Secret of love. Mantak chia, douglas abrams Taoist secrets of love that every man should know Tao secrets of love

Stress, emotional stress, irregular work schedule, constant haste and fuss - all this adversely affects our body. A woman who finds herself in the cycle of sleep-work-home quickly gets tired, becomes apathetic, lethargic, irritable, asexual. Interest in life disappears, immunity decreases, and every day turns into Groundhog Day ...

Usually in such a situation, we begin to swallow vitamins and pills in handfuls, but all this does not give the desired result, since it does not replenish energy reserves. Losing energy, we lose not only health, but also femininity, attractiveness and sensuality. And we “get” in return problems in our personal lives, depression, a “bouquet” of gynecological sores and dissatisfaction with intimate relationships.

Unfortunately, most of us do not even suspect that you can get out of this vicious circle. However, even in ancient times, special exercises were known to help women make up for the lack of energy, open their feminine power and use it in relationships with men.

Taoist practices - the secrets of love

Taoist sexual practices are not just a set of exercises, they are the art of sexual pleasure, a unique tradition that originated in ancient China and has existed for five millennia. Taoist secrets of love for women will allow beautiful ladies maintain and improve sexual health, beauty and sensuality!

How will Taoist sexual practices help a modern woman?

Taoist practices:

  • repeatedly enhance female energy and attractiveness;
  • will give incredibly sweet sensations during intimacy;
  • prepare the body for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • help restore the elasticity of intimate muscles after the birth of a child;
  • heal many women's diseases;
  • normalize the cycle, eliminate PMS and delay the onset of menopause.

Taoist secrets of love for two

Women's Taoist practices restore the circulation of energies in the body. They normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs and relieve diseases associated with congestion in the female genital organs, increase the sensitivity of the vagina. In addition, practices contribute to the rejuvenation of the body and fill it with vitality.

Aligning hormonal background, Taoist practices have a beneficial effect on emotional condition women, increasing her resistance to stress and forming a calm attitude to various situations. Removing clamps and blocks, they allow you to quickly relax during intimate contact and get a stronger orgasm, strengthen intimate muscles, which opens up new nuances of sensual experiences.

Taoist practices teach you to control your own body and concentrate on sensations. Knowing the Taoist secrets of love:

  • will make you irresistible, alluring, attractive;
  • will reveal the secret of multiple orgasms (clitoral and vaginal);
  • turn you into a skilled lover who knows how to give a man exquisite pleasure;
  • will allow you to maintain attractiveness and sexuality until old age;
  • will help to attract abundance, happiness and love into your life!

Taoist secrets of love for women

If you want to increase your energy level, become more sexy, passionate and sensual, improve the quality of sex and increase orgasmicity - try doing three simple exercises daily.

  • Sit up straight. Rub your palms together until you feel warm. Then place your hands on your chest and make 36 light circular motions up and out of the nipple, and then 36 times down and out of the nipple. This exercise will free your body from negative energy and fill it with positive energy.
  • Stand up straight. Rub your palms together until you feel warm. Put them on your lower abdomen. Make 36 circular motions towards the center, up and out.
  • Alternately squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina. Start with 10 repetitions and increase the number of repetitions every day.

After a week, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. And after 2-3 months, feel renewed, inspired, light and joyful.

Taoist practices - the secrets of love available to every woman! They will give you a feeling of fullness of life, harmony and happiness!

Current page: 1 (the book has 19 pages in total)

Using the book, you will learn:

Experience multiple orgasms without losing an erection; these orgasms last longer, are more intense than normal, and involve the entire body.

Use your sexual energy to improve your overall health; increase both sexual energy and vitality.

Recognize the signs of your partner's desires; Help your partner learn multiple orgasms.

Use the most advanced penis insertion technique for complete partner satisfaction.

Use sexuality to deepen your spirituality.

It is safe to practice any kind of sex.

Get rid of premature ejaculations.

Overcome impotence.

Increase the size and strength of your penis.

Improve sperm control.

Prevent (or solve) prostate problems.

Increase sexual ability in middle and old age.

Maintain a loving relationship as you grow old together.


This book outlines a simple system of physical and psychological preparation that allows a man of any age category to fulfill his dream - and satisfy a woman's fantasy: to dramatically increase the quality - and quantity - of love games. It doesn't need to be filled with complicated, convoluted theories, but a simple, accessible, and surprisingly effective technique that you can start practicing today.

