What does it mean to go around 7 churches. Removing corruption in the church is good magic. Prayer texts for reading in church

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Many of us go to church and light candles. We all do it, but do we know why? Putting candles in front of the holy face was customary in antiquity. It is believed that one of the first commands of the Lord to Moses was the construction of a lamp with 7 lamps. After this, the services were held in this light. But the meaning of this ritual is much more significant than just lighting the place of service. Although during periods of persecution of Christianity, the light of candles helped believers find their way.

Why are candles lit in churches? The process of lighting a candle has a deep connotation. The light from the flame commemorates the divine light that Jesus brought to our world. In turn, people who live in ignorance and sin are in darkness, which can disappear thanks to the Savior. So the light of a candle is considered saving, because it can also dispel darkness. Pure candle wax is considered a symbol of a person's repentance before God and his readiness for obedience before the Lord.

The main thing in order to correctly place candles should be sincere faith. This process should not take place automatically, but with love in the heart and awareness of who it is for. Buying it in the temple, you make an offering and symbolize your love and faith. The number of candles placed does not indicate that your requests will be heard and fulfilled faster. The main thing is your pure heart with which you turn to the Lord.

A church candle is considered an obligatory attribute of worship. Setting fire to it is worth praying. These can be appeals in their own words, but from pure heart. They must be turned to God and with sincere faith.

How to put candles in a church? Before the start of the service. If you are late for the service, then wait until it ends and then go to the candlestick. It is considered discourteous to hand over candles or advance to light candles during a service. With such actions of yours, you distract everyone from prayers and deanery.

How to put a candle in the temple?

There are certain rules for setting candles in the temple:

  • Approaching the candlestick, you need to make 2 waist bows while laying a cross on yourself.
  • Then cross yourself and put a candle.
  • Make one more bow and sign of the cross.
  • It is necessary to lay down bows and be baptized slowly.
  • Candles should be lit from other burning candles.
  • You need to put it directly into the nest of the candlestick.
  • It is not recommended to use lighters and matches in the temple if candles are burning there.
  • There is no need to set it on fire from the lamp, because drops of wax can put it out.
  • If there are no free cells in the candlestick, then just put the candle nearby.
  • Standing with a lit candle is not recommended.

Why put candles in the church?

Often candles are placed in temples for two reasons:

  1. For health. Placed for various reasons. It can be a good purchase, gratitude for something, help in solving a case, and so on.
  2. For peace. These candles are placed on a special table - eve, to honor the memory of the deceased.

Where to put candles in the church?

There are no rules regarding the number and mandatory place for setting candles. But many recommend that you first put it to the central lectern or to the temple icon, then to the relics of the saint, and only after that put it for health or for repose.

The candle went out in the church - which means

Many people listen to certain stories and rituals about how candles should be placed and what does this mean? They say that you only need to light a candle right hand. This moment can be attributed to superstition. Just like if a candle crackles in a church.

Many believe that not to see the good. But the clergy are more accustomed to such a point of view as the wrong production technology or low-quality wax. In some temples, candles are melted down, which thereby causes the candles to crackle during burning.

If the candle in the church goes out, then the omniscient "grandmothers" will immediately begin to whisper about damage and a bad sign. The priests, in turn, say that whoever wants to look for mysticism - let him go to the grandmothers, and they can only say according to the laws of God. So their explanations are much simpler - it all depends on low-quality wax or production.

Candles in the church for health

Where in the church to put candles for health? Basically, in every temple, candles for health can be placed in any candlesticks in front of any images. But it also happens when there is no special table for candles for the repose, and then candles for health and repose are placed in any candlestick.

The clergy on this occasion say that it is not the main thing where to put the candle, but the main thing is prayer. It is necessary to remember that it will be right if you turn to your patron saint. There are many prayers for health.

For such appeals, you can buy "Prayer Book". It is only necessary to be very careful when purchasing church literature. It is advisable to do this in church shops, because clandestinely published literature can carry a large amount of distorted information. It happens that a whole part is missing in prayers.

How to put candles for health in the church?

Basically, for health, candles are placed in front of the Savior, in front of the images of the Saints who heal ailments, the Mother of God, and also in front of the saints who help in difficult life situations.

If a married couple cannot have children, then they can make a request and put a candle in front of the face of Anna and Joachim. They are known for being parents Holy Mother of God. And for those women who carry a child in themselves, one should put a candle in front of the image of the Mother of God. To heal ailments, you should turn to Matrona of Moscow and other saints.

Where in the church to put candles for the repose?

In most temples there are especially revered shrines. It is in front of them that candlesticks are mainly installed. In many temples, there are special tables for the remembrance of the deceased - eve. They mostly stand on the left side of the temple. It will be easy to recognize him. It has a rectangular shape and has a Crucifix on it.

