Chinese horoscope for months for a year. Eastern horoscope for the Dog

Naturally, all twelve signs of the zodiac - from the Rat to the Pig - are in a state of excitement: what surprises did the Yellow Dog have in store and how can it be appeased? Will she be able to help in the implementation of her plans, will she not bite and quit halfway to success? The eastern horoscope for 2018 advises to calm down and not panic. After all, the Dog is a peaceful, good-natured, honest and reliable animal. Well, if you don't piss her off, of course.

About the devotion of the Dog in general, legends can be composed. So, in family life, well-being and mutual understanding awaits everyone. Those spouses who have lived with each other for more than a decade can safely count on another "honeymoon" with all the ensuing consequences. Yes, yes, there will be passion, and even the birth of another child. If you have long dreamed of such a blessing from heaven, then take care of the expansion of living space, a baby carriage and toys in advance.

The Chinese horoscope by year of birth for 2018 predicts excellent relations with close relatives, resolution of domestic and financial problems, as well as protection from the patroness of the year - the Yellow Dog. Have you dreamed of idyll and harmony in the family? Then get it, but do not forget to appreciate and cherish what you have.

Lonely representatives of the signs will not be bored either. After all, Cupid not only prepared arrows and a bow for them, but also indicated the places where they should aim. In general, there will be many fans, just choose the most worthy and handsome. When it comes to marriage, it's a very personal thing. If you are not yet ready to join hearts with someone, then just go on dates, accept confessions and surprises. For those who already have a loved one, the Dog does not advise delaying the marriage. The Chinese horoscope for 2018 recommends applying to the registry office in advance. After all, the queue is scheduled six months ahead.

The financial situation in 2018 will be stable enough to worry about it and, moreover, to take a large loan from a bank. Losses are not excluded, but they are minimal. Keep in mind that if you work for the future, you will not be left without high earnings and bonuses. Bring ideas to life, work with pleasure and create a base for the future. The dog will help bring Luck closer, but if you yourself do not climb onto the stove, like the lazy Emelya. The eastern horoscope for 2018 according to the year of birth advises you to be honest and not look for "easy" money. By the way, many will find a treasure or a bag of money absolutely by accident.

The dog is generous and fair by nature, so try to find these qualities in yourself to please her. Then she will make any sacrifices, if only to become a successful and wealthy person. Engage in charitable activities, buy a lottery ticket more often and exclude gambling. Then you will definitely not be left without money.

Hypocritical and self-serving people may not even count on concessions and career growth in the year of the Dog. On the contrary, they can easily lose what they have if they do not change internally. Only those who work honestly, set achievable goals and do not quarrel with colleagues will be lucky in the work area. Naturally, do not forget to obey and praise the boss. True, serious conflicts in the team are not expected, as predicted by the Chinese horoscope for 2018. It is necessary to take part in corporate parties, go on business trips and introduce original plans into production. By the way, do not be afraid to ask your boss to raise your salary. After all, good work should be paid according to merit.

So, there will be enough happiness and success for everyone in 2018, but you still need to remember which element controls this period? Earth is the element of the Dog, which is quite sociable, stubborn and patient. If you also have an earth element in your eastern horoscope, then you can count on well-being in all areas of life.

The Chinese horoscope for 2018 predicts success and joy for those born under the Metal element. After all, such individuals are also distinguished by their persistent and firm character. This is what the dog likes. People of the element of Water, too, will not remain without the support of the hostess of the year. Well, is it really possible to do without that which “feeds and waters” the Earth? As for the Wood element, the Dog likes such personalities for justice and an open disposition. Even people of the Fire element can count on the favor of a peace-loving animal. For her, it makes no difference who you are according to the elements, the main thing is that the person be sincere, good and purposeful.

The eastern horoscope by year of birth for 2018 promises bright events and a sea of ​​​​positiveness to all signs. For example, a Dog will instantly make friends with Goats, Dogs, Horses, Pigs and Bulls. Tigers and Cats may not be afraid of her, because she does not bite for no reason. She likes snakes for optimism and patience, and Rats for courage and openness. Well, only one thing depends on all of us - to meet the mistress of 2018 with dignity, widely and with a Hollywood smile on her lips. Well, do not forget to make a cherished wish. Someone has one thing connected with the family, someone wants more finances, and for some it is important what? That's right, the health and well-being of children.

How to Celebrate the Chinese New Year 2018

Observing the ancient Chinese traditions, the New Year in this country should be celebrated 2 times. First, the holiday is celebrated, like many countries of the world, on January 1. Well, for the second time, the New Year's date is chosen, starting from the lunar cycle. For example, if the first day of the Full Moon in January falls on a certain date, then the Chinese New Year 2018 begins with it. Chinese traditions of celebrating the holiday differ in many ways from Slavic customs. They have their own signs, views and even fortune-telling. Let's take a closer look at how this Celestial country is preparing for the New Year celebrations.

Chinese new year 2018 - date February 16, 2018

Chinese New Year 2018 starts on February 16 and ends on February 4, 2019. Each year has its own patron, so the Dog will rule the world during this period. This animal belongs to the Earth element, and the symbolic color of the new year is yellow.

How to celebrate Chinese New Year 2018?

If in Europe the New Year celebrations last 10 days, then in China the holiday lasts two weeks. For example, in 2018 - from February 16 to March 3. But this does not mean that the Chinese will rest for all 15 days. They also include working days. The Chinese New Year 2018 is celebrated in this country in a peculiar way - with rituals and symbolic outfits.

According to tradition, everyone presents gifts and souvenirs to each other, and in the evening the whole family gathers at the festive table. The symbol of 2018 is the Dog, which is distinguished by its hospitable, loyal and kind character. She honors family traditions, striving for coziness and comfort in the house. The earth element endowed her with the best qualities that not only create, but also preserve everything related to personal and family relationships.

If the Russians vigorously celebrate the New Year on January 1, then in China it is customary to celebrate the holiday on February 16 only in the circle of close relatives. This day involves the unification of the most beloved and dear to the heart of people. If you do not forget about this tradition, then you will live the whole year without troubles, problems and troubles.

For the Chinese New Year 2018, it is not customary to party too loudly and for a long time. On the contrary, the holiday should be homely, calm and without active dances and songs. The main attention is paid to surprises, presents and confessions to each other in feelings. Let relatives once again hear how they are valued and respected. The New Year should be held in a spiritual atmosphere, so that it would be pleasant to remember it for a long time.

2018 - what is expected of him in China?

At the helm of each new year is a certain animal. It endows a person with those character traits that are inherent in himself. According to the Chinese New Year 2018, the Yellow Dog, whose element is Earth, will begin to rule the world. It is impossible to expect pleasant changes in all areas, but in general this period promises to be fruitful and successful. After all, the Dog is distinguished by good nature, justice and devotion. But sometimes she can be lazy and be too stubborn.

According to the Chinese, 2018 will be quite stable financially and emotionally. Mutual understanding and peace are expected in families. Based on the predictions of horoscopes, the economy in the year of the Dog will grow, military strife and strife will end, and the well-being of people will noticeably improve. With the advent of the Chinese New Year 2018, many people will enter into official marriages - happy and strong. Well, at the end of the year, a long-awaited child will appear in some families. In order to attract good luck, health, love and wealth into their lives, the Chinese go outside on February 16 and feed the dogs to their fill.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Dog

Naturally, the Dog will not leave his own in trouble, which means that those who were born this year can count on success in work and personal happiness. The hostess of the year will always come to the rescue and support morally, as well as throw money for new housing and a luxury car. In the professional field, too, sheer luck, so you can not be afraid of competitors and feel free to make business acquaintances. The eastern horoscope for 2018 according to the year of birth recommends opening your own business so that you do not financially depend on anyone and gain stability. The main thing is that Dogs avoid conflict situations and do not rush at others with their fists. You haven't gone off the chain, have you?

Horoscope for 2018 for the Pig (Boar)

The Chinese horoscope predicts a good and fruitful period for Pigs, when even competitors will ask for your companions. Don't be afraid to sign contracts, make deals and plan for the future. Everything will be fine, or even better! Moreover, the Pig is smart and sensible, which is welcomed by the Yellow Dog. As for the risk, it should be used with small doses. Otherwise, invest money and bye-bye ... Then look for the wind in the field. The Pig has a commercial "vein", so you need to develop it and implement brilliant ideas into business.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Rooster

The eastern horoscope for 2018 promises a wonderful period for the Rooster if he does not attack someone for no reason, peck and stick out his chest in orders. Everything should be in moderation in order to get what you dream about. The Rooster in the year of the Dog will have to work hard, but the family will be fed, and the relatives will be happy, and he himself will show off in fashionable clothes in front of the mirror. Responsibility and perseverance will be needed to achieve goals, but the Rooster knows all the moves that lead to recognition and prosperity. Just do not forget to share secrets with the mistress of the year - she will help in any way she can.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Monkey

In the year of the Dog, cheerful and perky Monkeys can easily count on good luck and happiness. Most importantly, do not hide your talents from the people around you. They can open up with renewed vigor and lead to overwhelming success. The eastern horoscope does not promise the Monkeys fierce competition, but you still can’t get away from envious people. For those who dream of starting their own business, best wishes. The dog will develop a plan that will definitely lead to a result. Just do not miss the chance to transform outwardly. No, no, you are naturally beautiful, but it does not interfere with emphasizing all this.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Horse

The Chinese horoscope for 2018 predicts almost unearthly happiness and financial success for the Horse. Of course, not one competitor will even dare to raise your votes on you, all the more so, to deceive or steal interesting ideas. Find time to update the image - cut the mane, dye it and buy a stylish harness. By the way, do you like long trips? Then get - business trips, field trips and travel. The Dog advises the Horse to meet friends more often, who will always come to the rescue at a difficult moment.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Goat (Sheep)

The Yellow Dog will patronize and take care of the cute Goats all year round. After all, they are so diligent, cute and calm by nature. For them, the hostess has in store a whole package of pleasant surprises in all areas of life. In your work, you are prepared for both an official position and the mission of an assistant secretary. Well, you all like it very much. The horoscope by year of birth for 2018 advises Goat to realize his plan. Do you want to become a businessman? Urgently collect documents and purchase goods. Are you afraid of competition? Well, doesn't the support of an influential Dog inspire you?

Horoscope for 2018 for the Cat (Rabbit)

The eastern horoscope promises a great time for Cats, whom even a paw does not rise to offend. Only stroke, and only on the fur. Cats will not be left without warm milk, comfort and homeliness, even if they sometimes release their claws towards the patroness of the year. After all, the Dog loves them for their appeasement, gentleness and peace of mind. Well, how can such creatures not be helped? So, Kotov expects success and personal happiness. The main thing is that you yourself do not miss all this from under your nose.

What will the dog bring into our lives? Astrologers characterize her as a wise, fair, reasonable Mistress of the year. And this sounds optimistic, because it gives hope for positive changes, for the opening prospects for achieving success by understandable means and methods, for increasing truth and decency in our world. However, some may perceive the character of the astrological Dog incorrectly or incorrectly.

The Year of the Earth Dog will not be perfect or too difficult. Although different events will take place under the rule of the new Mistress, different circumstances will develop ... And what exactly this time promises to each of us, the eastern horoscope for 2018 will tell. In it you will find a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the most important areas of our lives - the professional sphere, relationships, health, finances. This is important, because it is from them that our everyday life is formed and our goals, attitude, worldview depend. And, therefore, it is imperative to receive and assimilate this information in order to arm yourself with a clear understanding of what will be achievable in 2018, what should be feared and what to count on.

Horoscope 2018 for the Rat

The dog is comparatively loyal to Rats. They, of course, should not expect that the Mistress of the Year will indulge all their shortcomings, such as laziness or dishonesty in relation to other people. However, the Dog will not put a “stick in the wheel” of the Rats, allowing them to realize themselves, helping in righteous deeds and interesting undertakings. And those Rats who want to live 2018, observing moral canons, working and directing their thoughts to creation and positive, will be able, with the support of the Dog, to achieve very good results without excesses and frayed nerves.


Critical health problems in Rats, fortunately, are not expected. It will be enough for them to adhere to elementary means of prevention in order to more or less safely survive the off-season periods with their cold risks, as well as the traditional canons of a healthy lifestyle, so as not to bring themselves to stress and other misunderstandings (for example, problems with joints, with the spine, etc.). e.) If, however, any difficulties with the well-being of the Rats still arise, then they should go straight to the therapist. It is not worth spending time and money on complex examinations and diagnostics for these people. An ordinary doctor will be quite able to deal with their ailments. But those recommendations that he will give, they should try to fulfill strictly.


Rats, especially men, in 2018, it is advisable to forget about the temptation to take what lies badly. The word "freebie" should become a taboo for them. They should conduct their financial affairs with the utmost honesty and in accordance with the laws of jurisprudence and ethics. In general, this period in terms of money for the Rats cannot be called mega-successful: they will not earn millions next year. However, they will most likely succeed in avoiding unsolvable financial situations. And, by the way: in difficult circumstances, Rats should try to remain calm and not wind themselves up. As a rule, the solution to such problems in their case will always exist, and the colder and more objectively they assess the situation, the faster the way out will be found.


In the professional sphere, it is better for Rats not to try to embrace the immensity and, as they say, not to run ahead of the locomotive. “Payback” in 2018 for them will be reasonable conservatism, personal modesty, conscientiousness. They do not need to strive for any change. In particular, Rats should not envy and try to follow the example of colleagues who will achieve momentary success in cardinal or extravagant ways. This is not their method (at least next year). Those of the representatives of this sign who have their own business need to tune in to work and patience in the first half of the year. They will have to solve problems, deal with all sorts of worries and troubles. And, if they prove to be consistent and enduring enough and are able to catch the changes taking place in the market, then, starting from the second half of the summer, they will be able to begin to reap the fruits of their efforts. It is hardly worth counting on an increase in the scale of activities and profits in the first months of the year for Rats-businessmen.


In the year of the Dog, the Rats should be extremely careful about relationships with people related by marriage or other similar obligations. The mistress of the year will definitely disapprove of this, so punishment because of this later on will be almost inevitable for them. Lonely Rats, striving to build a serious and stable relationship, can count on good luck and success with the opposite sex. Moreover, the Dog will help them meet a person who will fully meet their ideas about the ideal soulmate. Moreover, the Hostess in this case will arrange for them a beautiful bouquet and candy beginning of the relationship and help to minimize the grinding process. It makes sense for Rat women during this period to think about changing their image. Naturally, for those of them who do not experience any difficulties in their personal lives, this advice can be neglected. However, if the Rats still have some unresolved issues of such a plan, or if one of them experiences a desire for change, then they must certainly take advantage of it. And in the future, none of them will regret it.

Horoscope 2018 for the Ox

The dog is far from the Bull's best friend. The Ox seems to the Mistress of the Year to be unnecessarily selfish, and therefore he will be basically deprived of her support. However, representatives of this sign, for the most part, will be able not only to understand this, but also to recognize the legitimacy of such claims. And therefore they will be able to establish mutual understanding with the Dog - in any case, as far as it is generally possible for them - and make some of their aspirations (dreams, ideas, etc.) come true.


Thank God, there will be no need to talk about any particularly critical health difficulties for the Bulls in 2018. Naturally, they may have a problem associated with the psychological state, because in our time, unfortunately, stress is almost a universal problem. And the Bulls will have to run away from him, as they say, along the path of the park or stadium (they are recommended to adhere to a healthy lifestyle).

It will be very good and right if the Bulls organize a full-fledged vacation in 2018. This will become - without exaggeration - a guarantee that the physical resource of your body will be enough to live normally all year long, thinking not about ailments, but about pressing matters and concerns. The best time for a vacation during this period is the second half of spring. But let it last not one, but several weeks, and it is desirable to spend them at least in relative seclusion and peace, otherwise the effect of it will be minimal.


For different Bulls, the financial situation will develop in different ways in 2018. However, none of them is in danger of going bankrupt. Although, on the other hand, the Bulls can hardly count on reaching the pinnacle of financial well-being. In fact, for most of them money matters will be dealt with in more or less the usual way; a pleasant exception in this regard will be those of them who have experience in solving their financial problems in unusual ways. However, those who do not have it should not try to acquire it in the year of the Dog.

