Muscle group training for girls in the gym. Training program for girls in the gym. Proper nutrition for active training

To accelerate recovery, improve protein metabolism and maximize muscle growth, each large muscle group (for example, chest, back, legs) should be trained no more than once every 2-3 days, but not less than once every 4-5 days - in other words, about twice a week.

Based on this principle, most training programs recommend splitting the body musculature up and down - the so-called "double split" - and training each of these groups twice a week. At the same time, the exercises of the program themselves can be performed both with a barbell (- a basic exercise for the chest), and on simulators.

The principle of alternating workouts

The double split and split exercise program into the upper and lower body allows you to optimize the mechanisms of muscle recovery and the production of hormones important for muscle growth. While your upper body muscles are recovering, you actively train your lower body, and vice versa.

Optimal is 4 workouts per week and alternating top-bottom-top-bottom exercises. If you do not have the opportunity to train on the weekend, you can do 3 workouts per week, alternating the weeks themselves. In this case, in the first week you train the upper body twice, in the second week you train the lower body twice.

Upper body exercises

The first two exercises of the upper body workout program are the most difficult - they involve doing 3-4 sets with low reps and long rest pauses. The next two exercises are recommended to be alternated from workout to workout.

The last two exercises, working out the biceps and triceps, are recommended to be performed in 1-2 sets with a high number of repetitions and a short rest. You determine the number of approaches yourself, depending on the fatigue. You can also vary the exercises to work out the muscles of the arms.

The above training program is performed twice, on Monday and Friday. On Wednesday, training on the muscles of the legs (exercises of group A) is repeated from. The very same program of exercises for the lower body will be presented next week by our guide.

Warm-up rules

Limit your warm-up and cool-down cardio to a total of 10-15 minutes. If you want to "dry out" the muscles and increase the relief, then the best solution would be either to set aside a separate day for such training, or to combine it with evening strength training.

Before each strength exercise, 2-3 warm-up sets are performed, which are not taken into account in the program table and in the training diary. Optionally, you can warm up on simulators, gradually learning to shift the mechanics of familiar barbell exercises to a different plane.

Exercises on the chest on simulators

Block and machine workouts aren't all bad - they can be even more effective than free weights. It is enough to understand which of the basic exercises is the basis of the exercise on the simulator, and also be able to consciously involve the key muscle group in the work.

The advantage of the simulator is both increased safety (you cannot "drop" the working weight on yourself), and the ability to train muscles at different angles. Unfortunately, most trainees do not know how to properly use these advantages - however, they are not doing well with the barbell either.

Why not a basic program?

The main disadvantage of the basic training program, on the principles of which the first weeks of the Beginner's Guide were built, is that low reps (only 5-7) and high working weight significantly increase both the risk of injury and the chance of developing chronic overtraining.

Suitable either for those who train with a personal trainer who controls the technique of performing the exercises, or for those who are engaged with working weights no more than 70-80 kg. After reaching this milestone, for safety reasons, it is recommended to switch to more "gentle" training.


The "double split" program is one of the most effective in terms of muscle growth and the easiest to do consistently. It can include either three or four workouts per week, and the exercises of the program can be optionally replaced with their counterparts in simulators.

The correct training program for girls is capable of transforming the female body beyond recognition, at the same time, incorrect training in the gym can lead to injuries, overtraining, loss of motivation, zero result.

The bulk of the girls set themselves the goal of losing weight in the gym, however, after exercising for a long enough time, they do not get the result, the extra pounds were both in place and remained. This, in turn, imposes certain difficulties in understanding the basics correct workouts. Therefore, before moving on to practical exercises in the gym, let's take a closer look at the features of women's workouts.

Training for girls differs from male training programs, due to the peculiarities of the female body. This is primarily due to low testosterone levels and periods.

Decreased testosterone levels

Low level testosterone in the female body, does not allow girls to perform approaches as intensively and "hard" as men, which means that muscle refusal in the approach when performing the exercise will occur much earlier, therefore, the work in the gym will not be done so effectively, and of course, all this will affect the growth of muscles in the negative direction. However, a significant accumulation of muscles in the thighs and buttocks, allows girls, with proper training, to pump up elastic and beautiful buttocks.

Features of women's workouts

Due to the fact that nature is more beneficial, it is much more to endow the girl with muscles in the lower part (thighs and buttocks) than in the upper part (chest, neck, back, arms, shoulders), for the normal carrying of a child. Such a distribution by nature is effective for bearing a fetus, because the muscles themselves are very energy-intensive, that is, to maintain them requires a lot of kcal, which is why the female body has much fewer muscles than the male.


