The woman is silent with me, hiding something. Why is a woman's silence more dangerous than her words. A woman moves to the beat of the music, stamping her feet

To all the men reading this, there is something you need to know about your girlfriend. This is a lesson you need to take to heart or you will put your relationship at risk. It is a phenomenon that exists in every respect. Most men lose their temper when their woman yells at them or talks too much. And who wouldn't be pissed off, right? You want personal space. You want private time. You want to take a break from her voice and presence. But there is a reason why you should be glad that you constantly hear from your woman.

Do not worry if your girlfriend constantly communicates with you - even if these are some of her negative comments. She can start fights. She may blame you for something that is wrong in the relationship. She may find something in you that irritates her. But be that as it may, you should not worry, as long as she continues to talk to you. If she sends you long letters instead of short messages, if you talk for hours about something that you usually don’t worry about at all, if she constantly wants to talk to you about her feelings, you should be grateful.

Don't get upset when she texts you, even if you're busy at work. Don't get upset when she shows up in the middle of the night because she wants to talk to you about something important. Don't be upset if she starts crying or freaking out over something you did or said to her. And even though everything you've read so far doesn't make sense, just believe that this is important knowledge if you want to save your relationship.

All this that she does, her constant communication with you about everything in the world, is an expression of her love for you. When she talks to you about what makes her uncomfortable, it shows how comfortable she is with you. When she talks to you about how you hurt her, she lets you know how she feels. When she tries to talk to you about your dreams and goals as a couple, she is trying to get to know you better. She is trying to get your attention. And all this means that your woman is desperately in love with you, that she wants to build your relationship. This means that she wants to try to make things work out for you. So do not worry that your woman always wants to talk or even argue with you.

But if your woman is no longer talking to you, then it's time for you to start worrying.. You should worry when she writes you one-word answers. When she no longer argues with you, when she doesn't want to communicate anymore. You should worry when she no longer comes to talk to you. When she stops responding to everything you say or do. You should worry when she stops talking to you altogether.

You really have to worry when she no longer considers you a person worthy of communication. You have to worry when she considers you to be someone who is not worth her feelings or emotions. When she no longer feels like she should be wasting time with you.

Women's silence is the first sign that you need to be afraid. You should always be afraid of a girl who no longer wants to discuss anything with you, who does not want to solve problems in a relationship. This means that she is tired of you and is thinking of breaking up. This means that she no longer wants to fight for your relationship. This means that she no longer cares what you think of him.

Why you should worry if your woman is silent

Offended, hiding something, thinking about the other, plotting something, or ... OUT OF LOVE?

Of course, theoretically everything is possible, but the main reason for his silence is completely different: in the peculiarities of the male worldview and his psychology.

After all, how is a woman arranged? She needs to say everything, discuss everything, “live” all the emotions in the conversation. If she is silent, it means that something is definitely wrong. As in a joke: “Honey, are you offended? - No! - strongly? - Yes". Men are different.

As a rule, men are generally laconic. Businesslike and purposeful - even more so. They prefer to act rather than philosophize, and speak only on business.

That is why they are chosen and respected. If you really want to talk about the weather, tell in detail how your day went, and discuss Britney Spears' new haircut, go to a friend, not a man.

Speak out to mom, cat, but not to a man.

With a man, conversations need to be filtered and dosed. Otherwise, from overload of information, he will simply cease to perceive everything that you say.

Not because he's bad and doesn't love you. male brain so arranged.

I already talked about the “secret” technique “one mouth - two ears”: the best strategy in a conversation with a man is to listen more, talk less and ask

Then you will be the best companion for him. Especially if it's your first date.

You have nothing to talk about

Very often, silence comes in a relationship where a man and a woman have nothing to say.

If, at the same time, sex began to happen much less frequently, and communication is reduced to “hello-bye” and “buy tomatoes, pasta, toilet paper" - you have problems.

A man uses the tactics of silence when they saw him at home, find fault.

