Biography of f and iskander summary. Biography of Iskander Fazil Abdulovich. Documentary films with F. Iskander

Biography and episodes of life Fazil Iskander. When born and died Fazil Iskander, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. Quotes from a writer and a poet, Photo and video.

Fazil Iskander's life years:

born 6 March 1929, died 31 July 2016


"When you come close to your own death, the thought that you have worked all your life is reassuring."
Fazil Iskander


Several generations grew up on the work of the remarkable Soviet and Russian writer Fazil Iskander. His books, in which fun is intertwined with sadness, became at one time an exceptional phenomenon due to a special mood and color, deeply popular, based on traditional folklore and children's impressions. Fazil Abdulovich wrote a lot about his native Abkhazia and did it so vividly, brightly and beautifully that readers from all over the Union began to love this sunny mountainous land in absentia.

The childhood years of the future writer largely determined those colorful decorations that later began to appear in his works. After the deportation of Fazil's father from the USSR, the boy was sent to his relatives in a small Abkhaz village. The colorful landscapes and characters of the local residents left a deep impression on him. As a child, Fazil already showed remarkable abilities: he graduated from school with a gold medal and went to study in Moscow.

The further creative path from journalist to poet and from poet to writer was not quick. Iskander became famous throughout the Union at the age of 37, when his first story was published. But the writer did not strive for fame as an end in itself. Fazil Iskander said that literature is the world in which people are looking for strength to cope with reality, and he believed that a writer should first of all be honest, should reveal the truth to people.

According to friends, Fazil Abdulovich possessed precisely this quality in full measure. But his innate sense of humor and kindness did not allow him to slip into cynicism or skepticism: his works are witty and wise, funny and tragic at the same time - like life itself. As the writer himself used to say, when you want to laugh at the shortcomings, it means that getting rid of them is still possible.

Fazil Iskander spent the last decades of his life in Peredelkino near Moscow, without stopping to work practically until the very last days. The writer and poet died of heart failure at the age of 88.

Life line

March 6, 1929 Date of birth of Fazil Abdulovich Iskander.
1954 g. Graduation from the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, beginning of work as a journalist.
1956 g. Iskander becomes editor at the Abkhazian branch of Gosizdat.
1957 g. Issue of the first collection of Iskander's poems "Mountain Trails" in Sukhum.
1960 g. Marriage to the poetess Antonina Mikhailovna Khlebnikova.
1962 g. Beginning of work on prose works.
1966 g. Publication of the story "Constellation of Kozlotur" in the magazine "Novy Mir", which made Iskander famous.
1989 year Iskander was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as part of the deputies from the Abkhaz ASSR. In the same year, the writer received the USSR State Prize for the novel "Sandro from Chegem".
1999 year Fazil Iskander was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.
2004 r. Fazil Iskander was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.
2009 r. Fazil Iskander was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.
2011 r. Publication of the joint poetry collection of the Iskander spouses "Snow and Grapes".
2014 Receiving the state prize of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of Russian literature.
Jul 31, 2016 Free transfer Date of death of Fazil Iskander.
August 2, 2016 Fazil Iskander's funeral.

Memorable places

1. Sukhum (Abkhazia), where Fazil Iskander was born.
2. The Library Institute (now the Moscow State Institute of Culture, Khimki), where Fazil Iskander studied for three years.
3. Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, where Iskander transferred after the third year.
4. Kursk, where Iskander worked as a journalist after graduation.
5. Bryansk, where Iskander worked as a journalist.
6. Peredelkino (Moscow region), where Fazil Iskander died.
7. The Central House of Writers in Moscow, where a civil funeral service for the writer was held.
8. Novodevichye cemetery in Moscow, where Fazil Iskander is buried.

Fazil Iskander with his wife and the President of Abkhazia at the solemn celebration of his 80th birthday

Episodes of life

The now abandoned Abkhaz village of Chegem, where little Fazil grew up, often appears in his works. Nevertheless, Iskander did not write a single work in the Abkhaz language, and he called himself "unconditionally a Russian writer."

The Abkhazian authorities offered to bury the writer in the center of the Abkhaz capital. Fazil Iskander himself expressed a desire to be buried in Peredelkino.

