Working program of the circle work on design and modeling for older children “Magic workshop. Initial technical modeling and design Modeling and modeling class for children

In the second pavilion of VDNKh, the most unusual in Russia “Roboschool” is opened: one of the teachers here is the android Tespian.

In total, 4 courses are open in the "Roboskol". There is "Robotics", which introduces the basics of design, modeling and programming, teaches how to create smart electronic machines. You can choose the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) program, which consists of engineering lessons and experiments. In the course "Electromechanics" students will learn to distinguish resistors from transistors, to assemble radios and other equipment.

Also in the "Roboskol" there is an industrial design. In the classroom, children not only learn history modern design, but they will also create art objects on their own. The best creations will end up in the Robostation Hall of Fame.

5200 rubles per month

Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium"

An ideal venue for open lessons and interactive lessons. We follow cutting-edge trends
in the field of additional education for children. Our educational courses allow you to broaden your child's horizons, acquire useful skills and knowledge that open up new perspectives in the modern world. And most importantly, we know how to make the educational process fun and enjoyable for children!

In the new academic year, our museum opens its doors to the "Laboratory" of entertaining sciences, in which children can practice, under the guidance of real scientists, to get acquainted with natural science and technical laws. We have also prepared an interesting program of popular science lectures from the already beloved cycle "Scientists to Children". And for fans of design and programming, a set for Robotics courses and drone piloting school is already open!

The minimum cost of 1 lesson in the course is 1000 rubles

Open laboratory of prototyping "Laba"

The first techno-working in Russia is also an educational platform. The Labe provides training in computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, organizes master classes in 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases "Laba" is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling machines and other sophisticated equipment.

There are about 10 areas for children in the center, the most interesting of which are shipbuilding, aircraft modeling and robotics. According to the co-founder of Laba, Maxim Pinigin, in the techno-working you will be able to realize any idea, “from a stool to a satellite”. Regardless of the age of the inventor.

From 5000 rubles per month

Science holiday

Science Festival is an interactive and educational program for children from 8 to 13 years old. You can arrange a science holiday, a master class, a birthday party, or a whole science festival. The goal is to popularize science and show children that all this can not be abstruse and boring, but exciting and interesting. The secrets of cinema special effects technologies, physical and chemical experiments, entertaining mathematics - children are usually delighted.

In addition to major events and celebrations, you can sign up for classes and courses. Now there is an intensive course "Engineering Creativity" (for children 9-12 years old), "Electricity for inventors" (for children 9-12 years old) and "Chemistry in the life of children and adolescents" (for children 8-12 years old). The course "Engineering Creativity" will teach children prototyping and modeling, develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills. In the electricity course, children will learn how to assemble electrical circuits and even make a real lightsaber. Chemistry is all about joy, reactions and experimentation.

From 6900 rubles for 7 lessons

Math circles from the creative laboratory "2 × 2"

The main value of the creative laboratory "Twice Two" is in its teachers. In the math circles of the center, people who are in love with numbers and formulas work. They manage to infect children with a passion for the exact sciences: the average score of pupils in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often win prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

In order to study in a circle for free, you need to go through several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

The branch of the Palace of Children's Art on Vorobyovy Gory boasts a rich set of scientific directions- from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 11 chemical circles alone.

In the House of Creativity, special attention is paid to children who are interested in technology. For example, there are several radio electronics courses in the center. In a mug for beginners they solder electronic circuits and create simple electronic devices. On the course "Radio Engineering" they study radio-electronic constructions, and on the lessons of "Entertaining Electronics" they teach to read and tinker with simple circuits.

There are classes for free

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why is a plane or a rocket flying? How does the universe work, who can go into space and what is a spacesuit for? In the Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. This year, the Space Detachment club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can pass psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), Work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and get a test cosmonaut certificate.

And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical diagrams, and write codes.

From 200 rubles per lesson

Center for design creativity
"Start Pro"

The center is called “Children's Skolkovo”: Start Pro has one of the best scientific bases in the country. 6 laboratories have been opened here, in which about 60 programs are presented. For example, in Entertaining Mathematics they teach how to solve complex puzzles, in the LabVIEW Graphical Environment - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in Stroymaster - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

Yes, and no boring lectures: the teachers of the center know how to talk simply about the complex, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

Is free

Center for Continuing Education "Young Motorist"


This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, they are allowed to drive motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycles, taught to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

In addition, there is an opportunity to learn everything about the device of the car, learn the rules of the road and even take an exam on traffic rules.