He does not want to receive a negative reaction - therefore he is simply silent (by the way, men lie for the same reason). Then this is an occasion to sit down and finally talk about what is happening and how you feel in your relationship.

This silence can become a point of no return, when there will be nothing to fix.

The basis of strong long-term relationships is emotional closeness and. And in order to support them, you need to work on yourself and on relationships. No options.

I believe in you,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Experts in visual psychodiagnostics say: speech is only a third of human communication. Everything else - facial expressions and behavior. And some scientists still firmly believe that we are descended from monkeys. Hence the antics and adherence to various sign systems.

Women's psychology. Psychology of relations. understand a woman

man looks

If a woman is silent, do not draw early conclusions. The strong sex should look at the details. From the point of view of facial expressions, signs and gestures, each part of her body lives an independent, conscious life, while constantly sending signals and hints. One brow alone can be bent into seven different configurations, each of which means something.

Often a man is interested in only two parameters of wordless understanding: the depth of the neckline and the height of the skirt. And while he, the poor man, measures these two concepts, drooling, perhaps he should look in the face. A barely noticeable arrow-shaped wrinkle in the middle of the forehead makes it clear that nothing shines for him. And vice versa: instead of snorting resentfully at the conservative maxi and orthodox golf under the chin, you can at least once look into wide-open eyes. Suddenly they are drowning in the abyss of desire? Just a favorite skirt of thirteen centimeters in height and the topic has not yet had time to dry after washing.

woman laughing

She knows that a sparkling mouth framed by a bud of wet lips, like a magnet, attracts male look. Unless, of course, her dentist is not wasting his money. Such a smile is a sign of openness and makes even the most modest-looking accountant erotic.

If a woman laughs, then she can have arbitrarily many reasons for this. For example, the label on a new blouse, which strives to bring its mistress to madness.

The woman casts passionate glances towards the man

This is the most commonly used flirting technique. The look is different, especially if it is accompanied by a smile. All this is multiplied by moist eyes and a drop of dew on the lower, slightly inflated sponge. It means one thing - I want! That's just what - that's the question.

The man, of course, cannot believe his own eyes. First, he tries to guess how drunk the woman is. And then, what to do with all this happiness?

Often fixes hair

Wants to show that she is attractive. Shamelessly asks for a compliment. The man, of course, does not understand anything. His courtesy is enough to offer his shampoo and try to scratch her head himself, since his fingers are stronger.

By the way, most women are sure that it is better to “fix” blond hair than hairstyles of other colors. It seems to them that in this case, men will take the hint more effectively.

Woman licking her lips

Wu-u-u ... Everything is serious. If five minutes ago she did not gobble up pies with jam, then she definitely wants to be kissed. And note: not on the cheek and certainly not on the forehead. It's time for action.

Woman looking straight ahead

Frankly makes it clear that he admires a man. "A choice specimen," her eyes say. In such occasions, one should not splash water on a woman, shout “Are you all right?” or try to look at it. It's also not worth kissing. She is in aesthetic prostration. You need to quickly remember all the romantic poses, and then, choosing one of them, stand like that until she starts to lick her lips.

The woman pretends to leave

It should not be kicked. It's too early to rejoice. In fact, she uses every opportunity to speed up the acquaintance before it's too late.
A man with her in a cafe. She tries to get up. Then you can offer the sixth cup of tea. Refused? But she didn't call you a curmudgeon? Not everything is lost. We quickly tell the autobiography in the creative manner of Alexandre Dumas and offer to drink the rest of the tea at home. If she is eager to get out after that, maybe she just needs to go to the toilet?

Woman folds her legs crosswise

Wants to appear sensual, which draws attention to the sexual parts of the body. This is also true when she plays with a chain around her neck, rubs her hips or waist.

If a woman periodically does this before she tries to leave or stare, she may be at work. Or the legs are very long, and in the deployed configuration they are somewhat shocking to the man with their scope.

