Which dog is considered the strongest. The most powerful and dangerous dogs in the world. a place. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

1) Mastiff is very big and bossy. This is the most powerful dog in the world. He will need a lot of space in the house, as well as a green area for games. Mastiffs are not picky about grooming and only need regular walks.

2. Alabai is an excellent watchman and a wonderful big game hunter.

3. The Great Dane was used in ancient times as a large and hardy working dog. It is more than a meter high, but it is extremely livable and calm towards strangers and animals. The Great Dane has a short coat that does not require any special care. The only major problem is the giant's bathing! For these purposes, it is better to purchase a small pool.

4. Akita Inu use this dog for bear hunting and dog fighting.

5. St. Bernard very quickly rubbed and gains weight. He is completely non-aggressive and loves to be taken care of by people. For a full healthy life the dog needs daily walks and exercise.

6. The American Bulldog breed has the strongest bite.

7. Dogue de Bordeaux - this breed is still used to participate in illegal dog fights.

8. Rottweiler is the perfect bodyguard. This fearless beast is medium in size. It was bred just for sentry purposes, but with a lack of education, it can become an extremely aggressive and ruthless creature.

9. Irish Wolfhound - in the middle of the most strong dogs in the world. This dog has a lightning-fast reaction, for which it is so prized when hunting wolves. The 50-kilogram wolfhound is kind enough to its owner, however, a pronounced instinct makes him guard the territory and be extremely unfriendly with strangers.

10. A very non-standard and rare breed - the Brindisi fighting dog. She is also called the Brindisian. The breed got its name from one of the Italian townships. It is believed that the dog was bred by crossing several breeds: Pit Bull, Rottweiler and Neapolitano Mastino. The average height of the dog is 56 cm. Quite large, since the weight usually reaches 50 kg. The physique is muscular and strong. The wide and powerful chest is striking. In some countries, this breed is prohibited from import and export due to high level her aggressiveness. The Brindisi fighting dog is not very well known in canine circles.

11. Boerboel comes from and South Africa... It was bred for security purposes. The dog is proud, aggressive and extremely hardy. Even wounded, he is able to continue the fight with the enemy and defeat him. A smart and quick-witted Boerboel should never be allowed to go for a walk alone. The dog attacks strangers without warning!

12. Boxer - very active, great for guarding the house.

13. Bully kutta - often used in fierce battles.

14. The Pyrenean mountain dog is used primarily for grazing. The history of the breed begins in North America... Now this muscular creature, covered with thick long hair, is loved all over the world.

15. Bandog - used for guards and fights.

16. The American Pit Bull Terrier has a strong pursuit instinct, but can be very friendly. These sturdy and strong dogs can be up to ten years old. With the right upbringing at a young age, pit bull terriers will be affectionate and curious with strangers and loyal to the owner. If the development of the dog is allowed to take its course, you will get a cruel and aggressive beast that can seriously injure not only neighbors' dogs and cats, but also neighbors.

17. Doberman Pinscher is a breed of dog that participated in the Second World War.

18. The Siberian Husky is a breed of dog with a very independent, independent character, requiring strong leader next to you. But at the same time, huskies, dogs are kind and friendly, both to people and to dogs, although primitive instincts can push them to run after a cat or other living creatures running by.

19. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog was bred in the Alps as a working dog. She is sociable and agreeable to all family members, but especially to children, she treats with love.

20. Newfoundland closes the twenty strongest dogs in the world. This animal swims wonderfully, and thanks to its waterproof coat, it does not get wet or freeze in the water at all. And although the 70-kilogram giant used to be used primarily for work, today a huge number of people around the world keep the Newfoundland as a pet.

photo from the Internet

A dog is not only a friend of man and a pet. Many breeds can become true protectors and will loyally guard their territory and their owner from danger. Large dogs evoke ambiguous feelings. It can be both admiration and fear.

Large and strong breeds need an experienced, responsible leader. It is quite difficult to maintain them. Everything needs the right approach, from feeding to training. The question often arises - what is the strongest dog? The answer can be found in this article.

The strongest dog breed: what is it?

