GMOs: good or bad? Genetically modified foods and organisms. The legislative framework. Are GMO foods safe? How to distinguish genetically modified potatoes

GMOs - not GMOs? How to guess?

First, let me start by saying that it is quite difficult to determine the presence of GMOs in a product in the laboratory. There is a huge error. This time.

And two - this is that the method of determination itself is far from perfect. A gene is inserted into a specific section of DNA. And if, for example, a gene is integrated incorrectly, not into this assigned link, then it will not be detected. Just as they will not find the built-in gene of any other type of GM organism - because it is a different gene, and is built into a different link. And they are looking for a specific match.

Well, for example. Let's take a potato. GM potatoes with the scorpion gene. Once in the laboratory, the first thing they will check is how many types of GM potatoes are registered that are allowed for sale on the territory of the Russian Federation. For example, 3. One - with the snowdrop gene inserted in one section of the chain, the other - with the crocodile gene inserted in a completely different place, and the third with the Coloratian beetle gene inserted in a different section of DNA. Thus, even if your potato is definitely GMO, but this type of GMO is not certified, the scorpion gene will never be determined. Just because going through the entire DNA chain and checking it thoroughly for ALL POSSIBLE invariant inserts is an almost impossible task! In any case, it is so costly and time-consuming that it is unrealistic.

And now - attention. In Russia, there are very few types of GM products registered and allowed for sale.


Therefore, forget about labeling. We will go the other way.

To begin with, it should be understood that the GROWING of GM products is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, but its sale to the public is allowed. Naturally, they, the bastards, need our lands, and we ourselves are the ballast that they are trying to get rid of.

Therefore, products grown on state farms of the Russian Federation are most likely not GM products. If state farms buy seeds from a reliable source, or use their own seed stock, then this is definitely a pure species.

However, the problem is that today there are almost no state farms left. All the land was bought or leased by foreign agricultural holdings (naturally, registered to the Russian uncle Vasya). So, these agricultural holdings are sowing and planting frank muck in our country. And sprinkle abundantly with the same muck.

Especially in the case of rent. They take the land for 5 years, and kill capitally during this time. All sorts of GMOs, fertilizers, growth hormones and roundups.

Basically, these products were processed - into chips, for example, canning, soups and fast food, briquettes ... etc. Because before people did not take such fruits and vegetables. So far, they were normal, and people could compare and choose.

Therefore, try to buy as few semi-finished products as possible - dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, pizza, etc. These products, as a rule, are simply crammed with transgenes.

However, now there are almost no quality vegetables left. Private farmers just have, which is becoming less and less. Again, how conscientious are they and what kind of seeds do they buy?.. Basically, everyone has already been taught GMO poison, and in any case, they don’t sell nasty things IN THE REGION. If he has grown disgusting, then they go to sell away from home.

By the way, in our country a sufficient amount of really high-quality, elite products is still being grown. All of it is for export. And GMOs are imported to us in exchange.

Now about specific products.

I am convinced that hypermarkets sell mainly poison. In any case, imported products that fall into our hypernets are products of large food transcorporations. It is foolish to think that their food can be natural. Ordinary Russian farmers will not get on the counter of a hypermarket. In order for, for example, CROSSROADS to take your goods, you need to pay several tens of thousands of dollars in bribes. The same is true for other networks.

However, for the most part, all of our traditional cereals are non-GMO. Including food peas and beans. Till. (I'm not talking about green peas). American GMOs are already starting to buy wheat - and they are driving their own quality for export.

Basically, our wheat is still good. Like flour and pasta. Rice. Question. Krasnodar seems to be natural. Expensive varieties of rice, eminent ones, are also real. Basmati, for example. Anything steamed and polished there is highly doubtful.

Buckwheat. Ideal cereal. She and the groats of a raw foodist - buckwheat can be poured overnight with water or kefir and it will swell, become porridge. This porridge can be eaten raw. This is the most helpful! In extreme cases, you can boil. And buckwheat is also valuable in that its genetic modification does not work out in any way. :))) In a word - good food.

The same goes for white cabbage. It's not GMO. Can not be. Therefore, eat boldly. Stew, boil, make salads, sour, bake, gnaw on leaves ... It's so useful! Especially for our region.

