Budget competition festival house of culture. Correspondence international competitions on video recordings. Congratulations to the theater group "Courage"

The international multi-genre festival-competition of arts "Pro-creativity" takes place in Moscow. Both amateur and professional creative teams and soloists of various genres and directions were invited to participate.

The objectives of the competition are not only to create favorable conditions for cultural development participants, but also the preservation and development of cultural potential, introducing young talents to the best examples of culture and art, attracting attention from the public, state, international, commercial and non-profit organizations to the creativity of children and youth, promoting the growth of creative abilities and the harmonious development of personality, the exchange creative experience and strengthening friendly relations between participants from different regions of Russia and other countries.
The performances of the contestants were evaluated by professionals: academicians, professors, associate professors of higher educational institutions culture and art, prominent figures of culture and art, composers, representatives of the media, show business, as well as the best representatives of the professional creative elite of Russia and other countries of the world. The jury members evaluated the performances of the participants on a 10-point system.

In January 2019, Vadim Mishchenko, a pupil of the City House of Culture, took part in the festival-competition. With his curator Anastasia Viktorovna Drijd, he prepared a poem for the competition

S. Mikhalkov "Thirty-six and five." According to the results of the voting, Vadim received a 1st degree Laureate Diploma in the nomination "Artistic Word". And Anastasia Viktorovna was also awarded a Certificate and Thank you letter for sincere generosity and high professionalism, and pedagogical talent.

On Tuesday, November 26, in the reading room of the library of the recreation center "Yubileiny" of the Rogovskoye settlement, a meeting was held with the only general in Russia three times (Major General of the FSB of the Reserve, Lieutenant General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General of the Federal Drug Control Service) Alexander Mikhailov, who presented his new book to Rogovians "I go through life as I want."

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, member of the Union of Journalists, laureate of literary awards, since 1993 - member of the Writers' Union of Russia, author of 12 books. Screenwriter, he wrote scripts for three feature films and two documentaries. Since 1974, he served in the state security agencies. He went from junior lieutenant to major general of counterintelligence.

Alexander Georgievich was engaged in operational activities for 15 years. In 1989, he was appointed head of the first press service in the USSR in the bodies of the KGB of the USSR, whose officers took part in complex operations in the fight against organized crime and terrorism. In 1998, Alexander Georgievich was invited to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Through his efforts, the information background of the radio "Militia Wave", the newspaper "Shield and Sword", the program "Duty Unit" on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company has fundamentally changed.

After Sergei Stepashin was elected Chairman of the Government, Alexander Georgievich headed the Department of Government Information of the Government Office Russian Federation. At the same time, he served as the press secretary of the Government. During the period of the second Chechen campaign, he headed the Russian Information Center.

In 2003 he was invited to the position of Vice-Chairman in Federal Service RF for drug control. Currently, Alexander Mikhailov is retired, leads an active social work, participates in the military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

The meeting was also attended by about the head of the administration of the Rogovskoye settlement Ilya Podkaminsky, the hero of Russia, police colonel Alexander Golovashkin, the deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Rogovskoye settlement Dmitry Niskaus, the head of the Narsky Frontier HPE Ekaterina Mironova, the commander of the Duty search detachment Alexander Oshivalov, the deputy commander of the Duty PO Maxim Novikov , fighter of the Duty Production Association Maria Novikova, students of school No. 2073, residents of the settlement.

The meeting was opened by Acting Head of Administration Ilya Podkaminsky.

Alexander Golovashkin, Dmitry Niskaus and Alexander Mikhailov solemnly presented certificates of honor to the search engines of the Narsky Frontier HPE.

Alexander Mikhailov told the people of Rogov about his life and work. He answered all questions openly, with humor, giving examples from his own life. new book the general devoted the work of KGB operatives.

For the guests of the evening, Svetlana Kotovshchuk performed the melodic song "Over My Russia" to the words of Alexander Mikhailov (music by Christina Aglints). The poem "The Bunny" was read by Anastasia Yakovleva, a student of the Rogovskaya school.

At the end of the meeting, the author of the book presented the guests with copies with a unique signature for each. Andrey Golov, the youngest participant of the meeting, was the first to receive the book. The little first grader listened with deep interest to the general all evening.

