You can read the plot during menstruation. Conspiracy rules. The consequences of a love spell on menstrual blood

In this article:

Drying on a beloved man can be done at home, even if you are not yet very experienced in love magic. Most effective rites are carried out on menstrual blood, because it is the most powerful biological material. Blood has a sacred meaning in the rituals of love spells, attachments and bindings. There are also side effects which should not be forgotten. If you're ready, then get started. Now your man will not go anywhere, he will not look at others, and he will give you all his love and adoration. It is almost impossible to remove such a love spell, so be prepared for the consequences. Your wildest dreams of love come true.

Dry or bewitch?

There are several ways to bind a man to you. Love spell, prisushka, binding. None of these ways create love - that beautiful and pure feeling that books write about. Each of the magical ways imitates some feelings, but which ones - choose for yourself.

love spell

Sometimes black, sometimes white. The Black Wedding spell is considered the strongest, because then your souls are bound by eternal bonds in the Kingdom of Darkness. You should not amuse yourself with beautiful fantasies about the eternity of such love. Black love spell creates a strong addiction. Blood will be the price of success. This option is rarely suitable for anyone, but there are desperate seekers of love. A black love spell is the same tool that is called "I'll do anything."


Attachment has a sexual effect. Its action is not as long as that of a love spell or dryness. Lasts from 3-6 months after each blood ritual. A man stops thinking about others, wants, wants only you. Such a strong sexual desire someone can take for love, but it is not here. Only sex, passion. When you get tired of it, you can always remove the dry. Many use it as entertainment, but there are also consequences: you and your husband may have problems in the sexual sphere, impotence. Too much energy for an unprepared person.


Side effects of dry

There is only one side effect - mutual love. For some, this effect may seem ridiculous, what's wrong with that? You will begin to fall in love with the person as much as he loves you. The prisushka is insidious: if you want to fall in love with a person, then you yourself will fall in love with him too. All his feelings will become yours too. The dryer works in two directions at once. This effect must be taken into account. Magic is not a game where you can try, and if it doesn't work out, start over. You must be aware of the consequences. If you are ready, and this is what you want, quickly proceed to the ritual.

The most famous ways to dry a loved one

Love spells, bindings and drying are done on monthly blood for the fastest and most powerful effect. The dryer will work in just a few days. The best thing to do is to do it from a distance. You don't have to be close to someone to make it work. Work from home in the comfort of your own home. All these methods are done under certain conditions:

  • 3rd-4th day of menstruation;
  • time: after 12 at night, until 03:00 in the morning;
  • good health (not possible during illness, colds).

All texts must be memorized, work alone, without strangers. Do not tell anyone about your magical practices, because people can at least misunderstand you.

So that the guy only dreamed about you

You can't freeze or store blood.

This is one of the simplest prisushki that are made for blood. You will need odd number drops of your menstrual blood. You can collect 3.9 drops, but they must be fresh. Not an option to wring out a pad that has been worn all day.

  • When the Sun sets, you need to drip this blood on the photo of your loved one, saying:

“I conjure the sun so that the soul (name of the guy) strives for my soul. As the rays of the luminary direct the light of the world, so your thoughts (his name) are sent to me. Just as nothing living can exist without the sun, so you (his name) cannot now live without me.

  • After dripping, use the index finger of your left hand to smear the blood over the photo.
  • You will need to wait until the blood dries, and then hide the photo where no one will find it.

As blood dries, so will your beloved dry for you. This dryness is easily done at a distance.

The effect should appear in the next few days. At first, only an increase in interest in you, there may be calls, letters. Then the man will literally begin to talk about his feelings to you directly. A lot of very strong droughts and love spells are done on monthly blood, but they work best if the blood hits the “target”. To do this, the man will need to feed or drink your blood.

Dried on blood to wine

This option is great for drying a guy or your own husband. If your husband is losing interest in you, is thinking about other women, or has already started an affair, then do not hesitate. This method is suitable if it is possible to offer a man to drink wine. It's easy to do this at home.

  • You will need three drops of menstrual blood and three from your ring finger.
  • Mix the blood, say on it:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My living blood, enter into God's servant.
As no one can live without blood.
So the servant of God (name) cannot do without me,
Servants of God (name), be.
My blood, enter you.
Love, servant of God (name), me more than yourself,
Throw yourself on the walls from longing,
When I appear, be embarrassed
Redden, stupid, don't you dare take your eyes off me.
My blood, play in the servant of God (name),
Don't let him forget me.
My first word.
My word is second, and other sorcerers have no word.
Shut up, shut up.
I am the oldest and I am not afraid of anyone.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Now add to red wine, Cahors, any strong red drink of your choice.

