The most powerful psychics battle psychics list. The most famous psychics in the world. Well-known psychics on the Internet on the Astro7 portal

People with supernatural powers always stand out from the crowd. Many fear them, respect them, and even experience horror at the mere thought of what they can do by activating their inner strength. The most famous psychics of the 20th century will forever remain in history, because their contribution to the development of science and parapsychology is priceless. Today we will consider 5 of the most outstanding soothsayers, magicians and esotericists who managed to prove their outstanding talents to everyone to the world and convince even the most sophisticated skeptics that magical power has the right to official existence.

Edgar Cayce is a psychic who reads the future in his sleep.

One of the outstanding personalities in the esoteric world was Edgar Cayce, who received the nickname "sleeping prophet." He knew how to fall into a state of meditative sleep, the events in which were always reflected in the future reality. He shocked those around him with his ability to predict the future and answer questions while in a state of sleep.

Casey often practiced clairvoyant sessions. He lay down on a flat couch, crossed his arms over his chest and fell asleep. As soon as this happened, everyone could approach him and ask a question of interest. According to available data, 98% of Edgar's prophecies came true. The most famous esoteric prediction, which is preserved in the Association for Research and Education, Inc. (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach (Virginia), is considered to be a record of the creation of a laser and the collapse of the USSR in the 90s.

Jean Dixon - the woman who predicted the Kennedy assassination

Clairvoyant Jean Dixon, who grew up in California, is considered one of the most mysterious personalities of the esoteric world of the 20th century. She possessed the gift of foresight, which was especially aggravated at the time of impending cataclysms, political events and disasters. She often informed people about the upcoming changes in their lives, felt the approach of death and tried to warn others from wrong actions that had irreversible consequences.

It is known that it was her prediction regarding the future assassination of John F. Kennedy and new presidential elections in 1960, which will be won by a representative of the Democratic Party, was published in the next issue of the popular Parade magazine on May 13, 1956. As we know from history, it definitely came true.

Wolf Messing - the man hunted by Hitler

Every person at least once in his life heard the name of the famous Polish medium Wolf Messing, whose personality still causes heated debate between psychics, clairvoyants and skeptics who deny any supernatural abilities. Despite all this, already during his lifetime, Messing managed to gain access to the heads of many states, as well as a "black mark" from Hitler himself, who appointed a fabulous monetary reward for the head of a medium. The thing is that just a few months before the start of World War II, the great seer predicted the inevitable death of the Fuhrer if he "decides and goes east with the war."

Despite the fact that Wolf Messing became a real “red rag for a bull” for the German government, he was known in the Kremlin as a great medium. Joseph Stalin himself, as well as all his close associates, managed to personally verify this. Until now, Messing is considered one of the most famous psychics of the 20th century, who managed to confirm his abilities in practice.

Vanga - a woman who saw everyone without eyes

Vanga is one of the most mysterious and controversial figures of the 20th century, who managed to prove even to inveterate atheists that people can have psychic abilities despite their physical disability. She was born into a poor Bulgarian family and became blind at the age of 12 due to a hurricane. Many believe that it was this accident that helped her activate her talent of providence, which helped hundreds of people correct mistakes, reconsider their outlook on life, and also avoid danger.

World fame came to Vanga during the Second World War. She could easily locate the missing soldiers, as well as point out to their relatives the place of burial if they turned out to be dead. After her words were confirmed, people flocked to her house in the hope of help in their sorrows. Many artists, politicians and even supreme commanders visited the Bulgarian ruler to see for themselves that she was one of the most powerful psychics of the 20th century.

Helen Duncan, who knew how to communicate with the underworld of the dead

Helen Duncan is one of the most famous Scottish clairvoyants of the 20th century, in whose gift he believed famous historian Alfred Dodd and Maurice Barbanell. They were convinced that Helen really knew how to contact the souls of the dead, communicate with them and transmit important information relatives, which has always been reflected in reality. She also became famous for being the last person to be convicted in the UK under the Witchcraft Act. Until now, there are people who consider her a fraudster, for many years deceiving unfortunate people who have lost their close relatives. But there are those who are confident in the reality of Helen Duncan's supernatural abilities, the confirmation of which has been preserved in the records of her numerous visitors to esoteric sessions.

In contact with

The profession of a psychic has been in demand and popular at all times, as people have always been interested in their future. There are many mediums and soothsayers in the world, but the most powerful ones are few. Vanga is a world famous Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. Juna, the famous Russian fortuneteller, according to various media outlets, treated prominent personalities and politicians in the USSR, however, there is no written confirmation or documentary evidence. Wolf Messing is a sensational psychic who captivated an audience of millions with his superhuman abilities.

