Rituals for the birth of children. Effective conspiracies for conception for the desperate. Conspiracy for the birth of a child to facilitate childbirth

    We have wanted a baby for a long time. With my boyfriend, we became spouses, but we still couldn’t succeed as parents. 3 years to no avail, although they put a chicken foot under the pillow, and generally tried a lot of things. The hospital said that I was infertile. ((But we decided not to despair, and secretly from my husband I read how to make a conspiracy for pregnancy. I did it according to the first method, at night at a crossroads.
    And today I found out that I will become a mom))) And therefore I wanted to say thank you very much for such a gift, and now I understand that there are forces that will always help us)

    I lived with my wife for two years and still couldn’t get my wife pregnant. Whatever they tried, even the operation was done, nothing helped. And after my hands dropped, she secretly made a conspiracy on knots from me! And what a joy it was to find out that he was pregnant!

    My friends really wanted to become parents, in the hospital, after passing a lot of tests, they were told that they were all right. They said that maybe it's just the incompatibility of partners, they say, find another man and get pregnant the first time. But this is bullshit! The guys love each other so much, but here it is .. And recently, when we were sitting with Anya and she complained about this malicious sentence of fate, we decided to look on the Internet for something that would help. Found this true conspiracy. A wonderful remedy for the desperate like her. Now they are already 4 months pregnant, she asked me and my husband to be godparents, because. says that we gave her a baby) And we will be) And I strongly recommend that you use this method)

    My girlfriend has been with a guy for a very long time, but it so happened that while he was away from home (a business trip), a friend went to a party and had a “good” time. A couple of months later, she found out she was pregnant. Abortion. And the verdict that children can not be. The guy didn’t know about it, but he really wanted children, but she didn’t succeed (you yourself understand why). Then he set a condition: either you get pregnant within three months, or we disperse. It was then that a conspiracy came in handy to become a mother! With difficulties, but she endured the baby, and they are doing well. And you helped a lot.

    The new century brought into our lives not only modern technologies, advanced science, but also new diseases and social exclusion, which provokes the appearance of such a problem in women as the inability to get pregnant, sometimes even modern medicine, expensive surgeries and medicines are not able to help those who suffer. At such moments, to help the beautiful half of humanity and their halves come magical rites: a ritual, a conspiracy to get pregnant, helping women cleanse their energy in order to prepare for the magical moment of the creation of life.
    What we just did not try with my husband. I thought I wouldn’t get pregnant by the age of 35, but a miracle happened, after reading the article we bought a test and there are 2 strips)) I’m crazy happy, thank you very much

    My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for a long time, for us this is a very painful topic. It came down to scandals and quarrels, both visited various doctors, drank pills, in general, did everything possible to have a baby. The other day I was at my father's birthday party and my grandmother advised a conspiracy for pregnancy. I came across this site and I really hope that it will help me, I will believe with all my heart, because we really want a baby with my husband, keep your fists for us)))

    Yes, it's a big problem if a woman can't get pregnant for a long time. It seems that you are somehow wrong, inferior. And in front of her husband is very uncomfortable. We also faced this problem. There was no way to conceive a baby. Whatever they did, as soon as they did not calculate the necessary days - all to no avail. We decided to try a conspiracy for pregnancy, did a ceremony with knots. And after two cycles, the long-awaited conception has come! Isn't it a miracle! We now have a wonderful baby.

    I also saw conspiracies for pregnancy here. I do not plan children yet, but the gynecologist said that there is a possibility that I am infertile at all. Then, of course, you won’t be fed up with conspiracies alone, but it’s better to try than not. I would really like a child in the future, I'm afraid that the words of the gynecologist will be confirmed. So I took note of the conspiracies

    6 years ago, my wife and I tried to have a baby, but for a long time it did not work out. Both were checked by a doctor, everything is fine, but pregnancy did not occur. And then a miracle happened. I even once thought that maybe she cheated on me (but, thank God, no). Our daughter is already 3.5 years old and we are very happy. And recently, the wife admitted that she made a conspiracy almost 5 years ago! I didn’t believe in this before, but here all the facts are on the face.

    Prayer to get pregnant (read clearly three times, once in a lifetime, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it). “The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness of all evil. What was done against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never and never part with You, despite all the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to give me the chance to become parents of a healthy baby.”

    Sakonya Sainova
    My mother gave me a conspiracy to conceive. You need to read it three times, once in your life, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it. “The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness of all evil. Deed against me, who is with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again I want to prove that I will never and never part with You, despite all the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You in Your eternal glory, I thank You for all Your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant the chance to become parents of a healthy baby.

    You need to read it three times, once in your life, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it. “The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness of all evil. Deed against me, who is with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again I want to prove that I will never and never part with You, despite all the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You in Your eternal glory, I thank You for all Your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant the chance to become parents of a healthy baby.

    not mom gave a conspiracy to conceive. You need to read it three times, once in your life, then be sure to write it somewhere so that others can use it. “The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness of all evil. Deed against me, who is with me in all the storms of life. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again I want to prove that I will never part with You, despite all the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You in Your eternal glory, I thank You for all Your good deeds to me and my neighbors. I ask you to grant the chance to become parents of a healthy baby.

