Schematic diagram of an ultrasonic humidifier. We make a humidifier with our own hands. Video: How a humidifier works

An air humidifier is a device that serves to create a comfortable air humidity for the human body in the range from 40 to 70%. At home, with hands from the shoulders and the necessary materials for construction, it is quite possible to assemble a device that is in no way inferior to a purchased analogue.

Air humidifiers are divided into three types according to the principle of operation:

  • On cold steam. The principle of operation is as follows - due to the temperature difference between water and air, steam is formed, and the fan on the device helps to spray the evaporating water in the room.
  • Steam device. The vessel in which the water is located is heated, and the steam formed during the evaporation of water leaves the vessel into the room. Such devices have low productivity, so they are not widely used.
  • ultrasonic device- a relatively new invention in which water is converted into steam by means of ultrasound, after which it is sprayed around the room. Outperforms analogues on cold steam in performance.

How to create an ultrasonic humidifier at home: scheme and work plan

  • ultrasonic transducer;
  • computer cooler for the processor;
  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 5-10 liters;
  • plastic cup;
  • a ring from a children's toy-pyramid;
  • power supply for 24 V, with a converter from 24 to 12 V;
  • plastic corrugated pipe;
  • aluminum corner.

Attention! Pure distillate is used for the operation of the humidifier with the ultrasonic transducer!

Holes are drilled in the lid of the container with an electric drill for mounting the cooler mount. The steam generator wire, outlet tube and fasteners are inserted into these holes, after which the fan is screwed to the container, and a plastic corrugated pipe is inserted.

The steam generator must always be on the surface of the water, for which it is placed on a platform made of plastic cup. The glass is inserted into the ring from the children's pyramid, a hole is drilled in the bottom of the glass, a piece of fabric is attached to the bottom by means of an elastic band. The fabric in this case is needed as a filter. Then the steam generator is inserted into the cup.

The device does not require special care and maintenance, the only thing is that it is necessary to control that there is always water in it.

Important! The humidifier requires 24 volts for operation, and 12 volts for the fan. Therefore, the fan is powered through the stabilizer! It makes sense to use a variable resistor with an adjustment knob for smooth power adjustment, and place the converter chip and the resistor itself under an aluminum corner.

How to make a do-it-yourself humidifier from a plastic bottle: video recommendations

In general, you can collect a lot of things from plastic bottles. When designing a humidifier, you can go in two ways:

  • Make a cut along the side of the bottle along its length, approximately 10X2 cm, in the form of a rectangular window. The structure is suspended under a straight horizontal section of the heating pipe 10–20 centimeters from it. The bottle is filled with water. A strip of gauze about 10 cm wide and 1 meter long is cut out, the end of which falls into the cut-window. The gauze is wrapped around the pipe, and the process has begun. The advantages of the method are the simplicity and cheapness of the device, the minus is the low productivity due to the direct evaporation of water without spraying.
  • We cut off the neck of a large plastic bottle with a capacity of 10–20 liters so that a cooler from a computer can be attached to it. We fix the cooler using the old computer block We supply 12 volts to it. On the sides of the bottle, about 7–10 centimeters from the top, we make holes for air to escape. Pour water just below the level of the holes, using adhesive tape, we attach the cooler to the neck of the bottle. We turn on the power supply unit in the outlet - the device starts to function. Pluses - simplicity and efficiency of the device, minus - not very neat in terms of aesthetics design, the need to disconnect the cooler every time when filling the tank with water.

How to make a humidifier on a battery with your own hands

The first option was described above, you can use a plastic eggplant by hanging it under the heating pipe. The second way is to put a metal pan, a large iron mug, etc. on the battery. with water, of a suitable size, so that it does not fall. The method, of course, is not aesthetic, but simple and practical. The bad thing is that scale forms at the bottom of the container, and it is quite difficult to remove it, so you should take a pan that is not very pitiful.

If you want everything to look nice and neat, you can take rectangular-shaped vessels with water and attach them with a rope (or wire hooks, the main thing is securely) on the front side of the battery. It turns out both a humidifier and a decoration for radiators.

How can a homemade humidifier differ from a purchased one?

The differences between home-made devices and store-bought ones is a rather subtle question in the sense that each device made by one's own hands is unique, it does not have any declared characteristics of power consumption or performance. A humidifier either satisfies requests and performs its task, or not.

