White Alexander, White Tamara. Books online. The new version of the book the secret doctrine of the days of the apocalypse

Hidden Switch of White Contactors

(Criticism of the book by Alexander and Tomara Belykh "The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse")

"The book contains the views "from Above", both on the person himself and on the whole World around us, which are sometimes diametrically different from the generally accepted and familiar ones, they can shock you at first. You probably have a question about the name, and in general, Is there any need to disturb the Spirit of Helena Blavatsky, the author of The Secret Doctrine?We can answer in the affirmative: "Yes, there is!" The fact is that we borrowed not only the title from Blavatsky, we also borrowed the very idea of ​​the book – neither more nor less: reveal the secret of the Source of Life and the entire Universe!"

So that the reader does not have any doubts about their "huge gap" from the well-known theological schools, the Whites "raise the bar" even higher. True, a little later they somewhat soften the "fall" of authorities, recognizing some merits for them:

"A similar attempt was made in the last century by the Roerichs, Helena and Nikolai, who made a trip to the Himalayas in search of the mysterious Shambhala for this purpose. But, unfortunately, they did not achieve their goal. ... Truth is measured only by the practical use of information, all the more so claiming to be called the Teaching: "Judge every tree by its fruits." Unfortunately, neither Blavatsky nor the Roerichs succeeded in doing this. Many people who undertook to study their works did not have the strength to read them even half. Dear authors made it a rule that everything incomprehensible should be explained in sophisticated language and gibberish terminology.The reason for such a failure is not at all that they did not reach the True information (the Roerichs in the Himalayas, and Blavatsky through contact).In our deep conviction, they themselves They got to the bottom of the truth (!!!), but could not express it (!!!), or did not have time to express it.

"But still, we must pay tribute to the following: reading the works of the Roerichs, Blavatsky, books of sages and philosophers of the East, as well as visiting such exotic places as the Himalayas or the Valley of the Pyramids, contribute to the disclosure of Human Consciousness by 1.5-2% (!!! People call this opening enlightenment, connection (!!!) or initiation. If we take into account that our Consciousness is only 2-5% open, then an increase of as much as 100% to them is really perceived by a person as an insight! But these 100% - only a minor addition to the total 2% norm; to the same, such disclosure of Consciousness occurs spontaneously, a person is not controlled, which means that he still cannot become a full-fledged master of his life and destiny! With the help of our System, a person serious attitude can purposefully reveal his Consciousness up to 50% (!!!) (taking one hundred percent Consciousness as a starting point), or by 2400% (if we take those “standard” 2% Consciousness as a base) within six months. As you can see, the numbers are not comparable, the difference is 24 times (!!!). You will find confirmation of the given calculations in the book in the form of reviews of people who trusted us and mastered the Personality Harmonization System in practice. Believe me: this is a great feat on their part!"

Here is such a "killing" arithmetic. There is nothing to fool with the "incomprehensible" and "not attained" Blavatsky and the Roerichs - take the ready-made System and "enlighten" to your health! Let's go further and find a seemingly invisible knot (among a huge heap of information!), which, if pulled, will quickly lead us to the true goals of the "saviors" of mankind. Here are the admonitions White gives at the end of his book:

"You can walk the path from one world to another only with your own feet, only the person who walks this path, or has already passed most of it, can become a guide for you. From the very moment of connection (!!!) we are led by the Subtle World. When you, having passed the 7 parts of the System, become stronger, then you will confidently see your path and will be able to follow it yourself, without anyone's help, but until you see this path and do not realize it, you can get lost on it. It follows from this that help Subtle World is vital for you, and it can only be obtained through us (!!!). Yes, we already have assistants in some regions of Russia and Belarus, who were chosen by the Subtle World (networks spread!!!), but they are not yet endowed with the right to independently connect to the System of people, and they all keep in touch with us. We can assure you that not a single doctor or psychic has received the right to connect people and work with them through the System, because he has not studied the System (buying the System or copying it does not mean knowing it!).

The task of the Subtle World is to create a new generation of people, therefore He is interested in people being led by His trustees, led in the right direction. They select System specialists themselves, but the right to connect to their channel remains only with us. This is the choice of the Subtle World, and not our whim. If someone has taken the liberty of connecting people to the channel of God (!!!), ignoring us, then he and the people “connected” by him remain de-energized (!!!) (I connected the wires, but did not turn on the electricity, because I do not have access to the knife switch)."

