Runic staves for the successful passing of the exam. Runescript for admission to a university Runes help students in their studies

galdrastav "Teaching light" -

galdrastav "Teaching light" -

Becoming for the successful study of runic magic:
1. Ansuz - To gain wisdom, the energy of Knowledge, teaching a person the Higher.
Sharpening the mind, improving memory, learning.
Spiritual transformation of man.
2 Feather - Increases the wisdom of a person, helps to gain knowledge, learning.
Gives the opportunity to reveal literary (especially poetry) and creative abilities.
Initiates the creation of thought forms and their impact.
Attunement with the Consciousness of the Earth and the consciousness of man. In some sources, it is compared with a bag for runes - knowledge of the secrets of the runes, that it is a container for all runes.
3. Soulu- This is the rune of will. It is the spiritual energy that guides all true seekers. The rune of success, victory, strength and self-confidence Adjusts the human consciousness to the Consciousness of the Solar System.
Helps to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and information.
Filters out all unnecessary, does not allow to penetrate into the biofield.
Expands the field of attention.
Forms human consciousness, develops memory, thinking.
Reunites the conscious with the unconscious.
Increases vitality, gives inspiration.
Contributes to the achievement of the goal.
Provides solutions to questions and problems.
Teaches flexibility in life, thinking, behavior.
4. Tivaz-willpower, self-discipline, I think laziness is the most important of the vices, it gives rise to other vices, so I included the rune in becoming, it will help bring the training to a victorious end, gives power over oneself and one's fears.
5. Kano - to enhance the runescript, the energy of magic, teaching, a priest, creative abilities, to create staves, they, oh, how necessary, creative abilities.

But the swastika, I got it unintentionally, when drawing Perto on the leg of Teivaz, the swastika among most ancient peoples was a symbol of the movement of life, the Sun, light and prosperity, therefore the name of the stav is LIGHT TEACHER ..
x - for the development of abilities and talents, for success, for gaining knowledge
y- for protection and gaining knowledge.

Comment from dear Vannadis:
By the way - great job! The galdrastav was very well composed, the structure turned out to be excellent, harmonious, beautiful, the runes were correctly entered into the circle, this is necessary here, because the talisman is designed for a long action that will be systematic, so the circle fits perfectly here, the runes themselves were chosen perfectly, the swastika symbol was entered well (educated by Perto), it will give development and at the same time it will be an excellent protection for knowledge and memory, so as not to lose knowledge, not to forget anything, they made the bundle very well, you did a great job!

It is better to apply it on the carrier, on paper, on wood, whichever is more convenient, and use it as a long-term talisman so that it can fully unwind and reveal its action. Everything turned out very well.

Everyone adjusts to their needs and problems in learning.
May, by his strength, and by the power of the Gods, runic becoming constantly burns out all the blocks, obstacles and barriers that prevent me from learning esotericism, burns out all the blocks, obstacles and barriers that interfere with my processes of self-knowledge, self-improvement, self-realization, personal and spiritual growth.
Let, with its power, and the power of the Gods, this runic becoming reveal, develop and strengthen in me the physical, mental and magical abilities and strength, all kinds of talents and abilities, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, the ability to soberly and quickly assess situations and analyze the information I need, improves cognitive processes such as learning ability, memory, attention, as well as mental performance.
Let, with its power, and the power of the Gods, this runic becoming reveal, develop and strengthen in me - strong will, developed imagination, self-confidence, unshakable calmness, self-control, self-discipline and other qualities necessary for successful magical work.
May, from the moment of activation, becoming, work under the protection and patronage of the Gods, gently and harmoniously for me, without harm to my physical and mental health, without harm to the physical and mental health of my relatives and friends (list), without harm to our well-being, well-being and property, without interfering with the work of other staves activated for my benefit, luck, success, protection and the work of staves to remove hostile and harmful witchcraft influences from me, as well as the work of staves to protect our home.
Becoming, without hindrance, allows me as a soma, at my will, to produce absolutely any impact on any objects, subjects, objects, people, groups of people and animals.

I activate this becoming ..... (with my breath) and the power of the Gods () of the name of Odin, he begins his action right now and will stop it when I tell him this (will be burned with gratitude).
But unfortunately I don’t have it in black and white, but it’s drawn quite simply from the center, I haven’t learned how to use programs for drawing images yet.