All other cultures are genetically modified.

So how do you define them anyway?

Let's start with fruits.

Fruit trees of the countries of the former USSR are definitely not GMOs. Therefore, you can take Russian apples, and Abkhazian tangerines, and Uzbek pomegranates, and grapes ... Russian cherries, berries ... all this is ours, native and natural.

But with the countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Israel, India, China, Latin America, Argentina, USA, Canada, Europe is not at all so rosy. Transgenes have been grown there for a long time. Transgenic bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapes, and further down the list... Ending with corn, tomatoes and green peas. Therefore, I do not advise you to take risks. Yes, avocados, which seem to be still real - they smell good, and have a pronounced taste, .. and there are good pineapples ... but run into ...

Imported strawberries will definitely not come to us natural. You yourself know how it smells and how much strawberries lie from the garden. Or from a grandmother's basket. It has nothing to do with what they call strawberries and sell in stores.

By the way, this is one of the basic rules: a natural product smells. Smells like nectar. He is fragrant. GMO either does not smell, or smells "somehow wrong", unpleasant. Do you like, for example, how bananas smell?

I don't. I lived in Egypt for a long time, and I know how REAL bananas smell.

It's the same with taste. Natural product tasty. He wants to eat. GMO - has a taste, something repulsive.

Remember this rule. If you bought a product, but its taste seems repulsive, unpleasant, tasteless to you - do not eat it. This is a sure sign of poison. It won't bring you health.

A few words about China.

I wouldn't buy Chinese food at all. In addition to dried seaweed. Everything else is doubtful. Even GMO tea. Definitely GM Chinese pears. In the state where they grow these pears, all the bees have died out. And they pollinate their pears by hand. Tobacco, it was with GMO tobacco many years ago that China began its transgenization.

Yes, here is another important point. GM products are fruitless. And it has little or no growth momentum. That is, if you eat a tangerine, and the bone in it already contains a green living embryo, this is a real tangerine. And he is full of vitality. This rule applies to all products. Potato, if it grows, is already a good indicator. It is most likely non-GMO. And certainly not treated with radiation. Yes, yes, now to store the potato crop, it is industrially irradiated with radiation. To not grow. And then in the spring they sell it to us.

As for cheese and dairy. Basically, now GM starter cultures have been added to cheeses. By the way, Oltermani is also in doubt. Because, Vedze, where microbiological starter is written - we are talking about GM bacteria.

GM sourdough in almost all sour creams. The best option is cream (sour cream) from a private thrush. Precisely modified all dairy products with the "BIO" mark. biokefirs, bioyogurts, etc. I looked at certificates. These are GM components.

Whole modified soy. DO NOT believe that a good one is being sold to you. As well as powdered milk, dry cream. They are almost always diluted with soy milk.

Soy is also found in candy bars.

Confectionery - vegetable cream cakes - this is soy GM cream.

Badyazhat the same cottage cheese. Read the ingredients carefully. Taste it. Find one that's good and stick with it. Or buy from a private seller.

Bread that stays fresh for a long time almost certainly contains GMOs. The products of such companies as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mars, Kettberry, Snickers were convicted by Greenpeace of using transgenes. Categorically do not buy Nestlé, Danone, Similac products. That's where the tool of the Genoditsa is. They screwed up on many points. And GMOs are among the first. In general, it is better not to take imported ... Although. now almost all Russian enterprises have been bought out by the same foreign transcorporations. And they drive the same nonsense there under Russian trends ...

GMOs are not planted in Belarus. You can buy green peas and other canned food from them. Therefore, their milk is of high quality. So strikingly different in taste from ours. :)))

In Russia, too, there are zones that have declared themselves free from GMOs. For example, the Belgorod region. Feel free to buy their products. From potatoes to granulated sugar with milk.

Lots of GMO drugs now. It is better to refuse them altogether. From GM interferon... to GM insulin... GM dietary supplements...

AND IN GENERAL, YOU CAN LIVE. At first it is difficult, but then you can learn to navigate. Stick to the basic rules, trust your body. Eat more homemade, natural, then your sensitivity to chemistry will sharply increase.