Top 10 strongest dogs in the world:

  1. Pit bull terrier... Dogs of this breed are considered the most powerful in the world. They have a rather complex and changeable character. These animals have a strong constitution and have tremendous physical strength and power. Their jaws are well developed, thanks to which they have a stranglehold. Despite the innate aggressiveness, Pit Bull Terriers have a well-developed intellect, so they are easy to train. With a strict and correct upbringing, they will become a loyal friend and a good guard for their owner. Due to their agility, dogs can participate both in dog fights and in fights with bulls.
  2. Rottweiler... This breed ranks second in the ranking of the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world. It is a large animal with strong bones and powerful jaws. Rottweilers are very hardy and fearless. With the right upbringing, they will become reliable guards for their master. However, this is a rather dangerous breed of dogs; only experienced owners who are well versed in this breed should start them. For a family with small children, these animals are not suitable. Due to their sluggishness, they can injure the child. These four-legged have a stable psyche, they are actively used for police service. And also, Rottweilers are used when hunting for game.
  3. Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd... These dogs have not only incredible strength, but also intelligence. Alabai is a brave breed, they are excellent guards. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are able to withstand heavy loads. These animals have high degree endurance, they often take part in battles. Alabai need training and strict education. They need a lot of space, so keeping these dogs in the apartment is not worth it. Sheepdogs are quite aggressive towards strangers.
  4. Doberman... They are quite strong and dangerous fighting dogs. They occupy an honorable fourth place on the list. Dobermans have physical strength, endurance and subtle flair, which is why they are often used for police service. In the event that you carry out early socialization and properly raise such a pet, it will become a faithful companion for its owner.
  5. ... This breed ranks fifth in the ranking. Quadrupeds have strong jaws, reliable grip and dexterity. They were taken out to hunt large predators. These animals can become a serious rival even for a lion. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are energetic, completely tireless, active animals. They are unsuitable for keeping in an apartment. Ridgebacks are domineering. Their feature is that they are able to withstand heat and drought.
  6. Wolfdog... Quite a rare breed that was bred in Russia. Their ancestors are the wolf and the German shepherd. These animals are used for police work. Wolfdogs have powerful physical strength and jaws. Their death grip will not leave the enemy any chance.
  7. Alaskan malamute... These four-legged animals are rightfully ranked seventh in the top 10 most powerful animals. This is a breed of sled dogs that are very hardy, are not afraid of the cold and are able to survive even in the most severe climatic conditions. Malamutes have good physical characteristics, strong and muscular constitution. It is also important that these strong four-legged are not devoid of intelligence.
  8. Bullmastiff... The eighth line of the top 10 can, without a doubt, be given to this breed. It is a powerful and also quite intelligent pet. Bullmastiffs are strong and confident animals. They are able to become excellent watchmen, as well as loyal companions for their owner. For no apparent reason, these dogs do not show aggression, however, in case of danger, they can rush into battle without hesitation and neutralize the offender.
  9. German boxer... This breed is rightfully one of the ten most powerful dogs in the world. The ancestors of the Germans were used to hunt wild animals. Boxers have a stable, balanced psyche. They are active and energetic, in need of regular movement and physical activity. These animals are excellent guards.
  10. Cane Corso... This large breed rounds out the top 10 strongest dogs in the world. Their ancestors took part in gladiatorial duels. Strong and muscular animals with powerful jaws and lightning-fast reactions. Cane Corso are considered excellent guards, their owners can be sure of their safety.

The largest dog breeds

In addition to these ten largest animals, there are also breeds in the world that are noteworthy and can be considered the most powerful dogs.

Let's take a look at some of them:

Description of the strongest breeds

Canary dog is a large and muscular dog. This breed is distinguished by its fearlessness and aggressiveness. Perfect as a guard, and can also be used for hunting animals. The owner of the Great Dane must have leadership qualities and be a strong and patient person.

Tosa Inu - This is a Japanese dog breed that was created for fighting. They do not rush at their victim, but wait for her approach. Then they are pressed down with a massive body and grabbed by the neck. These four-legged animals have a rather complex character, therefore, the training of dogs can be long. Tosa Inu are very active animals.

- This is a herding breed, which is distinguished by its large growth. These animals are tireless and energetic, as well as friendly to people. However, it will be quite difficult for outsiders to enter the territory protected by the kangal.

St. Bernard... These dogs have tremendous strength. They were brought out to rescue people from avalanches.

