Hydrogen water generator for drinking. Bottle hydrogen water generator Olansi OLS-H1. What is hydrogen water

What hydrogen water generator

The human body is exposed to free radicals every day. Excess ok...

Buy a hydrogen water generator - water should be healthy!

What hydrogen water generator- a device that keeps you young or just a fashion trend? To understand this, we need to learn a little more about oxidants and their impact on our health.

The human body is exposed to free radicals every day. Excess oxidants accumulate in tissues and organs and gradually destroy them. As a result, the processes of vital activity in cells slow down or begin to flow incorrectly. This prevents the removal of decay products - they clog cells, causing aging of the body and various diseases.

This has serious consequences:

    The internal systems of the body and vital organs suffer. The work of the circulatory system is disrupted, metabolism slows down, hearing and visual acuity decreases.

    The muscular frame weakens, the joints become inflamed, their flexibility and mobility deteriorate, rheumatism and arthritis develop.

    Brain activity decreases, problems with concentration and memory arise, and in the future, such unpleasant ailments as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease may appear.

    There are signs of early aging: wrinkles, sagging, increased pigmentation.

To avoid this, it is enoughand independently evaluate all the advantages of a unique device. This small device is capable of a short time turn ordinary water into an elixir of health and youth.

Some are wondering: is it worth buying a special device, or is it enough to regularly eat foods and vitamins with antioxidant action to fight free radicals? As it turns out, most popular antioxidants neutralize all free radicals indiscriminately. And some of them are essential for the normal functioning of the body.

Using hydrogen water generator, you will get an anti-oxidant agent that selectively affects only those free radicals that pose a threat to the body. That is why the Japanese invention so quickly gained popularity around the world, and hydrogen water has become the No. 1 antioxidant.

Which water generator to buy? Overview of popular models

If you decide to purchasehydrogen water generator, price, of course, will be an important selection criterion, but not the only one. The devices differ in design and construction. Study the features of each device to choose the most suitable one. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular models.

SOUYI Hydrogen Water Maker

This device captivates at first sight with thoughtful modern design. The dark transparent flask and the cold sheen of the metal, combined with the clear geometry of the line, look very stylish. The device is very easy to use. It is enough to pour clean water into a glass, press the button and after 3 minutes you can drink a healthy hydrogen drink.

Hydrogen water maker M-16-SU01

This generator is made in a traditional design. Thanks to this, the device will harmoniously look in your kitchen next to other household appliances. To start using the generator, just charge it with a USB cable. Thanks to its compact size, you can take it with you on business trips and vacations.

Power Hydrogen Water Activator Rod

The main advantage that thishydrogen water generator - price. The low cost makes it accessible to everyone. Also captivating is the ease of use. It is enough to place the rod in a container of water for half an hour, and it will turn it into a life-giving elixir.

To become the owner of a useful device as soon as possible, it is enoughbuy hydrogen water generatorin our online store and wait for the parcel that will come to you directly from Japan. Drink healing water and stay young and healthy as long as possible!

Bottle hydrogen water generator Olansi OLS-H1

7 900

New for 2018. Hydrogen water generator bottle with SPE technology, designed as a convenient 500 ml sports bottle in classic black.
A trendy wellness gadget with a great design, a graphic display and multi-color LED backlighting, designed for those who care about their health and longevity.
A fully portable device with a built-in battery saturates water with pure hydrogen concentration up to 1000 ppb with ORP from -200 to -400 mV in 5 minutes.
A source of hydrogen water that will be with you at home and in the office, on the train and car, on a run or a walk in the park.
The bottle is capable of using any water, including reverse osmosis filters.

Not available

Advantages and description of the operation of the Olansi OLS-H1 hydrogen water generator

The device is designed in the form of a sports bottle with a convenient carrying handle, equipped with a platinum-plated titanium electrode and produces a large amount of hydrogen by electrolysis using the latest patented technology. The SPE/PEM technology is an advanced method of producing hydrogen by means of a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) based on a solid polymer electrolyte (Solid Polymer Electrolyte or SPE).

SPE/PEM technology saturates the water only with pure, highly concentrated hydrogen without electrolysis by-products such as oxygen (O2), ozone and chlorine. The membrane is a solid polymer electrolyte that separates hydrogen from oxygen. This technology is safe and allows you to get only pure healthy water with a high concentration of hydrogen.

One battery charge is enough for about 15 cycles of hydrogen water generation. After the battery is completely discharged, it must be recharged using the USB charger that comes with the portable hydrogen water generator. The bottle is powered by a built-in battery with a long service life.

