Why is it useful for pregnant women to walk. Benefits of brisk walking for pregnant women. Does a gauze bandage protect against a flu epidemic?

Pregnant women are contraindicated in 2 types of activity: with a high risk of injury and with increased stress on the abdominal muscles. You can't box different kinds martial arts, jump with a parachute, go to the gym for exercise equipment, ride alpine skiing and snowboarding, etc. This is due to the fact that a woman can get severe bruises, fractures or provoke a miscarriage by unnecessary stress. At the same time, walking and even jogging for short distances can be practiced when the pregnancy is proceeding without complications, and the doctor does not prohibit this.

Walking should be avoided in areas where there is mountainous terrain, and the woman will have to climb a lot without steps. Also prohibited are hikes that require carrying the necessary equipment in a heavy backpack.

Ideally, you should walk in regular city parks away from the roadway, so that you can breathe fresh air at the same time. If a girl wants to run, then the speed should be extremely low, and the stomach must be supported with a special belt. Avoid those conditions under which there is a risk of falling: ice, wet asphalt, poor lighting.

Any physical activity should not cause severe fatigue, so sports should be aimed not at results, but exclusively at pleasure.

How to walk correctly

You should wear comfortable shoes that are specially designed for an active life. Athletic (rather than urban) sneakers or trekking shoes that are designed for cross-country walking and hiking work best. These shoes have the correct sole with good cushioning, which is extremely important when the stress on the spine is already increased. In summer, you can choose sports sandals with a comfortable ergonomic shape, which often have a ribbed inner surface that provides a massage effect. It is best to look for such shoes in sports stores and do not spare money on them.

The heel of maternity shoes should be slightly raised or have a 1-2 cm stable heel, while a completely flat sole is contraindicated.

If the average speed of a person is 4-5 km per hour, then a pregnant woman should adhere to 3-4 km. You need to go without haste, without trying to meet a specific distance for a specific time. It is best to do a little rest every 15-20 minutes: ideally, you need to sit down to let your legs relax. Even if a woman does not feel tired, it is necessary to do this, because after 1-2 hours the body may remind of such negligence.

Optimal distances

So, after an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to walk, you need to understand how often and how much. There is no specific number that is universal for everyone. When a woman walked or jogged a lot before pregnancy, she can walk 15-20 km a day without stopping for a long rest. If there was no such habit, it is worthwhile to limit yourself to 4-5 km, and eventually increase to 10. At a later date, it becomes harder to move, the load on the spine increases, and women try to move less and less, although in the absence of contraindications and at 9 months you can pass several kilometers at a calm pace.

The stairs should be mentioned separately. It is not forbidden to use them, but you have to walk up very slowly. You should rest after each flight so that the muscles are not overloaded. In addition, in no case should you climb stairs if there are heavy things in your hands: this greatly strains the abdominal muscles, and there is a threat of miscarriage. In public places, do not hesitate to stop often to take a break, even when there is only a slight feeling of fatigue. WITH

it reads that how much weight all pregnant women walk depends on how much weight they gain. So it is better to walk a little every day than once a week for 20 km.

What are the possible bans

So, why pregnant women should not walk: the most common reason is the threat of miscarriage. It can be associated with a number of factors:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • symphysitis;
  • placenta previa or premature detachment.

All these indications prohibit pregnant women not only from walking, but sometimes even going to the toilet or eating on their own. The doctor will not prohibit anything for no reason, therefore, when prescribing bed rest, it is worth following this.

In general, in the absence of medical contraindications, all pregnant girls are not only allowed to walk, but also needed. Even an hour a day will be enough for the body to receive sufficient activity in this position. It is important to remember to choose the right footwear, stop regularly to rest, and know when to stop in both speed and distance.

The question of the benefits of brisk walking for pregnant women has no clear answer. Of course, it is useful, allows you to maintain muscle tone and has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. But on the other hand, brisk walking can become an unnecessary burden on an already weakened body.

What problems can walking cause, and how can they be avoided?