During menstruation, the load on the legs and abs decreases, or stops altogether (according to the state of health). In the first two weeks, after menstruation, the girl feels a surge of strength, during this period, load the buttocks with various exercises on the legs in the gym strongly, work at 100%, after 2 weeks, during ovulation, reduce the intensity of training, reduce the sets of exercises and working weights, and then, the cycle repeats again.

Thus, with such training microcycles, you "catch up with two birds with one stone" - take care of your health and do not allow yourself to fall into overtraining, from constant hard training.

And finally, the third important factor that a girl should pay attention to is a healthy and nutritious diet.

Menses when doing fitness

Balanced diet

For 3-4 weeks after menstruation, the female body will try especially hard to accumulate nutrients, to store fat in reserve, so that the baby is born healthy. Therefore, during this period reduce calorie intake, limit yourself in carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, are stored in muscles much faster in girls than in men. Therefore, excess carbohydrates will be converted into fat faster in the female body. However, the rate of conversion of fat into energy will be faster than that of men. Hence the conclusion that the more muscles, the more there will be "fuel tanks" for carbohydrates in the body, which means that the likelihood of excess weight deposition will be much less.

Reusable, fractional nutrition, balanced in its composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals), is a guarantee of good health, and of course, getting the desired result during training in the gym. At the beginning of the day, you eat mainly carbohydrates (complex), at the end of the day, proteins, the ratio is approximately the following (50-60% carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins, 10-20% fats). Eliminate from your diet, fried, salty, fatty, as well as foods with preservatives and fast foods. For more information about the diet, see the appropriate section on nutrition.

A healthy, balanced diet is not something that is only temporarily present in your menu, it is a diet that should be with you throughout your athletic and healthy lifestyle.

Remember that only in combination, healthy nutrition, full recovery, and competent training will lead you to success in the gym.

Proper nutrition when exercising in the gym

Well, now that you have familiarized yourself with the theoretical foundations women's training, let's go directly to the training itself.

Training program for girls

There are only two main approaches to training in the gym. Some girls gain mass (weight), not paying much attention to the relief and dryness of the muscles, in this case they have one goal - to gain as much muscle mass as possible, so that later it can be "cut", dried, as a rule, this is achieved with the help of a high-calorie nutrition, other girls, at the same time lose weight and gain volumes of lean muscle mass. Your task at this stage is to determine which type you are relative to, but as practice shows, the first case when a girl is gaining mass refers to professional athletes who perform on the stages of bikini fitness or women's bodybuilding.

If you possess large enough excess fat mass, then you, at the initial stage, should not work with simulators and barbells at all, because the gym builds muscle, and does not burn fat.

That is, first, you need to adjust your diet until you lose enough excess fat mass (how to lose weight correctly, with the help of nutrition, read this), you can also connect, for more effective weight loss, various aerobic exercise(skipping rope, running, jumping out, treadmill, exercise bike and so on)

Scary, big and pumped-up girls in magazines can discourage many from going to the gym. Therefore, all women, remember that you cannot build big muscles without the use of hormonal drugs, at most, you can tone your muscles, slightly give them shape and relief.

We present to you a training plan (training program) for girls in the gym, which involves the alternation of hard and light training weeks.


Option number 1

Workout 1

  • Bicycle (exercise bike) - 5-10 minutes
  • - 2x max
  • (wide leg stance) - 4x8
  • - 4x10
  • sitting - 4x15
  • - 4x12
  • - 4x12
  • - 4 x max
  • Stretching the muscles

Workout 2

  • Orbirek (elliptical trainer) - 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up
  • Wide grip push-ups - 2 x max
  • medium grip 3x8-10
  • on a horizontal bench - 4x12
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars in the gravitron - 3x12
  • - 3x12
  • for the press with a pancake from the bar - 3 x max
  • Stretching the muscles

Workout 3

  • Bicycle - 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up and warm-up of the knee joints: 5-10 minutes
  • - 2 x max
  • (deadlift on straight legs) - 4x10
  • Reverse lunges in the Smith machine - 4x10
  • - 4x12
  • - 4x10
  • (exercise of your choice) - 4x15
  • - 3 x max
  • Stretching the muscles

Option number 2

Monday - legs

  • - 5 sets of 15-20 reps
  • - 4 sets of 20-25 reps
  • - 3 sets of 15 reps
  • (deadlift on straight legs)

Wednesday - back, shoulders and triceps

  • - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • - 5 sets of 20 reps
  • lying down - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • - 5 sets of maximum repetitions
  • Treadmill or bike - 20-30 minutes

Friday - legs and chest

  • - 5 sets of 15-20 reps
  • - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • - 5 sets of maximum repetitions
  • Treadmill or bike - 20-30 minutes

Easy and hard training week for girls

Walk into the gym, and you see the same familiar picture: the girls attack the treadmills, and the guys puff, doing deadlifts. On the one hand, you don't really want to wheeze and moan while squeezing 180 kg. On the other hand, spending an hour walking on a treadmill is also not an option. We bring you the best gym workout programs for women ...