Fazil Iskander reads an excerpt from his story "Beginning" in the program "Around Laughter"


“… To master good humor, one has to reach extreme pessimism, look into a dark abyss, make sure that there is nothing there, and slowly come back. The trail left by this way back will be real humor. "

“Stupidity is not ridiculed in order to destroy stupidity - it is indestructible. This is done in order to maintain the spirit of the intelligent. "

"I have always believed that the ability to see the truth and criticize untruths is the content of the life of a writer, the content of the life of all thinking heads in the country."

"What we are going to do tomorrow makes us who we are today."


“Fazil for me has always been associated with something bright, and if you look at it, when I listed the great writers of the Soviet Union and Russia and in general with whom I managed to meet in my life, then Fazil Iskander was always not in the last place among them, but often and on the first. I believe that Fazil Iskander was an excellent writer and person. "
Georgy Danelia, director

“One of the most charming, intelligent, worthy people has died. I’m not even saying that he was a great writer and that he changed the attitude to life of many people, because he offered a kind of literature that we didn’t know, we didn’t touch it. ”
Lyudmila Ulitskaya, writer

“Iskander was one of the most likely candidates for the Nobel Prize from Russia, many spoke about this, first of all, because he put on a literary globe a territory that was not there, for which Nobel is usually given - Abkhazia. Of course, she was very far from real Abkhazia, it was metaphysical Abkhazia, the country of his childhood and happiness. "
Dmitry Bykov, writer

“Fazil Iskander was above all a cheerful and honest person. When his stories began to appear in the mid-1960s, they were immediately noticeable precisely for their simplicity, fun and honesty. "
Mikhail Weller, writer

Fazil Iskander is a Soviet and Russian writer, a brilliant representative of magical realism in Russian literature, "Abkhazian Mark Twain", who won the recognition of the readership with his satirical story "Constellation Kozlotur" and "rogue novel" epic "Sandro from Chegem". Fazil Iskander opened small Abkhazia for Russia and the world, entering every reader's house with his Sandro from Chegem.


Fazil Iskander was born in Sukhum on March 6, 1929 in the family of an employee - the former owner of a brick factory Abdula Ibragimovich Iskander, Iranian by origin, and Abkhazian Leli Khasanovna Michelia. At the age of nine, he lost his father, who fell under the rink of Stalin's deportations and in 1938 was exiled outside the USSR to Iran, where he died in a camp in 1957. Fazil, his brother and sister grew up and were brought up by relatives on the maternal (Abkhaz) side, and spent the summer in the mountainous Abkhaz village of Chegem, a place praised by the writer in numerous works.

Study and first literary experiences

Having brilliantly graduated from the Russian school in Sukhum, Fazil Iskander went to study in Moscow, intending to enter the philosophy faculty of Moscow State University, but hearing the words: "it seems that there is an order for your nation," he decided to enter the Library Institute. After studying for three years, he transferred to the A.M. Gorky Literary Institute, which he graduated in 1954.

For the next two years he worked as a journalist in Bryansk ("Bryansk Komsomolets") and Kursk ("Kurskaya Pravda"), and in 1956 he returned to Sukhum, where he became an editor in the Abkhaz branch of the State Publishing House. Here in 1957 F. Iskander's first poetry collection "Mountain Trails" was published. In the same year he became a member of the USSR Writers' Union.

The first successful publication was followed by other collections of poetry - "Kindness of the Earth" (1959), "Green Rain" (1960), "Children of the Black Sea Region" (1961). Since the late 1950s, F. Iskander began to publish in the Yunost magazine, along with other representatives of the "young prose" of the 1960s - Yuri Kazakov, Vasily Aksenov, Oleg Chukhontsev, Vladimir Voinovich, and others.

Literary creativity

In the same 1962 F. Iskander moved to Moscow - and, as it turned out, forever. Fazil Iskander gained recognition from readers and fame as a writer with the satirical story "Constellation Kozlotura", published in August 1966 in the liberal magazine "Novy Mir", which in those years was headed by poet and journalist Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. In 1970, the story was published as a separate book.

"Constellation Kozlotura" is an excellent example of satire ridiculing Soviet society, the selection experiments of the Soviet Michurin agrobiologist Trofim Lysenko and the agricultural campaigns of the Nikita Khrushchev administration. Alexander Tvardovsky twice (1966, 1968) nominated the story for the State Prize for Literature, but the book, full of sharp political satire, was naturally not missed by party critics from literature.