Carrying a child under the heart is the greatest happiness for every woman. However, according to statistics, every year more than 10% of couples face the problem of infertility of unknown origin. You can solve problems with conception with the help of white magic. A conspiracy for pregnancy helps to conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy baby on time.

Vedic rituals for pregnancy require compliance with certain rules and a sequence of actions. The decision to become parents should be deliberate and well-balanced. Before performing magical rituals and reading slander, spouses should go to church and ask for God's blessing and help.

You need to read magic spells in solitude or in the presence of a spouse. Thoughts should be pure and sincere, the state should be calm and peaceful. The best time for the ceremony of conception is the period of the growing moon. At the same time, rituals performed on the first day of the menstrual cycle will be more effective.

Video "Pregnancy slander"

This video shows how to use church candle and mirrors to conduct a witch rite for the conception of a child.

Possible consequences

Faced with the problem of infertility, many couples cannot cope with emotions, worries and difficulties that have arisen. Unfortunately, one of the most common reasons for divorce is the lack of children in the family.

The desire to get pregnant as soon as possible and give birth to a healthy child on time becomes an obsession. Wanting to achieve their goal, many women turn to magicians for help. As you know, even white magic can have negative consequences. Abuse of rituals negatively affects the human psyche. The lack of results leads to psycho-emotional disorders and even addiction to addictions.

Pregnancy slander must carry faith and sincere desire. It is impossible to ask higher powers to grant a child from married man. The desire to have a child should be mutual. When one partner imposes his desires and thoughts on the other, conflicts and disagreements occur, which can lead to a break in the couple. Therefore, thinking about using magical rituals for a quick pregnancy, you need to take into account the opinion of your spouse / young man.

Simple rituals and prayers

Magical slander to conceive a child, preserve the fetus throughout pregnancy and a successful delivery on time can be technically easy and complex. Most rituals can be performed at home. As auxiliary attributes that act as amulets, they use spring water or water consecrated in the church, a mirror, egg, a long thread or cord, a wedding ring, etc.

When God's mercy or the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the great saints is required, it is recommended that a woman put a candle and pray at the holy image in the church. You need to turn to the saints with faith in yourself and God's grace.

Consider a few technically simple, but very effective rituals and prayers for an early pregnancy.

Before bedtime

A conspiracy before bed relaxes the body and promotes conception. A woman needs to face the window, then, folding her palms on her stomach, read the spell 5 times:

“A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, I have no child. As the month grows and grows, so let a seed from a seed be a baby for me. Bless, Lord. Amen".

To the new moon

white magic considers the young month the birth of all life in the world. Therefore, magical rites performed for the nascent month have special strength and power. On the night of the growing moon, the girl stands in front of the mirror and reads the words of the witch's slander:

“A young month, a daring groom, a good place I am your bride! How you were born today, so that I would soon give birth to a child!

For 7 days, the magical rite should be repeated. If you break the chain of sequence, the spell will not bring the long-awaited result. It is worth noting that the first day of reading the pregnancy conspiracy on the young moon falls on Friday.

With water

Prayers and conspiracies for pregnancy to the Virgin are considered very miraculous. So, a simple slander on water contributes to the early conception of a baby. A woman who wants to carry a baby under her heart picks up a glass of water and says magic spell:

"Mother Holy Mother of God! Fly off yourself, no - so the messengers went: the son, like a falcon, and the girl, like a swallow!

At the end of the reading of the prayer, you should drink the charmed water. You need to drink without haste, it is desirable that a little water is spilled on the chest and stomach.

with knots

The most powerful witch rite for the conception of a baby is considered a conspiracy for 40 knots. According to lunar calendar, on the first lunar day of the month, you need to tie a knot on a red cotton or linen thread and read the spell:

“The knot stuck to the knot tightly, firmly. She tied the knots - she conceived a fetus in the uterus. The nodules are strong and red, the child is ruddy and healthy. Tie - do not untie! Lord, bless, Virgin Mary, help! Amen".

It is necessary to repeat the ritual for 40 days, it is impossible to interrupt the chain of the ritual. It is recommended to hide the red thread from prying eyes so as not to frighten away good luck in such an important ritual. When 40 knots appear on the thread, the witch rite is completed. The number 40 has a sacred meaning. Since the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, there should be exactly 40 knots on the thread.

When the baby is born, the red thread with knots should be hidden in a secluded place. Now the thread with knots will serve as a guardian for the child.