During pregnancy, a woman invariably gains weight. In this regard, the load on the joints increases significantly. Prolonged vigorous walking can lead to pain in the legs. Long walks can also provoke the appearance of edema, which has an extremely negative effect on the health of the expectant mother. An enlarging abdomen leads to impaired coordination of movement.

But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to completely abandon walking. The main thing is to do everything right. Forget about the existence of heels during pregnancy. Wear only comfortable flat shoes. Her last should be comfortable and have the ability to properly cushion steps. You should not abuse walking, walks should be short-lived and during them it is imperative to take breaks. As soon as you feel tired, it is best to return home immediately. Be sure to bring a small bottle of water when you go outside.

How fast does a pregnant woman need to walk?

Of course, you will have to give up daily jogging during pregnancy. Walking is a great alternative. It is best to take leisurely walks in the parks. So you can not only keep your muscles in good shape, but you will also receive the necessary portion of fresh air rich in oxygen. If you led an active lifestyle before pregnancy and, from the first day, you can go for half an hour walks with intense walking. Otherwise, it's best to start gradually.

If you feel dizzy or have any problems while walking pain, then you must immediately stop and sit on a bench for a little rest. After that it is worth returning home. If you still feel unwell at home, then it is better to seek help from your doctor.

When can you experience pain while walking?

In some cases, while walking, pregnant women may experience pain localized in the lower abdomen. In this case, you must consult a doctor in order to avoid possible negative consequences.

An enlarged abdomen puts an increased strain on the spine, which can lead to back pain. An excellent way out of this situation will be wearing special bandages.

Painful sensations while walking in the pelvic region are associated with the production of the hormone relaxin. It increases the elasticity of the body's ligamentous apparatus, preparing the birth canal for easy passage of the child. In the normal state, the pelvic bones are rigidly connected to each other. But during pregnancy, these bonds also become more elastic due to the action of relaxin. Because of this, the two halves of the pelvis are able to move relative to each other, which leads to the appearance of pain. In order to avoid this, doctors, as a rule, prescribe a course of specialized gymnastics.

Often, pain can occur due to pinched nerves, which is caused by the increase in the size of the uterus. As a rule, in this case, the pain is felt only on one side.

Pain when walking can also provoke swelling and lack of calcium in the body.

If during the next walk you feel pain, then you should immediately stop and take a deep breath. If the pain appears regularly and does not go away for a long time, then you need to seek help from your doctor. To identify the causes, he may prescribe an ultrasound of the joints.

Methods for preventing pain while walking

Do not wait for pain to appear, try to prevent it. For this, it is worth wearing well-chosen comfortable shoes. Try to maintain correct posture while walking. It will not be superfluous to take vitamin complexes and preparations containing calcium. But the choice of specific medicines should be done only after consultation with the attending physician. To strengthen the muscles, it is necessary to regularly engage in special exercises for pregnant women.

From the very minute when you found out that you will become a mother, life has changed somewhat. You don't have to wear yourself like a crystal vase, but if you've done it before, you should temporarily postpone it.

The body of a pregnant woman suffers a significant increase in loads, the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems are burdened with such loads. In order not to gain, the childbirth went well, and the body recovered, it is necessary to continue physical activity. And if you did not lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy, then you should reconsider your views.

The benefits of walking

The most natural physical activity is. Pregnant women, not everyone can be engaged in special physical education groups, while others do not have time for this, therefore, walking is what you need, for enough active image life during the entire period of pregnancy.

Walking saturates the cells of the body of the mother and fetus with oxygen, improves digestion and improves metabolism. During walks, excess calories are burned, which are rapidly gained during pregnancy. , without exception and contraindications for walking do not exist, but something should be remembered.

