A story about a rooster fighter's song. Directly educational activities with children of the preparatory group “Travel to the Petushka Museum. All roosters are born cute chicks

Understanding the text as an analytical and intellectual process is characterized by some peculiarities. Firstly, symbols, which are direct stimuli affecting the sense organs, act as objects of perception. At the second stage, the transition from the image of a linguistic sign as a material object to the image of its content is carried out. Both stages are accompanied by comprehension, understanding of the perceived material, based on its active intellectual processing (dividing the text into semantic segments, highlighting “semantic milestones”, “reference points” and combining them into a common sense).

Frame schemes are abstract rigid constructions containing empty windows that are repeatedly recharged with information, since the frame scheme reflects a stereotypical situation.

The use of frame schemes leads to a significant intensification of the process of working on the text. The effectiveness of frame schemes is due to the fact that the use of sign forms expands the capabilities of the brain, since it leads to the simultaneous functioning of both the figurative and logical components of thinking. Frame schemes are used in modeling the interpretation of text.


  • To help students gain experience in constructing artistic descriptions of a subject from descriptions of poultry.
  • To draw the attention of students to the fact that the selection of drawn details and their signs depends on the main idea of ​​the author.
  • Activate the lexical means necessary to describe the subject.
  • To foster a culture of speech among students.

Equipment: Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, text, colored pencils, frame drawings, contours of the "Rooster" drawing.

Frame technology


I. Organizational part

II. Introduction

Today we will work on the text of Yevgeny Nosov "Rooster". The challenge is not only to read the text, but also to explain how it is written, why the writer chose these words and not others. It is necessary to understand, if possible, all the methods of writing, so that then, when writing an essay, use them consciously.

III. Work on the text

- What do you associate the word "rooster" with?

Frame-drawing №1

- What do you think, from what word did the word "rooster" come from? (From the word "sing". Rooster - "singer")... Explain the meanings of the words "rooster", the phrases "get up to the roosters", "walk the rooster".

Expressive reading of the text.

The rooster was so handsome and bold.
There is a fiery necklace around his neck. The back is gray, with small white flecks, and in the bushy tail there are long, sickle-shaped blue-black feathers. He carried himself proudly. He protruded forward with a wide, bronze-colored chest, high, as if in a parade, raised his paws with curved sharp spurs.
He was brave, like a true guard. On the street, he took two or three unhurried steps towards the enemy, as if giving him the opportunity to think again. If he did not remove, the rooster rapidly fell on him. At the same time, he spread copper-red feathers around his neck with an umbrella, and bent his head low. Its long tail dragged along the ground like a cloak.

(E. Nosov)

1) Determine the topic of the text. (Rooster).
2) What sentence contains the main idea of ​​the text? (The rooster was so handsome and bold).
3) What is the author's goal? (Give a description of the rooster).
4) How many parts can the text be divided into? Why? (In the first part, a description of the appearance is given, and in the second, a description of the habits, behavior of the rooster).
5) Read the first paragraph. In what order does the author describe the appearance of the rooster? Pay attention to the symbolic drawing.

Frame-drawing №2

Frame-drawing No. 3

Work in notebooks. Supporting synopsis (Answer)

Colour: fiery, gray, white, blue-black, shimmering with bronze, specks.
The size: small, long, wide.
Form: necklace, sickle-shaped, bent.
Quality: lush, proudly, sharp.

Thinking about the word

a) When describing a rooster, the author uses the noun "necklace". The word "necklace" is ambiguous. 1) Neck decoration. 2) transfer. Neck plumage of a bird. The adjective “fiery” means “orange-red”. “Fire Necklace” is a metaphor. Used in the text figuratively. The rooster is very beautiful. He is the owner in the yard.

b) I was interested in the word "speckled". The back of a rooster is painted in different colors. In the “field” the author does not use the word “feathers”. "Speckled" - fluff. Rooster feathers are multicolored. The rooster is beautiful.

d) The phrase "held himself proudly" is used in the meaning of "the manner of holding oneself." The rooster is self-confident, proud, important.

e) The phrase "bronzed chest" means color. Metaphor. The rooster is a proud handsome man.

f) Spurs - a horny thorn on the legs of a bird. In the text, the word is used in the literal sense,
combined with the words "curved and sharp" more accurately creates the fighting spirit of the rooster.