In the following years F. Iskander published several collections of stories: "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules" (1966) and "The Forbidden Fruit" (1966). Separate stories - "The Beginning" (1969), "Trout Fishing in the Upper Kodor" (1969), "Summer Day" (1969), "Letter" (1969), "Meeting on the Train" (1969), "Poor Demagogue" ( 1969) - were published in the magazines "Youth" and "New World".

In 1973, Novy Mir (No. 8-11) began to publish individual short stories from the most important work of F. Iskander - "Sandro from Chegem". Even the magazine version of the novel, despite the fact that it was heavily distorted by the censorship, gave an idea of ​​the philosophical depth of the epic "glorifying the poetry of folk life." It is a drama, a parable, a fairy tale and an anecdote at the same time.

The history of Sandro, his relatives and residents of the mountain village of Chegem begins in the pre-revolutionary past and unfolds during the period of Stalinist repression and collectivization. In the narrative, in addition to individual fictional characters and entire peoples (Kengurians and Endurians), real historical figures play their role (Joseph Stalin, Lavrenty Beria, Nestor Lakoba), and the action takes place in partly real, partly fictional scenery - the mountain village of Chegem, Mukhus ( pseudonym of Sukhum), Batum and Kengursk.

The entire novel was published in English translation by the American publishing house of Russian literature Karl and Ellendeya Profferov "Ardis" (1979, 1981). The novel was highly appreciated by American literary critics who compared the artistic approach of F. Iskander with the style of M. Twain, W. Faulkner and G. G. Marquez. For the first time, the novel was published entirely in Russian only during the Perestroika period - in 1989.

In the same year, when the novel was published in the West, F. Iskander took part in the uncensored almanac Metropol, where 22 Russian writers published their works - Bella Akhmadulina, Vasily Aksenov, Yuz Aleshkovsky, Viktor Erofeev. In the collection, which appeared in samizdat, two works by F. Iskander were published - the story "The Little Giant of Big Sex" and the story "Retribution". One of the copies of "Metropol" was shipped outside the USSR and republished in "Ardis". The authors participating in the almanac were persecuted, some were forced to emigrate. F. Iskander was not expelled from the Writers' Union, but ended up in the "black lists" and for several years was practically excluded from publications in Soviet literary journals.

In connection with this experience, a new philosophical story-parable "Rabbits and boas" was written by F. Iskander in a completely different form - in the spirit and style of the world dystopia of the 20th century. It is a caustic satire on a society that, with the blessing of its Dictator King, agrees to an unnatural and cannibalistic "social contract." Rabbits and Boas is a book about the nature of power based on lies, violence and human unpreparedness to "live the truth." The book was created for the deliverance of the "ideologized man" of all times and peoples, at the same time a victim and an executioner, a rabbit and a boa constrictor. It is not surprising that the story, first published by the Ardis publishing house in 1982, was able to see the light of day in Russia only during the Perestroika period, appearing in the Yunost magazine (1987).

From the second half of the 1980s, F. Iskander's works began to be published again. During these years, the stories "Chika's Defense" (1983), "Barman Adgur" (1986), "Chegemskaya Carmen" (1986), the story "Gloomy Youth Light" (1990), and the novel "Man and His Environs" (1993) were published. Based on the books of Fazil Iskander, performances are staged and films are made ("Chegem detective", "Mosfilm", "Gruziyafilm", 1986; "Feasts of Belshazzar, or a night with Stalin", the Gorky film studio, 1989), and their author is awarded prestigious awards. Among them are the USSR State Prize (1989), the A.D. Sakharov Prize "For Courage in Literature" (1991), the Pushkin Prize of the A.Tepfer Foundation (1992), etc.


On the wave of Perestroika, Fazil Iskander became a people's deputy of the USSR from the Abkhaz ASSR (1989), but he reacted extremely negatively to the idea of ​​Abkhazia's secession from Georgia. According to the memoirs of the literary critic Stanislav Rassadin, Fazil Iskander himself spoke about this period as follows:

"Yes, it was awful! The very presence there inspired horror. I did not miss meetings. In general, everyone said: as soon as they show me on television, I sleep. It was close to the truth ... True, when I was offered to become a deputy, I refused, but fellow countrymen began to press on my patriotic feelings, and I did not hide from them that I was against the separation of Abkhazia from Georgia, that we should concentrate our forces on solving economic problems within our autonomous republic, develop democracy and not change anything else. this question is perceived even in Europe: the Basques in Spain, the Irish in England ... It was very difficult to say all this, but I was sure that there was no other way, that any other way would lead to a bloody dead end ... As it happened. never listens to the opinions of his writers. "

After the self-dissolution of the Supreme Council in 1991, F. Iskander no longer took part in politics. And on the eve and during the Georgian-Abkhaz war, he did not openly support the leaders of the then Abkhazia, which caused disappointment in Vladislav Ardzinba.