  • You need to walk slowly, for a start, no more than half an hour. It is advisable to make such walks every day, increasing the distance and time.
  • You should not strive for records and overcoming distance. Let the walk only bring. If you feel unhappy or unwell, or feel pain in the abdomen, you need to take a break or stop walking altogether.
  • Wear comfortable walking shoes for walking, and the clothes should be short so as not to get tangled in your legs.
  • Control your heartbeat with heart rate monitors or offhand. While walking, you can have a conversation, the main thing is not to rush so as not to.
  • , better than a spring or mineral, a small bottle. Drink water often and little by little, this does not allow the body to overheat, because by making movement, the temperature in the body rises somewhat, and water is needed to cool it.
  • When walking, look in front of you where you are, especially in the late stages, when your stomach makes it difficult to see the road right under your feet. Better to have you was accompanied by someone from the family.
  • Walk in good weather, without the risk of falling or getting wet in the rain. You shouldn't risk your health.
  • On the early dates, you can bring walks up to two hours a day, taking breaks. But, do your walks only with pleasure, and not under compulsion. If you're bored, take it with you and enjoy it with your baby.
  • Try not to change your pace while walking, walk at a constant speed, because it adjusts to the rhythm of walking and this allows you to move longer without getting tired.
  • A long walk should be completed with rest, or even better, make a warm bath with herbs or sea salt, and then give your legs a chance to rest by laying them on a pillow. This will prevent swelling and improve blood flow in the veins.

Some women continue to engage in sports and until the last stages of pregnancy, these are those who were engaged in active training: professional athletes, coaches and ardent fans of a sports lifestyle. You can continue classes only with the advice of a doctor. Typically, these are the very beginning difficulty levels of walking.

When you can't walk during pregnancy

  • All physical activity, be it just walking or fitness, should negotiate with a doctor with whom you are registered, it is important for him to know all the details about your pregnancy and physical condition and mom and baby.
  • It is generally contraindicated for pregnant women to walk for a long time and quickly, especially if there is an increase in the tone of the uterus, severe toxicosis, severe severe gestosis, if there is a threat of losing a baby or acute and chronic diseases, as well as polyhydramnios.
  • Walking a lot is not recommended late in pregnancy... This should be done slowly and accompanied.

Nordic walking during pregnancy

This look is perfect for expectant mothers. After all, training, as a rule, takes place on the street, due to this, the supply of oxygen is activated, and the blood flow of the placenta improves at times, and from this toxicosis has a mild form.

Nordic walking does not allow you to be overloaded and tired, prevents overexcitation and nervous breakdowns. This affordable and comfortable the way of walking does not load the spine, it has a gentle effect on the joints of the legs, distributing the load on the shoulders and arms. protect from falls and injuries as much as possible, this is an excellent fitness at any stage of pregnancy and allows you to keep your muscles in good shape, which is necessary for a successful childbirth process.

From such a walk due to increased oxygen flow, healthier sleep, and heart disease, mood improves from a significant increase in the quantitative composition of endorphins. Postpartum depression for women involved in Nordic walking is not scary, they get sick less and suffer from edema.

Pain while walking in pregnant women in the lower abdomen

There may be several reasons for the pain, but you should not be scared right away. This may be due to realignment and stretching of the ligaments that support the abdomen. If the pain persists and is acute, you should immediately consult a doctor. And if, this is a periodic and not releasing sharp pain, then most likely the reason is not so terrible, but with I want to stop walking and rest... In any case, do not overstrain and unnecessary stress for the body.

it would seem, what is special about the usual walking tours? In fact, walking brings invaluable benefits to your body. The main thing is to organize this process correctly.
So, why are walks so useful?

During walks in the fresh air, the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems are trained, your lungs are saturated with oxygen. The process of oxygen exchange is normalized, as a result of which oxygen in the required amount passes through the placenta to your baby, contributing to his growth and development.

Hiking strengthens the muscles in your legs, back, and buttocks. Increases blood supply bone tissue, as a result of which the exchange of calcium improves, its leaching from the bones decreases.

Outdoor walks in addition to healthy diet promotes normal intestinal motility and helps to avoid constipation. You can find out about ways to deal with constipation from our article.

You have probably noticed more than once that after walking in the fresh air, your mood improves, and you feel a surge of energy. And this cannot but have a beneficial effect on your well-being and the course of pregnancy.

Walking is a great way to boost your immune system. Prolonged exposure to the air under the soft rays of the sun has a general strengthening effect on the body, enriches the blood with oxygen, soothes and strengthens the nervous system, thereby helping to resist diseases.