The principle of operation of the hydrogen water generator bottle is very simple. Fill the bottle with ordinary drinking water and press the power button. After 5 minutes, hydrogen water at a concentration of 800 to 1000 ppb and an ORP of -200 to -400 mV will be ready for drinking. The generator is equipped with an electronic display that shows the battery charge and the electrolysis process. In addition, the bottle has a colorful multi-color LED backlight, clearly illustrating the process of water saturation with hydrogen.

Prepared hydrogen water should be drunk immediately after preparation, or stored in a cool place for no more than 1 hour. The prepared water can be drunk directly from the bottle, or poured into your usual glass or cup.

What is hydrogen water and how is it useful?

Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table with atomic number 1, with one proton and one electron. It is the most abundant element, making up about 75% of the mass of the universe. Due to its small size, it has high level bioavailability.
Hydrogen molecules quickly and deeply diffuse into all cells of the human body and their mitochondria, and also easily pass through the blood-brain barrier.

Hydrogen water is drinking water enriched with a large number of hydrogen molecules (H2), with a neutral pH (~7 to 8) and a highly negative ORP (up to -400mV). This is a natural remedy for maintaining your health, youth and beauty. Hydrogen water is perfect for any person, regardless of age category.
Hydrogen water contains a high concentration of molecular hydrogen, which is the strongest antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and protects our body from their "attacks".

The main beneficial effect of hydrogen as an antioxidant is aimed at neutralizing toxic free radicals (OH), after interaction with which they turn into ordinary water (H 2 O), as well as protecting and maintaining the normal functioning of the organs and systems of our body. As a result, metabolism improves - food entering the body is better absorbed, turning into energy, and not "deposited" in the form of fat. The use of water with a negative ORP also plays a very important positive role - the hydration of the body improves, blood viscosity normalizes, which also helps to improve the transport of nutrients, detoxification and increase the body's endurance.
In addition, water with an ORP that is different from the potential of human biological structures penetrates the body and exposes its tissues to oxidative destruction. This happens when water molecules with a positive ORP take electrons from cells and tissues with a negative potential value. The destruction of cell membranes, nucleic acids, cell organelles leads to the fact that organs and tissues lose a number of vital functions, and the human body ages and wears out. By incorporating hydrogen water into your diet, you can safely regulate excess harmful toxic free radicals in a simple and affordable way.

Testing Olansi OLS-H1 Hydrogen Water Generator

Fragment of the PRO HYDROGEN program

Instruction manual and FAQ:

If you have any questions - call or write to us right now!

Specifications of Olansi OLS-H1 Hydrogen Water Generator Bottle:

Capacity 500 ml
Hydrogen concentration 800-1000ppb
Electrolysis Technology SPE/PEM
ORP readings -200 -400 mV
pH readings 7.5-8.0
Number of cycles from one charge at least 15
Generation cycle time 5 minutes
Housing material food grade plastic
Water temperature, no more 60°С
LED indication Yes
Nutrition 5V/1A
Power 2 W
Battery capacity 1000 mAh
Full charge time about 1 hour
Air humidity No more than 80%
Dimensions Ø70 x 270mm
Instrument weight 320 g
Gross weight 800 g

Delivery set of Olansi OLS-H1 Hydrogen Water Generator Bottle:

  • Olansi OLS-H1 hydrogen water generator – 1 pc.
  • Charger - 1 pc.
  • USB cable - 1 pc.
  • Instruction manual - 1 pc.
  • Gift box - 1 pc.

Manufacturer information and warranty:

  • Manufacturer's Warranty: 1 year
  • Manufacturer Name: Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd
  • Country of origin: China

Advantages of buying the Olansi OLS-H1 Hydrogen Water Generator Bottle in our Alfa Eco store:

  • Free delivery in Novosibirsk when ordering from 5000 rubles, as well as sending throughout the Russian Federation, taking into account your wishes.
  • Courier delivery in Novosibirsk on the day of order. At your request, the courier will demonstrate the operation of the device and answer your questions.
  • Your item will arrive safely. We manually check each item and pack it securely before shipping.
  • If there is a problem with the device, we will exchange or return the money, without any difficulties.
  • Wide range of payment methods: bank cards, electronic money, cash, cash on delivery.
  • We periodically hold interesting promotions and provide discounts for repeat purchases.

New. Portable hydrogen water generator in the form of a 280 ml sports bottle in classic white, with a flip-top lid and a convenient drinking nozzle. Personal generator with a modern design and multi-color LED backlight is designed for those who care about their health and longevity. A bottle with a built-in battery in 5 minutes saturates water with molecular hydrogen at a concentration of up to 1000 ppb and with an ORP from -200 to -400 mV. A bottle of hydrogen water is convenient to take with you to the car, office or gym. The device works with any drinking water, including reverse osmosis filters.


