The child licked the iron in the cold what to do. How to avoid serious injury. Tongue frozen to iron - how to save

To lick an iron swing or a bench in the cold - how can anyone come up with such a thing? Maybe if this "someone" is from one to five years old. Although often seven-year-olds light up with the idea to taste the piece of iron. However, this is the case when age, height and weight do not matter - the result is the same: the tongue or lip is completely frozen to the ill-fated piece of iron. The child is in tears, the mother is in a panic. What to do in such a situation?

The main thing to learn is that you do not need to tear the child off the swing by force. After such manipulations, the mucosa is guaranteed to be injured. Blood, pain and prolonged healing cannot be avoided. Therefore, do not act out the scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip", do not pull the child by the head or other parts of the body, but try to calm him down so that he does not inadvertently break out of the iron shackles.

If the child is stuck to a movable object (for example, to a sled), consider yourself very lucky. You just need to take (or carry) the unlucky experimenter into the heat (of course, along with an iron trap). There, the metal will warm up, and the prisoner will be free.

But what if the child is frozen to a swing or a pole? There will be much more trouble here. First, try to thaw the place of "clutch" with your own warm breath. If the child is old enough to understand what is required of him, let him also participate in the process. There is a chance for a happy ending, but if the frost is hard on the street, the plan may not work. In this case, salvation will be in warm water. It is unlikely that you will have a thermos with hot tea at hand. You will have to run for water - if you are walking in the yard, then home, if in another area, then to the nearest store, pavilion or to someone's apartment. It is undesirable to leave a small child alone, ask for help from one of the passers-by. In such situations, people are more responsive than is commonly believed.

So, you got to the source of warm water (you need exactly warm, even slightly hot, but not boiling water!), Now the most optimal thing is to pour it into a plastic bag and tie it up (with the help of an improvised heating pad it will be more convenient to rescue the hostage of your own curiosity - you will not get sick and do not soak clothes). If there is no package, fill the bottle with water, you will have to water the tongue. It will be wet, but it will thaw faster.

It may also happen that the child still twitched and damaged the tongue or lip. Then go home, rinse the injured organ with water and blot with a gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide. If the bleeding does not stop, make a gauze swab (wrap cotton with a bandage), moisten with diluted hydrogen peroxide and place on the tongue. For several days after the incident, the child should be fed puree-like food (in no case hot!) - until the mucosa is restored. If after three days there is no improvement or the tongue starts to darken, consult a doctor.

To be disrespectful

Attempts to warn the child not to lick the cold swing in many cases only fuel interest. Very often it is after them that you have to arrange a rescue operation. How to discourage the desire to taste iron during a winter walk? In many kindergartens, a visual experiment is conducted for children: a piece of cloth is moistened with water, and then applied to metal in the cold. The fabric freezes instantly. The most desperate parents go further: they take a small metal object (for example, a spoon) with them for a walk, when it cools down properly, offer the child to lick it, and then go home with a stuck spoon to warm up. After such a lesson, boring moralizing is superfluous.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today, while walking with one of the twins, we encountered a terrible situation: a child at the age of 7 stuck his tongue to the swing. I, as an adult lady, had to immediately provide first aid to the victim. Instead, I'm petrified. What to do in such a situation?

Since the beginning of 2017, I have been constantly thinking about this problem. However, instead of looking on the Internet, I came up with other topics for writing posts, doing creative work with children, preparing January delicacies, meeting guests, etc. After all, January was created for family holidays. But it was not there.

As I remember now, on January 4, somewhere in the afternoon, meeting my sister with her husband and baby, I slightly stuck my wet hand to the metal door (it happened in country house). It wasn't hard to peel off. However, it was then that the question arose in my head: what to do if the tongue stuck to the metal in the cold?

I asked myself a question, but there was no answer. Mother laziness played a cruel joke on me. Today, however, I witnessed the "terrible acquaintance" of language with iron. Not for nothing they say thought is material. The moisture of the tongue, when in contact with cold metal, turns into ice - hence the "clutch".

Thank you very much to the man who passed by. We both rushed to the rescue of the frightened boy. I calmed down mentally as best I could, our savior (without him I would not have coped) “unstuck” the tongue from the piece of iron.

Instructions for saving the language

For the first time in my life I am writing an article based on the words of the hero of a children's walk. The Internet slightly corrected the acquired knowledge.

I am a journalist by education and I had to take a lot of interviews and often. However, I did not succeed in doing articles so quickly. This incident happened around 15.00 Moscow time. It took me 30 minutes to write this post.

So let's get down to the detailed operation to save languages:

If this problem touched my children, I would panic. However, this should by no means be allowed. “Calmness, only calmness” - as Carlson bequeathed, a man in the prime of life (every day we read Astred Lindgren with children, so the quotes ask for a blank sheet).