There must be something in between, right?

Fortunately, this is true!

We have in mind a couple of wonderful complexes for girls, each of which has a clear focus. Whatever your goal - to lose weight, build strong buttocks, or simply tone the whole body - we will share with you the best training schemes for women. Below is not one training program for girls in the gym, but several at once, so that you can choose a complex that will be most effective to achieve your goals, taking into account the type of your body.

Before moving on to the best training complexes, we want to take a closer look at nutritional issues. We're not going to teach you how to make a diet here.

However, in addition to sports, you should also pay attention to your diet.

You can not hope to see the cubes on the press until you have established your nutrition. As the saying goes: the press is created in the kitchen. Well, okay, that's not entirely true. With exercise, you improve and strengthen your abdominal muscles, but only a fat-burning diet will allow you to lose fat and boast of powerful abs.

So, drink plenty of water (at least eight 300 ml glasses) a day, limit your sugar and fat intake, and eat more lean protein and whole grains (100% whole grains), as well as vegetables and fruits.

Combined with training, this will help you improve your figure in no time.

Training programs for girls in the gym

Doubt what kind of complex you need? Maybe you never thought about the differences between different types of training, and just did whatever. If you have a specific goal, keep reading.

Is your body type pear?

If so, then your hips and buttocks receive the most attention. With this build, you should focus on your shoulders and arms. In addition, by strengthening the muscles of the whole body, you can turn your pear into an hourglass.

If your body lacks "curvature", it makes sense to focus on the buttocks and hips. This training method will not only round your glutes and strengthen your leg muscles, but it will also make your midsection curves more attractive.

Wearers of an athletic build have broad shoulders and narrow hips. In this case, it is recommended to tone the muscles of the core with a passing study of the buttocks to make them more expressive.

Perhaps you have a curvaceous or hourglass-like figure. Then you need a basic training program for girls the whole body, and tone the muscles of the arms and legs. So you get elastic muscles, and emphasize your forms.

These are just general notes on what you should focus on during the training. We strongly recommend that you work your entire body to avoid muscle imbalance. If you do decide to move on, always consider the peculiarities of your bodybuilding.

Complex for legs and buttocks

If you want to work out and strengthen your buttocks, you will need weights. Now you will learn how to get voluminous buttocks and chiseled legs.

Even if you use light weights for upper body exercises, you can freely load your legs with heavier weights. Unless you have a curvaceous shape or large buttocks, it makes sense to use heavy weights to break muscle fibers.

As these tears are healed, the muscles will grow and strengthen, rewarding you with bulging buttocks. The beauty of lower body training is that the large size of the muscles allows you to take heavy weights and achieve muscle growth in no time.

Each specified exercise is performed in four sets of 8-12 repetitions, unless otherwise indicated:

  • Leg press in the simulator
  • Barbell squat
  • Barbell Deadlift
  • Seated Leg Curl
  • Bulgarian Split Squats (4 sets for each leg)
  • Raising the legs to the sides (3 sets of 20-30 times for each leg)
  • Weighted glute bridge (3 sets of 20-25 times)
  • Jump squat (3 sets of 20-25 reps)

Designed to totally activate the muscles of the glutes, legs and hamstrings, this workout is ideal for developing strength and / or increasing the volume of the buttocks. If you just want to tone your muscles, take on lighter weights. To build your glutes, train with heavy equipment.

If 12 repetitions of the exercises are easy for you, then you have taken too light weight.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles and arms

The same applies to the owners of the type of "pear" figure. Likewise, if your intention is simply to tone the muscles, use lighter weights. Use heavier weights to increase muscle size. Also, some exercises can be performed both on the floor and on the bench press (for example, the bench press).

We insist on using a bench. It will provide you with a greater range of motion and improve muscle stretching. By lowering the weights down, you engage your back muscles. Rowing off the floor will not achieve your optimal range of motion, which will prevent you from working your back properly. Therefore, even in order to raise muscle tone, do not neglect the bench.

The following exercises are performed in three sets of 8-12 repetitions in the absence of other recommendations:

  • Bench press
  • Dumbbell breeding
  • Pullover
  • Press on the shoulders
  • Upright tilt row
  • Push-ups (3 sets to failure with an interval of 60 seconds between sets)

Do you have saggy breasts?