Knowing their true sexual potential, men will learn to experience multiple full-fledged orgasms, and at the same time satisfy the multiple needs of their lovers. For women who read and understand the essence of this technique, the secrets of male sexuality, known only to a few men, will be revealed. It is even better to read this book together, to comprehend the luxury of sexual ecstasy, satisfaction and intimacy together, of which most people are not aware.

The book reveals completely unexpected facts:

Men are just as capable of multiple orgasms as women and can practice this technique regularly.

By learning to separate orgasm and ejaculation (two different physiological processes), men can transform short-term pleasure into a long series of orgasms, covering the whole body, and without weakening the erection.

A man who masters the technique of multiple orgasm not only arouses and satisfies a woman more, but also maintains increased vitality and life expectancy, since he minimizes the fatigue and exhaustion that occurs after ejaculation.

The book combines the latest scientific advances with the wisdom of ancient sexual traditions.

are given detailed descriptions simple exercises, with the necessary clear illustrations; extremely informative sections on female sexuality and how to please a partner.

A chapter on male homosexuality is included. The problems of premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility and reduced sexual desire are considered. Recommendations are given to women - how to help a partner (and yourself) to master the technique of multiple orgasms.

Clear, competent and entertaining, this book is a good guide for men who want to truly master their own, usually hidden, sexual potential. Authors Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrame Arawa share the successes of dozens of men whose sex lives have benefited from learning this technique.

The results are truly astonishing, and perhaps not even as much in physiological aspects as in the impact on the relationship between the participants. Full-fledged lessons over the centuries, perfected by master practitioners and Tao teachers in China, will tell every couple how to use sexuality to strengthen and deepen spiritual connection and intimacy, how to lay the foundations for undying passion and pleasure for many years. Improved health, extraordinary sexual experiences and an unexpectedly beneficial turn in your personal relationships - that's what an exciting experiment this book gives you.


This is not just another sex book. There is so much talk about sex right now, and at the same time so much misunderstanding, that it's hard to know who to believe and whether to listen. You've no doubt seen "sexpert" ads promising to make you the world's greatest lover, teach you 24/7 orgasm and sexual ecstasy, all without effort. Because this book is based on a three thousand year tradition of real sexual experience, then the authors are well aware of the effort, however pleasant, that it will take to change your sex life. Learning sexual secrets is one thing, but using them is quite another.

The techniques described in this book have been tested and perfected by millions of lovers over thousands of years in the laboratories of real life. We have tried to present these techniques as simply and clearly as possible, but if you want to really master them, then there is no other way than systematic practice.

This practice is extremely effective. The technique described in this book will make profound and beneficial changes in your health and sex life. However, we here refrain from making diagnoses or prescribing treatments. In case of high blood pressure, heart disease or general weakness you should enter the new practice gradually. If you have any medical restrictions, you should consult your doctor.

Mantak Chia, Douglas Abrams


For more than three thousand years, the Chinese knew that a man can experience multiple orgasms, delaying ejaculation or even not allowing it at all. This is possible because orgasm and ejaculation are two different physiological processes, although in the West they have been identified for a long time. Although not as accurate as modern scientists do, the ancient Chinese described their sexual discoveries in the same detail for future generations of sexual and spiritual seekers. 1
After reading this report, Professor of Medicine Gerant Kachaduryan, author of the officially recognized study guide Fundamentals of Human Sexuality concluded: “The ancient Chinese clearly understood the difference between orgasm with ejaculation and orgasm without it. Those who have mastered the art of achieving the latter avoid the refractive period, in other words, do not lose their erections, which opens up the possibility for them to maintain sexual contact for as long as they like, experiencing multiple orgasms without ejaculation, p. 292.

It was only in the 1940s that Alfred Kinsey published pioneering work on this subject. 2
In the course of his famous research on male sexuality, Kinsey discovered that "an orgasm can occur without ejaculation ... These men experience a normal orgasm without difficulty in judging it, even if it occurs without ejaculation." See Kinsey et al. Male Sexual Behavior, pp. 158–159.

Half a century has passed since then, his discoveries have been confirmed in laboratories - and yet most men do not know anything about their ability to have multiple orgasms. Without this knowledge and without simple technical training, a man is not able to distinguish between the rise of orgasm and the spasm of ejaculation.

Male sexuality in Western thinking is still centered on the misguided goal of ejaculation rather than the orgasmic side of the act of love.