Akita Inu - it is a large breed of dog. These animals can become too attached to their owner and are perfect for families with small children. Previously, the Akita Inu was used to hunt predators such as wolves and bears.

Tibetan mastiff is a rather rare and very expensive breed of dog. They are fearless, stubborn animals that have good intuition. With age, they become quite calm and balanced, they show aggression only in case of danger.

Boerboel are dangerous dogs that are prohibited in some countries. The owner of these animals must be a strong and responsible leader. With the wrong upbringing, Boerboels can attack people.

Irish Wolfhound is a large dog that was bred to catch wolves. They are able to move quickly and react with lightning speed. Wolfhounds are excellent guards and hunters.

Today, dog breeds have grown significantly, but with this more and more people appear, willing to acquire strong dog of large size.

Many are interested in large breeds and dream of taking a strong pet that would become and friend and at the same time create reliable security for the house... Surely everyone who was interested in a similar topic wondered which one is the strongest.

Pros and cons of keeping large pets

Large and strong dogs, like other animals, have both positive qualities for their owners and not entirely pleasant ones.

For example, the merits of such pets obedient and benevolent character. But this is possible with proper care of the animal. If there are children in the house, then such a pet will become an excellent friend and protector for them.

Such dogs are capable of easily assimilate any load related to training. You do not need to do a large number of exercises with them, since training takes place quickly and efficiently.

The disadvantages of such breeds is that during the maintenance it will be spent a large amount of money for food and care after them. Indeed, the overwhelming majority prefer to eat expensive and high-quality products.

And finally, one more drawback - the pet can die early, as opposed to smaller animals. And this fact will have to come to terms.

How to choose a really strong dog

Referring to the choice of such dog breeds, it is necessary to be guided by some criteria.

Before, growth is taken into account dogs. It can reach sixty centimeters and above. Next, what you need to pay attention to is the weight of the dog. On average, a powerful breed weighs 50 kilograms and more.

Of course, the appearance and qualities of strong dog breeds are truly royal, as they possess unbreakable greatness and calmness(of course, except in some cases)

Like a lion among other animals, these dogs feel superior to their fellows. Even observing them, you are convinced that these breeds do not bother themselves with too frequent barking, which also emphasizes their incomparable superiority.

If a person intends to create a reliable guard for the house, then what could be better than a good breed of strong dog.

For centuries, people have tried to resist wildlife... The wolf is the progenitor of the domestic dog.

Being engaged in breeding perfect in fighting qualities and strength of dogs, people on trying to create animal that will resemble a wolf... But is it possible to do something like that? It will help to answer this question by studying the variety of dog breeds in which an inexperienced dog expert will simply get confused.

So, who is stronger than a wolf or a dog? Is there a breed in the world that could make good competition to this predatory forest beast?

# 10: Dogo Canary

Despite the formidable appearance, representatives of this breed good-natured and balanced... The Dogo Canary is attached to the owner and is devoted to the end of his days.

  • agile
  • quickly becomes attached to the owner
  • reliable friend and comrade
  • nanny for children
  • protector of the family.

Can do an excellent job to protect a family or home.

The animal of this breed has sufficient strength and quick response.

Possible display of aggression towards other dogs

The breed's coat reliably protects the animal from natural disasters. The color of the coat has a standard color - brindle or fawn. There are small white patches on the chest. Canary dog refers to watchdog and shepherd's dogs.

# 9: Doberman Pinscher

I wonder what Dobermans participated in the Second World war. For their excellent service they were awarded the title "Always Faithful".

Among themselves, this breed was called "dogs of the devil":

  • speed of reaction
  • speed
  • fearlessness
  • invulnerability

made Dobermans unsurpassed in performing special missions.

A strong and elegant breed. It weighs up to 40 kg and reaches a height of up to 71 kg.

The Doberman Pinscher is a new breed, developed in 1860 by crossing:

  1. rottweiler
  2. doberman
  3. pinscher
  4. German shepherd.

The head has an elongated, narrow, slightly compacted structure. Males possess strong aggressiveness, in contrast to the fairer sex.

№8 Siberian husky

They have short hair that is close to the body. For more than a hundred years, the breed has been steadily performing functions of a defender and service watchdog.

When the howl of a representative of this breed is heard, it seems that a wolf is wandering nearby - so much their voices are similar.

Despite the impressive and serious appearance, is an friendly animals.