Although most of all, children respect the practical part of the classes: they put behind the wheel here at the age of 12. Pupils drive karts, take part in rallies and win prizes in Russian car competitions.

Is free

Young Railroad Club at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. In the classroom, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and carriages, get acquainted with the rules of "railway traffic" and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the pupils of the club will have an internship on the Malaya Moscow railway. Children can try themselves in the role of a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter and even a machinist.

Bonus: successful graduation from the club gives the right to preferential enrollment in MIIT, all other things being equal.

7-11 grades

Is free

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "Innopark"

An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. Innopark offers short courses that tell interesting stories about the world of science and technology.

In total, the center has developed 4 programs. So, the course "Everything on the shelves" touches on optics, mechanics, electricity and astronomy. In the classroom, the children will have to make a diffraction grating, create optical illusions, assemble a battery from vegetables and make a lunar rover. You can choose one of two courses "Robotics" or "Science in the palm of your hand", where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, as well as conduct experiments.

From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

Digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - “Digital House” resembles an exhibition of the achievements of modern technology. True, in this "museum" you will be allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

In the center, you can do robotics - on the basis of Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino constructors, the guys assemble both the simplest models and technically complex devices. Another popular area of ​​the Digital Home is 3D design. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

From 4,000 rubles per month

Modern science does not stand still. Innovation has taken over the world. Robot vacuum cleaners, computers and smart TVs are taking huge strides into our lives. So why not keep up with the times? Why not take the future into your own hands?

On the robotics course, your children will be very easy and fun to create real robots! They can teach them how to speak, move, respond to commands and even fly! Our teachers will make every effort so that the children can program and control their own robot themselves. You can't even imagine how simple and interesting it is!

From 4000 RUB / month

On weekdays evenings and weekends

Branches near your home!

How we teach in Robotics courses

Robotics lessons for children begin with studying the fundamentals of electronics, where students learn what electricity is, connect LEDs, work with resistors, piezo horns, motion sensors, water leaks and other electronic components. Already in these classes, children can realize their potential, they can create electronic projects that they come up with themselves, for example, a piano or an automatic watering pot.

Further, depending on the level, children choose the direction of study. Each robotics class has a variety of Lego-based RoboKits (for kids 4-6 years old) and Arduino-based (for students over 6 years old). On these platforms, children experiment, create "smart houses", robotic manipulators, build robotic vehicles and look for new ways to move them in space. They also program the created devices themselves based on a special Lego or Arduino programming environment, depending on age.

In addition, we pay great attention to the concept of Do It Yourself, that is, we give children opportunities for the technical implementation of a project from improvised means, applying technical skills using cutting machines and 3D printers. And in the last lessons of each semester, we invite parents to a presentation of projects, where children talk about what kind of device they have created and what is its application.


Module No. Name Duration Learning Outcomes
1 Introducing Robotics 16 lessons Children will get acquainted with the main roboconstructors. Learn the basics of building robots on the Lego platform. Certificate at the end of the module.
2 Lego Wedo 16 lessons They will study algorithms and the basics of building programs. Will actively work on the Lego WeDo platform. Certificate at the end of the module.
3 Lego Wedo 2.0 16 lessons They will develop simple mechanisms on the Lego Wedo 2.0 platform. Will take part in the first Robotics competition. Certificate at the end of the module.
4 Lego mindstorm 16 lessons Get acquainted with high-level languages. Develop their own moving robot. Learn traffic control. Diploma at the end of the module.
5 Competition robots 16 lessons A sumo robot will be developed. They will control the speed of the robots. Create their own projects. They will take part in competitions of the city and All-Russian level. Certificate at the end of the module.
6 Fundamentals of circuitry and electronics 16 lessons Learn the basics of electronics. Develop programs for robots in block programming languages. Certificate at the end of the module.
7 Working with microcontrollers 16 lessons Learn how to work with the Arduino platform. They will work with the main components. Children will learn the basics of programming and object-oriented development in C / C ++. Certificate at the end of the module.
8 Smart systems 32 lessons Smart systems will be developed on the Rasbperry PI platform. Learn the Python language. Smart homes will be assembled using special sensors. A spy kit will be developed. Diploma at the end of the module.