With holy water

Washing with water consecrated in the church is one of the most powerful rites for an early conception. You need to consecrate the water on Friday, when the moon will be in its growth phase. Do not forget to read thanksgiving prayers at the icons of our Savior Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The optimal period for performing the ritual is the time interval between 22 and 23 pm. Put on a clean white shirt or T-shirt, open the curtains and curtains, open the window and stand with your feet in the basin prepared earlier. Pouring holy water on the top of your head with a thin stream, repeat the words of the spell from infertility:

“Water dripped, holy and pure,
Rolled and slid
So are adversity and barrenness,
From me, servants of God (name),
Rolled down, washed away
Yes, the saint dissolved in water.
The clear moon grows in the sky,
And the servant of God (name) will conceive a child,
Help Jesus Christ
Yes Mother of God!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Having completed the procedure for washing the body with holy water, cross yourself three times and read the prayer “Our Father”. It is recommended to pour holy water into the garden under a fruit tree. Please note that you can not go to bed in the room where the ritual was performed.

Other rites

The magical rites described above are considered the most powerful in case of problems with conception. However, witchcraft rituals with a wedding ring or a mirror are no less effective conspiracies for pregnancy.

With a mirror

Hex on the mirror and the young month will help solve problems with infertility already in the current month. To get pregnant in the near future, you need to wait until the nascent month appears in the sky. On the eve of the day of the witchcraft ritual, buy 5 wax candles in the church shop. As soon as the new moon appears in the sky, bring it into the room and place a large mirror in front of the window. Set the mirror so that the young crescent moon is reflected in it. Light candles and arrange them around the mirror, forming a vicious circle.

Take off your clothes, put the palms of your hands on your stomach and carefully look at your reflection in the mirror. Visualization increases the chances of success and increases the power of the rite. Imagine yourself with a rounded tummy, say a magic spell:

“A young, new month, dear bridegroom, beloved, your place is expensive, but only I am your bride. You were born today, and I, the servant of God (name your full name) I will have a baby. For your own joy, for your glory. May it be so. Amen".

In white magic, other options for pregnancy spells in front of a mirror are also described. You need to read the text that penetrates the soul and gives a sense of faith:

“As a young month was born, so the fruit (name) clung to me. The moon will arrive, and the child will grow in the womb. Amen".

“Oh my God! As you gave people the moon and the sun, light clouds and frequent stars, a clear sky and Mother Earth, so give me, God's servant (name), to bear and give birth to a child. Just as the moon was born young in heaven, so would a child be born in my womb. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With a wedding ring

Wedding ring as a symbol of fidelity, happiness and endless love protects and helps to cope with various life difficulties.

The wedding ring is used in white magic for witchcraft rituals for the imminent conception of a child.

"Get together great people, all kind people, all important birds. As a round ring rolls on a bright image, so to be small in that ring, in time to be the first-born small. The old men will look with wise eyes, the peasants will speak with rough voices. Old women with old hands will stroke the belly of God's servant (her name), the girls will comb her hair. And the little ones will run around it, they will run and will not stop. God's servant(his name) is waiting for his little one, waiting and will be waiting. She prepares an embroidered cradle for him, spins him a light shirt, a red shirt. Just as a round ring lies in a dark pocket, so the little one will live in her womb. My words are strong, firm, forever indestructible. I'll hide the key in the black water, lock the lock on my chest. Let it be! Amen".

The charmed ring cannot be put on the finger until the love spell on conception has an effect. The wedding ring should be wrapped in a clean white handkerchief and carried in the breast pocket closest to the heart.

To keep the pregnancy

With the threat of abortion, you need to read the following magic spells and prayers for preservation, further intrauterine development and the timely birth of a child:

"Mother intercessor,
Stand up for my stomach, for my child,
Save, save and protect me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“The body grows the fetus with the power of the Lord’s good, and I ask the Lord not to cancel the miracle of the birth of a new one and give me the strength to endure my desired child until the deadline. May the Lord protect him from negative influences and do not give me dangerous paths so as not to interfere with the correct distribution of the forces of life and development will not be distorted and disrupted, for the Lord's hand will help me and at the right time will reveal to the world the one who is under my heart. Amen".

The text of the amulet for an unborn child must be said over holy water. Charmed water is used for morning exercise on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays:

"There is an island on the ocean-sea,
There is a copper pole on that island.
I send to that copper pillar,
All words are dashing, promises are bad.
Chur, not to me, God's servant (name),
And not my fetus.
Go, all promises, to dead water,
To the ocean-sea, to a dashing island,
To the copper pole.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Many women are afraid to use magic spells to conceive a child, carry it and give birth. There is an opinion that the intervention of magic can negatively affect the physiological or psychological state of the baby. Such statements are erroneous, since the basis of energy spells is prayer speeches to higher powers and saints.

The birth of a baby can be called a real miracle. Every married couple is waiting for this moment with great impatience and trepidation. However, looking at the statistics, we can conclude that almost 10% of families cannot conceive a baby, and in most cases the problem is not related to health at all. It is when faced with such situations that many women decide to solve their difficulties on their own. Listening to the advice of their grandmothers, future mothers resort to the help of white magic. Conspiracies for pregnancy, prayers and rituals can give a couple a long-awaited successor to the family.

