination, “family hazing”; moral and psychological violence, competitive confrontation, and much more).

    Subsystem "parents - children". The social educator seeks to determine the specific features of the interaction between parents and children, the boundaries of power, freedom and responsibility that have become the norm.

    Socio-pedagogical activity with the family will be effective if it is based on an integrated approach.
    It involves the study and use of demographic data (study of fertility); sociology and social psychology (research and analysis of satisfaction with marriage and family relations, causes of family conflicts); pedagogy (educational function of the family); rights; economy (budget
    families); ethnography (life, cultural characteristics); stories
    and philosophy (historical forms of family, marriage, problems of family happiness, debt); religion.

So, any deformation of the family leads to negative consequences in the development of the personality of a teenager. There are two types of family deformation: structural and psychological. The structural deformation of the family is nothing more than a violation of its structural integrity, which is currently associated with the absence of one of the parents. The psychological deformation of the family is associated with a violation of the system of interpersonal relations in it, as well as with the acceptance and implementation in the family of a system of negative values, asocial attitudes, etc.
Currently, more and more attention is paid to the factor of the psychological deformation of the family. Numerous studies convincingly indicate that the psychological deformation of the family, the violation of the system of interpersonal relations and values ​​in it have a powerful effect on the negative development of the personality of a child, adolescent, leading to various personal deformations - from social infantilism to asocial and delinquent behavior. There is evidence: although parents as the center of orientation and identification recede into the background in adolescence and adolescence, this applies only to certain areas of life. For most young people, parents, and especially a mother, remain the main emotionally close persons at this age.

The forms of work of the social educator with the family are varied. Their choice depends on the structure of the family, its needs, needs, existing problems, existing relationships within the family and in its environment. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze how the roles are distributed in the family ("head", "supplier", "parent", "educator"), how it adapts to changing conditions.

When identifying families in need of assistance, one should take into account: income per person, taking into account the subsistence level; number of children and dependents; the presence or absence of one or both parents; the health of family members; the ability to work of adult family members; availability of housing, savings, land; social status, status of family members in society.

The social educator works in conjunction with various social services, organizations, institutions:

withservice of social assistance to the population is working
to identify and assist families at risk
and support, participates in the organization of family counseling, dating services, family education and self-education
niya, etc.

withwelfare service provides
services for the elderly, lonely, disabled;

withfamily leisure service organizes family tourism, family excursions, the work of family leisure centers, family clubs, clubs for young large families;

withsocial prevention service for deviant behavior carries out work to prevent crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicides, vagrancy, delinquency and other asocial phenomena among minors.

The work of social educators with parents is carried out in twodirections: with a team of parents and individually. In practice, the most rational forms of it have developed: general and class meetings of parents, collective and individual consultations, conversations, lectures, conferences, visits to families of students, registration of various forms
and the content of text materials, photomontages, exhibitions of students' works. Parents are involved in the organization of the educational process: leadership of circles, speaking to parents and children, preparation and participation
in carrying out extracurricular and extracurricular work, economic assistance.

Establishing friendly contacts with parents is easier if the teacher builds communication purposefully, taking into account the situation, thinks in advance not only the content of the conversation, but also its course, possible options and unexpected turns. When giving advice, seeking, if necessary, to make adjustments to the educational influence of parents on the child, one must remember that direct tactless interference in the internal affairs of the family can cause protest and cause hard-to-recover harm. After all, each parent brings up their children as they see fit, based on their knowledge, skills, feelings and beliefs.

The great social significance of purposeful communication with the family lies in the fact that by directing the influence of parents on children in the right direction, the teacher also influences the restructuring of intra-family relations, contributes to the improvement of the personality of the parents themselves, thereby increasing the level of the general culture of the population.

One of the forms of such interaction isparenting meetings. There is an old school aphorism: "The most difficult thing in working with children is working with adults." But there is still a need to bring parents together. Therefore, parent-teacher meetings perform the most important functions that largely determine the success of the process of teaching, upbringing and development of students.

A parent meeting is an opportunity for a scheduled meeting with all parents at the same time, which means that a teacher can receive this or that information about students quickly.

Individual work with parents and other adult members of the learner's family is complex and varied.

The advantage of individual work is that, being alone with a social teacher, parents tell him more frankly about their problems of intra-family relations, which they would never have said in front of strangers. During individual conversations, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: the content of an individual conversation should be the property of only those who are talking, it should not be disclosed.

You should be very attentive to the requests of the parents. A request can only be disregarded if doing so could harm the child.

Individual communication not only gives the teacher an opportunity to influence the parents, but in turn helps him a lot in choosing the right approach to children.

Much in the relationship between school and family depends on the first meeting. In the first conversation with parents, you should not talk about the difficulties of working with children. We need to try to give parents the confidence that qualified teachers will teach and educate their son or daughter and that all the necessary conditions are prepared for this. This is especially true of the parents of first-graders - after all, some of them, if the child did not go to kindergarten, for the first time part with him and are very worried. In order to plan work more rationally in the future, outline an individual approach to each parent, find ways to involve the family in active participation in class and school affairs, you can offer parents when registering a child for schoolquestionnairewith the following content:

I. Full name of parents.

1. Age.

2. Education.

3. Place of work, telephone.

4. Community service.

5. Housing conditions.

6. The total income of the family.

7. What activities of the school would you like to participate in.

II. Full name of the child.

1. ThaninDoes your child like to study in their free time?

2. What games does he prefer?

3. What types of sports entertainment do you like more?

4. Who does he play with more often (boys or girls)?

5. How does one behave in a children's team? (butactive, passive, shy.)

6. What responsibilities does he have at home?

7. What, withinFrom your point of view, the individual characteristics of the child should be taken into account?

III. Who in the family is directly involved in raising a child?

1. Where is leisure time spent with the child most often?

3. Do you knowinAre you friends of your child and their parents?

4. Do they come toinAre you friends of the child?

5. WhatinDoes it make it difficult to raise a child?

6. What are the methods of educationindo you prefer? (atdialects, explanations, strict requirements, punishments, rewards, friendly contacts, etc.)

The form of the individual conversation is very important. Each interlocutor should be able to listen. When meeting
with parents this rule must be observed especially.

The duties of a social educator include visiting families with children with deviant behavior. First visitfamily - a crucial moment, often decisive whether there will beparents trust the teacher, listen to his advice. The teacher prepares in advance for visiting a particular family: he learns its composition, financial situation, finds out where they workparents, thinks over possible questions of family members and answerson them, outlines what information he needs to get about the child.

The teacher plans a visit to the family for the second and third time, taking into account the results of preliminary acquaintance, the child's behavior at school, the attitude of the parents to their duties, their participation in the life of the school.

Going into a family, a social educator sets himself the task of identifying, generalizing and disseminating the best experience of family education. The teacher collects the experience of family education in each family bit by bit. In one family, this may be the equipment of a children's corner, in another - an interesting organization of leisure, etc.

Families in which the mother or father drink are especially great difficulties, and even if drunkenness does not have a malicious form, but is expressed in feasts, periodic use of alcohol, the social teacher takes such families under special control. He regularly visits this family, purposefully conducts separate, individual conversations with parents. The most dangerous thing for raising children is the lack of understanding by such parents of the harm that alcohol can bring to a growing body.

The task of the social teacher is to reveal to the parents the harm of drunkenness in the family, especially the introduction of children to the use of alcohol, it is necessary to emotionally set the children up against alcohol.

Children should clearly understand all aspects of the problem: physiological, social, environmental. Practice of work speaks about the effectiveness of individual work on anti-alcohol propaganda with the families of students.

The social educator can turn to the heads of the enterprises where the parents work. In extreme cases, if the forms of social influence do not work, a more severe form of influence is used - public censure, warnings, a fine is imposed on parents. An extreme measure, when the behavior of the parents is incompatible with the performance of their parental duties, is the deprivation of parental rights.