In size it reaches 60 cm at the withers and weighs up to 27 kg.

The appearance is similar to that of a wolf. Beautiful color:

  1. off white
  2. blue
  3. gray to black.

You can often find characteristic feature in this breed -. One is blue and the other is black. The coat is fluffy enough, so the husky undergoes periodic molting.

This dog does not like training and needs special approach... Loves freedom, and due to this, all kinds of training are best done as a game.

# 7: Danish Great Dane

The next, no less strong breed is the Danish (German) Great Dane. Has a proportional and powerful body.

Sometimes these dogs are called "gentle giants", which corresponds to the character. They are extraordinarily strong and incredible agreeable in training.

The ancestors of this breed are service (Molossian) dogs, which in the past had tremendous strength and strength. It is believed that the Danish mastiff appeared thanks to crossing Irish Greyhound (Wolfhound), English Mastiff and Greyhound.

The average height of this breed reaches 80 cm, and its weight is up to 90 kg.

The dog has a smooth short coat that does not need special conditions leaving. With the right upbringing, there will be a great friend of the family.

# 6 Rottweiler

The Danish dog possesses soft and docile nature they are kind and devoid of aggression... That is why they are considered couch potatoes and couch potatoes, rather than reliable guards.

The Rottweiler is another breed bred on the principle of fighting... Has a strong and muscular torso. Well used as watchdog and service breed.

During the First World War, Rottweilers successfully served in the German army, but other countries did not even know about the existence of such a breed of dog.

The height at the withers reaches 68 cm and weighs up to 50 kg.

It has a dense and dense black coat, sometimes with brown markings. Due to the density, the wool is constantly and thoroughly cleaned with a brush.

Dogs of this breed have a very calm and balanced disposition, while have sufficient aggressiveness in the right situations.

# 5: Dogo Argentino

A formidable appearance, a stern look, a muscular body - it would seem that everything speaks about the aggressiveness of this breed. But no!

Argentinean mastiffs:

  • agreeable and smart
  • calm
  • mobile
  • are playful and have an athletic body.

The main purpose is to protect the owner and his family

This is a friendly breed that not used as a fighting. .

Love to hunt, while chasing their prey for a long time, after which the dog still has the strength to kill the prey.

# 4: Boerboel

The breeds have sufficient strength to fight: the Boerboel is a representative of the fighting breed.

Differs in aggressiveness, which is why it breeding banned in Denmark. If the representative of this breed is not subjected to constant training, then the Boerboel capable of attacking people and animals.

Dogs weigh up to 90 kg, and the size reaches 70 cm.

Pronounced musculature and stable disposition. Dogs with enormous strength properties, therefore difficult to re-educate... However, in early age puppies can be taught the basics with ease.

According to the characteristics of this breed protects the house or used as baiting wild animals while hunting.

Boerboel is different brooding tendency, therefore, it will not immediately reach him, for example, what needs to be done in the training process.

# 3: Boxer

These cute dogs like the owners because of their playfulness that does not disappear even with age. Active and funny, which is what children like so much.

A striking representative of strong dogs can be called a boxer. Often these pets are able to show love and loyalty to the owners m. Smart and obedient.

Height - up to 63 cm, and weight - up to 32 kg.

Needs in constant training and physical activity ... They are well oriented towards outsiders and therefore serve as watchmen. They love to frolic and play with people or other dogs.

# 2: Staffordshire Terrier

First of all, I would like to note the unsurpassed breed, the American Staffordshire Terrier. This breed was born for the first time on the territory of the English county in the 19th century. The ancestors of this breed - bulldog and terrier, therefore, you can see how accurately the terrier reflects their qualities.

The Staffordshire Terrier has an incomparable the gift of smell recognition... The breed high pain threshold and, therefore, withstands even dangerous fights with the enemy.

The dogs were originally bred by type of fighting, which can be clearly seen, according to the external data of this dog.

A representative of the breed weighs on average 20 kg, and reaches 48 cm in height.

A characteristic feature of this dog is that it has unusual structure of the skull and heads... Wide cheekbones and forehead stand out vividly, which emphasizes special severity.

At the first sight of such a dog, you involuntarily have to feel awe of the muscles. By right, such a dog is considered the most suitable for protection.