But it also happens when there are no such tables. What to do and where in this case to put a candle? The clergy advise putting it in any candlestick, because a candle is only our meager offering to God, and prayer is the main thing in this matter. If you want to bring something so that the ministers turn to the Lord with a prayer for your deceased relatives, then put everything in the baskets that stand next to the table. And then return to the eve.

How to put candles for the repose in the church?

In advance, you must decide on the number of candles. You can put separately for each deceased or one for all.

  • After you have approached the candlestick, cross yourself twice and bow.
  • Take your candle and light it from the burning candles. It is considered wrong to use matches or lighters in the temple.
  • After the candle has lit, burn the bottom and place it in the nest.
  • The candle must stand straight and not fall. If at first you did not succeed in doing this, then repeat again.
  • In order to escape from worldly problems, you need to watch the spark for some time. This will help you forget about worldly problems and calm down.
  • You can whisper or mentally read. It doesn't matter if you don't remember it by heart. You can read it from a piece of paper.
  • After this ritual, stand a little next to those for whom you are praying. It will not be bad if you remember their voice, appearance. It happens that a lump comes to the throat and tears begin to flow. Don't hold them back.
  • Then cross yourself and bow, and only then slowly move away.

Sometimes it happens that your candle can be extinguished by the ministers of the church. No need to be offended. Your prayer will be heard, and the sacrifice has already been made. Remember, the main thing is sincere prayer and the memory of the departed.

Three candles in three churches

You can often hear this expression 3 candles in 3 churches . What does it mean? Many connect the number 3 with the Creator God. Basically, it is advised to put candles and order Sorokousty in 3 churches to improve well-being, heal from serious illnesses, with prolonged illnesses or frequent energy attacks.

If any person does intrigues to spite you or bears negativity, then you can also put candles in three temples and order Sorokoust. They say that if such a ceremony is performed, then the offenders will return doubly, or even triple.

The same is said if you put 7 candles in 7 churches. It is said that such a ritual carries even more energy power and will help overcome even the most difficult situations. There is an opinion that if you put seven candles in a church a day, this can help get rid of corruption.

There are all sorts of situations in life when we turn to the Lord. Many believe that the number of candles and churches do not matter. The main thing is our sincere prayer and faith. And to listen to various rituals or not is only your choice. But before committing any, it will not be superfluous to consult with the priest.

The Lord is always with you!

For our readers: 7 churches on the same day detailed description from various sources.

Few of us walked around 7 churches in one day. It turns out that using this method you can get rid of damage. You should carefully read the article below, where it is described in detail how it works this method. So let's get started.

In the last church, you need to buy exactly as many candles as there are rooms in the house. Upon arrival home, you should light candles in each room, let them burn to the end. Cinders and ashes should be immediately thrown into the trash, but away from home. And especially away from other people who might pick up a cigarette butt. If you transfer your damage to another, then this will lead to terrible consequences.

The people have repeatedly received information that the evil eye or damage can be removed by visiting 7 churches in one day. “A friend said that in order to get rid of damage or the evil eye on your own, you need a little. Early in the morning, without talking to anyone, in silence, visit 7 churches. Be sure to light candles for health and everything will certainly work out. Is it true? ”- often on the Internet you can find a similar question. It's worth trying to figure out what's what.

People who in such situations turned to fortune-tellers or psychics claim that they gave them similar recommendations. They used this method and, by the way, it helped a lot.

But at the same time it is necessary to be Orthodox and, of course, baptized. I would like to make it clear that it is not necessary to go around all seven churches in the morning. Must be completed within one day. And it is not at all necessary to be silent and not to exchange a word with anyone. You can talk, but it’s better not to voice your plans and intentions. Otherwise, something might go wrong. Detractors can get caught by anyone, unfortunately.

You should be familiar with how this method is implemented.

It is necessary to bypass seven churches in a day. In each, buy 3 candles and put them with one of these prayers: to all the saints; to your Saint; Jesus Christ or Virgin Mary. You can buy more than 3 candles, it all depends on your desire. But do not think that candles will significantly affect the solution of the problem. Also, at the exit from each church, exactly 7 alms must be given. As a rule, there are always people near the temples who need it. Also in churches there are boxes where you can put money for a good cause.