Runes are an amazing thing that can help in difficult times and be a faithful life partner. Wherever they are not used: in love, as protection, as a reagent for determining magical influence, etc. But also such unpretentious signs can come to the rescue, for example, in passing an exam.

Runes are an amazing tool and reliable help, but you need to rely not only on them, but also on your knowledge. It is also worth remembering that each sign has two meanings - two senses, which are often completely opposite to each other.

To help, it is best to take not just one rune, but becoming - that is, a combination of several. Indeed, in this case, one rune will help to draw out the correct ticket and hand it over with ease. Another, even if a bad ticket falls out, will give strength to cope with excitement, overcome fears and focus. The third, in any case, will lose the situation in your favor, and you will complete the exam with a positive mark.

It is best to write the combination on your hand in a line or on a sheet with your draft answers.

Here are some bet options for successful delivery exam:

Ansuz - Algiz - Vunyo

Each of the symbols has its own specific meaning:

  • Ansuz - thoughts and active brain activity. Such a drawing will come to the rescue in order to remember what you have never really studied.
  • Algiz - will save the teacher from the attention. Especially important for those who have cheat sheets.
  • Vunyo - luck, luck, with which you can get a good mark.

Ansuz - Algiz - Raido

Such a tandem is very similar to the previous one, but there is a difference in the Raido symbol.

Raido in this stave means the movement, development and application of the acquired experience. With her, all roads are open to you.

Taivaz - Ansuz - Soulu

These are very powerful runes for success in obtaining an important test or exam for you. But one special difference is that such a combination only works if the person has really worked hard and made every effort to master this subject.

  • Taivaz - gathers you together, does not allow thoughts to be distracted by something unnecessary, and also gives strength to resist pressure. For example, an examiner
  • Ansuz - nourishes the brain and forces for reflection and brain activity.
  • Soulu - attracts justice, and in the event that you know the material by five, the score will be excellently provided.

How to use

Before using any sign or combination, you need to be really aware of your actions and clearly represent each of the symbols. This is very important, because in this way you can not only really know runic symbols but also be aware of their impact on you or on others.

For passing the exam, when you use such a method you need to be treated with extreme caution. If at one moment all this seems ridiculous and frivolous to you, then the work of the runic signs will go against you. Therefore, if doubts creep in about the use of such a tool, then you should refuse altogether.

Work rules

Each action has its own rules to achieve maximum efficiency. This case is no exception.

  • Activate each rune individually. During the manufacturing process, imagine its impact and establish a spiritual connection.
  • Before using to activate energy, hold over the fire, then fumigate with incense, add salt and rinse over running water.
  • Do not hurry. Learn each rune in turn for at least 1 day.

The work and activation of signs is a rather painstaking work that takes a lot of time.

Make every effort, and then the runes will definitely help you, and passing a difficult test will not be so difficult.


Even if you have already graduated from a stage such as school or university a long time ago, remember or write down the combinations for yourself. After all, we do not know how our lives will turn tomorrow, perhaps you or someone close to you will need support, for example, to pass on a driver's license or improve your skills.


Represents the Mouth of Creation. The rune of magicians, since it gives a person the opportunity to transmit information, i.e. conjure.

This is an energy rune, as you remember from previous issues, energy runes, when working with them, add energy, strength, and power to us.

Working with it, you can get information from subtle world However, at first, not everyone will be able to understand it. But it does not matter, as we move forward, you will succeed, and you will learn how to easily read all the signs and put them into practice.

Ansuz will help you in learning, in acquiring new knowledge, including secret ones, and will provide a connection with the Divine Power.

But you need to use this rune with caution, because. it is dedicated to the god Loki, who does both good and evil deeds. Therefore, it should be addressed only with pure thoughts and an open heart. (We agreed on this before). Turning to her, you need to ask for mercy and admonition. It will help you to accept and love yourself, and will also cause sensitivity and attentiveness towards other people. Facilitates the process of cognition and activates consciousness.

SPELL: to release from addictions, pressure, other people's influence. And also from their inner temptations: the desire for power, the desire to please and the desire to manipulate other people.

The fourth I know

When I'm shackled and bound

By your enemies:

I'll tell him

And the fetters will fall from their feet,

The ropes slip from the hands.

Ansuz acts as a link with the wisdom of the ancestors, allowing you to restore lost knowledge. Gives an understanding of what is beyond the obvious. Adds a new dimension to any situation and brings an element of Luck, helps to see a whole new opportunity in the current reality.

Ansuz (ASS) - the great Rune of knowledge, inspiration and positive cooperation.