Well, land now.

To have your own potatoes, currants, strawberries, cherries and apples from the garden .... - it's so wonderful!!!

Health to you. And prosperity.

Scientists argue about the impact of genetically modified foods on health. The United States, China, and Canada grow modified corn, soybeans, and potatoes, while Austria, Greece, and Hungary have declared themselves GMO-free.

There is no evidence that GM foods are harmful, but if your food is all natural, here are some tips on how to distinguish between foods.

  • GMO - genetically modified organisms(plants, animals, microorganisms) that have been transplanted with the genes of other organisms.
  • GM foods are resistant to insect pests, herbicides, fungi and viruses. They taste better and they grow faster traditional products.
  • Till there are no scientific evidence that modified products are dangerous to humans. Numerous international research institutions and scientific organizations confirm these data.
  • GM foods can cause an allergic reaction. For example, if you are allergic to hazelnuts and you have eaten a product with the genes for this nut, then intolerance will make itself felt. Therefore, carefully study the information on the labels.

1. Read the label

Natural products are labeled in a special way. Look for "100% organic", "Organic", or "Made with organic ingredients" labels. They guarantee that the product does not contain genetically modified components.

Pay attention to the inscriptions "Without GMO", "Non-GMO" and "Made without genetically modified ingredients". These products may contain GMOs, but not more than 0.9%.

In the US, vegetables and fruits are labeled with a 5-digit PLU code on the price tag. The code on transgenic products starts with 8.

2. Pay attention to the appearance of the product

Genetically modified foods look flawless. They have the correct shape, the same size and do not deteriorate for a long time, as new genes allow them to be resistant to negative external influences. For example, a gene from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis added to GM plants produces a toxin that poisons pests.

If the vegetables are touched by insects, most likely you have a natural product in front of you.

3. If it's important to you not to eat GM foods, remember this list:

78% of soybeans, 33% of corn, 64% of cotton and 24% of rapeseed in the world are transgenic.

They are added to products such as:

  • sausage, sausages
  • dairy and cheese products
  • semi-finished products and flour mixtures
  • dry breakfast cereals fast food
  • bread, confectionery
  • sweet drinks
  • cottonseed and peanut butter
  • mayonnaise
  • chocolate syrup

Given the ubiquity of unadvertised chemical additives, the use of GM raw materials and other nasty things, you need to be very careful about what you buy in grocery stores.

First of all, to begin with, it is quite difficult to determine the presence of GMOs in a product in a laboratory.

There is a huge error. This time.

And two - this is that the method of determination itself is far from perfect. A gene is inserted into a specific section of DNA. And if, for example, a gene is integrated incorrectly, not into this assigned link, then it will not be detected. Just as they will not find the built-in gene of any other type of GM organism - because it is a different gene, and is built into a different link. And they are looking for a specific match.

Well, for example. Let's take a potato. GM potatoes with the scorpion gene. Once in the laboratory, they will first check how many types of GM potatoes are registered that are allowed for sale on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For example, 3. One - with the snowdrop gene inserted in one section of the chain, the other - with the crocodile gene inserted in a completely different place, and the third with the Colorado beetle gene inserted in a different section of DNA.

Thus, even if your potato is definitely GMO, but this type of GMO is not certified, the scorpion gene will never be determined. Just because going through the entire DNA chain and checking it thoroughly for ALL POSSIBLE invariant inserts is an almost impossible task! In any case, it is so costly and time-consuming that it is unrealistic.

And now - attention.

In Russia, there are very few types of GM products registered and allowed for sale.

GMO food is dangerous!

This was proved by Professor Ermakova Irina Vladimirovna in experiments with laboratory animals. The results of these experiments are horrific. Ermakova I.V. urges all scientists to repeat these simple experiments. The use of genetically modified plants (GMOs) leads not only to the death of animals. Where GM plants are grown, soil bacteria began to disappear.

In addition, GM plants are appearing that can displace conventional species. There is an urgent need for a state moratorium (as, for example, in France) on the import and use of GMOs in agriculture and food industry.

And it is also necessary to equip laboratories to control the presence of GMOs in food.