The most important thing in all this is faith in the depths of your heart in your own recovery. Only then can one get real help if he goes around seven churches in one day. Otherwise, nothing will work. It's one thing to follow directions exactly, but believing in what you're doing is another. The first is completely useless without the second. If you guess or know who could send damage or evil eye on you, go to church and ask Father for advice. Most likely, he will say the following: “Go around seven churches in one day and put candles for the person who sent damage to you. From a sincere heart, wish him happiness, prosperity and all the best. Fill small containers with water (from each church) and pour into one vessel. Starting the next day, add a teaspoon with each meal. Holy water slightly changes the composition of food and it will only be good for you. You can also submit health notes to 7 churches at the same time. The more people will pray for you, the more effective and efficient will be the result and, so to speak, the purification of the soul. But it all depends on your situation. If you are not a believer and not baptized, then the situation is more complicated. Notes for health are submitted only for those who have already “entered” church life. And those who are not baptized more than others are subjected to various manifestations of negativity. They should begin removing damage from a certain Sacrament of Baptism. During this process, by the way, the rank of "reprimand" is read. It is not enough to go around 7 churches for 1 day, there is little faith that the damage will go away, there are few notes for health and the fact that you are baptized. An important factor is the degree of sinfulness, atrocities and other things that are not very good.

Unfortunately, with some qualities of character, a person can even deserve to be given the evil eye or damage, no matter how regrettable it may be. But the result, no matter how long you have to wait, in most cases is positive. Therefore, it is worth believing that bypassing the seven churches means saving yourself from bad consequences.

Anyone who manages to get around 7 temples in one day will be able to save himself and his family from damage and the evil eye. They interfere with a normal life, and therefore you need to get rid of such things. In addition, it is not difficult to do this, and most importantly, to believe in it. Good luck! ! !

This story did not happen to me, but to a very good friend of mine. I will narrate in the first person with her permission.

… We met Dima two years ago. I was absolutely free then, and he was divorced for six months. From his first marriage he had a six-year-old son. When we were just starting to meet, he immediately warned me that he would still communicate with his son, no matter what. I was not and could not be against it. She was never interested in the reason for the divorce (although she knew that it was his ex who initiated the divorce), because. I understood that this topic was unpleasant for Dima, but he always told me that he would never return to the former. So I moved to him, made repairs.

We lived in a civil marriage for a year, planned a wedding. Dimulka literally climbed the career ladder in just a year, big money appeared, spoiled me. Everything was fine with us ... Until his ex started calling literally every day to talk like that, about nothing. She just found out about how high her rise ex-husband that he did not drink himself after the divorce, that he is doing well. At first he answered her, thinking that she was calling about her son. But then he began to understand that their conversations were really about nothing and ignored her calls. But she continued to call and write to him. It was extremely unpleasant for me, because. her nightly calls simply woke me up, and until the morning I could not fall asleep. Everything was fine until we began to seriously quarrel, to the point that he literally threw my things out of the closet and yelled at me to get out of his apartment, out of his life. And this is from scratch! (I just forgot to buy him juice or cooked dinner for a long time).

Then the psychosis gradually ended. Often began to drink, you can even say "to blackout." Periodically, he did not appear at work, which caused problems with his superiors. My health deteriorated, mostly insomnia began, my nose bled almost every day. Before my eyes, our relationship was crumbling ... Parents also saw changes in our relationship. We tried to help with heart-to-heart talks, trying to understand what the problem was. But we hid many things from them, we didn’t want to upset them, we said that we ourselves would figure everything out, that this happens. They laughed it off, saying that now, a year later, each of us finally showed his true character, so we quarrel over this. And, despite this, we forgave each other, because we loved and could not imagine life without each other.

So, Dima came home from work and suddenly, for no reason at all, began to kick me out of the house, as if a demon had possessed him! The face is red, terribly angry! I threw all my things on the floor, told me not to be here in five minutes. And he went to the bathroom. I don’t know what happened to me, but I took a bottle of holy water from the kitchen, poured it into my palm and crossed the bathroom door three times. When Dima came out, his face was kind, he came up to me, hugged me, apologized and even burst into tears, saying that he did not know what had come over him. We didn't fight for over a month after that. But it was clear from him that he was hiding something from me, because. all this time he was thoughtful, sad. I asked what happened, but he said that these were working moments so that I would not take it into my head. All this time I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what's going on with him. Then I had a dream: as if I had come with Dima to visit his ex-wife.

She has black hair, and her eyes are so light gray with black pupils (although as far as I know, she is blonde with brown eyes). And, therefore, she hands me some kind of bundle, says that it’s a gift, you’ll look at home. But in a dream I already understand that this gift must be thrown away. Then she tells Dima that he should pay for the repair of the room for his son. Dima asked how much money is needed for this, and I answer him like that - one hundred thousand. Then he began to yell at her that this was unmeasured money, and that he simply didn’t have that kind of money now! Then I suddenly find myself with her in the kitchen, we sit opposite each other. He asks how we are doing, and for some reason I called Dima my husband in a dream. To which the former one says to me: why did you get it that he will be your husband?