The rune is simply necessary for people passing exams and tests, passing all kinds of interviews and tests, gaining a reputation as a business person. The god of wisdom, Odin, is the direct curator of this rune, as well as the great Dwarf Quazir, and the wisest of the giants Mimir. Wearing this rune as an amulet receives their admonition and guardianship. Study and creativity, especially literary, is the sphere of influence of this talisman. Her strength should also be resorted to by those people who have problems with communication, including communication with the opposite sex. Speakers who ask Runa Ansuz for patronage will easily win the attention of the audience, and the poets will receive the necessary inspiration. Actors draw from it an ideal understanding of their roles.

Mouth and the Almighty is a brief quintessence of this rune.

The ability to think strategically, to have fun and excellent results from mental work are obtained by those who resorted to the patronage of Ansuz. Intuition develops amazingly, clairvoyance opens up. A person wearing the Ansuz rune cannot be deceived. Of course, provided that he learns to trust the inner voice. It is very useful to have this talisman for those who find themselves in an unpleasant situation related to justice and are forced to defend themselves. His speech and arguments will win the trust of his listeners. Obviously, the ASS rune will be a wonderful gift for lawyers and judges. In addition, it is worth turning to her wisdom and those who are still looking for their own path, their highest goal in life. Many runologists noticed that if you carry the Ansuz rune with you, funny and pleasant stories begin to happen in life, about which you can only say this: “Luck has come to you, man.

Yes, the Ansuz rune is the rune of active LUCK!!!

ANSUZ or Knowledge

The night in the cave passed quietly. To set off at sunrise, Orsana and Wulf awoke while darkness still shrouded the Earth. Before leaving the cave, Orsana asked:

Can we ask the runes for advice?

If it calms you, - Wolfe smiled.

The young man took out a rune, put it in his palm and showed it to the girl.

Do you know this rune? - he asked.

I only know that it is called Anzus, Orsana replied. If you can, tell me about this sign.

This is an amazing rune,” Wulf began his story.

It was born by the element of Water, which gives inspiration to artists and artists. She is patronized by Loki - the god of Good and Evil at the same time, two-faced and dexterous. But the whole clan of Ases also takes care of this rune. Old people say that Odin's song created her. Be that as it may, this rune comes from strong and powerful deities, and now it warns that today will require wisdom and dexterity from us.


Literally in two hours we will reach the lands that were capturedor people from the West. We need to be very dexterous in order to pass this part of the path unnoticed.

Is there no other way? - with fear asked Orsana.

There is, but it, unfortunately, will lengthen our trip byseveral days. Then, when we find a place for our new village, and all our tribe follows us to the north, then we will choose a bypass road. But now we have little time, and we will have to go straight, although it is dangerous.

I'm afraid, she whispered.

Calm down, the rune will help us Anzus and knowing how to hide in the forest, how to use Mother Nature's protection and the ancient Song of our tribe.

I do not understand.

You will see and hear.

They walked in silence for the next two hours. Finally Wulf made a sign with his hand that it was time to stop. The travelers took cover behind a large oak tree on a hill and began to observe the village, located in a small valley. From their hiding place, its inhabitants were visible at a glance.

“This is the most dangerous place, if you can get around it, then it will be easier,” said Wulf.

But how to do that? Maybe it's better to wait for the night?

At night it will be even worse, people from the West have a strong night terrorwell, you need to do it now. We use the Anzus rune hint. Remember, no matter what happens, you must remain silent and follow me.

Wulf sat down under a large oak tree, took a flute out of his pocket and began to play. At first the sound was quiet, then it began to grow and became louder and louder.

Orsana was amazed. In fear, she closed her eyes, as she was sure that in a minute the soldiers would seize them. Suddenly, she felt a touch on her, opened her eyes and saw Wulf, who put his finger to his lips, and with the other hand pointed to the village.

Imagine her surprise when Orsana saw that everyoneThe villagers fell into a deep sleep. Even dogs and other domestic animals fell asleep. Wulf moved forward, urging the girl with gestures.

They walked quietly through the village. Nobody even raised their heads. The silence was broken only by the singing of birds. The travelers quickly moved away from dangerous place. Only a few hours later, the girl dared to ask in a whisper:

How long will we be in dangerous territory?

We've been through it for a long time. Now we can finally rest.

Tell me how did you do it?