In October-December, a pleasant surprise awaits many Bulls. It will consist in receiving a fairly significant amount of money, which the Bulls hardly counted on. Although this money cannot be called falling from the sky. The point is simply that the reward (profit, etc.) that they will have to receive will turn out to be greater than the Bulls expected.


The higher the position in the professional sphere the Ox occupies, the more careful he should be. In particular, these people should not maintain the image of a sole ruler and tyrant in relation to themselves. It is advisable for bulls in leadership positions to remember that they can be overthrown from their pedestals overnight and subjected to prolonged disgrace; The dog will try to take care of this if he feels that they are, as they say, going too far.

Bulls who manage to behave humanely and democratically (and not just demonstrate the desire for this) can count on career success. Their human dignity will be appreciated - sometimes by colleagues, sometimes by management - and will certainly benefit them. And although not all Bulls will receive a promotion or strengthening their positions in 2018, they will definitely have time to lay a good foundation for future career success at this time.

In the second half of 2018, many Bulls are expected to strengthen their positions in the professional field. This will most likely be for those of them who work in government organizations or engaged in collective projects.


In 2018, those Bulls who know how to experience their happiness on the sly will win first of all. The fact is that the more they begin to perform deeds for show, to boast of their success with the opposite sex, the more tests this success can create for the Mistress of the year, who is alien to vanity and does not understand the desire to brag about what to a certain extent belongs to the category of intimate and delicate things. .

To support and, even more so, create an alliance with the right person, Bulls should be patient and genuinely interested in what seriously worries their soulmate. In most cases, they will not have to immerse themselves in the worries of their partners, so the Bulls will not lose much from such manifestations; while the "acquisitions" from them will be quite significant. In particular, many of them will be surprised to find that the people with whom their lives have come together are charismatic, creative, and intelligent.

Horoscope 2018 for the Tiger

The Tiger will certainly find an approach to the Dog and mutual language with her. And already the beginning of the year will allow most representatives of this sign to feel self-confidence and experience a sense of harmony. This will be pleasant in itself and, moreover, will allow the Tigers not to waste the energy they need for important things that they may have with the beginning of spring. Further, different events will happen with the Tigers, however, in general, 2018 can be characterized as a time when even a state of rest in many cases will benefit them, bringing good results and benefits. But it must be remembered that after the end of the year of the Dog, many of the benefits provided by it will also dry up, and the Tigers may again be faced with the need to solve the difficulties that arise on their own.


The Year of the Dog does not bode well for the Tigers. Minor misunderstandings like seasonal colds, minor household injuries and similar problems that are usually forgotten in a week, may happen to them. However, they definitely should not be afraid of something critical. And if the Tigers find the strength to systematically follow a set of general useful rules - moderate exercise, walking, a normal diet with the obligatory presence of seasonal vegetables and fruits in the diet, etc. - then they will also be able to improve the condition of their body. In this case, they can count on strengthening nervous system, and to strengthen immunity, and to normalize weight.


The financial situation of the Tigers will definitely not worsen next year. Although it is hardly worth counting on special improvements either. And the situation here will depend little on their personal efforts. Therefore, whether to be active in trying to find additional sources of income (increasing profits, etc.) or to act in the same way as before is a matter of choice for each of them. But, even if one of the Tigers decides, contrary to the forecast, to try his luck, and then he realizes that the efforts were in vain, then at least he should not reproach himself for his sluggishness and slow thinking. Such an outcome is almost inevitable and there will be no fault of the Tigers in this.


In 2018, the Tigers will mostly be respected and honored. And - what is most interesting - they will not need to do anything special for this. The fact is that during this period their former merits and achievements will work for them. Thus, the Tigers, who enter next year in a leading position, will almost certainly be able to hold it until the very end. Well, those who still occupy a subordinate position will live it without much damage to themselves.

Some of the Tigers may be upset by such a prediction. But this would be in vain, because the absence of big career ups means, in this case, also the absence of serious problems.

In general, the situation in the professional sphere in 2018 will be such that the Tigers will be able to afford to have a lot of time for leisure. And they will absolutely please the Dog if they remember some of their old hobbies, which at one time were their great passion.


For personal life, the Tigers, if desired, can always find time. And those of them who start 2018 with any problems in this regard will have a lot of opportunities not only to solve them, but also to make significant progress on the path to their happiness. It will be enough for the tigers to simply not interfere with the help of the Mistress of the Year, who will now and then create suitable conditions and circumstances for them.

Their appearance will play a big role in establishing and developing relationships that are interesting for the Tigers during this period. Therefore, they should pay attention to it invariably, throughout the year. Moreover, under the phrase "pay attention" Tigers should be understood as comprehensive care for their person - from wardrobe to control of skin color. And therefore, they should prepare for the fact that they will have to spend a lot of money on all this.

It would be desirable for married and married Tigers to tune in to an even, calm way and enjoy the presence of family joys in their lives and the realization that this is one of the main values ​​​​of human existence.

Horoscope 2018 for the Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbits in 2018 should not be afraid of tricks on the part of their Owner. They may well count on the fact that they will be able to live this time at least relatively calmly. From the very first day the Dog comes into its own, Rabbits can set themselves up for a positive attitude, because the representatives of this sign will really be protected from many of the difficulties that many of their other “brothers” will face. For example, Rabbits are trustful and open; this usually creates problems for them, however, in the new year - no. In addition, there are usually quite a few people who try to influence them by imposing their position or giving advice that they are not asked for. So: in 2018, Rabbits will be quite reliably protected from this kind of impact.


Health will not become a source of significant problems for Rabbits if they take into account a few points. Firstly, they should protect their stomach and intestines from excessive loads, which will be the “weak link” in their body during this period. Therefore, an adequate diet should become an invariably topical issue for them from the beginning of the year. Secondly, it is desirable for Rabbits to remember hygiene all the time. No, at home there will be no problems with this. But in other places - cafes, hotels, etc. - they can pick up some problem like herpes (or something worse) easily.

But most Rabbits are not threatened with stress in 2018. They will have enough psycho-emotional resources to endure situations with a smile in which others give up, and behave correctly and restrainedly when the rest would only be able to cry and complain. But, be that as it may, and regardless of the circumstances, all Rabbits should strive for just such a way of behavior.

Money (more precisely, their lack) can become a source of certain problems for Rabbits. For some reason, the mistress of the year will show neglect to this - very important - side of their life. So you can’t count on the fact that the Dog will allow the Rabbits to become millionaires without exception. However, those of them who manage to stay within the framework of a prudent attitude to finance will live 2018 quite well. The Rabbits will basically have enough funds for what they need.


Those Rabbits who are fundamentally attached to their work should refrain from attempting serious reforms. But, by the way, this cannot be considered a panacea for possible difficulties for them. For example, in the first half of the year, many of them will have to go through a "grinding in" period with a new boss. And in the second - they will have to defend their right to make decisions and authority.

Some Rabbits in 2018 will be able to feel much freer than before. They will have more opportunities to do what they love. And some people can even make their own hobby a source of income. Or, at least, start making quite realistic plans in this direction.


Married Rabbits will be able to take a big step towards great well-being. They will have the opportunity (and desire) to equip their (and their family's) habitat again and again, making it more comfortable and individual. And, if the efforts of Rabbit women in this sense are sometimes taken as something ordinary and for granted, then many male Rabbits will be able to earn the glory of the unique heads of the family and become the object of envy from completely outside women.

Lonely Rabbits can count on a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Sometimes they will even fight for their attention and favor. However, the Rabbits themselves will not be too happy about this circumstance, because it will be unpleasant for them to raise the question of who is better to have a cup of coffee with in a cafe, and who to let them see you ... And such moments for many Rabbits will cause they would rather have no attention at all than take the attention of many.

In general, Rabbits in 2018 will receive a lot of compliments. Their content can be very different, however, regardless of this, they will be able to perceive praise in their address quite calmly, and therefore objectively and with special pleasure.

Horoscope 2018 for the Dragon

The dog is by no means the best friend of the Dragons. And they do not have to count on the comprehensive and constant help of the Mistress of the Year. True, the Dragons, as they say, are “themselves with a mustache,” so it’s risky to offend or try to oppress these people. But the surprises that 2018 will be full of due to the Dog's inattention to dragon affairs will make the representatives of this sign grumble and get angry with her. However, those of them who take care of planning their affairs and projects and in any situation will be attentive to trifles and nuances will be able to minimize the “pendulum” effect for themselves (consisting in the fact that circumstances will make you swing from side to side, again and again going back to the starting point).


2018 may be remembered by Dragons as a traumatic period. They should be especially careful in summer and in the first half of autumn. However, those of them who will behave carefully and control their behavior (in particular, this applies to alcohol consumption) may not particularly worry about this.

In autumn, Dragons may experience a stress syndrome. But they should not look for its cause outside, because it will “hide” exclusively in them. And it will consist in the fact that the Dragons will become unnecessarily close to the heart to take conflict and other unpleasant situations, which in fact will be of a momentary and passing nature.


In 2018, Dragons for the most part will spend a lot. And these expenses will not always be rational. Pleasures will occupy the minds of the Dragons quite often, and this cannot but affect their financial condition. And since the Dog will definitely not like this, it is likely that in the second half of the year they will be stranded every now and then. This Mistress of the year will thus try to make it clear to the Dragons that they are absolutely wrong, allowing themselves systematic waste.

But before that - in the spring - the Dog can start giving them money for no reason at all. Probably, in this way, the Mistress will try to push the Dragons to the idea that the time has come to make a big purchase or make an investment. Therefore, the money that will come to you during this period (unless, of course, we are talking about significant amounts for them), Dragons should not spend, but save. And for what - it's better for them to know.


The professional sphere is that side of the life of Dragons, talking about which, they should immediately recall the recommendation regarding planning (see above). The fact is that here the errors will have highest value for their future.

Another important point is the following. Any undertaking, the implementation of which the Dragons will begin, must be implemented consistently and steadily. Negligence and attempts to let the development of events take its course will invariably lead not only to a return to “zero”, but also to a rollback to “minus”.

Of course, you won’t be able to foresee everything, however, at least following the established routine and striving, solving one task, to think over ways to implement the next Dragons in 2018 can and must fulfill. And besides, during this period, the so-called human factor, therefore, it is advisable for them to strive in every possible way to establish and strengthen warm relations with colleagues, partners, and management. And, if the Dragons follow these tips, they will even be able to optimize the time spent on work affairs, finding that very notorious “hour” for “fun”, that is, for solving everyday problems, communicating with loved ones, leisure, etc.


Dragons, bound by marriage, in 2018 will be able to harmonize their home life. Moreover, the more such "experience" each individual Dragon has, the more large-scale - and positive - will be the changes that will happen to him.

Lonely Dragons during this period of time may face excessive guardianship from the environment. Someone, perhaps, will take up the arrangement of their personal life too zealously, in other cases, undisguised curiosity disguised as interest will cause trouble ... Dragons definitely should not put up with him and, moreover, encourage such manifestations, because they don’t will not only be of no use, but of interest too. From here, another important point will follow: many Dragons, still in search, will give themselves the freedom to start one-day novels in order to have fun and avoid any obligations and restrictions. However, there are bound to be exceptions in this case. They will be Dragons, who will prefer the search for a serious relationship to frivolity and will be able to find a compromise between themselves and the environment, as well as duties and pleasures.

Horoscope 2018 for the Snake

The snake makes people born under this sign active and proactive. The dog may not always agree with this, however, it will not interfere with the Snakes. And in many cases, the Mistress will also become a completely benevolent assistant to them. And therefore, in 2018, many of them will be able to calmly complete what they started earlier (if they themselves want to). And besides, it is during this period that they will have a chance to start something new, which in fact will be very important for their life. And the only thing that the Mistress will require from the Serpents is strict honesty on their part. That is, the more significant the situation or circumstance is for them, the more humanity and decency it is desirable for them to demonstrate and really show.


Snakes will need to put their immune system at the forefront. Taking care of its strengthening will definitely pay off, there is no doubt. And in this case, even seasonal respiratory infections will bypass these people.

Another significant point of the Serpents' efforts to take care of their health should be their nervous system. Emotional well-being will often make them feel uncomfortable, leading to sudden mood swings, increased fatigue and knocking them out of the normal rhythm of life. But such problems can be avoided, or at least minimized, if there is less "taking the heavy in the hands and the bad in the head." Plus, you can not deny yourself privacy when you feel the need for it.


The income of the Serpents in 2018 will be quite enough for them to live it calmly without fear of want. Maybe money won't rain down on them like a shower of gold. However, the financial situation of many of them will significantly improve compared to previous years.

First of all, Snakes who run their own business or occupy leadership positions in large projects can count on good prospects. If they are not afraid of creativity in their approaches to solving work problems, then this will definitely affect (positively) the profit of the organization as a whole and their own earnings.

On the other hand, Snakes should not allow themselves unjustified extravagance, because whatever the financial resource available to them, it is running out. And therefore, it is highly desirable for them to make feasible savings in 2018; in the future they will definitely not regret it.


Surprising as it may seem, but in 2018 the Snakes may benefit from conflicts with the leadership. Pay attention, because this is important: not with colleagues or partners, but with management. But such a prediction should not create a false feeling among the Snakes that they should look for quarrels with their superiors. It's just that many of them will find themselves (and maybe even more than once) in a situation where the "big boss" will try to counteract an undertaking that they themselves will seem unambiguously promising. Moreover, such moments are especially likely in the first months of the year. And then it makes sense for the Serpents to insist on their own at any cost. Moreover, in such circumstances, one of their colleagues will often be on their side.


Married and married Snakes are at risk of entering a period of "turbulence". Sometimes it will be friction with their halves, although more often the Snakes still have to sort things out with their relatives (mainly with the older generation). However, nothing critical will happen in this regard, because the Dog will prudently extinguish conflicts and help the Snakes find compromises and other ways to peace.

There are very big chances to arrange your happiness with single Snake-women. Their charm and femininity will help them in this. But in no case should they count on the sincerity of girlfriends and just female acquaintances. Therefore, no revelations, no attempts to ask for advice, etc. The male Snakes in search of their comrades may not be afraid. But on the part of the representatives of the weaker sex, troubles can also lie in wait for them. They will fight for their attention, they will try to fight them off in order to take revenge on someone ... In general, it should be noted that a lot of passions will rage around the Serpents in 2018.

Another danger that can lie in wait for lonely Snakes on the path of finding a life partner (companion) is persistent attention from married (and married) fans and admirers. This will unbalance the Serpents, they can become irritable and withdraw into themselves. And, as a result, run the risk of losing potential candidates for your heart without gaining anything in return. In addition, those around, not trying to deeply understand the root of the problems, will be taken to gossip about the Snakes as those who are ready to cynically destroy other people's families.

Horoscope 2018 for the Horse

Horses in 2018, on the one hand, will be energetic and proactive, and on the other, self-confident. And, if the first will help them move towards success with leaps and bounds, then the second can lead to annoying mistakes that will make them futilely stagnate and get nervous. In such a situation, one cannot do without the help of the Mistress of the Year ... And the Dog will be ready to meet the Horses halfway, leveling the influence of negative circumstances on them and pushing them in the right direction. True, she will not immediately substitute her “shoulder” for them. At first, he will look with surprise at the throwing and ambitions of the Horses, and a little later, having got used to their gushing energies and ideas, he will be imbued with wise understanding and positive attitude towards the representatives of this sign.


An important topic for Horses in 2018 will be the care of immunity. To solve this problem, they must try to get a vacation in the warm season without fail. One artificial vitamin complexes can not cope here. And, frankly, they will not be of any use to the Horses at all. But visiting ecologically clean places, systematic use natural products, rich in vitamins and minerals - that's it.

Horses will have to pay great attention to their psychological state. The rich emotional life that they will - willingly or unwittingly - lead, will inevitably begin to lead them to problems. For some, this will happen earlier, for others later, but there is one recipe for preventing such difficulties with well-being for all Horses. It consists of the following: Horses must learn to look for joy in simple things. It’s definitely not worth it to have an extraordinary and expensive vacation, because the “price and quality” in this case will clearly not be in favor of the second. But a leisurely walk or reading a good book will definitely help them.