Maybe I want to have another boy from him. I was in a terrible shock! Then I turn around and see Dima, he had a black face: black under his eyes, black nose, black lips. And the eyes are completely black! I was so scared of him that I woke up with a wild cry! Dima himself was frightened, began to ask what he had dreamed about. I told him everything. After that, Dima jumped out of bed and asked how I knew about this? How do I know about a hundred thousand? About repair? About a boy? I replied that I didn’t know anything, that I had just dreamed about it. So Dima told me that he had recently visited his ex, that she had asked him exactly one hundred thousand for the renovation of her son's room. But when he refused her this and offered the amount a little less, she literally began to beg him to return to the family.

She promised that everything would be different, everything he wanted, that she would be an exemplary, loving wife, she said that she wanted to give birth to another son to him! He wants them to have a full-fledged family that realized all their mistakes. But he, accordingly, refused her everything (as they say, they don’t return to the ashes). In general, we came to the conclusion that she jinxed us, maybe even did a love spell on him. They didn’t know what to do until one day I looked into the mailbox. There lay precisely the craft package that his ex gave me in a dream (and I realized this because this package was fastened with a pin, as in a dream). To be honest, I did not look into it, even out of curiosity. Just threw it in the trash. I went to church, talked to the priest.

He advised me to go around seven churches in one day, light candles and wish from the bottom of my heart this woman happiness, wealth, love with another man, prosperity and all the best. Collect holy water in small containers from each church, pour water into one container and add a teaspoon of holy water to tea, soup, to any other food (supposedly water changes the composition of food). So I did. After that, there were no more calls. I know that his ex found a man, seems to be happy with him. We are no longer enough, and if Dima communicates with her, then only about his son. We, in turn, got married and celebrated a magnificent wedding.

edited news ErTyLoRd – 22-11-2010, 11:36

Reason: as always, only “ё” registered

Keywords: Love spell church black

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Removing corruption in the church is one of the most reliable and safe ways to get rid of a negative program. This is the best option for believers who trust Orthodox churches more than conspiracies.

In the article:

How to get rid of negativity in the temple - preparation

Before getting rid of corruption in the church, you should consider the basic rules. The ceremony begins on the evening of the previous day before going to the temple. Remain alone or ask family members not to disturb.

Preparation is carried out in a room where icons are placed, candles and lamps are lit, and prayers are read. If they are in several rooms, they choose which one their intuition will point to.

Put on a pectoral cross. You will need some holy water and a church candle. It is not necessary to stand in front of the images. You can get comfortable while you prepare.

Light the flame and drink the holy water. They read the prayer "Our Father" three times. After . Perhaps the ill-wisher is known. If not, guess who it could be and what the reason is. They forgive the enemy, do not harbor evil and do not want revenge. This will help remove damage through the church.

90 Psalm.

Once you have forgiven someone, it becomes easier. There is no doubt that God will help get rid of the slander.


The candle is not extinguished, but they sit nearby until the flame goes out. Meditate on God, the ways of man, pray.

It is undesirable to enter into conversations. TV, radio and the Internet will interrupt the preparation. Go to bed with pure thoughts.

Report from corruption in the church

Having made the preparations described above, the next morning they go to church. You must arrive before the start of the service. Before her, they order a magpie about health for themselves. They buy candles and put them near the following icons: All Saints, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, Matrona and Panteleimon the healer.

The ignition order is not important. If you do not believe in help, the church does not work.

Three more are put on the eve, submitting notes on the repose of deceased relatives. This is a sign of respect for the ancestors, and the adoption of Christian traditions, and following them, and the removal of possible patrimonial damage or curses, if any.

Actions are performed before the service in the church, it should be read before it begins. The text is pronounced three times to oneself in front of the icon, to whom they turn for help:

I ask you, God, cleanse me,
With sincere faith, I beg you.
From now on I will read Scripture
To be in a bright church according to one's strength.
Deliver my loved ones from hostile damage,
Me - from a gaping spiritual wound.
May all my enemies be healthy
Forgive them for being harsh.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Attention is drawn to the promise given in the text of the conspiracy. Now it is worth striving for God, being closer to Him, reading more and trying to learn new things about Orthodoxy.

Remove damage in the church - a ceremony in three temples

To remove damage in the church, you need to work three Sundays in a row. Choose the time so that it doesn't happen Orthodox holidays. You will have to visit the temples in a certain order. On the first Sunday they go at one, on the second - at two, and on the third - at 3.

In every church they put a candle for health for themselves. They can only be lit from other burning ones. You can not use matches and put in an already occupied hole, move strangers. Comply with the rules of conduct Orthodox church that are valid on any other day.

Candles for health are placed near the icons. The best solution is from the patron, a request for help to the guardian angel. Find out who protects a person and whether there is desired icon in the temple, you can have a priest. It is not necessary to tell him about removing the evil eye or damage, in order to avoid embarrassment. If there is no saint's face, put a candle near Mother of God, All Saints and Jesus Christ.