Often conversations with parents help to find the right approach to the student - after all, relatives know him well and can suggest a lot, help determine the reason for a particular act.

The main task of a social teacher is to activate the pedagogical and educational activities of the family, to give it a purposeful, socially significant character.

The main form of work with a team of parents isparent meeting, together with primary school teachers, which is held monthly, and if necessary, weekly.

Parents' meetings bring teachers and parents closer together, bring the family closer to school, help determine the most optimal ways of influencing the child's upbringing influence. At meetings, parents are systematically introduced to the goals and objectives, content, forms and methods of raising and educating children in the family and at school.

Involving parents in fulfilling assignments for the daily benevolent assistance to the school is an important, urgent task in the work of a teacher, a social teacher with a family.

Based on work plans, individual conversations with parents, family visits, the results of parent meetings, a social educator can conduct collective consultations with parents on issues of particular concern to them.

The work plan of the social teacher includes the following types of joint activities of the school and the family: organization of excursions to various enterprises at the place of work of the parents; organization of excursions and walks around the city in order to acquaint children with the enterprises and institutions of the city, the products they produce; conducting conversations about professions and their benefits for people.

The forms and methods of working with parents are varied, but the chaptersthe fact that the teacher needs to make the right choice, taking into account all the peculiarities of working with this group of parents, the peculiarities of the school system as a whole.

Families with refugee status require social assistance and closer attention. In recent years, the number of families in which parents have the status of unemployed has increased dramatically.

Thus, the main models, forms and stages of socio-pedagogical activity with the family considered in this article, first of all, contribute to the correction of parent-child relationships, improve the family microclimate and are called upon, in general, to stabilize the institution of the modern family.

In my practice, most often, working with my family, I use the following forms of work: diagnostics, patronage, counseling, individual conversations; group methods of work - parenting meetings,

trainings, round tables.

From the moment of receipt of information about the family's trouble, I begin to collect information and identify the causes of the situation that has arisen:

    conversation with students;

    conversation with the class teacher;

    conversation with parents;

    study of the social environment;

    study of living conditions;

To study the family, I use various diagnostic techniques: observation, questionnaires, polls, conversations. Methods for studying the family through the eyes of a child: drawing technique, game tasks, technique for commenting on pictures, technique for completing a story, technique for unfinished sentences, etc.

Consider a specific family.

The family of the Markins consists of four people: a single mother - 32 years old, has a secondary education, does not work anywhere, has temporary earnings; son - 14 years old, student of grade 8, daughter - 8 years old, student of grade 2, son - 2 years old. All live in a rented one-room apartment, in which the heating was turned off for non-payment, sanitary standards are partially observed. Family income per month is below the subsistence level. The son does not attend any out-of-school institutions, the daughter attends the GPA school, the workplace is not suitable for children. Mom often leaves the children alone, leaving for temporary work.

I study the characteristics of the family and its educational potential according to the following sample program:

    The composition of the family, its structure (complete, incomplete, with one child, parents are divorced, etc.).

    The living conditions of the family (the availability of living space in accordance with the standards, the need to improve living conditions, the child has a separate room, a corner for classes and games).

    Material security of the family (secured, low-income, needy).

    The nature of family relationships:

Between adult family members (harmonious, compromising, unstable, conflicting, sharply conflicting, immoral, etc.);

Between parents, other adult family members and the child (blind adoration, caring, friendship, trust, equality, alienation, indifference, petty care, lack of control, etc.);

The position of the child in the family (corresponds to the norm, his interests do not concern anyone,

left to himself, no one is interested in him, intimidated, insecure, avoids

communication with parents, feels abandoned, feels like an idol, serves

"Bone of contention" for adults, each of whom seeks to win him over to his side);

The child's attitude to parents (values ​​the family, the authority of the parents


treats them indifferently or dismissively, is acutely worried

discord in the family, gravitates towards one of the family members (to whom and why?).

    The presence of deviations in the behavior of any of the family members (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)

    The attitude of adults in the family to the values ​​of the child.

    The level of pedagogical enlightenment, educational, cultural level of family members (is there a home library, do they visit cinemas, theaters, exhibitions, concerts, etc.)

    Family upbringing potential (high, unstable, weak):

Parents' interest in parenting literature;

The attitude of parents to the organization of study, work, free time of the child;

Control over the child, the child has a daily routine;

Unity of requirements for the child, forms of encouragement, punishment.

Inclusion of the child in "adult" concerns (awareness of the difficulties and successes of adults in the professional field, participation in solving family problems).

9. The family's perception of what is happening in the world, country, village, neighbors, etc. (interested, indifferent, negative).

I also conduct a questionnaire "On family relationships", which helps to determine the presence of conflicts, quarrels and their causes, ways of resolving conflicts, in the opinion of the family, whether children are witnesses of conflicts and how they react to this, how often the family gets together, etc. ...

Family Relationship Questionnaire

The proposed questionnaire will help define family relationships, identify family conflicts and outline ways to eliminate them.

1. Do you consider the relationship in your family:

    very good;


H) not very good;


not very bad.

2. Do you consider your family a friendly family team?

1) yes;

2) not quite;

3) no.

3. What family traditions help strengthen your family?

(list these traditions)

4. How often does your family get together?


    on weekends;


5. What does your family do when they come together?

1) solve life problems together;

2) do family and household work;

3) you work on a personal plot;

4) spend leisure time together, watch TV;

5) discuss the issues of children's education;

6) share your impressions of your day, your successes and failures;

7) everyone does their own business;

8) add ...

6. Do you have quarrels, conflicts in your family?

1) yes




    do not happen.

7. What caused quarrels, conflicts?

1) lack of understanding by family members of each other;

2) violation of the ethics of relationships (rudeness, infidelity, disrespect, etc.);

3) refusal to participate in family affairs, worries; disagreements over parenting;

alcohol abuse;

other circumstances (indicate what).

8. What are the ways to resolve moral conflicts in your


    discussion of the situation and making a mutual decision;

    ending conflicts for a while;

    seeking help from other people (parents, neighbors, friends, teachers);

    conflicts are practically not resolved, they are protracted.

9. Do children witness or participate in family conflicts between adults?

1) yes;

2) no;

3) sometimes.

10. How do children react to family conflicts?

    worry, cry;

    take the side of one of the parents;

    trying to reconcile;

    leave home;

    withdraw into themselves;

    are indifferent;

    become embittered, uncontrollable;

    trying to find support in other people.

11. What do you intend to do to strengthen family and household relations and improve the microclimate in your family?

Test 1. "Incomplete sentence (N.E.Shchurkova).

Purpose: to determine the attitude of the child towards his family.

The child is offered a series of unfinished sentences, the end of which he must come up with himself. He must behave freely and say whatever comes into his head. You cannot discuss the answers.


Child's answer.

1. Every day I have to

1. Help mom.

2. When I am angry, then I

2. I'm angry.

3. If you knew me.

3. You would like me.

4. My mom is always

4. Shouts at me.

5. My father often

5. Take care of me.

6. The best time for me

6. When I'm alone or with friends.

7. When I go home

7. I never go straight away.

8. I think my brother

8. Loves me

9. I like it when the whole family

9. Supper.

10. A family holiday is

10. When everyone is together and no one swears

TEST 3. Are your contacts with children sufficient? (R.V. Ovcharova)

1. Do you think that your family has a mutual understanding with children?

2. Do the children talk to you heart to heart, do they consult on personal matters?

3. Are they interested in your work?

4. Do you know your children's friends?

5. Do you have them at home?

6. Do your children participate in household chores with you?

7. Do you check how they teach the lessons?

8. Do you have common activities and hobbies with them?

9. Do children participate in preparing for the holidays?

10. Do children prefer you to be with them during children's parties?

11. Do you discuss the books you have read?

12. Do you go to the theater, exhibitions and concerts together?

13. Do you discuss TV shows and films with your children?

14. Do you take part with your children in walks, in hiking trips?

15. Do you prefer to spend your vacation with your children?

“Yes” - is estimated by 2 points; “In part”, “sometimes” - 1 point; "Never" - About glasses.