In 2018, many Horses will be faced with the fact that their income, although it will be enough to meet basic needs, however, will not be enough to realize what they consider desirable for themselves. The realization of this state of affairs will not be the easiest, but since the period of time during which it will continue will not become too long, the Horses, perhaps, will be able to go through it without critical consequences for themselves, having found an acceptable solution.

Those Horses who are going to make some kind of major purchase must first collect as much information as possible about the object of purchase, and if the opportunity presents itself, then also consult with competent people. Such a caveat is due to the fact that this "object" may potentially not meet your expectations.

In the spring, a period of great financial luck will come for the Horses. It will be extended to the implementation of original ideas. Of course, Horses should not invest recklessly and just because their idea is unusual. It is imperative to think over your idea and comprehensively. But the individuality of the project significantly increases the chances of success.


In 2018, the Horses should pacify their pride and try to see in the people with whom they work, first the advantages and only then - out of necessity - the shortcomings. And they will have many opportunities to make sure that the shell and content of a person often differ significantly from each other. And, basically, it will turn out to be a positive experience for the Horses. Moreover, it is with such people that they will often be able to move forward on the career ladder.

As for career trends, it is not possible to clearly identify them, because in the professional field, Horses will alternately face ups and downs. The reason is a personal perception of the circumstances, which will not always be logical and appropriate to the situation. Hence the loss of good opportunities, rollbacks, and so on. And those Horses who try to look for the "hand" of the Mistress of the Year in this will be wrong; the only thing that can be imputed to her as “guilt” is that her logic differs from their logic.


Horses that have already started a family in 2018 may face the challenge of testing them for an understanding of true values. A lot of temptations will await them and, as a result, the risks of breaking up relations. This is undoubtedly dangerous, because their relationship is real and promising, and the temptations are empty and momentary. And therefore, attention, care and romance in relation to their partners on the part of the Horses will by no means be superfluous.

On the other hand, Horses can, during this period of their life, come to the conclusion that the people with whom life has brought them together are not their destiny. Well ... if this is true, then they can safely break off such an alliance, because the Dog will definitely help them find their soul mate.

Lonely Horses will certainly get the opportunity to make a new interesting acquaintance. But a prerequisite for this is the presence of their own initiative. They must demonstrate to the Dog that they are really interested in arranging their personal lives, because the Mistress takes such things very seriously. Therefore, Horses must be invariably charming, positively minded, and sociable.

Horoscope 2018 for the Goat (Sheep)

The dog does not consider the Goat ideal. The goat, in her opinion, is not serious enough, not thought out enough ... But she is charming! And, besides, kind and cordial. And the Mistress of the Year definitely likes it. In 2018, the Dog will repeatedly make concessions to the Goats and allow them what many others will be ordered to do. In fact, this will manifest itself in moments of good luck that do not appear from where, in happy cases, in sincere recognition of their successes and talents, etc. At the same time, Goats will only need not to strive to retire for a long time from people and not skimp on the positive.


Seasonal colds can be a problem for many Goats. They will pick them up from almost any random draft. Yes, and complications after them, too, will be quite possible. Therefore, taking care of the immunity of Goats should be considered a priority and begin to pay attention to it from the first days of the year.

However, for too long Koz does not need to be persuaded about this. And in general, in 2018, most of them will treat their health not only carefully, but even suspiciously. And, if in the first half of the year it will be completely unnecessary, then towards the end of the year, increased attention to one's own person to some of the Goats will help to identify a serious disease in advance and prevent its development.


The financial prospects of Goats in 2018 will be just wonderful. Their purchasing power will increase significantly, and this will open up great opportunities for them, some of which will be new to Goats. And this, in turn, will allow them to gain a unique experience for themselves.

At the same time, Goats should not focus too much on satisfying their momentary materialistic ambitions. The fact is that it is in the year of the Dog that they will have very good chances for successful investments in their own business project. And it does not matter whether such a project exists in nature or whether it has not even been thought out yet. If the first is true, then the task of expanding and strengthening it will become relevant, and if the second, then you should try to find a good idea, think it over and take at least the first steps towards the implementation of your project until 2018 is over.

Those Goats who in no way (from the word “generally”) do not see themselves in business should simply continue to calmly go to work and conscientiously fulfill their duties. At the right moment, fate will give them a happy opportunity to strengthen financial well-being. What will it express? Yes, in anything! Someone will receive an unexpectedly vacant profitable position, someone will receive an increase in salary, etc.


In the professional sphere, Goats can count on the presence of like-minded people, good advisers or even patrons next to them. But those of them who decide to simply start using these people as consumers will be extremely wrong. Although ideologically, Goats have an attitude towards them that may be just that. But the latter should in no case feel even the echoes of consumerism on the part of the Goats.

In 2018, luck and success will accompany those Goats who will show the Dog that they are ready to work as much as necessary, and do not put a penny on the comfort of their favorite sofa. True, at first glance, the assistance of the Mistress of the Year may seem insignificant to them, since Koz is unlikely to have a dizzying career take-off. However, after some time they will be convinced that the Mistress simply organized for them a thorough preparatory period for future achievements in the professional field.


The most correct path to personal happiness for Goats in 2018 is to be yourself. Only in this way will they be able to demonstrate maximum charm and charisma and make the desired impression for themselves. This is important for both single and related Goats.

So, in 2018, it is given to Goats to evoke such affection for themselves that partners will be ready for almost everything for them. And they will be allowed to use it. Although, of course, this will need a measure, because, firstly, extremes are bad in themselves, and secondly, it is advisable for Goats not to forget that the power of the Dog in the foreseeable future is limited only this year.

For Lonely Goats, the year of the Dog promises an unprecedented breadth of choice of contenders for their hearts. Moreover, among them there are very worthy candidates who can make them truly happy.

Among other things, in 2018, Goats will often need their loved ones. And it is desirable for them to find an opportunity to provide their family and other dear people with all possible help and support. This will be especially required for the older generation, although a loved one is also unlikely to be able to do without them. Goats, for their part, must learn one important thing: everything they have done during this period will be an invaluable reserve for the future, which they will be able to dispose of again and again.

Monkey Horoscope 2018

The goals that most of the Monkeys set for themselves on the eve of the beginning of the year of the Dog may not be understood by its Mistress. And this will be connected primarily with the fact that they will be based on principles that are incompatible with the principles of the Dog. The monkeys should think carefully about this and remember that excessive vanity, the desire for universal recognition and other similar things in 2018 should be hidden in the farthest “chest” of your desires, and even better, completely forgotten. And in order to make the Mistress more loyal to themselves, the Monkeys must try to do all the things that they have to undertake, do from the heart, and direct their thoughts in the direction of positive sincerity.


Health will not cause Monkeys much trouble. They will bypass many of the problems that representatives of other signs of the eastern astrological pantheon will face. Some of them will even be able to improve their well-being by getting rid of some problem that bothered their body before. True, for this they will have to spend some time in a specialized institution. Scary name, right? But in fact, we are talking about a special sanatorium or a corresponding medical resort. And this means that it is optimal for Monkeys to spend their vacation (no matter how long it lasts - a week or a month) in such a place, and not just with a book on the couch or bending over the country beds.

Perhaps the only thing that can pose a serious problem for Monkeys is injury risk. Its most likely sources are electricity, cutting and piercing objects, and high temperatures.


In the material well-being of the Monkeys, there will be a positive trend. It is not a fact that it will be very tangible, however, the very fact of its presence will be, as they say, obvious. And, in any case, almost none of the Monkeys will worsen their financial positions.

Representatives of this sign, employed in the public sector or as ordinary employees in private companies, are waiting for exactly the forecast given above. But Monkeys running their own business can from time to time find themselves in situations that require risky decisions. And, if in the first half of the year it would be desirable for them to try to avoid risks, then in the second they (the risks) will be more justified and will allow the Monkeys to increase their earnings. But neither in case of failures, nor after success, they should not scream about it right and left, devoting everyone around them to their affairs. And the point here is not only that it will not look very nice from the outside, but also that in their environment there will almost certainly be someone who wants to spoil their financial holiday of life (or, in case of failure, to rejoice rubbing hands).


In career matters, it is advisable for Monkeys to strive all the time to demonstrate their competence and a high level of professional skills. It will be very wrong if, once having shown that they are doing their job, the Monkeys decide that they can rest easy on their laurels. In this case, they will definitely find themselves in a situation that will demonstrate the accident of their professional success or dishonesty. The dog will try to arrange such a trick for them to show that she does not like laziness, a superficial attitude to her duties and cunning.

Monkeys related to creative activity can count on the most comfortable conditions in 2018. The Dog will appreciate their efforts and spiritual impulses quite highly and will help them acquire a more stable and authoritative position in society.


Monkeys in 2018 should not live for show. They should not brag about a beautiful wife (or a sexy husband), their own virtues, defiantly show or receive signs of attention. They need, on the contrary, to try to keep intimate moments hidden from prying eyes, and deeds speak of modesty and seriousness of intentions. And then the Dog will certainly help to ensure that the aspirations of the Monkeys to arrange their personal happiness will certainly come true.

Lonely Monkeys are waiting for great passions. Many of them will meet a person for whom they will burn with great passion. It is almost impossible to predict the outcome of this feeling, because it can develop into both great love and no less disappointment. In order to increase the likelihood of the first option, the Monkeys will need to remember all the time which Mistress of the year they are dealing with and how they should behave in order to make her take their side.

Horoscope 2018 for Rooster

The dog does not favor the Roosters so much to become their faithful assistant. And this means that they will have to – volens nolens, as they say – solve their problems on their own. However, at the same time, it is desirable for Roosters to be able to strike a balance between the need to express themselves and modesty, between impulsiveness and a willingness to stay in the background. In a word, prudence, a positive attitude and patience - this is the formula for their success in the year of the Dog.


In 2018, Roosters do not need to be afraid of external sources of problems for their health. Infections and viruses will mostly bypass them. But their own unconsciousness and the desire to endlessly indulge their weaknesses can play a cruel joke with them. Alcohol, lack of sleep, improper diet - this is what risks crippling the body of Roosters, depleting their resources.

Emotionally, the year of the Dog will be quite prosperous for the Roosters. Of course, some of them may try to completely refute this prediction by focusing on problems and engaging in self-blame. However, most Roosters will reasonably try to prevent this from happening; and for them, 2018 will be a rather positive time, albeit not the most successful.


Money issues can cause some problems for the Roosters. But they will be of a special kind. The fact is that the “strain” of the representatives of this sign will not be so much a lack of funds, but a feeling that their affairs are worse than others. Some people even come up with a certain financial ideal for themselves and will strive to achieve it with zeal. Moreover, Petukhov will not care much how realistic the tasks they set for themselves. Their activity in this regard will be great, and purposefulness can simply be envied. And, if for the majority of representatives of this sign the dreams of millions will remain dreams, then a few will still manage to achieve some success. And, by the way, they will mostly be women, because in the year of the Dog, female charm will be of great help to them and will allow them to overcome obstacles where it will be unbearable for men.

In general, Roosters can live 2018 without much financial success, however, without loss. The main condition to avoid misunderstandings is honest conduct of business and respect for the financial goals and concerns of those with whom life will bring them.


In the professional sphere, it is advisable for Roosters not to make sudden movements. It is better to hide ambitions in a distant "chest" and diligently engage in ordinary affairs. The desire of the Roosters to prove themselves at best can go unnoticed, and at worst it will work against them. But they should not see this as a problem. It would be much more correct to set yourself up for the fact that in addition to a career, there are other joys in life. And, by the way, 2018 can really become a landmark if the Roosters do not put the professional sphere at the forefront.

This period of life will be the most productive for those of them who lead some kind of social activity. These people will be able to significantly expand the circle of their contacts, and it is important that it will become better not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. For example, among new acquaintances there may be some rather well-known person in certain circles.


In the personal life of the Roosters in 2018, unpleasant surprises are unlikely. Married and married Roosters will continue to perform their duties, take care of their vital concerns, etc. And their authority will not only not be shaken, but will be strengthened. Although the point here is not so much in authority, but in the measure of harmony surrounding their union. And the harmony of relations between family Roosters will become more subtle and meaningful.

Lonely Roosters will get an excellent chance to find their soul mate. And very little will be required of them. And what will be needed is quite organic and natural for any Rooster. This is the need to be in public as often as possible, as well as to reconsider your attitude to leisure, which should be as cultural and interesting as possible. Why is that? But because in 2018 the Roosters are very likely to meet their own fate not while performing work duties or solving some problems, but in the process of having a good time for themselves. Or they will meet with "their" person on the basis of common pleasant interests.

Horoscope 2018 for the Dog

The dog is not its own enemy. And even on a subconscious level, it will not cause big problems for itself. 2018 will be marked for the representatives of this sign with great luck and significant potential for success. Of course, this does not mean that the coming 365 days under the "rule" of the Dog will be absolutely cloudless for them. However, both resources and ways to overcome obstacles will be found for any situation. The main thing is to have a desire to see and use them.


Health can take more attention from Dogs than before. Although not constantly, but from time to time the state of the body will make them stop and think: are they living the right way, and should they take more care of themselves? And these are the right questions, because in the fall, the poor health of the Dogs can become critical. And this means that they must definitely find opportunities for a normal vacation, during which they should go to a good resort or to another place where they can break away from everyday worries and be out of reach of superiors and, in general, those who for some reason cannot do without dogs. The ideal time for a vacation is, of course, summer. And not only because it's warm and all that, but also because summer is the middle of the year, from which it is not far to a potentially problematic autumn.

Weak "links" in the health of Dogs are allergic reactions and seasonal colds. In addition, they should be afraid of fractures and burns.


Financial matters should not play first fiddle in the life of Dogs. The need will not touch them, the rationalism of the representatives of this sign will not go anywhere even in their own year, so they will be able to afford to turn their time and efforts to more worthy and interesting concerns.

Business dogs are encouraged to invest in their projects in 2018. The time for their development will be the most favorable and it will be simply unreasonable not to invest in your own future. Caution should be observed only when drawing up and signing documents, and only in the spring.

Unexpectedly, Dogs can have a one-time but impressive source of money. It's like winning the lottery or something like that. It will happen (if it happens) in one of the last months of the year. Therefore, when the Dogs will have the opportunity to participate in some drawings or competitions, then they should not refuse.


Dogs in 2018 will have a lot of envious people. Moreover, some of them will try to harm them clearly and persistently. It is definitely not necessary to give in to the Dogs in such circumstances. On such actions, they must certainly find opposition. And, since justice in this case will be on their side, their ill-wishers will definitely get what they deserve, and even regret that they were so short-sighted and unfriendly. But the "response" from the Dogs should not be overly harsh, even if someone deserves it. It should be akin to a defensive reaction, when the opponent is kept at arm's length, not allowing him to be too close to dangerous for himself, but also without doing anything that could knock him out.

Male dogs will be able to improve their social status. Maybe this will happen in connection with a career increase, however, it is also possible that this can be achieved at the current place of work (or another, but similar in significance). True, this is unlikely to bring them any significant tangible dividends (at least in 2018). But it will still be nice.


Most single Dogs are in for a lot of love. Moreover, many of the female Dogs will be surrounded by several fans at once for almost the whole year, seriously claiming their heart.

It is desirable for married Dog-ladies in 2018 to be able to combine charm and domesticity at the same time. In this case, their relationship with spouses will be strengthened and become more harmonious. True, here it is necessary to mention a possible pitfall. And it will consist in this. Female Dogs will often have to hear praises addressed to them and reasoning that, they say, how unspeakably lucky their husbands are, etc. In no case should they engage in such conversations, because this can subsequently ruin their marriage. After all, the Mistress of the Year does not accept dishonesty, and therefore a situation may arise when a snake bites its own tail, inflicting a mortal wound on itself.

Male dogs will generally live 2018 calmly, having learned from it a lot of positive - although, perhaps, not the brightest - impressions and useful conclusions. Some of them will set out to improve and improve their life. This will be very good, because it will not be a particular problem for the Dogs to cope with such a task during this period. And it is even desirable for lonely male Dogs to take care of their housing, since the harmonization of their living space for them will also mean the harmonization of their inner world and psychological state. This, in turn, will act like a magnet for the representatives of the opposite sex.