Reading in church: prayer to the honest cross, 90 Psalm and the one that suits the situation. If pointed, turn to Mother of God, on health - Lord for healing, took her husband away - to John the Evangelist or Daniel of Moscow. If you can’t get married because of a negative program, there is a special maiden prayer for marriage. From or addiction helps Saint Boniface.

After reading the prayers, you can go home. Three weeks lead a righteous life according to Christian canons. If acquaintances are interested in visiting the temple, it is impossible to say that a person is engaged in removing damage in the church. Do not give items from home during this period. They note who comes to ask for things or tries to borrow them: most likely, this is an ill-wisher.

Sevenfold magpie from evil

The point is to have time to go to seven temples in one day, from dawn to dusk. In each one you need to order for yourself a magpie. If there is trouble in the family, it is not done by one person. For example, someone goes to two churches, the other - to five.

Few of us walked around 7 churches in one day. It turns out that using this method you can get rid of damage. You should carefully read the article below, where it is described in detail how this method works. So let's get started.

In the last church, you need to buy exactly as many candles as there are rooms in the house. Upon arrival home, you should light candles in each room, let them burn to the end. Cinders and ashes should be immediately thrown into the trash, but away from home. And especially away from other people who might pick up a cigarette butt. If you transfer your damage to another, then this will lead to terrible consequences.

The people have repeatedly received information that the evil eye or damage can be removed by visiting 7 churches in one day. “A friend said that in order to get rid of damage or the evil eye on your own, you need a little. Early in the morning, without talking to anyone, in silence, visit 7 churches. Be sure to light candles for health and everything will certainly work out. Is it true? ”- often on the Internet you can find a similar question. It's worth trying to figure out what's what.

People who in such situations turned to fortune-tellers or psychics claim that they gave them similar recommendations. They used this method and, by the way, it helped a lot.

But at the same time it is necessary to be Orthodox and, of course, baptized. I would like to make it clear that it is not necessary to go around all seven churches in the morning. Must be completed within one day. And it is not at all necessary to be silent and not to exchange a word with anyone. You can talk, but it’s better not to voice your plans and intentions. Otherwise, something might go wrong. Detractors can get caught by anyone, unfortunately.

You should be familiar with how this method is implemented.

It is necessary to bypass seven churches in a day. In each, buy 3 candles and put them with one of these prayers: to all the saints; to your Saint; Jesus Christ or Virgin Mary. You can buy more than 3 candles, it all depends on your desire. But do not think that candles will significantly affect the solution of the problem. Also, at the exit from each church, exactly 7 alms must be given. As a rule, there are always people near the temples who need it. Also in churches there are boxes where you can put money for a good cause.

The most important thing in all this is faith in the depths of your heart in your own recovery. Only then will a person be able to receive real help if he goes around seven churches in one day. Otherwise, nothing will work. It's one thing to follow directions exactly, but believing in what you're doing is another. The first is completely useless without the second. If you guess or know who could send damage or evil eye on you, go to church and ask Father for advice. Most likely, he will say the following: “Go around seven churches in one day and put candles for the person who sent damage to you. From a sincere heart, wish him happiness, prosperity and all the best. Fill small containers with water (from each church) and pour into one vessel. Starting the next day, add a teaspoon with each meal. Holy water slightly changes the composition of food and it will only be good for you. You can also submit health notes to 7 churches at the same time. The more people will pray for you, the more effective and efficient will be the result and, so to speak, the purification of the soul. But it all depends on your situation. If you are not a believer and not baptized, then the situation is more complicated. Notes for health are submitted only for those who have already “entered” church life. And those who are not baptized more than others are subjected to various manifestations of negativity. They should begin removing damage from a certain Sacrament of Baptism. During this process, by the way, the rank of "reprimand" is read. It is not enough to go around 7 churches for 1 day, there is little faith that the damage will go away, there are few notes for health and the fact that you are baptized. An important factor is the degree of sinfulness, atrocities and other things that are not very good.

Unfortunately, with some qualities of character, a person can even deserve to be given the evil eye or damage, no matter how regrettable it may be. But the result, no matter how long you have to wait, in most cases is positive. Therefore, it is worth believing that bypassing the seven churches means saving yourself from bad consequences.

Anyone who manages to get around 7 temples in one day will be able to save himself and his family from damage and the evil eye. They interfere with a normal life, and therefore you need to get rid of such things. In addition, it is not difficult to do this, and most importantly, to believe in it. Good luck! ! !

Based on the name, many people mistakenly believe that this treba should be ordered only when you need to pray for your own physical health or for the absence of diseases in relatives and friends.