Famous psychics of Russia and the world

  1. Juna

Juna's real name is Evgenia Davitashvili. Country of birth: USSR. Received the gift of foresight when early age fell into a well and spent a lot of time there before they managed to pull her out.

The real popularity came to the clairvoyant in the 80s, when rumors about a young girl treating cancerous tumors with her bare hands and without surgical interventions reached the Russian capital from Georgia. After a series of experiments and tests of her unique abilities, she was considered one of the strongest psychics in Russia.

Juna could predict future events, healed seriously ill people, moved objects with her hands and revived spermatozoa that were already dead.

Evgenia did not consider herself a psychic, since she could not prevent the death of her own child, although she knew in advance about the date of his death.

  1. Vanga

Full name - Vangeliya Gushterova. Country of birth: Macedonia.

Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12 due to a natural disaster, in which she miraculously managed to survive. After the girl went blind, she began to predict the future.

She predicted the American terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. Vanga prophesied to America that a lot of human blood would be shed because of the steel birds, and it happened.

Vangelia predicted that worldwide famine would begin in 2010, due to the use of nuclear weapons all animals and plants will die, Europe will be empty, and the Muslim people will begin the Third world war. However, this prediction, fortunately, did not come true.

  1. messing

A native of Poland, years of life - 1899 - 1974. He was able to read the thoughts of any person through his insight and amazing mental abilities. Wolf Messing became one of the most popular illusionists. He predicted the date of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, predicted the death of Joseph Stalin on a Jewish holiday - the leader died on March 5 on the day of the celebration of Purim (the liberation of the Jewish people living in the territory of the Persian Empire from extermination).

TV show winners

Natalya Vorotnikova, the first psychic of the Russian project, showed herself brilliantly in all the tests of the Battle of Psychics, received the gift of prediction after two clinical deaths at a young age.

Zulia Radjabova, one of the strongest Dagestan healers, began to use her abilities as a small child. Zulia predicts the future, prevents bad events and heals seriously ill people.

Tursunoy Zakirova is a Tajik clairvoyant who received her gift due to a severe shock - the death of her mother. Tursuna recovered from breast cancer on her own, thanks to constant prayers. Soon her legs were taken away, but she managed to stand on them again when she realized her calling and took up healing other people.

The scientific and the unknown still coexist next to each other, and sometimes it is very difficult to draw a line between scientific accuracy and what is difficult to prove, but also quite real. Therefore, most of those whom we call magicians were seriously engaged in science, but many of them are still considered great mystifiers.

1. Cassandra

"Cassandra". Frederick Sandys

A Trojan seer who foretold most of the events of the Trojan War, including the infamous treacherous horse with a band of warriors inside a statue. According to myths, Cassandra predicted the tragic role of Paris and Helen the Beautiful in this war, her death and the death of her beloved Mycenaean king Agamemnon. However, the drama consisted precisely in the fact that no one believed the girl - such was the revenge of Apollo, from whom Cassandra received her gift. To some extent, everyone with superpowers has to face distrust.

2. Nostradamus

Researchers are still trying to decipher the prophecies of Nostradamus, but each new generation finds in his quatrains all the new events taking place in world history. This is what makes his quatrains amazing. According to possible calculations, his predictions are calculated for events up to the middle of the third millennium, that is, for about another 150 years from this point in time. Despite the fact that the poems are presented in a very figurative language, many events and personalities in them seem very recognizable. You can recognize Hitler, Napoleon, atomic explosions in Japan and even the September 11 terrorist attack in New York in them.

3. Cagliostro

Cagliostro is more of a deceiver than a magician, but the way he managed to mislead a huge number of intelligent people of his time is certainly worth attention. He was persecuted by the police for most of his active work, but at the same time he convinced monarchs and the rich of his exceptional abilities. Some of the tricks were quite successful for him - he increased the amount of gold, imitated the resurrection from the dead, read minds. And miraculously evoked sympathy and attraction in people for his personality.

4. Mesmer

Mesmer was a doctor and, to put it modern language, used non-traditional methods of treatment, trying to use some kind of energy power. According to his theory, she had different properties - from clairvoyance to the translucence of bodies and objects through and through. He had his own explanation of how it works, but it was very far from science. However, in fact, he was the first who tried to study hypnosis and is still of great interest to physicians.

5. Edgar Cayce

The American medium spoke in a state of trance, making diagnoses and prescribing treatments, talking about the past and the future. Most of these reports were confirmed in reality, but the Casey phenomenon has not been studied. At the same time, forecasts have also been unsuccessful, so it is impossible to argue that the Casey effect was not the result of popular rumor and random hits.