The weight 800g

The rise in the cost of energy carriers stimulates the search for more efficient and, including at the household level. Most of all, craftsmen-enthusiasts are attracted by hydrogen, whose calorific value is three times higher than that of methane (38.8 kW versus 13.8 per 1 kg of substance). The method of extraction at home, it would seem, is known - the splitting of water by electrolysis. In reality, the problem is much more complex. Our article has 2 goals:

  • to analyze the question of how to make a hydrogen generator at minimal cost;
  • consider the possibility of using a hydrogen generator for heating a private house, refueling a car and as a welding machine.

Brief theoretical part

Hydrogen, also known as hydrogen, - the first element of the periodic table - is the lightest gaseous substance with high chemical activity. During oxidation (that is, combustion), it releases a huge amount of heat, forming ordinary water. We characterize the properties of the element, arranging them in the form of theses:

For reference. The scientists who first separated the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen called the mixture explosive gas because of its propensity to explode. Subsequently, it was called Brown's gas (after the name of the inventor) and began to be denoted by the hypothetical formula HHO.

Previously, airships were filled with hydrogen, which often exploded.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion suggests itself: 2 hydrogen atoms easily combine with 1 oxygen atom, but they part very reluctantly. The chemical oxidation reaction proceeds with the direct release of thermal energy in accordance with the formula:

2H 2 + O 2 → 2H 2 O + Q (energy)

Here lies an important point that will be useful to us in further debriefing: hydrogen reacts spontaneously from ignition, and heat is released directly. To separate a water molecule, energy will have to be expended:

2H 2 O → 2H 2 + O 2 - Q

This is a formula for an electrolytic reaction that characterizes the process of splitting water by supplying electricity. How to implement this in practice and make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, we will consider further.

Creation of a prototype

In order for you to understand what you are dealing with, for starters, we propose to assemble the simplest generator for the production of hydrogen at minimal cost. The design of a home-made installation is shown in the diagram.

What does a primitive electrolyzer consist of:

  • reactor - a glass or plastic container with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes immersed in a reactor with water and connected to a power source;
  • the second tank plays the role of a water seal;
  • tubes for HHO gas outlet.

An important point. The electrolytic hydrogen plant operates only on direct current. Therefore, use an AC adapter, a car adapter, as a power source Charger or battery. The alternator will not work.

The principle of operation of the electrolyzer is as follows:

To make the generator design shown in the diagram with your own hands, you will need 2 glass bottles with wide necks and lids, a medical dropper and 2 dozen self-tapping screws. A complete set of materials is shown in the photo.

Of the special tools you will need glue gun for sealing plastic lids. The manufacturing process is simple:

To start the hydrogen generator, pour salted water into the reactor and turn on the power source. The beginning of the reaction will be marked by the appearance of gas bubbles in both containers. Adjust the voltage to the optimum value and ignite Brown's gas coming out of the dropper needle.

Second important point. Too high voltage must not be applied - the electrolyte, heated to 65 ° C or more, will begin to evaporate intensively. Due to the large amount of water vapor, it will not be possible to ignite the burner. For details on assembling and launching an impromptu hydrogen generator, see the video:

About Meyer's hydrogen cell

If you have made and tested the above construction, then by the burning of the flame at the end of the needle you have probably noticed that the performance of the installation is extremely low. To get more explosive gas, you need to make a more serious device called the Stanley Meyer cell in honor of the inventor.

The principle of operation of the cell is also based on electrolysis, only the anode and cathode are made in the form of tubes inserted one into the other. Voltage is supplied from the pulse generator through two resonant coils, which reduces the current consumption and increases the performance of the hydrogen generator. The electronic circuit of the device is shown in the figure:

Note. Details about the operation of the scheme are described on the resource http://www.meanders.ru/meiers8.shtml.

To make a Meyer cell, you will need:

  • a cylindrical body made of plastic or plexiglass, craftsmen often use a water filter with a lid and nozzles;
  • tubes from of stainless steel diameter 15 and 20 mm length 97 mm;
  • wires, insulators.

Stainless tubes are attached to the dielectric base, wires connected to the generator are soldered to them. The cell consists of 9 or 11 tubes placed in a plastic or plexiglass case, as shown in the photo.

Under the Meyer cell, you can adapt a ready-made plastic case from a conventional tap filter

The elements are connected according to the scheme known on the Internet, which includes an electronic unit, a Meyer cell and a water seal (the technical name is a bubbler). For safety reasons, the system is equipped with critical pressure and water level sensors. According to home craftsmen, such a hydrogen installation consumes a current of the order of 1 ampere at a voltage of 12 V and has sufficient performance, although exact figures are not available.

circuit diagram turning on the electrolyzer

plate reactor

A high-performance hydrogen generator capable of ensuring the operation of a gas burner is made of stainless steel plates measuring 15 x 10 cm, the quantity is from 30 to 70 pieces. Holes are drilled in them for tightening studs, and a terminal is cut in the corner for connecting the wire.