In fact, the great power of magpie about health lies in the fact that its effect contributes to material well-being, peace of mind, various successes at work, and so on.

It is noteworthy that daily, during this time, the clergy remove particles from the prosphora - this is a tribute to the foundations in the Christian religion, which help in prayers to the Lord God.

All believers need to know that the concept of "health" in itself is:

- physical well-being, the absence of various diseases;

- peace of mind, harmony with oneself;

- material well-being;

No depression or negative thoughts.

Magpie about health from corruption is very effective, because ordering it at once in three temples or seven monasteries - the believer has the opportunity to get rid of any evil forces, corruption or the evil eye. Also, such prayers contribute to the cure of even the most serious diseases, which often do not respond to conventional treatment. If you believe in your own strength and sincerely expect recovery, then forty-day prayers in three churches will only contribute to your cherished desire.


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Complete collection and description: what kind of prayer is magpie for health in three churches for the spiritual life of a believer.

Sorokoust about health - the meaning and significance of the rite

Faith is something that for many centuries has helped everyone to keep a grain of humanity in themselves. In life, the white streak sooner or later gives way to black, and in moments of anxiety and despair, people always turn to higher powers for help.

There are many ways to convey your desire to God - these are prayers, and quiet conversations before going to bed, church services, confessions, and so on. Sorokoust about health is one of the most common and strong ways appeal to the Almighty, who has been loved by Orthodox people since time immemorial.

What means?

Sorokoust is a liturgy that is held by the clergy for forty days. This service is considered very strong, because with its help the name of the person to whom it is performed is brought before God every day. Hence, it is generally accepted that those who ordered magpie in the church have more chances for the fulfillment of their cherished desire than the rest.

There are two types of magpies - a liturgy for health and a service for the repose of the dead. Nowadays, it is widely believed that the health of magpies is recorded only for those who are sick and for those who cannot get better. This is an erroneous opinion.

According to the clergy, the magpie for health is not only able to restore the physical and spiritual state of a person, but also puts around him powerful protection through which no evil eye or damage can break through.

Sorokoust differs from the psalter about health. Since the magpie is a prayer commemoration that takes place within 40 days, and the psalter is a liturgical book, and during its reading they remember the health of those who were submitted to the psalter.

In what cases and why is it needed?

A sorokoust for health is a strong spiritual request for help addressed to God in order to resolve existing problems, both physical and spiritual. With the help of this ministry, a person can completely restore and improve his own life. Here are the most common cases when people order magpie about health:

  • Helps to improve financial well-being.
  • For the recovery of a seriously ill person.
  • To strengthen the strength of the spirit of people suffering from any addictions.
  • To help you find a job.
  • For help in matters of the heart.
  • Before any important event or transaction, so that it goes well.
  • For academic success.
  • Recovery peace of mind those who suffer from restlessness and anxiety.
  • For the elderly to maintain health and good physical shape.
  • To cope with a difficult situation in life.
  • Good luck on your trip.

This is only a small part of those possible situations in which a person can turn to the Lord for help. As a rule, the request of a true believer, backed up by a magpie for health, never goes unnoticed by higher powers, and in the very near future a person begins to notice certain changes in his life, and all existing problems are somehow resolved.

How to order correctly, how many days are read?

Sorokoust can be ordered in any temple, monastery or church, whose doors are open to visitors, and where daily services are held. Entering the room, you just need to find a church shop, where servants or nuns will write down in a special book the names of those people for whom you want to order a service.

Or just say that you want to submit a magpie and they will tell you what to write in a note.

Should be named full name person given to him at baptism. These days, many people have problems with this, because they have become popular. foreign names. As a rule, during the rite of baptism, the priest gives a child with a foreign name a second Orthodox name. For example, Oksana becomes Xenia at baptism, Angela becomes Angelina, Ilona becomes Elena, Marta becomes Martha, and so on.

Sorokoust about health is a service that is conducted by a clergyman daily for forty days. The number forty is very symbolic for the Christian religion - the Bible repeatedly mentions important events that took place on earth during the stay of the Son of God on it during this particular period:

  • 40 days Jesus is in the wilderness after the moment of baptism.
  • The fast of the prophet Moses lasts 40 days.
  • Mary Magdalene was pregnant for 40 weeks.
  • 40 days before the Ascension, Jesus appears to his disciples and so on.

For those who want to serve a prayer service for a longer amount of time, you can submit a commemoration of health for 1 month, 3 months, six months, 1 year, there is also an eternal commemoration.

Can you apply to yourself?

The most important thing to remember before going to church and ordering a service is that the service is held only for a baptized person. Church shop workers always check whether a person has been baptized before accepting an order for a prayer service. As the Orthodox priests explain, if a person is not baptized, then God simply does not see him and all his requests go unheeded.