We started with arithmetic and ended with the basics of electricity. We will continue in the same "electric key". All this "principal electrical circuit (System)" is mounted with only one purpose: CONNECTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO ONE OF THE CHANNELS OF THE SUBTLE WORLD FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNOBSTRUCTED MANIPULATION OF HIS ENERGY - CONSCIOUSNESS. Thus, you have to work hard, win the trust of the coordinators who will connect you to the "channel of god", and the rest will be taken care of by the "god" himself, with whom you will be "in the bosom"! (Isn't that what you wanted all your life?!) As the experience of many shows, it can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to escape from such strong embraces - when the will of the "patient" is paralyzed by the strong currents of an invisible monster for all 100. I think that the role "God" at the electricians-contactors Belykh is probably one of the vile dark entities that is "working" by no means "from the depths of space", but most likely - our "terrestrial spill". The language and style of presentation of their "polytechnical" work is very characteristic!

Don't get caught on the chaff!



This book is written by contactees, it introduces the reader to a phenomenon that goes beyond the usual and ordinary.

The main leitmotif of everything that is said and written about the fate of Humanity is the expectation of some kind of breakthrough, help, including from Above, from the Subtle World and God. No wonder we have been waiting for the Second Coming for 2000 years.

We can say that it took place, but not in the form of the coming of Jesus Christ himself, but in the form of an information breakthrough. Only this information is unusual, it is not given in the form of exhortations about the need to love God, love your neighbor, and so on. The man has already "loved" himself and everyone around half to death, thus putting civilization on the brink of self-destruction.

The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse. Book 2

Dear reader, you are holding in your hands a book that removes the halo of mystery and thoughtful reticence from an exciting game called "Life". Everyone who has read our books once reacts very emotionally. For some, the "Secret Doctrine" opens their eyes to the true world in the form of objective reality. They read it to holes.

There are people whom books plunge into a state of shock. But not at all because some passions or terrible prophecies are written in them. In this regard, we have just a complete openwork - all the facts, figures and calculations are taken from real life and there are no objections.

People are thrown into a panic not even by the fact that it is necessary to analyze and rethink their knowledge, beliefs and values, but by the forced recognition of the fact that many of them do not represent any real value either for man or for God.

The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse. Book 3

People who read our first two books could not find the answer to the main questions of life: “Why does the Universe need a person?” and “Why are we born on Earth?”. Many people are looking for the answer to the question in books: “How quickly, easily, without much labor and material loss to solve their personal (selfish) tasks?”.

In this regard, they are looking for special theories, technologies, techniques that will help them quickly solve their problems. At the same time, "seekers" are ready to go to any tricks, tricks and self-deception. Have you noticed when people think about health? Only when it doesn't exist. When do they remember the love of their neighbor? Then when they lose it. They constantly think about money, wealth, and for their sake they are ready to go to any tricks.

The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse. Book 4

You are finishing reading our four-volume book, about which you have already formed a definite opinion. It is the opinion that determines your next steps, since it is uniquely connected with your intuition and with the perception of life at the level of sensations.

Of course, you cannot yet have a complete assimilation of the information received from the Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse, and you should not! The fact is that in a small volume of books a huge amount of information fits, which is in an extremely saturated, compressed state and completely “dehydrated”. She is the exposed nerve of the Universe.

The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse. Book 5

What made us write the fifth book, The Theory of the Personality Harmonization System? It would seem that all the secrets of Life are covered in detail in the four books "The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse", just take it, comprehend it, test it in practice and apply it.

However, no, for many people who have read the Secret Doctrine, Life remains an incomprehensible mystery, and reality remains a blind zone. Hence the contradictory attitude to the "Secret Doctrine" and to the System. In their letters, people tell us about their fears, doubts, and sometimes negative attitudes.