6. Messing

A recognized Soviet psychic who successfully operated during periods of active atheism and materialism, which in itself is a small miracle. Wolf Messing was considered an artist and they tried not to go into the nature of his abilities. However, he could read and inspire thoughts, and, according to him, participated in solving crimes and advised leaders Soviet state to make decisions about the fate of the country. Much of this is criticized and not confirmed.

7. Vanga

The Bulgarian blind woman could only predict, but she did it better than all known contemporaries in the foreseeable past. In addition, she could more or less easily retell her visions, which made it easier to understand and be able to decipher events. Vanga was open to the majority ordinary people and is ready to help almost anyone who had enough desire to get to it. there is no need to list, but today they are one of the closest to reality.

8. Castaneda

The writer and esoteric explored human nature through the shamanistic teachings of the Mexican Indians. The life, work and even death of this mystic is still shrouded in mystery. Whether his experiments were real or it was the author's fiction is still a matter of controversy. However, he has many followers who are trying to translate all his ideas into real life. The teachings are based on the ability to control the human energy body, change one's own perception of reality, influence one's destiny, and bring a person's abilities far beyond the currently possible boundaries.

9. Sai Baba

Hindu miracle worker, among his fans was considered the incarnation of God. He actually created a rather complex religious doctrine with theory and practice, rules and laws. For the general public, Sai Baba held demonstrations of all possible types miracles - mind reading, healing, prophecy, and even the materialization of objects. Critics consider him a fraudster, fans consider him an absolute magician. However, who he really is is still a mystery.

10. Juna

During the heyday of interest in esotericism and the paranormal. She was engaged in healing, astrology, social activities and even politics. Juna's biofield was measured using instruments, determining some kind of radiation emanating from her hands. Juna's personality is also surrounded by many myths and white spots. Juna healed with the help of this gift, but how effective her treatment was, opinions were divided. But in esoteric circles they speak of her as a highly spiritual person who tried to bring goodness and the ideals of her high destiny to people in this world.

The world has always been full of mysteries, mystical events and the unknown. For many centuries, people have sought to know the mysterious phenomena and at least a little look into the future. However, supernatural abilities are not available to everyone. Only a small percentage of the world's population manages to open the door to the unknown, and only a few of them know how to predict various events and even influence them - these are the strongest psychics! We will look at the most prominent personalities of the last century, as well as talk about modern psychics, winners of television "Battles" and their main merits today.

The most powerful psychics in Russia

In general, the word "psychic" is given the following definition - a person who presumably may have a special gift to heal people and (or) predict the future, as well as influence various affairs and events. It is worth recognizing that so far there are no scientific justifications that would help to be absolutely convinced of the extraordinary abilities of people who call themselves psychics.

Nevertheless, a huge number of cases are known when clairvoyants, magicians and sorceresses, by their actions, helped people become healthy, rich, find their love, and also uncovered the most intricate criminal cases that no experienced investigator could resolve.

Among the outstanding strongest psychics of Russia of the 20th century, first of all, Wolf Messing, Juna, and also the prophetess Vanga, who at least lived in Bulgaria, still enjoyed unprecedented popularity in the territory former USSR, and the rumors about her do not subside until now! So, let's talk briefly about each of the famous clairvoyants in Russia.


This name, like Nostradamus, has long been a household name. Bulgarian woman who lost her sight forever early years life, has become the main soothsayer of the planet. For her advice, people came from everywhere and almost everyone Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova (real full name Wangi) helped without fail.

Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 in present-day Macedonia. Later, already blind due to a severe hurricane, she lived for some time in Serbia in a house for the blind. But she spent most of her life in the small Bulgarian town of Petrich, which is located near Macedonia and Greece, as well as in the village of Rupite.

As Vanga often said in an interview with reporters and her niece, singer and writer Krasimira Stoyanova, she received psychic abilities thanks to invisible beings who always tell her events from the life of each guest who came to her for a session. The origin of these creatures was unknown to the Bulgarian prophetess, but, according to her, they live on a certain planet Vamphim (presumably Phaeton or Nibiru), which is "the third planet from the Earth."

Vanga died on August 11, 1996, but she left a huge mark on the history of mankind. Today, her name sounds everywhere where it comes to global predictions and other attempts to look into the future. Unfortunately, in Lately she is often mentioned in the “yellow press”: a variety of predictions are attributed to the Bulgarian prophetess, which in no way relate to her. For example, Vanga never predicted events such as the death of Joseph Stalin, the September 11 attacks (the phrase about the bush and birds is a falsification). However, the words "Syria has not yet fallen" for certain belongs to the prophetess (source: the book of Vanga's niece Krasimira Stoyanova).