If you scored more than 20 points, your relationship with your children is generally good.

If 10 to 20 is satisfactory, but versatile enough, think about it. Where they should be deepened and supplemented.

If less than 10 points, then your contacts with children are clearly insufficient. It is necessary to decide how to improve them.

The results of the questionnaire survey of family members showed that the son has a very difficult relationship with his mother, child-parent relations are broken. In the opinion of the parents, family relationships are not very good; the family gets together very rarely. The family's upbringing opportunities are extremely low. Children are often left alone.

Family diagnostics is a constant component in the activities of a social teacher, on which the family help and support system is based. You should not expand the diagnosis if there are no necessary indications for that. A new study can only be undertaken on the basis of an analysis of previous diagnostic information. One should start with the initial diagnosis of family problems, and then, having studied the validity of these problems, identify the causes of these violations.

The first visit to the family is a crucial moment, often deciding whether parents will trust the teacher, listen to his advice. Therefore, I prepare in advance for visiting the family: I find out its composition, financial situation, find out where the parents work, think over possible questions from family members and the answers to them, outline what information about the children (child) needs to be obtained. I try to establish a trusting relationship with my parents from the very first visit. To convince them that I want to help them get out of this situation. I try to be confident and convince parents that it is possible to improve the situation in the family together.

Next, I draw up a family passport, which gives a description of each family member, indicates the dates of birth, significant events in the family. The status of the family, its religious and national affiliation, housing conditions, and neighborhood are determined. The family passport complements the study of parenting. How and how much time parents spend with the child, do they have common things, what is the form of communication, does the father talk with the son, do they spend their free time together, what they read ... It is important to imagine what parents know about their children, what the child is interested in, what reads what his dreams are, with whom he is friends; what is his relationship in the classroom, at school, his favorite teacher, subject; child's health, his problems. It is necessary to find out, and what children know about their parents: their tastes and interests, friends and authority at work, worries, problems, health. Is it possible to cooperate within the family, or all relationships are reduced to the orders of adults.

The class teacher writes a characteristic for the student,which characterizes the student and various aspects of his life: learning difficulties, difficulties in assimilating norms of behavior, features of social contacts, circumstances that negatively affect the process of adaptation to an educational institution.

From the analysis of "Characteristics of the class teacher per child" we conclude that the boy has learning difficulties, his cognitive activity is short-lived. In the classroom, he is often distracted, does not hear the question, is passive, gets tired quickly in the classroom, and has a limited vocabulary. He is very hot-tempered, often disobedient, argues with teachers, is suspected of stealing valuable items. Relationships with classmates are broken, offends the weaker ones, negativism is often manifested in relations with teachers, does not meet the requirements, is insolent, rude. All this is the result of the boy's neglect, that is, the fact that the parents ignore the child, do not fulfill their educational responsibilities.

The family is registered on a preventive basis. The social teacher, together with the class teacher, the deputy director for educational work, draw up a program of individual work with the family for its rehabilitation, and a program for the rehabilitation of the child.

Individual family rehabilitation program




Execution mark

Family follow-up visits

On schedule

Social educator

Kl. Guide.

Psychological and pedagogical assistance

Collection of information about the family, preventive conversations with parents, supervision and control of minors at the place of study, residence, organization of consultations with a psychologist.

Social educator

Kl. Guide.


Material help

Submitting applications to the MA, addressing the school administration for preferential meals for minors during the educational process, as well as providing free textbooks and school bags for primary schools. Organization of assistance to families (formation of a bank of clothing, footwear, used but suitable for use)

Social educator

Employment of parents and minors

Assistance in finding a suitable (permanent, temporary) job. Consulting on registration with an employment center.

Social educator

Legal protection

Speech at the CDN, in the courts in favor of the family

Social educator


Organization of leisure and recreation for minors and parents

Involvement in circles, sections. Involvement in participation in holidays, competitions, etc., including during vacation time

Social educator

Kl. Guide


Rehabilitation of minors

Applications for free vouchers to out-of-town health camps and playgrounds

School administration,

Social educator

Individual rehabilitation program

Teenager ______ Markin Vitaly Sergeevich

Date of birth _______ 04/07/1999

Date of registration _____ 02/12/2013 ________________________________________

The reason is bad behavior in the classroom, rudeness in relationships, poor progress

Family characteristics: incomplete, low-income, large

Address __ s. Mikhailovka of the Saratov region, st. Chernyshevsky, 55

Place of study ___ MOU "Secondary School" Mikhailovka of the Saratov region

The content of the work



liaison services





Study of the living conditions of a minor.

Social teacher, class leader

Inspector of the GPDN


Find out the availability of textbooks and school supplies.

class of hands.

Social educator


Control over the attendance of lessons, progress.


Social teacher, class leader

Secondary school administration


Individual lessons in subjects.

According to plan

Deputy Director for Internal Affairs,

subject teachers.


Attraction to participation in subject weeks, school-level olympiads, competitions, projects

As the

Deputy Director for Internal Affairs,

subject teachers.

Social educator


Conversation "My daily routine"

Social educator

Cl. Manager


Consulting on career guidance

1 time per month

Social educator

Cl. Manager




Identifying a teenager's social circle

Social educator


Questionnaire "How are you with self-esteem?"

Social educator


Test "Am I satisfied with myself?"

Social educator


Training "Know how to say No"

Social educator




Preventive medical examination.


CRP, secondary school


Preventive vaccinations.

According to plan


CRP, secondary school


Individual and group conversations about the dangers of alcohol, smoking, drugs.

1 time per month


CRP, secondary school


Sex Education Conversation


CRP, secondary school


Family visit at the place of residence.

Once a year


CDN of the district




Providing preferential meals, using textbooks, and other benefits.

Social teacher Kurbatskaya E.G.



Assistance in the preparation of documents for registering a family as a poor, large HSS.

Social teacher Kurbatskaya E.G.





Conversation "My Rights"

1 time per month

Social educator

Kurbatskaya E.G

Inspector of the GPDN


Conversation "On the administrative and criminal liability of minors"

Inspector of the GPDN

Social educator

Kurbatskaya E.G


Conversation “Aggressive behavior. Views. Responsibility"

Social educator

Kurbatskaya E.G

Social educator

Kurbatskaya E.G


Meeting with the district inspector

1 time per quarter

Local Insector


Organization of leisure and recreation


Involvement in sports clubs, hobby groups

Social teacher,

physical teacher



Involvement in participation in school-wide events and celebrations

all period

Social teacher,

class supervisor

Deputy Director for BP



Family follow-up visit

Organization of preparation for lessons.

Social educator

Kurbatskaya E.G

class of hands. V.I. Kosheleva

Employment outside of school hours.

Social educator

Kurbatskaya E.G

class of hands. V.I. Kosheleva

Compliance with the daily routine

Social educator

class of hands.

Consulting parents on upbringing

Social educator

class of hands.

Parents' rights and obligations

Social educator

Inspector of the GPDN

Organization of summer vacations for a child

Social educator

Deputy Director for BP

Survey of living conditions.

Social educator

class of hands.

I plan to visit my family for the second and subsequent times, taking into account the results of preliminary acquaintance, the child's behavior at school, the attitude of the parents to their duties, their participation in the life of the school.

I consider one of the most effective forms of work of a social teacher with a family - social patronage, which is a visit to the family at home with diagnostic, control, adaptation and rehabilitation goals, which allows you to establish and maintain long-term ties with the family, promptly identifying its problem situations, providing immediate assistance. Patronage makes it possible to observe the family in its natural environment. That allows you to reveal more information than lies on the surface. Carrying out patronage requires compliance with the voluntary acceptance of assistance, confidentiality, therefore, opportunities should be found to inform the family about the upcoming visit and its purposes. Regular patronages are necessary in relation to dysfunctional and, above all, asocial families, constant monitoring of which disciplines them to some extent, and also allows them to timely identify and counteract emerging crisis situations. During the patronage, it will definitely take placesocial psychological conversation.