Horoscope 2018 for the Pig (Boar)

For the Pig, the Dog is a perfectly acceptable Mistress of the year. True, in some situations a moment of misunderstanding may arise between them, however, these will be precisely the moments, and these two will be able to resolve them satisfactorily for themselves, without sacrificing anything in particular. In general, 2018 will be calm and even measured for Pigs. From the outside, the mood and way of thinking of the Pigs may not seem positive and optimistic enough, but in fact, they will simply become much less fussy and explode with emotions for every reason.


On health in the year of the Dog, the Pigs are unlikely to have reason to complain. It will take them very little to feel satisfactory, or at least so that well-being does not prevent them from doing their own business, worries and enjoying life. More to be in the air, moving on foot, do not overeat, do not forget about natural minerals and vitamins, which are always in abundance in vegetables and fruits - these are, perhaps, all the recommendations that Pigs should follow during this period.

The only potentially problematic point is seasonal viral infections. They can occur against the background of overwork and, accordingly, the general weakness of the body. Therefore, Pigs should not step on their throats, spending more time at work than common sense requires.


The financial situation of Pigs in 2018 will be stable and average. Dynamics, as well as regression, this side of their lives will not be subjected. Is this good or bad? The first is true rather than the second, because, despite the fact that Pigs do not become millionaires, they are not in danger of need either. In such a situation, it is best for them to set themselves up to be grateful to fate for the fact that their position is far from the worst option that many other people face. And dreams of untold riches should be hidden in a distant "chest" of your memory.

However, of course, we are not talking about gray everyday life and the need to save money for all 365 days. For example, in the spring, some profit may suddenly arise (budget replenishment, etc.) And the Pigs can fully spend this money on what seems most relevant to them at that time: a major purchase, an investment in a business, or something else.


In 2018, Pigs should not take on any large-scale projects. What was started earlier, of course, is nowhere to be done. And even then, you need to try, if possible, to minimize the scope of activities. As for new beginnings, it is better to refuse them.

In the year of the Dog, it would be very right for Pigs to improve (or expand) their qualifications. Gaining experience, building up your own knowledge base at this time is ideal. Therefore, when the opportunity arises to attend a course of seminars (training, etc.), which could be useful or even simply interesting, it is a must.


Pigs in the year of the Dog will become much more sedate. They will no longer need to prove their worth as lovers, romantics or in other similar roles. Their attention will cease to be scattered on many objects. All this applies, of course, primarily to Pigs-men. Well, in women, sedateness will manifest itself in the fact that they will begin to take a more thorough approach to their appearance, more meaningful to fill leisure time.

Many of the Pigs will become for someone an authority in everyday matters and in problems related to the arrangement of personal happiness. It is difficult to say how interesting and relevant this will be for the representatives of this sign, however, they will be able to give really worthwhile advice and tips.

Single Pigs will get a good chance to meet "their" person. And if (and when) this happens, it is advisable for them not to rush things and not try to get all the joys from the presence of a partner in their life right away, but to allow the relationship to develop naturally and gradually.

Married and married Pigs will receive many opportunities from the Dog to make their family life a true role model. They just need to ignore it.

Incredible Facts

The characteristic word of the current year is action. This Year of the Dog began on February 16 and will end on February 4, 2019. So, we tell you what the second half of 2018 will be like.

In the Chinese horoscope, the dog is located in 11th place, and its next years are 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 2006, 2018. The year of the dog is usually good, but very exhausting. We are both happy and devastated, fed up and cheerful, tired and contented.

Chinese horoscope 2018

The current year of the Yellow Earth Dog is ruled by the number 9, which promises prosperity to people, regardless of their zodiac sign.

The financial potential that the nine creates is concentrated in new opportunities for one's business, creating an excellent reputation, increasing the amount of money, and also in a high social status. For these reasons, people should enjoy life and succeed. Moreover, the whole current year is conducive to marriage.

This year, we should all forget about what delay, negligence and over-planning are. The year is conducive to new beginnings, however, too much activity will increase the stress and pressure that accompany us daily.

For those born in the year of the dog, the current year is excellent in terms of finances, but difficult in terms of health. All dogs should pay maximum attention to their health this year: healthy nutrition, sports and getting rid of all bad habits.

Love Chinese horoscope 2018


In the second half of 2018, a few surprises await the rat on the personal front. Much will change, but exactly in the direction in which the rat needs it.


The Ox is a faithful and devoted creature that needs the same reliable partner. But, unfortunately, this year the forecasts are disappointing.


Regardless of whether the Tiger is in a relationship or not, his love life is quite eventful in 2018, the stars patronize him.


The rabbit cannot boast of serious success in his personal life. Even if he starts some kind of relationship, but their service life will be short-lived.

The Dragon

The dragon has every chance of getting into a real love story (if it hasn't already). The dragon, together with his chosen one, will achieve harmony, the chances for the further development of these relations are incredibly high.


The snake is very afraid unrequited love, so now she will act very carefully. At the moment, she has no interest in starting a new relationship, and therefore she will not see success.


The horse should be as careful as possible, otherwise he may lose his current partner, or face serious difficulties when trying to start a new relationship.


The attitude of this animal to the love side of life at the moment is practically indifferent. In most cases, stress at work is to blame.


In 2018, and especially in its second half, monkeys have every chance to build successful relationships. If the monkey is already married, then love for his soul mate will only get stronger. A man born this year should be more careful not to succumb to a dangerous and unnecessary temptation.


The current year of the rooster is full of passion. The rooster is in love and is going through interesting love stories. But still, even despite such a good year for the rooster in terms of love, he still needs to be more careful.


On the love front, dogs have a change. Married dogs should stop even looking to the left so as not to lose their marriage. Even if the dog suddenly falls in love somewhere on the side, these feelings will pass as quickly as they appeared.


This animal should not worry about the love side of life. The pig has every chance to find its love. And the current relationship has every chance of ending in the registry office.

Financial Chinese Horoscope 2018


For a rat, this year is quite difficult financially, especially at the beginning of the year. The rat should be as careful as possible, show maturity and take responsibility in money matters. The second half of the year will be accompanied by some increase in income, but this can only be due to dedication to work.


The current financial year for the bull promises to be successful, and its second half especially. But this is all natural, because it is the result of long and hard work. Do not allow anything or anyone to distract you, follow the intended plan without deviation.

Thanks to your perseverance, you will be able to receive not only a well-deserved reward, but also serious cash bonuses.


The Tiger should be on the lookout when it comes to their habit of constantly spending and thinking twice before buying something. The Tiger is ambitious and hardworking, he will do his best to earn more money. But he should learn to be more economical.


The Rabbit will work very actively during this period, because he wants to realize all his needs and desires. The rabbit should refrain from spending, because he risks being left with nothing, especially towards the end of the year.

The Dragon

The dragon is fighting for social position, but not for money. But in reality it implies the presence of both aspects. The Dragon is self-confident, this will bring him success, because he attracts unique chances and opportunities. However, it is important to stop in time so as not to be left without anything.


In the second half of the year, the snake will finally be able to enjoy the results of the work done. The results will be both moral and material. The snake must learn to adapt to different situations, and always be ready, because surprises lie in wait for them.


For a horse, the current year is good for investment. Try to keep the budget under control, and spend money on development. Otherwise, a shopping list will help you.


There are many opportunities for the goat to fill his pockets, he must not miss the chance. The goat will probably decide to save money instead of spending it.


A person born in the year of the monkey will have a lot of money, it is important for him to learn how to manage it efficiently. There may be some unexpected acquisitions, however, this does not mean at all that a hole needs to be made in the budget. Just keep working efficiently and with pleasure, and income will surely recover.


The rooster should learn to adapt to different situations, and also not worry about the possible deterioration of their financial situation. Financial diversity is an incredibly important aspect. The current year will give the rooster many opportunities.


The dog has been very successful financially this year. She will develop in the profession, which will eventually bring her more money. She will be able to afford almost anything she wants, and when it comes to impulsive spending, the dog will be wise.


Born in the year of the pig, in order to become successful in the profession, they will make a large number of compromises. Many obstacles await them along the way, but they will definitely succeed if they do not give up. There will be a lot of money in the account, but there will be as many responsibilities as there are rewards.

Chinese health horoscope 2018

The Dragon

The dragon is in excellent health this year. Despite the fact that there is a lot of work, the schedule is very busy, and there are much more business trips, as well as additional working hours, the dragon does not forget to take care of his beloved. The only thing that can affect a dragon is stress.


In the second half of this year, the snake will feel great. Given that people close to her are facing health problems, she is more actively engaged in her own.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Yellow or Golden color in the East is associated with power and prosperity, with wisdom and constancy, with glory, success and stability. And that is why the clothes of this color were worn by all the nobility of China.

The element of this year is Earth, a symbol of fertility and motherhood. And also she personifies reliability, stability and self-confidence, she is sincere, devoted and kind. The element of Earth is associated with laws and traditions.

The totem of the year - the Dog - is a devoted and faithful creature, which, however, can also use its fangs if it is treated inappropriately.

This year, everyone is waiting for a lot of meetings and acquaintances. The dog loves to introduce new characters, especially when we are talking about friendships or romantic relationships.

The dog loves his home and the family in which he lives. With all her might, she will resist and show her fangs to those who want to destroy the quiet family happiness of their family or someone else.

The forecast of astrologers for 2018 is quite optimistic. They argue that a wise and balanced dog, immediately after his arrival, on February 16, will begin to restore order on our planet.

She will be able to convince politicians to solve all problems only at the negotiating table. The developed intuition of the Dog will allow them to find mutually beneficial solutions to contentious issues. Hardworking and demanding, she will not let anyone stay away.

Military conflicts will gradually come to naught, and people in trouble can count on help. A faithful friend and conscientious partner, Dog, will help them find the right way out of a difficult situation.

The Dog will not tolerate dishonest and aggressive persons in power. She advises not to pursue wealth and luxury, but to cherish what you have. But if you are driven by exceptionally good goals, then you will definitely achieve them this year. The main thing is to be sincere and compliant, tolerant and fair, not to get involved in conflicts, not to step on the heads and not to betray loved ones.

All this is very encouraging and gives hope. I really want to believe it. Well, let's wait and see!

And now let's return from the world of politics to our daily affairs.

Horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac

How to Appease a Yellow Earth Dog

The dog is friendly and honest, and it expects the same from us. Try to settle all disputes by the world before the New Year. Return all debts. Forgive all wrongs. Reconcile with everyone with whom you quarreled. Say a few kind words to those with whom you have not communicated for a long time.

If you have deceived someone, perhaps not even on purpose, find the courage to admit the deception and obey. Then the whole year will pass for you under the motto: “Only forward and upward!”

Although the New Year according to the Eastern calendar comes later than ours, we all want to know how to spend New Year's Eve, how to decorate the house, what to cook and what to wear for each family member.

As for New Year's Eve 2018, here, too, one must build on the addictions of the Dog. She loves to eat delicious food, have fun running and jumping.

But I want to immediately warn lovers of noisy feasts and celebrations in various restaurants, cafes or clubs that the Dog loves a homely atmosphere. Therefore, on New Year's Eve 2018, it is better to stay at home or go to visit relatives or old friends with whom you are pleased to communicate.

How to decorate an apartment in the year of the Dog

The apartment should be decorated in yellow, brown, beige, olive tones. But the traditional New Year's colors - white and red - will also be appropriate. The decor must contain items with the symbol of the year.

Ideal if you serve the table with white plates with a gold border.

What to cook on New Year's Eve 2018

The dog is quite unpretentious in food, so you should not bother with gourmet dishes or buy expensive delicacies. Everything should be simple. The main thing is that there should be enough meat dishes and sausages on the festive table. But it is better not to serve chicken and fish separately, but to make appetizers and salads out of them. Make a New Year's menu according to your preferences. But don't forget dessert and fruit. It will be great if you can bake cookies in the form of dog figurines.

The festive atmosphere is of particular importance. It should be warm, friendly, without excessive drinking or worse. Songs, dances, games are only welcome. But for brawls and fights that night, the Dog will subsequently bite you painfully.

What to wear on New Year's Eve 2018

The dog does not like luxury and defiant outfits. In clothes, you must adhere to the classic style with soft lines. Leave a mini, deep neckline for another holiday.

Diamonds are also better not to wear. The exception is family jewels passed down from generation to generation.

It would be appropriate to decorate your New Year's outfit with fur.

As for the color variations of clothes, they should be pastel, not flashy, with the exception of bright accessories. The main colors of this year are yellow (gold), brown and green, of course, with all their shades. But the democratic Dog will not be upset at all if your New Year's toilet is made up of your preferred colors.

Be sure to prepare gifts for relatives, friends and especially children, because the dog loves them so much! But keep in mind that this year you can not give chains and beads. Even from precious metals and stones. Items with the image of cats and soft toys of kittens should also not be given. But it is advisable to present items with the image of dogs before or after the New Year.

You can find ideas for New Year's gifts in the article.

Totems of the years according to the horoscope

Horoscope for 2018 for those born in the year of the Dog

A friendly and devoted Dog does not abandon his own, so a truly finest hour is coming for you. Throughout the year you will be unspeakably lucky. Whether it's a big lottery win or career advancement. Any of your undertakings, made with the right calculation, will be doomed to success. But only on the condition that your heart and soul will not be burdened with malice, envy or betrayal.

People born in the year of the Dog are distinguished by good health and lack of chronic diseases. However, during seasonal epidemics, do not forget to support your body with vitamins and walks in the fresh air in a sparsely populated place.

Astrologers warn that this year there is a great danger of getting quite serious burns from open fire or from the sun. The consequences of such a nuisance will be very serious. Be careful! And in the summer, use hats, umbrellas or sunscreen.

In winter, the likelihood of a fracture of the limbs is high. Pay attention to this if you are planning a holiday in ski resorts.

In everyday life, everything will be just perfect: you will be surrounded by care and participation, relationships with children will reach a higher level of trust, older relatives will enlighten you into their innermost secrets. If you have a family, then a complete idyll awaits you in it. Small domestic problems will not be able to destroy it.

Single Dogs this year can start a romance that will result in a long relationship.

The bulk of people born this year are workaholics in the best sense of the word. They are respected by their superiors and colleagues for their professionalism and ability to work in a team. This year you can count on a promotion or salary increase. Especially diligent professionals - Dogs may receive a tempting offer.

Entrepreneurs are advised by the stars to strengthen the business and raise it to a higher level to restore old ties.

Successful Dogs do not need to pay attention to various envious people and gossips. They will not bring you any harm, at least in 2018.

Astrologers advise after a busy day to go to the nearest cafe and sit there alone for a while to put your thoughts in order.

This year, the stars predict financial stability for you. Good financial flows are not excluded. But watch out for the signs of Fate. Even a lottery ticket that accidentally fell into your hands can bring you a good jackpot, especially at the end of the year.

When signing papers in the spring, businessmen - Dogs are advised to be especially careful. There is a high probability of fraud by partners or competitors.

For men - Dogs, the stars predict some kind of incident at the beginning of the year. Good or bad, astrologers do not specify. They only note that everything is very individual. But it is strongly advised to stay close to loved ones, who, in which case, will always lend a shoulder.

WITH family women- Dogs in the spring - summer period, some kind of trouble can also occur that will disturb family peace. But if you show patience, tact and endurance, this event will soon pass, and family ties will only strengthen.

In the middle of the year, creative people will give the world another masterpiece, whether it be an invention, a film, a painting or poetry. Many will even be able to make good money on it.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Rat

In the coming year, you can relax a bit and “go with the flow”, only occasionally looking around. Don't worry, the Dog will take you where and when you need to.

You have done well in the past year. The bosses noticed you, and your colleagues appreciated you. It's time to slow down and relax. Go where you feel comfortable, at least to the village to visit relatives or to a picnic outside the city. Overwork is fraught with diseases in the future.

Astrologers assure that this year a series of conflict situations awaits you, mainly related to women - Rats, who will be their initiators.

In January, do not borrow money from anyone and do not invest in dubious projects. There is a risk of losing not only money, but also a break in family or friendship relations.

Closer to mid-July, your health may fail you. It's all due to fatigue. Urgently take at least a short vacation, otherwise you risk ending up in a hospital bed.

At the end of autumn, some Rats may have an office romance. But beware if you are not free. A faithful and devoted Dog will not tolerate intrigues on the side and will definitely “bite” you noticeably.