Reader Comments

vit14/ 11/28/2017 they scratch smoothly, but, alas, there are too many inconsistencies, as well as specific mistakes))) on whose conscience is it, the authors or the contact?

atyana/ 12/17/2016 People, people, .... personally my glitch, or the basis of knowledge that I allowed from different sources to slightly open my brains, and apply as a practice living energy to my essence and spirit, having received personal fruits as answers. I can say that in fact the truth is the path of ascent, and each has his own. Personally, I am not against anything, the main thing is that it helps someone at a certain stage, when someone needs it. For me, God has long been energy, All in all! And a part of her is inside me, and you too, ... if you do not know her personally, this does not mean otherwise, May God bless us all with His prudence!

rajza.my-info.org/ 28.02.2016 Do not waste your time reading this rubbish..I say rubbish, because because of these..gods all the troubles in our OVAL of the Cosmos Better start reading the most important, and most importantly TRUE practical teaching * TAO. THE PATH OF ASCENSION * on the site (puzzle) or in Russian * E-library esoteric literature * in the section (far right above No name you will reach the TAO Path of Ascension Books 1-15
I advise you to start reading from book 7, and then you can start from the very beginning 101010

Alexander Yanushchik/ 10/20/2015 Thanks to the authors of the reviews, in which the SLEEPING Consciousness speaks! Which was required to prove, in terms of the fact that there are still the majority of them ... But dear ones, the sleep of the mind gives birth to monsters! And there are already so many of them, these monsters, that they are eliminated only by the surgical intervention of God! And those to whom the information from the Belykh books will help themselves to cope with the elimination of the monster of MISSION of the World, this blowing process... Luck knocks on the door once... This time has come! More vigilant gentlemen, even more vigilant!
Sincerely, Alexander

Kristinka/ 12/19/2014 Thank you, FRIEND)))) If only I could learn to hear my poor darling)))

a guest/ 11/23/2014 I read it only by coincidence, and yes yes yes.
What is said is pure truth, everyone sees it in their own way, but what is said there is reality.

/ 05/31/2014 The authors, out of megalomania, do not see their own stereotypes and delusions. I don’t know with whom they have contact, but accusing others of being stuck in the Noosphere and unreliable information, they themselves are mired in not understanding what. Most likely, this information is true for them personally, but they are far from the only ones in the world who bring Enlightenment, and techniques, and methods, and the expansion of Consciousness. Many people already communicate with their Angelic groups, their Higher Self and do not declare about its exclusivity. Just doing their job...

light/ 09/16/2013 people, I am disappointed and agree with those who doubt. I recommend reading Antarova's books "Two Lives" and N. Levashov, all the books on his website, if you compare them, then the Whites are just babies ...

Sergei/ 10.04.2012 exactly. something that doesn’t fit with the bible, but a lot of it turns out very smoothly, I want to believe that everything said is true and it doesn’t matter if it’s a divorce or not, but I think it’s worth checking. read only the first book about the rest read on the forums.

a guest/ 03/25/2012 I read this crap - there are a lot of contradictions for an inquisitive mind, but these Blues will also breed you for loot

a guest/ 18.02.2012 Vasily
Books are necessary in any case, because we are faced with a choice - to live on for us and our children or sink into oblivion. Yes, books are difficult to understand, there are many points with which we disagree, but in general they are a guide to action, without which our continued existence will be in doubt.

Evgeniy/ 17.12.2010 I am absolutely convinced that today it is the MOST Important information for a person. It is a pity that this knowledge is not perceived by everyone, and mainly because of the laziness of the mind.

warning/ 11/16/2010 don't be suckers

/ 22.10.2010 The previous reader himself admits that he did not read to the end. These are the books that must be read thoughtfully, re-reading several times. And the previous reader at the end of his opus repeats what is written in this book.