In the meantime ... there is not only a ban, but also the possibility of control for the presence of GMOs in products from outside public services.


Therefore, forget about labeling. We will go the other way.

To begin with, it should be understood that the GROWING of GM products is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, but its sale to the public is allowed. Naturally, they, the bastards, need our lands, and we ourselves are the ballast that they are trying to get rid of.

Therefore, products grown on state farms of the Russian Federation are most likely not GM products. If state farms buy seeds from a reliable source, or use their own seed stock, then this is definitely a pure species.

However, the problem is that today there are almost no state farms left. All the land was bought or leased by foreign agricultural holdings (naturally, registered to the Russian uncle Vasya). So, these agricultural holdings are sowing and planting frank muck in our country. And sprinkle abundantly with the same muck.

Especially in the case of rent. They take the land for 5 years, and kill capitally during this time. All sorts of GMOs, fertilizers, growth hormones and roundups.

Basically, these products were processed - into chips, for example, canning, soups and fast food, briquettes ... etc. Because before people did not take such vegetables and fruits. So far, they were normal, and people could compare and choose.

So, try to buy as few semi-finished products as possible- dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, pizza, etc. These products, as a rule, are simply crammed with transgenes.

However, now there are almost no quality vegetables left. Private farmers just have, which is becoming less and less. Again, how conscientious are they and what kind of seeds do they buy?.. Basically, everyone has already been taught GMO poison, and in any case, they don’t sell nasty things IN THE REGION. If he has grown disgusting, then they go to sell away from home.

By the way, in our country a sufficient amount of really high-quality, elite products is still being grown. All of it is for export. And GMOs are imported to us in exchange.

Now about specific products.

I am convinced that hypermarkets sell mainly poison. In any case, imported products that fall into our hypernets are products of large food transcorporations. It is foolish to think that their food can be natural. Ordinary Russian farmers will not get on the counter of a hypermarket. In order for, for example, CROSSROADS to take your goods, you need to pay several tens of thousands of dollars in bribes. The same is true for other networks.

However, basically all of our traditional cereals are non-GMO. Including food peas and beans. Till. (I'm not talking about green peas). American GMOs are already starting to buy wheat - and they are driving their own quality for export.

Primarily, wheat we still have a good one. how and flour and pasta.

Rice. Question. Krasnodar seems to be natural. Expensive varieties of rice, eminent ones, are also real. Basmati, for example. Anything steamed and polished there is highly doubtful.

Buckwheat. Ideal cereal. She and the groats of a raw foodist - buckwheat can be poured overnight with water or kefir and it will swell, become porridge. This porridge can be eaten raw. This is the most helpful! In extreme cases, you can boil. And buckwheat is also valuable in that its genetic modification does not work out in any way. :))) In a word - good food.

The same and about white cabbage. It's not GMO. Can not be. Therefore, eat boldly. Stew, boil, make salads, sour, bake, gnaw on leaves ... It's so useful! Especially for our region.

All other cultures are genetically modified.

So how do you define them anyway?

Let's start with fruits.

Country Fruit Trees former USSR Definitely not GMO. Therefore, one can take Russian apples, and Abkhazian tangerines, and Uzbek pomegranates, and grapes ... Russian cherries, berries… all this is ours, native and natural.

But with the countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Israel, India, China, Latin America, Argentina, the USA, Canada, Europe, it is not at all so rosy. Transgenes have been grown there for a long time. Transgenic bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapes, and further down the list ... Finishing corn, tomatoes and green peas. Therefore, I do not advise you to take risks. Yes, avocados, which seem to be real so far - they smell good and have a pronounced taste, .. and there are good pineapples ... but run into ...

Strawberries imported definitely will not come to us natural. You yourself know how it smells and how much strawberries lie from the garden. Or from a grandmother's basket. It has nothing to do with what they call strawberries and sell in stores.

By the way, this is one of the main rules: natural product smells. Smells like nectar. He is fragrant. GMO either does not smell, or smells “somehow wrong”, unpleasant.

Here you like, for example, how they smell bananas? I don't. I lived in Egypt for a long time, and I know how REAL bananas smell. It's the same with taste. Natural product is delicious. He wants to eat. GMO - has a taste, something repulsive.