- Paint the outlines of the "Rooster" pattern.

- Read the second part of the text. How does the author manage to describe the actions of the rooster? What image of a rooster is created by the author in the second part of the text? (Rooster is a fighter).

Frame-drawing №4

- Rewrite the phrases built according to this scheme: ADVERTISING + VERB. Determine the type of phrase. (It fell swiftly, spread it open with an umbrella, bent it low).
- For what purpose does the author use the verb “fell down” in the text in combination with the adverb “swiftly”? (The description depicts the rooster's rushing strength)... Find synonyms for the verb "fell." (Attacked, swooped).
- Compare offers. Determine the kind of verbs. Why is an imperfective verb used in the first sentence? (To show the character of the rooster, its habits, the choice of verb forms is also important - namely, imperfect verbs with the meaning of repetitive actions. When using a perfect verb, a message about habits turns into a message about a specific event).

a) At the same time, he spread copper-red feathers around his neck with an umbrella, and bent his head low.
b) At the same time, he spread copper-red feathers around his neck with an umbrella, bent his head low.

IV. conclusions

V. Homework: Write an essay on the topic "Rooster".

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  • It is hardly possible to find another bird in nature that could be compared to a rooster in terms of the degree of embodiment of bird pride.
  • A little about the rooster - a proud handsome man and a fearless fighter! And what a gentleman!
  • Rooster

  • And everyone knows that the definition of the whole chicken genus comes from the rooster? And where did the word "chickens" come from?
  • Earlier in Russia they did not use the word "chicken", but said - "chicken".
  • This expression comes from the old Russian root "hens", which in the modern concept means a rooster.
  • Not so long ago, German scientists decided to study chicken speech.
  • From time immemorial it has been known that birds have an innate ability to make various sounds, which, depending on the strength and frequency, as well as the pitch, mean something specific.
  • The sounds they utter are enough to tell each other the news: where the food was poured, when the feathered predator flew in, the chicken offended, and much more.
  • And the cry itself "ku-ka-re-ku" is an expression of the highest feeling - self-esteem.
  • Rooster and hen

    Rooster and hen
  • Together with the chickens, the roosters form harems: each rooster chooses five or six girlfriends for itself and takes care of them with great zeal.
  • Having found a grain, he will never eat it himself, but will call the ladies to him. Hearing his call, chickens run to him only from his harem.
  • (A small digression for your smile, how a little neighbor took advantage of the absence of the owner.)
  • Chivalry in relation to chickens is simply amazing, but these proud creatures deserve some blame for the fact that they are absolutely devoid of paternal feelings. Little chickens do not know their father and do not see any care on his part.
  • Although, there are exceptions to any rule - one thoroughbred rooster drove chickens for two seasons, replacing the hen, which abandoned the babies.
  • In Germany, poultry scientists decided to breed game birds. There were enough wild birds' eggs, but hens were not enough, and they decided to use capons - castrated cockerels for this purpose.
  • "Caring hen"

    "Caring hen"
  • One of them was entrusted with bringing out the partridge chickens.
  • The future dad was made a special basket with a lid, which pressed down the rooster so much that he could not stand and had to sit.
  • Simply put, the capon was forcibly turned into a hen and eggs were placed under it. And to everyone's surprise, he not only brought out the chickens, but also turned out to be a wonderful lump: he took little partridges for walks and raised them, as the most caring hen would do.
  • And by the way, what is there to talk about the rooster, because in the avian society there are not so many males capable of showing paternal feelings, especially for large birds. These small birds take care of the kids together.
  • In many, the male and female incubate eggs alternately.
  • It's another matter.
  • There were cases when, after the death of a female, males incubated eggs and nursed chicks. The widowed swan - the father found a girlfriend for himself only when the kids grew up and began to live independently.
  • We are distracted for something, let's return to our roosters.
  • Rooster and hen