# 1: Bull Terrier

Next on the list of strong breeds among dogs is the Bull Terrier: stocky, agile, with a determined look. In addition to its power, a characteristic feature of this breed that distinguishes it from others is the downward curved line of the profile of the egg-shaped head.

An active breed, cheerful, friendly and playful. But if the bull terrier did not like something, then outbursts of aggression cannot be stopped.

The eyes of this breed are narrow, triangular in shape. Despite its impressive and serious dimensions, this dog is friendly and, easy amenable to learning discipline, character.

Having got such a pet, you don't have to worry about safety. This and in the event of a danger able to fight to the last.

Videos about the strongest dogs

The main representatives are described in the list of various breeds. Therefore, answering the question of which is the strongest dog in the world, everyone is looking for an answer on their own.

The Strong Dog Question very relative for the reason that different representatives of dog breeds have one or another characteristic quality that is inherent only to him.

Each breed has the quality of a strong dog. Some are endowed with:

  1. quickness in the hunt
  2. others - a powerful force in the struggle,
  3. still others may simply be loyal giants to their owners and give their love and affection.

Are you curious to know what the top strongest dogs in the world look like? It's always curious what living things are capable of: this is almost always much more than we can imagine.

And this is curious, because it makes us understand: we ourselves can do much more than we think. Especially if we observe animals as close to us as a dog.

It is logical to turn to the facts first. The Guinness Book has established records for the strength of dogs. In 1978, four years old St. Bernard named Wrighttes Brandy Bear(Rayttes Brandy Bear) dragged 5 meters a load of 2,905 kg placed on the wagon. This is the record for the weight moved by a four-legged pet.

In 1979 the same year Newfoundland (or diver) named Barbara Allens Dark Hans(Barbara Allens Dark Hans) mastered the load of 2289 kilograms... Is this less than the previous record, you ask? Which of these two strong men is the most powerful dog in the world?

St. Bernard weighed 80 kg, and the Newfoundland - only 44. In terms of the ratio of body weight and weight moved, the second record holder is considered the strongest, namely, Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans.

Top 10 strongest breeds

What breeds are stronger than others? In addition to outstanding, famous individuals, there is also an unofficial rating of the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world. It consists of the average indicators of the power and strength of its representatives.

To get to the top, there are general physical criteria: height from 60 centimeters, weight from 50 kg. So, we present the rating of canine strength and power.

Let's take a closer look at these giants.

1. St. Bernard- without exaggeration, this is the strongest dog breed in the world. This breed was from avalanches at the Great Saint Bernard Pass.

To dig out victims from under a thick layer of snow, and often help in movement, the St. Bernards needed a lot of strength.

St. Bernard

2. Newfoundland. It is too She even has webbing between her toes!

Naturally, in order to pull an adult, often chaotically moving person out of the water in difficult conditions,

Also, the breed is used to transport firewood and other heavy loads. Adults weigh 70-80 kg. Included in


3. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)., used as a shepherd, service, security. Descended from the most ancient Asian and fighting breeds of Mesopotamia. For many centuries the Alabai (it is more correct to say “Central Asian Shepherd Dogs”) protected the flocks from wolves and jackals, which naturally made the breed strong. At the withers 70 cm, weight - from 50 kg.

The record holder named Bulldozer weighs as much as 125 kilograms.

Central Asia Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

German dog

9. Dogue de Bordeaux- In the past, a fighting dog (participated in battles with bulls!) And a hunting dog. They often guarded butcher shops. The growth of males is up to 68 cm, weight - from 50 kg.

Dogue de bordeaux

10. Cane Corso also called Italian mastiff. Representatives of this breed participated in gladiatorial battles. Protected herds from predators. In Italy, there is a saying "brave as Corso". Height up to 72 cm, weight up to 50 kg.

Cane Corso

Fighting dogs: strong in a different way

These are not as big dogs as the ones listed above, but, of course, one of the strongest: and were bred for dog fights after dog-bull fights were banned in England.

These dogs are distinguished by the most powerful jaws (), as well as good reaction, strength and endurance.

Bull terrier

Stafford, or from breeds of pickling dogs.

A brave dog with a good reaction. Good as a guard, has powerful jaws.

The parameters of height and weight (up to 48 cm, up to 40 kg. Respectively) look rather weak, but the records of strength demonstrated by the amstaffs in the competition are impressive.