This year, you can get rid of old diseases forever with the help of traditional medicine. But try not to buy new ones. To do this, do not overwork and lead a healthy lifestyle. Do not neglect the alarming "calls" from your body and immediately visit a doctor.

The likelihood of diseases in the oral cavity is high. Visit the dentist at the beginning of the year.

During the winter months, be careful with household appliances. Astrologers warn of a high likelihood of injury.

For family Rats, relationships with their halves will develop smoothly. Minor quarrels and minor quarrels will quickly dispel and unite the lovers even more.

For lonely Rats, the stars do not promise violent passions. But love can meet, although the Rat will obviously not perform feats in the name of the beloved. Your sexuality and seductiveness will reach its peak this year, so do not waste time and go ahead - in search of your soulmate!

The new year will be much more prosperous in material terms than the outgoing year. Many Rats will find an additional source of income or receive a pay raise at work. You don't tend to waste money. And many of the Rats save money for a rainy day. Astrologers advise this year to keep your finances in gold - the unspoken symbol of the year.

For men - Rats, a friendly Dog recommends at least temporarily transfer the solution of controversial issues and problems to other people. And you will plunge into a state of peace and tranquility.

Women - Rats will want to change their image and environment. The dog will be happy to help you with this. Your new look will fascinate everyone. A major overhaul in the apartment or even a move will also end in complete success.

For women - Rats, the stars are advised to listen more carefully to their inner state, because the symptoms of depression and melancholy are not so pronounced in you. And they are very dangerous for you. Such conditions may appear in late autumn. In this case, try to retire while watching your favorite movie with a glass of your favorite wine. If this does not help, see a doctor.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Ox

With the advent of the New Year, the Ox will begin difficulties in all areas of life. During this period, you need to remember only one thing - everything ends sooner or later. This difficult time will also come to an end. You just have to wait a bit and be patient.

This will especially affect the Bulls - the leaders to whom the previous totem - the Rooster allowed too much. The Dog, on the other hand, will consider that justice should be restored and will try to pacify the proud disposition of the Bull. She will give you several surprises throughout the year, because she wants you to understand that not everything in this life is measured by money - and rethink your values.

Accustomed to financial stability, your other half will express certain claims, which can lead to cardinal disagreements and conflicts. If you do not want a breakup, then you need to be patient and clearly explain that everything will get better with time.

If you have the inherent honesty and openness of the Bulls, then the Dog will definitely appreciate it. Your hard work, backed up by natural endurance will soon help you take a leading position. And your ability to systematically and competently build relationships in a team will allow you to establish warm relations with colleagues. And you can always count on them in difficult times.

In this difficult time, the Ox will finally know the limit of his abilities. But a few business trips to other cities and countries will help you recover a little. Breaking away from the usual environment, try to slowly think everything over, comprehend and digest. Astrologers assure that after such reflections you will regain peace of mind, inner peace and harmony.

Your passion or hobby can help you find the right solution to get out of the difficult situation created at the beginning of the year. The stars advise you to completely immerse yourself in this activity for a while in order to clear your head and soberly assess your position.

Several times in 2018, you will be able to get money literally out of thin air. But they won't last long. Energetic Bulls, this will only push them to work harder, as a result of which they will certainly achieve financial stability.

Despite this, it will hardly be possible to make savings in the new year. The exception is December, when you finally have free money out of nowhere. But the stars ask you to think, maybe it's worth spending this money on good New Year's gifts for loved ones?

In May, you are advised to take a vacation and go on vacation with the whole family or, if you are not married, with a pleasant person or a group of friends. Communication with loved ones will help you relax and gain strength. By returning to work at the beginning of the summer, you will be able to overcome all the troubles that fell on you at the beginning of the year.

The best time to invest and sign important contracts, as astrologers tell you, is spring and summer. At the beginning of the year, be especially careful with this. There is a high probability of dishonest actions on the part of partners.

As a rule, Bulls have good health. Don't forget to support him this year as well. Due to hard work, you often miss the required meals. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Pay special attention to your diet. And also, astrologers advise, try to get enough sleep at night. At the first sign of discomfort, immediately consult a doctor. You have no time to get sick this year!

The beginning of the year will bring problems to the romantic component of your life. They may come from where you least expect them. Even distant relatives can be the reason for this. In such a situation, the stars strongly recommend that you subdue your pride and give in. And then this black streak will disappear from your life as suddenly as it appeared.

Despite all your busyness, the stars advise you to spend more time with children and elderly relatives this year. Communicating with them throughout the year will charge you with positive energy to achieve your goals. Home gatherings in a warm family atmosphere with the closest relatives will fully be a certain relaxation for you.

Lone Bulls will be plunged into a maelstrom of romantic encounters, flirtingcomrades and fiery feelings, especially in the second half of the year. And if you have already looked after someone for a long time, then in mid-January you will be able to pick up the cherished words and, finally, explain yourself to the object of your passion. The dog gives 90% that you will be reciprocated. She loves weddings very much, so the marriage concluded in 2018 will be strong and happy. And the children conceived this year will be born healthy.

For working women - Bulls, astrologers recommend checking business papers more carefully in the spring. And in the summer, do not pay attention to gossip and the increased attention of envious people. By August, everything will be forgotten, so do not be nervous about trifles and do not be distracted by them.

So, Bulls, go ahead! Hold out with dignity for the first half of the year, and in the summer everything will gradually improve, so the stars have formed for you this year.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Tiger

The Tiger will meet the beginning of the year with a fluffy kitten, calm and peaceful. But closer to spring, this euphoria will gradually begin to pass, and a predatory beast will wake up in you again. Try to direct all your returned power into a professional channel. The sooner you get back to work, the sooner you prove your superiority and strengthen your financial condition.

Undecided Tigers are advised by stars to start their own business in March. But here you can not do without trusted friends. Turn to them for help and support, and your project will simply be doomed to success.

At the same time, you can safely confess your feelings to the opposite sex.

At the end of spring, you will be on such an upswing that good luck in all areas of life and a good mood will not leave you until autumn.

The apogee of this state of your soul will be some fateful event: a global breakthrough in business, a luxurious wedding with a loved one, the birth of a child, or something else.

The obvious sympathy of the Dog for the Tiger will be manifested literally in everything. Even violations of discipline, which the Tiger does not like, will be fraught with only verbal censure.

With the onset of winter, Tigers can become despondent or melancholy. Then even the New Year holidays will not please you. Relatives and close people will help you in the end not to become limp. Offer them a trip out of town. Breathe in the fresh frosty air there, admire the peaceful nature. Take care of your hobby. Or arrange a romantic party with your loved one. And if after that everything is just as gloomy, contact a specialist.

At the beginning of the year, you may be overcome by colds against the background of a general breakdown. But they do not greatly affect the general condition of the body.

In the summer, come to grips with increasing your immunity and rest.

In autumn and early winter, you will again be susceptible to colds, which must be treated, otherwise the development of chronic diseases is very likely.

At the end of the year, food poisoning is highly likely. Check the foods you eat carefully.

Although you are one of the favorites of the hostess of the year, she will give you true love and strong relationships only if you learn to make concessions and get rid of excessive selfishness in dealing with the opposite sex.

Married couples in general are mostly under the auspices of the homely Dog, so everything will be stable in Tiger families. Many couples are expecting a new family this year.

For women - Tigers, astrologers advise to be a little tougher as in the professional field. so in matters of the heart. But don't take on too many responsibilities. Unfinished business will definitely disappoint the Dog, which respects clarity and coherence.

Horoscope for those born in the year of the Cat or Rabbit

In the past year, you have worked hard: your boss appreciates you, and your colleagues respect you. Therefore, you can slow down and relax a little, but not for long. Not entering into rumors and gossip in the workplace, but hiding and waiting, you will soon understand who is friend and who is enemy. Thus, you can develop tactics for further behavior.

Do not get into familiarity with people in a higher position than you. Otherwise, you can forget about career growth for this year. Talk less about your successes and achievements, and listen more. Chatterboxes are not held in high esteem by the Dog. Currying is also not worth it, take on only feasible obligations.

Unemployed Cats should not neglect an interview for a position that you consider below your abilities. It is very likely that after talking with you, the employer will offer even more than what you expect.

From January to March, those representatives of the sign who are associated with trade will obviously be lucky. However, there will be practically no black spots in your business all year long.

In general, in the year of the Dog, Cats who do not even know how to trade should take a closer look at this area of ​​business. You can start small: for sure, you have accumulated a lot of things that you can profitably sell on Avito, on Yulia or on other bulletin boards.

Businessmen with a strong, established business will receive lucrative offers and implement interesting long-term projects that will bring good dividends in the future.

With finances, the Cats will be all right. Recessions are not observed, special jumps, however, too.

In January, you may begin to worry about the digestive system of the body. In this case, you will have to spend a lot of effort and money to eliminate this ailment.

In the summer, problems in the oral cavity are possible. Do not put off a visit to the specialists, and by the fall you will be fine.

Cats whose work involves being outdoors should be protected from drafts and hypothermia. This is especially true of the beautiful representatives of the sign. If you stay outdoors for a long time while working or walking, you can chill the kidneys or female organs.

Pay special attention to personal hygiene when you are away from home, during business trips or travel. For example, carelessness when visiting the toilet in long-distance transport or using stale linen in a hotel can provoke serious illnesses. This year, the stars strongly advise you to always carry disinfectants - antiseptics with you, and use only your own hygiene products when traveling.

Melancholy. stressful conditions and depression this year will bypass you if, as usual, you smile more often and enjoy even simple little things.

In family life, your soul mate will often not take the initiative where you would like. In such cases, you will have to take the initiative in your own hands to spur on your loved one.

Cats who are in a relationship also face the same problem.

Lonely Cats are advised to take a closer look at their surroundings. Romantic relationships can grow out of friendships. When this happens, keep your mouth shut for the time being. Don't tell anyone about your affair.

A tangible take-off will occur in all areas of women's activities - Kotov, especially in the one that you pay more attention to. If you dream of a child, then this year your dream will surely come true.

A good year for those who dream of a slim figure. But only hard work on yourself will help you achieve the desired result. The stars warn you against using “quick weight loss remedies”, against fasting and strict diets. If you start working on yourself with your inherent energy and activity, then the Dog will very quickly pay attention to you and come to the rescue.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Dragon

Since the Dog values ​​\u200b\u200bphysical labor above all else, and most Dragons prefer other ways to achieve financial well-being, one should not count on her help in the monetary sphere. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, the flow of money may even dry up for some time. If this happens, astrologers advise you to roll up your sleeves and give yourself completely to work. Only in this case, the patroness of the year will be able to trust you and reward you in full.

Already in the second half of the year, money can flow to you from all sides. Old debts will return, bonuses received will pleasantly surprise you, big lottery wins, as well as grandiose business successes are not excluded. At the same time, however, there will be large expenses. But they will only bring you satisfaction.

In addition, if you, with your natural perseverance, get down to business from the very first days of the new year, you will soon be able to count on a promotion. In addition, new useful contacts. But in the fall, carefully look around, turn off your friendliness and loyalty for a while: a rather active envious person may appear in your work environment. Take advantage of your natural instinct and try to neutralize it.

The whole year for the Dragons promises to be eventful, both good and not so good. Some kind of trouble may occur in your family, namely, one of its members will deeply upset you with his act, for which he will not have to pay. and you.

Health will not let the Dragons down in the new year, but the cautious Dog warns that extreme rest this year is fraught with very serious injuries for you. Therefore, it is better to choose a quiet, family-friendly one.

The carelessness of the Dragon also does not appeal to the responsible Dog at all, so be extremely careful in everyday life, especially with electrical appliances.

In autumn, those Dragons who often have conflicts in the family, at work, with friends, may be visited by severe depression or a nervous breakdown. To avoid this, take a short vacation and retire to nature, breathe fresh air, put your thoughts in order. If this is not possible, it is better to sign up for a consultation with a professional. Better yet, don't take small troubles to heart at all. By the end of the year, your state of mind will return to normal, and your cheerful and cheerful dragon disposition will return to you again.

But that's not all. In the new year, another difficult test awaits in the romantic sphere of Dragons - an abundance of flirting. For family and already connected people, this does not bode well. The affair will not develop into something more serious, but you can lose your soulmate. Faithful and devoted Dog does not approve of trips "to the left."

In autumn there is a high probability of serious family conflicts and quarrels. You will have to show a lot of patience so as not to bring everything to a divorce.

Lonely Dragons will have to find in the abundance of admirers exactly their person, who will definitely be among them. But when you find him, do not provoke his jealousy, otherwise you will never see him again.

In general, this year will be rich for the Dragons in new meetings and pleasant acquaintances.

Men - Dragons can meet a "friend for life", and not one. But only your sincerity and selflessness can help win new people over to you.

The Dog prepared the same gift for women - Dragons. And what will happen between you - friendship or love - decide for yourself.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Snake

It's not an easy year ahead of you. Within 12 months, the Dog will either fawn on you or bare its fangs. Therefore, one should not expect total luck, grandiose success, or even the fulfillment of a cherished desire. But a fair and decent Dog will appreciate your honesty, pure thoughts, kindness and ethics in dealing with others, and you will be rewarded.

It's up to you how this year goes. In order for the Dog to show you his teeth less often, turn on your natural wisdom more often, stock up on restraint and patience, show responsibility and radiate positive. Uncertainty about the correctness of this or that decision, which will haunt you all this year, should not overshadow your life. It is not difficult to cope with it - listen to the advice of loved ones and do not hesitate for a long time.

At the beginning of the year, the boss may start to give you comments about your professional activities. Do not argue and do not prove your case, but rather correct the accumulated mistakes and plunge into the work with your head. Your nearest colleagues will come to your aid.

Refresher courses or even getting a second higher education will certainly benefit you.

If you do this, then by the summer the manager will think about an increase in your salary or about your promotion. Otherwise, we can talk about dismissal.

For non-working Snakes, the end of winter - the beginning of spring promises a good start to a career. And in winter, carefully check offers for temporary earnings. Some of them can be done by dishonest people.

In the middle of the year, if you are a good boy, the Dog will give you a surprise that will change your life for the better. It will be some kind of secret that has surfaced that will turn your usual way of life upside down.

At the end of the year, many Snakes will be able to realize their dream and go on a free voyage through the expanses of business. Only you need to be patient and learn all the basics and subtleties of the upcoming business.

Some representatives of this sign, until the fall, may have both minor and major financial difficulties. The stars strongly recommend that you never borrow from anyone. This loan will haunt you for a long time. You shouldn’t lend money either, even to close friends, otherwise you risk not seeing money and losing a friend.

Preparing your immunity for the cold season, do not get carried away with taking various kinds of vitamins. Their excess, as well as the shortage, can adversely affect your health.

Minor colds. however, you will be overwhelmed if you do not take preventive measures. Well, if you get sick anyway, along with medicines prescribed by your doctor, take “grandmother's remedies”.

In family relationships, a grandiose conflict awaits you. The dog will test you for strength. If you manage to get out of this situation with honor, you will be generously rewarded by the hostess of 2018. If not, then you will be left alone, so to speak, with nothing.

For snakes in search of love, the Dog will offer several options to choose from. Try not to make a mistake. Choose no longer with your heart, but with your mind. After all, you deserve the best life partner!

In November - December, a loved one will involve many Snakes in an enchanting adventure, during which you will get a lot of impressions and recharge with positive emotions for the coming year.

For women - Snakes, astrologers, along with all of the above, give individual advice. If you don’t foresee any special problems with finances and health, then troubles are expected in your personal life. The person from whom you are waiting for a marriage proposal, suddenly, without explanation, can break the connection with you. Do not let familiar and unfamiliar men into your heart, do not rush into relationships with your head. Keep the fans at a distance in order to fully figure out which of them are courting with serious intentions, and who just went out for a walk.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Horse

For whom 2018 is a high point, it is for the Horse! The dog loves hard work - the Horse and will help her in all areas of life. In addition, it will plunge you into a string of unforgettable events and dizzying adventures.

As proof of the favor of the patroness of the year for you, in early January you will receive a very tempting offer. Do not think and do not weigh for too long, but rather accept it as a gift from Fate. And during the year you will succeed in everything and even a little more. Lucrative offers, deals and good opportunities will rain down on you like from a cornucopia.