Tips: How to go for a walk for the benefit of mom and baby?
You need fresh air just as much as a balanced diet. But even on ordinary walks, you should follow a few simple rules:

Try to walk at least 2 hours a day at a relaxed pace, especially in good weather. If you cannot afford a long walk, walk 2-3 times a day for 30-40 minutes. Remember that even if it is raining outside, walking under an umbrella will be of greater benefit to you than sitting at home.

If there is a park, forest or grove near your house, you are very lucky. The more trees around, the better. If you live in the city center or in an industrial area, find out where the nearest park or promenade is and head there.

During a walk, it is important to walk, and not sit on a bench, but if you are tired, sit down to rest for a few minutes. The more you walk, the better your body prepares for the coming birth. In addition, emotional relaxation occurs during daily walks.

Remember to keep your posture! Make sure that the load is evenly distributed between all muscle groups of the abdomen and back. Try not to strain the cervical spine, for this it is enough to look straight ahead, and not under your feet, try to assess the condition of the road in advance. You should not choose unfamiliar or overly difficult routes.

In the summertime, it is advisable to hike before 11 and after 17 hours. It is best for you to stay at home during the period of the greatest solar activity. Too hot weather (above + 30 ° C) is also not suitable for outdoor recreation.

When leaving the house, you should be dressed comfortably and according to the weather. Don't wrap yourself up if it's warm outside. Choose loose clothing made from natural materials that allows your skin to breathe and does not obstruct sweat evaporation.

In late pregnancy, when leaving home, just in case, take your exchange card and passport with you.

Sports mom

Moderate physical activity will benefit not only you, but also your baby. The safest period for sports is the second trimester; in the first and third, be more careful. If you were engaged in any kind of sports before pregnancy, then, having reduced the load, you may well continue to train further.

Recommendations for expectant mothers involved in fitness:

Talk to your doctor and, if necessary, have some tests done before you start exercising.

Consult a trainer regularly, as exercise should be reduced as the pregnancy progresses.

Choose non-contact sports such as swimming, walking, jogging, pilates, yoga. Moderate intensity exercises will help you stay in good physical shape and maintain a stable emotional state.

Expectant mothers are contraindicated: horseback riding and cycling, skiing, jumping, running, weight-bearing exercises, any shock load and concussion. Also, exclude all abdominal exercises from your workout, as they can increase intra-abdominal pressure and damage your baby.

By keeping yourself in good physical shape, you will ensure a healthy pregnancy, good mood, and after the birth of the baby, it will not be difficult for you to return the previous look!

Hiking is one of the best and most rewarding free pleasures we can afford. And for women, this is also a necessary activity, which is simply criminal to neglect, not only in relation to yourself, but also to your baby. In order not to spread our thoughts along the tree, let's go straight to the heart of the matter and sort through all the scientific and medical truths and just the rich female experience of our mothers.

How, where and why?

Here are a few facts about how future mothers should walk correctly.

1. Did you know that during pregnancy, a woman's need for oxygen increases by a good 25, or even 30%?

After all, now she has to breathe for two, since this is one of the primary conditions for the normal and full development of the child. And it is during walks that the blood and cells of the whole body are well saturated with this vital element, naturally, provided that the expectant mother walks in the fresh air, and not spoiled by exhaust gases and other "delights" of city life.

2. Question: how long is it recommended for pregnant women to walk? Answer: 2 - 3 hours daily.

Yes, yes, for some it may seem like a very unbearable load, especially if, before pregnancy, the woman was not particularly friendly with sports, but preferred to move exclusively by car. However, it is on this number of hours that doctors almost unanimously insist. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to marathon all 3 hours at a time. They can be divided into two, or even three, entry - in the morning to walk for an hour and a half, at lunchtime a little and in the evening at least forty minutes. Although, I must say that walking before bedtime is especially useful.

Our generation, it should be noted, is generally lazy, and a vivid example of this is when, instead of getting off at a legal stop and then walking to the desired point on foot, every now and then we ask the drivers: “stop around that corner” or “slow down near that store. " In general, we gratify and encourage our laziness, instead of at least occasionally pleasing our body with walking walks, which it needs so badly, especially with our current way of life. Therefore, try if you use by public transport, get off at least just at a legal stop, or better one or two earlier, so that you can take a leisurely stroll the rest of the way.