Photos from our Robotics classes

Several reasons why your kids (and you!) Will love Robotics for Kids in Moscow:

  • Unique curriculum.(download) During the time when your child will get unforgettable emotions while working with electronics and assembling his own robot, you will know that he is mastering the practical skills of engineering creativity (Just imagine how these skills will help inspire him to implement unique ideas in the future!)

  • Creative problem solving. In every Robotics for Kids class, your child engages in challenging creative activities that instill a love of science, technology and engineering.

  • Exciting hands-on experience. Our classes are filled with interactivity and children do many projects by hand from scratch, it takes children's minds, and is great for children with different skill levels.

  • Constant contact with parents. We always keep you updated on your child's progress in robotics classes. You will know how he does his homework, works in the classroom, and whether he succeeds.

Where does the Robotics for Children program take place?

Robotics programs are available in our 20 centers throughout Moscow!

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Lyceum No. 28 named after academician B.A. Korolyov"

Working programm

circle "Project activity"

for grade 5

Teacher: Druzhinina M.S.

g. Nizhny Novgorod

Work program structure

1) an explanatory note, which specifies the general goals of basic general education, taking into account the specifics of the course;

2) general characteristics of the course;

3) a description of the place of the course in the curriculum;

4) personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the course;

6) thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities;

7) a description of the educational, methodological and material and technical support of the educational process;

8) the planned results of studying the course.

1.Explanatory note

Success in the modern world is largely determined by a person's ability to organize his life: to define goals, find and attract the necessary resources, outline an action plan and, having implemented it, analyze whether the goals have been achieved. Numerous studies conducted both in our country and abroad have shown that most modern leaders in politics, business, art, sports are people with a project-based mindset. Today, the school has all the opportunities for the development of project thinking with the help of a special type of student activity - project activity. The project method, developed in the first half of the 20th century, is again becoming relevant in the modern information society.

From 01.09.2015, the MAOU "Lyceum No. 28 named after academician BA Korolyov" entered into the implementation of the FSES LLC.

Enforcement of the requirements of the Standard involves solving many problems. Some of them can be solved through the organization of project activities of students. In the course of the implementation of the program of the circle "Project activity", such tasks of OOP LLC are solved as:

    shaping general culture, spiritual and moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development, self-improvement of students, ensuring their social success, development of creative abilities, preservation and strengthening of health;

    ensuring the planned results for the graduate to achieve targets, knowledge, abilities, skills, competencies and competencies determined by the personal, family, social, state needs and capabilities of the student of secondary school age, individual characteristics its development and health status;

    the formation and development of personality in its individuality, originality;

    the establishment of requirements for the education and socialization of students as part of the educational program and the corresponding strengthening of the educational potential of the school, the provision of individualized psychological and pedagogical support for each student, the formation of an educational basis based not only on knowledge, but also on the appropriate cultural level of personality development, the creation of the necessary conditions for her self-realization;

    ensuring an effective combination of lesson and extracurricular forms of organizing the educational process, interaction of all its participants;

    identification and development of the abilities of students, including gifted children, children with disabilities and the disabled, their professional inclinations, including social practice;

    organization of intellectual and creative competitions, scientific and technical creativity, design and educational and research activities;

    participation of students, their parents (legal representatives), pedagogical workers and the public in the design and development of the intra-school social environment, the school structure;

    inclusion of students in the processes of cognition and transformation of the out-of-school social environment (settlement, district, city) to gain experience in real management and action;

    social and educational research design, professional orientation of students with the support of teachers, psychologists, social educators, cooperation with basic enterprises, institutions vocational education, centers of professional work.

The program of the course "Project Activity" is designed to work with children of 5th grade, and is a mechanism for integration, ensuring the completeness and integrity of the content of programs in subjects, expanding and enriching it. Project activity is mandatory and provides for the participation of all students.

The course "Project activity" is built on the basis of a system of tasks for organizing the educational process on an activity basis and is aimed at developing schoolchildren's project skills of the minimum level of complexity.

Initial training in design lays the necessary foundation for the further development of design skills and the use of educational projects in subject lessons for the organization of independent acquisition of knowledge by students and their effective assimilation, for the formation of students' competencies and solving educational problems in basic school.