Friend/ 14.11.2009 I didn't think that there would be only positive reviews here. I only read the first book, I didn't finish the second, because my heart told me that this was not what I needed. I gleaned useful information from the first book. For which I am grateful to the authors. But I do not agree with the whole picture that the Whites laid out in their writings. I don't judge. In my opinion, they themselves do not know that they are mistaken in some of their concepts. They are somewhat reminiscent of the Jehovah's Witnesses sectarians, only more conscious than the latter. But not enough to see them swindled. They sincerely believe that the god of this universe is an entity called Jehovah. They themselves describe that his level of Consciousness is not higher than 6 units. (I don’t remember exactly) Only twice as much as modern ordinary person. Kind of funny, isn't it? They naively believe that something is missing in this Abundant Beautiful Universe. They naively believe that this Jehovah should be considered their God. But at the same time, they themselves speak of a "higher" God who is beyond this Universe. So why "worship" this Jehovah, if there is a "bump" and more important? This is tantamount to worshiping Angels or Archangels. In this case, it is better to send your energies to the Earth and the Sun, they need them now. You do not need intermediaries to communicate with the One God. He is present in each of you as a spark of God, as the Holy Spirit. Jehovah is just one of many entities that has more high level Consciousness than that of a modern ordinary person. No more!
I apologize for some inaccuracies, as I read these books almost two years ago. I forgot something, but I remember the main thing! In these works one can find particles of Wisdom, Knowledge, but the general picture that the authors present to us is not correct.
So all those who intend to read these books, CHECK, CHECK and CHECK AGAIN what you are reading. Don't take everything for granted! Have a Mind, use it, listen to your Heart (Soul) when you read such books, and then it will be much more difficult for you to manipulate and fool you, if at all possible.
I could write more, but I won't. After all, I have already written the most important thing. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART ALWAYS! Everything else is not so important. Do what brings you Joy, of course, if you want it;)
Thank you for attention!

Authors' message

Dear visitors of our site, we invite you to get acquainted with a series of unusual books - "The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse". These books introduce the reader to phenomena that go far beyond the familiar and ordinary.

The main leitmotif of everything that is said and written about the fate of Humanity is the expectation of some kind of breakthrough or help, including from Above, from the Subtle World and God. No wonder we have been waiting for the Second Coming for 2000 years. We can say that it took place, but not in the form of the coming of Jesus Christ himself, but in the form of an information breakthrough.

We have received a specific methodology for overcoming the crisis, about which Mankind could only dream and speculate. It is called "The System of Personality and Health Harmonization". Our System allows you to solve all issues related to health and destiny, by each person independently, without resorting to the help of a pharmacy, doctor, healer, fortune teller, scientific or religious technologies. Learn to solve all your problems.

How to achieve this? To do this, you need to read our books "The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse" more than once. This will help you find a way out of any difficult life situation; will open you a new perception and vision of the world. You will acquire valuable knowledge that will always be useful to you. Most importantly, you will find the answer to the question: “Who is the source of information that changes and builds my life”? Finding the answer to this question means freeing yourself from the fear of life and slavish dependence on changes in it. Further at your discretion.

White A. and T.

Attention! Due to the fact that all the necessary knowledge on organizing life and solving problems (life tasks) is given in the books "The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse" and in the "System of Personality Harmonization", we, their authors, do not conduct consultations and do not give advice on solving problems. give.

Alexander and Tamara White

The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse

The book that you, dear reader, are holding in your hands is not quite ordinary, we find it difficult to determine its genre. Its dissimilarity to everything that you have read so far begins with the name. Doctrine, and even Secret. Perhaps the authors got excited, you might think. Where, in our age of information technology and global communications, can one find secrets for an entire Doctrine?

The authors are husband and wife: Alexander and Tamara Bely. We received information from the Subtle World. This will not surprise anyone now, the only highlight is that our contact is thoughtful and practical. In practice, it looks like a living meaningful communication in the mode of dialogue with living People from the World of God, the administrative apparatus of the Universe. It was they who gave such a definition to our contact. Practical - because we received not an abstract set of heterogeneous, unsystematized knowledge, which is already a dime a dozen, but a ready-to-use product - the "System of Personality and Health Harmonization".

The book outlines the views "from Above" both on the person himself and on the whole world around us, which sometimes differ diametrically from the generally accepted and familiar ones. They can be shocking at first. You probably have a question about the title, and in general, is there any need to disturb the Spirit of Helena Blavatsky, the author of The Secret Doctrine? We can answer in the affirmative: “Yes, there is!” The fact is that we took from Blavatsky not only the name. We borrowed the very idea of ​​the book: neither more nor less - to reveal the secret of the Source of Life and the entire Universe! These are the so-called accursed questions that concern Mankind throughout its existence. A similar attempt was made in the last century by the Roerichs, Helena and Nikolai, who made a trip to the Himalayas for the sake of this, in search of the mysterious Shambhala. But, unfortunately, their goal was not achieved.

We assure you that no attempt is made on our part to overthrow the authorities. It's just that the truth of any information lies not in the topic, the exciting plot, or in information that no one is familiar with yet. Truth is measured only by the practical use of information, all the more pretending to be called a Teaching: "Judge every tree by its fruit." Unfortunately, neither Blavatsky nor the Roerichs succeeded in doing this. This happened due to the complete isolation of the so-called esotericism from real life.