Purchased devices, on the other hand, always have a typical, as a rule, neat and attractive design, always have a declared power consumption, performance, safety class, and clearly defined dimensions. But all this does not mean that a purchased humidifier is better than a home-made one - it all depends on the specific models and how the home-made device is assembled.

Advantages of DIY humidifiers

The main advantage of a homemade device is its relative cheapness. Such devices are assembled, as a rule, from what was found on the farm. Therefore, their value tends to zero. In addition, no one limits the design thinking, and the final parameters of the humidifier depend solely on what materials and elements were used in its manufacture. And finally, all people feel pride from the fact that they did something themselves - this increases self-esteem. It is possible to judge which air humidifier is better - homemade or store-bought, only in each specific case.

Practical recommendations for making a humidifier at home with a photo

Beginner Kulibin can give the following recommendations:

  • It makes no sense to fork out for the purchase of components, it is better to think about what can be used from improvised materials. As Philias Fogg used to say - use what is at hand, and do not look for another;
  • When assembling and preparing the humidifier for operation, make sure that the contacts of the electrically powered elements are insulated from moisture;
  • You should think about the issue of aesthetics - if the device looks very clumsy, then it will annoy the spouse.

How to decorate a homemade humidifier with inexpensive materials

Colorful containers can be suitable as decoration, you can lay out the bottom of the container with sea pebbles, corals, shells. In principle, an entourage of artificial fish, starfish, crabs is suitable. There are a lot of options - there are no restrictions here, the main thing is to look nice.

The treatment of acute respiratory diseases is closely related to the question of how to breathe. The growth of bacteria is determined by the environment, human physiology requires certain conditions for a speedy recovery. Excessively humid and dried air is contraindicated for asthmatics. Hygrometers are used to track this indicator, giving the researcher a quantitative estimate of the proportion of water vapor. To change the indicator in the right direction, another device is used. Today we will think about how to make a humidifier with your own hands.

Air humidity

When a mother receives a childbirth subsidy, according to statistics, the first question is which heater to buy. It is a fact. Let's try to convince mothers that a humidifier is no less important, creating climatic conditions in the house that are close to normal.

Air conditioner, heater of any type - household appliances dries the air to a large extent, reduces humidity. By raising the temperature of the water vapor hovering around, we supply the jets with additional energy so that the molecules can leave the room through the walls. It seems that concrete is reliable, meanwhile, water vapor easily passes through a solid barrier. Vapor barrier does not 100% block the passage of moisture, only significantly slows down the process. As a result, as conceived by the architects, neither the greenhouse effect nor signs of aridity will occur in the house.

However, most of the buildings were built without taking into account modern rules. Therefore, moisture escapes through the walls. The task is designed to solve the humidifier. The device evaporates moisture in various ways. As a result, the humidity in the room increases. It is required to control the parameter. It is strongly not recommended to wait until mold grows on the walls, just buy a special device:

  1. Clock with built-in meter.
  2. Hygrometer from a specialized store.
  3. Selected humidifiers are able to independently measure the humidity value.

When determining the humidity value, consider the fact: near open water, the indicator is too high and does not correspond to the average for the room. Place the device either at a distance from the source of moisture, or where the occupant of the room spends most of the time. For example, at the head of the bed or near the chair. The described approach ensures that the hygrometer shows the correct value.

Why you need a humidifier

The principle of operation of the air humidifier is based on the accelerated evaporation of liquid. This is achieved by additional heating or by creating an artificial draft that promotes the process.

Humidity in the room is 50-70% at an air temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. Conditions are considered optimal for human life. Experts tend to attribute the winter incidence of schoolchildren and children to insufficient humidity in preschool, school, secondary and higher education. As mentioned above, a working electrical device saturates the air with harmful positive ions and dries the air.

In winter it goes central heating, in summer, ventilation supplies dry air from the street. As a result, the humidity value rarely exceeds 30%, which is below normal. As a result, children begin to get sick. The same applies to working people to the full extent. But the adult body is more resistant to infection, the lack of moisture does not affect so much.

Wanting to raise important indicator it is possible to place a basin of water on the sidelines, normalizing the situation. Experts say that such a step is not enough. The figure is called within three liters per day. The humidifier will turn so much water into steam so that the environment becomes favorable for human life.