Future mothers often resort to the help of white magic.

White magic and its influence on the human subconscious

The absence of pregnancy can be caused by many factors, such as stressful situations, misunderstanding on the part of the spouse, constant worries, troubles, emotional distress. All this significantly slows down the process of conception. A pregnancy plot removes all standing barriers and fetters gathered on women's shoulders and heart.

Always remember that thoughts and words have the ability to materialize. Words can offend or win over a person, act on the subconscious, forcing them to do certain things. This suggests that by reading the pregnancy plot aloud or in a whisper, the connection of desires with the energy power of magic is strengthened. Thoughts and spoken words harmonize with each other and influence the human mind. Involuntarily inspiring faith in the best. The magical conspiracy is endowed with sounds that cause a hormone of joy and confidence, thereby a woman begins to believe in her strength and ability to get pregnant. Rely on the prayer that you say and soon the long-awaited baby will be born.

How to conduct a conspiracy

A woman who cannot get pregnant from her lover for a long time tries to resort to any methods in order to achieve the desired result, very often resorts to the help of higher powers. However, before using magic conspiracy for pregnancy, you need to know some rules for the ceremony:

  • Say the prayer clearly and loudly. It is necessary to clearly understand the words of the conspiracy.
  • Concentrate on the positive result, think only about the good. Try to find your inner energy.
  • Your thoughts should be directed to a magic spell, all speeches should sound in unison with your heart.
  • Never despair. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, the second one will succeed.
  • When conducting a ceremony for pregnancy, nothing should bother you. Only with a pure soul and bright thoughts can you achieve positive results and have a child. While reading the prayer, be in complete peace and tranquility.
  • Before the ceremony, go to the temple with your beloved man. Holy places will cleanse the negative energy of the mind and body.
  • The conspiracy to conceive is read in all alone. No one should know about the ritual.
  • When all the points are met, you can begin to perform the ceremony. You can be sure that pregnancy will come very soon.

Both parents must wish to have a child

It is important to know: both parents must wish the birth of a child. Hope and faith that comes from two loving people capable of doing miracles. Try to perform rituals on the young moon. Most magicians and sorcerers are sure that the child in the mother's womb grows as fast as the young moon in the starry sky.

Effective conspiracy on the mirror

This conspiracy to get pregnant is carried out for a young month. The day before the ceremony, go to church and buy five candles. The plot should be read after midnight. Put a huge mirror in the room that will reflect the crescent moon. Place candles in a circle of mirrors, carefully peer into your reflection and say a prayer:

“A young month has arisen in the starry sky, let the baby appear in my womb. It grows quickly and daringly, like the moon is bright and omnipotent. Amen".

Say the words of the conspiracy three times. Then put out the candles and calmly go to bed with your beloved. The rite has the strongest magical power. The main thing is to believe and a miracle will definitely happen.

Conspiracy for knots

A child is a real happiness for every mother. But what if the conception does not come out, and medicine is powerless? In ancient times, women were helped to solve this problem by magicians and sorcerers. For the present hour there are a lot of magical techniques that contribute to pregnancy and the further birth of the baby. Among the various conspiracies, one can distinguish a rite associated with knots. It is no less effective than Vanga's prayer words.

To perform the ritual, you will need a long thread on which you need to tie forty knots. They symbolize forty weeks of pregnancy. Every night for forty days, knit one knot on the thread, and say:

“By tying a knot, I knit my fetus. Strong, strong my baby, you are sitting in my womb. Amen".

Among the various conspiracies, one can distinguish a rite associated with knots.

The words of the conspiracy are read once. After all the knots are tied, hide the thread away from someone else's eyes, no one should see and know about this subject. This rite has great magical power. In a few days, conception will occur.

Egg conspiracy. Rapid pregnancy

The rite with an egg is one of the most effective and quick ways get pregnant. This will require a raw egg on which you need to depict drawings, it can be birds, the sun, clouds, any funny pictures. After the done procedure, put the egg on the windowsill, but it should not fall on the floor. When it appears in the sky full moon, and the clock strikes twelve at night, pierce the testicle with a needle from different sides. Waking up at sunrise, you need to pour olive oil on the object and place it in any suitable container. Then send the capacitive composition along the river. If there is no such water resource, then select any clearing and bury the egg.

This rite is very effective, after its application, many women were awarded a child and the terrible diagnoses made by doctors are no longer afraid of them.

Conspiracy for water, for a quick pregnancy

Water is the mother of all life on earth. It is with her that the conspiracy to quick conception is connected. The ceremony is held in the summer, when the sun's rays sparkle and have fun throughout the day. It is necessary to find a reservoir with the purest water. On the river bank you should be completely alone. Strip naked, enter the water, so that the liquid covers the chest. After that, read the prayer:

“Mother - water, accept, cleanse and save me. They put me on fertility, give me a pretty healthy baby. Amen".