Perhaps you were breastfeeding, or you just looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed that your breasts have lost their former contours. Training your upper body and chest will help you. Exercising the pectoral muscles will provide additional support for the chest while lifting the muscles. It will also help you burn fat (through calorie expenditure), but most importantly, it will naturally lift your breasts.

Not only will you look your best, but you will also save on expensive beauty treatments.

Press program

If someone assures you that you need to pump the press for half an hour a day, he is doing it wrong.

There really is no need to spend so much time working through the press. With the right method of influencing the muscles, 8-12 minutes will be enough for you. You can search YouTube for sets of exercises (but remember, if they last more than 12 minutes, they are not worth your attention).

Here is a short workout program to strengthen your core muscles.

Here's the thing. Don't chase the number of repetitions. Exercise for 45 seconds, then take a 15 second break. The whole complex will take you no more than 9 minutes, but your abs will burn with fire. This load will be enough for you all day.

  • Twisting
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Leg raises
  • Touching socks
  • Crunchy with cotton
  • Elbow touch with knees
  • Climber
  • Dynamic plank
  • V-shaped side lift (30 seconds on each side without respite)

Cardio training

Always, always, always do strength training. You will never reach your fitness goals without resistance training. Working with weights is necessary for everyone, even those who do not seek to build muscle. This will help you burn calories while exercising and boost your metabolism. In addition, your body will spend even more calories to repair damaged muscle fibers. Triple benefit. However, cardio workout for burning fat for girls will also come in handy.

What kind of cardio to do?

Here are a couple of ideas.

First, no running in place. If you love jogging, we will not dissuade you. This is a great way to deal with stress. However, when you're in the gym and you're scheduled to do cardio workouts, walk around the side of the treadmill. Do something else. A stepper is a great thing. This simulator simulates continuous walking up the steps. If you want to get gorgeous buttocks, it is better not to find an option. For those looking to develop upper body muscles, a rowing machine should be considered.

This is one of the best cardiovascular equipment in the gym.

We also love fitness ball cardio. Jumping jack is a wonderful exercise. But jumping jack on fitball is even better. Pilates is also a good alternative, because it often uses fitball and some small weights.

As for yoga, we will disappoint you. We are not against yoga. It helps to stretch muscles, correct posture, eliminate subluxations and curvatures in the spine. But that's not cardio. And they never will. If you enjoy yoga, keep practicing. It should be given a chance to those who have never tried yoga before. However, do not substitute it for cardiovascular exercise. Stretching can be part of a pre-workout warm-up, but it doesn't count as a workout.

Training frequency

How often you visit the gym will depend on the weight you use. If you are working with really heavy weights and are seriously loading your muscles, you will need two days of rest between workouts on the same muscle group. Using more modest weights to keep yourself in good shape, you can exercise every other day.

For example, when working with heavy weights, start training on Monday with working out priority muscle groups (if you are trying to pump up your glutes, then start with training your legs. But if you need to increase the volume of your chest or shoulders, do them on Mondays. You can alternate complexes for working out. of the whole body).

Train priority muscle groups on Monday.

Highlight Tuesday for secondary muscles. Exercise without burden on Wednesday. Thursday is a priority workout. Friday is secondary. Saturday is a day off. Then start the next week on Sunday.

Using lighter weights, train with resistance every other day, even on Wednesdays.

Do cardio every day: half an hour on your workout day and an hour on your rest day. After training your legs, cardio should work on other muscles, otherwise you will disrupt their recovery process. So, if you've been working out your legs, do your cardio on a rowing machine. After exercising your arms, head to a stepper or other exercise machine that uses your leg muscles.

Try to pump abs every day (or at least every training day). Abs belongs to your core muscles, and because you use it every day, it recovers faster. Paying attention to the press on a daily basis will help you achieve results faster.

A few words about volume workout lovers

Often it looks like this: "Do 50 squats, 20 push-ups, 20 lunges."

Sounds good, right?

But there is an important caveat.

The problem with these training programs is that they are difficult to do only in the beginning. After a couple of weeks, you will get used to the load, and you will no longer feel it at all. Without effort, you won't see progress.

You will have to increase the number of repetitions all the time, training more and more. This is not the best way to achieve your goals. It is far more beneficial to add weights than mindlessly doing the same exercises over and over again.

It may sound difficult, but after a couple of weeks, you will change your mind.


You have seen the very best women's training complexes. Change and adjust them as you see fit. It is important that you put in effort and strive for more.

In pursuit of the ideal, you become better every day. After a short time, in the mirror you will see not just a completely new, but also an absolutely confident woman.

12-week gym program

As discussed in the previous article about, it is necessary to lift heavier weights in order to stimulate muscle building. Do not be afraid that exercise with weights will make you big as men, because women only produce a fraction of the testosterone compared to men.