The result of the dragging of a cargo weighing 135 kilograms by a stafford has been officially recorded.

Take a closer look - Stafford is the epitome of strength and power!

Staffordshire terrier

So, we learned a lot of amazing (and also a little scary!) About a dog - a friend of man, about what is the strongest dog breed in the world. A strong friend is good!

Check out a visual description of the St. Bernards including the record holder named Wrighttes Brandy Bear in the video below:

When the question is raised about the strength of a certain breed of dog, it is often implied developed physical data, the presence of a strong and muscular physique, the level of aggression towards defenseless living beings, endurance and endurance, as well as the ability to tame and stop a dog in a fit of rage. All of this certainly plays a role in determining how strong the breed is and how much power it has. In order to determine the strongest breeds, a rating was created, which demonstrates the clear advantages and disadvantages of "our smaller brothers".

10th place. Boerboel

Boerboel breed, pretty strong and domineering... They experience an incredible need for constant heavy loads, which affects their physical and mental condition. These dogs require maximum attention from the owner, namely, daily training.

Boerboel is a very hardy breed of dog. For them, ideally, to experience the daily stress in the form of sports walks 5 km twice a day. Otherwise, the accumulated energy will simply have nowhere to put it, and it can easily turn into anger and aggression. There are many cases when a Boerboel attacked defenseless people. There is an opinion that this breed of dogs will not attack for no apparent reason, but an outburst of unpredictable anger and hatred proves that it is very difficult to curb the representatives of this suit. And even more so to understand what is on their minds.

This breed is used in security and sentry business. They have incredible strength and, being in shock, can even endure bullet wounds.

9th place. Siberian Husky

A specially bred breed of sled dogs, which is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. They are characterized by incredible strength, endurance, speed and resistance to harsh weather conditions. According to its physical characteristics, the Siberian husky can reach up to 60 cm in length and weighing 28 kg. Despite such a low weight, this breed has an incredibly well-developed muscular system and impeccable physical shape.

The nature of these dogs as friendly as possible, however freedom-loving. They are playful, lively, active. They are completely unsuitable for guarding, or hunting, and among them are completely useless watchmen. The Siberian Husky can easily settle down in a new place, but he does not become attached to it. Therefore, at any moment she can escape towards a free and carefree life.

8th place. Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher breed was bred by crossing the German Shepherd, Great Dane and Rottweiler. These dogs are famous for their merits during the Second World War, when they were used as scouts and, moreover, very successfully. In keeping with their strong and independent character, they are valued both in the military and in the patrol service. Dobermans are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, fearlessness, invulnerability, quick reaction and incredible speed. In many countries, this breed is usually called the "dogs of the devil."

Outwardly, Dobermans look incredibly elegant. Their growth can reach 72 cm, and weight - 45 Kg... These dogs, despite the average physical data, are very strong and strong, have a muscular body structure. Also, representatives of this breed have a very developed scent and flair, so they are permanent assistants of the law enforcement system.

7th place. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed comes from the Caucasus and is one of the most ancient, it already has about 2000 years... By their purpose, shepherd dogs are guards. From time immemorial, they have protected homes and households from beasts of prey and intruders.

By their structure, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs can reach 75 cm in height, and their weight can vary up to 70 kg, and sometimes in some males up to 100 kg.

By nature, these dogs are loyal and reliable. They are distrustful of strangers, however, the strength of endurance and a sense of inner dignity stops their outbursts of aggression. Courage, determination and perseverance are the main advantages of the representatives of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed.

6th place. Brindisi fighting dog

This breed was developed by crossing a Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler and Great Dane. There is an opinion that this breed was bred by order of Italian mafiosi to participate in dog fighting tournaments.

Now this breed is one of the most popular fighting breeds in Italy. By external characteristics they can reach 56 cm in height, and their weight can fluctuate from 42 to 50 kg.

Brindisi dogs have a rather obnoxious character. They are easily excitable, and their rage can quickly turn into aggression. For the representatives of this breed, anger, ferocity and aggression were cultivated. For them there are no authorities, even in the face of the owner, they do not see him and the attitude towards them is rather tolerant than respectful. Raising a Brindisi dog is difficult and very time consuming work. They treat strangers and other animals extremely negatively, they can attack for no apparent reason. They can easily be provoked into a fight, since these dogs have zero endurance. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to let this dog off the leash while walking.