Then plunge into the water with your head, emerging, speak the plot again. Repeat this process seven times. Do not hesitate, the long-awaited birth of a child will happen soon.

Water is the mother of all life on earth.

Fears and consequences of magical rites for pregnancy

In most cases, the weak half of humanity is worried and afraid to perform pregnancy rituals. Women are worried that magical actions can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. Such fears must be driven away from your mind. The energy power of conspiracies consists of Christian prayer words. A woman who has long dreamed of becoming a mother visits holy places, often prays and asks the Lord for help. There is nothing bad or dark about this. A conspiracy is an energetically charged speech that becomes an assistant in a particular problem. As a result, a positive result is guaranteed! Therefore, one and only conclusion can be drawn - conspiracies for a quick pregnancy cannot bring any harm to either the mother or the child.

Magical rites can be very different and help women with various problems. With the help of the ritual, you can save the pregnancy if there is a threat of miscarriage, alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, and facilitate a quick and painless birth.

Useful advice: after the pregnancy is over and you are preparing to go to the hospital, then take a small icon of the Mother of God with you. It will help you during childbirth and relieve suffering.

Every woman can become pregnant, even those who have long lost hope of becoming mothers. White magic can work miracles. The most important thing is not to lose faith, and then soon children's, loud laughter will spread in your house! Do not be afraid of prayer words, conspiracies will not bring harm, but only the happiness and joy of a new feeling, such as motherhood.

The highest destiny of a woman is to be the keeper of the hearth and a loving mother. Not all representatives of the fair sex manage to conceive a child, many families suffer from this. Since ancient times, a pregnancy conspiracy has been used in such situations. All who did magical rites received fertilization, easy childbirth and healthy children.

The right words at the right time can do wonders. Women who risked performing pregnancy rituals on their own were satisfied with the result. In order to read conspiracies at home, without consulting professionals, you should remember what magicians recommend:

  1. Clear the energy of a man and a woman. For this, future parents need to come to church and endure the service, it is advisable to confess to the priest.
  2. Choose the correct phase of the month. To quickly get pregnant, rituals are performed on the growing moon or new moon.
  3. To memorize a magical text aimed at conception is one of the most important rules. This ensures that the conspirator understands the meaning of the words, puts energy into them.
  4. To place the right accents in conspiracies and prayers - the word has great power if it is pronounced correctly.
  5. Speak the text clearly, without making unnecessary pauses, hesitations.
  6. In no case should you tell anyone about the rituals performed. It is advisable to keep the deed a secret even from her husband.

Some people are interested in whether a conspiracy to conceive can prevent a conspiracy from achieving the desired result. Experienced masters say that if you follow the recommendations, strictly follow the instructions of each rite, the conspiracy will not only not interfere, but will also contribute to pregnancy.

A 40-knot conspiracy is considered an ancient ritual that takes place on the first day of the growing moon.

A 40-knot conspiracy is an ancient ritual that has been used since ancient times. Kievan Rus. The Slavs identified the number 40 with forty weeks of pregnancy. There are several reasons why knots are so important in female magic for conception:

  • the creation on the mental plane of strong networks in which evil spirits are confused;
  • combining the power and energy of magic, action and words;
  • accumulation of powerful energy invested by the master;
  • organization of spiritual connection even at a distance with the help of magic.

A conspiracy for an early pregnancy for 40 knots should be carried out on the first day of the growing moon. A woman should put on a loose cotton shirt, take a rope and squeeze it between her palms. Hands should be folded, as in prayer. You should be silent for a while, focusing on your desire. Then a knot is made on the rope with the words:

“I am getting myself an assistant. Hands to get fat, body to become vigorous, legs to knock, to conceive a child. As the month of the month grows, arrives, so the fruit of the servant of God (name) conceives. That is not a knot tied, but the fetus is tied in the uterus. Tied up - not untied. I begin, I begin, I conceive a child. God bless! Mother of God, Virgin, help! Give a child to me, God's servant (name). In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ceremony is held for 40 days in a row. Conspiracy to get pregnant, read every day before bed. If for some reason a woman missed the evening prayer, the ritual begins anew.

The knots on the rope must be tied so that there is approximately the same distance between them. The material chosen must be natural cotton or wool. The magic attribute should be hidden in a secluded place so that no one sees the rope and does not know about reading the plot.

Since the 40-knot pregnancy plot is strong enough, the desired result may come earlier than the allotted time. However, the ceremony cannot be stopped - it is important to bring it to the end. At the end of the entire cycle, it is recommended to burn the rope with knots. This ritual for an early pregnancy will give not only a long-awaited conception, but also ensure safe gestation and easy childbirth.

Conspiracy for pregnancy with an egg

The ancient egg ritual for a quick pregnancy, which was used by ancestors in the distant past, is still popular today. The egg has always been considered a symbol of the birth of something new. The easiest way to carry out this action is for residents of rural areas.