Ekaterina Mironova, head of the Narsky Frontier HPE, presented the library with the intellectual military-patriotic game “Moscow Behind Us” and expressed her gratitude to the organizers for a significant event for the people of Rogov and especially for young searchers.

The hosts of the event were Galina Lushina and Elena Korpacheva. Technical support of the event was organized by Olesya Zaguzina, artistic director of the Yubileiny Palace of Culture.




Consideration of your competition entry

10 business days

Application can be sent at any time


1. FIRST OF ALL, CHOOSE THE NAME OF THE COMPETITION (which you liked the most).

2. Carefully read the Regulations of the competition.

3.Download on the page of correspondence video competitions a receipt for payment of the competition fee.

4.Fill out the receipt and pay the competition fee in any bank (see financial conditions below).

5. Fill out an online application. In the application, indicate the link to the competitive video and send it to the Organizing Committee.

6.Separately by e-mailf[email protected] yandex. en send a copy of the receipt (in the letter indicate the full name of the participant or the name of the team).

ATTENTION!After receiving a copy of the receipt, the Organizing Committee will begin to consider the application.

The following are invited to participate in the competition: vocalists, instrumentalists, presenters, theater and circus artists, choreographic groups, fashion theaters, creative teams, individual performers, students and teachers of children's art schools, music schools, schools and colleges, institutions additional education, houses and centers of children's folk art, students of educational institutions, non-professional and professional performers, participants in amateur performances, choirs, orchestras, ensembles.

Teachers of groups and professional performers can participate in the competition.

At the competition, not a competitive, but a qualification principle for evaluating the competitive program is applied, taking into account the age of the performers.

The age of participants is not limited!

Anyone can take part in the competition!

Competitive assessment of the performances of creative teams will be carried out by a representative jury from the city of Moscow. The jury consists of leading representatives of culture and art, professional directors, musicians, vocalists, choreographers of higher educational institutions of Russia.

We will be glad if artistic groups will present the full depth and diversity of creative life at the International Competition! We wish new discoveries in creativity, the spirit of creation, joy and pleasant worries in preparing participants for the competition!




Your child is talented! Let everyone know about it!

A great way to add to your child's portfolio!


You may not know yet, but you are talented! Announce yourself!



Upgrade your skills!

Participation in our competitions will help you with certification!


The Moscow Children's Festival of National Cultures "My Home is Moscow" has been held at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers since 2016. The founders of the festival are the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow and the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

The festival sets itself the following tasks: to show the richness and beauty of folk art, to involve children and youth in cultural heritage to help develop intercultural dialogue.

From November 2019 to June 2020, at the My Home is Moscow festival, schoolchildren will get acquainted with the national cultures concentrated in the capital. The festival program includes: a competition (10 nominations), as well as seven days of national cultures. Gala concert and awards ceremony for laureates of the Moscow children's festival national cultures "My home is Moscow" will be held on June 1, 2020. Venue: GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" (Kosygina St., 17). We invite all participants!

Festival days coordinator: Ekaterina Alexandrovna Eltser, phone: 8 985 089 93 00, e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

Contest days coordinator: Mehtibekov Teymur Mehtievich, tel.: 8 962 361 81 22, e-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

Acceptance of applications for competition days: Bukhareva Lyudmila Alekseevna, tel.: 8 916 132 83 35, e-mail: [email protected]

Festival days


  • photo exhibition;
  • a corner of the Gagauz life - a selfie;
  • ethnographic exhibition, exposition from a private collection;
  • master class on writing Uzy hieroglyphs. Everyone who wishes will be able to write their own name in Uzian hieroglyphs-runes;
  • coloring pictures and their names in the Gagauz language (Cyrillic and hieroglyphs);
  • master class on Gagauz folk dances to live music (accordion);
  • master class in martial arts of the Uz-Gagauz. Games for children.
  • concert program:

450 people took part.


  • exhibition of paintings by Afghan artist Syed Qutbudin Zemar,
  • master classes in calligraphy in the Dari language,
  • exhibition of adult and children's national costumes,
  • master class on playing the national musical instrument dambur,
  • exhibition of handmade souvenirs,
  • tasting of national Afghan sweets (jelabi, hajur and sambus).
  • Afghan folk dances Karsak, Atan, Khazaragi and others.