But in the same years F. Iskander actively participated in various councils and commissions on culture and human rights, where his opinion was listened to. He was co-chairman of the secretariat of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1991), a member of the Commission on Human Rights (until 1996) and on Pardons under the President of the Russian Federation (until 2001), Vice-President of the Russian PEN Club (1989), a member of the editorial boards of magazines and anthologies "Continent "," Academic notebooks "," Reading circle ", magazines" Banner "," Youth "," Friendship of peoples "," Reading Russia ", etc.


On June 14, 2002 F. Iskander for the first time after the Georgian-Abkhaz war arrived in Abkhazia, where he was awarded the Order of Akhdz Apsha (Honor and Glory) of the first degree "For especially outstanding achievements in the field of science, culture and art, which received international recognition and who glorified Abkhazia "and presented the DI Gulia State Prize.

On July 31, 2016, Fazil Iskander died at his dacha in Peredelkino near Moscow at the age of 87 after a long illness.

The authorities of Abkhazia offered to bury the writer in his homeland - in Sukhum. Iskander himself said during his lifetime that he would like to be buried at the cemetery in Peredelkino, but it was decided to bury the writer at the Novodevichy cemetery. Farewell will be held on August 2 at the Central House of Writers in Moscow.


  1. Haber E. The Myth of the Non-Russian: Iskander and Aitmatov "s Magical Universe. Oxford, N.Y., 2003. P.62
  2. Nowadays - Moscow State University of Culture.
  3. Haber E. The Myth of the Non-Russian: Iskander and Aitmatov "s Magical Universe ..., P.63
  4. For the first time the short story "Sandro from Chegem" was published in the literary supplement "Izvestia" - the newspaper "Nedelya"
  5. Rassadin S.B. The book of farewells. M., 2004.S. 178-191
  6. Jacoby S. An Abkhazian Mark Twain // The New York Times, May 15, 1983
  7. Fazil Iskander. Sandro from Chegem. M .: Moscow worker, 1989
  8. 85th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Fazil Iskander // Scientific Library of KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev
  9. Rassadin S.B. The book of farewells. M., 2004.S. 188-189
  10. Zatulin K.F. The leader of the people // APSNY, №4, 2009
  11. Grafova L. It's stuffy to live without conscience // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 04.03.2011

- (b. 1929) Russian writer. Satirical stories Constellation Kozlotura (1966), Rabbits and boas (1987), Man and his surroundings (1993). In the novel on an autobiographical basis, Sandro from Chegem (1973 88; complete edition 1989; State Prize ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (b. 6.3.1929, Sukhumi), Russian Soviet writer. Graduated from the Literary Institute. M. Gorky (1954). Author of poetry collections: "Mountain Trails" (1957), "Green Rain" (1960), "Youth of the Sea" (1964), "Dawns of the Earth" (1966), etc. Poetry I. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (b. 06.03.1929, Chegem, Abkhazia), writer, screenwriter, actor. Winner of the Triumph Prize (1999). Author of lyric epic books. 1969 TIME OF HAPPY FINDINGS actor, scriptwriter 1986 CHEGEM DETECTIVE scriptwriter 1989 VALTASAR'S FEATHERS, OR NIGHT WITH ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Iskander, Fazil Abdulovich- ISKANDER Fazil Abdulovich (born 1929), Russian writer. The satirical story "Constellation Kozlotura" (1966), "Rabbits and boas" (1987). In the autobiographical novel Sandro from Chegem (1973 88; full edition in 1989), imbued with ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (b. 1929), Russian writer. The satirical stories "Constellation Kozlotura" (1966), "Rabbits and boas" (1987), the novel "Man and his surroundings" (1993). In the autobiographical novel Sandro from Chegem (1973 88; full edition 1989; ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Iskander Fazil Abdulovich- (born 1929) poet and prose writer. Born in the city of Sukhum (Sukhumi). Graduated from Moscow. Library Institute, then Lit. in t them. Gorky (1954). He worked as a journalist in Kursk and Bryansk, since 1959 an editor at the Abkhazian branch of the State Publishing House. He made his debut in 1957 Sat. poetry ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