If your husband has a mistress and everything is serious, perform this ritual 3 times - every month. He will put an end to their relationship, and you will return your happy marriage. This method may seem too simple, but do not underestimate it.

He will help you return your husband to the family very quickly. This will happen after the first ritual, and the second two are done "just in case" so that the binding to you is 100%.

Village drought for a man

You shouldn't eat this bread yourself.

For this ritual, you will need to bake a cake or bread. When you knead the dough, add 5 drops of blood to it. Take monthly blood only fresh. The pie or bread will need to be taken out of the oven hot, say to it 9 times:

“(Name) drink, drink up, eat, eat up,
Consume my blood.
Absorb my blood
Change your life.
My blood is strong
Your weakness is visible.
(Name), you, my slave by blood,
I am your mistress.
You have no strength
(Name), your life is for me.
You have no others
You are mine forever".

Put it back in the oven. So the passion and feelings of your beloved will flare up hotter every day. Make sure that only the man you want eats your cake. He can eat as much as he wants, there are no restrictions.

Conspiracy for a drink

You need to mix menstrual blood with strong Cahors or sweet dessert wine. Great for a love spell for any man or your own husband. You will need a photo of your loved one, where he is alone. It must be burned, add monthly blood to the ashes. On the mix, read:

"How can I call you to help,
how I ask you to give me inhuman strength,
unearthly spells so that I, the servant of God (name), can
so bind with your bonds the servant of God (name),
so that he cannot tear them forever,
neither at night, nor during the day, nor in the quiet evening,
nor bright in the morning.
And how this drink will spill over all the vessels,
kindle all his blood,
so that it spills over all the veins and vessels
servant of God (name)
his passion for the servant of God (name),
to inflame his love for me
every day stronger, hotter,
so that he gets drunk from his passion,
how drunk from this wine.

A small portion will need to be added to any drink. It is better to choose a strong one to hide the smell. A man will drink it, and after 3-5 days he will come to you with an offer of his heart. Suitable for shy girls. Your task is to offer a drink.

Don't forget about redemption

Dryer for 3 candles

This is a very strong sucker. For you, he will become devoted, loving and most tender. Some women are annoyed by such attention, so they decide to leave this man in a year or two. Do not do this, because you changed his fate. For this, you can get a powerful response from the Universe. You will regret that you so carelessly used other people's feelings. If you know for sure - for life together, forever, then do it.

  • Take three church candles.
  • On each you need to write your names with a knife.
  • Light the candles.
  • Take 5 drops of your monthly blood, pour them into a glass of water.
  • Add any of your gold things there.
  • On the candles say:

"Spread and disperse, my little blood,
on a quarter hoppy.
And how does a rabina (name of a lover) drink this hops,
so my blood will run through his veins,
his mind will be bent into a ram's horn.
For me (name) alone, he will begin to think,
his sternum will burn with heat,
for me alone it will dry-dry will begin.
The peasant's slanting fathom lived on me,
he will begin to desire me alone.
My word says so, and so it will be done!

  • Pour water into a bowl or saucepan.
  • You will need to boil water on the flame of these candles.

Take the water to the crossroads at night, pour it over your left shoulder. This is a simple ritual, but it contains great power. Do not use it if you are not ready to spend your whole life with a man.

How to remove a dryer made for menstruation

It will not work to remove the dryness without your desire. You started the process, used your blood to activate it. Now all the magic is tied to your desire. The chain reaction of this ritual will capture your beloved, you personally. But, this is not a coercion to love, like a love spell, so feelings can pass naturally. Especially your feelings. It rarely happens that the object suddenly stopped loving you. Something very bad must have happened for this. And so, without your desire, it is impossible to cancel the impact. Not a single magician wants to do this if your lover finds out and for some reason wants to take off his dryness. A conspiracy for menstruation is a strong magical contract that does not allow breaking it without using a special ritual.

Conspiracies will help you and your loved ones find love, bind a loved one to you, get rid of the unwanted, save your family, give birth to children. Everything will be according to your wishes. Do not forget to change the words in conspiracies. If you do it for yourself, say: me, my, az", but for another person - another. Instead of the names in brackets, insert the names of those about whom we are talking. If the situation is such that a person is not baptized and cannot be such (he is a non-believer), then they do not call him a servant of God (servant of God), keep this in mind too. If the conspiracy is suitable for both a man and a woman, then change the servant of God and the servant of God in accordance with the one for whom it is being done.

Please read the section " The practice of conspiracies"And read what actions the pronunciation of conspiracy words is accompanied by. Do not expect that you will be able to speak when you first see the text. Think over the order of your actions when speaking (they are described in detail), they must be synchronized with the spoken words. You may need to practice not to stray in the process of speaking.