In addition to sheet stainless steel grade 316, you will need to buy:

  • 4 mm rubber, resistant to alkali;
  • end plates made of plexiglass or textolite;
  • tie rods M10-14;
  • check valve for a gas welding machine;
  • water filter for water seal;
  • connecting pipes made of corrugated stainless steel;
  • potassium hydroxide powder.

The plates must be assembled into a single block, insulated from each other with rubber gaskets with a cut out middle, as shown in the drawing. Pull the resulting reactor tightly with pins and connect it to the nozzles with electrolyte. The latter comes from a separate container, equipped with a lid and valves.

Note. We tell you how to make a flow-through (dry) type electrolyzer. It is easier to make a reactor with immersed plates - there is no need to install rubber gaskets, and the assembled block is lowered into a sealed container with electrolyte.

Scheme of a wet type hydrogen plant

The subsequent assembly of the generator producing hydrogen is carried out according to the same scheme, but with differences:

  1. A tank for electrolyte preparation is attached to the body of the apparatus. The latter is a 7-15% solution of potassium hydroxide in water.
  2. Instead of water, the so-called deoxidizer is poured into the "bubbler" - acetone or an inorganic solvent.
  3. A check valve must be installed in front of the burner, otherwise, when the hydrogen burner is smoothly turned off kickback will break the hoses and the bubbler.

To power the reactor, it is easiest to use a welding inverter, electronic circuits no need to collect. How Brown's homemade gas generator works, the home master will tell in his video:

Is it profitable to get hydrogen at home

The answer to this question depends on the scope of the oxygen-hydrogen mixture. All drawings and diagrams published by various Internet resources are calculated for the release of HHO gas for the following purposes:

  • use hydrogen as a fuel for cars;
  • smokeless combustion of hydrogen heating boilers and ovens;
  • be used for gas welding.

The main problem that crosses out all the advantages of hydrogen fuel: the cost of electricity for the release of a pure substance exceeds the amount of energy obtained from its combustion. Whatever adherents of utopian theories claim, the maximum efficiency of the electrolyzer reaches 50%. This means that for 1 kW of heat received, 2 kW of electricity is consumed. The benefit is zero, even negative.

Recall what we wrote in the first section. Hydrogen is a very active element and reacts with oxygen on its own, releasing a lot of heat. In trying to split a stable water molecule, we cannot apply energy directly to the atoms. The splitting is carried out by electricity, half of which is dissipated in the heating of electrodes, water, transformer windings, and so on.

Important reference Information. The specific heat of combustion of hydrogen is three times higher than that of methane, but in terms of mass. If we compare them by volume, then when burning 1 m³ of hydrogen, only 3.6 kW of thermal energy will be released compared to 11 kW for methane. After all, hydrogen is the lightest chemical element.

Now consider the explosive gas obtained by electrolysis in a homemade hydrogen generator as a fuel for the above needs:

For reference. To burn hydrogen in a heating boiler, the design will have to be thoroughly reworked, since a hydrogen burner is capable of melting any steel.


Hydrogen in the composition of HHO gas, obtained from a homemade hydrogen generator, is useful for two purposes: experiments and gas welding. Even if we discard the low efficiency of the cell and the cost of assembling it, along with the electricity consumed, there is simply not enough performance to heat the building. This also applies to the gasoline engine of a passenger car.

Hydrogen water - like so much in Japan - was born at the intersection of ancient traditions and modern innovations and is one of the most revolutionary discoveries of the 21st century, which we have yet to comprehend and appreciate. Hydrogen water, incredibly popular all over the world, finally appeared in Russia.

Japan- amazing country largest number active centenarians, where a healthy lifestyle has long become part of the tradition, and innovative technologies for health, youth and beauty are amazing. Average duration The life of a modern Japanese is 87 years, and half of the 40 people in the world who are over 110 years old live in Japan!

And one more amazing fact: despite the strongest natural disasters and social upheavals, the imperial dynasty in the Land of the Rising Sun was never interrupted, and the 82-year-old emperor Akihito, who is ruling today, is a direct descendant of the first emperor Jimmu, who founded Japan in the 7th century BC - more than 2 ,6 thousand years ago!

It was the 125th Emperor of Japan, Akihito, who at the beginning of the 21st century decided to reveal to his subjects the secret of the active longevity of the imperial family. It turned out that in addition to the known factors - healthy lifestyle life and moderation in everything - the Japanese emperors for many centuries drank special natural water, the properties of which amazed scientists.