Other fish lovers claim that an indoor aquarium will help. However, the authors tend to be skeptical about the claim that fish will replace a specialized humidifier. After all, fish swim in water with a temperature slightly different from room temperature. It would seem that it is possible to bring the humidity back to normal by putting a container of water on the gas, but the approach will be too drastic. This, in addition to the uneven distribution of moisture, will create an excess in some places, leading to peeling of wallpaper, ceiling tiles, and damage to property.

You simply cannot do without a humidifier if you want to maintain a healthy climate in the apartment. They produce devices with an air ionizer, which bring an additional positive effect.

What if you put a container on the battery? The astute reader gets to the point.

It is easier to make an air humidifier from a small saucepan placed on a heating radiator. The amount of evaporated water per average room is 3-4 liters. The parameter is easy to control, knowing the volume of the saucepan. Your impromptu air humidifier is ready.

Design flaw: The concept is exclusively used in winter. In the summer we will try to apply a different technology. Noticed - in windy weather puddles dry faster. Let's try to create a humidifier operating on a similar principle. At least two effective ways:

  • stock up on a cooler for the system unit of a personal computer;
  • use working devices for the purpose of evaporating water.

Let's start with the second way to create a do-it-yourself humidifier, as it is more obvious and easy to implement. A container of water is placed under a jet of air flow created by a household appliance. Suitable air conditioner, personal computer, blower. The main thing is that there should be a continuous jet on top, capturing water molecules and taking them away. As a result, some kind of compensation will come - the air dried by the household appliance will begin to be moistened by our impromptu brainchild. In this case, of course, you should make sure that there are no babies or pets nearby. If moisture spills, the consequences are seen as negative, from knocked out traffic jams to a fire or death.

The second way is long, but a homemade humidifier is easy to hide on a closet where you can’t get it. The air humidifier device includes a conventional plastic container that transmits light better, a system unit cooler, an impromptu cover and some wires. The important part is the power supply. An old adapter with the same voltage will do. We fill the container with water up to half, attach a lid with a cooler on top, which will serve as an exhaust hood and be powered by electric current. It is possible to make the fan work in the opposite direction. A number of holes are cut in the upper part of the walls of the container for the exit of humidified air.

The device, placed on the cabinet, will supply the room with steam. The main thing is to make sure that the water does not run out and fill the homemade humidifier in time.

Ultrasonic Humidifier

Readers have certainly heard of "cold" steam generators. The basis of the work is the piezoelectric effect. It has been established that under the action of compression, an electric potential arises in selected crystals (electric guitar pickups work on a similar principle). Humidifiers use the reverse piezoelectric effect - when an alternating voltage is applied to the crystal, the plate vibrates. The frequency of the current is slightly higher than the hearing threshold of the human ear (20 kHz). Vibrations of the crystal in the humidifier cause the molecules to leave the liquid. Steam is formed, although the water temperature does not differ from room temperature.

Having obtained a piezocrystal, it is possible to try to make an ultrasonic humidifier with your own hands. It is based on the scheme of the simplest generator of electrical oscillations. It is logical to use a personal computer. Any computer program for editing tracks has the function of introducing a tone of any frequency into the composition. Simply create an ultrasonic melody and play it in a loop. It is possible to supply voltage to the crystal from the audio output. The voltage is agreed, or solder a small amplifier.

Simultaneously with humidification, filter the air masses to clean the room from dust and even bacterial spores. Today, this is possible with the help of synthetic fabrics.

It has long been known that dry air creates severe discomfort and negatively affects our well-being. by the most effective device to humidify indoor air is an ultrasonic humidifier. Consider the design scheme of this device and designate the key algorithm of action.

The active demand for ultrasonic type humidifiers creates a number of indisputable advantages. These are safety, efficiency, variety of applications, a wide range of additional functions and an attractive design. Such devices are economical in terms of energy consumption and do not make a lot of noise during work.

We highlight the main design features of this type of climate technology:

  1. Inside the device there is a container for the main volume of water. At the base is a UV emitter.
  2. In the water storage tank, you can find a metering valve that maintains the required water level in the tank.
  3. Another constituent element– a fan for dispersing water subjected to ultrasonic radiation.
  4. Hygrostat for determining humidity values.
  5. Control panel, LCD display.
  6. Some models additionally have an ionizer, an air freshener, various program modes, and so on.