Remember that there must be logic in everything. There are things in the world that nothing will help you to achieve, and do not try. For example, you may wish to marry the English Prince Charles. Why not a dream? If it doesn’t come true, why would you suddenly inspire love to a distant person who doesn’t even suspect your existence? " Of course, there are such conspiracies that will fulfill any desire, the strangest thing. But here one cannot do without turning to the dark forces, one must understand, - says Galina Petrovna. - What is usually called miracles in such cases is nothing but the work of the unclean. We, the Fedorovskys, know such conspiracies, but I will not teach them to people. Because, firstly, if you learn to slander like that from the very beginning bad person, he can bring a lot of trouble to others, he can turn the whole world upside down. Secondly, even if you are guided by neutral interests, trouble can come out: you need to be able to put up such protection so that the devil serves you, and not you later. It is very difficult, few people succeed. Even professional healers can fail, then they have to retire and atone for their sins for the rest of their lives. Such in absentia, you will not teach. So this conversation is closed.". In general, do not expect the impossible from the conspiracies given here, rely on common sense. If you're not in Prince Charles' circle and have only seen him on TV a couple of times, don't try to marry him. Turn your attention to the guy next door, to a family friend, to a stranger in the store, finally. These are all reachable objects. And let the princes deal with their princesses first.

And now - the rules for conducting conspiracies and rituals accompanying them. These rules must be observed if you are preparing to make a conspiracy in advance. But in some situations it is necessary to immediately respond to what is happening, then there may not be any preparation on your part.

1. Do not make conspiracies to check whether it will work or not. We present to you very powerful, strong conspiracies; if you do not trust them, then there is no need to try to do something with their help, and if you do, then use conspiracies in accordance with real problems in order to solve these problems.

2. You need to have a clear understanding, focus on what you undertook to conspire to do.

3. When conducting a conspiracy, one cannot joke, laugh, have fun, and the speaker and the speaker must be neutral-serious.

4. When conducting conspiracies, there should be nothing distracting, you need to focus on working with the problem that concerns you. If you are indoors, windows should be closed and tightly curtained (except as otherwise noted).

5. Make conspiracies only to help yourself and others; never do something to hurt or annoy someone.

6. Do everything secretly, do not tell anyone that you are going to plot or what you have already done.

7. Before conducting a conspiracy, light a church candle, cross yourself three times and say: “ I call on God's army to help, let the satanic army go home. I accept help only from God and His saints, I renounce the devil and his Aggels every day and hour, and I will not accept his help. Amen, amen, amen».

8. When you plot, focus on it.

9. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item that needs to be used in a plot, select another plot.

10. All words of conspiracies, prayers, spells must be spoken as written.

11. Your clothes must be plain. Conspiracies are done only barefoot, take off not only shoes, but also stockings (socks). Remove all jewelry. The cross must also be removed if you wear it. Women, both those who speak and those who speak, need to let their hair down, not to comb it in the morning.

12. No cosmetics on the face is allowed.

13. Three days before the conspiracy, the speaker and the speaker should not drink alcohol.

14. A woman should not make a conspiracy during menstruation.

15. Be sure to put "protection" when making any conspiracy. The best ways protections are as follows: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after committing a conspiracy and burn it on a church candle; before conspiring, go outside, hug the tree that grows closest to your door, and then pierce the ring finger on your left hand with a steel pin, return to the same tree and squeeze out seven drops of blood under its roots; immediately after the conspiracy, go for a small need and pour it into the snow behind the house (such protection is valid only in winter, when there is snow). Be sure to read “Our Father” three times after each ritual.

16. It is imperative to have several icons in the house: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Lady of Kazan, the saints in whose honor all family members are named or baptized, St. Panteleimon (healer), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Spiridonius home). All Saints, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Elijah the Prophet, Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The last icon is necessary for that person who undertook to fuss about love, to build a family. You need to constantly turn to Peter and Fevronia, ask them for help in resolving all issues related to personal life. After all, they are our primordially Russian patrons of the family and marriage! If one of the saints is commemorated during the conspiracy, a church candle must be lit in front of his icon.

17. The house should always have red, yellow, white and brown church candles, holy water, silver items.

18. The house should always have thursday salt.

Thursday called salt, calcined on a candle, consecrated on the 12 Gospels. On Holy Thursday (Holy Week - the week before Easter) in Orthodox Church there is a service of the 12th Gospel. On it, when reading passages from the gospel texts, a thick candle is either lit or extinguished. The cinder is brought home. It is lit in cases where it is necessary to give special strength to prayer, to get rid of trouble. To get Thursday salt, which extinguishes any evil, you need to take a silver spoon, pour ordinary coarse salt into it, light a candle consecrated on the 12 Gospels and calcine salt (in a spoon) on its fire. While calcining, slowly read “Our Father” three times. Then the Thursday salt is poured into a canvas bag and stored until needed. One candle can burn an unlimited amount of salt. But it is not necessary to burn all the salt on a candle. It is enough to take a crystal of Thursday salt, add it to any amount of coarse salt, cross it three times, read Our Father three times - and all the salt will become Thursday salt. From it, then, in turn, in the same way, you can “charge” ordinary salt. Last year's Thursday salt is as good as fresh.