    Rooster and hen
  • In the distant past, in a Swiss town, heralds announced the decision of the Holy Inquisition that a criminal accused of witchcraft would be burned in the central square at noon. Naturally, all the townspeople arrived at the place of execution, and soon the crowd saw a company of soldiers in full armor, followed by monks with crosses and torches, and the executioner.
  • Behind him is a cart drawn by four horses. There was a cage on the cart, and a rooster was sitting in it - the culprit of all events.
  • Who could have thought so about a rooster that the sorcerer who took the form of a bird? He - laid the egg! Of course, it was not without witchcraft, and soon the unfortunate bird disappeared from the eyes of people, enveloped in a hot flame of a fire.
  • Then the Inquisition judged not a rooster, but a hen dressed as a rooster. This phenomenon is considered quite natural and is called rooster feathers.
  • Not too often, but such chickens with plumage, like those of roosters, come across, but all biological characteristics do not change at all.
  • This is the story of the rooster.

Far from being the most developed animals in terms of intelligence, but this opinion is deeply mistaken. Let's figure out together why the mental abilities of these birds should not be underestimated, and also find out 13 interesting facts about chickens and roosters.

Domestic chickens have their own organized life, which obeys a strict routine: in the evening, when the sun goes down, they go to bed, and in the morning, at dawn, they wake up. There is even such a saying: "Go to bed with chickens, and wake up with roosters."

Also feathered pets are able to memorize "in the face" of all relatives in their chicken coop: if, for example, one of the hens is moved out of the herd for several days, then, upon her return, she will be freely accepted back into the collective. Chickens also have a good memory for people's faces, and can remember both good treatment and bad treatment.
Among the abilities of laying hens there are arithmetic talents... This was proved by Italian scientists headed by R. Rugani (University of Padua) in the course of their research. They conducted an experiment with newborn chickens, next to which they placed five plastic containers from the "Kinder Surprise". A few days later, in front of the chicks, the containers were divided, two of them were hidden behind one screen, and three behind the other. The chickens were most interested in the screen where three objects were hidden.

Next, the researchers wanted to test the chickens for their ability to add, subtract and remember: in full view of them, scientists took containers from behind one screen and carried them behind another. Interestingly, the chicks continued to visit the screen behind which more items were located.
Another experiment consisted of placing cards with numbers near the chickens and hiding food behind them. First, the chickens were trained to search for food behind a five-square screen. Later, the chickens were offered two identical cards, and in most cases, if the number exceeded five, the chick went to the right card, and when the number was less than five, to the left.
As a result of this experiment, the researchers concluded that chickens, from early childhood, are able to determine where more food may be located, as well as strive for a larger group of relatives with which they can unite to communicate and search for food.

Did you know? Scientists have concluded that a day-old chick has the same skills and reflexes as a three-year-old.

Video: Chicken Experiment

Chickens can communicate

People consider the communication of chickens among themselves as simple clicks and clucking, but in fact, this is the language of communication. Researchers have described from above thirty different meanings of bird conversation, among which “the time has come for me to dream”, “rather everyone is here, there is a lot of food here!”, as well as the call of partners during the mating season and a signal about the approach of predators. Mother hens can quietly communicate with embryos that are still in the egg. And the chicks, a few days before birth, can already respond to their mother with certain sounds that express pleasure or anxiety, if the mother herself is calm or worried.

Later, the kvochka trains the chickens all the time, making various sounds warning of danger, or urging them to peck something, and the babies quickly respond to the call, hiding under their mother or gathering in a group near the feed.

Video: the rooster calls the chickens

They have feelings

Another discovery related to chickens was that these domestic birds are capable of experiencing emotions and expressing feelings of compassion and mercy... British ornithologists from the University of Bristol were convinced of this, who conducted an interesting experiment. During it, the chickens and brood hens were separated by placing them in different cages, but leaving them in each other's field of vision.

The adult chickens were then blown cold air for a while to make sure they were uncomfortable. Afterwards, a stream of cold air was directed at the chickens. At this time, the hens, observing the actions of the scientists, began to have an increased heart rate, they began to call their chickens and behave restlessly.
Therefore, bird watchers have come to the conclusion that domestic chickens are capable of empathizing with their chicks. In the course of other observations, it turned out that the chicken can experience depression if the chick dies, or when it is isolated from the family and placed in a separate cage.

Did you know? Domestic chickens are the most abundant vertebrate species on the planet: there are about 20 billion of them.