The purpose of the course of the circle "Project activity"- transformation of the process of development of the intellectual and creative potential of the child's personality by improving his research abilities in the process of self-development; creating conditions for each fifth-grader to complete an individual project at the end of the academic year.

Objectives of the course of the circle "Project activity"

1. Personal: the formation of positive self-esteem, self-esteem of the student, the development of the educational success of each student.

2.Communicative: formation of communicative competence in cooperation:

Ability to conduct a dialogue, coordinate their actions with the actions of partners in joint activities;

Ability to treat people kindly and sensitively, to empathize;

Formation of socially appropriate ways of behavior.

3. Regulatory: formation of the ability to organize and manage activities:

Fostering dedication and perseverance;

Formation of skills in organizing the workspace and rational use of working time;

Formation of the ability to independently and jointly plan

activities and cooperation;

Formation of the ability to independently and jointly make decisions, to achieve the set goal.

4. Cognitive: the formation of the ability to solve creative problems; ability to work with information (collection, systematization, storage, use).

2. general characteristics course

The most important pedagogical task in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard was the introduction into the educational process of tools and techniques that help children to "discover" themselves, to reveal their personality. The criterion for a student's success is not so much the effectiveness in the study of school subjects, as the attitude of a person to the possibilities of his own knowledge and transformation of nature, history, himself. An important role in achieving the success of each student is played by the implementation of an accessible design concept at the choice of the child, based on the scope of his interests and personal capabilities.

The course "Project activity" is designed to ensure the development of the most relevant ways of working on projects by students of the basic school and preparing them, thus, for the development and implementation of their own, individual projects. The need for this course arose in connection with the application of the method of projects as a technology for the formation of key competencies of students at the MAEU "Lyceum No. 28 named after academician BA Korolyov"; as a prerequisite for the implementation of an individual project at the end of the year. Mastering the methods of activity, applicable to a very wide range of objects of influence, within the framework of studying the course, allows you to form an important internal resource in students, which is not specially formed in other components of the educational process at school.

Project activities are aimed at spiritual and professional development the personality of the child through active methods of action. A student, working on a project, goes through the stages of defining a problem, planning, collecting information, analyzing and transforming (synthesis), actively creating a conceived product, presenting it, developing a project portfolio. Project activity involves the development of methods of activity that form the basis for the formation of key competencies (information, communication, research, etc.).

When organizing the work of students according to the project method, not only individual independent work, but also group. This allows you to acquire communication skills and abilities: working in a group in various qualities (roles), considering different points of view on one problem, organizing interaction between project participants.
Training projects, as a rule, contain a problem that needs to be solved, which means that they formulate one or several tasks. Using the project-based teaching method, children comprehend the entire technology of solving problems - from posing a problem to presenting a result. The project method has rich didactic opportunities for both intra-subject and inter-subject teaching.

The projects carried out by students make it possible to identify the interest of each student in terms of the level of success of various types of educational activities, in relation to the process of activity and its results. Design practically helps learners to understand the role of knowledge in life and learning. Knowledge ceases to be a goal, but becomes a means in true education, helping to master cultural patterns of thinking, to form one's own thinking strategies, which allows everyone to independently master the accumulations of culture.

The project activity involves the search for the necessary missing information in encyclopedias, reference books, books, on electronic media, on the Internet, in the media, etc. The source of the necessary information can be adults: representatives of various professions, parents, passionate people, as well as other children.

3. Description of the place of the course in the curriculum

The working program of the circle "Project activity" was drawn up in order to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC to achieve meta-subject results. According to the basic educational program of basic general education of the MAOU "Lyceum No. 28 named after academician BA Korolyov", the course "Project activities" is part of the circle activities in the general cultural direction of education and socialization of students.

Enrollment in the circle "Project activity" is at the choice of students in order to prepare them for the implementation of a compulsory individual annual project.

Form of organization: circle classes are held once a week in the classroom, in museums of various types, libraries, at the school site, at enterprises and various objects of the city (parks, squares, streets, architectural landmarks, etc.). Circle project activities include observation, excursions, implementation and presentation of projects in the classroom, at the lyceum and district conference of student research and design work. Program implementation period: 1 year (grade 5).