When a woman starts exercising, her goal is to tone her muscles and improve her figure, by following this workout program, you can achieve it! In this 12-week program, you will decrease the number of repetitions you perform and increase the weight you lift. The number of sets of each exercise remains the same, but the number of repetitions changes.

For more impressive results, training should be followed. 50% of the success of your classes depends on it.

Weeks 1-4

For 1-4 weeks, you will do 8-12 reps of lifts. That is, you will be doing at least 8 reps and no more than 12 for each set. If you cannot complete 8 reps, then the weight is too heavy and you should reduce the load. If you can do more than 12 reps, then the weight is too light for you, and you should increase the load.

Bench press 3*8-12 Dips on the uneven bars 3*8-12
Bent-over barbell row 3*8-12 Pull-ups 3*8-12
Seated Dumbbell Press 3*8-12 Swing dumbbells to the sides 3*8-12
French Triceps Barbell Press 3*8-12 Extension of the arms in the block for triceps 3*8-12
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 3*8-12 Curl of the arms for biceps in the block 3*8-12
Squats 3*8-12 Deadlift 3*8-12
3*8-12 Leg press 3*8-12
Leg extension 3*8-12 Lunges 3*8-12
Leg curl 3*8-12 Seated Calf Raises 3*8-12
Standing Calf Raises 3*8-12 Dumbbell Shrugs 3*8-12
Press Press
Lying Leg Raises 3*10-15 Press on a Roman chair 3*10-15
Fitball crunches 3*10-15 Hyperextension 3*10-15

Remember: Rest period between sets = 1 minute

Weeks 5-8

During weeks 5-8, you will do lifts with 6-8 reps. That is, you need to do at least 6 reps, but no more than 8 reps for each set. If you are unable to complete 6 reps, you should reduce the weight. And if you are able to perform more than 8, then the weight is too light for you and you should increase the load.

Monday - Upper body A Thursday - Upper Body B
Bench press 3*6-8 Dips on the uneven bars 3*6-8
Bent-over barbell row 3*6-8 Pull-up 3*6-8
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3*6-8 Dumbbell side lifts 3*6-8
Prone Triceps Extension 3*6-8 Extension on the block for triceps 3*6-8
Twisting with a barbell or dumbbells 3*6-8 Flexion of the arms on the block 3*6-8
Tuesday - Lower Body A Friday - Lower Body B
Squats 3*6-8 Deadlift 3*6-8
Deadlift on straight legs 3*6-8 Leg press 3*6-8
Leg extension 3*6-8 Lunges 3*6-8
Leg curl 3*6-8 Seated Calf Raises 3*6-8
Standing Calf Raises 3*6-8 Dumbbell Shrugs 3*6-8
Press Press
Lying Leg Raises 3*10-15 Twisting on an inclined surface 3*10-15
Fitball crunches 3*10-15 Back extension 3*10-15

Remember: Rest period between sets = 90 seconds

The gym is a hub of aspiring women and girls with three completely different goals: lose weight, gain weight, or keep fit. Whatever the goal of a girl, the most reliable way to achieve it without harm to health is to regularly train according to special programs in the gym several times a week. Inexperienced girls, at least for the first time, should train under the supervision of a coach.

To maximize the benefits of classes, girls need train according to a special exercise program.

Training programs in the gym are drawn up depending on the task:

  • for beginners;
  • for experienced athletes;
  • to gain muscle mass;
  • to burn fat;
  • for all muscle groups;
  • to a specific zone;
  • on the relief;
  • cardio workout.

Choosing the right workout plan in the gym is necessary depending on what the woman or girl wants to achieve. It is recommended to compose a program taking into account many parameters: initial physical fitness, age, weight, the presence of diseases, and so on.

Girls should start training in the gym by performing the simplest exercises, gradually adding more complex ones to the program. Effective fat burning will be provided by a specially selected diet. If you don't have the opportunity to regularly work out in the gym, you can do the exercises at home.

Training program in the gym for girls 3 times a week


  • Workouts for gaining muscle mass in the gym and at home
  • Slimming workout program in the gym for men
  • Home workout program for men
  • Back exercises in the gym and at home
  • Circular workout for home women and men
  • Triceps workout for home and gym

First you need to compose training program for girls in the gym for 3 days- this will help to assess your own strengths and capabilities, so that you can work out in the gym with maximum efficiency. The program can be divided with emphasis on the study of different parts of the body, or build training based on the same exercises.