Remember this rule . If you bought a product, but its taste seems repulsive, unpleasant, tasteless to you - do not eat it. This is a sure sign of poison. It won't bring you health.

A few words about China.

I wouldn't buy Chinese food at all. In addition to dried seaweed. Everything else is doubtful. Even tea GMO. Definitely GM Chinese pears. In the state where they grow these pears, all the bees have died out. And they pollinate their pears by hand. Tobacco, it was with GMO tobacco many years ago that China began its transgenization.

Yes, here is another important point. GM products are fruitless. And it has little or no growth momentum. That is, if you eat mandarin, and the bone in it already contains a green living embryo, this is a real tangerine. And he is full of vitality. This rule applies to all products.

A potato, if it grows, is already a good indicator. It is most likely non-GMO. And certainly not treated with radiation. Yes, yes, now to store the potato crop, it is industrially irradiated with radiation. To not grow. And then in the spring they sell it to us.

About cheese and dairy. Basically, now GM starter cultures have been added to cheeses. By the way, Oltermani is also in doubt. Because wherever microbiological starter is written, we are talking about GM bacteria.

GM sourdough in almost all sour cream. The best option is cream (sour cream) from a private thrush. Precisely modified all dairy products with the “BIO” mark. biokefirs, bioyogurts, etc. I looked at certificates. These are GM components.

Soya all modified. DO NOT believe that a good one is being sold to you. As well as dry milk, dried cream. They are almost always diluted with soy milk. Soy is also in sweets, candy bars. Confectionery- Vegetable cream cakes are GM soy cream.

Badyazhat the same cottage cheese. Read the ingredients carefully. Taste it. Find one that's good and stick with it. Or buy from a private seller.

One of the most reliable sources of healthy products is our Slavic grandparents (not to be confused with migrant stalls, where the same low-quality imported products are mainly brought)

Bread, which stays fresh for a long time, almost certainly contains GMOs. Products from companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mars, Kettberry, Snickers was convicted by Greenpeace of using transgenes. Absolutely do not buy products NESTLE, DANON, Similac. That's really where the weapon of genocide. They screwed up on many points. And GMOs are among the first. In general, it is better not to take imported ... Although. now almost all Russian enterprises have been bought out by the same foreign transcorporations. And they drive the same nonsense under Russian brands there ...

GMOs are not planted in Belarus. Can buy from them green peas and other canned food. That's why milk they have quality. So strikingly different in taste from ours. In Russia, too, there are zones that have declared themselves free from GMOs. For example, the Belgorod region. Feel free to buy their products. From potatoes to granulated sugar with milk.

Lots of GMO drugs now. It is better to refuse them altogether. From GM interferon… to GM insulin… GM nutritional supplements…

AND IN GENERAL, YOU CAN LIVE. At first it is difficult, but then you can learn to navigate. Stick to the basic rules, trust your body. Eat more homemade, natural, then your sensitivity to chemistry will sharply increase.

Well, land now. Have your own, from the garden, potatoes, currants, strawberries, cherries and apples .... - it's so wonderful!!!

Probability of GMO content in the product

When buying products in a store using labels (for examples of labels and comments on them, see the appendix), you can indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product.

If the label says that the product is made in the USA and contains soy, corn, canola or potatoes, there is a very good chance that it contains GM components.

Most products based on soy, produced not in the USA, but outside of Russia, can also be transgenic. If the label proudly says "vegetable protein", this is most likely soy and very likely transgenic.

Often GMOs can hide behind E indices. However, this does not mean that all E additives contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is, first of all, soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: binds water and fats together and is used as a fat element in formula milk, biscuits, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grain.

Other Supplements That May Contain GM Ingredients: E 153, E 160d, E 161c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621 , E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625, E951. Sometimes on the labels the names of additives are indicated only in words, they also need to be able to navigate. Let's take a look at the most common components.

Soybean oil: used in sauces, pastes, cakes and deep fried foods in the form of fat to add extra flavor and quality.

Vegetable oil or vegetable fats: most commonly found in biscuits, "hard-fried" foods such as crisps.