You can order a magpie about health for yourself, a child, a pregnant woman and other people. The main thing is to know them Orthodox names. There is an opinion that the most effective magpies for women are those that report to nuns in women's monasteries, and for men, respectively, in men's monasteries.

You can order a service and the enemy. All the evil that he sends to you is neutralized. This means that you will get rid of negative impact enemy and he will leave your life.

In some churches, they specify how often the one for whom the magpie will be served confesses and takes communion. There are times when the priest refuses to conduct services for those who practically do not attend church. Also, you can’t give magpies about health for sectarians, adherents of other religions, atheists and those who show their hostility to God.

What happens to the person after?

As a rule, changes in the life of a person on whom a magpie is read about health begin to occur after the first two or three services. And the more deplorable his situation is, the more they will be noticeable. Remember that to enhance the effect of worship, you should read prayers on your own every day while it is being held.

Many Orthodox divine books say that those who order magpie for themselves and other people declare open war evil spirits. And any prayer to evil spirits is like a knife to the heart. Therefore, do not be surprised if the unclean begin to take revenge.

Minor troubles, awkward situations and misunderstandings with others - this is what can also await you at the beginning of the prayer service. You can even get sick after this ceremony. However, almost always, all these embarrassments completely come to naught after the first seven days of worship.

When is the best time to book?

You can order a magpie about health any day. The church does not have any specific restrictions associated with this worship. If you feel that a person needs the help of higher powers, feel free to go to the temple and leave a request for a prayer service.

The sorokousts begin to report from the next day after the filing of the request. If close person going on a long journey or an important meeting, it is better to order the service five to seven days in advance. During this time, a person will restore the physical and spiritual balance of energies, he will begin to feel more confident and calm and will get much more chances for the successful implementation of his own plans.

Prayer in three or seven churches

If a deplorable situation develops in life and the state of affairs seems almost hopeless, you can resort to an even more effective way to convey your request to the Lord. In such cases, it is possible to submit magpies about health in 3 or 7 churches at the same time. This is a very responsible ritual, before performing it, a person should fast for 9 days and live according to God's commandments.

Magpies in several churches are most often ordered for seriously ill people or for those who want to get rid of a curse, corruption or evil eye. According to the priests, requests for such services should be submitted one day before sunset.

Otherwise, the result will be the same as if you ordered one magpie. In those 40 days, while the service is being held, the accountable person can feel an unprecedented surge of energy, a sense of joy and happiness.

What if they filed a magpie about health, and the person dies?

If a magpie about health was ordered for an elderly or seriously ill person, and after a few days he dies, you should remember a few rules:

  • As soon as a person has died, a priest should be invited to the priest's house as soon as possible.
  • The priest must read over the deceased a special prayer "for the outcome of the soul." This is a standard ritual that is performed on Orthodox people after their death.
  • Order the funeral of the deceased in the church. Currently, many funeral homes offer to hold farewell ceremonies for the dead in specially equipped mourning halls. Be that as it may, the funeral service in the church is much stronger than in an empty room, where services are held in the manner of an assembly line.
  • Before the funeral, make sure that the Psalter is read over the deceased.
  • On the day of death or the next day, if a person died in the evening or at night, go to the temple and order a prayer service for the repose of the soul of the deceased. It is important to do this immediately after death, since the first days are exactly the time when the soul of the deceased is in great need of prayerful remembrance.
  • Give a small donation to the church after the service.

    You can order magpies about health with any frequency. The main thing to remember is that you should not order services if the previous one has not yet ended in this or another church.

    If you feel that you urgently need the help of the Lord, go to the temple and listen to the entire morning service, confess and take communion with the priest, put candles on the altar near the icons, pray, order a simple prayer service. Often, all this is already enough for the situation in life to begin to improve.

    During Lent

    Some churches do not accept magpie notes during Lent. These days, full liturgies are held in churches much less frequently - only on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Therefore, most orders for prayers are postponed until the end of the fast. However, during Great Lent there is a special practice - "commemoration at great post". During this service, the priest reads all the notes in the altar, and only a few of them are randomly selected at the liturgy.

    Prayer text

    O Most Holy Lady Mother of God! Raise us, servants of God (names) from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to us and enlighten our minds and eyes of the heart, even to salvation, and vouchsafe us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: for His power is blessed with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit.

    Thank you. Very interesting article

    Very informative and interesting article. Many thanks.

    Thanks a lot. A very important and necessary article. This is just what I was looking for.

    Thanks a lot. This article will open your eyes to many things.

    Very informative article. Thanks!

    thank you very much for the information

    I ordered a magpie about the health of my son in three churches after a doctor at the Institute of Pediatrics put him on an ultrasound of the heart 3 at once! terrible diagnosis. When re-examined in another place, nothing was confirmed, thank God. She believed that everything would be fine and prayed for the health of her boy. And so it happened. Sorokoust served on the same day, including in the church where her son was baptized.