We want to emphasize that our books and the System have nothing to do with esotericism!

Many who undertook to study the works of the Roerichs and Blavatsky did not have the strength to read half of them. Dear authors have made it a rule that everything incomprehensible should be explained in a sophisticated language and with the help of gibberish terminology. The reason for such a failure is not at all that they did not reach the True information (the Roerichs in the Himalayas, and Blavatsky through contact). In our deep conviction, they themselves got to the bottom of the Truth, but could not or did not have time to express it.

Blaise Pascal once admitted: “Only when we finish a planned essay, we understand where we should start it.” He wanted to convey, but also failed to fully express the idea that any process can be described only when you have already gone through and completed it, when you have risen to the next step of Evolution and describe the stage you have passed, looking from above, embracing it entirely. It is no coincidence that memoirs are written after many years, when passions subsided, and events look much different than they were perceived by a person who is in their midst.

Now that the books have already been published, thousands of people “download” them on the Internet for reading, and hundreds of reviews come to us as authors, it became obvious that the title was chosen very accurately. Books for ninety-nine percent of the people who read them once, remain the Secret (hidden) Doctrine, despite the fact that their language is simplified to the maximum extent. All this confirms the sad fact that ninety-nine percent of the inhabitants of the Earth are in a state where a person, having read even such chewed information, cannot build a logical chain to form a true picture of what is happening around. It takes him an amazingly long time to realize that everything written in the Secret Doctrine primarily concerns him, and no longer simply concerns, but strikes him, his children, grandchildren, and loved ones on the spot.

It is also unfortunate that people with education and erudition understand the meaning of books with great difficulty, the meaning does not reach doctors and those in power at all, and from the side of science and the media we see a blank, impenetrable wall. Galina Shatalova, the author of the system of healing nutrition and natural healing, very accurately noticed salient feature human psyche: "The less a person knows about something, the more easily he succumbs to the hypnosis of simple explanations." And it’s not at all a lack of understanding, they don’t have problems with this. Simply, in connection with the newly discovered circumstances, the question arises: what to do with what they piled up? And since information about these circumstances comes from below and is voiced by an insignificant minority, it is easiest to ignore it.

Based on this, waiting for the recognition of the truth of such information from the ruling vertical and the media is a hopeless task, for them it is the “Secret Doctrine” cubed. That is why you will have to extract and comprehend the information that will help explain the meaning of what is happening, as well as determine the degree of its truth and benefit for yourself. Indeed, “The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves!”

Ways or stones (modern parable)

One day a passenger traveling on a ship noticed an innumerable number of large and small underwater rocks with which the sea was dotted. Turning to the helmsman, he asked:

- Mr. helmsman, how do you manage to pass among the many rocks? You probably know every pebble here to get past it.

- No, - answered the helmsman, - I do not know the stones, but I know the deepest places where you can safely navigate the ship.

The same applies to sacred, esoteric information, for which, according to tradition, they go to the Himalayas or receive it through contact. But nothing of value that could drastically affect the situation in the life of each person and all of Humanity as a whole is never obtained. So, the reason is that they are looking in the wrong place and not at all.

Parnassus (fable)

(Criticism of the book by Alexander and Tamara Belykh "The Secret Doctrine of the Days of the Apocalypse")

“The book outlines the views from Above both on the person himself and on the whole World around us, which are sometimes diametrically different from the generally accepted and familiar ones, they can shock you at first. You probably have a question about the title, and in general, is there any need to disturb the Spirit of Helena Blavatsky, the author of The Secret Doctrine? We can answer in the affirmative: “Yes, there is!” The fact is that we took from Blavatsky not only the name. We borrowed the very idea of ​​the book - no less, to reveal the secret of the Source of Life and the entire Universe!”