Principle of operation

Having figured out how the humidifier works, let's move on to the next important issue. This is the working principle of the ultrasonic humidifier:

  1. The main component of the device is the emitter. It is a disk or a piezoceramic membrane with electrodes removed.
  2. When an alternating current is applied to the membrane, it begins to vibrate at the frequency of ultrasound. When gaining the required power of vibrations, the water in the tank breaks up into tiny particles.
  3. In the inner chamber above the ultrasonic element, water passes into the state of an aerosol and is pushed out with the help of a built-in fan.
  4. A water mist is formed, quickly filling the room.
  5. The built-in hygrometer continuously measures the relative humidity of the air. Thus, the oscillation frequency of the ultrasonic membrane for our humidifier will change depending on environment and selected user settings.
  6. When the required level of moisture is reached, the device goes into standby mode.

It is not at all difficult to understand the principle of operation of an ultrasonic humidifier. Of course, this is only the main algorithm, because the models are different, in addition, there is mass of settings that change the functionality:

  • For example, some sophisticated models are equipped with special sensors that are able to independently diagnose the climatic conditions in the room. After identifying the figures for humidity, the device itself selects the program that is right for you and sets the appropriate settings.
  • It is also important to know how an ultrasonic humidifier-purifier works. Usually they have a built-in filtration system, and sometimes an ionizer that enriches the air with negative oxygen ions.

Benefit or harm

To the humidifier, as well as to any household appliances, the consumer always has a number of questions and even mistrust. How does it affect health, is an ultraviolet emitter useful for a child, and what should we expect after purchase? Is it better to buy a traditional, steam or ultrasonic humidifier? Perhaps you should give preference to other types of devices?

Let's highlight the main positive aspects of the device:

  1. Spraying water and turning it into water mist.
  2. Automated regulation of the humidity level in the room.
  3. Low vibration and noise level during operation.
  4. The presence of night mode in some models.
  5. Compact, interesting design and ergonomics.
  6. Wide range of possibilities.
  7. Functions of ozonation, disinfection and aromatization of air.
  8. Ability to repair and replace individual parts.

But how dangerous is an ultrasonic humidifier, and is there any harm to adults and children? The answer to this question is yes and no. The fact is that during the operation of the humidifier on the surface of furniture and other objects, a slight white coating. It is formed as a result of the deposition of salts in the water, which then goes into a state of "fog". We also inhale the salt sediment with the lungs, but for a healthy person there is no threat. A slight deterioration in well-being can only be felt by asthmatics, allergy sufferers and people suffering from respiratory diseases.

The humidifier affects the state of health only positively: sleep improves, blood pressure normalizes, immunity increases.

The blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, which means that the brain and organ systems begin to function better. Many people buy compact humidifiers, for example, for the face and body.

Popular Models

The most popular are the following models:


Today, it becomes obvious the need to install this equipment in the house. Moderately humidified air has a beneficial effect on all organ systems, reduces the risk of respiratory and infectious diseases, improves the quality of sleep and human performance during the day. By purchasing an ultrasonic humidifier, you create an exceptionally healthy climate in your home.

A humidifier is a healthy, fairly safe (in terms of electric shock or fire) household appliance. This is a very simple device. Repairing a humidifier with your own hands is not difficult, since neither disassembly nor some types of diagnostics are problems.

In order to carry out repairs, it is necessary to understand the operation of the humidifier. Devices are divided into 3 groups:

Ultrasonic humidifiers are considered the safest and most effective. Therefore, they literally dominate the modern market. Boneco, Electrolux, Bork, Venta ultrasonic humidifiers are among the best-selling brands from the sector of household appliances in question. Consider the features of their repair.

Problems with the electrical part

Short circuits and other electrical problems are very common. It often happens through the fault of the user or due to damage to the device due to a fall. If everything is clear with the last reason - the device fell, the gasket could move, crack part of the case, then the first one needs to be clarified.

In the humidifier circuit, there are two technological openings with which the user interacts. Water is poured into one, steam comes out of the other. Most appliance owners have no idea how appliances work inside. Therefore, attempts to pour liquid through the steam outlet holes are repeated very often.

The red arrow points to the water hole.

To repair a humidifier from Electrolux, Boneko or any other brand that does not show signs of life, you must first (by unplugging the device) check:

  • availability of power supply in the socket;
  • the condition of the fuse in the plug, which is supplied with models from Venta;
  • integrity of the power cable;
  • absence of wire breaks at the points of exit from the plug and entry into the housing;

If possible, you should try to turn on the humidifier by replacing the power supply if the model is powered by a voltage converter.