19. You need to memorize the prayers: “Our Father”, “ Virgin Mary, rejoice», « Jesus Prayer”And a special prayer of repentance, which is read every time before and after the conspiracy.

penitential prayer

Jesus "Christ. Son of God,

And Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Before your crown of gold

Az, sinful servant of God (name), I bow,

I bow to you alone

I repent to you now.

Forgive me, the foolish servant of God (name),

Release my sins, manifest and unrevealed,

Known and unknown.

Deliver me from cruel death,

From an evil person

From bitter grief.

Before you I repent

I bow to you.


Also, everyone who hopes to find help in matters of the heart needs to learn a prayer to the right-believing Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, miracle workers of Murom:

About the greatness of the servant of God and the wonderworkers of the future, the faithfulness of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, the intercessor and guardian, and about all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith is right, hope is good, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, success in good deeds peace, pacification of the earth, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health to the body and salvation to souls. Intercede from the King of Heaven, the Church of Saints and the entire power of Russia, peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your Fatherland and all Russian cities from all evil; and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with your holy relics, overshadow the grace-filled action of your God-pleasing prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, which are lifted up to you today with tenderness, but you will intercede for us before the Lord and vouchsafe us with your help to improve eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, forever centuries. Amen.

20. If you make a conspiracy to someone, then be sure to take something from him in payment.

21. For the conspiracy to work, it is necessary that all participants in the ritual be confident in its strength, count on it; the speaker must sincerely wish to help the speaker.

22. If you started to make a conspiracy and something didn’t work (they mixed up the sequence of actions, forgot the conspiracy words), then don’t do any more conspiracies on this day. You can try again the next day, but only in the afternoon.

23. Conspiracies are not made on Sundays, during fasting, on Easter, in the twelfth church holidays, as well as on the name day of the person being spoken and on the days of commemoration of those saints whose help in conspiracies is addressed.

The Twelfth Feasts are the twelve most important holidays after Easter. This is the Nativity of the Virgin (September 21), the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 27), the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God(December 4). Nativity of Christ (January 7), Baptism of the Lord (January 19), Meeting of the Lord (February 15), Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7), Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), Assumption of the Virgin (August 28), Palm Sunday (one week before Easter ), Ascension of the Lord (40th day after Easter), Trinity (50th day after Easter).

Purification of one's own or someone else's energy field is a magical ritual, during which certain rules must be observed.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to clean the aura during menstruation, whether it is necessary to adhere to some kind of special diet before, during and after the ritual.

Let's take a closer look at these and other issues related to working with the biofield, so that it becomes clear to you what can and cannot be done.

Cleansing the aura time of illness

Cleansing the biofield is a magical ritual that requires a lot of energy from the one who performs it. That is why it is not recommended to carry it out during illness. When a person feels unwell, almost all of his energy is spent on the healing process, so it may simply not be enough to carry out the ritual.

If you purge when you are sick, you may feel even worse after the end of the magical action, or you will not be able to complete it due to lack of energy, so you should not purge someone in poor health. The only exception is the cleansing of your own aura, which, if you have a strong desire, can still be done during an illness, but even before it you need to be sure that you will definitely withstand it.

No magical rituals can be performed by women during menstruation, and cleaning the biofield is no exception. This is especially true of the rites of black magic, so if you use witchcraft and turn to dark forces, postpone the purge for a while.

The only exception, again, is the cleaning of one's own aura. It is still possible to spend it during menstruation if you feel that you have enough strength for this and feeling unwell will not hurt. But it is strictly forbidden to clean other people during this period.

Dietary restrictions during a magical ritual

Meat food is considered heavy for a person practicing magic, since a lot of the necessary energy is expended on its digestion. Therefore, three days before the cleansing ritual and during it, you need to follow a vegetarian diet: give up meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and dairy products.

If you can’t go without meat for three days, try to stick to a diet for at least one day before the ritual. Remember that everything that is made from someone else's flesh negatively affects the subtle body of a person, and hence the quality of the ritual.

Can I drink alcohol while cleaning my aura?

Alcohol also refers to substances that negatively affect the energy body, which means that you should refrain from drinking it. The rule is the same: three days before the cleansing, do not drink a drop of alcohol, and on the day of the ritual, too.