From my experience, I realized that if I am worried, I feel that I myself or my family members are not ready for the meaningful part of the dialogue, in this case I agree on the time of the next visit and say goodbye.

Content part

Starting the conversation, I explain what a good family can get from communicating with me as a professional; I ask if the family is willing to cooperate. The family's refusal to cooperate is not final, I definitely check how the family members understood me and how they perceived me; I appreciate the quality of contact with my family. I calmly listen to the answers of family members, I accept them as the basis for future dialogue. The family's answers are not always pleasant, but they are the initial basis on which you will have to build relationships.

Effective in social and educational activitiesconsultation talks ... Counseling is necessary for parents who have difficulties in solving life problems. Families in which the mother or father drink are especially great difficulties, and even if drunkenness does not have a malicious form, but is expressed in feasts, periodic use of alcohol, the social teacher takes such families under special control. It is necessary to regularly visit such families, purposefully conduct separate, individual conversations with parents. The most dangerous thing for raising children is the lack of understanding by such parents of the harm that alcohol can bring to a growing body. The task of the social teacher is to reveal to the parents the harm of drunkenness in the family, especially the introduction of children to the use of alcohol, it is necessary to emotionally set the children up against alcohol. The main task of a social teacher is to activate the pedagogical and educational activities of the family, to give it a purposeful, socially significant character.

I work with parents both individually and with a team. The most common forms: general and class meetings of parents, collective and individual consultations, conversations, lectures, conferences, visiting students 'families, decorating stands, exhibitions of students' works. Parents are involved in the organization of the educational process: leadership of circles, performances in front of parents and children, preparation and participation in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, economic assistance.

The main form of work with a team of parents is a parent meeting. Parents' meetings bring teachers and parents closer together, bring the family closer to school, help determine the most optimal ways to influence the educational influence on the child

The advantage of individual work is that, being alone with a social teacher, parents tell him more frankly about their problems of intra-family relations, which they would never have said in front of strangers. During individual conversations, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: the content of an individual conversation should be the property of only those who are talking, it should not be disclosed. Individual communication not only makes it possible to influence the parents, but in turn, helps in many ways in choosing the right approach to children .. After all, relatives know the child well and can tell a lot, help determine the reason for this or that action. You should be very attentive to the requests of the parents. A request can only be disregarded if doing so could harm the child. I widely use a common and natural observation method. It is he who gives the teacher the most material for educational work. The teacher observes the child's communication, his behavior in the family, at school, in the classroom, with peers, his work and draws appropriate conclusions.

To work with the aforementioned family (Markins), I connected the District Administration, KDN, USZN, and the employment center. As a result, first contact was established with the family, the parents began to trust the social teacher. Housing and living conditions improved, heating was connected, sanitary and hygienic conditions improved, parents became more friendly towards school. The son noticeably changed his attitude towards his mother, towards studies, enrolled in sports sections. Mom got a job in a local recreation center, began to cooperate with the school - to lead a circle "Bees" (handicrafts), to participate in joint activities of children and parents (New Year's holiday - making costumes, class hour "The World of My Hobbies"). The joint participation of children and parents in social events brings them closer together, a relationship of trust is established between them. The family has been removed from the preventive register, but the cooperation of the social teacher, the school and the family continues.

I consider the individual form the most effective forms of work with dysfunctional families. Diagnostics, patronage, consultations, conversations, the provision of psychological, pedagogical, material assistance can help in working with the family. The process must be continuous. The weakening of control over the lives of children from disadvantaged families can lead to irreversible consequences, since children from such families are forced to take the path of delinquency and crime, sometimes for self-affirmation.

Based on the results of the work done, each category of families will have their own positive results. The following indicators can be distinguished:

    the living conditions in which the family lives have improved - this is the most positive indicator (it became cleaner in the apartment, the door began to close with a key - safer for children and adults);

    the standard of living has been brought to a satisfactory level;

    restored parent-child relations;

    contacts of the family with its environment have been restored, the child is attending school, kindergarten;

    alcohol consumption decreased;

    parents are working.

Social educators should make every effort to ensure that the family pedagogically, psychologically, socially and financially develops correctly and harmoniously. A prosperous family is a happy future for children, adults, and the whole society. I believe that to work with children on this problem is not enough to have only a pedagogical education, every teacher must also be a good psychologist. The forms and methods of working with a family are varied, but the main thing is that the teacher needs to make the right choice, taking into account all the features of working with a particular family.

Task 1. Make a diagram "Forms, methods and techniques

The family acts as the first educational institution, a connection with which a person feels throughout his life. It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, norms of behavior are formed, the inner world and individual qualities of a person are revealed. The family contributes to the self-affirmation of a person, stimulates his social and creative activity. In other words, the primary socialization of the child is carried out in the family.

As a social institution, the family is called upon to perform a number of functions (reproductive, economic and household, educational, recreational and psychotherapeutic, and other functions) and has a certain social status. The social status of a family is a combination of the individual characteristics of family members with its structural and functional parameters. The psychological and pedagogical literature describes4 family statuses :

    socio-economic status (financial situation of the family, housing conditions, property security),

    socio-psychological status (favorable psychological climate),

    sociocultural status (general family culture, educational level of adult members) and

    situational-role status (attitude towards the child and his problems).

Features of the social status of a particular family determine its educational capabilities and the nature of parent-child relationships.

Family education has a number of undoubted advantages. These include a favorable emotional and moral-psychological climate, an atmosphere of love, care and support, the proximity of parental influence, spiritual connection and continuity between generations, a constant example of adults, moral education of the individual, through the assimilation of a system of values, family traditions, stereotypes of behavior, etc. communication, etc. However, there are so-called dysfunctional families, the upbringing in which, as a rule, deforms the personal development of the child. In addition, dysfunctional families are a source of social orphanhood. Researchers of the problem of social orphanhood (V.V. Chechet, L.I.Smagina, A.K. Vodneva, L.M.Shipitsyna, etc.), among the main reasons for this phenomenon, point to the crisis of the institution of the modern family. There are a number of factors that determine family trouble and affect the growth in the number of children deprived of parental care:

    Falling living standards, unemployment and low family incomes, deteriorating living conditions for children;

    Structural changes in families - the number of single-parent families, as well as children born out of wedlock by single mothers or underage mothers, is increasing, which is why the number of abandoned children is increasing;

    The absence or lack of emotional, confidential communication in families, a high level of conflict in relations between adult family members and in parent-child relationships, an unfavorable emotional background in general, pedagogical incompetence of parents, etc .;

    The fall in the moral foundations of the family, alcoholism and drug addiction of parents, and hence the abuse of children, neglect of their interests and needs.

In modern science, there are many typologies of the family. The peculiarities of a particular family affect the success / failure of educational activities, the emergence of difficulties in the behavior of schoolchildren. The object of social and pedagogical support can be a family of any type. However, the degree of need for it will be different, as well as the content of support. Let us consider some typologies of families, which, in our opinion, most accurately determine the features of social and pedagogical assistance provided to a particular family.

M.A. Galiguzova identifies a typology of families according to the level of social adaptation:

    Well-to-do families successfully cope with their functions and practically do not need the support of a social teacher. In case of problems, one-time assistance within the framework of short-term work models is enough for them.

    Families at risk are characterized by the presence of some deviation from the norms, for example, an incomplete family, a low-income family, etc. They cope with the tasks of raising a child with great exertion of their strength.

    Dysfunctional families, having a low social status in any of the spheres of life, do not cope with the functions assigned to them. Depending on the nature of the problems, the social teacher provides such families with educational psychological, mediatory assistance in the framework of long-term forms of work.

    Asocial families. Families where parents lead an immoral, illegal way of life and in which living conditions do not meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements, and, as a rule, no one is involved in raising children. The work of a social educator with these families should be carried out in close contact with law enforcement and guardianship authorities.