If everything is in order, and the air humidifier does not work, you need to open the case (more on this below). Having gained access to the inside of the device, it is worth examining it for moisture. If it is, you will have to deal with the electrical part. The elimination of this problem requires the intervention of specialists.

However, the humidifier may not start due to automatic protection blocking. To make sure that this is not the case, you need to inspect all parts of the device that use electricity. There should be no blackening or parts with an uneven color on the control board, the fan coils, if visible, should also have a uniform color.

If visually everything is in order, it is necessary to remove all moisture from the inside of the device and dry it thoroughly for a day. Such repairs help to restore the performance of air humidifiers in most cases.

Case opening

Humidifiers are easily disassembled. For this:

  1. The device turns off and disconnects from the network.
  2. The water container is removed.
  3. The body is turned over.
  4. To gain access to the insides of the device, several self-tapping screws are unscrewed. They can be hidden under rubber feet. In rare cases, the case is equipped with latches that hold its parts. To search for them, you need to use a thin blade: leading it along the line of contact, you can find the place of the fastener, which should be pressed.

After disassembling the humidifier housing, all its components will become visible. These are gaskets, a fan unit, a membrane sector, a liquid inlet pipe, a control board, various parts for converting air flow and removing steam.

Typical malfunctions and their elimination

Repair of the humidifier, if we are not talking about the electrical part, you can do it yourself. Faults are as follows:

  1. Unpleasant smell at work. Repairing the humidifier in this case is very simple. This is due to banal pollution and the growth of bacteria or mold. It is necessary to remove, clean and wash each of the parts, and based on the results of a visual inspection, it is possible to decide on the replacement of individual elements or the unit as a whole. Do not use harsh chemicals for cleaning. The best choice if you do not want to mess with warm water - a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia.
  2. The humidifier makes a sound, but the water level does not decrease. It is necessary to check the condition of the feed motor and the pressure conversion diaphragm (ultrasonic type). The cause of the breakdown may be contamination, failure of the pump, or displacement of structural elements as a result of the fall of the device. Device parts are inspected, corrected or cleaned if necessary, the device is tested.
  3. If no wisps of steam are visible, the cause is most often clogged outlet holes. You should check the outlet grille, the operation of the blowing fan, clean the filter. If there is a suspicion of engine failure, a specialist should be called.

Most of the breakdowns of the humidifier, if we take into account the simplicity of its design, are associated with pollution. Therefore, if cleaning and checking the position of all structural elements do not bring results, and there are no visual manifestations of problems with the electrical part, it is most reasonable to seek qualified help.


The characteristics of indoor air determine the health status of its occupants. Therefore, sufficient moisture is necessary, which can be achieved with the help of a special device. It is not cheap, but if desired, it is made at home. To humidify the air in the apartment with your own hands is real, the main thing is to choose a simple design.

How to make a humidifier at home

A quick way to achieve the desired humidity in the room is to hang a damp towel on the door, which is regularly changed as it dries. For an apartment, and especially a children's room, this is an excellent option for do-it-yourself humidification, but troublesome and costly in terms of water consumption. It is better to make a homemade battery-powered humidifier or power it from the mains. So it will last longer, and it will bring much less trouble during operation. There are many videos and photos on the Internet that can be used to design the necessary model, but for the first time it is better to enlist the help of a specialist.

Do-it-yourself humidifier scheme

Structurally, such a device consists of three blocks, each of which has its own unique purpose. For example, the evaporator block resembles an incubator, but is a water tank, an outlet pipe and a fan. The electronic unit consists of sensors, a transistor switch, a microcontroller. The last component of the unit is necessary to supply voltage to the air humidification circuit, and its main parameters are as follows: 220 V - at the input, 12 V - at the output with a load on the network of 3A.

Humidifier power supply

The output voltage of 12V is optimal for starting and uninterrupted operation of electronics. The maximum allowable load is 3A, with large parameters it will constantly “knock out traffic jams” of the lighting panel. The do-it-yourself humidifier power supply includes a stabilizer that receives voltage, reduces it, and gives the desired value at the output to turn on the electronics circuit to work. It is appropriate to buy a stabilizer L7805, while using an additional 5V output. For domestic purposes, this is a good option, however, to implement it yourself, you need a scheme.