5th place. Tibetan Mastiff

The breed, which takes its roots since ancient times, is famous for its power and incredible strength. In ancient times, these dogs were used as guards in monasteries and were indispensable helpers to nomads in the Himalayas. They were extolled in and sung in various works, since the natural physical characteristics of the Tibetan mastiffs are delicious and unique. Even the barking of these dogs was characterized as something unique and characteristic only of this breed.

The external data of the Tibetan mastiff are as unique as the internal ones. Height can be in the range of 60-77 cm, and the weight can reach 80 kg. By their nature, mastiffs are very restrained, non-aggressive and calm. It is difficult to bring them to the negative, representatives of this breed respond with dignity to their opponent.

Created for protection, they behave quite balanced and friendly towards people and other dogs. However, it is worth remembering that the training and education of this dog is an important factor in its life in society. Because the lack of proper attention to their person provokes in them a sense of alienation and makes them angry, renounced sociopaths.

4th place. Central Asia Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

The oldest breed of dogs from the regions of Central Asia. Alabai were used for escort, security and guard duty. They were also the guardians of the dwelling of cattle and other various household animals.

The psychological data of the breed are quite specific, so training should take place exclusively on an individual basis. As for the physical data, the height of the representatives of this breed is at least 65 cm, the weight can reach 80 kg. The Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are strong, sturdy and massive in their body structure.

The nature of these dogs is benevolent and friendly. They will not attack or attack anyone unless they sense a clear danger coming from him. However, when the Alabai are forced to defend their own and go into battle, the case smells fried.

3rd place. Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is one of the oldest and tallest breeds in the world. They are very elegant in structure and can grow up to 79 cm in height, and up to 55 kg in weight... Dogs of this breed are not heavy, however, their muscles are strong and strong. Physically wolfhounds are very developed.

The history of the appearance of this breed goes back to the distant past. They were bred as protectors and guardians of livestock from wolf raids. In this regard, representatives of this breed are strong and muscular, they have incredible strength and endurance.

By nature, the Irish wolfhound is very friendly and kind. He is calm, level-headed and affectionate at home, but impulsive, aggressive and merciless on the hunt.

2nd place. Bull terrier

Bull Terriers are a breed “for the intelligentsia”. So she was nicknamed due to the fact that almost all representatives of the highest class level, as well as teachers and students of Oxford itself, were happy to keep dogs of this breed at home. However, it is believed that bull terriers should be brought up by strong-natured people so that their tough character does not subjugate all family members.

By their physical structure, these dogs are strong, muscular and possess incredible strength. In the people they are assigned the ability to "stranglehold". The whole essence of this process lies in the fact that if the bull terrier grabbed his jaw, then it is absolutely impossible to unclench it with the help of physical force. The only way to do this is to break an ampoule of ammonia in front of their nose, the smell of which the representatives of this breed absolutely cannot stand.

An attack of aggression can be triggered by absolutely anything, from loud noises to inclinations from other animals. The largest percentage of tragic situations that were due to dog attacks falls precisely on bull terriers.

1 place. English mastiff

Breed of British descent, the largest of all Mastiffs. It is believed that the English mastiff - largest dog in Europe... According to its external characteristics, we can say that this breed is deservedly considered one of the most powerful Great Danes in the world, since its growth reaches minimum 75 cm, and weight - minimum 70 k d. According to the etymology of the name of the breed, translated from the Anglo-Saxon language "masty" means "strong". Strength and ferocity are the main character traits of these dogs. Not surprisingly, this breed was purchased by the Romans for use in gladiatorial battles in the arena of the Roman Empire.

For a long time these dogs were direct participants in military affairs, they served for the good of the state, were used in the hunt for a large game and were a kind of overseers for slaves.

However, mastiffs have not always been useful to people. Due to their hunting skill and tough disposition, they were prone to attacking prey that was many times superior to himself, for example, deer. In order to prevent such precedents from happening, they chopped off three claws on each front paw, naively believing that this could stop them from their intended goal.

This breed removes laurels not only in the hunting business. Also, the English mastiff skillfully coped with such a craft as fishing. In Rome, they were indispensable helpers to fishermen in catching gobies, which characterizes them not only as strong dogs, but also as dexterous and very resourceful.