Soviet and Russian healer, who was friends with many influential people in politics, science and show business. Around the name of Juna there are no less legends than about Vanga. For many years she lived in Moscow on Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane, where she received numerous visitors with various life problems and ailments.

In the 90s, the healer Juna unexpectedly declares herself the queen of the Assyrian people, participates in elections to the State Duma, and is also engaged in creativity: she writes poems, stories, paintings, while not forgetting about her main activity. In 2001, her son dies, after which Juna begins to lead a reclusive life.

V last years the healer often appeared on television talk shows like Let Them Talk and Live, where she talked about her life after the death of her son and her healing activities. This unusual woman had huge plans, but her life was cut short in the middle of 2015...

According to rumors, Juna treated such prominent personalities of Russia and the world as Leonid Brezhnev, Robert De Niro, Andrei Tarkovsky and Marcello Mastroianni, but there is no documentary evidence of this. It is also worth knowing that Juna Davitashvili does not have the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the UN medal. The only award she received was the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Wolf Messing

Wolf Messing is a brilliant pop artist who possessed unusual and scientifically inexplicable abilities. Conducting psychological experiments with the audience in concert halls, he made an indelible impression on all people. Wolf Messing was born on the territory of modern Poland, but during the Second World War he was forced to flee to the USSR (the entire Jewish family of the artist died in Poland).

It was in the Soviet Union that he began to develop his variety business, first performing in the circus as an illusionist, and then moving on to author's concerts, in which the artist read the thoughts of the audience! Soon Messing was called the first Soviet psychic, but was he really a clairvoyant or were his abilities only artistic?

After the death of Wolf Messing in 1974, a number of documents were made public that could allegedly testify to the supernatural abilities of the artist, but, as it became clear, most of Wolf's statements about his unusual gift and meetings with " the mighty of the world this”, most likely, are inventions of Messing himself.

On the other hand, people who knew the great Soviet psychic assure that by nature he was a rather indecisive person and could hardly falsify any information about his person. Therefore, be that as it may, Wolf Messing will forever remain a mystery of the past era, and any myths about him, which, it would seem, have already been debunked, in fact, inevitably give rise to more and more new legends.

Modern Russian psychics

Are there great psychics today who can create the impossible and give rise to a lot of ambiguous rumors about themselves? Probably there is. In any case, modern television allows us to find out the names of the strongest psychics in Russia and the CIS countries. Primarily, we are talking about the popular TV program "Battle of Psychics", where you can always see the best of the best magicians, sorcerers, healers and clairvoyants. Each of them has his own vision of the world, his own special practices, but all of them are united by secret knowledge and a special gift, thanks to which the doors to the unknown open.

Among the strongest psychics in Russia, according to the TV show "Battle of Psychics" (all seasons), the following persons stand out: Mehdi Ebragimi Vafa, Tursunoy Zakirova, Zuliya Radzhabova, Natalya Vorotnikova, Lilia Khegay, Alexander Litvin, Alexei Pokhabov, Vladimir Muranov, Natalya Banteeva, Mohsen Noruzi, Vitaly Gibert, Elena Yasevich, Dmitry Volkhov and Alexander Sheps. All of them in different years became the winners of the “Bit You ...”, as they perfectly showed their skills and paranormal abilities. Not far behind them are such personalities as Vlad Kadoni, Marilyn Kerro, Vit Mano, Fatima Khadueva, Victoria Subota, Victoria Zheleznova and others.

Since ancient times, at all times, there have been "knowledgeable people" who were given what is hidden from the majority of the inhabitants. Many of them knew tragic fate and misfortune, many of them were given great strength from outside to overcome all adversity. The phenomenon of psychics has been closely studied for many centuries, and although psychics have not been finally recognized by science, people have repeatedly become convinced of the existence of the unknown and the paranormal. It remains to be hoped that supernatural abilities are given from above only for good purposes, and the strongest psychics of Russia and the world will use their powers only for the benefit of mankind.

In the fact that invisibly in our apartments there are spirits and poltergeists? That a slander can take you to the world of the dead? It's really scary to believe. It is better to remain a rationalist to the core and write off any strange occurrences as misunderstandings and chance. But they can give an explanation to everything and see what is hidden from our eyes. For the 16th time, the "Battle of Psychics" in Russia ended, and the strongest was declared.

About what?