ISKANDER Fazil Abdulovich- (b. 1929), Russian Soviet writer. Sat. poems (including Mountain Trails, 1957, Dawns of the Earth, 1966) and short stories (including The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules, Forbidden Fruit, both - 1966). Pov. "Constellation Kozlotura" (1966), "Remzik" (1974), "Marine ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

Fazil Iskander Date of birth: March 6, 1929 (80 years old) Place of birth: Sukhum, Abkhazia, USSR, Occupation: prose writer, poet, essayist ... Wikipedia

Poet, prose writer, head of the international association "World of Culture"; born on March 6, 1929; Graduated from the Moscow Library Institute and the V.I. M. Gorky; People's Deputy of the USSR (1989 1991); laureate of the State Prize ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Fazil Abdulovich Iskander- Prose writer, poet Fazil Abdulovich Iskander was born on March 6, 1929 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia). Father - Iskander Abdul Ibragimovich, Iranian by origin, in 1938 he was expelled from the USSR, the boy grew up with relatives on the maternal (Abkhaz) line. ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • Constellation Kozlotura. Rabbits and boas. Chick's childhood, Iskander Fazil Abdulovich. Fazil Iskander is a writer understandable to everyone and beloved by everyone, endowed with a unique and grandiose literary gift and a sensitive heart that perceives even the slightest pain and injustice. ...

In our time, unfortunately, the amazing era of truly unique people who were born at the beginning of the 20th century and who made an invaluable contribution to the cultural heritage, who left a truly unique imprint on the development of the culture of our state, is completing its century.

Therefore, while there is still an opportunity, it is necessary to get to know them better, because they still live and continue to work next to us. A person who deserves our attention is the amazing Abkhaz poet, writer, journalist, prose writer, spiritual authority of the society, as well as public figure Fazil Abdulovich Iskander. Today he is deservedly called the patriarch of Russian and world literature.

Fazil Iskander: biography

The boy's parents met in the city of Sukhumi (Abkhazia) where the future writer was born on March 6, 1929. Fazil's mother is from the village of Chegem, where the boy spent his childhood under the supervision of relatives. His father, a successful owner of a brick factory, was widely known in the city of Sukhumi. At that time, half of the city's buildings were built of bricks produced in the factory. Even today, you can still find in the city houses made of red bricks of a special shade, known in the city as "Iskander bricks". We know from history that it was a difficult time back then. Time of exile, repression and deportation. Fazil's family could not avoid this either. His father was deported in 1938 due to his Iranian descent. From that moment on, the family did not see him again.

Studying at the Sukhumi school was easy for a smart kid. He graduated from school as a gold medalist. Before entering the State Library Institute, Fazil Abdulovich tried his hand at entering the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. When passing the exam, he was offended by the words of the examiner that "their nation is under special control and there is an order for it." He took the documents and easily went to the Library Institute. After studying there for three years, Fazil realized that it was much more interesting for him to write himself than to classify other people's creativity. It was decided to move to the A.M. Gorky Literary Institute.

After graduating from the institute in the mid-50s, he worked as a journalist and editor in Bryansk and Kursk. The rise up the career ladder continued at work in the department of the State Publishing House of Abkhazia. Already in 1957, the reader met Fazil Abdulovich as a poet. Considering that Iskander is an excellent connoisseur of the Russian language and wrote all his works in Russian, it is impossible not to note that all his poems are saturated with love for nature and, in general, for Abkhazia. Taking any work in your hands, you will see Abkhazia so beautiful, as if there is no other place on earth more beautiful, as if the whole world fit in this paradise. And every reader begins to believe in this from the first lines of a story or story.

Fazil Iskander became widely known as a writer after the release of the story "Constellation of Kozlotur". I would like to dwell on this story separately, because it is one of the very first that makes fun of stupidity, as well as public opinion, which is extremely easy to manipulate. It was dedicated to the Khrushchev corn campaign, which called for the best lands of the country to be given for corn. Iskander considered such an insane spread of this culture to be discrediting. This caused a sad feeling in him. And although humanity does not stand still, the story has not lost its relevance. It is still possible to draw analogies on it already in our time. A bright syllable on a topical topic brought nationwide love to Fazil Abdulovich. From that moment on, Iskander's works began to be filmed. Most of the works were transferred to the screen by 1989, but for today's generation, "The Little Giant of Big Sex" with G. Khazanov in the title role based on the story "Oh, Marat!"