Maltodextrin: A type of starch that acts as a "master agent" used in baby food, powdered soups, and powdered desserts.

Glucose or glucose syrup: Sugar, which can be produced from cornstarch, is used as a sweetener. Found in drinks, desserts and fast food.

Dextrose: like glucose, it can be made from cornstarch. Used in cakes, chips and cookies to achieve brown color. Also used as a sweetener in high energy sports drinks.

Aspartame, aspasvit, aspamix: The sweetener, which can be produced with a GM bacterium, is restricted in several countries and is reported to have received a lot of criticism, mainly related to fainting syndrome, from consumers in the US. Aspartame is found in carbonated water, diet sodas, chewing gum, ketchups, etc.

Many people think that the label "modified starch" on a product means that the product contains GMOs. This even led to the fact that in 2002 the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region at its meeting included yoghurts with modified starch in the list of GM products illegally distributed in the region.

In fact, modified starch is obtained chemically without the use of genetic engineering. But starch itself can have a genetically engineered origin if it was obtained from GM corn, GM potatoes.

Original entry and comments on

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)- these are organisms in which genetic material was artificially added from other animal organisms to obtain improved characteristics of the original organism (calorie content, resistance to pests, diseases, weather, accelerated maturation, longer storage, greater fertility), which reduces the cost of products.

Drought tolerant wheat with the scorpion gene. A potato with the gene of an earthen bacterium that even kills Colorado beetles. Tomatoes with the genome of the sea flounder. Soy and strawberries with bacterial genes. This is probably a great salvation, in the face of an ever-growing population and other economic problems.

At the moment, there are studies proving that the frequent use of GMOs can lead to serious problems. According to some studies transgenes can linger in the body and integrate into the genetic apparatus of human intestinal microorganisms.

In addition, it has been observed that the cultivation of transgenic soybeans leads to genetic mutations companion plants that become immune to the effects of herbicides. It is also assumed that living organisms that feed on genetically modified plants can mutate.

GMO products.

Grocery list, which may contain GMO:

  1. Soy and its products (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).
  2. Corn and its products (popcorn, flour, chips, cereals, butter, starch, syrups, and so on).
  3. Potato and its products (chips, semi-finished products, crackers, dry mashed potatoes, flour, and so on).
  4. Tomatoes and its products ( tomato paste, puree, sauce, ketchup and so on).
  5. Zucchini and products from them.
  6. Sugar beet, table beet, sugar from sugar beet.
  7. Wheat and wheat products, including bread and bakery products.
  8. Sunflower oil.
  9. Rice and products containing it (flakes, flour, granules, chips).
  10. Carrots and products with it.
  11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

And, of course, there is a chance to find GMOs in products that are made using these plants.

The most frequently genetically modified are soybeans, rapeseed, corn, sunflowers, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini, paprika, and lettuce. Genetically modified soy is included in bread, biscuits, baby food, margarine, soup, pizza, fast food, meat products, flour, candy, ice cream, chips, chocolate, sauces, soy milk and so on. Genetically modified corn (maize) is most commonly found in instant foods, soups, sauces, condiments, chips, chewing gum, and cake mixes. Genetically modified starch is added to a very wide range of products, including yoghurts. You should also know that 70% of well-known baby food companies contain GMOs. Approximately 30% of tea and coffee is genetically modified. Most products from America or other foreign countries, which include soy, corn, rapeseed or potatoes, have GM components. If the product contains vegetable protein, then you can be almost sure that there is also genetically modified soy.

In addition, insulin, vitamins, antiviral vaccines may also contain genetically modified organisms.

Below is a list of some of the organizations that supply genetically modified raw materials to Russia or are themselves producers of:

  • Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
  • OOO "BIOSTAR TRADE", St. Petersburg;
  • CJSC "Universal" Nizhny Novgorod;
  • "Monsanto Co", USA;
  • "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
  • LLC "Agenda", Moscow
  • CJSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow
  • JSC "GALA", Moscow;
  • CJSC "Belok", Moscow;
  • Dera Food Technology N.V., Moscow;
  • "Herbalife International of America", USA;
  • "OY FINNSOYPRO LTD", Finland;
  • LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
  • "Intersoy", Moscow.