Typical basic workout targeting all muscle groups in the gym three times a week (sample program):


  • warm-up on a treadmill for 10 minutes;
  • 15 barbell squats without pancakes;
  • 10 lunges on each leg with dumbbells in hand;
  • 10 times - pulling a dumbbell to the belt alternately with each hand;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar (as many times as possible) or replace it with the pull of the upper block for the head 15 times;
  • the last exercise - press the bar on the bench - 15 times.


  • warm-up on a treadmill;
  • 15 times - barbell pull to the belt;
  • pull with a narrow grip of the block to the chest 15 times;
  • plie dumbbell squats - 15 times;
  • squats with a barbell, alternately on each leg - 12 times;
  • exercise for the press "book" - 25 times.
  • hitch - 15 minutes on cardiovascular equipment.


  • warm-up on a treadmill;
  • 15 times - deadlift;
  • squats 10 times with each leg on the bench (alternately);
  • pull with a narrow grip to the belt of the lower block - 15 times;
  • 15 times dumbbell bench press;
  • Dumbbell routing 14 times.
  • cool down after strength training - 15 minutes on cardiovascular equipment.

Each exercise of the training program must be done in 2 sets.

Workout for beginners

Beginners need a special beginner workout program for girls in the gym. You need to train 3-4 times a week, when choosing exercises, you should take into account what the effort will be made for - for drying or for gaining muscle mass.

Exercises for girls in the gym, aimed at drying and muscle relief, should be accompanied by a special protein diet. If a weight loss program is being drawn up, then cardio training must be included in it.

Effective Beginner Gym Workout Rules for All Muscle Groups:

  • While working out in the gym, girls should include in the program exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles in the work. In this case, it follows choose the right weight, in accordance with personal parameters and preparation;
  • If we are talking about a program for losing weight, and not for gaining muscle mass, a girl should definitely perform standard exercises in the gym: press barbells, push-ups, squats with a barbell and dumbbells, all types of crunches for the press... You need to exercise without overtraining, with the optimal number of repetitions - 10-15 times;
  • It is necessary to ensure that the muscles and joints are not overloaded, you also need to properly align your breathing, relaxing as you inhale and making an effort as you exhale- the quality of training both in the gym and at home depends on this;
  • During training it is necessary drink water, in order to timely replenish the inevitable loss of fluid by the body, which is bad for the muscles;
  • Girls should not forget to join the gym program cardio exercise that provide the maximum effect for weight loss - this is jogging on a treadmill (15 minutes before and after training), classes on an orbi-track or bicycle;
  • Exercises should be done in two approaches with a break of 60 seconds.

What exercises to include in the program for beginner girls in the gym:

  • Warm up - 15 minutes;
  • Twisting "hyperextension" - 12 times;
  • Bar squats - 15 times;
  • Twisting on an incline bench - 12 times;
  • Knee push-ups - 10 times;
  • Press of a dumbbell with a support knee on a bench - 12 times for each hand;
  • Breeding dumbbells over the chest in a prone position - 10 times;
  • Leg curls in the simulator - 15 times;
  • Swing legs back in the simulator - 15 times;
  • Cardio - 10 minutes

Muscle Gaining Program

A training program for girls to gain muscle mass in the gym should be developed in a special way. It should include the study of all muscle groups.

The program for gaining muscle mass for girls should be designed in such a way that the days in the gym alternate - that is, on one day you should "swing" the upper body, and on the other - the lower.

The program for gaining muscle mass in the gym is based on the principle:

  • Monday - upper muscle mass training;
  • Tuesday is a day of rest;
  • Wednesday - training of the muscle mass of the lower part;
  • Thursday is a day of rest;
  • Friday - training of the muscle mass of the middle part;
  • Saturday and Sunday are days of rest.

Gym training rules for gaining muscle mass for girls:

  • Required include basic exercises in the program in the gym- bench press, squats with a bar, deadlift, twisting;
  • For muscles to grow, girls need to constantly provide progression, that is, complicate the workout and increase the weight on the bar;
  • Number of repetitions exercises in programs for gaining muscle mass in the gym for girls should be at least 12-15 times for 2-3 sets;
  • Between approaches, the girl needs to rest for about 60 seconds;
  • The actual workout in the gym should not last longer than 60 minutes.

A program for gaining muscle mass in the gym for girls:

Monday - arms, shoulders, chest

  • Exercise hyperextension;
  • French press forhead;
  • Alternating pulling the dumbbell to the shoulder;
  • Breeding dumbbells lying;
  • Dumbbell breeding while sitting;
  • Wide grip pull of the block to the chest.

Wednesday - legs, buttocks

  • Abduction of the leg in the crossover;
  • Leg press on the simulator;
  • Squats with the bar behind the back;
  • Hanging leg pull-ups with an emphasis on the elbows;
  • Smith machine lunges;
  • Smith Machine Squats.