Roosters predict the weather

For a long time, our ancestors noticed that roosters, with their singing, react to changes in the weather: they can sing at different times of the day before certain weather events... For example:

  • if the rooster began to sing immediately after sunset, then this indicates that the weather may change;
  • crowing is heard after 22 hours - you should expect a quiet, windless night;
  • the evening "crow" in the summer (up to 21 o'clock) predicts rain, and in winter predicts an imminent thaw;
  • roosters can predict weather changes not only by singing, but also by their behavior;
  • when they dig in the ground, they turn their chests in the direction from which one should expect an increase in the wind;
  • cock fights predict good sunny weather;
  • in winter, standing on one leg, and picking up the other under itself, the rooster predicts an increase in frost;
  • if the rooster started molting earlier than the chickens, then in autumn and winter there will be variable weather, and if the chickens began to molt earlier, then this is a stable weather.

Did you know? In calm, windless weather, the crowing of a rooster can be heard at a distance of over two kilometers.

They like to make noise

Chickens are noisy birds, and they love to accompany any changes from the outside with hubbub.
Here are some reasons why there may be a stir in the house:

  • the owner appeared in the hen house (joy);
  • a stranger entered the room (alarm);
  • an egg will be laid soon;
  • the case took place: I got in touch;
  • many goodies found;
  • the nest was occupied by an uninvited companion;
  • a predator (cat, dog) climbed into the chicken coop.

Another reason for the noisy behavior of chickens is the love of communication. If only one of the birds feels anxiety, this feeling is quickly adopted by the rest of the inhabitants of the chicken coop.

The love of the chicken family for digging in the garden is known to everyone and can cause irreparable damage to their owner. Looking for delicacies in the ground, chickens are able to destroy beds with garden crops over a large area. Also, hens are not averse to digging holes in the beds and flower beds, and enjoy "swimming" in the sand, scattering the garden soil around them. Therefore, the owner must not lose vigilance if suddenly his pets want to get out of the poultry house and rummage in the ground at will.

Rooster - the head of the chicken coop

The rooster has the main role in the hierarchical system of avian society, which allows it to carry out many organizational responsibilities:

  • control of the morning awakening of chickens (thanks to this control, the owners of the chicken coop also wake up);
  • a call to feeders with food, as well as delicacies found in the wild;
  • regulation and prevention of conflicts within the chicken family;
  • enticing chickens into nests;
  • repelling the attack of small predators.

Roosters are genetically predisposed to leadership qualities and prodigality, so they often engage in unequal battles with large enemies, for example, dogs or their own master.

The chicken can be hypnotized

If you want to surprise your friends with your hypnotic talent, show them an interesting trick using chicken as a visual aid.

To "hypnotize" a chicken, you will need:

  • live laying hen;
  • piece of chalk;
  • a flat surface on which you can write with chalk (asphalt).

Now follow these steps:

  1. Catch the chicken and calm it down so it doesn't resist.
  2. Then, holding the bird with both hands, carefully place it on its side.
  3. Hold the paws with one hand, and leave the neck and head free. Having calmed down, the bird itself will lay its head, as if it were about to sleep.
  4. Continue to hold the paws with one hand, and take the chalk with the other and grab the chicken's attention. When she begins to follow the chalk, draw a straight line about 40 cm long from her head.
  5. Run the chalk several times along the drawn line until the chicken, observing the line, freezes completely.
  6. Release the chicken legs carefully. The chicken will remain in the same position and can lie numb for up to half an hour.
  7. Bring the bird to its senses by clapping your hands over its head. The bird will "come to life" and jump up, examining the assembled spectators with surprise.

Important! During the "hypnosis" trick, remember that if the bird resists, it should not be harshly treated. It is also inhumane to leave a chicken numb for a long time.

Of course, this is not hypnosis. Bird watchers give a logical explanation for this behavior of birds: instinctively feeling danger and being stressed, the bird can pretend to be dead.

Video: chicken "hypnosis"

Evolutionary scientists from the University of Kent (UK) consider chickens to be direct descendants of tyrannosaurs because of their similarities in basic habits:

  • chickens can navigate well in space;
  • run fast;
  • good to see;
  • lay eggs;
  • if necessary, choose the tactics of attack.

Also, in the genome of birds, the similarity of the cellular structures of chickens and dinosaurs was found. Chickens are believed to have undergone the least amount of evolutionary change compared to other birds.