The main plots of Fazil Abdulovich's works are drawn to us from his childhood and are described in a unique, peculiar Chegem style. Despite his acquaintance with the work of many writers, according to Fazil, no one was able to make such an impression on him in order to influence his style in the future.

According to Iskander, he can inflate an elephant from a fly, but the fly must be alive. An accurate description of characters copied from real people sometimes played a cruel joke with the writer and led to unpleasant situations. As Fazil admitted in an interview: "I did not even suspect that I describe people in such detail that it is clear not only to me who I am writing about, but also to common acquaintances!" Such a striking epic novel was Sandro from Chegem. These are humorous novellas describing the adventures of old Uncle Sandro in different periods of time from pre-revolutionary to modern. You can recognize many of Fazil's friends and acquaintances in them. After the "neighbor showdown" Iskander began to carefully camouflage negative characters. And he wrote only positive characters all the same clearly.

The writer has no work schedule. There is inspiration and desire - he sits down to write, no - he is engaged in social activities. The process of writing works is completely unregulated, but if he undertakes to rewrite something, then twice as much material is issued. As Fazil himself admits, giving the material for revision, the typist will receive back not 20, but 40 sheets. During the writing of the texts, Fazil did not focus much on a wide range of readers, he strove more to make it interesting for him to read, and as a result, an excellent novel came out. And it turned out to be consonant with many how and about what he writes.

Fazil Iskander typed all his works on a typewriter, he never mastered a computer. Today he has an assistant who helps him in everything. Fazil also uses the time when there is no desire to write for communication and gathering new impressions. The source of inspiration for the writer Fazil Iskander, despite his difficult life, was and remains childhood memories, his smells and taste, which still live in him and make him create.

The writer pays a large place in his work to what can cause a smile and laughter. After all, only humor helps to overcome difficulties, and while we laugh, we are still alive and can change something in ourselves and in those around us. Iskander sees his work as a writer as an opportunity to change the world for the better by rewriting its rules and pointing out pain points, forcing everyone to think and improve. He calls himself exclusively a Russian writer praising Abkhazia.

In the course of his social activities, Fazil Abdulovich, being a spiritual authority, spoke out in defense of small peoples many times. In the late 1980s, he was elected a deputy from the opposition forces. This was another difficult time for our country. Fazil was in the party of those who actively fought for the so-called "freedom" for our country in 1991 and which turned into a disaster. Thinking that the state drove the people into a hole and seeing the result he did not expect, he admitted: the state protected the people. Fazil Abdulovich turned this bitter page in his life and swore to engage in politics. An ardent opponent of war, the conflict in his native Abkhazia is painful. He wants everyone in the world to live like good neighbors, without coercion.

For more than forty years the writer has been living with his family in Moscow. He is a bright representative of people of that hardening, for whom it is important to live their whole life with a loved one. Most recently, he and his wife Antonina Iskander (Khlebnikova) celebrated their golden wedding. The collection of poems “Snow and Grapes” was published as a gift. The couple have two children.

Interesting biography facts of Fazil Iskander:

Took part in the release of the uncensored Metropol magazine. For his activities, he was punished by excommunication from the opportunity to publish in official publications. The ban was lifted in 1984.

  • He was one of the jury members at KVN in the late 80s.
  • A coin with the image of Fazil Iskander was issued.
  • Will celebrate an emerald wedding very soon.
  • He was awarded many orders and prizes.
  • The most respected Abkhaz in the diaspora in Moscow.
  • To date, the writer has published 21 novellas and novels in prose, 9 collections of poems, and made 8 screen adaptations based on his works.
  • Fazil's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.


Fazil Abdulovich Iskander is a Russian writer, Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet.

Born on March 6, 1929 in Sukhumi in the family of a former owner of a brick factory of Iranian origin. In 1938, the father of the future writer was deported from the USSR, since then Iskander never saw his father again. He was brought up by relatives of an Abkhaz mother in the village of Chegem.

He graduated from the Russian school in Abkhazia with a gold medal. He entered the Library Institute in Moscow. After three years of study, he transferred to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, who graduated in 1954.

In 1954-1956 he worked as a journalist in Kursk and Bryansk. In 1956 he became an editor at the Abkhaz branch of the State Publishing House, where he worked until the early 1990s. Since the beginning of the 1990s, he has been living permanently in Moscow.