Around the same time, in the early 2000s, Japanese scientists were conducting a large-scale study - comparative analysis water from the most famous healing springs around the world - in Japan, Mexico, Germany, France, etc. His goal was to find in all these sources a certain common component that determines the healing properties of water. At first, the results were disappointing: no pattern could be identified. Scientists were about to declare this study meaningless and close the project.

However, by a lucky chance, a young researcher who was interested in the effect of hydrogen on the human body turned out to be on one of the expeditions. He asked if the hydrogen content of the water was measured? He was told that, of course, a chromatographic analysis was done for the content of all gases, including hydrogen. And he is nowhere to be found. Then the young scientist became interested in how the analyzes were carried out. It was patiently explained to him that during the day, samples were taken in airtight plastic containers. Then they are brought to the laboratory, where analysis is carried out on precise modern instruments. But the young scientist did not calm down. He brought a portable device to measure the hydrogen content in the field and began to analyze the water directly in the sources, more precisely where they come out of the ground.

The results were amazing! Molecular hydrogen was found in all samples. It was he who became the very common component that scientists tried to find in healing sources. Due to its high volatility, molecular hydrogen is not usually found on Earth, but is contained in these waters in dissolved form. Analysis of water samples from Akihito's imperial springs also showed an increased concentration of molecular hydrogen in it.

It is the hydrogen molecules, as further studies have confirmed, that determine the phenomenal qualities of water. In 2007, Japanese scientists proved the antioxidant activity of hydrogen in the human body. This discovery caused an outburst scientific interest to hydrogen as the optimal antioxidant capable of resisting dangerous diseases and premature aging.

Oxidizing agents (oxidants) and reducing agents (antioxidants) - what effect do they have on our body?

Environmental situation, toxic air pollution, food (denatured food, animal food, chemical food, fast food), non-drinkable water, exposure to various radiations, lack of physical activity, bad habits (alcohol, tobacco) - all this leads to excessive education oxidants in the body. The most dangerous of them are free hydroxyl radicals, which are aggressive molecules that can damage fats, proteins, DNA. This leads to disruption of the functioning of cells, tissues, organs and systems.

According to modern scientific concepts, one of the main causes of aging and the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases is the effect on the body of reactive oxygen species - oxidizing agents.

Wise Nature provided protective mechanisms against the destructive effects of oxidants - antioxidant systems, including enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase, etc. But, unfortunately, they were not genetically programmed for such a powerful flow of oxidants and simply cannot cope with it. .

The state of the body, in which the destructive effect of oxidants on the body exceeds its own protective antioxidant capabilities, is called "oxidative stress". Taking synthetic antioxidants as part of various vitamins and dietary supplements also does not solve the problem of oxidative stress.

Popular vitamins and antioxidants are not only ineffective, but in excess doses are simply dangerous for the body. This is due to several reasons.

  • Firstly, the molecules of such antioxidants (for example, vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q, etc.) are too large to freely penetrate the cell (and most oxidants are formed and carry out their destructive activity inside the cell).
  • Secondly, when interacting with free radicals, due to the complex composition of the molecules, antioxidants themselves turn into radicals, thereby triggering uncontrolled chain oxidative reactions.
  • Thirdly, excessive doses of such antioxidants absorb not only toxic, but also beneficial free radicals that perform important functions for the body.

Thus, excessive interest in such antioxidants leads to disruption of metabolic processes and accelerated cell death.

How to deal with oxidative stress without harming the body?

Scientists have found that oxidative stress can be effectively and safely eliminated with the help of molecular hydrogen. Studies have shown that hydrogen has unique properties due to which it is considered the most optimal antioxidant today. A bunch of scientific works confirm the benefits of its use as the most effective and safe antioxidant.

A few words about Hydrogen is the very first element of the periodic system. It is the lightest, simplest, and most abundant chemical element in the universe. It makes up about 75% of the total mass of its constituent elements. Hydrogen was discovered in 1766 and got its name from its ability to form water during combustion.

The word "hydrogen" comes from the Greekhydrogen (hydrogen) and literally means "giving birth to water." Each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. A living cell is 40-98% water. The content of water in the cell is the most important condition for its activity. Water is the main medium for the flow of biochemical reactions and the main means of movement of substances in the body. Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that water is the basis of life. And hydrogen - "giving birth to water" - gives us life!

Probably, many have heard that hydrogen is used in rocket fuel and is part of the comet. However, in fact, the role of hydrogen in our life is not limited to this and is extremely important. The human body is 10% (and this is an average of 7 kg!) Consists of hydrogen. For comparison: the hydrogen content in the earth's crust is only 1%, and there are only 58 atoms of other chemical elements per 100 hydrogen atoms in our body.