Homemade Humidifier

To achieve the required humidity indicator, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive equipment from stores; you can make an air humidifier at home with your own hands. Such a budget option works no less efficiently, but its manufacture takes time, ingenuity, patience and endurance. A do-it-yourself home-made humidifier releases portions of moist air, which is enough to create favorable climatic conditions for a room or a dwelling. To maintain humidity, you can choose one of the devices below.

Do-it-yourself bottle humidifier

This is a room option that is not visible on the battery by the window. Even a teenager will make a do-it-yourself home humidifier from a plastic bottle, you must follow the prescribed instructions. The proposed method is often used by young parents when providing favorable living conditions for a newborn. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take a plastic bottle and cut a “window” in it with scissors measuring 15 by 20 cm on the side wall.
  2. Hang the container on the battery on the bandage ribbons so that the hand-made “window” is on top. It is important to thread the gauze through the holes in such a way that it is regularly saturated with moisture.
  3. To increase the humidity of the room, it is necessary to constantly add liquid to the plastic tank, which gradually evaporates from the heat of the battery. Soon this rule will become a habit.
  4. Enjoy an unlimited time slot. At the same time, do not forget to pour settled water into a plastic bottle, while the battery radiators must maintain heat.
  5. Install this home-made device on the battery so that small children, as they grow up, cannot reach it and use it for other purposes.

Humidifier on the battery

If the option with a plastic bottle is not suitable, another method is known for getting rid of dry air, its sufficient humidification in a small living room. You can use a ceramic cup or vase, fill it with water and put it on a radiator to warm up. In this way, you can create a favorable atmosphere of humidity in the apartment, but not in the office. The original ceramic container can be hung, making it an appropriate element of decor.

A homemade humidifier for a heating battery is distinguished by its compactness and safe liquid evaporation temperature. There are no noises during operation, unlike disk models, it is not required to comply with the conditions when choosing water quality. It is allowed to add a few drops of your favorite to the composition essential oil. In industrial enterprises, more powerful devices for air humidification are needed; homemade products are not suitable. Otherwise, harmful substances adversely affect health.

Do-it-yourself ultrasonic humidifier

Such a device cannot be created from improvised materials; additional details are required. You can buy them in a specialized store, or disassemble an unnecessary household appliances which has already stopped working. To combat the increased dryness of the air and raise its humidity index, you need to act in the given sequence:

  1. Prepare an ultrasonic transducer, a 10-liter plastic container, a computer cooler, a power supply, a plastic cup, an aluminum corner, a corrugation, a plastic cup and a stabilizer.
  2. Make several holes in the plastic container so that they fit the fan mount, the converter wire that leads out the wire. Install the corrugation directly after mounting the fan itself.
  3. Insert a donut from a toy pyramid, suitable in size, into a plastic glass, fix a piece of fabric on top with an elastic band. This is a kind of filter, it remains only to bring a power supply and an ultrasonic transducer into a home-made circuit.
  4. Do-it-yourself ultrasonic humidifier works on the basis of the piezoelectric effect, so you do not need to use an additional liquid to evaporate moist air. Steam is produced without the participation of the electrolysis process.

fan humidifier

Dry air is one of the reasons for the frequent malaise of a small child in the house, excessive soreness. To remove such dangerous dryness, a do-it-yourself humidifier from a small fan will help. It will easily increase the humidity in the room, the main thing is to correctly perform a simple design. Dry air will be a thing of the past, and this will require a metal pipe, a stand for a floor lamp, a floor fan and a piece of cloth as a membrane through which the air will flow and humidify. The sequence of actions of the wizard is as follows:

  1. Cut off a piece of dense fabric, and then carefully wrap it to metal pipe so as to limit the escape of dry air.
  2. Hang the pipe to the height of the floor lamp in such a way that it is opposite a working floor-type fan.
  3. It remains only to moisten the fabric and turn on the fan, increase the air flow. In this way, a purified and humidified air flow enters the living room through the pipe.
  4. It is necessary to control the humidity of the matter so that the home-made unit does not work in vain, otherwise dry air will reappear.

Many ordinary people, in order not to spoil the aesthetics of the interior, are keenly interested in how to replace the humidifier at home, and whether this is possible. Not everyone can make a structure with their own hands, so they are in search worthy alternative. Alternatively, you can decorate the room with an artificial fountain, put an aquarium with fish or a flower on the windowsill. You can make other models of home humidifiers with your own hands.

Video: Steam humidifier for home

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