Alcohol attracts negative entities that can interfere with the quality of the ritual, so the rules of abstinence from alcohol are recommended to be followed not only by the one who cleans, but also by the person over whom the ritual is performed. The same goes for drug use.

Nothing to give or take

An important rule for a person who is going to clean: do not give anything from the house and do not take anything into the house for three days after cleaning. This rule must be followed by you and especially by the person whose biofield you are going to clean. This is especially true of bread, salt and money.

What is it connected with? The fact is that the sent negative, according to the law of conservation of energy, after being removed from the person, returns to the one who sent it, and the sender has an irresistible desire to get in touch with his victim, find out why the negative was removed, and take at least something from this person anything. That is why it is strictly forbidden to give and receive anything from the hands of an outsider - what if he is the one who sent the damage?

The rules should be followed for three days after the ritual in order to protect yourself and the person you were cleaning. This strengthens and preserves the result of your work and prevents the negativity from coming back. This is especially important if breakdowns have formed in the human aura due to the evil eye, damage, love spell or other type of magical effect.

What can and cannot be taken out of the house and accepted

First of all, you can not lend money to anyone and accept a repaid debt from debtors. If you just bring home your salary, nothing bad will happen, but if a person suddenly showed up who borrowed from you a long time ago and suddenly decided to return the borrowed amount - ask him to come in a few days, or transfer money to your bank account, bypassing the transfer of banknotes from hand to hand.

As far as things are concerned, everything is much simpler. If, for example, you took a pan from a neighbor, take it to the day of the ritual or warn that you will return it in three days. If during this period they ask you to read a book, borrow some salt or bread - don’t give anything, apologize politely, say that you don’t need things now, or just pretend that you are not at home.

After the ritual, do not accept any gifts, and if you yourself are forced to give something (suddenly you were invited to the birthday of relatives?), Ask the person to give you a penny in return for the gift. It turns out that you do not give away, but sell this thing.

The same goes for any purchases. You can buy groceries in the store and bring them home and purchase any things within the framework of commodity-money relations (“I gave money - I received something), the main rule is no “loans” and gifts.

Remember that this applies to a greater extent to the person whose biofield you are cleaning, and to you if you are cleaning your own aura. Messengers of negativity are usually declared to those to whom they sent it, and not to the one who filmed it, but it will not be superfluous to protect yourself either.

Now that you have learned whether it is possible to clean the aura during menstruation, and received answers to other questions, you just have to keep these rules in your head and not forget about them. Then your magical work will not go down the drain.

Menstrual blood is a powerful tool used in magical activities. Most often it is used to create a love spell. This is one of the most popular reasons why women turn to magic and magicians. After all, almost everyone dreams of getting a beloved man in their bed and their home. And not always there is a person who shares these desires. Men do not have a great need to marry at all, and life itself rarely presents gifts in the form of mutual feelings. Therefore, women have to take control of the situation, using all means, including a love spell.

In this thread:

Everyone who has done this notes that such a love spell "works" only for members of the opposite sex. So homosexual relations cannot be strengthened in this way. But to bind a loved one of the opposite sex to yourself in this way can be very strong. But not always a strong passion on the part of another person brings only pleasure.

This often creates a lot of problems, so before doing a love spell for menstruation, you need to think carefully about the consequences. In addition, an illiterate ritual will harm the object of influence. A disease may begin, health may worsen, sometimes problems appear in all spheres of life.

Features of a conspiracy for menstrual blood

Menstruation, as the basis of a conspiracy, makes drastic changes in the sexual relationships of people, all other aspects of interaction fade into the background. Financial problems, everyday difficulties cease to have a dominant value, sexual activity, on the contrary, increases. This is the general opinion of those who have already done such love spells.

This conspiracy has another feature. The strength of its impact is limited to a period of one month. Subsequently, every day it will only weaken. So you have to decide what to do. Either repeat the conspiracy, or take its weakening for granted. Here we must remember that each new repetition of the ritual worsens the condition of the man. This can lead to complete impotence, aggressive outbreaks, and gastrointestinal diseases.

In some sources, it is noted that the power of a love spell extends throughout life. Sometimes a figure from one to three years is noted. Such discrepancies are associated with the different strength of the impact of a particular love spell. Many magicians agree that after childbirth, the power of a love spell for menstruation is completely lost. This is due to the spilled blood, which will wash away all previous traces. So after the birth of the baby, the chances of remaining alone in women who did a love spell and who did not do it are evened out.

In order for the conspiracy to last longer, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • collect blood when menstruation goes on the second or third day;
  • conspiracy pronounces in the dark;
  • the ritual is performed on the growing moon.