There are enough advisers in our life. However, not all of them are competent in this matter and can cause unnecessary problems with their comments. For example, there are people on the Internet who advise warming up a piece of iron with a lighter. Are you a spectacle? You bring fire to your child's face - a terrible picture, isn't it?

Elderly people can advise the old way: to pee. This is a kind of analogue of warm water. However, for aesthetic reasons, this method can only be applied in extreme cases.

Someone is still advised to tear off the tongue. By principle, it hurts better, but quickly. Only how then to treat the crippled tongue, they do not know. So the choice is yours.

How to treat the victim?

There are cases when the child himself is nevertheless freed from the piece of iron, while causing serious injuries to the tongue. In this case, you must immediately go home. DO NOT apply snow or ice to the tongue, as it can cause an infection.

At home, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water and apply cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide to the tongue (by the way, I recently cured my wisdom tooth with peroxide, but more on that next time). If the bleeding still does not stop, you need to urgently call an ambulance. You can't do without specialists.

During the next week, the child should be fed pureed food and make sure that the food is not hot. If a few days after the incident, the tongue still does not heal and begins to darken - urgently see a doctor.

How to prevent language familiarity with metal?

Children are all different and when you say to someone - NO! - he immediately goes to do it is impossible. Some sites advise to visually show children how the bonding of language and metal occurs.

To do this, they take the spoon out into the cold, then bring it home and ask the child to lick it. After the “coupling”, the child is freed from the spoon with warm water and explained to him that it is impossible to do this on the street with a swing. Would you dare to experiment with your child?

I doubt my 2.4 year old twins will understand this experiment. Today Andryushka was frightened at the sight of a child in an embrace with a piece of iron. Will he remember such an example - the future will show! However, the second twin did not see this, and given his stubbornness and curiosity, everything is still ahead of us.

I told you about this story and it became easier! I hope my post will help someone become a little wiser. I certainly now know how to act in such situations. The main thing is to warm the poor curious child without panic with the help of breathing or warm water.

That's all, my dear listeners! On the one hand, today was a scary, but informative day. I look forward to your comments and reposts. See you soon!

Always yours, Anna Tikhomirova

Why did you freeze your tongue? The curiosity of children sometimes transcends all boundaries. In winter, the child usually wears a lot of uncomfortable clothes. Incorrectly constrain the movement of their bodies, restrain the stormy children's energy. Then the eyes or thoughts begin to "run" quickly. Do not let the baby indulge, distract from bad thoughts with useful activities. and get the most out of it, is written in another article.

If a metal object comes into view, which stands out favorably from the snow-covered landscape, then I really want to touch it at least with my tongue in order to understand how it differs from other objects.

Understanding comes instantly. The tongue painfully freezes to the iron and does not allow to speak. Surely some adults remember this feeling. It is not forgotten. The child begins to scream, despite the fact that his tongue is frozen. It is immediately clear that this is the reason for his cries.

Need urgent first aid

  1. Warm up the iron. If the tongue is frozen not far from home, you can quickly take out warm water and pour it on the metal. In the absence of such an opportunity, you will have to warm the iron with your own breath.
  2. Raise the temperature environment. This is the case if the tongue is frozen to a small metal object that can be carried along with the child. Any warm room will do.
  3. Tear off the frozen tongue from the metal surface. I do not recommend this method because it is very painful. In addition, a bleeding wound remains on the tongue. One day, a worried neighbor came to me for hydrogen peroxide to treat the bloody surface of his daughter's tongue. The determined dad did not know what to do when it happened. He did not come up with anything better than to tear off his beloved child from iron, leaving a deep mark in the memory of the baby.

In order not to take it to extremes, it is better for parents to know the first two first aid methods if the tongue is frozen.

And then an unpleasant thing happened, the child licked the iron in the cold. No, no, don't take it off. Let's start our conversation with what not to do if the tongue sticks to the iron in the cold:

  • do not Cry. A scream can frighten the child even more and provoke a sharp movement, and the mucous membrane of the adhered tongue or lips will be damaged;
  • do not tear the child off the ice surface by force;
  • do not use a lighter to warm iron. First, it can be intimidating. Secondly, you can burn the child's face. Thirdly, it is inefficient, since it will not work to heat the metal in the right place to the optimum temperature;
  • do not water the frozen place with urine, as some extreme people recommend.

What to take with you for a walk in the cold season?

  1. Spare gloves or mittens for yourself and your child.
  2. Thermos with warm tea. Again, for myself and the child.
  3. Napkins.
  4. Fat cream for baby, protecting from frost.

What to do if the tongue is frozen to the iron in winter?

So, your baby licked the iron in the cold. You are confused, he is scared.