A woman moves to the beat of the music, stamping her feet

Wants a man to ask her to dance. To do this, you must be at least in a nightclub. In another place, for example, in the subway or in a fixed-route taxi, even the bright successors of Freud's immortal work will not understand her hint.

« By chance”comes across a man, after which he asks for forgiveness with a glance and smiles, as if admitting his guilt.

A man can be sure: she wants to draw attention to herself. But which one depends on what she came across and what exactly. If head to head, it means that he prefers intellectual relationships. If in the area of ​​​​the diaphragm, he clearly shows off his bust or tries to knock out a wallet from his inner pocket. If in the waist area, then the man will not be at all up to distinguishing signs. He will have his own stars in his eyes.

Theoretically, the main signs of female symbolism are simple and understandable. In practice, it is sometimes difficult to understand them, even if high-flying intellectuals get down to business. And all because the woman is an actress. Giving one sign, she may have time to change her mind, and already occupy her head with another. Conclusion: maybe it's better to ask again if something is not clear?

She is silent ... And if a woman is silent, then this can mean either a lot or nothing.
Most men are sure that female cold silence is one of the ways to manipulate them. She is silent, and you are already scrolling through your head one thought after another, trying to understand what happened or what YOU did WRONG? You are already busy with her. Often the questions are “What happened? What's the matter?" remain unanswered. Although sometimes you can hear “nothing” or “leave me alone”, and worst of all, “just tired” (???). As a rule, these lengthy statements do not explain anything, and make you tormented further and lead to an even more bewildered state.

What happens next? There are two options for the development of events. Option one. You are already turned on, you can no longer calm down, you are persevering in search of the cause of her dumbness. And, as a rule, you seek to voice the reason for the silence. The fact is obvious - the goal is achieved. However, you have been manipulated, because your mind, and most importantly your poor nervous system were busy with her - the woman, her feelings, her silence. You already feel guilty. I haven’t figured out why yet, but judging by her silence, there is a reason. She received attention to her person and, it seems, just the deepest moral satisfaction. Isn't this the main, insidious purpose of a woman's silence?

Case scenario number two. If you are one of those men who believe that women think incomprehensibly how, but most importantly, not like you, then just let her be silent. You think like this: when she needs it, she herself will tell you what the reason is. However, it should be noted that this rarely happens. And the result is not at all the same ... Now, in her head, in addition to silence, the question is itching: what's the matter ?, where is his participation and concern ?, where the hell ??? The consequences are just terrible. And for some reason, it's your fault again.

There is only one conclusion, it is better to show participation and concern. Yourself cheaper.

We really want to believe that women's silence does not always carry a hidden form of manipulation with us. Maybe, really, sad, tired, and do not want to talk. I just want to be quiet.

In many cases, the reason for the silence voiced by the woman is so banal that it makes her hair stand on end. “Exhausted” by the search for the reason for silence and, having received an answer about the reasons for such strange behavior, you cannot understand why it was impossible to SIMPLY say, ask, discuss. Well, write, after all!

Do you know, dear Women, why a man is so seriously concerned about your silence, even if it is unreasonable, in his opinion? What's the matter? Why do the thoughts haunt him, “What happened? What happened?" Well, it would seem that you are silent - well, be silent for health. The reason may be concern for you, loved ones. Just not always. The fact is that we, men, need to get to the bottom of the reason for silence, because in this shaky situation of silence, we are deprived of certainty, awareness. Something was out of our control. And this is a threat. A man must, well, simply must know everything, and control everything. They are silent, which means they are hiding something from him, hiding. And we just don't like being blamed for anything. And your silence is a reproach. A dumb reproach, to which you can’t say anything in response. Agree, the situation is not pleasant?

Why all this? It would seem that if a woman is silent, it is more pleasant than listening to her discontent and other claims. Is the woman silent? The beauty! You can quietly, calmly admire it ... But still, dear, beloved - take care of our and your nerves - SPEAK if you have something to say.