Friday - back, abs

  • Twisting on an incline bench;
  • Reverse tilt hyperextension
  • Traction of the upper block to the belt;
  • Leg raises on the bench;
  • Dumbbell Deadlift
  • Twisting "Prayer".

Fat Burning Workout

The training program for girls to burn fat in the gym consists of a complex for the load of the heart muscle and strength exercises. Cardio is an integral part of the gym while losing weight.

A competent weight loss training program for girls in the gym should be developed as follows:

  • You need to start your workout with warm-ups and cardio exercises on a treadmill;
  • The best exercise for burning weight in the gym, as well as for losing weight in the buttocks and thighs, is the barbell squat.Squats with weights, you need to do it carefully and according to the rules, because this exercise, if performed incorrectly, can be dangerous for the back and joints: the legs should be placed wider than the shoulders, the bar should be placed on the shoulders, grabbing it with your hands, you need to squat slowly, lowering the buttocks as low as possible. At the same time, do not bend the back and keep it straight, the head looks straight;
  • Girls should perform exercises at least 12 times 3-4 sets;
  • No need to be afraid large weights when going to the gym, from them, the process of losing weight will go even faster. Here it is important not to overdo it, and choose sports equipment according to your strength;
  • Visually reduce waist size girls will be helped by the inclusion in the training program of exercises for the development of the back muscles - pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • Slimming will provide crossfit- fast performance of strength and cardio exercises, with minimal intervals between them.

Workout for girls to burn fat in the gym:


  • Jumping rope - 3 minutes;
  • Running at an average pace - 7 minutes;
  • Exercise bike - 5 minutes;


  • Squats with the lowering of the dumbbell between the legs;
  • Swing your legs in a crossover;
  • Forward lunges with dumbbells in front of you;
  • Squats with lifting dumbbells up;
  • Breeding legs in the simulator;
  • Dumbbell press with a support knee on a bench;
  • Abduction of the legs in the Smith machine;
  • Back lunges with a bar behind the back;
  • Slanting crunches on the floor;
  • Plank on straight arms with leg abduction to the side.


  • Walking on a treadmill - 7 minutes;
  • Exercise bike - 3 minutes;
  • Walking on an orbit track at an average pace - 7 minutes.

The program for training in the gym can be divided into days with an emphasis on individual muscle groups, then you will need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches. Or girls can do a full set at every workout.

The most effective fat burning occurs in girls during training for all muscle groups, but you need to choose the way to work according to the program in the gym, taking into account the level of training.

Simple fitness program

The fitness training program for girls in the gym is a complex of measures aimed at changing the way of life. A fitness program for relief workouts for girls should combine exercises in the gym with a competent diet. You should minimize the intake of carbohydrates and increase the intake of protein foods.

Girls need to start eating fractionally and in small portions, drink plenty of water, and also do the following exercises:

  • Push-ups from the floor - 12 times in 2 sets (it is allowed to include push-ups from the knees in the program);
  • Twisting on an incline bench 12 repetitions, 2 times (while sitting on a bench, put your hands behind your head and raise your upper body);
  • For biceps, perform dumbbell traction - 15 times in 2 sets (dumbbells in the hands in front of you, elbows pressed to the body, lower and raise the dumbbells to the shoulders);
  • Flexion of the arms - 12 repetitions of 2 sets (take one dumbbell with both hands, raise, take it down behind the head, bending the elbows);
  • Lowering the legs - 15 lifts in 2 sets (lying on the floor, put your hands along the body, slowly raise and lower your legs).

Regular training for girls according to a program with the right set of exercises will help not only drive fat from problem areas - they will build a beautiful and toned body with excellent muscle relief. The main thing is to work out in the gym according to the plan, and not give up halfway.

To create a harmonious silhouette of the upper body, trainers recommend working out the muscles of the back, arms (biceps, triceps), shoulders, chest and abs. Moreover, you can effectively pump them by performing upper body exercises both with free weights and on simulators.

In some cases, a fitball comes in handy. “For example, flattening the shoulder blades can be done on a mat, but only for those who do not have hyperlordosis,” says Lada Zadonskaya, personal trainer, gym manager of the "Fitness Territory - Skhodnenskaya" club... "Otherwise, it is better to transfer the exercise to the fitball and perform it with full rotation in the shoulder joint."

Upper body workout for women: basic mistakes

According to the trainers, these shortcomings in the classes for girls able to minimize their effect:

* Incorrect exercise technique... Incorrectly performing movements, you run the risk of injury and not achieve any result.