In this book, we teach a man to separate orgasm from ejaculation in his body; this will allow him to transform short-term satisfaction into a long series of orgasms in which the whole body participates. One man who has mastered the technique of multiple orgasms describes it this way:

“With regular, normal ejaculation, my pleasure wears off quickly. It is quite another matter with multiple orgasms. The pleasure that arises in them stays with me all day; I don't think it has a final splash. This practice is an additional source of energy and I just never get tired. Now I can afford as much sexual entertainment as I want; I control them, not they control me. What more could a man want?

Our book will also teach men how to satisfy a partner's multiple needs. A man who practiced the technique suggested here for three months described his experience as follows:

“I had three mistresses in these three months, and all three recognized that I was their best. Yes, literally, lying in bed with me, everyone said: “I have never felt so good before.”

Women who read this book will learn secrets about male sexuality that not only women, but even most men do not know. It's even better to read a book together and together experience a luxury of sexual ecstasy, satisfaction and intimacy that most people are unaware of. Here is how a woman whose husband learned to have multiple orgasms put it this way:

“We were always good with him, but now our physical intimacy has become incomparably richer, we have found a balance in which everyone experiences multiple waves of orgasm. But these orgasms are only the beginning of a profound change in our lives: our love has become deeper, we are truly close.

The fact that a man can have many orgasms is so unexpected for most of us that not everyone can believe it. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall that even forty years have not passed since multiple orgasms in women were “legalized” and recognized as a normal phenomenon. Even more surprising is what happened to women when they found out that it was possible: if in the 50s, when Kinsey studied female sexuality, only 14% of women experienced multiple orgasms, now more than 50% of such women! 3
Hartmann and Fithian, Any Man Can Do It, p. 157.

According to sexologists William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian, 12% of the men they examined in the 1980s were polyorgasmic. When men learn that multiple orgasms are available to them and get some simple instructions, they also become polyorgasmic, and their number is steadily increasing.

Today we build on ancient Taoist practice and the latest science in equal measure as we tell you how to separate orgasm from ejaculation, how to experience multiple orgasms, and how to improve your overall health.

Originally, around 500 B.C. e., in ancient China there was a group of Taoist scholars who were extremely seriously interested in health and spirituality. Although many of the sexual techniques were developed back then, they have not lost any of their effectiveness today. Since the techniques described in this book became known to us in the West (about 50 years ago), there has been a quiet revolution that has taken over ordinary men who began to test these techniques - and made sure that they work. We, however, believe that the only serious evidence for you will be your own body. We hope you will accept – or reject – the information in this book based on your own experience only.

Multiple orgasms are not the privilege of teenagers, rare lucky older ones, and religious adepts. A thirty-five-year-old computer equipment salesman, an ordinary, in his own words, "fucked up and cynical city dweller", decided one evening to try the exercises described in our book - and experienced six orgasms in a row: “They followed one after the other and became more and more powerful. I had never experienced anything like this before. But the most amazing thing is that I worked very hard that day and felt that I was getting sick. And the next morning I wake up healthier and more energetic than ever!” According to the Taoist theory of sexuality, multiple orgasms without ejaculation help men achieve optimal bodily health and even, believe it or not, prolong their lives.

Taoist sexology, also referred to as Sexual Kung Fu (literally meaning "sexual practice"), began as a branch of Chinese medicine. The ancient Taoists were their own physicians and paid as much attention to the general physical well-being of the body as to sexual satisfaction. Sexual Kung Fu increases the vitality and longevity of men, as it eliminates the fatigue and exhaustion that comes after ejaculation, and literally prevents them from ejaculating.

In Chapter 1, we present Eastern and Western evidence for the presence and natural nature of multiple orgasms in men. It also discusses the latest scientific results that coincide with the ancient Taoist provisions on the importance of orgasms without ejaculation. Recounting these astonishing studies, The New York Times concludes: “Sperm production is proving to be a much more difficult process than scientists thought; it requires the expenditure of resources that could provide a man with a longer life. 4
Natalie Angier New York Times, December 3, 1992, front page.

Theory without practice, however, is useless. Therefore, chapters 2 and 3 are dedicated to your individual exercises that will help you develop the ability to have multiple orgasms, regardless of whether you have a partner. Many men begin to practice such orgasms after one to two weeks; most master the technique within three to six months.

In chapters 4 and 5 you will find a description of the practice for two; By sharing Sexual Kung Fu with your lover, you will give her a pleasure she never knew was possible.