B.N. Almazov also distinguishes four types of dysfunctional, families that contribute to the emergence of "difficult" children:

    Families with a lack of educational resources, single-parent families; families with insufficiently high general level of development of parents who are unable to help children in their studies; families where they spend a lot of time maintaining material well-being, thereby creating an undesirable background for raising children;

    Conflict families: in such families, children, as a rule, are demonstratively conflicted, unbalanced; older children, protesting against the existing conflict, take the side of one of the parents;

    Morally dysfunctional families. Among the members of such a family, differences in the worldview and principles of family organization are noted, the desire to achieve their goals to the detriment of the interests of others, the desire to subordinate others to their will, etc.;

    Pedagogically incompetent families. The consequences of upbringing in such families can be neglect, lack of initiative, blind obedience, etc.

The above indicates that the institution of the modern family is in a state of crisis, and this naturally attracts the attention of specialists from various fields of science: psychologists, teachers, physicians, sociologists, and other scientists. The problems of the modern family require not only a deep comprehensive study of them at a theoretical level, but also a practical solution at the level of the state, society and a specific individual.

In the practice of social and pedagogical work, a certain model of activity with problems has already been formednoisy family.

Types of work with family:

    family diagnostics,

    family counseling,

    psychological and pedagogical education of parents,

    correction of the attitude of parents to the child,

    family psychotherapy.

Before solving issues related to contacting a family with questions of consultation or assistance, it is necessary to be quite clear in such basic concepts as a healthy (functional) family, a conflict (dysfunctional) family, an asocial or dysfunctional family with drug addiction problems and unlawful behavior of family members. a broken up family.

For healthy families are characterized by a strong parental position with clear family rules; flexible, open relationships between younger and older family members with clear "patterns" of attitudes and behavior; safe, emotionally warm ties between generations, which form the basis of "family memory".

For conflict (dysfunctional) families are typically "confused relationships" between family members, for example, a family with a male father (stepfather), who is on the periphery of the family field; family with separated, conflicting parentsmi; a family with chronic hostility between individual family members, older and middle generations, between maternal and paternal relatives. In such a family, family members are constantly experiencing alcohol problems; especially in women.

Characteristic features of the behavior of adults and children in such a family:

Communication between them is at a low level, there is no care, humor, joy from communication;

In interpersonal relations, separation, hostility, and mutual blame prevail; active reluctance of family members to discuss intra-family problems with someone around them, so the family actively avoids support from the school, social protection services, just neighbors;

In relation to family problems, states of anxiety and panic easily arise; there is often a tendency to resolve emerging problems on an emotional level.

In a conflict (dysfunctional) or disharmonious family, there is a discrepancy between words and actions; between some messages from parents like: "I love you" and others - repulsive: "Go away, tired, do not interfere", which causes contradictory feelings and reactions on the part of the child. Children experience anxiety in front of the uncertainty of the future, they can be burdened by the house, they linger outside it for a long time. Often, children project the cause of their quarrels onto themselves, which leads to the formation of low self-esteem. Even more alarming is the situation when, in a family disorder, children begin to speak out with one of the parents against the other. The child becomes disoriented in the choice of emotional relationships and this determines his subsequent attitudes for a long time.

For disintegrated families are characterized by a combination of hostile relations with frozen conflicts fading into the past. Quite often, this situation is aggravated by the fact that the members of the "broken family" are forced to continue to live together, which aggravates the conflict and makes the relationship pathologically dependent. Equally conflicting in its consequences is the option when the child's behavior associated with alcohol or drug use helps to maintain a vicious vicious circle of relationships. For example, every time a son comes in with the smell of alcohol or signs of drug intoxication, the mother calls the separately living spouse and requires him to intervene. It is possible that behind this is the adolescent's unconscious desire to restore the broken relationship. In many cases, it can be observed that children and adolescents can resort to the use of drugs for a kind of "blackmail" and demonstration of their expectations from adults. At the same time, they, as a rule, do not realize that in this way they are only trying to change the conflict family situation.

For asocial ordysfunctional families with drug addiction problems and unlawful behavior of family membersare characteristic:
- a combination of protracted, conflicting intra-family relationships with criminological and drug addiction;
- growing social isolation with the exclusion of the family from trusting or supportive relationships with other families in the house, microdistrict.
Children living in such a family experience various forms of pressure: disunity and emotional rejection from their parents, abandonment and violence, guilt and shame for the behavior of other family members, for example, an alcoholic mother, father. They are forced to measure their behavior and their relationships with the "double standard of rules" - immoral as a norm of behavior within their family and moral requirements determined by the rules of behavior outside the family - at school, in communication with others. In such a situation, children tend to transfer the style of intrafamily "patterns of behavior" to their relationships with others, to impose it, if they do not meet with resistance.

Currently, social educators are actively using the following models of family assistance:






The use of this or that model depends on the nature of the reasons causing the problem of parent-child relations.

The pedagogical model is based on the assumption of insufficient pedagogical competence of parents.
The subject of the complaint is the child. Using this model, the social educator focuses not so much on the individual capabilities of parents as on the methods of upbringing that are universal from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology.

Social model used in cases where family difficulties are the result of unfavorable life circumstances. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the life situation, the help of external forces is needed (benefits, one-time payments, etc.).

Psychological model used when the reasons for the child's difficulties lie in the field of communication, in the personal characteristics of family members. This model assumes the analysis of the family situation, psychodiagnostics of the personality, the diagnosis of family relationships. Practical help consists in overcoming communication barriers and the causes of communication disorders.

Diagnostic model based on the assumption that the parents have a lack of special knowledge about the child or their family. The object of diagnosis is a family, children and adolescents with communication disorders.
The medical model assumes that diseases are at the root of family difficulties. The help consists in conducting psychotherapy (treating the patient and adapting healthy family members to the patient's problems).

Typically, the school social educator usespedagogical (educational) model in working with parents. As mentioned above, this model is based on the assumption that parents have a lack of knowledge and skills in raising children. This model is of a preventive nature, especially dysfunctional families need it, since it is aimed at increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, expanding and strengthening the educational potential of the family. For these purposes, the following forms of work with a problem family are used within the framework of the pedagogical model:

    Psychological and pedagogical consultations on the topics: "The role of the family in the development of the child", "Family atmosphere", "Marital conflict and the emotional state of the child", "Child-parental conflict and ways to overcome it", "Family cruelty", etc.

    Pedagogical assignments, for example, organizing work in the family, family holiday, child's day regimen, family reading or writing a letter to your child, etc.

    Pedagogical workshops on the following topics: "What kind of parent are you?"

The object of influence a social teacher can be all adult family members, a child and the family itself, as a whole, as a collective. Acting in the interests of the child, the social educator is called upon to provide the necessary help and support to the family. Its tasks include establishing contacts with the family, identifying family problems and difficulties, encouraging family members to participate in joint activities, providing intermediary services in establishing contacts with other specialists (psychologists, medical workers, representatives of law enforcement agencies and guardianship and guardianship authorities, etc.). ). Specialists in the field of social pedagogy (M.A.Galaguzova, Yu.N. Galaguzova, E.Ya. Tishchenko, V.P. Dyakonov, etc.) believe that the activity of a social teacher with a family proceeds in three directions: educational, psychological, intermediary.

Let's consider the named areas of work.

Educational direction ... Includes assistance to parents in education and upbringing. Assistance in teaching is aimed at the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents and their education. Help in upbringing is carried out by creating special upbringing situations in order to strengthen the upbringing potential of the family. This direction is based on the use of a pedagogical model of family assistance.

Psychological direction ... Includes socio-psychological support and correction and is based on psychological and diagnostic models. Such support from the position of a social teacher is aimed at creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the family. Providing support in an alliance with a psychologist becomes most effective. Correction of relations is carried out when the facts of psychological abuse of the child (insult, humiliation, neglect of his interests and needs) are observed in the family.