We often forget about the existence of hydrogen, because we rarely encounter problems related to it. A similar situation has developed in the scientific world. Until the beginning of the 21st century, hydrogen was considered a biologically inert gas, and its effect on living organisms, as well as the possibilities of its use in the treatment various diseases practically unexplored.

However, after the discovery of hydrogen in the composition of water in healing springs, scientists decided to find out whether hydrogen is good for human health and whether it can be used in treatment. In 2007, a group of Japanese researchers led by Professor Shigeo Ota proved the biological antioxidant activity of hydrogen in the human body. This truly revolutionary discovery marked the beginning of large-scale research into the therapeutic applications of molecular hydrogen around the world.

Today, their number has exceeded 900. Scientists have come to the conclusion that there are many different antioxidants (vitamins, enzymes, etc.), but they have one common feature - they are all a source of hydrogen. At the same time, molecular hydrogen surpasses them in efficiency and safety.

Why is hydrogen so effective?

  • Due to their small size, hydrogen molecules can penetrate biological membranes and suppress dangerous free radicals directly in their source - mitochondria, as well as in the nucleus, where they damage DNA. Hydrogen is the only antioxidant that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and eliminate oxidants in the brain. It helps to deliver useful substances to all cells of our body, normalizing its functions and metabolic processes.
  • Hydrogen as an antioxidant is selective: it selectively eliminates only the most dangerous oxidants - hydroxyl radicals - without affecting beneficial free radicals involved in metabolic processes important for the body. Thus, unlike other well-known antioxidants, molecular hydrogen, interacting with oxidants, does not disrupt normal metabolism and does not cause negative changes in cells.
  • Hydrogen is able not only to independently suppress dangerous free radicals, but also to activate the body's own antioxidant systems.
  • Hydrogen causes a negative redox potential of the medium (ORP = -500 mV) and, unlike conventional products food and water, which have a positive ORP, is not only a reducing agent, but also serves as a source of additional energy for it.
  • Interacting with hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen converts them into water molecules without forming any by-products and without causing chain reactions. This property of hydrogen explains the absence side effects and contraindications for the use of hydrogen therapy.
  • Thus, hydrogen is the best and ultimate antioxidant without side effects.

How does hydrogen therapy work in practice?

There are several ways to use molecular hydrogen for prevention and treatment:

  • Inhalation of hydrogen gas;
  • Intravenous administration of saline enriched with hydrogen;
  • Instillation of a saline solution enriched with hydrogen into the eyes;
  • Masks and compresses with hydrogen water;
  • Drinking hydrogenated water by mouth;
  • Taking baths with hydrogen water.

Scientific studies have confirmed that it is water enriched with hydrogen that is the most effective, convenient and safe way to deliver hydrogen molecules to the body.

What is hydrogen water and does it have a special formula?

Let's turn to Wikipedia: Hydrogen water (water enriched with molecular hydrogen) - drinking water saturated with molecular hydrogen (H 2). It has pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, stimulates energy metabolism, and has a general healing effect on human and animal organisms. The formula of hydrogen water is exactly the same as that of ordinary water - H 2 O, but in this water, in addition to H 2 O molecules, there are additional H 2 molecules in dissolved form.

What is the effect of drinking hydrogen water regularly?

  • ensure effective hydration of the body;
  • reduce doses and reduce side effects of medications taken;
  • improve metabolism;
  • get rid of overweight and obesity;
  • normalize pressure;
  • reduce the likelihood of a heart attack;
  • improve memory;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • get rid of chronic fatigue and stress;
  • improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • reduce allergic reactions;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • improve the quality of life.

How is hydrogen water obtained?

There are several main enrichment technologies drinking water molecular hydrogen - direct saturation (saturation with gaseous hydrogen); water electrolysis; chemical reaction of water with metals (usually magnesium) or metal hydrides. Electrolysis and saturation are the most efficient and safe technologies that ensure the absence of impurities and high quality of the finished hydrogen water.

Its effectiveness and safety are confirmed by international certificates of conformity and scientific research. Due to the use of platinum and iridium electrodes in the electrolytic cell, the process of obtaining hydrogen water is electrically safe and occurs as quickly as possible, the pH of the source water does not change, the hydrogen concentration is easy to control, and the amount of impurities in the finished hydrogen water is close to zero.

As already noted, hydrogen is a very small and mobile molecule, and it quickly escapes from ordinary containers. Therefore, it is advisable to consume hydrogen water within 3 minutes after preparation.

Who needs hydrogen water?