For a successful ceremony, you need to take a fresh, not older than two days, domestic chicken egg. Moreover, an important condition is that the chicken should live in the same chicken coop as the rooster.

Both spouses read this conspiracy for pregnancy, sitting opposite each other. They must light a church candle, taking it together with their hands, and then repeat the spell on the egg nine times:

“The bird laid an egg, and we take out and nurse the kids. Just as the yolk was in the egg, so was the child of God in the stomach. She will sit quietly in her belly until her mother gives birth. Slaves (the name of each parent) are waiting for their healthy baby, they are in a hurry to wait. Amen".

The charmed egg needs to be rolled over the woman's stomach for several seconds. Then the egg can be taken back to the chicken coop, under the hen. Within 21 days, while the hen hatches the chick, the girl should become pregnant. If it turns out that the fetus froze in the egg, parents should not expect anything good from pregnancy either. This is a sign of damage, which is important to remove as soon as possible.

A conspiracy of white magic on a wedding ring that helps to get pregnant

A conspiracy on a wedding ring helps you get pregnant quickly

In white magic, there is a ceremony for a wedding ring. To do this, the girl takes her ring, firmly squeezes it between her palms and speaks:

“A great people will gather, all good people, all important birds. As a round ring rolls on a bright image, so to be small in that ring, in time to be the first-born small. The old men will look with wise eyes, the peasants will speak with rough voices. Old women with old hands will stroke the belly of God's servant (her name), the girls will comb her hair. And the little ones will run around it, they will run and will not stop. God's servant (her name) is waiting for her little one, waiting and will wait. She prepares an embroidered cradle for him, spins him a light shirt, a red shirt. Just as a round ring lies in a dark pocket, so the little one will live in her womb. My words are strong, firm, forever indestructible. I'll hide the key in the black water, lock the lock on my chest. Let it be! Amen".

The ring should be wrapped in a new white handkerchief and kept in your pocket until pregnancy.

Water conspiracy for a quick pregnancy

On Friday evening, the girl should go to church, pray to Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Place candles in front of their icons and say your desire in a whisper, looking at the face of the Saints. Having collected holy water, you can go home.

Between 10 and 11 pm you need to let your hair down, put on a light shirt, put a large container on the floor, pour it with holy water. Standing with her feet in a basin, the girl scoops up water, pours herself from her head all over her body, reading a strong conspiracy for pregnancy:

“As pure and holy water dripped, slid and rolled down, so from me, the servants of God (their name), all adversity and barrenness, rolled down, washed off and dissolved in holy water. In heaven, a clear month is growing, and God's servant (her name) will conceive a child. Jesus Christ and Mother of God, help give birth to a child! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

After the prayer, you can dry yourself with a clean towel, cross yourself three times, read "Our Father" and go to sleep. It is important not to go to bed in the room where the conspiracy will be read by the future pregnant woman.

In the morning, you need to rinse your feet in this water and pour the liquid under the tree. This rite helps a woman who could not conceive a child for a long time, and also helps to heal infertility.

There are several conspiracies for pregnancy on the moon

There is a conspiracy to get pregnant quickly, which requires interaction with the moon. After waiting for the new month, the girl stands in front of the mirror, looks at her stomach and strokes it clockwise, reading the words of the conspiracy:

“Oh my God!

How did you give people the moon and the sun,

Light clouds and pure stars,

Clear sky and mother earth

So give me, servant of God (name),

Carry and give birth to a child.

As a young month was born in the sky,

So would a child be born in my womb.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Before going to bed with your husband, put honey in a bowl and say a whisper to it:

“The sweeter the honey, the healthier the fetus grows in the womb.”

You need to treat yourself to sweetness and give honey to your loved one.

Another conspiracy, which is also read to the moon, came to the modern world from Vanga. This ritual must be carried out strictly on the night from the first to the second day of the new month. A woman goes out into the fresh air (in urban conditions a balcony is suitable), looks at the sky, strokes her stomach and reads a prayer:

“The Lord our Father Almighty! As You gave us a red sun, You gave us a white-faced moon, gentle clouds, bright stars, mighty trees, a gentle wind, so make me, a servant of God (my name), conceive a child for myself. As the young moon was conceived today, so let the child be conceived in my womb. Amen!".

Effective conspiracy on the mirror

First of all, the girl should buy a clean full-length mirror sheet. It is better to purchase goods on Friday evening. Further, on the growing Moon on a cloudless night, a mirror is installed so that the light of the month and its own reflection can be seen in it. Prayer should be memorized, and be sure to write it behind the mirror with a simple pencil. Look at the reflection while saying:

“The moon is born, the child is conceived. As the moon grows and becomes more beautiful, so the child in the womb becomes healthy. Amen".

A girl should listen to her intuition - how much and when to read a prayer next time. It may seem to some that it is enough to pronounce the magic text once, other women conspire several times a week. A signal that you can not return to the ceremony will be a feeling of overflowing heat in the stomach.