Below is a list of organizations that apply GMOs in production:

  • Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - breakfast cereals, corn flakes,
  • Nestle (Nestle) - chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, baby food,
  • Heinz Foods (Heyents Fuds) - ketchups, sauces,
  • Hersheys (Hershis) - chocolate, soft drinks,
  • Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic,
  • McDonalds (McDonald's),
  • Danon (Danone) - yogurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food,
  • Similac (Similak) - baby food,
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) - chocolate, cocoa,
  • Mars (Mars) - chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix,
  • PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, 7-Up,
  • Daria - meat products,
  • Campamos - meat products,
  • Korona - meat products,
  • Mikoyanovsky - meat products,
  • Tsaritsyno - meat products,
  • Lianozovsky - meat and dairy products,
  • Volzhsky PK - meat products.

GMOs are often masked indices E. But this does not mean that all additives E contain GMOs. You just need to understand which E supplements can contain GMOs.

Such additives are primarily called soy lecithin or E 322 lecithin: they are used as a fat element in milk mixtures, cookies, chocolate; riboflavin (B2) or E 101 and E 101A. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be made from GM grains. Often, the names of additives are written in words on packages.

  • E101 and E101A (B2, riboflavin)
  • E150 (caramel);
  • E153 (carbonate);
  • E160a (beta-carotene, provitamin A, retinol);
  • E160b (annatto);
  • E160d (lycopene);
  • E234 (lowlands);
  • E235 (natamycin);
  • E270 (lactic acid);
  • E300 (vitamin C - vitamin C);
  • E301 - E304 (ascorbates);
  • E306 - E309 (tocopherol / vitamin E);
  • E320 (VNA);
  • E321 (VNT);
  • E322 (lecithin);
  • E325 - E327 (lactates);
  • E330 (citric acid);
  • E415 (xanthine);
  • E459 (beta-cyclodextrin);
  • E460 -E469 (cellulose);
  • E470 and E570 (salts and fatty acids);
  • ethers fatty acids(E471, E472a&b, E473, E475, E476, E479b);
  • E481 (sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate);
  • E620 - E633 (glutamic acid and glutomates);
  • E626 - E629 (guanilic acid and guanilates);
  • E630 - E633 (inosinic acid and inosinates);
  • E951 (aspartame);
  • E953 (isomaltite);
  • E957 (thaumatin);
  • E965 (maltinol).

Taste and smell genetically modified products does not differ from natural. But, products that are not spoiled, not damaged by insects, too beautiful products can arouse suspicion.

Since seeds are also modified, it is impossible to be sure of the naturalness of products on the markets.

And although many of us have never seen the label “containing GM components”, this abbreviation itself does not cause anything but negative.

What do these three terrible letters really mean and how not to confuse GM technologies with the achievements of science and industry?

Fears and scandals

These technologies have supporters who claim that they make it possible to significantly increase yields and thus overcome world hunger, significantly speed up selection, obtain crops containing a large amount of vitamins and at the same time inedible for pests.

But more - opponents. They accuse genetically modified foods of crossing organisms that would not have occurred in nature under any circumstances, manipulating genes, entailing risks to human health and the environment.

If we weigh all the pros and cons, it turns out that people are most afraid of the invisible threat. They fear that GMOs with food will get into their bodies, integrated into DNA - and there it is not far from mutations and diseases. It is believed that the range of consequences of contact with genetically modified organisms is wide: from allergies and poisoning to reduced immunity, reproductive dysfunction, infertility and oncology.

Fears are most often unsubstantiated, but the scandals that arise in the study of transgenes only increase anxiety.

For lunch… transgenics

Two years ago, an experiment was conducted at the Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution. A. N. Severtsov RAS, the results of which are simply frightening. The third generation of hamsters that were fed turned out to be unviable - it developed more slowly, and some lost the ability to reproduce.

The results of this experience cannot be directly associated with a person, - emphasized Elena Sharoikina, Director of the National Association for Genetic Safety, one of the organizers of the experiment. - But it can be completely projected onto other animals.