This knowledge, Orsana, Rune Knowledge Anzus.


anzus, ansuz, os, oss, as


as - the highest deity, the kind of gods - aces, mouth (mouth)


It treats diseases of the throat, stuttering, ailments of the oral cavity. Improves the condition of the sense organs, useful in eliminating migraines.

Rune potential:

Creative and mental manifestation of the Spirit.

Basic properties:

Creative thought, artistic inspiration, cognitive abilities, practical application of knowledge, public and social relations.

Rune Message:

Learn to communicate with nature to broaden your horizons.

Predictive value:

Science, learning, getting information. Successfully passed the exam, reason. The gift of the word public performance, conversations. Negotiations, conclusion of agreements and contracts. Public activity, creativity, artistic talent, gift.

Magic use:

Helps to understand what is beyond the obvious; helps to make contact and receive support from the inner "I". Facilitates the passing of exams, the conclusion of agreements and contracts. Activates magical energy, favors the acquisition and reasonable use of knowledge.

Rune Anzus can help you:

- find inspiration and new ideas;

- reveal hidden creativity and new talents;

- to strengthen the intellectual potential;

- eliminate shyness and shyness;

- strengthen personal and friendly relations;

- remove obstacles that impede the correct use of the energy of the body and thought.

Rune Anzus should meditate, when you would like answers to the following questions:

What is knowledge for me?

How do I feel about learning?

- Am I a creative person?

— what do my contacts with people look like?

- how fully do I use my abilities?

What does the word "truth" mean to me?

How can I broaden my horizons?


Runes are a truly universal tool not only for divination, but also for correcting one's own life. These ancient magical signs can help us in everything: in love, professional activity, diagnosis and removal of magical influences, in protection, beauty and much, much more. The topic of our conversation today is runic staves for successfully passing the exam. It will be especially useful for students to familiarize themselves with these formulas.

How do rune stakes work for passing the exam successfully?

Runes, although they are a little magic, you still should not rely solely on their work. Formulas that help you successfully pass a training test can operate on different principles. Some attract good luck to a person, helping to pull out the best learned ticket, others relieve stress and activate the brain, allowing the student to be in a state of concentration during the exam, others have a positive effect on memory, so that at the right time something ever read comes to mind information. In a word, it really real help but only to those who prepared.

A simple tie that helps in exams from Nahena

  • Ansuz is defined as violent brain activity, the ability during the exam to remember everything that was once read, written, heard, memorized
  • We stipulate Algiz as protection against the examiner's persistent attention, as well as protection against the detection of cheat sheets and the fact of cheating
  • We stipulate Vunyo as pure luck, an element of luck

After a reservation, we activate the formula in any way (the easiest way is by breathing).

Runic becoming "For success in the exam" from Cantas

This runic becoming for success in the exam is also applied to the body or a piece of paper immediately before the "day X". If you apply on a leaf, do not forget to put it in the pocket of the clothes in which you will pass the training test.

The position consists of three parts:

  • Elm, located in the middle, activates the connection between the consciousness and memory of the operator, makes him remember everything that was once learned and memorized
  • The side parts are two identical combinations of Northumbrian runes, in which Ear removes nervousness from a person, Ur - correctly distributes the resources of the body, allowing you to successfully pass the test, and a pair of As - Sigel - attracts good circumstances

It is better to stipulate the formula in its entirety, to activate it - as your heart desires.

Exam Success Formula (hard version)

This runic becoming for the successful passing of the exam from the runologist Andropopos is called hard not because of the influence of the runes, but because the formula will not work for freeloaders. If a person really prepared, then the runes will help him win, that is, get a well-deserved reward - high marks. The ligature is applied to the body or leaf. in any way.

Runes that work

  • allows you to "gather your will into a fist", mobilize all forces, overcome resistance (in this case, the examiner acts as resistance)
  • Ansuz "turns on" the student's brain, helps him to think more actively, reflect, and also gives insight
  • attracts luck and establishes justice (i.e. answered well - got a good mark)

You can stipulate the formula in a rune, and then speak the general action of the stav, which gives the operator strength, clarity of mind and self-control, and is also responsible for the possession of knowledge and their correct application.

Runic becoming "Exam" from the runologist Linguist

The runic becoming for the successful passing of the exam with a reservation made in accordance with all the rules, makes the student attentive, collected, mobilizes all his strength for the successful passing of the test. Since the tie is quite complex and includes a large number of runes, it is best to use it in particularly difficult cases, for example, in entrance exams.