250 people took part.


  • master classes in Caucasian and Ossetian dances,
  • douli lessons, exhibitions and lectures.
  • concert program, with the participation of national groups and performers.

650 people took part.


  • master classes on making New Year's toys and carnival masks;
  • tent, in which children got acquainted with the customs and life of the northern peoples;
  • national species sports;
  • reindeer, which gave a ride to the guests in a team;
  • a festive concert with the participation of children's groups of the capital and national ensembles;
  • disco.

2500 people took part.

The victory of the theater group "Courage"!

On November 20, the leading creative team of the city of Moscow, the theater group "Courage" took part in the V All-Russian creative festival-competition"Dance Championship Dance Way". An excerpt from the fairy tale "Snow White" received the II degree laureate. In the reading competition, all the first places were taken by pupils of the recreation center "Peresvet": Daria Yakunina - laureate of the III degree, Arina Chalenko - laureate of the II degree, Ilya Svirin - laureate of the I degree, Andrey Bychenko - laureate of the I degree. Congratulations on the well-deserved victory of the participants of the theater group "Courage" and the leader Nadezhda Shevchenko!

International children's festival-competition of music, dance, painting and fashion

"Sun in the hands of children"

Competition of readers "About the heroes of bygone times"

I Interregional Theater Competition

"Golden Melpomene"

International Festival of Russian Culture

"Russian fairy tale"

II International festival-competition of gifts and talents

"Wealth of Russia"

V International competition-festival of art and creativity "Sochi Triumph"

Congratulations to the soloists of the vocal studio "Dzhelsomino" Davydovs Veronica and Daria with worthy results at the International Festival "We are together".

Congratulations to the theater group "Courage" with the laureate of the third degree at the V All-Russian Festival of Children's Theatrical Creativity!

The exemplary choreographic ensemble "Rodnichok" of the House of Culture "Peresvet" became the Laureate of the first degree in two competitions at once: the International Festival-Competition "Southern Fairy Tale" in Pitsunda, the Republic of Abkhazia and the International Festival-Competition of Children's and Youth Creativity "Coast of Victories" in Sochi.The team was awarded a special prize "For the best costume" and nominated for the International Prize in the field of children's and youth creativity "ARTIS".

The exemplary choreographic ensemble "Rodnichok" became the owner of the highest award - the GRAND PRIX and a special prize of the festival "Sympathy of the Star" at the International Festival-Competition "Constellation of Children's Talents".

Two collectives of our house of culture "Peresvet" - "Holiday" and "Toons" at once deserved awards at the international festival-competition "Planet of Arts". Very young children became laureates of the second and third degrees.

Congratulations to the choreographic team "Multyashki" on receiving the diploma of the laureate of the second degree at the International Festival-Competition "Planet of Arts" in Moscow!

The guys from the theater group "Courage" in Veliky Novgorod at the Second All-Russian Children's and Youth Multi-Genre Festival-Competition "Novgorod Kit" deserved the honorable first place - the diploma of the laureate of the first degree!

Congratulations to the theater group "Prazdnik" on winning the competition in the city of Kazan! The guys have just returned from a trip and received diplomas of laureates of the second and third degrees!

At the international festival-competition "Planet of Arts", the guys from the theater group "Prazdnik" of the House of Culture "Peresvet" received diplomas of laureates of the second and third degrees!

Congratulations to the exemplary choreographic group "Rodnichok" with a well-deserved victory at the International Festival-Competition "Planet of Arts" and the choreographic group "Hummingbird" with the first victory!

Congratulations to the folk group, the vocal ensemble of veterans "Lyubava"!

The Jam Festival is in full swing in Moscow! August 19 beloved folk holiday Apple Save! In the city center they ate a huge apple pie, and we modestly, but with great pleasure, delighted people with our music and songs in the city of Moscow. The folk group, the instrumental ensemble "Rio-Rita" with soloist Yulia Kulikova and the ensemble of veterans "Lyubava" performed for the residents and guests of the city of Moscow.

Summer, June, the sun... And the word rest is already visible... "Well, no!" - the guys from the theater group "Holiday" tell us. And again they go to the competition, which seems to be dedicated to this wonderful time of the year and is called "The Sun in Children's Palms". And not in vain! The children received diplomas of laureates of the second and third degrees and pleased themselves, their parents, the leader Sadchikova Natalya Dmitrievna and the whole House of Culture! Hooray!!! Forward!!!