Intermediary direction. This area contains the following components: assistance in organizing, coordination and information. Help in the organization consists in organizing family leisure (including family members in organizing and conducting holidays, fairs, exhibitions, etc.). Coordination assistance is aimed at establishing and updating family ties with various departments, social services, social assistance and support centers. Information assistance is aimed at informing families about social protection issues. This direction is based on the use of a medical and social model.

When working with a family, a social educator usually plays three roles: counselor, consultant, and advocate. Counselor - informs the family about the importance and possibility of interaction between parents and children in the family; talks about the peculiarities of the child's development; gives pedagogical advice on raising children. Consultant - advises on family law issues; issues of interpersonal interaction in the family; explains to parents how to create the conditions necessary for the normal development and upbringing of a child in a family. Defender - protects the rights of the child in the event that one has to deal with the alienation of parents from the process of raising children.

In practice, socialpedagogical work with the family is mainly used in two forms of work, short-term and long-term. Among the short-term forms, the crisis-intervention and problem-oriented interaction model is distinguished.

Crisis intervention model family work involves providing assistance directly in crisis situations that may be caused by changes in the natural life cycle of the family or accidental traumatic circumstances.

Problem-oriented model is aimed at solving specific practical problems, declared and recognized by the family, that is, at the center of this model is the requirement that the specialists providing assistance focus their efforts on the problem that the family has realized and on which it is ready to work. This model prescribes to solve the problem with joint efforts. The work is carried out in a spirit of cooperation with an emphasis on stimulating the ability of family members to solve their own difficulties. Successful problem solving creates a positive experience for solving subsequent problem situations on your own.

TOlong-term forms work includes social and pedagogical patronage and supervision. Counseling work and educational training are universal, as they are used in both short and long term forms of work.

Family diagnostics is a constant component in the activities of a social educator, on which the family help and support system is based. Carrying out diagnostic procedures requires adherence to a number of principles: complexity, objectivity, sufficiency, consistency, etc. You should not expand the diagnosis if there are no necessary indications for that. A new study can only be undertaken on the basis of an analysis of previous diagnostic information. You should start with the initial diagnosis of parental complaints, and then, after examining the validity of these complaints, identify the causes of these violations.

Some researchers (A.A.Bodalev, V.V. Stolin) believe that the diagnosis of a family and family upbringing is based on two provisions:

    Theoretical position - the reasons for violations in the behavior and development of the child may lie in the characteristics of parent-child relations, the style of upbringing, as well as in the distortion of the process of self-development;

    The practical situation is the construction of diagnostics according to the principle of a "branching tree", that is, the next diagnostic step is done only if the corresponding result is obtained at the previous stage.

During the initial diagnosis, it is important to understand the nature of the complaint or problem, which can be justified, partially justified and unfounded. It is necessary to find out how the parents themselves understand the problem, whether they correctly see its causes, what kind of help they expect from a specialist. The main purpose of diagnostics is to draw up an opinion on the state of a particular family and trends inherent in a particular family. The diagnostic techniques used are traditional: observation, questionnaires, polls, testing, conversations. A special group is made up of methods for studying the family through the eyes of a child: drawing technique, game tasks, method of commenting on pictures, method of completing a story, method of unfinished sentences, etc.

When working with the family, the social educator often uses social patronage or supervision.Social patronage - this is the form of the closest interaction with the family, when a social teacher is at her disposal for a long time, enters into the course of everything that is happening, influencing the essence of events. The term of patronage is limited (4-9 months). At the same time, a social educator can patronize no more than two families, and at the same time, under his supervision there can be families patronized by him earlier. The work of a social teacher within the framework of patronage includes several stages. However, the boundaries of the stages are conditional.
Stage 1 Acquaintance and conclusion of a contract with the family. The contract is not legally binding. Its purpose is to determine the range of rights and responsibilities of family members and social educators.

Stage 2 Joining the family, creating and maintaining motivation to get out of the crisis. To maintain motivation, it is necessary to involve people who enjoy special trust and who are important to family members.

Stage 3 Collection and analysis of information about the family. Comparison of information received from various sources. If necessary, the social educator uses the advice of other specialists. Based on the collection and analysis of information, the social educator forms relations with the family, ways of interacting with it and plans for joint work to get the family out of the crisis.

Stage 4 Taking the family out of the crisis, solving problems, eliminating the causes that gave rise to them. The content of work with a family is determined by the problems it has. A social educator can provide information and organizational assistance to the family.

Stage 5 Leaving the family. At the end of an intensive period of work, the social educator draws up a family change map. The issue of removing the family from social patronage and establishing supervision over the family for a certain period (up to a year) is being considered. The social educator continues to provide the family with the necessary information, invites them to health, cultural, educational and other events.

The social educator uses the following forms of supervision.Official supervision - This is supervision carried out by a social teacher on behalf of the official bodies (guardianship and trusteeship bodies, educational authorities, etc.), whose responsibilities directly include control over the activities of the relevant social facilities.Informal control - this is the mutual control of the participants in any process over the compliance of each of them with formally established obligations. Social supervision carried out by a social teacher does not imply active correctional and rehabilitation measures on the part of a specialist. This is how it differs from social patronage.

Family counseling is the provision of counseling by a social teacher in case of problems, conflicts in the relationship between adults and children.

Subject with social and educational counseling are:

    in the field of life support: employment, receiving benefits, subsidies, material assistance, etc .;

    in the sphere of organizing everyday life: organizing a child's corner in an apartment, instilling hygiene skills in a child, organizing free time, etc.;

    in the field of family health: diagnostics and prevention of morbidity, organization of recreation and health improvement of children, etc .;

    in the field of spiritual and moral health: traditions and foundations of the family, the divergence of value orientations of family members, etc .;

    in the field of upbringing children: solving problems of school maladjustment, diagnostics and correction of deviations in the development and behavior of children, pedagogical failure and lack of awareness of parents;

    in the field of internal and external family communications: restoration of new positive social ties, conflict resolution, harmonization of parent-child and marital relations.

Currently, the following models of family counseling are the most common: psychoanalytic, behavioristic, systemic.

The psychoanalytic model considers violations of family relationships from the point of view of the internal motivation of the behavior of the spouses, great importance is attached to the influence of the parental family on the family behavior of the spouses.

According to the behavioral model, counseling for disorders in family relationships should be aimed at changing the behavior of partners using teaching methods.

The systematic approach is based on the principles of circularity, hypotheticalness, and neutrality. In other words, it is impossible to understand the problem of one person without analyzing what it means for the rest of the family. Even before working with the family, it is necessary to formulate a hypothesis regarding the meaning and purpose of family dysfunction; the counselor needs to be attentive to each family member, to understand him and at the same time not to condemn anyone and not to take sides.

A number of general and sequential stages of the work of a consultant can be distinguished, characteristic of any model of counseling. The allocation of stages in the complex process of social and pedagogical counseling is conditional.

    Establishing contact. At this stage, it is important to create a supportive atmosphere that will help build trust between the consultant and the client.

    Collection of information. The family's problems are clarified, as they are seen by the participants in the process. It is important for the counselor to highlight the emotional and cognitive aspects of the problem. In this he can be helped by closed and open questions. Clarification of the problem is carried out until the consultant and the client reach the same understanding of the problem.

    Determination of the goals of counseling, psychological contact. It is advisable to discuss with the client how he envisions the result of the consultation. This is of fundamental importance, since the goals of counseling for the counselor and the client may be different. After defining the goals, a contract for consulting is concluded, that is, the parties agree on the rights and obligations that they take on.

    Development of alternative solutions. Possible alternatives for solving the problem are openly discussed. It is at this stage that the consultant faces major difficulties. The counselor helps the family members identify all possible solutions to the problem and select those that are most acceptable from the point of view of the existing degree of the family's readiness to change.