Chapter 7 is addressed to homosexual men; it describes the specific techniques they need to learn in order to have a pleasant and healthy sex life.

Chapter 8 deals with such male problems as premature ejaculation, impotence, and infertility. The Taoist school interprets these problems and how to solve them in a completely different way than the Western one.

The last chapter, chapter 9, contains recommendations on how men and women can maintain ecstatic sexual intimacy throughout their lives. It begins with a section for middle-aged and older men, who usually experience a decline in sexual appetite and potency.

We present the results of studies of multiple orgasm, which contradict the prevailing opinion that the peak of male sexuality supposedly occurs in adolescence, and then a gradual decline follows. Taoists have always known that if a man understands the true nature of his sexuality, then it only strengthens with age. This chapter also includes a section on how to help our sons start healthy and joyful sex lives. What a pity that our fathers did not know this ...

The world's first, moreover, the most complete and detailed, textbooks on sex were published in China. Our book continues this ancient tradition of direct practical help to men and their lovers in the problem of sexual transformation. Although Taoism does not separate sexuality and spirituality, we understand that some readers are only interested in practical advice while others want to know more about the sacred side of their sexuality. Starting with the elementary technique necessary for every reader who wishes to master multiple orgasms, we will gradually introduce more subtle exercises for those who wish to improve their general health and enrich their spirituality.

It should be emphasized that this book is not an exposition of Taoism as a philosophy or religion. (One of the authors, Mantak Chia, has already written more than ten books that present in great detail the practical training disciplines of this ancient tradition; on the basis of these, he developed a unified and comprehensive health program called the Healing Tao.) In this book, we offer a practical set of Taoist tricks confirmed modern science, for those readers who are looking not for a new religious system, but for a deeper mastery of their own sexuality.

We also hope that this book will serve as an impetus for new scientific research; let them confirm or improve upon the theory and practice here proposed. We believe that the days of secrecy and cultural chauvinism are over. East and West can combine their knowledge and help all living lovers to find sexual fullness instead of universal carnal delusions.

Chapter 1

It is possible that you have already experienced multiple orgasms. As strange as it sounds, many men were polyorgasmic as teenagers, even before they started ejaculating.

Kinsey's research shows that more than half of boys in late adolescence are able to have a second orgasm and almost a third - a fifth or more orgasms in a row. This led Kinsey to conclude that "climax without ejaculation is entirely possible."

But multiple orgasms are by no means limited to adolescence. Kinsey continues: "This ability in some men continues into the future, sometimes up to thirty or forty years and even beyond." Dr. Gerant Kachadourian in The Foundations of Human Sexuality writes: “Some men are able to hold semen during orgasmic contractions; in other words, they experience orgasms without ejaculation. Such orgasms do not appear to have a refractory period, allowing these men to experience consecutive, multiple orgasms like women do."

Why do most men lose the ability to have multiple orgasms? Perhaps because for many, the impression of the process of ejaculation is so strong that it obscures the sensations of the actual orgasm, and, as a result, men no longer distinguish between these two different processes. Here is how one man who learned to experience multiple orgasm describes his first ejaculation: “I still clearly remember how it was. Orgasm occurred as usual, but suddenly a white jet splashed out of me. I thought I was dying. I swore before God that I would never masturbate again - the vow, of course, lasted only one day. Since orgasm and ejaculation occur within seconds, it is easy to confuse them. 5
Many people who do not recognize that men are capable of multiple orgasms confuse orgasm with ejaculation. Leading sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson named one of the chapters in their 1996 book Human Sexual Responses "Male Orgasm (Ejaculation)". In their study, they found that only a few of the men they tested were able to re-orgasm after they ejaculated. However, Kachadourian explains: "More recent evidence suggests that multiple orgasm is not uncommon for a man who has an orgasm without ejaculation." Even Masters and Johnson sometimes distinguish between orgasm "as a sharp rhythmic muscular contraction in the pelvis or elsewhere in the body, releasing accumulated sexual tension, and the mental sensation that accompanies this experience", and ejaculation as simply "the release of the seed." The Taoist teaching about sex has always taught men multiple orgasms, not multiple ejaculations.

In order to master the practice of multiple orgasms, you must learn (or perhaps remember) how to separate the various sensations of arousal and enter an orgasm without crossing the threshold of ejaculation. If you understand that orgasm and ejaculation are different processes, then it will be easier for you to distinguish between them in your own body.