* Weights are too heavy. Using weights that are not suitable for you, you will perform exercises in violation of the technique. "In this case, the load on themselves will be taken by non-target muscles, that is, there will be no result," says Lada Zadonskaya. How to determine your working weight? Performing 15 repetitions of an exercise with it, you should feel noticeable fatigue in the muscles on the 12-13th repetitions.

* Incorrectly designed training program. It is important to pump antagonist muscles: that is, after completing an exercise on the flexors, it is imperative to make a movement to work out the extensors. Otherwise, a harmoniously developed figure cannot be achieved. To avoid this, we recommend using ready-made training schemes from experts.

We asked Lada Zadonskaya to compose and show us set of exercises for women to help build your back, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps and abs. “I recommend first doing exercises on the back and arms, and then working out the press,” notes Lada Zadonskaya.

How to build a workout

  • Start your activity with a warm-up, for example
  • Do the exercises consistently. "Optimal operating mode: 3 sets by 12-15 repetitions in every exercise. But if you wish, you can collect these movements in a circular training, dividing the complex into two parts, ”says Lada Zadonskaya.
  • Do this pattern 3 times a week.
  • Finish your workout with a stretch. For example,

To complete the complex, you will need dumbbells, a mat, a fitball, exercise equipment with a pull of horizontal and vertical blocks.

Exercises for the upper torso (video)

Do these exercises in a calm rhythm while monitoring the muscles in your upper body.

Biceps curl

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Take the dumbbells in your hands with your palm facing you. Bending your elbows, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level. Lock your elbows at the level of the body, do not bend in the lower back or slouch. Work your core, shoulder, and arm muscles. Smoothly lower the dumbbells to their original position. This will be one repetition. Do the exercise in 3 sets by 15 repetitions in everyone.

Bent over extensions

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Take the dumbbells in your hands, lower them along the body. Smoothly bend your body forward, bend your knees slightly. Lock your elbows at body level and bend them. Work your core muscles. This is the starting position. Smoothly straighten your elbows, taking the dumbbells back. Use your triceps. Then return to the starting position. This is one repeat. Complete the required amount.

Reduction of the shoulder blades

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body. Smoothly lift your chest, shoulders, head, arms above the floor. Bending your elbows, bring your shoulder blades together (hands parallel to the floor). Then gently lower the upper part of the body to the floor, stretch your arms in front of you. This will be one repetition. Complete the required amount.

Reducing the shoulder blades on a fitball

Get down on your knees in front of the fitball, press against it with the front surface of the body: with your body and hips, with the toes of your feet, rest on the floor. Spread your arms to the sides and lower them down, as if "hugging" the fitbo. Bend your elbows slightly. Bring your shoulder blades together, raising your arms in front of you, then lift them (bent) to parallel with the floor. Lower your arms to the starting position. This will be one repetition. Do the exercise in 3 sets by 15 repetitions in everyone.

Horizontal block pull

Sit on a simulator bench, rest your feet on the platforms for the legs. Grasp the handle with both hands. Straighten up. Using your core, back, and arm muscles, bend your elbows, bring your shoulder blades together, and pull the handle closer to your waist. Return smoothly to the starting position. This will be one rep, do the required amount.

Pull of the vertical block

Sit on a simulator bench with your feet on the floor. Grasp the handle with a straight grip. Open your chest (pointing it up), bring your shoulder blades together and pull the handle towards your chest. Return to starting position. This will be one repetition. Complete the required amount.

Oblique twists

Sit on the floor with straight legs, lift them off the floor and lean back slightly with your body. Work your abs, arms, and legs. Bend the left knee and twist the body to the left, trying to touch the right elbow to the left knee. Then bend your right knee and reach towards it with your left elbow. Return to starting position. This will be one repetition. Complete the required amount.

Side crunches

Lie on your back with your knees bent. Raise your shoulder blades, shoulders, head, and arms above the floor. Extend your arms parallel to the floor. Stretching the left side, smoothly twist the body to the right (the right shoulder goes closer to the right thigh). Then return to the starting position and twist to the left in the same way (the left shoulder goes closer to the left hip). This will be one repetition. Complete the required amount.


Lie on your back with straight legs, extend your arms behind your head. Working with the abdominal muscles and balancing on the pelvic bones, at the same time raise your arms and legs above the floor (try to touch your feet with your palms). Then gently lower yourself to the floor, to the starting position. This will be one repetition. Complete the required amount.

Raising the pelvis and legs

Lie on your back with straight legs, arms along the body. Raise your legs up. Working with the abdominal muscles and pushing off the mat with your hands, gently lift your pelvis above the floor (your feet are still directed towards the ceiling). Then return to the starting position (lower the pelvis to the floor). This will be one repetition. Complete the required amount.

Do this on a regular basis, you can see the first results in a month.