4. Personal, metasubject and subject results of mastering the course

Personal results

    education of Russian civic identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; awareness of their ethnicity, knowledge of the history, language, culture of their people, their land, the foundations of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and mankind; assimilation of humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of the multinational Russian society; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland;

    the formation of a responsible attitude to learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition, conscious choice and building a further individual trajectory of education based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests, as well as on the basis of formation of a respectful attitude to work, development of experience of participation in socially significant work;

    the formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice, taking into account the social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity of the modern world;

    the formation of a conscious, respectful and benevolent attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, civic position, towards history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the peoples of the world; willingness and ability to conduct a dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding in it;

    mastering social norms, rules of behavior, roles and forms of social life in groups and communities, including adults and social communities; participation in school self-government and public life within the age competence, taking into account regional, ethnocultural, social and economic characteristics;

    the development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems on the basis of personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude to one's own actions;

    the formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older children and younger age, adults in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other activities;

Metasubject results mastering the course of the circle "Project activities" reflect:

    the ability to independently determine the goals of one's learning, to set and formulate new tasks for oneself in learning and cognitive activity, to develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity;

    the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive tasks;

    the ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to monitor their activities in the process of achieving the result, to determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation;

    the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of an educational task, their own possibilities for solving it;

    possession of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive activities;

    the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish causal relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

    the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive tasks;

    semantic reading;

    the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find common decision and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and consideration of interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

    the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;

    formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT - competence);

    the formation and development of ecological thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and vocational guidance.

Subject results mastering the course of the circle "Project activity" taking into account general requirements The standards should ensure successful learning in the next stage of general education. A student who has mastered the course "Project activities" must master the initial skills and abilities in project activities from problem statement to creating a project portfolio.

5.1 introduction- acquaintance with the content of the project.

A project is an image of a future product; work aimed at solving a specific problem, to achieve a pre-planned result in an optimal way. The project must necessarily have a clear, realistically achievable goal. In the most general sense, the goal of a project is always to solve the original problem, but in each specific case, this solution has its own unique solution has its own unique embodiment. This embodiment is the project product, which is created by the author in the course of his work and also becomes a means of solving the project problem.

5.2 Types of projects

By time: short-term, medium-term, long-term project.

By the number of participants: individual, group, collective.

Classification of projects by leading activities:

1. Educational research;

2. Informational (collection and processing of information);

3. Games (activities in the form of a game);

4. Creative projects;

5. Practice-oriented (practical).

The project can include elements of reports, abstracts, research and any other types of independent creative work of students, but only as ways to achieve the result of the project

Project activities are aimed at cooperation between a teacher and a student, the development of creative abilities, is a form of assessment in the process of continuous education, and makes it possible for the early formation of professionally significant skills of students. The design technology is aimed at the development of the personality of schoolchildren, their independence, creativity. It allows you to combine all modes of work: individual, pair, group, collective.

5.3 Project stages

The first stage of work on the project is problematization- it is necessary to assess the existing circumstances and formulate the problem. At this stage, a primary motive for activity arises, since the presence of a problem generates a feeling of disharmony and causes the desire to overcome it.

Second stage of work - goal setting. At this stage, the problem is transformed into a personally significant goal and acquires the image of the expected result, which will later be embodied in the project product.

The most important stage of work on a project is planning, as a result of which not only the distant goal, but also the nearest steps, acquires clear outlines. When you have a work plan, resources (materials, hands, time) and a clear goal, you can start working.

The next stage of the project cycle is implementation of the plan.

An indispensable condition of the project is its public protection, presentation results of work. During the presentation, the author not only talks about the progress of the work and shows its results, but also demonstrates his own knowledge and experience of the project problem, the acquired competence. The element of self-presentation is the most important aspect of work on a project, which involves a reflexive assessment by the author of all the work he has done and the work acquired in the course of the experience.

Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to compare the result obtained with your intention, if possible, make corrections. This is the stage corrections- comprehension, analysis of the mistakes made, attempts to see the perspective of work, assessment of their achievements, feelings and emotions that arose during and after the work.

The final stage of work - self-esteem and reflection.

5.4 Project portfolio

Drawing up a written report on the progress of the project, presenting a report in the form of a portfolio (title page, introduction, problems, relevance, goal setting, methods of work, project form, results, photo-confirmation, illustrations (drawings), computer presentation).

5.5 Project passport

Brief essential content of the project with initial personal data (for placement in the portfolio of a fifth-grader).

6. Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities

6.1. Correspondence to those sections of the course

Course section

Number of hours

Number of theory hours

Number of hours of practice


1.Introduction to project activities

Types of projects

2.Types of projects

Project stages

3. Problematization

4 planning

5.Search for information and its processing

6.Implementation of the project

7.Presentation of the project

8.Project correction, self-esteem and reflection

Project portfolio

9.Requirements for the design of the project

10.Developing a project portfolio

11.Presentation of the project portfolio

Project passport

12.Project passport

6.2. Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities



Number of theory hours




Main activities

Students (UUD)

1.Introduction - 1 hour

1.Introduction to project activities - 1 hour

Meaning (L)

Acquaintance with the concept of a project.

Formulation of a cognitive goal (P)

Implementation of mini-projects "Cover of my notebook" and "Image of my name"

Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature

2.Kinds of projects -2 hours

2. Types of projects - 2 hours

Types of projects by time, by the number of participants, by subject matter, by the leading type of activity

Classification of objects (P)

Selection of subject preferences for choosing a project (test tables and figures)

Selection of grounds and criteria for comparison; proof (P)

3. Project stages - 18 hours

3. Problematization-2 h

Project problem concept

Drawing up "Chamomile" - 6 P of the project:



    Search for information

  1. Presentation

    Project portfolio

Summing up a concept, deriving consequences (P) putting forward hypotheses and justifying them (P)

Identification of significant lyceum problems: garbage, discipline, wardrobe, changeable shoes.

Asking questions


The importance of planning in project activities

Determination of the goal, functions of participants, methods of interaction (K), (P)

Drawing up a plan for a mini-project. Detailing plans for specific projects

Planning (P)

5.Search for information and its processing - 3 hours

Types of information and methods of obtaining it

Search and selection of information (P)

Questioning, interviewing, polling: going out with questions to groups of informants - participants in the educational process at school.

Information processing (statistical and analytical). Drawing up and solving a problem with the data obtained during the questionnaire, survey and interviewing.

Analysis, synthesis (P)

6.Implementation of the project-6h

The importance of the work schedule for the implementation of the project plan

Planning, control (P)

Consultations of the project manager - subject teacher, parent. Search and selection of information. Drawing up a schedule for the implementation of the project

Search and selection of information (P), posing a question

Project manager consultations. Formation of the project structure

Building a logical chain of evidence (P)

Project manager consultations. Work on the content of the project.

Project manager consultations. Work on the content of the project

Building a logical chain of evidence (P) Search and extraction of information (P), posing a question

Drawing up a report on the progress of the project

7.Presentation of the project - 3 h

Requirements for the presentation of the project.

Moral and ethical assessment (L)

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

The choice of the form of presentation of the project. Poster, booklet, script, website information, newspaper article, report, presentation, wall newspaper, etc.

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Choosing the form and working out the presentation of the project: poster presentation, theatrical performance, presentation, etc.

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

8.Correction of the project, self-esteem and reflection-2 h

What is the project correction for?

Correction and evaluation

Correlation of the design intent with the resulting product

Correction and assessment, volitional self-regulation

4.Portfolio of the project - 10 hours

9.Requirements for the design of the project - 3 h

Requirements for the design of the project portfolio

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Project portfolio design

10.Project portfolio design - 5 hours

Portfolio materials and methods

Sign-symbolic, modeling (P) Ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Acquaintance with existing portfolio of projects and research works

Sign-symbolic, modeling (P) Ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Sign-symbolic, modeling (P) Ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Project manager consultations. Project portfolio design

Sign-symbolic, modeling (P) Ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

"Assembling" project portfolio

Control, assessment, volitional self-regulation (P)

11.Presentation of the project portfolio - 2 hours

Presentation requirements

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Drawing up a presentation

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

5.Project passport

12.Project passport -3 h

Project passport structure

Selection of material for filling out the project passport

Ability to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness (C)

Filling out the project passport

Control, assessment, volitional self-regulation (P)

Total: 34 h

7.Description of educational and methodological and material and technical support

educational process

7.1. Teaching and methodological support of the educational process: FGOS LLC, OOP LLC MAOU "Lyceum No. 28 named after academician B.А. Queen".

7.2. Material and technical support of the educational process:

Study room, media projector, pencil sets, PC, printer, colored paper, scissors, camera.