    Generalization. At this stage, the results of the work are summed up, the results achieved during the consultation are summarized. If necessary, a return to the previous stages is carried out.

Thus, the main models, forms and stages of social and pedagogical activity with the family, first of all, contribute to the correction of child-parent relationships, the improvement of the family microclimate and are called upon, in general, to stabilize the institution of the modern family. The study of psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as the experience of social and pedagogical activity, emphasize the relevance of the problem of supporting the institution of the modern family and allow us to name the main areas of work in this area, both at the state and social levels:

    Strengthening the position of the family in the context of the development of modern society through the development and implementation of legislative, legal, regulatory acts. Today the following programs and laws are in force in the Republic of Belarus. The Presidential Program “Children of Belarus”, the Code “On Marriage and Family”, the Law “Main Directions of the State Family Policy of the Republic of Belarus”, “On State Support for Children and Family Rest” and many others.

    Expansion of the network of family social services, family recreation centers, socio-educational centers, socio-psychological and legal consultations, crisis centers for women, etc. In addition, there are various social movements, the purpose of which is to protect childhood and motherhood.

    Diagnostics of family trouble, its causes and origins, forecasting the consequences. Based on diagnostic data - development of programs of social and pedagogical support, comprehensive support for problem families.

The relevance of the problems of a modern family requires specialists from different fields and the whole society as a whole to comprehend the existing experience in supporting disadvantaged families, develop and implement new programs of social protection and support for various categories of families in order to prevent child homelessness, vagrancy, social orphanhood and stabilize society.

Formssocial and educational activities with a problem family "

Techniques and methodssocial and educational activities with a problem family "

Analysis of the situation, assistance from external forces

Analysis and diagnosis of family relationships


consultations, pedagogical assignments,

pedagogical workshops


    Almazov B.N. Psychological environmental maladjustment of minors. - Sverdlovsk, 1986.

    Karabanova O.A. The psychology of family relationships and the basics of family counseling. - M., 2004.

    Naumchik V.N. Social Pedagogy: The Problem of “Difficult” Children: Theory. Practice. Experiment / V.N. Naumchik, M.A. Pazdnikov. - Mn., 2005.

    R.V. Ovcharova Reference book of the social educator. - M., 2004.

    Fundamentals of family psychology and family counseling / Ed. N.N. Posysoeva. - M., 2004.

    Social pedagogy / Ed. M.A. Galaguzova. - M., 2000.

    Shakurova M.V. Methodology and technology of the work of a social teacher. - M., 2002.

From the work experience of the social teacher of the school.