There are several options for a love spell for menstruation. Below are some of them.

Love spell without conspiracy

A conspiracy in this rite is not needed, but everyone who did it believes that the result is no worse than others. It can be felt immediately after its execution. For the ceremony, a drop of blood is needed, which is applied to a piece of white cloth.

Fresh blood is needed, so this ritual is performed on the days when menstruation occurs. You should take only natural fabric, cotton is better. This fabric must be dried and burned. The remaining ashes are crushed and put into coffee a little bit. The effect can be felt immediately.

Conspiracy for products

The essence of this love spell comes down to the need to add a few drops of your menstrual blood to the food of your loved one. They say the following words:

“My blood has departed, I don’t need it anymore, but my dear and beloved servant of God (name) needs it.”

Food with such blood should be eaten completely and with pleasure, so you have to try and cook an excellent dish that your lover likes. Otherwise, all efforts will go to waste and a strong effect will not work. In addition, a man should not notice anything, this is an indispensable condition for success. Only in the event that a man does not notice that someone has done a love spell against him, magical actions fully work.

If the relationship has shaken in the family and you need to return the husband to harmony, they also make a love spell for menstruation. This ritual requires effort and a lot of time, but according to those who did it, the result is reliable. First, prepare vodka (0.5 liters), a curl, a nail cut from the ring finger, blood. A nail, hair are placed in a container with vodka, a few drops of blood are added. During these actions, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“(Name), I conjure your heart and soul! I conjure with my blood and my life! Love me forever and live with me forever. My spell is so strong that even my death is powerless to remove it! Amen".

A container with vodka and added ingredients is placed in a secluded dark place. So she must stand for 40 days. After this period, the resulting potion is added to the food one tablespoon (tablespoon). With regular use, relationships in the family are getting better pretty quickly. There are very few reviews of those who did it and did not get the desired result. Their failure can be explained by non-compliance with all conditions.

If the husband left the family or is going to do this, you can return everything to normal with the help of a love spell on cereals. For this, any grains (three pieces) are suitable, you will also need red wine and, of course, monthly discharge (3 drops). All of the above is placed in wine, while pronouncing:

“I will take three grains, seal them with three drops of blood, and fall in love, and return my dear. Now he is only with me and not a step away from me.

The resulting composition is given to a husband or lover to drink, and then they wait a couple of days. The composition does not act immediately and not always for a long time, but the return of the husband is guaranteed. This is confirmed by the reviews of those ladies who have already made a similar conspiracy.

Sugar is also used to perform a magical ritual. In this case, in addition to sugar and blood, a candle is prepared from the church. To perform the ritual, complete silence is needed so that it is possible to renounce everything and think exclusively about the beloved man. At midnight, they light a candle and begin to mentally imagine how good it will be for you with your loved one, all images should be bright, joyful, only positive energy should be supported. They drip blood on sugar and say the following conspiracy:

“As my blood is dear to me, so I (name) will be dear to you (name). Amen".

Then, until the end of burning, the candles continue to represent a joyful relationship with a beloved man, dream of happiness with him. After the ritual, they wait a week, then break the sugar into 3 pieces. Each piece should be put in a man's tea, coffee or other drink. This must be done once a day. Thus, after three days, the sugar pieces will run out. And that's when it starts.

Conspiracy for drinks

You can do a love spell not only on food, but also on drinks. In this case, they take blood when menstruation occurs, drip into the drink, mix the contents. At this moment, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“In the veins of the slave (name) my blood dries, the slave (name) dries like my blood. I will not turn back, I will not renounce my words, I will not take blood from a slave (name).

It is necessary to make sure that the man drank absolutely everything.

There is another conspiracy that is pronounced for a low-alcohol drink, for example, for wine. Such actions reinforce the fading passion, help restore the freshness and sharpness of the relationship. They drip blood into a glass of wine and say: “As this blood was in me, so are you to me.” The result will make itself felt quite quickly, literally in a matter of hours.

Love spells without the use of blood inside

If a woman is visiting her beloved man, but cannot get him completely, she can use the following method. When menstruation comes, you need to come to visit him, go to the bathroom, put a dot on the mirror with your menstrual blood. Then, looking in the mirror, say the following:

“I mark the fate of the slave (name) next to me. I put a strong seal with blood, I close the words with blood. The seal dries quickly, like a slave (name) will love me forever. I mark with red, speak with white, conjure with black.

Then you need to take the man to the bathroom and make him look in the mirror. Moreover, there is no need to waste time and leave it all out of control. Suddenly someone else will look in the mirror, then you will not achieve your goal and get a lot of problems. But before you resort to such a conspiracy, you need to carefully weigh everything and analyze the consequences.