The algorithm of your actions should include several consecutive steps:

  1. Reassure the child. Explain that there are troubles and you are not angry.
  2. Ask the child to breathe by directing the air onto the metal. Try to breathe in the same way. Perhaps the warm breath will melt the ice, and you can free the baby.
  3. You can try to warm the metal with your hands.
  4. If you or other moms have water (not necessarily warm), pour it between the stuck tongue and the iron.
  5. If there is no water and people nearby, try to melt the snow (unhygienic, but better than tearing it off by force).

How can such a situation be prevented?

There are also “preventive” measures that can be used to prevent metal licking in the cold:

  1. Give your child an experiment. Take a clean metal object (spoon, buckle) from home. Let it cool in the cold and offer to lick it with your tongue to make it stick. Since the item is small, it will easily warm up, and it will be possible to go home with it.
  2. Or another option. Let the child take hold of a cold object with his hand so that he feels sticking with his hand. Explain that peeling off the tongue and lips will be even more difficult.

What to do upon returning home?

But still it happened that the baby twitched and damaged the delicate mucous membrane of the tongue. How to treat such a wound? What can you do to help your child at home:

  • you came home. The child cries, blood flows from the tongue or lips. Wash your hands first, take either a bandage or sterile wipes. Give the child and try to persuade him to press the napkin to the wound and hold it with his hand. If the child is small or, most likely, afraid of even more pain, blot the blood yourself.
  • see what you have from antiseptics, treat the wound (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine);
  • within a few days after the injury, the tongue will swell and hurt, which means that it is necessary to give the child mild mashed food, rinse the mouth with chamomile decoction, saline, soda solution;
  • it is possible to use children's sprays for the treatment of the throat. They need to be sprayed on the wound.

If discharge appears from the wound or the mucous membrane darkens, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

When winter comes, don't be stingy with your time. Explain the safety rules to your child. You are a mother, and he will listen to you sooner than anyone else. After all, if the child’s tongue is already frozen, it’s too late to explain.

Happy winter walks!

Most of us in childhood, despite the orders of our parents, stuck our tongues to the iron in frosty weather. Remember those unforgettable feelings of pain, confusion and helplessness? In the cold, a wet tongue freezes to the metal tightly. Our children are growing up, their curiosity knows no bounds, all the exhortations of parents that certain things should not be done are tested in practice. Why not? Having asked this question, the child may decide to experience for himself what will happen. As a result, the child may be securely "chained" to the iron on the playground. Usually these are either swings, slides, or children's sleds and shovels. And after all, you won’t scream and call home, the language is “busy”. What to do in such difficult situation? If you are nearby, then helping your child is not so difficult. The main thing is not to tear the child's tongue from the iron by force. By the way, some adults also find themselves in similar situations. The methods are as follows:

  1. If the iron object can be moved, immediately take it and carry it along with the unreasonable child home or to any warm room. Gradually, it will heat up, and the tongue will be released without serious injury.
  2. If this is not possible, try heating the iron. To do this, pour it with warm (not hot!) Water. If there is a power source nearby, you can use a hair dryer or similar device. Some suggest using urine as well. Sometimes it's no longer disgusting.
  3. If it is impossible to use the previous methods, show the child how to breathe better in order to slightly heat this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe iron. And help him with your breath too. You can also heat with your palms, preferably through a cloth or mittens. You can use a lighter, a gas burner, anything like that is at hand. But this should be done carefully so as not to burn the tongue and lips of the child. The surface will gradually heat up and millimeter by millimeter it is necessary to free the tongue that has fallen into the “trap”. By the way, it is advisable to teach this method of liberation to your child in advance. You will not always be there at this exciting moment of learning about the environment.
  4. Rip your tongue off the metal. The most unpleasant and not recommended way. As a result, serious injuries appear. In this case, the child will experience hellish pain, the tongue will bleed heavily.

Even the first ways of liberation children's language not every time pass without a trace, not to mention the hard fourth method. How to treat the tongue after he met the iron?

In the case of the first three methods, there will be no injuries, or there will be microtraumas. You just need to rinse your tongue with warm water. If your child tore off the tongue from the piece of iron with the help of force, leaving a part of the mucous membrane on the metal, then the injury will be very strong. The blood will just splatter. Germs can get into the wound and cause infection. In this case, you should again rinse the wound with warm water, then treat it with hydrogen peroxide for disinfection. Having done these procedures, immediately seek help from the emergency room and get the advice of a specialist who will prescribe treatment if necessary. At the same time, be prepared to feed your baby liquid food almost through a tube for several days.

Of course, any parent dreams that this does not happen to his baby, but the likelihood of a child's language becoming familiar with metal on frosty days is extremely high. Some solve this problem simply - do not focus on it, hoping that it never occurs to him to try to lick the iron. Someone acts differently - they clearly explain to the child what can happen in such a case and how to save yourself in this situation. It all depends on the parental approach and the temperament of the child.

All the ways to release the children's language from the iron captivity will not hurt to study by the parents themselves.