So that the reader does not have any doubts about their "huge gap" from the well-known theological schools, the Whites "raise the bar" even higher. True, a little later they somewhat soften the “fall” of authorities, recognizing some merits for them:

“A similar attempt was made in the last century by the Roerichs, Helena and Nikolai, who made a trip to the Himalayas in search of the mysterious Shambhala for this purpose. But, to our great regret, they did not achieve their goal… Truth is measured only by the practical usefulness of information, all the more pretending to be called the Teaching: “Judge every tree by its fruits.” Unfortunately, neither Blavatsky nor the Roerichs succeeded in doing this. Many people who undertook to study their works did not have the strength to read half of them. Dear authors have made it a rule that everything incomprehensible should be explained in sophisticated language and gibberish terminology. The reason for such a failure is not at all that they did not reach the True information (the Roerichs in the Himalayas, and Blavatsky through contact). It is our deep conviction that they themselves got to the bottom of the Truth (!!!), but they could not (!!!) or did not have time to express it.

“But still, we must pay tribute to the following: reading the works of the Roerichs, Blavatsky, books of sages and philosophers of the East, as well as visiting such exotic places as the Himalayas or the Valley of the Pyramids, contribute to the disclosure of Human Consciousness by 1.5–2% (!!! ). People call this opening enlightenment, connection (!!!) or initiation. If we take into account that our Consciousness is only 2–5% open, then the addition of as much as 100% to them is really perceived by a person as an insight! But these 100% are just a small addition to the total 2% norm; moreover, such a disclosure of Consciousness occurs spontaneously, a person is not controlled, which means that he still cannot become a full-fledged master of his life and destiny!

With the help of our System, a person with a serious attitude to business can purposefully open his Consciousness up to 50% (!!!) (taking one hundred percent Consciousness as a starting point) or 2400% (if we take those “standard” 2% Consciousness as a base) within half a year. As you can see, the numbers are not comparable, the difference is 24 times (!!!). You will find confirmation of the given calculations in the book in the form of reviews of people who trusted us and mastered the Personality Harmonization System in practice. Believe me: on their part, this is a great feat!

Here is such a "convincing" arithmetic. There is nothing to fool with the "incomprehensible" and "not achieved" Blavatsky and the Roerichs - take the finished System and "enlighten" to your health! The reader thinking on this introductory chapter usually closes the book, but we will go further and find a seemingly imperceptible knot (among a huge pile of information!), which, if pulled, will quickly lead us to the true goals of the "saviors" of mankind. Here are the admonitions White gives at the end of his book:

“You can walk the path from one world to another only with your own feet, only the person who walks this path or has already passed most of it can become a guide for you. From the very moment of connection (!!!) we are guided by the Subtle World. When you, having passed the 7 parts of the System, get stronger, then you will confidently see your path and will be able to follow it yourself, without anyone's help. But as long as you do not see this path and do not realize it, you can get lost on it. It follows from this that the help of the Subtle World is vital for you and it can be received only through us (!!!). Yes, we already have assistants in some regions of Russia and Belarus, who were chosen by the Subtle World (the networks are spread out!!!), but they are not yet endowed with the right to independently connect people to the System and they all keep in touch with us. We can assure you that not a single doctor or psychic has received the right to connect people and work with them through the System, because he has not studied the System (purchasing the System or copying does not mean knowing it at all!).

The task of the Subtle World is to create a new generation of people, therefore He is interested in people being led by His trustees, led in the right direction (!!!). They select System specialists themselves, but the right to connect to their channel (!!!) remains only with us. This is the Choice of the Subtle World, and not our whim. If someone took the liberty of connecting people to the channel of God (!!!), ignoring us, then he and the people “connected” by him remain de-energized (!!!) (I connected the wires, but did not turn on the electricity, because does not have access to the knife switch).

We started with arithmetic and ended with the basics of electricity. We will continue in the same "electric key". All this "principal electrical circuit" (System) is mounted for only one purpose: CONNECTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO ONE OF THE CHANNELS OF THE SUBTLE WORLD FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNOBSTRUCTED MANIPULATION OF HIS ENERGY - CONSCIOUSNESS. Thus, you have to work hard, win the trust of the coordinators who will connect you to the “god channel”, and the rest will be taken care of by the “god” himself, with whom you will be “in the bosom”! (Isn't that what you wanted all your life?!) As the experience of many shows, breaking out of such strong embraces can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible - when the will of the "patient" is paralyzed by the strong currents of an invisible monster for all 100. I think that in the role The "god" at the electricians-contactors Belykh is probably "working" by one of the vile dark entities not "from the depths of space", but most likely - our "terrestrial spill". The language and style of presentation of their "polytechnical" work is very characteristic!