Take advantage of this year to get closer to the heights of your career and financial well-being. Keep working hard, and the Dog will multiply your efforts by 2. Just make all decisions without making long pauses.

In the spring, some large project will need your investments or you will have the opportunity of some large purchase. The deal does not promise you unpleasant surprises. But nevertheless, astrologers recommend consulting a well-known knowledgeable person. Perhaps it will help you minimize costs.

In the summer, a homely Dog recommends repairs in your apartment. If not capital, then at least change the wallpaper. The change of decor will please your family, who will be happy to help you and unite even more. Work on the reconstruction of the premises will be as easy as ever, quickly and easily.

Go on vacation this year in September. In other months, constant phone calls from work will not give you a good rest. If you have a loved one, be sure to go with him. Warm memories of the time spent together will keep you warm for the rest of the year.

Your finances will be in perfect order this year. And thanks to your remarkable performance will only increase. You will have to work a lot in the year of the Dog. But this is only for your benefit, because you cannot imagine yourself without your favorite thing. You may even be offered a new job with a much higher salary.

Owners of their own business will have to “bite the bit” right after the New Year holidays. It is during this period that you must demonstrate all your outstanding leadership talent in order to become a leader in your market segment.

By the middle of the year, those Horses who manage to show themselves in the professional field will noticeably improve their material well-being. And the Dog will add pleasant bonuses to this in the form of unexpected replenishment of your budget.

You work hard and hard, but this will not affect your health in any way, at least in winter and spring. In the summer, try to increase your immunity so that the supply is enough for a year. If in the autumn you feel the approach of a cold, it is better to lie down at home for a couple of days. Otherwise, complications are possible.

Due to hard work, you have no time to treat your chronic diseases, but not this year. They can escalate and unsettle you for a long time. Do not allow this, but immediately go to the doctors for an examination.

Your family life will not be overshadowed by major quarrels or scandals. On the contrary, it will be filled with love, warmth and tenderness. You will gladly rush home, knowing that loving and devoted people are waiting for you there. Children this year will not deliver much trouble.

Lonely Horses will meet a new interesting person. If you recognize him in a crowd of new acquaintances, then your task is not to get confused, but to turn on all your charm so that your relationship goes on a romantic track. True, in these respects you will have to deviate a little from your principles. Are you ready for it? Decide for yourself.

Women - Horses this year will be in great demand. You will be needed by everyone and everywhere: both relatives and friends, both at home and at work. From such a demand, your head will spin, but you will only be happy, because everyone around you will constantly admire you. For a bright and beautiful woman - the Horse, the Dog prepared the same bright and colorful impressions and emotions.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Goat

From the very beginning of the year, the Dog will give Goats, radiating optimism and love of life, acquaintances with the “necessary” people, whose help you can count on later. At the same time, you will be swirled in a whirlwind of easy communication and unrestrained fun.

Even at the beginning of the year, you can be involved in some stunning project, which by the summer will result in a good profit and help you raise your authority in the eyes of your bosses and colleagues. But nothing happens by itself, and you will naturally have to work hard.

Although the stars do not observe serious career advances for Goats in the near future, the foundations for future success should be laid this year.

In the meantime, your financial situation may be slightly shaken. But the previously hidden capsule and true friends will come to the rescue. Their moral and material support, coupled with an offer to relax in a friendly company, will distract you from unpleasant thoughts and charge you with positive emotions. By the way, it is very likely that someone you know will offer you a prestigious job with a good salary.

If you don't stop wasting your money buying unnecessary trinkets and useless things, then at the end of the year the situation with a lack of livelihood may repeat itself.

People of creative professions or those who have such a hobby a year under the auspices of the Dog successfully implement their plans. With maximum diligence and patience, you can even open a business on this. And, I must say that it will be quite profitable, especially if you transfer the financial component to close and reliable friends, and take care of organizational issues yourself. But do not forget to periodically inspect the activities of your comrades, because money loves an account.

Do not, as usual, look for symptoms in yourself various diseases. They simply don't exist yet. In addition, in the first half of the year you simply will not have time to get sick. The exception is the spring period of colds. Soberly assess your condition. If treatment is needed, then you should get it.

But in November - December, your suspiciousness will not allow you to miss the beginnings of a serious illness. Timely contact with a specialist will help prevent its development.

The whole year for Goats will be filled with new acquaintances, flirting and romantic meetings. All year you will be in a state of love. But you will continue to flutter from one partner to another if you do not stop your egoism.

Feminine and dreamy single women - Goats will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time. If this happens, take a closer look at the person, the stars are hinting that he can become the love of your life.

Family Goats should try to spend all their free time with their families. Arranging romantic dinners, joint walks, trips, picnics, etc. you will unite and strengthen the family even more, which will greatly please the homely Dog. If you don’t do this, then reproaches for inattention will be the least that you will hear from your soulmate.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Monkey

The risky and ambitious Monkey stars are advised to moderate their ardor. The prejudiced attitude towards others, the arrogance and dishonesty inherent in the representatives of this sign, are clearly not held in high esteem by the modest and open Dog.

This year it is better for the Monkeys to quietly get into the boat and go with the flow than to run, as you usually do, “ahead of the locomotive”. Otherwise, the Dog can severely punish you with serious financial difficulties and health problems.

The whole year should pass for you under the motto: “Family is above all!” Astrologers recommend that you spend as much time as possible with your family and loved ones. And direct all your energy to strengthening family ties. The dog will definitely appreciate your efforts.

It is better to refuse business trips and travel this year altogether. There is a very high probability of getting into a wildly unpleasant situation: running into scammers, getting seriously injured, or worse.

In terms of career this year, the Monkeys do not have to wait for anything good. Climbing the career ladder will be very difficult, almost impossible. But, on the contrary, to slide down is very likely. This is especially true of those representatives of the sign who imagined themselves to be bosses, not being such, and allow themselves arrogance and ambition in communicating with colleagues and visitors. Such Monkeys in the year of the Dog can generally point to the door.

However, if you do not have such negative traits, and at work you can win the trust of your superiors, then they will think about increasing your salary.

If you are about to start your own business, and you already have a clear and specific business plan, then this is the right time for you.

Experienced businessmen also need not be afraid. This year your business will only grow. Even partners will not let you down.

Monkeys engaged in creativity will be able to fully realize their ideas. But only at the end of the year you will be able, if you have previously thought about it, to open your own business, which will subsequently bring you a very good income.

Monkeys should not make investments and large purchases this year. You risk losing these funds. But if you can’t do without such expenses, contact several independent experts to check everything in the most thorough way.

Offers for easy and quick earnings, even if they come from close people, are also better not to accept. You will never see your money again.

Astrologers warn all Monkeys working in hazardous industries, with piercing and cutting objects, explosives and chemicals, with electricity, etc., about strict adherence to safety regulations. There is a very high chance of accidents.

Even minor, at first glance, injuries to athletes - Monkeys, with inappropriate treatment, can develop into serious health problems.

For monkeys who want to lose weight, the Dog will be happy to assist. Only you still have to “sweat”, although the process of shedding extra pounds this year will seem much easier to you.

And the rest of your health will not let you down. Even seasonal colds will not tear you away from your favorite things, unless, of course, you take care of your immunity in advance.

Monkeys easily make romantic acquaintances. But this year, as the stars warn you, be extremely selective in your connections. In the middle of spring, because of your, as it seems to you, your beloved person, you can get into huge debts, which no one will help you pay. Miscellaneous marriage swindlers will curl around you in packs.

In the summer, one of the representatives of the sign will still meet true love. Don't miss it. But you will have to work hard to keep the romance flowing in the right direction, and also do not overwork yourself at work during this period.

Women - Monkeys are recommended to listen to their intuition, their inner voice seven times, and do it once. You have already made many enemies. It's time to start correcting this situation. Bite your tongue. Try to be courteous and tactful with the people around you. The dog will appreciate your metamorphosis and help you find good friends and reliable allies.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Rooster.

The industriousness of the Roosters impresses the Dog, but still she dislikes you a little for your excessive temper, pomposity and boasting. This year it is better for you to “stand on the sidelines”, and not get involved “with fists in a fight”.

You will definitely need the support of family and close friends, so if you quarreled with someone, it's time to make peace at the very beginning of the year. Under the auspices of the Dog, it will not be difficult to restore good relations.

Particularly cocky representatives of this sign should not expect career advancement. Unless, of course, you do not self-educate. It is better to direct all your energy to building or overhauling your home. But all the necessary building materials, as the stars advise, buy in the outgoing year. In 2018, your income will barely cover expenses, but you won’t have to go into debt either.

Even if you receive a very tempting offer to change jobs, find out everything carefully. There is a high probability that all “special conditions” will turn out to be fiction. Maybe it's better to stay in the same place and do some long-term project?

Representatives of the sign involved in real estate or working in the financial sector can count on the help of the Dog if all transactions are fair and clean. If there are no “jambs” on your part, then they will all be successful.

Roosters involved in social activities will be rated as high-quality professionals and just as good people who are a pleasure to deal with.

At the beginning of the year, your chronic diseases, which you have waved your hand for many years because of your busyness, may remind you of yourself. In the new year, this is absolutely impossible to do. At the first symptoms, immediately consult a doctor, otherwise you risk failing for a very long time.

Those who have not yet acquired such diseases should be careful not to earn them this year. At the first signs of malaise, it is better to lie down at home under the supervision of a local doctor. And with a premonition of overwork (this can happen in the middle of the year) - go to nature, at least for a few hours. Bars, clubs and restaurants in this case will not help you, but will only aggravate your depressive state.

In a romantic relationship, everything will continue to be difficult. And the reason for everything is your unjustified jealousy and the imposition of your rules on your partner. If you do not accept your loved one as he is, but will try by all means to remake him for yourself, then you run the risk of being left without a couple at all.

Better try to calm down, create a romantic atmosphere and calmly and honestly talk about everything with your chosen one or chosen one. In this case, the Dog - the patroness of the family - will gladly help you.

For lonely Roosters, autumn promises a fateful meeting. But for it to develop into a strong relationship, you will have to work on yourself.

In family life, Roosters should also restrain their emotions, splashing them out outside the walls of their house. Moreover, this year you may have to move, which you have long dreamed of. And it is close relatives who will help you make the right decision about this. You just need to carefully listen to their advice, weigh all the pros and cons. And already at the end of autumn, having saved up the required amount, you will be able to decide on the option. Around the same time, the children will delight you with good news.

The circle of communication of Roosters will increase significantly. Many of you will even be able to become intimately acquainted with famous people which will help you achieve your goals in the future.

A woman's beloved man, the Rooster, can suddenly get tired of her eccentricity and energy and go to someone calm and quiet. If you don't want it, there's still time to fix it.

Your defiant behavior can completely quarrel you with your friends. If the process is already running, it will be very difficult to reverse it. But there is always a way! Do something you love or find yourself a hobby. to extinguish all the negativity that you may spit out. And even better - get pregnant, but giving birth, as the stars advise you, is better in 2019.

Horoscope 2018 for those born in the year of the Boar or Pig

For Boars, this is a year of respite, a year of stability in everything. You can stop and look back. After analyzing the amount of work that you have done in previous years, you can sigh with satisfaction and immerse yourself in the long-awaited peace.

Career growth this year is not worth waiting for, so do not try to force events with too active actions. Excessive emotionality and nervousness of behavior will not only not bring you closer to your intended goal, but will cause the Dog's displeasure and can result in serious illnesses at the end of the year.

But the conscientiousness and scrupulousness inherent in the Boars in the professional field will be appreciated by the totem of the year. In this year of slowness and sluggish activity for your sign, the Dog will provide you with a lot of opportunities to improve your professional skills. The accumulated experience and acquired knowledge will allow you to be far ahead of your competitors in the future.

In addition, the stars strongly advise you to learn another foreign language.

Do not neglect business trips and various conferences. Firstly, a change of scenery will only benefit you. Secondly, you will expand your horizons in your specialty. And thirdly, the stars predict that you will meet a useful person who may offer you a more promising job or position.

For Boars who have their own business, there is a high probability of tax audits. Keep your records in order. You will be able to fine-tune the organization of labor in such a way that it will be possible not to control employees every day, but to spend the freed time on your family or on yourself if you are alone. There is one “but” - this year the business will not bring large incomes.

Significant increases in income are not expected. And do not try to correct the situation at the expense of some dubious proposals or projects. You can lose everything. Only scammers will offer you quick money-making schemes this year.

It is better to spend extra money on something useful and pleasant. Refresh your interior, add a couple of new items to your wardrobe, or just go on vacation. Just remember that this is the year of peace and relaxation. Leave extreme rest until better times.

In order not to undermine your health, do not be too active this year. Extreme sports, if you are not doing them professionally, are best replaced with outdoor walks, fitness classes or spa treatments.

Review your diet. Replace junk food with fruits, vegetables, light soups, etc. This will not only benefit your body, but will also allow you to be in shape for the summer season.

If you still disobey the advice of the stars and decide to jump with a parachute, raft down a turbulent river or experience some other extreme, then astrologers warn that such behavior is fraught with serious injuries.

Be careful when traveling abroad. There is a high probability of being bitten by poisonous exotic insects. Such a nuisance will lead to a rather lengthy treatment.

Family relationships will reach a higher level. This year you do not have to strain at work, so you can give the freed time to your loved ones. It's time to do a long overdue repair, especially since your soul mate will be happy to help you.

For boars that have a couple, the Dog recommends this year to think about the wedding. With the help of the totem of the year, you can organize a celebration the way you dream. The inevitable period of “grinding in character” should not overshadow your long-awaited happiness if you treat it with all your responsibility and intelligence. Having managed to pass this difficult stage of the beginning of family life with dignity, you will get strong harmonious relationships.

In a romantic relationship, free Boars should also not force things. Although you will feel the increased attention of the opposite sex, it is not at all necessary to get close to everyone and run out on a date. “Your man” has already been prepared by the Dog, you just need to correctly “calculate” him in the crowd.

If everything works out, then although the romance will not develop as rapidly as you would like, you will be happy in this relationship, and your union will be strong.

Some women - Kabanov will begin to strain inattention from her husband. They will want to feel sexy and attractive again. Driven by these desires, a woman can have an affair on the side or even at work. But, if you do not show due diligence and self-control, then such an affair can lead not only to the breakup of the family, but also to dismissal.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aries

For you, 2018 is the end of a period of self-change. If from 2012 to the new year you have not changed anything in yourself either in terms of career, or in personal growth, or in the material sphere: you have not purchased a vehicle. apartment or have not changed their place of residence - it's time to do it. At least just change your image. Being engaged in self-knowledge and self-improvement, imagine how you would like to see yourself next year, where you would like to see yourself and with whom, and purposefully move towards this goal.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is a year of a leisurely, calm and measured life, so moderate your ardor a little, otherwise the totem of the year will still slow you down.

If this year you are counting on career growth, then keep in mind that there will be too little time left to communicate with your family. In this case, you will have to choose either a promotion or a calm family relationship. Of course, a homely Dog recommends that you pay more attention to your family. If you want both, it is better to try to establish harmony between work and family, then by the summer you will be able to count on a promotion and a solid bonus. In addition, you can only get a promotion if you keep your opinions to yourself. Get rid of your impulsiveness and directness. Disagreements with superiors will not only not lift you up the career ladder, but may even threaten you with dismissal.

Be careful when filling out business papers: typos and ridiculous mistakes can lead to very serious consequences.

From the beginning of the year until February 16, until the Dog ascends the throne, you can calmly deal with business, take stock and think about the future. After this time, a lot of offers will fall on you, many of which, however, will be frankly losing. In order to clearly determine which projects are worth working on, you will need the advice of a person you trust.

Closer to summer, there is a high probability of business trips abroad, one of which is likely to be long.

From the financial side, the year of the Dog will not bring any special problems. Money will also be given to you easily, but do not rush to spend it on unnecessary things, because unforeseen large expenses may await you in September.

Don't take loans this year unless absolutely necessary.

Summer is the time to remind your debtors about the return of money.

Relatives and friends at this time will require your attention, as well as financial support. Spend your money wisely, but try not to refuse anyone.