Congratulations to our theatrical group "Courage" on receiving a second degree laureate diploma at International Festival Arts "Magic World". The guys, under the guidance of their leader Shevchenko Nadezhda Yuryevna, showed the play "Sleeping Beauty". We try and strive to become more professional and more professional every time! Hooray!!!

Congratulations to the theatrical group "Prazdnik" on receiving a diploma of the second degree laureate in the District Festival of Children's Creativity "Spring of Talents", which was held in Moscow. Further success to all the children and the leader Sadchikova Natalya Dmitrievna!

Ours returned from Sochi! The International Competition of National Cultures and Folklore "Folk Origins" was held there. We realized the school year was not in vain! Evgenia Romanova from the studio of folk and pop vocals "Triumph" under the direction of Yulia Alexandrovna Kulikova earned a diploma of the laureate of the first degree. Zhenya sang songs in Ukrainian and was very worried about how the jury members would react to this. Everything went off with a bang! She is young!
The theater group "Courage" under the direction of Shevchenko Nadezhda Yuryevna received a diploma of the first degree diploma and a certificate in the amount of 10,000 rubles with the right to use it at a competition in the city of Anapa. Congratulations to the children, their parents and leaders! We are so happy for them!!!

Congratulations to the exemplary choreographic group "Rodnichok" and the leader Kopylova Alevtina Ivanovna on receiving a diploma in the nomination "Folk Dance" at the All-Russian Festival of National Cultures "Russia - My Motherland" for the prize of People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina!

Oh oh oh!!! See here soon! One of our smallest circle members - members of the "Multyashki" team, together with their leader Sushinina Tatyana Vladimirovna, participated in the VII International Festival-Competition "Planet of Arts". And what, yes, the fact that they became laureates of the first degree four times in different categories! Congratulations to our wonderful children, their parents and the head of the "Toon" team Tatyana Vladimirovna!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Congratulations to the children, their parents and the head of the theater group "Prazdnik" - Sadchikova Natalya Dmitrievna on receiving a diploma of the second degree in All-Russian competition children's and youth creativity "Wind Rose"!

On February 15, 2015, we were at the festival "Dancing Casket -2015". This is a competition for folk dance. Our exemplary choreographic group "Rodnichok" received a diploma of the first degree laureate (Hurrah! Hurray! Hurray!), two diplomas of the second degree laureate (Hurray! Hurray!) and one diploma of the first degree diplomat (Hurrah!).

Congratulations to the choreographic team "Toons" and leader Sushinina Tatyana Vladimirovna with victory and diplomas I And III degrees in the Championship of the Moscow region in modern and classical dances!

Congratulations to the exemplary children's choreographic group "Rodnichok" with the victory in the international competition-festival of children's and youth choreographic groups "TOP DANCE FESTIVL - 2014"! The competition lasted from 10.00 to 20.30, but not in vain for our ensemble! Winners of 1st and 2nd degree! (Younger and middle group) Hooray!!!

HURRAH!!! With the receipt of diplomas of laureates FIRST And SECOND degrees at the VI International Creative Forum and Festival-Competition "Planet of Arts" CONGRATULATIONS to the musical and theater group "Celebration" and, of course, the leader - Sadchikova Natalya Dmitrievna!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Exemplary choreographic group "Rodnichok" and leader Kopylova Alevtina Ivanovna with 1st place!!!

Congratulations to the choreographic team "Multyashki"!

Congratulations with a diploma second degree at the VI International Creative Forum and Festival-Competition "Planet of Arts"

Congratulations to the theater group "Courage" with a laureate diploma 2 degrees at the V All-Russian multi-genre festival-competition "White Whale"!

Our cup from Kazan!

Congratulations to the theater group "Courage"!

With honorary second a place at the XXXIX International Festival-Competition of Children, Youth, Adults and Professional Groups "Colour of Kazan"!

Congratulations to the children's exemplary choreographic group "Rodnichok"!

FROM first a place at the XXXIX International festival-competition of children's, youth, adults and professional groups "Colour of Kazan! With a special prize!