Encephalograms and reflexes

Orgasm is one of the strongest and sweetest human experiences, and if you've ever had an orgasm - and almost all men have - there's no need to define it. Not all orgasms, however, are the same. They vary slightly in different people and even in the same person at different times. However, there are some common features in all male orgasms: rhythmic body movements, increased heart activity, muscle tension and then a rapid decline in tension, including muscle contractions in the pelvic region. All this is accompanied by pleasant sensations. Noting that "orgasm is the least understood of all sexual processes", thirteenth edition "General Urology" Smita further reports that orgasm includes "involuntary rhythmic contractions of the anal sphincter, hyperventilation [rapid breathing], tachycardia [rapid heartbeat], and increased blood pressure."

These definitions take into account the changes that occur throughout the body. For a long time, however, orgasm was considered a purely genital process; many men think so today. Wilhelm Reich, the first in the West, stated in his controversial book The Function of Orgasm that the whole body is involved in orgasm, not just the genitals. 6
The psychotherapeutic school founded by Reich distinguished between the sexual peak as a contraction of the muscles in the genitals and orgasm, which is defined as a special kind of spasm that spreads throughout the body. Although this distinction has proven useful in teaching to separate the sexual peak (and orgasm) from ejaculation, it still seems too rigid. With prolonged sexual pleasure, the boundary between peak and orgasm is often blurred. Therefore, for the purposes of this book, we will speak of the sexual peak (or genital contraction) as one of the aspects of orgasm.

In the East, Taoists have long known that orgasm can be experienced by the whole body, and they have developed special techniques to expand orgasmic pleasure.

Many sex scientists now believe that orgasm is actually more of a brain function than a musculature. Encephalographic studies reveal that the first signs of orgasm may appear in the brain. That orgasm can occur in a dream, without any physical contact, seems to support this theory. The same can be said about the experiments of neurologist Robert J. Heath: electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain causes the same sexual pleasure as physical stimulation.

Many sex therapists like to say that sex is located in the brain. There is some truth in this aphorism - especially with regard to orgasm.

Unlike orgasm, which is the culmination of an emotional and physical experience, ejaculation is simply a reflex at the base of the spine, culminating in the release of semen. Michael Wynn, senior teacher of the Healing Tao and co-author of the book "Taoist Secrets of Love: How to Cultivate Male Sexual Energy" writes: “Many men snort at the mere mention of orgasm without ejaculation, because they have been practicing ejaculatory sex for decades. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to debunk ejaculation, which is nothing more than a simple involuntary muscle spasm.

With practice, you will learn to experience the climax of orgasm without letting the ejaculation trigger come on. In the next two chapters, we will gradually and in detail explain how to separate orgasm from ejaculation and how to spread orgasm to the whole body. But first, let's make sure that men, just like women, can experience multiple orgasms.

Using the book, you will learn:

Experience multiple orgasms without losing an erection; these orgasms last longer, are more intense than normal, and involve the entire body.

Use your sexual energy to improve your overall health; increase both sexual energy and vitality.

Recognize the signs of your partner's desires; Help your partner learn multiple orgasms.

Use the most advanced penis insertion technique for complete partner satisfaction.

Use sexuality to deepen your spirituality.

It is safe to practice any kind of sex.

Get rid of premature ejaculations.

Overcome impotence.

Increase the size and strength of your penis.

Improve sperm control.

Prevent (or solve) prostate problems.

Increase sexual ability in middle and old age.

Maintain a loving relationship as you grow old together.


This book outlines a simple system of physical and psychological preparation that allows a man of any age category to fulfill his dream - and satisfy a woman's fantasy: to dramatically increase the quality - and quantity - of love games. It doesn't need to be filled with complicated, convoluted theories, but a simple, accessible, and surprisingly effective technique that you can start practicing today.

Knowing their true sexual potential, men will learn to experience multiple full-fledged orgasms, and at the same time satisfy the multiple needs of their lovers. For women who read and understand the essence of this technique, the secrets of male sexuality, known only to a few men, will be revealed. It is even better to read this book together, to comprehend the luxury of sexual ecstasy, satisfaction and intimacy together, of which most people are not aware.

The book reveals completely unexpected facts:

Men are just as capable of multiple orgasms as women and can practice this technique regularly.

By learning to separate orgasm and ejaculation (two different physiological processes), men can transform short-term pleasure into a long series of orgasms, covering the whole body, and without weakening the erection.