In 2007, a new program "The Battle of Psychics" was released on TV screens. Russia watched all the series in one breath. The show was fascinating and, in fact, continues to do so. The main goal of the project is to prove that there are people with superpowers, and they are always with us. The psychic lies in each of us, so the organizers offer each task to pass and ordinary viewers. The popular show quickly generates gossip, and disputes have flared up around psychics about the "fake" nature of the tests. Allegedly, even the audience at the sessions depict emotions for money. Someone believes in the sincerity of the organizers, and someone is skeptical about everything that happens on the screen. For each season, a certain group of people with psychic abilities are selected. The selection criterion is a test. Often, potential participants are asked to find a person in the trunk of a car, choose a garage of a certain owner from dozens of the same. Perhaps Lady Luck comes to the rescue of someone - it is definitely difficult to answer.

Why is this?

Why is the "Battle of Psychics" filmed in Russia? Everyman needs spectacles, and there are plenty of them in this project. There are always clear leaders and outsiders, there are stories of love and deceit. Arise different questions, and sometimes goosebumps run down the back when magical rituals are performed on the screen. Each viewer begins to cheer for their favorites, send SMS to support them and rush to the screen in order to enjoy the next release. The tests are varied and quite difficult. Increasingly, celebrities come to the shooting, seeking to understand certain problems in their lives. An emotional breakdown occurs when the real tragedy of a family or one person is in the center of the plot. For example, psychics examined the case of death, expressed their opinions about Yuri Khoy and investigated the elements of the crime of Victor Cohen. Sometimes psychics are last hope desperate people, and it is precisely because of this that one wants to believe that special people can lend a helping hand.

Lovers and freaks

The "Battle of Psychics" in Russia gathers a certain number of freaks all over the country (and even the world). In the qualifying round, they can just get lucky, and only then they literally start pointing their fingers at the sky. On the set, you can laugh at some of the answers, as attempts to guess the true background of the event are clearly visible. In the last season, the audience remembered several obvious outsiders: Iolanta and Ross Voronov, Yakov Schneerson, Sergey Romanenko. Despite the fact that they coped with some tests successfully, most viewers are convinced that these participants were just lucky. They realized their main mission - they became famous throughout the country, and this is a great start for any business. But the participant of the 16th season of the project "Battle of Psychics" in Russia can be called with equal success both a freak and a universal favorite. His appearance, of course, is strange, and his habits are interesting, but this has little effect on the result. By the middle of the show, the organizers predicted victory for the original grandfather; according to the audience ratings, 50% inclined to his candidacy, but in October he voluntarily left the show instead of Iolanta and Rossa Voronov.

Romance and beauty

There are many spectacular girls and mysterious men among the participants. The couple Alexander Sheps became noticeable - Their mutual interest brought that share of popularity that the "Battle of Psychics" in Russia had not known before. All seasons Season 14 "beat" the audience interest. The denouement was especially intriguing: both Alexander and Marilyn were the favorites of the show, and there is always only one winner. Alexander was in the lead according to the voting results and received his symbolic prize. Marilyn was the second, but at that time she was not very upset, having received a real romantic adventure and the first beloved man in her life. The Estonian witch became attached to Russia, but the second place on the project did not let her relax and, having missed one season, Marilyn again came to the project. They wanted to let her go without a qualifying round, but the Estonian refused to be "criminal" and was tested along with everyone else. At the selection of the 16th "Battle", a spectacular girl with fiery red hair and a tracheotomy tube appeared. Her name is Nicole Kuznetsova, and she can only speak in a whisper, and even for this she has to undergo surgery every month. The third spectacular lady on the project was Victoria Raidos, a priestess of the cult of ancestors. Not surprisingly, these three ladies made it to the final. Perhaps the most beautiful finale that the “Battle of Psychics” in Russia has seen.

The best of the best

There are a lot of amazing things on the project, and the organizers strive to keep the bar set. New challenges are developed each season and kept secret until the last moment. All the time while the "Battle of Psychics" is going on, all the seasons Russia does not part with Marat Basharov, whom Mikhail Porechenkov "replaced" after all. Basharov himself no longer considers himself a skeptic, although he does not want to turn to psychics for predictions of his fate. The actor believes that everyone is the blacksmith of their own happiness. Marat considers the episode with the search for the owner of the diamonds and how he held more than three million dollars in one hand to be the most memorable test.

Of course, the project is not the original of Russian television. The idea was borrowed from the British counterpart, but similar shows are also held in the USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia and many other countries. There are obvious skeptics among the co-hosts - They were joined by a forensic psychiatrist and a psychologist. Sometimes the tasks are announced by invited artists. After all the tests, the jury council is assembled in order to determine the strongest and weakest psychic. On each program, Marat Basharov does not get tired of repeating that during the "Battle of Psychics" project (all seasons), Russia has not yet seen a medium that passes all tests without error, and therefore does not recommend contacting such specialists.