Rituals for a successful pregnancy and for its maintenance

For magic to work, you need to have patience and unlimited faith in the result.

Among modern methods allowing you to quickly conceive a baby is a conspiracy on the red thread. The girl takes a red woolen thread and knits it on her left wrist, saying a short plot to get pregnant:

“When the thread breaks or unties, then the servant of God (name) will be pregnant!”.

In addition, how to successfully conceive, girls are very worried about the safety of the fetus. In this case, a conspiracy to preserve pregnancy comes to the rescue:

“The Holy Spirit, who solves all problems, sheds light on all roads so that I can reach my goal. You who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and forgetfulness of all evil. Deed against me, in all the storms of life, staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never and never part with You, despite all the illusory nature of matter. I want to be with You in Your eternal glory. Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbors. Please give me the chance to become parents of a healthy baby.”

Possible consequences of conspiracies on pregnancy

Like any magic, conspiracies for pregnancy can have both negative and positive consequences. The rites will have a negative impact on those women who want to get pregnant from someone else's man, especially if he is married. In such a situation, conspiracies can at least cause failure in life. As a maximum, the negative will fall on the health of the child in the future.

Only a couple who sincerely loves each other can count on the help of magical powers. Thus, a favorable environment is created that attracts positive energy. It is also important to remember that Better conditions, in which magic works - this is patience, boundless faith in the result, a sincere desire to give birth to a baby.

Who is a happy modern woman? This is a successful young lady who makes a career, owns her own business, drives a car. And of course she is a great mother. But this is ideal. As a rule, filled with stress, modern life makes its own adjustments to our desires and opportunities. Everything seemed to be achieved: loving husband, own housing and sustainable financial situation but missing the finishing touch on the easel family life- A married couple cannot get pregnant in any way.

And then, having gone through the seven circles of earthly hell, in the form of modern reproductive centers, the spouses begin to look for alternative ways to get out of their current situation. A conspiracy to conceive is one of the oldest home methods of our ancestors, which women resort to in the hope of getting pregnant. The main and most effective method is the Holy Orthodox Prayer, which is resorted to in difficult life situations.

Orthodox prayers for the conception of a child

Holy Orthodox prayer is an appeal to the heavenly forces in everyday life and in difficult everyday situations. This is a conversation with the Lord about pressing problems and your innermost desires. And as a rule, the appeal is associated with specific life requests. One of these appeals is the prayer for the conception of a child. In the event that the appeal to higher powers comes from the whole heart and the desire to conceive a child is the most secret. Heaven always listens to the requests of children who apply for sending down, because this is laid down by the commandments. For the conception and birth of a child, they pray to the Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Matrona of Moscow, Anna and Elizabeth. But to which Saint you would not turn, the main thing is with what heart you do it.

Rules for reading a prayer

  • The prayer for conception must be read by heart in order to read it without hesitation.
  • During the pronunciation of a prayer, it is not recommended to think about extraneous things.
  • Meditate, focus on the cherished desire.
  • The main thing is true faith in what you are doing.

Types of prayers

V modern world more and more young couples are turning to the Orthodox religion for the gift of a child. And what is remarkable, the Lord hears the requests of the righteous and grants fatherhood and motherhood to all who wish to prolong their family. The most important thing is to realize that the power of the prayer service depends on the faith of the supplicant, his true commitment to the Orthodox faith. And then all the requests of those who ask will be fulfilled.

Strong prayer for the conception of a child to the Almighty

“Lord, your unworthy servant turns to you, with her heartfelt grief. Look through the All-Seeing Eye, let me bear fruit and become a mother. To enjoy your child now and in old age. Lord, merciful God, forgive me all my sins, heed my requests and send me the happiness of motherhood. And if your mercy, let me endure it to the full term. Heed my prayers, grant, children, to the joy of my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the conception of a child

“Holy Mary, Queen of the heavenly angels and immaculate Virgin, mother of our Lord in heaven and on earth. Listen from the height of your heavenly gaze to my earthly words and illumine my sinful soul with your Divine Holiness. Cleanse the thoughts of my heart from vain thoughts and earthly suffering. Grant a child to me, on this earth, the fruit from my womb for joy and hope. Hear my repentance, heed my prayers, for you are in the world, above all women. I praise and thank the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Divine Prayer for Spouses

“Almighty and Merciful Lord, we turn to you with a prayer for sending down our child. Hear our appeal and be merciful to our requests. We appeal to your patronage for the fertility of our kind and its extension for many years. Grant health and happiness to our descendants, for your great mercy is forever and ever. Amen."

Rituals and rituals for pregnancy

Ancient rituals for pregnancy are widely used in cases where all the methods and methods of modern traditional medicine are used. When all examinations and courses of treatment prescribed by doctors have been completed, and the desired conception does not occur. A desperate search for alternative methods of infertility treatment begins and, as a rule, household magic comes into force.