A man who masters the technique of multiple orgasm not only arouses and satisfies a woman more, but also maintains increased vitality and life expectancy, since he minimizes the fatigue and exhaustion that occurs after ejaculation.

The book combines the latest scientific advances with the wisdom of ancient sexual traditions.

Detailed descriptions of simple exercises are given, with the necessary clear illustrations; extremely informative sections on female sexuality and how to please a partner.

A chapter on male homosexuality is included. The problems of premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility and reduced sexual desire are considered. Recommendations are given to women - how to help a partner (and yourself) to master the technique of multiple orgasms.

Clear, competent and entertaining, this book is a good guide for men who want to truly master their own, usually hidden, sexual potential. Authors Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrame Arawa share the successes of dozens of men whose sex lives have benefited from learning this technique.

The results are truly astonishing, and perhaps not even as much in physiological aspects as in the impact on the relationship between the participants. Full-fledged lessons over the centuries, perfected by master practitioners and Tao teachers in China, will tell every couple how to use sexuality to strengthen and deepen spiritual connection and intimacy, how to lay the foundations for undying passion and pleasure for many years. Health promotion, extraordinary sexual experiences, and an unexpectedly beneficial turn in your personal relationships - that's what an exciting experiment this book gives you.


This is not just another sex book. There is so much talk about sex right now, and at the same time so much misunderstanding, that it's hard to know who to believe and whether to listen. You've no doubt seen "sexpert" ads promising to make you the world's greatest lover, teach you 24/7 orgasm and sexual ecstasy - all without any effort. Because this book is based on a 3,000-year tradition of actual sexual experience, the authors are well aware of the effort, however pleasant, it will take to change your sex life. Learning sexual secrets is one thing, but using them is quite another.

The techniques described in this book have been tested and perfected by millions of lovers over thousands of years in the laboratories of real life. We have tried to present these techniques as simply and clearly as possible, but if you want to really master them, then there is no other way than systematic practice.

This practice is extremely effective. The technique described in this book will make profound and beneficial changes in your health and sex life. However, we here refrain from making diagnoses or prescribing treatments. In the case of high blood pressure, heart disease, or general weakness, you should gradually enter the new practice. If you have any medical restrictions, you should consult your doctor.

Mantak Chia, Douglas Abrams



For more than three thousand years, the Chinese knew that a man can experience multiple orgasms, delaying ejaculation or even not allowing it at all. This is possible because orgasm and ejaculation are two different physiological processes, although in the West they have been identified for a long time. Although not as accurate as modern scientists do, the ancient Chinese described their sexual discoveries in the same detail for future generations of sexual and spiritual seekers.

It was only in the 1940s that Alfred Kinsey published pioneering work on this subject. Half a century has passed since then, his discoveries have been confirmed in laboratories - and yet most men do not know anything about their ability to have multiple orgasms. Without this knowledge and without simple technical training, a man is not able to distinguish between the rise of orgasm and the spasm of ejaculation.

Male sexuality in Western thinking is still centered on the misguided goal of ejaculation rather than the orgasmic side of the act of love.

In this book, we teach a man to separate orgasm from ejaculation in his body; this will allow him to transform short-term satisfaction into a long series of orgasms in which the whole body participates. One man who has mastered the technique of multiple orgasms describes it this way:

“With regular, normal ejaculation, my pleasure wears off quickly. It is quite another matter with multiple orgasms. The pleasure that arises in them stays with me all day; I don't think it has a final splash. This practice is an additional source of energy and I just never get tired. Now I can afford as much sexual entertainment as I want; I control them, not they control me. What more could a man want?

Taoist Love Secrets Every Man Should Know Douglas Abrams

Woman arousal

Woman arousal

Most women take longer to get aroused than men, but once aroused, their desire for intimacy is usually longer than a man's (if you practice Sexual Kung Fu, you may be an exception to the second part of this rule).

According to Taoist beliefs, men are like fire and women are like water. The fire ignites quickly, but can be easily extinguished with water. In order to satisfy your partner, you must bring her desires to a state of "boiling", and in order to achieve this, you will need to maintain the fire for a long time. The secret to satisfying your partner lies in understanding the stages her arousal goes through and learning how to synchronize your arousal process with her arousal stages.

How do I know that a woman is brought to a "boil"?

Taoist doctors described the stages of the arousal process observed in a woman. Many of their observations have also been confirmed in the studies of Western scientists, for example, in Kinsey's book "Sexual Behavior of Women" in the chapter "Physiology of Sexual Responses and Orgasm". We mention these stages here not to confuse women, but to help men understand how best to satisfy their partner's desires. In doing so, it is very important to keep in mind Kinsey's conclusion about the unique nature of sexuality in each individual: "The most important thing that can be said about sexual reactions is that they are always different in different people."