8. Planned results of studying the course.

The program provides for the achievement of 3 levels of results:

First level results involves the acquisition of new knowledge, experience by fifth-graders collective solving design problems in various areas. The result is expressed in the students' understanding of the essence of project activities, the ability to solve project tasks step by step.

Second level results presupposes a positive attitude of students to the basic values ​​of society, in particular to education and self-education. The result is manifested in the active use of the method by students group projects, independent choice of topics (subtopics) of the project, gaining experience of independent search, systematization and design of information of interest.

Third level results presupposes the acquisition of independent social experience by students. It manifests itself in the participation of students in the implementation individual educational or social projects in an independently chosen direction.

The planned learning outcomes are determined for each level based on the specification of the skills required to work on the project. Since the main part of the work within the course is based on the work of small groups, control over the achievement of the planned results is carried out directly during the execution of tasks: in the process of presentations, presentation by students of the results of group work.

Students in grades 5 should be able to distinguish and implement independently different types of work and different types of responsibility for them. They gradually learn to plan their actions and move towards the implementation of the design intent.

Planned results

Must learn

Formed actions

Learners must learn

    see problems;

    ask questions;

    put forward hypotheses;

    to define concepts;



    collect information and process it;

    make inferences and conclusions;

    structure the material;

    prepare the texts of their own reports;

    explain, prove and defend their ideas;

    accept criticism, use comments to improve the project.

In the course of solving the system of project tasks, schoolchildren should develop the following abilities:

    Reflection (see the problem; analyze what was done - why it worked, why it did not work out, see difficulties, mistakes);

    Goal setting (set and hold goals);

    Planning (make a plan for your activities);

    Modeling (to represent the mode of action in the form of a model-scheme, highlighting everything that is essential and important);

    Show initiative when looking for a way (methods) to solve a problem;

    Entering into communication (interacting when solving a problem, defending one's position, accepting or reasonably rejecting the points of view of others).

    Monitoring the implementation of your project in practice.

The final result:

Fifth graders must design and implement

your individual annual project.

Place of presentation of the result: presentations of projects, participation in competitions, exhibitions, conferences, festivals, etc. (in accordance with the Regulations on the project activities of teachers and schoolchildren of the MAOU "Lyceum No. 28 named after academician BA Korolev"

Initial technical modeling

Age: 8-12 years old

Teachers: Chekanova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Maksimova Irina Yurievna, Sharonova M.V.

In the classroom, students get acquainted with the history of the development of technology, learn how to create models using templates and drawings, acquire skills in working with drawing, measuring and hand tools, using a variety of materials. Students will get acquainted with a mechanical and electrical constructor, create models of aircraft and rockets, compete in their launch, and also try themselves in ship and car modeling.

Design department

Age: 8-12 years old

Teacher: Chekanova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Formation of students' knowledge of technical modeling and design for the development of physical and intellectual abilities. Acquaintance with the world of technology through the manufacture of simple technical models from paper and cardboard.

Young technicians

Age: 6-12 years old

Teachers: Chekanova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Sharonova M.V.

Introduction of students to technical creativity through the manufacture of models from various materials. Formation of practice-oriented activities in the field of technical creativity by promoting the qualitative and diversified development of the intellectual and creative potential of students. The program is designed for students of the Vorobyovy Gory State Budgetary Educational Institution.

Game constructors (complex)

Age: 6-12 years old

Teacher: Blinkova Lyudmila Alekseevna

Classes with different kinds children's designers. Formation of mathematical concepts using game techniques based on the convergence of various subject-game environments: origami and constructors "LEGO", "Krikoko", "MAGgeom", "Wooden city", "Geometric pattern", etc. The program is designed for students of GBPOU " Sparrow Hills".

Contour design

Age: 6-12years

Teacher: Blinkova Lyudmila Alekseevna

Contour modeling develops associative and abstract thinking, creates motivation to study and master the world around. The main activity is acquaintance with basic geometric concepts and correct volumetric figures. The program is designed for students of the Vorobyovy Gory State Budgetary Educational Institution.

Game modeling tools

Age: 8-12 years old

Teacher: Chekanova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Creation of an integrated subject environment that promotes the development of social and communication skills, as well as familiarizing children with technical creativity through the manufacture of various models. Working with educational play sets for construction allows children in the form of cognitive play to learn many important ideas and develop skills necessary in later life.