A rooster can live without a head

It happens that after slaughter, the chicken can move for some time even without a head. This is due to the fact that the body of the decapitated bird continues to produce nerve impulses.
A similar incident occurred in 1945 in the town of Frut in the USA, on the farm of L. Olsen... To prepare dinner, the owner of the farm decided to kill a rooster named Mike, but he missed and cut off only a fragment of the head from the unfortunate bird with an ax, leaving one ear and a part of the brain stem. The wounded rooster jumped up and began to run around the yard.
The bird was left alive for the sake of experiment: how much it can in this way. The rooster was pipet-fed milk by dropping it directly into the throat. Scientists from the University of Utah became interested in this case, who documented this phenomenon and determined that the rooster remained alive due to the fact that the carotid artery was not damaged during the blow with the ax. Also, the remaining unharmed part of the brain was responsible for the vital functions of the body and allowed the rooster to survive.
Subsequently, Mike recovered from his injury and was able to live for another 18 months. During this time, L. Olsen participated with Mike in public demonstrations of this phenomenon, but once after the tour he forgot to feed him, after which the rooster died (or suffocated from a ruptured trachea, according to another version). The case with Mike is one of a kind, so it took an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records.
Celebrating Mike's Headless Chicken Day Subsequently, the headless rooster became the symbol of the town of Frut, and every year in May, Mike's Day is held there, during the celebration of which they organize an egg-throwing competition.

Did you know?Despite the fact that most people are touched by fluffy, tiny chickens, some people have alektophobia - a fear of chickens and chickens. Suffering from this disorder, such people fear that the birds may behave aggressively and, hiding, attack them.

  • Children born in the year of the Rooster, according to the characteristics of the Chinese horoscope, are brave and noble, not afraid to express their opinions. As a rule, they express their thoughts out loud, which does not always entail positive consequences.
  • Little Roosters are very wise children, they love to spend time absorbed in books. Sometimes their "cleverness" can annoy others a little, but mothers can be proud of them. It is this broad knowledge that contributes to the fact that the child of the year of the Rooster is able to go very far in this life. Many millionaires are born under this sign, and they have one thing in common: they are a little “different”.
  • Representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope from an early age hate dishonesty and humiliation of others, mockery of someone. The Rooster children are a little naive in this honesty, because they expect everyone around to be the same noble and decent. Backstage games, activities on two fronts - not for them. That is why they are loved and respected - despite the fact that they are by nature a little scandalous, conflicting and show a tendency to find fault with little things.
  • Child - year of the Rooster: personality traits

    • A rooster, a girl or a boy, is an independent, independent, accurate person who delves into details. But, first of all, the children of the Rooster year are dreamers and optimists. They are impractical. At the same time, they quite often have crazy and very strange dreams from the point of view of those around them. But if a child or an adult born in the year of the Rooster decides to go his own "crazy" way, nothing will stop him.
    • Roosters are very loyal to friends and family.
    • If a boy or girl is a Rooster according to the Chinese calendar, then they always have their own opinion about everything, which they consider to be correct, and it can be difficult to explain to such children that parents know and understand something better and that it would be more correct to follow their advice.
    • The rooster child is usually the biggest critic in the family. But do not take his comments as an insult. Without a doubt, this little man is sincere, has a pure mind and is guided by pure thoughts. Often he does not even understand why they are angry at him for his words.
    • At the same time, as the children's eastern horoscope warns, the children of the Rooster year are not always able to calmly accept negative statements in their address, and also do not like to admit mistakes, believing that they are better than many others who understand and orient themselves in everything.
    • Often, little Cockerels are very impressed by the situation when they have to show their creativity in kindergarten or school. In this case, the closest people should support him, so as not to discourage the creative child from showing himself further.

    A child born in the year of the Rooster: what awaits him in the future?


    The future of the Rooster child promises to be happy. In life, the children of this martial year of the eastern zodiac will flourish, they will have many interesting friends, fate prepares them many pleasant surprises. Of course, troubles are not excluded, in particular, those associated with those who are really dear to them. Therefore, Chinese astrologers warn: before the former little Roosters start a squabble over some little thing, first let them count to ten.