But whatever we say here, the best example general description female excitement will be the words of Su Niu, the trusted adviser of the Yellow Emperor.

One day the Yellow Emperor asked: "How can I know that a woman is experiencing pleasure?" Su Niu replied that there were Five Signs, Five Desires and Ten Movements indicating a woman's growing arousal. The Five Signs and Five Desires talk about what happens to a woman's body during arousal, while the Ten Movements indicate how her actions correspond to what she wants you to do next.

Before proceeding to a description of these secrets of female arousal, it is useful to mention that we already live in a time when we can talk about this more directly and openly than in the days of Su Niu, and you no longer need to limit yourself to unraveling the secrets of the hieroglyphs of your body. partners. You can simply ask her about her desires, just as she can tell you directly about it.

However, partners who are seized by passion are not very inclined to talk. Passion triumphs over the desire to speak, and it is at such moments that knowing how to find out what will give a woman pleasure could help. Before or after having sexual intercourse, you could discuss with your partner whether Su Nu really understood her personal desires.

It goes without saying that consent is essential in any sexual interaction, and the fact that you notice how the body of a woman who has come on a date begins to become aroused does not mean anything yet, until her mind is willing to act on it. "No" means no, no matter what her body says.

Taoist texts are at times extremely explicit and at other times very vague. Some stages of arousal seem clear, even obvious, while others may be too subtle to be easily understood. Signs, Desires and Movements overlap and are somewhat ambiguous, so we will try to simplify them a bit. Remember that they are some kind of road signs, not an exact road map.

You should not expect to notice each stage every time you make love, and do not think that you will be able to distinguish them every time before they turn into actions. The love game, above all, should be fluid, mobile and spontaneous, and these road signs will only help you choose the right course.

signs of desire

Just as control over ejaculation starts with breathing, so it is with passion, and the first sign you get about your partner's desire will be associated with a change in her breathing - it will begin to become faster and shallower. According to what Su Niu says, the woman's nostrils move, her mouth opens and she begins to hug you with both hands, which means that she wants you and wants you to touch her genitals. When her body trembles, it means that she wants you to gently touch her genitals. If her face flushes, it means that she wants you to play with the head of your penis with her nipples, and when she stretches her legs, it means that she wants you to rub the head of your penis against her clitoris and vaginal opening.

Su Niu also said that if a woman's nipples become hard and she begins to stick out her stomach, then you need to slowly and easily enter her. If her throat is dry and she swallows her saliva, slowly begin to penetrate her. If she begins to move her hips, then she is experiencing great pleasure. If her vagina is well lubricated or she lifts her legs to hug you, go deeper into her. If she squeezes her hips, her pleasure becomes uncontrollable. If she moves from side to side, she wants you to go deep from side to side. If she sweats so much that she throws off the sheets, or she tenses her whole body and closes her eyes, she wants an orgasm. If she arches her body under you, her pleasure has reached its peak. If she relaxes, pleasure fills her entire body. If her vaginal secretions run down her thighs and buttocks, she is completely satisfied and you can slowly exit.

Now that we have figured out what signs determine the peak of your partner's desire, we should discuss how to satisfy this desire, which we will do in the next chapter.

Reading time: 3 min

The secret of love has interested people since time immemorial. Why does this feeling flourish in some people and only grow stronger over time, while in other individuals the opposite is true: they part with their loved ones or live in an unhappy union for years? What is the secret of happy love in some people, and what makes other people so unhappy in marriage? And what is happiness anyway? So, happiness is the state of the individual, which corresponds to the maximum satisfaction with the conditions of his being, the meaningfulness of his life and the embodiment of his human purpose.

Positive psychology gives the following formula for happiness. This is a deep satisfaction with life, plus a maximum of positive and the absence of negative emotions. At the same time, positive emotions are associated with happiness in currently, and complete satisfaction is associated with long-term happiness. The representative of humanistic psychology K. Rogers connects the concept of happiness with self-knowledge, which gives the individual the ability to, which is a prerequisite for achieving a sense of joy, fullness and awareness of the meaning of life.

Psychologist John Gottman, observing how a couple in love communicates with each other, is able to predict with a reliable probability whether people will be happy together years later or if their relationship does not have a happy future. John Gottman devoted 40 years of scientific activity and research to this problem.