If you have been offered a job change or you yourself have decided to take up a new activity as an individual entrepreneur, then very seriously and carefully weigh the pros and cons. Calculate all the risks and analyze all the nuances of the upcoming work. Only by fully understanding everything will you be able to make the right decision.

Try not to worry too much. Take care of your nerves, otherwise there is a high probability of the occurrence of diseases associated with the psyche and disorders of the heart. And also pay attention to thyroid gland. If you have even the slightest doubt, be examined by a specialist.

Your main occupation, in terms of recovery, this year should be sports.

Family Aries will be fine if you do not get hung up on work. Minor scandals and conflicts can strain you in late summer - early autumn. In 2018, the stars strongly recommend that you change your home. It can be anything from a major overhaul to a banal rearrangement of furniture. Spend more time raising children. This year they will really need you.

Astrologers advise single Aries to start a family only if you have a positive decision housing problem. Otherwise, take care of improving your financial condition, and postpone the wedding for subsequent years.

Some Aries may meet a person with whom they previously had strong feelings. The novel can spin with renewed vigor. Be careful! You risk losing everything.

Horoscope 2018 for those born under the sign of Taurus

In the first half of the year, the stars did not line up very well for your sign. Many difficulties await you. A number of decisions that you make during this period will not be very correct or completely wrong, so it’s better to measure 7 times and cut one. But do not give up, act, believe in yourself, and by the summer the situation will improve and stabilize.

If you honorably overcome this period, then the authorities will pay attention to you, and you will even be able to climb one step higher on the career ladder. A business trip abroad to a country where you have not been yet can also become an encouragement. But do not forget that the Dog loves honesty, so do not be cunning and do not be cunning with partners, colleagues, and especially with higher management.

The beginning of September will again bring you trouble, but they will be minor. You will deal with them with honor. In addition, you will gain invaluable experience in conflict resolution, which will be very useful in the near future. Astrologers recommend adjusting your far-reaching plans and bringing them down a bit.

December will give you the long-awaited peace and tranquility. But the last days of the year will be accompanied by a small shock, which, nevertheless, will push you to search for the meaning of life.

Overestimating their capabilities, Taurus can find themselves in a very difficult financial situation. Be careful when entering into questionable transactions or unreliable contracts. Double-check all proposals yourself, using all your knowledge and experience, or, better, contact a team of specialists.

Taurus men are strictly prohibited from breaking the law or colliding with law enforcement agencies. The consequences of such actions will be very serious, even tragic.

The gallbladder, liver, spine and joints can bring you a lot of problems this year. Therefore, take all preventive measures: do not abuse alcohol and junk food, do not lift or carry heavy things and do not overwork. If you have not yet begun to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not sign up for the pool. to yoga, to the fitness room, etc., then it's time to do it and improve your health.

Family Taurus stars warn that you need to trust relatives more and control them less. Otherwise, your household may rebel, and then conflicts cannot be avoided. Spend as much time as possible with elderly relatives and children. This year, more than ever, they will need your warmth and care. In the fall, very pleasant news awaits you and your family, which will put an end to all disagreements and conflicts, and love and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Lonely Taurus in the year of the Dog will undoubtedly be able to find their mate. All year you will be in the spotlight, but make sure that you do not get dizzy from such success. You don't have to date everyone. You must find only "your" person. In this case, you will find the love of your life.

For Taurus women who are already in a romantic relationship, the stars recommend planning a wedding for the summer.

Horoscope 2018 for Gemini

Along with the current ones, you will have to solve a bunch of problems that you left for later in previous years. A tangle of these problems can arise at the most inopportune times. Take your time and don't worry - solve problems as they come. Haste and nervousness will only tighten the knot even more.

In January-February, you may receive several investment proposals. Carefully check all offers and choose the most optimal for you. If the choice is correct, by the end of the year your capital will increase significantly. But the stars warn you in this case too. Don't start new project before you can pay off old debts or pay off loans.

In the middle of the year, a good additional income is quite likely, but do not rush to spend all the money in October, as the stars suggest, you can buy something big at a bargain price.

If the Gemini, who has an established business, does not take risks this year, then they will profitably overtake their competitors and come out on top in their niche.

This year, health will not let you down if. of course, at the beginning of the year you will consult a specialist for the prevention of your chronic diseases. Don't stress yourself out at work. Walk more, run, swim, go to fitness, etc.

In winter, various injuries can lie in wait for you on the street, at home. as well as in the workplace, so pay special attention to safety regulations.

All year long, Gemini, as well as other signs of the Zodiac, should pay more attention to family and elderly relatives. The positive emotions that you will receive as a result of this communication will strengthen your emotional state.

If you are planning to get married this year, which will be very true, then focus on spring or late autumn. The marriage concluded at this time will be long and strong.

Single men - Gemini expect a series of romantic adventures. But the stars explain that all this will be frivolous affairs.

For single women - Gemini stars are advised to be more decisive in romantic relationships. Only in this case it will be possible to talk about the wedding.

If creative women - Gemini in August find an original and unconventional approach to solving pressing problems, then their work will be a tremendous success.

Horoscope 2018 for those born under the sign of Cancer

This year you will have only two difficult periods. In the second half of March, the heavenly bodies will line up in the sky not in your favor. And in November - December, troubles will come already because of your shortcomings in the past. However, your cheerfulness and ability to think positively will help you overcome all the vicissitudes of difficult periods with minimal losses.

But it is at the end of December that you can get a very advantageous offer from new partners. Be sure these people will not let you down.

The beginning of the year will be marked by the successful completion of affairs both for your own good and for the good of others. At the same time, you will easily be able to resolve complex problems.

In mid-May, an unprecedented creative upsurge awaits you, followed by success. Your imagination and ingenuity will help you with this, which are backed up by broad knowledge and an excellent outlook. In addition, to implement your ideas, you will have to gain new knowledge and master new skills. Don't worry about it - you'll do just fine!

If before that you worked successfully in terms of a career, then in August you will find a good promotion. If you have not devoted enough time to improving your professional skills, then your success in career growth will be much more modest, but, nevertheless, they will be.

In September-October, many interesting and exciting events await you.

In order to achieve everything that you have planned, you need, within reasonable limits, of course, to stop being too careful. But still, beware of casual acquaintances. Do not be frank with fellow travelers. There is a high probability that, as they say, everything said will be used against you.

The first half of 2018 for Cancers - businessmen is an excellent period for planning further actions and developing strategies and tactics for developing your business. Without much hassle, you will be able to attract business partners to your side who will help you in solving urgent problems. In the second half of the year you will have to act decisively. Many of your competitors will also become active, so you will have to wage an exhausting fight with them, but, in any case, victory will be yours. Only in this difficult fight will your nerves be pretty frayed. Get ready for it!

In financial terms, 2018 does not promise to be very profitable. All your efforts aimed at improving your well-being will be crowned with success only in a year or two. However, your financial condition will remain stable. In addition, in the summer you will be able to purchase what you have long dreamed of, but you did not have the opportunity to buy it.

The only thing that can give you a lift this year is your health. Overwork at work, lack of sleep, unhealthy snacks, and alcohol can lead you to a general breakdown in health, loss of strength and nervous strain. To prevent this from happening, try not to exhaust yourself, not give all your best at work. Walk more, give up fatty foods and alcohol, eat vegetables and fruits, and try to rest more often. Many Cancers may be worried about pressure this year. In summer, use a variety of sunscreens, even if you go outside for 10 minutes.

In Family Cancers, everything will be stable.

Your parents will demand more attention from you. Don't go after them. do not fulfill their every wish. Repair this year is also better not to do. Neither pleasing the parents, nor even a simple wallpaper plywood will give the proper result.

But children, on the contrary, must be treated with all sensitivity. You will have to invest in them a lot of both material resources and mental strength. But do not worry - all your efforts will be rewarded with the success of your children in various areas of their activity.

In all likelihood, you can go on vacation with the whole family only in the fall. The stars recommend that you go abroad, this is where you and your family will get the most out of your vacation.

In winter, single Cancers should be wary of casual acquaintances. But the romantic relationship that will overtake you in the spring promises to be long-term. But the stars warn you to make decisions with a cool head! Better take a closer look at your friends, perhaps among them is already your destiny.

Women - Cancers, astrologers especially warn about the inadmissibility of office romances, which can end very badly for you.

Horoscope 2018 for Lviv

Despite the fact that the Dog favors the Lions, in January you will find a lot of trouble, unrest, and maybe even conflicts. But don't worry! All this, as they say, is empty chores. Subsequently, you will remember these ups and downs with a smile more than once.

At the end of January, this will all end and until April, a favorable period will come for you. May and June can be busy again. At this time, you will have to thoroughly analyze the problems that have arisen in order to find the only right way to solve them.

Try to take a vacation in July to cool down a bit and have a good rest somewhere in nature.

In August, astrologers advise you not to lose vigilance, especially at work, because you may be haunted by minor troubles. In September, you may be subject to excessive criticism. Try to ignore all this and do not react to envious people. And already from October until the end of the year, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because all the unpleasant moments for this year are over for you.

This year is favorable for career growth and building your business. The stars advise you to take on difficult tasks and be more creative in their solution. In this case, your zeal is more likely to be noticed by your superiors. and you can jump even through one career step. But pay attention to your spiteful critics: this year they can openly harm you. Do not fight them with some harsh statements or actions. We need to be more flexible. keep a cool head and not talk about your plans to everyone and everything.

Lions are strongly discouraged from borrowing money or lending it themselves. This threatens you with great financial losses. The situation is different with close relatives. Here, the stars, on the contrary, advise you to please your loved ones with gifts more often. If your financial situation does not suit you, then this year you have a great opportunity to open your own business or find a new job. And in this case, a solid increase in your capital awaits you. But try not to waste money on things you can do without.

The health of energetic Lions this year will protect the immunity accumulated in the past year. But, nevertheless, do not give up and continue to strengthen it. Try not to be nervous in vain and, if possible, avoid stressful situations at work and at home.

If you want to get rid of bad habits once and for all, it will be easiest for you to do this during the period of July - August. At the same time, you can pretty much heal or completely cure your chronic diseases.

Like other zodiac signs, Leos also need to spend more time with their family. And so that family ties do not collapse, but, on the contrary, become stronger, often indulge your loved ones with various pleasant gifts and surprises. Many Lions are expected to have a new family this year.

A year that promises a lot of meetings and acquaintances will not bypass Lviv, who have a romantic relationship. The stars warn you not to be distracted by fleeting affairs. Cherish and strengthen the relationships you already have.

Lonely Lions can meet the love of their life at some major event with a large crowd of people or while traveling.

For Leo men, stars are advised to pay more attention to their appearance, their image. Remember that you are greeted by clothes ... Your professional communication with different categories of people will partly depend on how you look.

For women - Lions, astrologers give several tips at once:

firstly, constantly rely on your intuition, listen to your inner voice, especially in personal relationships;

secondly, do not reveal your secrets to anyone;

thirdly, not to commit spontaneous actions and not to speak without thinking;

fourthly, to be simpler;

and lastly, in your creative experiments, make sure that they do no harm to anyone. There is a high probability of making enemies among influential people.

Horoscope 2018 for Virgo

Although this year you will have to make many life-changing decisions that will subsequently affect your life, the year promises to be calm and peaceful for you. You also have to finally understand who is your friend and who is not, and get rid of burdensome ties.

The best time for you is the summer period. You will succeed, you will feel elated. Any of your undertakings, from the search new job before moving for permanent residence in another country, will be crowned with success. Moreover, the possibility of moving somewhere in the fall will increase many times over.

But it is better for Virgos to go on vacation in winter.

Be bold in the workplace. Don't be afraid to take risky decisions where necessary. In difficult situations, contact colleagues directly for help. But don't take on everything at once. Focus on one more important thing at this time.

If you are offered a higher position, but at the same time you have to change jobs, accept. In a new place, success is guaranteed to you.

Businessmen or Virgos who want to open their own business need to be very careful and picky. Projects that at first glance seem fantastically profitable in reality will only bring losses and disappointment.

Large financial injections are not expected this year. But the money will be enough for current expenses and some entertainment. Perhaps, several times, fate will throw you small amounts of what is called “out of thin air”. But don't count too much on these infusions. Also, Virgos are not recommended to take large loans or borrow a lot of money from friends and acquaintances - the return of funds can be a huge problem for you.

Health this year Dev will not fail. Exceptions will be seasonal diseases, which, however, you can quickly and without harm to health cope.

Family Virgos suddenly, for no reason at all, can flare up with jealousy for their soul mate. The stars strongly advise you to control yourself. It is better if you have such suspicions, surround your companion or companion with such attention and care so that your fears are dispelled as suddenly as they appeared. You can also come up with some common cause that will unite your family even more.

In addition, astrologers advise you to devote more time to family, children and parents. Try to arrange nice home gatherings, collective field trips more often.

Some Virgos who are in a romantic relationship are warned by the stars about a possible breakup. But if a person is dear to you, learn to forgive him. Patience and respect for your partner will prolong your relationship, which will soon improve.

In the spring, you can fall in love unrequitedly. If this happens, don't despair. Soon life will present you with a new pleasant surprise.

In winter, you can think about the wedding.

For men - Virgo, some troubles in the professional sphere will be compensated by good luck on the love front and vice versa.

Virgo women who do not yet have a partner should expect his appearance in January. If such a meeting takes place, then in February several trials will fall to your lot. If you want to keep your chosen one, then you will withstand them with honor. New friendships, which will be rich in the year of the Dog, will only strengthen. Perhaps one of your new friends will later become your husband.

Horoscope 2018 for those born under the sign of Libra

The beginning of the year for Libra will not be easy. Don't panic. Clearly think over your actions, follow the statements, and by the end of the month everything will be fine.

The troubles that arose at work by mid-May will be helped by colleagues to overcome, unless, of course, you ask them about it.

In July, your emotional state will be in jeopardy due to another blow of fate. If you manage to cope and not fall into despair, then everything will go smoothly. Just do not dramatize and look for non-existent obstacles on the way to a happy life.

In the workplace, learn to share the work among colleagues, otherwise you may feel like you alone are pulling the entire load. Try to clearly distribute the time of work and rest. Don't try to do everything in a short amount of time.

At the end of January you can get an interesting offer. If you agree to it, then the amount of wages will pleasantly surprise you. But you should not expect a significant strengthening of your financial situation before spring. In the fall, on some Libra, a large amount of money will literally fall from the sky. The resulting capital, as the stars suggest, is better spent on buying real estate or on a good repair.

Astrologers do not predict Libra any special health problems. But if you constantly get involved in some kind of conflicts, overwork at work, get nervous because of trifles, you may begin to be haunted by headaches or even migraines. In this case, be sure to contact a specialist.

In the family, many Libras may get the feeling that they are not considered, they do not listen to their opinion, they limit their freedom, etc. In fact, this is not entirely true, it is better to sit down with your family and have a heart-to-heart talk in a calm home environment. Only during a mutual discussion of pressing issues can you get an adequate answer and dispel all your doubts.

Lonely Libra should take a little break from everyday problems and devote more time to visiting crowded places. Cast aside your doubts and plunge headlong into a nascent romantic relationship. Spend more time with your chosen one or chosen one, do not skimp on affectionate words and hot kisses. And most importantly - moderate your jealousy.

Women - Libra, astrologers recommend to relax more often, especially from September to the end of January. I mean, of course, not alcohol, but various spa treatments, visits to salons, field trips, fun gatherings with friends, etc.

Horoscope 2018 for Scorpio

The beginning of the year will be the best for you. But by the end of January, you will experience deep disappointment due to the lack of prospects for the realization of your cherished dream. In this case, show all your determination and turn on your intuition. Thanks to these qualities, you can still get closer to the realization of your innermost plans. By about mid-February, you will already know exactly how to act and what to work on.

From the second half of March until the end of May, you may be haunted by some minor problems and troubles. Do not give up and do not give in to difficulties. With the advent of the last month of spring, they will gradually come to naught, and by the end of the month everything will have been resolved positively. Then the whole year will pass without unpleasant shocks.

Any of your work activities this year should be supported by the team. Only by involving colleagues and employees in joint activities, you will achieve unprecedented success both at work and in your own business. By the way, if you have been thinking about starting your own business for a long time, then your finest hour has come. This year you will be able to reveal all your rich potential both in terms of organization and in terms of doing business.