Hydrogen water is useful for everyone - children, adults, newborns, and the elderly. However, there are so-called "oxidative risk groups" - those who simply need hydrogen water. These groups include people who, for various reasons, are constantly under the influence of increased oxidative stress. These are workers in hazardous industries, athletes, astronauts, as well as people with overweight and chronic diseases.

The benefits of hydrogen water for astronauts and workers in hazardous industries

According to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), astronauts aboard the International Space Station, whose orbit is 400 km high, receive about 1 mSv (1,000 microsieverts) of radiation every day.

In 2011, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published a report stating that molecular hydrogen could protect astronauts from radioactive radiation received during space flights. Studies have proven that hydrogenated water has a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Hydrogen treatment can alleviate oxidative stress caused by radioactive radiation during space flights. Of greatest concern regarding spaceflight is the fact that increased oxidative stress associated with space radioactivity causes damage to DNA and lipids. It is expected that in the future the duration of space flights will increase by several years. Therefore, it is necessary to study the risk of diseases and clinical symptoms arising in astronauts due to oxidative stress in order to prevent them.

Workers in hazardous industries - such as nuclear, oil and gas, mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, agricultural production, etc. - are at increased risk for various diseases.

They are constantly exposed to negative factors that enhance the formation of oxidants in the body - active oxygen compounds that destroy cells, tissues and organs, disrupting their functions and causing DNA mutations. In order to prevent oxidative stress, workers in hazardous industries need to constantly take antioxidants.

Why is hydrogen water effective?

Hydrogen water:

  • protects cells from radiation exposure
  • removes toxic substances from the body
  • has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects,
  • activates the body's own defense systems.
  • increases the effectiveness of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants.

When taking hydrogen water in the body, healing mechanisms are instantly launched. An important characteristic of hydrogen water is the absence of side effects and contraindications.

Hydrogen water in sports:

With intense physical exertion, oxygen consumption increases, and an excess amount of oxidants is produced in the body, which destroy cells, disrupt energy metabolism and reduce endurance. To counter the powerful flow of oxidants, the body needs an effective and safe antioxidant. Hydrogen is such an antioxidant. Its small molecules are capable of:

  • Penetrate into all cells and remove oxidants without side effects
  • Activate fat and energy metabolism
  • Prevent the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles - the main cause of discomfort after training
  • Eliminate inflammatory processes
  • Reduce damage to organs, tissues and DNA

To increase the effectiveness of training, you need to drink water - before, during and after training. Japanese scientists have concluded that the ideal drink for sports is hydrogen water, which provides the body with 6 times more hydration levels than ordinary water.

Due to its high recovery potential (ORP = -500 mV), it serves as a natural energy source, which is not only not prohibited, but also recommended by leading experts in the field of sports medicine. An important advantage hydrogen water before other sports drinks is its safety and lack of side effects, contraindications and any age restrictions.

An increasing number of professional athletes around the world are choosing water saturated with molecular hydrogen for constant consumption. In the best medical research centers, many studies have been conducted that have proven the benefits of using hydrogen water with increased physical exertion.

In the USA, Japan, China, as well as in European countries, hydrogen water is the basis of the drinking regime for professional athletes and participants in space programs. In reviews of the results of drinking hydrogen water, athletes note an increase in activity and endurance, quick recovery, no spasms and pain in the muscles during and after training, which allows them to safely increase the load and achieve better results.

In 2012, a group of Japanese scientists Aoki K et al. conducted a double crossover placebo controlled study. They found that intense muscle contraction during interval training causes oxidative stress, which is the main cause of overtraining syndrome and is expressed in increased fatigue, microdamage and muscle inflammation.

The scientists decided to investigate the effect of hydrogen-rich water on the level of oxidative stress and overtraining syndrome during intense physical exertion in professional athletes. Muscle function, markers of oxidative stress, and blood levels of lactate (lactic acid) were studied. The results of the study reliably confirm that the use of hydrogen water reduces the levels of markers of oxidative damage and lactate in the blood, as well as improves muscle functions inhibited by oxidative stress.

A similar study of the effect of hydrogen water on athletes was conducted by scientists from the University of Kawasaki. They studied the level of oxidative damage to DNA due to intense physical activity by measuring the rate of production of the oxidative stress marker 8-OHdG. Scientists found that athletes who drank hydrogen water before training had a 20% lower rate than those who drank regular water.

It follows from this that athletes can prevent DNA damage and resist physical overwork of the body by drinking hydrogen water. Hydrogen water effectively maintains the required level of hydration, protects the body of athletes from oxidative damage and promotes rapid recovery after intense physical exertion.

Why is hydrogen water effective for weight loss?