What makes happy couples stand out? In his opinion, this is the ability to see the positive in each other. This is something for which you can say “thank you” every day or just be glad and hug for the fact that life made it possible to meet such a wonderful person, Gottman believes. People in such couples build relationships purposefully on gratitude and respect. What happens in unhappy couples? People in these couples are always looking for something else to find fault with, and they catch every mistake of a partner.

The secret of a happy marriage, according to Gottman, lies in a loving, caring attitude towards a partner, even during. The fact is that people in such pairs are able to create an atmosphere of warmth, trust, love for each other.

Gottman found that the main reason for divorce is neglect and contempt for a partner. Those people who are looking for even the slightest reason to criticize and have not learned to respect the requests of a partner lose 50% of the positive things that are done for them and see the negative in relationships where there is none. Such people not only kill feelings with criticism, but also weaken the immunity of their partner. Indifference and anger mean the end of relationships and vice versa, cordiality, kindness, attentiveness, tenderness significantly increase affection for each other, which only grows stronger over the years.

One of the secrets of love is to actively look for things to thank your partner for during the day, rather than focusing on negativity and bad thoughts. Scientific research shows that kindness is the most important indicator marriage stability. A good attitude makes a person feel needed, loved, valuable. Some people think of kindness as a character trait that either exists or it doesn't. In fact, Gottman argues that kindness is built like a muscle: the more an individual exercises it, the stronger it is. This means that relationships need to be worked on so that they are always in shape, and it is loving partners who do this.

It is most difficult to show kindness during conflicts and quarrels, but even at this time you can be kind. When a couple has a crisis or some kind of conflict, the feeling of tenderness and kindness should be support and support. Being kind does not mean hiding your anger, rather, kindness helps and tells you how to express it better. This means that instead of insulting your partner, you need to calmly explain the reason for your anger.

The secret of a long-term happy relationship lies not in gifts and flowers given on time, but in how partners communicate with each other every day.

The secret of true love lies in the ability to share the joy of a partner, because the problem of unhappy couples often lies in the fact that they are not able to rejoice for each other, share the success of a loved one, and this is just as important as being close in times of trial.

So, the secret of love is a collective concept that includes kindness, focus on the whole person, respect, respect, devotion.

Psychologists identify the following secrets of love for men and women.

The first secret of love- it . Love originates from thoughts and the individual becomes what he thinks about. Only thoughts full of feelings can create a relationship full of love.

The second secret is respect for yourself and your partner.

The third secret is the power of giving. If a person wants to get a mutual feeling, you need to start just giving it. The more the partner of love gives, the more it receives, because what it means to love is to give a part of yourself, without reservations and payment, just practicing kindness. Therefore, the secret of the formula of love is not in what a person can take from this feeling, but in what he can give.

The fourth secret of love is the power of friendship. This means to acquire true love, you first need to find a true friend with whom interests and desires will coincide.

The Fifth Secret of Love is the use of the powerful power of touch that breaks down barriers and strengthens relationships. Touch changes the emotional and the physical state make partners more receptive to feeling.
Touch can help warm the heart and heal the body, because when you open your arms, you open your heart.

The sixth secret of love- give freedom to your partner. If an individual loves a partner, then it is necessary to provide him with personal space and freedom. If the partner returns to a loving individual, then he loves him, if not, then he has never been spiritually connected with him. Even in sincere love relationships partners need their own space.
If a person wants to be loved, then one should first free oneself from past sorrows, resentments, prejudices, fears and learn to forgive.

The seventh secret of love lies in the power of communication. When a person begins to communicate honestly and openly, his life changes. Love involves communication with a person, because in this way you can let your partner know that he is valuable. You should, as often as possible, talk to your partner about love and praise him.

The eighth secret of love in the power of devotion. It is necessary to be devoted to love, and this devotion will be reflected in actions and thoughts, because the real test of love is precisely loyalty and devotion.

The ninth secret of love is the power of expressing feelings. Only sincere feelings do not allow love to fade away and support this fire. Strong feelings of love are marked by deep devotion, enthusiasm, joyful excitement, interest. Surprises and spontaneity are able to warm up and maintain the fire of love.

The tenth secret of love says that the most between a man and a woman is trust. Without it, the partner becomes anxious, suspicious, and the other partner feels emotionally trapped. Therefore, it is impossible to really love a partner if you do not trust him completely.