Work of a social educator with a family

author: Savenko Lyudmila Vasilievna, social educator, secondary school No. 3 in Ershov, Saratov region.
Description: I offer you an article on pedagogical topics under the section "Forms of work of a social teacher with a family" (from personal experience). This material will be useful in the work of social educators, class parents.
Family- this is a house that unites people, the foundations of human relations are formed here, the first socialization of the individual takes place. The methods and forms of social pedagogy are established by the social teacher. The purpose of his work with dysfunctional families is to create favorable conditions for the personal development of the child (physical, social, spiritual, moral, intellectual), to provide him with comprehensive social and psychological assistance, as well as to protect the child in his living space. When organizing and choosing a method of educational work, a social teacher should remember that, in addition to him, the family is influenced by: nature, environment, own activities, the media, literature, art, the lifestyle of the immediate environment, their own plans, position in the team. The choice of the method depends on the goals and objectives of education, the personality and age of the pupil, the characteristics of the family and the environment, as well as on the qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience of a social teacher. A social educator in dysfunctional families acts as an intermediary between a child and an adult, a child and his environment, as well as in the role of a mentor in direct communication with the child or his environment. He conducts social diagnostics of dysfunctional families, draws up a family assistance program, educates parents in raising children. A social teacher, according to his professional purpose, seeks to prevent the problem as much as possible, to identify and eliminate the causes that give rise to it in a timely manner, to ensure the prevention of various kinds of negative phenomena (social, physical, social, etc. plan). The social educator does not wait to be asked for help. In an ethical form, he himself “comes into contact” with the family. The object of influence of a social teacher in a dysfunctional family can be a child, adult family members and the family itself, as a whole, as a collective.
The working methods of social education are varied. The following methods are distinguished: socio-economic, organizational, psychological and pedagogical.
Socio-economic - imply versatile work with families in need, including material assistance to the family, etc.
Organizational methods- aimed at organizing assistance to the individual, family.
To psychological and pedagogical methods include methods such as "research, observation, psychological diagnosis, conversation." The most common method in the work of a social teacher with a dysfunctional family is the observation method, which provides material for educational work.
The method of conversation makes it possible for a social teacher to penetrate into the spiritual life of a family, to find out all the difficulties of their life. The success of the conversation depends on the professionalism of the social teacher, his ability to build the conversation in such a way as to win over the family, and also to interest in the conversation.
It is possible to collect material characterizing the family using the questionnaire method. From the questionnaire, a social educator can find out interests, characteristics, and identify psychological problems.
In the practice of a social teacher, the testing method is actively used. It can be carried out in the form of a survey, observation, experiment. In combination with this method, observation, conversation, questioning are used. Such in-depth research helps to identify emotional abuse.
When establishing living conditions, relations between family members, the method of personal support is used.
To identify the causes of conflict situations in the family, the social teacher uses the method of overcoming the conflict. It is important to choose the moment, the time, when it is possible to conduct negotiations between the conflicting ones.
Using folk pedagogy. At present, the methods of folk pedagogy, accumulated by mankind over the centuries, are actively used: education in word, deed, religion, nature and art, traditions, public opinion.
Reeducation methods- prevention and overcoming of deviations in behavior. Re-education sets a goal - to form a family that would meet the requirements of public morality.
Self-education method- the process of a person's conscious transformation of himself, his bodily, mental strength and properties, social qualities of the individual.
Sociometry method- preliminary selection of material from interviews, interviews, questionnaires, assessments of the crisis state of the family.
Monitoring method- tracking information, observation, assessment, analysis of the situation.
The method of generating moods is diagnostics, analysis of the reasons for an act, behavior, mood, mental state of family members.
Persuasion method- emotional and deep explanation of the essence of the problem, analysis and building of perspectives.
Thus, there are many methods for a social educator to work with a dysfunctional family. Their choice is individual.
The activity of a social teacher with a dysfunctional family includes three main components of social and pedagogical assistance: educational, psychological and mediation.
The educational component includes two areas of activity of a social teacher: assistance in teaching and upbringing.
Educational assistance is aimed at preventing emerging family problems and the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents.
Aid in upbringing is carried out by a social teacher, first of all, with parents - by consulting them, as well as with a child through the creation of special educational situations to solve the problem of timely assistance to the family in order to strengthen it and the fullest use of its educational potential.
The psychological component of social - pedagogical assistance includes 2 components: social - psychological support and correction.
The support is aimed at creating a favorable microclimate in the family during a short-term crisis.
Correction of interpersonal relations occurs mainly when there is mental abuse of the child in the family, leading to a violation of his neuropsychic and physical condition. Until recently, this phenomenon has not received due attention. This type of violence includes intimidation, abuse of a child, humiliation of his honor and dignity, violation of trust.
The intermediary component of social and pedagogical assistance includes three components: assistance in organizing, coordinating and informing.
Assistance in the organization is aimed at organizing family leisure activities, including: organizing exhibitions - selling used things, charity auctions; hobby clubs, organizing family events, contests, courses on housekeeping, dating clubs, summer vacations, etc.
Coordination assistance is aimed at activating various departments and services to jointly resolve the problem of a particular family and the situation of a particular child.
Information assistance aims to provide families with information on social protection issues. It takes the form of counseling. Questions may relate to housing, family and marriage, labor, civil, pension legislation. The rights of children, women, people with disabilities, as well as problems that exist within the family.
When working with a dysfunctional family, a social educator plays three main roles:
Counselor - informs the family about the importance and possibility of interaction between parents and children in the family; talks about the development of the child; gives pedagogical advice on raising children.
Consultant- advises on family law issues; issues of interpersonal interaction in the family; informs about the existing methods of upbringing, focused on a specific family; explains to parents how to create the conditions necessary for the normal development and upbringing of a child in a family.
Defender - protects the rights of the child in the event that one has to deal with the complete degradation of the personality of the parents (alcoholism, drug addiction, cruelty towards children) and the resulting problems of unsettled life, lack of attention, and the human attitude of parents to children.
The task of the social educator in working with the family is to resolve crisis situations. In addition, attention should be paid to their timely warning. A social teacher should systematically conduct pedagogical education of parents, involve them in active participation in the educational process, and form the need for self-education. In addition, to acquaint subject teachers with various methods of family education, to generalize the best experience. One of the methods of work of a social teacher with a family is social patronage, which is a visit to the family at home with diagnostic, control, adaptation and rehabilitation goals, which allows you to establish and maintain long-term ties with the family, promptly identifying its problem situations, providing immediate assistance. Patronage makes it possible to observe the family in its natural environment. That allows you to reveal more information than lies on the surface. Carrying out patronage requires compliance with the voluntary acceptance of assistance, confidentiality, therefore, opportunities should be found to inform the family about the upcoming visit and its purposes. Regular patronages are necessary in relation to dysfunctional and, above all, asocial families, constant monitoring of which disciplines them to some extent, and also allows them to timely identify and counteract emerging crisis situations. Patronage makes it possible to observe the family in its natural environment. That allows you to reveal more information than lies on the surface. Carrying out patronage requires adherence to a number of ethical principles: the principle of family self-determination, voluntary acceptance of help, confidentiality, therefore, opportunities should be found to inform the family about the upcoming visit and its goals.
Patronage can be carried out for the following purposes:
- diagnostic: familiarization with living conditions, study of possible risk factors (medical, social, household), study of existing problem situations;
- control: assessment of the state of the family and the child, the dynamics of problems (if contact with the family is repeated); analysis of the course of rehabilitation measures, implementation of recommendations by parents, etc .;
- adaptation and rehabilitation: the provision of specific educational, mediatory, psychological assistance.
Regular patronage is necessary in relation to dysfunctional and, above all, asocial families, constant monitoring of which disciplines them to some extent, and also allows them to timely identify and counteract emerging crisis situations.
Along with patronage, which occupies an important place in the activities of a social teacher, counseling conversations should be highlighted. Counseling, by definition, is primarily designed to help people who are struggling with life's challenges. Counseling is necessary for parents who have difficulties in solving life problems. Families in which the mother or father drink are especially great difficulties, and even if drunkenness does not have a malicious form, but is expressed in feasts, periodic use of alcohol, the social teacher takes such families under special control. It is necessary to regularly visit such families, purposefully conduct separate, individual conversations with parents. The most dangerous thing for raising children is the lack of understanding by such parents of the harm that alcohol can bring to a growing body. The task of the social teacher is to reveal to the parents the harm of drunkenness in the family, especially the introduction of children to the use of alcohol, it is necessary to emotionally set the children up against alcohol. The main task of a social teacher is to activate the pedagogical and educational activities of the family, to give it a purposeful, socially significant character.
A social educator, working with a family, can use the most common methods of counseling: emotional contamination, suggestion, persuasion, artistic analogies, mini-trainings, etc.
Along with individual counseling conversations, group methods of working with family (families) can be used - trainings.
Socio-psychological training is defined as a field of practical psychology, focused on the use of active methods of group psychological work in order to develop competence in communication.
Group working methods provide an opportunity for parents to share experiences with each other, ask questions, and seek support and approval in the group. In addition, the ability to take on a leadership role in the exchange of information develops parenting activity and confidence.
Another method of work of a social teacher with a dysfunctional family - social - pedagogical monitoring of the family - is a scientifically grounded system of periodic collection, generalization and analysis of social - pedagogical information about the processes taking place in the family, and the adoption of strategic and tactical decisions on this basis.
Basic principles of monitoring: completeness, reliability, consistency of information; efficiency of obtaining information and their systematic updating; the comparability of the data obtained, which is ensured by the unity of the chosen positions in the collection and analysis of information; a combination of generalized and differentiated assessments and conclusions.
The essence of social and pedagogical monitoring of the family consists in the integrated use of all sources of data on the processes and events of family life, as having a natural character (information offered by family members on their own initiative; direct and indirect observation, compositions and graphic works of children about the family, etc.) .), and those obtained in the course of a specially organized research (survey, questionnaire survey, method of expert assessments, biographical method, psychological methods for identifying indicators of intra-family relations, etc.)
An important role in the implementation of social - pedagogical monitoring is played by the ability of a social teacher to systematize the collection of information and the results obtained.
Since a dysfunctional family is a complex system, the social educator takes into account the subsystems within the family, the relationship between individuals and subsystems.
Parent subsystem (mother - father). The social educator focuses on the interaction of the married couple as the parents of the child (children), the norms of relationships adopted in the family: mother - children, father - children, parenting style.
The upbringing potential of a family is largely determined by the content and nature of the functioning of the parental subsystem. The mistakes that parents make, their distorted values, contradictions in the systems of requirements and the influence of the family on the child.
Subsystem "brothers - sisters". The social educator focuses on the relationship of children, the characteristics of the social role of each child, the division of responsibilities established in the family between brothers and sisters.
Relationships between children in a family are an irreplaceable experience of communication and interaction of a long-term nature, when the distribution of responsibilities, tolerance, the ability to resolve and prevent conflicts, share the care and attention shown to them by adults, and much more are required. For most children, these relationships for a long period acquire the character of the most significant.
Subsystem "parents - children". The social educator seeks to determine the specific features of the interaction between parents and children, the boundaries of power, freedom and responsibility, which have become the norm.
Socio - pedagogical activity with the family will be effective if it is based on an integrated approach. It involves the study and use of data from demography, sociology and social psychology. Research and analysis of satisfaction with marriage and family relationships, the causes of family conflicts. Research of pedagogy (educational function of the family); rights; economy (family budget); ethnography (life, cultural characteristics); history and philosophy (historical forms of family, marriage, problems of family happiness, debt); religion.
Thus, let us single out the algorithm for the work of a social teacher with a dysfunctional family:

family mapping;

Thus, there are many different methods of work of a social teacher with a dysfunctional family, but all of them are subject to the choice of the teacher himself. A social educator, having studied the problem of the family, its psychological characteristics, independently chooses his role and methods with which he will establish family well-being.
stages of work of a social teacher with a given family:
studying the family and understanding the problems existing in it, studying the requests of families for help;
initial examination of the living conditions of a dysfunctional family;
acquaintance with family members and its environment, conversation with children, assessment of their living conditions;
acquaintance with those services that have already provided assistance to the family, the study of their actions, the conclusion;
study of the causes of trouble in the family, its characteristics, its goals, value orientations;
study of the personal characteristics of family members;
family mapping;
coordination with all interested organizations (educational, preschool institutions, the Center for the Social Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents, the Center for the Protection of the Family, orphanages, orphanages, the inspection for minors, the commission, etc.);
drawing up a program of work with a dysfunctional family;
current and control visits to the family;
conclusions about the results of work with a dysfunctional family.
In addition, in the course of studying the forms and methods of work of a social teacher with dysfunctional families, we found out that with all the variety of methods and forms, the teacher independently selects those that are most suitable for solving problems in a particular family.

In your work, for example with your family(Complete, one parent abuses alcohol):
- supervision and consultation of a psychologist
- conversation of a psychologist, social educator, doctor with a non-drinking parent
- involving the child in the system of additional upbringing and education
- involving a healthy family member and child in various activities and activities at school
- work of a class teacher, a psychologist with a drinking parent on the conviction of the need for treatment for alcohol addiction
- individual work of a social teacher with each of the parents to change relationships in the family.