Spells that work at a distance

Not always a woman has the opportunity to mix her blood into the food and drink of a loved one. Not everyone visits the object of their passion. Therefore, there are rituals for which all this is not necessary. One of these rituals is based on the use of photography. Pre-cook 7 liters of water, 7 tablespoons of salt.

A photo of a loved one is attached to the mirror in the bathroom above the sink. This conspiracy is pronounced by the light of 14 candles (7 of them are burning in the bathroom, 7 in the kitchen). Measured water is brought to a boil on the stove, salted, then it is poured into the sink, the drain hole of which is tightly closed. Menstrual blood (7 drops) is dripped into this hot water. Then they bring their hands to this water, turning them down with their palms, and say these words:

“Always be only with me, and don’t touch the other, miss me, remember me day and night, think about me, desire me and my body.”

While pronouncing these words, one must clearly imagine a loved one, drawing his image. When you manage to feel unity with your beloved, the cork is removed and the water is drained. Those ladies who have already done the described manipulations note that the desired mood does not come immediately. Leaking water will carry magical power to the object of your passion.

There is an easier option. At night, when the moon rises into the sky, you need to draw crosses on your wrists with the help of your blood, taken when menstruation is on the second day. Put one dot on the left chest. These actions should be accompanied by the following words:

“I’ll twist the red veins with crosses, exhaust, dry. I call a slave (name) to myself, melt with my heart, languish with my eyes. As my blood dries on me, so the slave (name) dries up without me, dries up, goes crazy.

Then it is necessary, as usual, to go to bed, only you need to be completely naked. With the onset of morning, the bloody marks are wiped with a linen shred. This completes the ritual. Other options suggest applying blood only to the forehead. Moreover, it is recommended to repeat these actions three days in a row.

Thus, there are different ways to bewitch a man who is next to you, as well as someone with whom a woman is separated by a certain distance. According to those who have already used such advice and performed such rituals, the result is not long in coming. But unfortunately, it does not always turn out exactly as expected, so you should be extremely careful with your desires.

To love and be loved is a desire that every woman realizes sooner or later. However, love, sympathy, attraction are not always mutual. Therefore, the relationship between the fair and strong sexes very often becomes the scope of different magical rites. Rituals involve the use of special items, the performance of certain actions, the pronunciation of verbal formulas. A conspiracy for menstruation is one of the most common.

Features of the results and consequences of a conspiracy for menstruation

A conspiracy for menstruation is considered a very strong procedure of black magic, it has a strong effect, thanks to the energy of menstrual blood. It is worth thinking very carefully before deciding to intervene in the fate of your own and another person in this way. A ritual can have negative consequences for both a man and a woman, and it can be quite difficult to remove a conspiracy. The consequences for a husband are often more devastating than for a woman, the psyche of men is weaker.

The effect of rituals on menstrual blood extends mainly to the sexual sphere. They awaken a strong attraction for men, but do not guarantee devoted and eternal love.

You will observe the expected effect within a month, then the strength of the impact will gradually weaken. Some sorcerers guarantee the effectiveness of a love spell for up to three years. However, after the onset of pregnancy, all magic will disappear.

You can extend and strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, thanks to the following recommendations of magicians:

  • use fresh menstrual blood collected on the second or third day after menstruation has begun;
  • cast spells at night without rearranging the words;
  • it is impossible to perform the ceremony with a delay or heavy painful menstruation.

Magical rites based on a conspiracy

The intended result of magical actions determines their form. If any troubles arise in the relationship of the spouses, it is enough to cast certain spells from time to time. Modern magicians and healers, for example, Natalya Stepanova, offer thousands of verbal formulas based on prayer, ancient village conspiracies for all occasions.

A conspiracy on menstruation is most often part of a prisushka, binding or love spell.

  1. Prushka (prisuha) helps to attract the attention of a man, gives the opportunity to evoke a deep feeling based on a fleeting passion. You can dry it with the help of photos, personal items, but the most reliable way is on menstruation. The rite is carried out 1-2 times, it does not have a long-term effect and serious side effects.
  2. Binding is a ritual that aims to increase physical attraction. The results are stored for 3-6 months, after which the magical actions must be repeated.
  3. A love spell carries the greatest energy. Sorcerers compare it with damage, since there is a complete suppression of the will of the chosen one. A person loses the ability to influence his life, strives only for what is determined by magical influence.

However, not all magicians and healers are guided by such a classification of rituals. Most offer to conduct a love spell with a conspiracy on menstrual blood.