Everyone knows how useful it is to drink water during a diet. A sufficient amount of water helps maintain a normal level of metabolism, removes toxins and toxins, and relieves swelling. But it turns out that water can do much more for our body. In the event that it is hydrogen! Such water contains the most effective and safe antioxidant of all existing in nature - molecular hydrogen H 2 .

  • Molecular hydrogen absorbs oxidants that disrupt fat metabolism. Hydrogen water has been scientifically proven to significantly reduce liver fat and lower blood sugar levels.
  • Hydrogen water stimulates energy metabolism. With a negative redox potential (ORP=-500 mV), it is a source of additional energy. Therefore, the body does not need to store energy in the form of fat.
  • Normalizing the internal environment of the body, hydrogen water restores the functioning of all organs and systems.
  • Hydrogen water helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body. The improvement of cellular nutrition is also reflected in the condition of the skin - it becomes toned and elastic.
  • Hydrogen water serves as an additional source of intracellular water. When hydrogen interacts with oxidants, ordinary water is formed, which helps to increase the hydration of the body.

With hydrogen water, you can not only quickly and easily lose weight, but also maintain an excellent shape, beauty and youth for a long time.

Hydrogen water for people with metabolic disorders.

Hydrogen water is an ideal choice for people with arterial hypertension, obesity, coronary artery disease, diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

The recommendation for regular consumption of hydrogen water for patients suffering from metabolic disorders is based on the results of numerous laboratory and clinical studies carried out in accordance with strict scientific standards. We present only a few of them.

In 2008, Japanese scientists S. Kajiyama and co-author conducted a study that proved that drinking hydrogen water normalizes the results of a glucose tolerance test. This is accompanied by a significant decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood, the concentration of modified and oxidized LDL (low density lipoprotein) and free fatty acids, as well as an increase in plasma levels of adiponectin and extracellular SOD (superoxide dismutase).

A study by A. Nakao et al., 2010, showed that the use of hydrogen water by patients with metabolic syndrome for 8 weeks led to an increase in the content of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and a decrease in the concentration of reactive compounds thiobarbituric acid (TBA). In addition, there was an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) content and a decrease in total cholesterol compared to baseline.

A 2011 study (S. Ohta et al.) showed that hydrogen water reduced hepatic oxidative stress and significantly reduced liver fat. The use of hydrogen water leads to a decrease in plasma glucose and triglyceride levels.

Liver glycogen stores molecular hydrogen after oral administration of hydrogen water, which explains why drinking even a small amount of hydrogen water for a short period of time is effective in improving the condition in various disease models. The authors also found that hydrogen water consumption increased the expression of the liver hormone gene (FGF21), which functions to increase the consumption of fatty acids and glucose. It turned out that hydrogen stimulates energy metabolism, which was measured by the level of oxygen consumption.

These and other similar studies prove that the regular use of hydrogen water significantly improves the condition of patients with obesity, coronary artery disease and diabetes and represents a new strategy for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome.

AT recent times We are increasingly confronted with the concept of hydrogen water, but few people understand what this phrase means. From the school chemistry course, we know that a water molecule is a bond of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. But it cannot be argued that all water, in general, is hydrogen. Everything is much more complicated.

In the article you will find all the necessary information about the hydrogen liquid and understand: the properties of such water are a divorce or not. In addition, you will learn how to get the result yourself and what are the benefits and harms of hydrogen water according to doctors at home.

What is hydrogen water

Molecular hydrogen - natural antioxidant helps to neutralize free radicals in the human body. The smallest hydrogen molecules quickly seep into tissue cells and produce the removal of toxic elements.

Such water is necessary in the life of every person, because in its absence, harmful molecules destroy healthy cells of the body, activating their mutation. Subsequently, the mentioned process leads to serious pathologies in the form of oncological diseases.

Hydrogen water has been popular all over the world for many years. In ancient times, hydrogen was found only in mineral springs. In the territory Russia This concept has only recently begun to spread.

For the first time, the hydrogen species of water was identified in Japan. The country has been supplying drinking from the spring to the ruling imperial family for thousands of years.

There are a great many mineral springs in the world, so great minds have wondered how the springs of Japan differ from all the others. After conducting tests and experiments, scientists found that they all contain hydrogen.

In hydrogen water, unlike ordinary water, the content of gaseous hydrogen is higher.

Today, ordinary water is enriched with additional hydrogen molecules in health purposes. This is due to the release of it from the water molecule using electrolysis. Speaking in an accessible language, in a liquid there is concentration of the purest form of hydrogen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hydrogen water beneficial to humans for many reasons. But, in addition to a large number of advantages, water also has some disadvantages.

  • Protects against neuralgic diseases.
  • Shrinks cancer cells.
  • Strengthens bones and muscles.
  • Can lead to rheumatoid diseases.
  • Leads to mental disorders.