    Sorokoust (church) is a daily prayer commemoration for forty days at the Liturgy performed by clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church.

    The number forty is a significant one, often found in the Holy Scriptures. The Jewish people wandered in the wilderness for forty years, the prophet Moses fasted for forty days, the Savior after His Baptism spent forty days in the wilderness, and after His Resurrection for forty days taught the Apostles the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. The first Apostles legitimized in the Church of Christ the Old Testament custom of mourning the dead for forty days. On the basis of this, the Holy Church from ancient times established the rule to perform the commemoration of the dead for forty days (forty-mouthed), and especially on the fortieth day. Just as Christ overcame the temptations of the devil, having spent forty days in fasting and prayer, so the Holy Church, bringing prayers, alms and bloodless sacrifices for the dead for forty days, helps them by the power of God to defeat the airy prince of darkness and receive the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Sorokoust about health

    Sorokoust about health is ordered not only for the health of our loved ones, especially for the seriously ill, but also for their success, material well-being, and peace of mind.

    Sorokoust for health is a prayer service that is performed by the Church daily for forty days. Every day, during this time, particles are removed from the prosphora. The number forty is a sacred number in Christianity: forty days of Easter, forty days of Lent, etc.

    The concept of "health" includes not only health, the physical state person, but also his spiritual state, material well-being. And if we pray for the health of a person who has done a lot of evil, this does not mean that we pray that he will continue to be in the same state - no, we pray to God to change his intentions and inner disorder, made it so that our ill-wisher or even enemy began to be in harmony with God, with the Church, with those around him.

    It is believed that if you order a magpie for health in three churches or seven monasteries at once, you can save a person from the evil eye and damage and help him recover from the most severe disease.

    Sorokoust about health in 3 Temples

    Also in ancient Russia it was believed that Sorokoust's order for health in the three Temples is the most powerful remedy against damage, negativity and for improving health. The number three has always been sacred in the Christian religion. First of all, it is associated with the Holy Trinity, revered by Orthodox believers around the world.

    It is believed that with the help of a triple church rite, you can remove any damage, slander, get rid of annoying adversaries or speed up the recovery of a sick person.

    It does not matter whether you order this service for yourself or it is ordered for you - the healing factor of the prayer service does not depend on this.

    For an additional effect, it is recommended to fast during the entire reading of Sorokoust. The stricter the post, the better. It is also correct to observe spiritual fasting during this period - do not swear, do not swear, do not indulge in useless and idle chatter.

    Sorokoust about health in 7 Monasteries

    At the same time, the reading of Sorokousts about health in 7 Monasteries is considered one of the most powerful church rites in Orthodoxy. On a par with it is such a rite as the Unction, when the power of the Lord is manifested in his miracles for the parishioners to see.

    The order of 7 Sorokousts about Health is resorted to when the help of the Lord is needed most urgently. It has always been believed that monastic prayer is especially powerful, since those who read it, like no one else in worldly life, are close to the Lord.

    The mention in 7 Shrike-mouths is able to pray for a very sick or sinful person. It also helps with blood corruption and curses.

    A special condition for ordering such Sorokoust about Health is the beginning of reading them on the 1st day, for which you need to visit all the Monasteries at once.

    Sorokoust about repose

    When ordering a magpie for repose, we ask you to pray for the deceased relatives, friends, teachers, well-wishers, everyone who is dear to us.

    As we pray for the living, so we should pray for the dead - and not only for the closest relatives, but also for our entire family, for all those who did good to us in earthly life, helped, taught.

    The dead, although they have departed from us, although they remain in the flesh in the earth, and in soul with the Lord, have not disappeared, continue to live a spiritual life invisible to us before the eyes of God, since the Lord Himself says in the Holy Gospel: “God is not the God of the dead but alive, for with Him all are alive” (Luke 20:38).

    We believe that our deceased relatives, and we often do not know the names of many of them, pray for us, their descendants.

    However, there are strict rules that the Holy Church requires. Not for every person you can accept a note with a request for a forty-day commemoration at the Liturgy.

    It is impossible to submit notes about the deceased if he was not churched, died without repentance, or his soul was not buried. The same applies to the unbaptized (both living and deceased).

    Suicides are not commemorated at the Liturgy, as well as others who have committed a deadly sin.

    They will not accept a request for prayer for sectarians, heretics, non-believers, schismatics and conscious blasphemers, whose enmity to God has been clearly witnessed.

    In some churches and monasteries, they do not accept a petition for prayer for parishioners of churches of different patriarchates, although they are believers of the same confession.