How to achieve results with menstruation spells

Conspiracies and rituals with the use of monthly blood have a special power because this is the impact of the strongest female energy. But for the ritual to work, you need to know how to properly use the blood:

Spells for food and drinks

The greatest power is a love spell, in which blood is added to food or drink. A woman needs to cook a delicious treat herself and in the process of cooking think about the desired man, try to clearly imagine love relationship. Then add a few drops of blood to the cooked dish and cast the spell:

“My blood has departed, I don’t need it, but my dear beloved servant of God (name) needs it.”

Drinks speak in a similar way. The most suitable is red wine, since it has long been attributed a sacred meaning. In Christian ritualism, it symbolizes blood. Your chosen one should be happy to eat or drink everything spoken.

Sweet love spell on blood

The reviews of those who did confirm the effectiveness of the sugar conspiracy. For him, you need to purchase a church candle.

The ritual is carried out in complete silence so that you are not distracted from what was planned. At midnight, light a candle, put a few drops of your menstrual blood on a piece of sugar.

Then say a prayer:

“As my blood is dear to me, so I (name) will be dear to you (name). Amen!".

While the candle is burning, you need to clearly imagine the pictures happy life with a chosen one. It is important to remember: without filling the ceremony with your positive energy, the result will not be effective.

A week later, sugar is broken into three parts and put into tea or coffee for three days in a row. Usually after a week the magic takes effect.

If the chosen one is far away

If the chosen one is at a distance, they make a conspiracy with a needle. For him you need:

  • candles;
  • photograph of a man;
  • gypsy needle;
  • monthly blood.

At midnight, arrange 6 candles in a circle, put a photo in the center. Lower the needle into a small narrow vessel with collected blood, and then pierce the image in the genital area with it and read the spell.

For "remote" magic to work, you need to fix it with a special drink. The composition includes:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • green sweet pepper (3 grains);
  • monthly blood (5 drops).

All ingredients are mixed, and the drink is placed in a dark place for 30 days. According to those who did it, a month later the desired man appeared on the threshold of the house.

Under any pretext, he must be invited to the table and treated with dishes with the addition of cooked tincture (five drops are enough). You need to do this with each arrival of the chosen one, and the result will not be slow to appear.

Love spell with blood for 14 candles

For another spell, you need to prepare:

  • 14 candles;
  • 7 liters of water;
  • 7 spoons of salt.

It is impossible to do without a photograph of a loved one.

  1. Arrange candles (7 pieces each) in the kitchen and bathroom, attach the card to the mirror in the bathroom.
  2. Boil water, add salt and 7 drops of blood.
  3. Then it is poured into a sink with a closed drain and a special verbal formula is pronounced over the water, holding hands over the sink.
  4. At the end of the manipulations, the water is drained.

Another ritual to attract a distant lover to you. Before going to bed, you need to place a drop of blood on your forehead and clearly imagine the man of your dreams, feel the joy of communicating with him. Then read:

"As blood is on me, so are you with me."

Magic actions must be repeated daily for three days. You can use another option: moonlit night draw crosses on your wrists with menstrual blood, utter a conspiracy and go to bed naked. In the morning, wipe off the traces with a piece of linen cloth.

Conspiracies of blood on her husband

When family relationships are in crisis, a ritual can be performed using a small valuable item donated by a spouse. The pendant or earring must be dipped in the collected menstrual blood and a conspiracy pronounced.

Then, without wiping, put it in a cloth bag and hide it so that it does not catch the eye of your husband. After a while, everything that you wished will come true.

Consequences of the blood ritual

Before deciding to use magic to change your personal and family life need to be aware of the possible consequences.

Period love spells can affect the participants' physical and mental health. Already in the first time after the procedure (especially if menstrual blood was supposed to be taken orally), a man may experience nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Subsequently, it is often found chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the strong energy impact of conspiracies, the chosen one may eventually become nervous and aggressive. Outbursts of rage are often accompanied by the use of force in relation to the woman he loves. The weak point of bewitched men is the tendency to develop addictions (alcohol, drugs). There are frequent cases of sexual weakness.

Dangerous love spells and the possibility of a rollback for a woman:

  • the genitourinary system suffers; interference in subtle spheres with the help of magic can even cause infertility;
  • Love spell on food. How to marry your loved one.

    love spell is the most real and working - for blood from a finger or monthly

    how to make a love spell based on a photo of a loved one

    To remove a love spell cast on your husband by another woman, you first need to determine who did it and prevent the ritual from repeating. For forty days, a man should be given holy water on an empty stomach, while it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol. At the end of such a fast, one must confess and take communion.

    If complex rituals were performed, it is impossible to stop the conspiracy without calling an experienced magician or witches. But they are not always able to remove the love spell.

    Everything in our life has a price, and only we determine whether it is worth paying. It is hardly necessary to turn to magic unless absolutely necessary.