3. Most experts insist that you need to walk at any time of the year and in any weather.

Except perhaps for natural disasters such as typhoons, tsunamis and 40-degree frost, as well as epidemics. Oh, yes, under a special ban - ice, because pregnancy is not the best time to practice ballet on ice, fraught with injuries. And in the hot summer period, you should not go outside between 10:00 and 16:00, when the sun is especially active.

And again, many will surely raise an eyebrow in surprise, they say, what can be useful in a walk under a fine nasty rain on a gloomy and windy autumn day? What good, and you can catch a cold. And in winter, when the snowdrifts reach the waist, and the snow falls so much that you can't see anything a meter ahead of you? All this is true, but there are a couple of counterarguments to this, namely:

Firstly, there is no bad weather, there is bad clothing or an insufficient amount of it;

Secondly, it is the most gentle way to harden and strengthen the immune system, both your own and your future baby.

But, of course, walks should be enjoyable and beneficial, and not harm health, therefore, hypothermia, places with a large crowd of people, especially sneezing and coughing, should be avoided, which often happens in the autumn-winter period. Clothing should be as comfortable as possible and appropriate for the weather, since an overabundance of it is no less fraught with bad consequences, as well as a lack. Sweating in the cold, especially windy weather, is the easiest way to catch a cold.

4. It is best to walk in parks, gardens, squares, if there is nearby, then in the forest, however, the main thing here is not to get lost.

In general, the closer you are to nature, the more beneficial the effect of a walk will be. And the farther you are from the city noises, from cars with exhaust gases, from a fussy and electrified crowd (you certainly won't be charged with positive emotions), the better for your own health and health of the crumbs, and nervous system will suffer less. It's great if you have a summer residence. In this case, it would be good to try to spend more time there, but not alone, but at least in the company of her husband or other relatives. Especially if you have crossed the border of the third trimester.

5. Observe the measure!

If you did not go in for sports before your excellent position, and in general you cannot call your lifestyle active, then you should not burden yourself with shock loads. You don't need to set 20-kilometer and Olympic records. And not just because such an excessive load on the legs, at best, will affect incredible fatigue and swelling.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Burkov N.G. advises avoiding too tiring walks, especially if in the past the woman had cases of miscarriages or premature births.

6. The third trimester is the time when the pregnant body is especially in need of walking.

The fact is that it is during this period that the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of women reaches their climax. And therefore, her body, more than ever, needs intensive oxygenation. However, do not forget that the closer it is to childbirth, the more dangerous than a woman walk alone, therefore, in order to avoid risks, it is better to take someone from your relatives or friends with you. So it’s calmer and more fun.

7. Walking is a kind of preparation of the body for childbirth.

Finnish obstetrician-gynecologist Ritva Hurskainen compares the process of childbirth by scale physical activity with the passage of the marathon, so she advises not to neglect physical exercise during pregnancy, well, walks are theirs great alternative, especially in cases where active physical education and gymnastics are contraindicated. By the way, Finland is recognized the best country for motherhood, therefore it is better to heed the advice of their doctors.

The benefits of walking

Let's take a look at exactly how walking benefits the expectant mother and her child.

1. Strengthening and maintaining muscle tone, which prevents the development of varicose veins.

2. Saturation with oxygen, which is necessary for the normal development of the child.

3. Walking is an exercise for the lazy.

4. Undoubted benefit for the figure.

5. Walking helps to avoid the development of physical inactivity and anemia.

6. Rest, tranquility, stress relief and energy boost are all manifestations of the miraculous effect of walking.

7. Better sleep.

8. Acceleration of the metabolic process and prevention of hemorrhoids and constipation.

9. Training of correct breathing.

10. Strengthening blood circulation.

When else, if not in this wonderful period, a woman can afford to enjoy leisurely walks in the bosom of nature, thereby benefiting both herself and her long-awaited happiness, which she wears under her heart. As the ancient wisdom says, movement is life. So, move on to your health, dear mothers, and charge yourself and your baby with positive!