The first book of poems "Mountain Trails" was published in Sukhumi in 1957, in the late 1950s it began to be published in the magazine "Yunost". He began writing prose in 1962. The writer gained fame in 1966 after the publication of the story “Constellation of Kozlotur” in Novy Mir.

In 2011, on the day of his 82nd birthday, Fazil Iskander said: “I am certainly a Russian writer who praised Abkhazia a lot. Unfortunately, I did not write anything in Abkhazian. The choice of Russian culture for me was unambiguous. "

A family

He has been married since 1960. His wife is the poet Antonina Khlebnikova (Iskander). Has a son and a daughter.

Marking the golden wedding, in the spring of 2011 Fazil and Antonina Iskander jointly released a book of poems "Snow and Grapes."

Awards and prizes

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art Fazil Iskander (left)

Silver coin "Fazil Iskander" with denomination of 10 apsars from the "Outstanding Personalities of Abkhazia" series
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (September 29, 2004)
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (March 3, 1999)
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (March 13, 2009)
USSR State Prize (1989) - for the novel "Sandro from Chegem"
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (December 26, 2011) - for the book "Selected Works"
Pushkin Prize (1993)
State Prize of the Russian Federation (1994)
State Prize of the Russian Federation - for contribution to the development of Russian literature (2014)
Triumph Prize (1999)
Order "Honor and Glory" I degree (June 18, 2002, Abkhazia
) Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts
In honor of F.A. Iskander, the astronomer of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Lyudmila Karachkina named the asteroid (5615) Iskander, discovered on August 4, 1983.
In 2009, the Bank of Abkhazia issued a commemorative silver coin from the "Outstanding Personalities of Abkhazia" series dedicated to Fazil Iskander, with a denomination of 10 apsars.


Mountain trails. Poems, Sukhumi, 1957
The kindness of the earth. Poems, Sukhumi, 1959
Green rain. M., 1960
Children of the Black Sea Region. Sukhumi, 1961
Youth of the sea. M., 1964
Dawns of the land. M., 1966
Summer forest. Poems, M., 1969
Way. Poems, M., Owls. writer, 1987
Poems. M., 1993


Constellation Kozlotura // "New World", 1966, No. 8 (the story ridicules the "campaigns" to raise agriculture in the USSR and public opinion, which is easily manipulated)
The Forbidden fruit. - M., 1966
Barber // "New World", 1967, no. 4
Three stories // "New World", 1969, № 5
Childhood tree. - M., 1970, 1974
Chick's Day // "Youth", 1971, № 10
Sandro from Chegem // "New World", 1973, No. 8-11, dep. ed. - 1977 (cut by two-thirds by censorship); the full text was published in the USA: Ann Arbor, 1979 and 1981, in the USSR completely in 3 volumes., 1989 novel, in which there is no end-to-end action, but episodes from different times from pre-revolutionary to modern are given in a satirical key.)
Time of happy finds. - M .: Young Guard, 1973
In the shade of a walnut. 1979
The Little Giant of Big Sex, in Metropol Almanac, Ann Arbor, 1979; under the title "About Marat" in the magazine "Ogonyok", 1988, No. 21-22; entered the novel "Sandro from Chegem", ch. 23, 1989 (description of Beria's love affairs)
Rabbits and boas. Ann Arbor, 1982; magazine "Youth", 1987
Chick's defense. 1983
Big day of the big house. Sukhumi, 1986
Favorites. - M .: Soviet writer, 1988. - 576 p., 100,000 copies.
Coffee shop in the sea. Play // Theater, 1988, no. 6
Parking person. 1990
Man and his surroundings
Thirteenth feat of Hercules
Sofichka. 1997
Uninvited guest. 1999


1969 - "Time of Happy Finds"
1986 - Chegem detective
1989 - "Holiday waiting for the holiday"
1989 - "Thieves in law" based on stories - "Bartender Adgur", "Chegemskaya Carmen"
1989 - "Constellation Kozlotura" based on the story of the same name
1989 - "Feasts of Belshazzar, or Night with Stalin" based on the chapter "Feasts of Belshazzar" of the novel "Sandro from Chegem"
1991 - "Let's Part While Good" based on the story "Old Khasan's Pipe"
1992 - "Little giant of big sex" based on the story "Oh, Marat!"