In order to use these methods, you must carefully study them and follow the instructions clearly. That is when you can hope for a positive result. Rites for conception do not require special preparation, sometimes you need to put your hand on your stomach, for the greatest concentration of female energy.

It should be noted that most of the rites for the conception of a child are performed on the new moon, on the growing moon, after the full moon, on major holidays - Easter, Trinity and Christmas. On the Holy Easter holiday, it is necessary to defend the service and when the priest utters the words: “Christ is Risen”, make your most cherished wish. Also, for this, it is necessary on the eve of the holiday to paint an egg with wax: For a boy - blue, and for a girl - red and be sure to consecrate it in the church. And when it's time to flare up, eat it first. It is believed that on the holy holiday of Easter, any request is fulfilled, including the conception and birth of a child.

Examples of conspiracies

Conspiracies on a rope

For the next rite, it is necessary to purchase a rope for the new moon, and tie knots on it for forty days - forty in all. Every day one knot, thus using the entire cycle of the moon. In addition, these words help facilitate childbirth. Tying, you need to read a strong current conspiracy to conceive a child:

“I tie the fetus to the uterus,
Start punishing
Tie up, never untie
Come, gain weight
Please me.

For a young month

This ritual is performed on the young month. Calculate that day and get ready to fulfill it. Go out to the young month to the crossroads of three roads, face the month and say the strongest conspiracy to conceive:

"Heavenly powers, earthly powers,
Without your command
Nothing happens on this earth
And day is not day, and night is not night,
It doesn't rain water, it doesn't snow,
The bird does not sing, the fish does not swim,
And little children are not born.
Help to conceive a child
Make me happy with the birth of my child.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

After that, bow three times at the feet of the young month and go home without looking back.

On a round mirror

This is an ancient ritual that was performed by our grandmothers. His condition includes the use of a round mirror, which is brought to the window in such a way that it reflects the new moon. It is on him that you need to read conspiracies to conceive a healthy child:

"The young moon flaunts in the sky,
And my tummy in the mirror has mercy,
The month arrives, and the baby grows.

After that, you need to cover the mirror with your clothes and put it on yourself, exactly one day later.

pump up baby

There is one popular belief. In order to get pregnant, you need to pump up your baby. That is, to shake a baby carriage in which more than one generation of children has grown up, which is transmitted from one relative to another. While shaking, try to imagine how you will rock your own baby, his face, who he will look like and how he will smile. This rite is akin to those signs in which it is advised to drink from a cup from which a pregnant woman drank or to sit on a chair on which a pregnant woman was sitting. The action of such rituals is aimed at self-hypnosis and meditation.

For seven candles

This is one of the most powerful rituals performed with the help of conspiracies for pregnancy and rapid conception. On Great religious holiday buy exactly seven wax candles in the church and put them in a certain order. First to Jesus Christ, then to the Most Holy Theotokos and Nicholas the Wonderworker. After putting the candles, do not forget to read the prayers and wait until the candles burn out completely.

You take the remaining four candles home and light them in the four corners of your house. Wait until they burn out completely and bury the cinders deep into the ground. This rite launches a wish fulfillment program, and if pregnancy is your goal at the moment of your life, then soon it will come true.

To keep the pregnancy

Premature births, miscarriages, self-abortions and missed pregnancies are another side of the coin of problematic motherhood. For those who are faced with the problem of premature birth, the following rituals are suitable.

To holy water

With past miscarriages and premature births, there is a rite with Holy Water, which is recommended to be carried out, both when planning a pregnancy, and with possible signs of a threat. It is necessary to collect Holy water in the church and bring it home, pour it into a small container. After that, put the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God next to it and put your hands into the water, while pronouncing the words of an effective conspiracy:

"Mother of God the Most Holy Theotokos,
You are the Queen of everything Earthly and Heavenly,
Cover me with the veil of your intercession,
And grant the servant of God / name / strong strength,
And the power of the womb for my child.
In the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit."

Charm for pregnant women

The text of this conspiracy must be memorized and read for each phase of the new month. It helps for the onset of pregnancy and for its normal course, from the threat and toxicosis. You can write the desired text on a piece of paper and store it in your wallet or bag:

“Virgin Mother of God, bless me for the deed of God,
I hope for you every minute of my life
I pray to you for the salvation of my soul,
Mother of the Lord our God,
You are always with me, the Lord is ahead,
Angels are intercessors behind.
I hope and hope for your help.
For the rapid conception of children,
In the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit.

Married couples in an attempt to have children experience countless methods: prayer for the conception of a child, conspiracies for conception, the strongest conspiracy for pregnancy and easy childbirth. But no matter what methods you choose for this purpose, the main thing is unshakable faith in what you are doing. There is one popular popular belief that says that numb children should adopt, not necessarily a healthy child.

Many couples do this, and subsequently raise not only an adopted child, but also their own. In such cases, couples can choose the boy or girl they want to adopt, and there are some rites of white magic for conceiving the sex of the child. After the use of which a child of the required sex is born, for the joy and happiness of their parents.