The stars promise you a sufficient number of profitable offers. By accepting some of them, you will significantly improve your financial situation and raise your social status.

This year your health directly depends on your emotional state. The more alarming it is, the greater the risk of exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the emergence of new ones. Your nervous system can be especially affected. The recipe is the same - worry less, relax more, spend time with people you like, go for walks, play sports, etc.

The dog favors everyone who has peace and harmony in the family. Make peace with all the relatives with whom you quarreled, visit those whom you have not seen for a long time, and you will immediately feel the favor of the totem of the year. Perhaps soon you will have pleasant excitement related to real estate.

In relationships with children, try to be not a mentor, but a friend. Do not infringe on their rights and freedoms. Trust them, only gently correcting their behavior with friendly advice. This approach to parenting will help you get even closer to them.

Lonely Scorpios will plunge headlong into a storm of love passions and flirting. The stars allow you to spin a little in this whirlpool. The main thing is that you have time to swim out of it without hurting your soul.

Scorpio women will repeatedly have to make quick decisions with a minimum amount of information. Do not be guided by emotions, but make the right calculation, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided.

Horoscope 2018 for those born under the sign of Sagittarius

The best period for education has come for you. It can be anything, from advanced training courses to mastering a related or radically new specialty. Learn while the Dog gives you a chance. All this will be very useful to you in the future.

In the workplace this year, the initiative is punishable for you. Just do your due diligence.

In January, luck will accompany you in everything. The main thing is not to get confused and grab her by the tail.

February will cover you with a huge snowdrift of pressing issues that will need to be resolved very quickly. But don't forget to be careful.

In March, the danger of provocations from your ill-wishers is very high. Do not make hasty decisions and do not make sudden movements. Do not take part in risky activities.

In the second half of the year, luck will turn to face you again. A couple of weeks in October, however, will get out of this schedule, but you have been warned, so you will be ready for this.

In November - December, your wallet can get significantly fatter, which will please you very much before the New Year holidays.

This year you can spend money that will easily go to you, on whatever you want. Fulfill, finally, your old dream and buy what you have long dreamed of.

Sociable and self-confident representatives of the sign can count on a promotion. But Sagittarius should not change their work this year. And try not to conflict with colleagues and especially with superiors. The resolution of the conflict will still not be in your favor.

In the first half of the year, Sagittarius may be in danger of being poisoned by low-quality alcohol. At the same time, try not to eat fatty foods. And in the cold season, beware of hypothermia. And do not forget to consult with specialists about your chronic diseases.

Try to spend more time with your family. Take care of housework, home improvement. Revisit your wardrobe. There must have been a lot of unnecessary things in it. Give them to those in need or sell them on bulletin boards.

In the second half of the year, your husband or wife will greatly need your support. Turn not only your shoulder, but also pamper your loved one with cute gifts or romantic evenings. This will only strengthen your family ties and color your family life with new colors.

In a romantic relationship, Sagittarians are not recommended to be assertive and overly active. This will only push your partner away. Although, all the same, with some of your admirers you will remain just good friends. In the spring, many representatives of the sign will be able to meet a person for a serious relationship.

In January - February, many Sagittarius men will face the question: who is a friend and who is not. The solution to this problem will be complicated by the fact that the insidious ill-wisher hid under the guise of a good comrade. The pretense of this person will be quite difficult to see through. But His Majesty Chance will come to your aid. Although for this you will have to lie low for some time and not stick out.

Young women - Sagittarius can fall under the bad influence of a person to whom you have opened your soul and innermost thoughts. Be careful with people you don't know very well.

Horoscope 2018 for those born under the sign of Capricorn

The beginning of the new year will be difficult, but interesting for you. The traditional problem-solving methods you're used to won't help. You will have to improvise and invent or ask for advice from loved ones. Your prudence and caution will help you.

Late February - early March is the best time of the year for investing, making major purchases, planning and developing new businesses and projects. During the rest of the year, carefully check all offers and contracts.

Capricorns who often travel or go on business trips, especially to new, unfamiliar places, must be extremely careful. You may be in danger where you least expect it.

Many Capricorns are destined to meet the right people, perhaps even foreigners, who will later become your reliable partners. Do not miss the opportunity to find a new source of income and improve your social status.

For Capricorns engaged in creative activities, in late August - early September, an unprecedented rise in creative thinking with all the ensuing consequences will be characteristic.

In the second half of the year, entrepreneurs with a well-established, well-established business will be able to enter new markets, including foreign ones.

Working Capricorns will be able to reveal their potential, thereby drawing the attention of their superiors. True, you will have to rely only on your own strength.

It's not worth risking your money this year. Try to completely give up gambling. Things can only get better by the fall, if you work hard and fruitfully to raise your well-being. In the same period, you may begin to repay debts, even if you have long forgotten about them.

Pay attention to your cardiovascular system. This year, it may falter. It is better to be surveyed approximately in the middle of the year. And in the summer-autumn period, eat more vegetables and fruits.

It is not a good year for you to move or buy a new home. But, in order to get distracted from solving work issues and everyday problems, you can already start considering interesting options and making plans with the whole family in the winter.

Everything will go smoothly in the Capricorn family if you can listen to the wishes of your loved ones and forgive their miscalculations and mistakes.

If you are at a respectable age, but live with the younger generation, quietly retire and let the children take the reins of the common household into their own hands. You will not believe it, but they will pleasantly surprise you, and you can breathe easy.

Capricorns who are just building romantic relationships will have to show all their patience, wisdom and tact so that these relationships do not finally sink into oblivion. Try to retire with your partner for a few days in some romantic place and devote this time only to him, even turn off the phone.

Some Capricorn women who want a strong and serious relationship will have to give up a few of their habits. The disease that appeared in you in 2017, with proper appropriate treatment, will irrevocably leave you in the second half of the year.

Horoscope 2018 for Aquarius

At the very beginning of the year, astrologers advise you to work on changing your image. You need to enhance your attractiveness by emphasizing all your virtues. But don't overdo it! Beauty, of course, is a terrible force, but the key word here is by no means “terrible”.

Aquarians will be tested in several stages: hectic January will pass without loss if you do not pay attention to others. In March, you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. From July to September you will solve a lot of different problems. In October - new difficulties and problems. But if you go through all these stages with your head held high and do not break, in the last two months of the year you will be able to relax and unwind. And the difficulties you overcome will only temper your character, raise your self-esteem and help you look at the ups and downs of fate easier.

If you are running a business or just want to start one, don't slow down, take action. Throw away false fears, especially if you have a close-knit team. You will succeed!

Creative representatives of the sign will receive unprecedented inspiration. This will help many finally realize projects they have been working on for several years.

At work, do not impose your opinion on higher management, do not violate subordination, but simply conscientiously perform the functions assigned to you. Your perseverance and meticulousness in solving production issues will be rewarded with a promotion or monetary incentive.

Be persistent and proactive in financial matters. Perhaps there will be a chance to get rich quick. But you will have to act at your own peril and risk. Think carefully before making a decision. Listen to your intuition so as not to fall into the networks of scammers.

If in previous years you have accumulated enough funds, then large purchases should be made at the beginning of the year. In the summer, you may need to change some household appliances or make repairs. But it is not recommended for representatives of your sign to get into debt or take a large loan.

In the first half of the year, beware of injury. Be careful at work, at home and on the street. Pay attention to your gastrointestinal tract and the state of the nervous system. Aquarians who are overweight may aggravate problems associated with metabolism or pressure.

In front of some Aquarians, a person from the past may suddenly appear. Do not try to revive long-extinct feelings. Still, nothing good will come of it.

Family Aquarius stars are advised to be as frank as possible with their soul mate. This is where you will always find support and get the right advice. And your relationship will reach a new, higher level. But for this you need to lower the bar of your leadership in the family a little more and trust the opinion of your partner.

Lonely Aquarius astrologers warn about the inadmissibility of romance with people who have a family. This connection will bring nothing but pain, disappointment and shame for both parties.

On the way to success, men - Aquarius should not retreat in front of any obstacles. Only purposefulness and pressure will lead you to your cherished goal.

The stars are aware of the tendency of women - Aquarius to choose the “wrong” men and once again warn: be more careful when choosing a partner.

Horoscope 2018 for those born under the sign of Pisces

The onset of the new year will be marked for Pisces by the beginning of a relatively calm period. The exception will be February - March, when you will have to use all your previously acquired knowledge and all the accumulated baggage of life experience. At this time, you will have to make a number of important decisions that cannot be mistaken. Thinking about them, you will understand what you need to correct in interpersonal relationships so that they are again filled with harmony and mutual understanding.

From the beginning of October until the end of the year, you will have to solve a lot of important tasks in the professional and financial spheres. Having shown all your professionalism, you will cope with all problems with honor and rise high in the eyes of colleagues and management.

In autumn, pay special attention to building right relationship with all the people you interact with at work.

In December, you will receive some very good news that will help you stay in good spirits until the New Year holidays.

Despite all your efforts, career growth is possible only for the most talented and stubborn representatives of the sign. But in mid-May, you may be invited to another job with a higher status. Or a chic prospect for opening your own business will open.

Thanks to new connections, projects, orders and offers, which will be in abundance this year, you will be able to strengthen your financial condition. If you have not paid off all your debts before the New Year, then you can do this by the end of March.

Pay attention to your immunity. Viral diseases are what threatens you the most. The best time to relax is in the spring. It would be great to get treated in a sanatorium. In the cold season, try not to overcool and take care of your spine - do not carry heavy things. Walk more, eat vegetables and fruits.

Pisces family life will be full of love and care from the opposite side. You will gladly return to your cozy nest. Only such an idyll can not last long if you do not accept the rules of the game and will not also treat your soul mate gently and caringly.

The romantic relationship of Pisces will develop in the same way as that of Pisces family.

For lonely Pisces, astrologers predict a quick meeting with their destiny. If the new chosen one meets all your requirements, consider that your personal life has developed.

For single women - Pisces, marriage this year is unlikely if you do not want to shoulder the increased demands of your chosen one and his loved ones.

Tell VK

The era of the Fire Rooster ends with the advent of 2018, which will be taken under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This cute animal is famous for its devotion and love for justice: the guilty will definitely be punished, and a respectable person will receive generous gifts in the form of prosperity and luck.

Eastern horoscope for 2018 shows that the Dog will be able to reconcile even long-standing warring parties, thus the long-awaited peace and harmony will be established in the world.

It is noteworthy that the patroness of 2018 is female, which means that intuition, tenderness, logic during this period will be fueled by cosmic energy and will become incredibly strong for some representatives.

All these feelings will help to find the desired happiness, which manifests itself in simple things: children, marriage, work. However, there is also a minus in the fact that the mistress of the year is a “woman” - all events will be characterized by inconstancy, fluctuation from bad to good.

Characteristics of the symbol of 2018

All descriptions of the Yellow Earth Dog come down to one thing - this sign is sympathetic, attentive, kind-hearted, it exudes comfort and warmth.

Family values ​​\u200b\u200bare incredibly important for the Dog, so next year you should devote more time to the family, share all the problems and sorrows, and solve difficult life problems together. Only such a tactic will help you not to lose heart, not to despair, but to walk cheerfully along the paths of fate.

People born under the sign of the Dog are leaders and instigators by nature. They easily make new acquaintances, are not shy and do not withdraw into themselves. If they have planned something for themselves, they will certainly achieve success in their chosen area, despite all the obstacles and stones that fall to their lot.

Of course, such a quality deserves approval, but on the other hand, these people sometimes have a hard time, because the chosen direction may be wrong and not always lead to a positive result. And the Dogs endure their mistakes very hard and are ready to correct them only at the end of the road, when there will be nothing to correct.

Another visible drawback of this sign is laziness and indifference. In some cases, such behavior can have a bad effect on relationships with loved ones, because other people's problems, at times, do not touch the soul of Dogs. To avoid quarrels in the family, one should suppress such a life position in oneself, be condescending to the missteps of another person, and be able to forgive.

As for laziness, there are days when even the most tempting offer does not seduce the representatives of this sign, and they, due to such weakness, may miss the most important gift prepared for them by fate.

What awaits representatives of the Eastern horoscope in 2018?

In order to understand how to manage your life and how to behave in certain situations, you should turn to the East, which is able to show the right path. In 2018, we are waiting for a lot of interesting and exciting events, but there will be plenty of challenges.


In the period under review, people born under this sign will be in the center of constant conflicts, moreover, they will not act as instigators. This is especially true for women, because they are still those brawlers.

At the beginning of the year, major financial problems are possible that can unsettle you. The stars warn against loans - do not give money, because there will be no return. Toward the end of autumn, some Rats will start an office romance, naively believing that it will develop into something more.


Representatives of this sign will literally rest against all their invisible “horns”, because the mistress of the year will force them to obey her laws. It will be hard for those Bulls who occupy high official positions - they are accustomed to unlimited power and prefer that they fulfill all their requirements without arguing. But the Dog will break the heavy temper of such people, thereby dealing a cruel blow to pride.


Tigers in 2018 will show themselves as real angels. They will moderate their ardor, ambition and will accommodatingly perform all the tasks prepared for them by the inventor Dog. Such laziness and indifference will not last long - with the advent of spring, the Tigers will show their true character as a predator.

Perhaps someone decides to open their own business or risk investing money. Surprisingly, such a risk will be justified, because at the end of the year it will be possible to collect the first fruits. In the autumn, health deterioration is possible, so it is advisable to take preventive measures.


If last year the Rabbits worked hard, then in the coming year they can afford to relax and not chase the “carrot”. Representatives of this sign expect complete financial stability, mutual understanding with colleagues, respect from superiors. Yes, and the second half will bestow all-consuming love and warmth.

The only thing you should pay attention to in 2018 is health. It can be seriously shaken even after a common cold. The stars portend problems with the gastrointestinal tract and frequent visits to specialized doctors. Ladies should dress warmly in cold weather, otherwise there will be diseases associated with the genitals.

The Dragon

A rich and varied year will be 2018 for those born under the sign of the Dragon. It cannot be said that all events will be painted in colorful tones. Especially a lot of unpleasant situations will happen in the family. Close person can “trip” the Dragon, thereby greatly upsetting him.

As for the financial side, it will not upset the representatives of this sign, but, on the contrary, will please. At work, an increase is possible, and owning a business will bring a good annual profit. At the end of the year, the Dragons will meet a person who will literally turn their lives around for the better.


People of this sign in the period under review need to keep their eyes open, because the mistress of the year decides to play with them. Every now and then she will throw various surprises to the Snakes, which are not always pleasant. On the one hand, the Dog will give financial well-being and career growth, on the other hand, it will take away peace and understanding from the family.

Probably, this category of people may have problems with the opposite sex, but by the end of the year the situation will change, and many Snakes will finally be able to find a family. Health, in principle, will not worry, but preventive measures still do not interfere.


In 2018, Horses will discover a lot of new talents in themselves that will become great helpers in later life. They will spend all of them in euphoria: from adventures, pleasant acquaintances, new projects and other intriguing events.

In the summer, Horses can start a major overhaul that will unite the whole family and show who is good for what. In autumn, it is advisable to go on a trip with the whole family and take a break from the passions that raged during the renovation.


At the beginning of the year, the Goat will not notice problems, her behavior will amaze with recklessness, because she will fall in love. Not necessarily in a new person, it can be a spouse, but feelings will surge in a new way.

At work, interesting projects and tasks are expected that can bring good profits. It is advisable not to spend the monetary reward received immediately, but to postpone it for some time, because financial difficulties will probably begin in the middle of the year. But even this situation will not allow enterprising Goats to start their own business at the end of the year.


In order not to be on the verge of ruin, frisky and risky Monkeys must moderate their ardor and try not to follow their desires.

The dog loves family personalities, so the Monkey needs to spend more time with his family. Astrologers foresee a new dangerous love that will result in financial difficulties for the next few years. In the event that the representatives of this sign think deliberately, the money hole will be avoided.


Throughout 2018, the Rooster will spend at work, but this will not upset him, because he will receive fabulous profits for his work.

Of course, something will have to be sacrificed and the Roosters will decide to spend less time with their families. Fortunately, they are surrounded by understanding people who will always support and help. In the middle of the period under review, it is better to retire for a while and go to the sea.