It hasn't reached Russia yet. Today, in our country, the industrial cultivation of any genetically modified organisms is prohibited by law. True, import and sale are allowed, but only through 17 permitted lines - mainly soybeans and corn. Moreover, you can get approval only after a comprehensive safety test, and this is over 80 positions.

In addition, under the Consumer Rights Law, the label "containing GM components" must accompany products containing 0.9% or more transgenes.

In June of this year, State Duma parliamentary hearings were held on the topic: “Legislative regulation of the circulation of genetically modified products in the Russian Federation”. Their participants expressed the opinion that genetic engineering is the future of the food industry. The goals, as usual, are good: strengthening the health of Russians and supporting domestic producers.

These are all imported products. And I want this niche to be filled with Russian-made biotechnologies, - said during parliamentary hearings Gennady Ivanov, head of department of Rospotrebnadzor.

Today, no one in the world can provide accurate scientific data that transgenes are dangerous to human health. Serious research is needed to confirm this. By the way, Russian scientists are going to conduct one of the experiments open to the public in 2013. Animals fed with GM soy or corn can be watched over the Internet.

As conceived by the organizers, this experiment will have to prove the harm or safety of products with modified genes. In the meantime, the area of ​​such crops in the world is increasing. Last year, for example, it grew by 8%, transgenes occupied 395 million acres of agricultural land - almost "half" of Russia! Two years ago, the growth was even higher - 10%. Leader - USA. There are generally no barriers to their industrial cultivation, and in parallel, a large-scale increase campaign is being carried out. Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay do not lag behind in terms of GMO crops. In America, as in Canada, the "Contains GMO" label on packaging is not required. In Europe, the production of GMOs is officially banned, but imports and sales are allowed - with the appropriate stamp.

Soybean is the "star" of GMOs

So far, only plants have been put on the conveyor for the introduction of GMOs - it is easier with them. Favorites are soybeans, corn, oilseed rape, cotton, sugar beets. Next come GM papaya, potatoes, rice, and tomatoes. Tomatoes, for example, “charged” with the built-in gene, ripen more quickly, and potatoes increase starchyness.

But they also experiment with animals. In New Zealand, a cow was bred that gives hypoallergenic milk, and in China, according to rumors, a cow appeared, capable of producing milk already with a reduced lactose content.

What, for example, do the animals whose milk we drink eat? Even if they are not administered special drugs, they can be given food that contains GM cereals and beans.

Soybean plays a special role: it is the main component of livestock feed, its share in food products is up to 60%. According to the International Grain Union, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Sweden and other countries, as well as large agricultural producers around the world, use GMO plants for animal feed. EU states annually import about 40 million tons of modified soybeans. Two-thirds of the corn grown in Europe for pigs and corydalis is also genetically engineered.

Islands of freedom

But there are countries where the use of GMOs is prohibited by law. The most stringent measures have been taken in Finland, Australia, Venezuela, Greece, Switzerland and Poland.

In 2013, the EurAsEC Technical Regulations "Milk and dairy products" will come into force, which requires consumers to be informed about the presence of GM components (if they are more than 0.9%).

A complete ban on the use of GMO plants in the menu of cows is also valid in our neighboring Finland. And the authorities of two Finnish cities and two municipalities have banned the use of GMOs in public institutions.

Back in 2003, the Association of Finnish Dairies declared its negative attitude towards GMOs. Farmers are proud of their hairy beauties and feed them only with herbs grown in their native meadows: the basis of the diet is rapeseed. Neither corn, nor soybeans, nor other transgenic crops are on the menu of Finnish cows.

In Russia, there are also such products - from the famous Finnish concern Valio. On the packages, the inscription “Does not contain GMOs” stands out in white on blue. But even if there is no such mark, then by default you will not find transgenics either in the product or even in the feed of cows.

Unfortunately, there are few such islands of freedom from transgenes today. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to understand what we are fed. After all, the taste of GMO fruits is the same as that of natural ones. And even if GMOs are not indicated in the composition of the product, food additives may be modified, and potatoes grown by one's own hands may turn out to be faulty, since the altered genes were contained in seeds or fertilizers.

What should an ordinary consumer do under these conditions?

In order not to “eat GMOs”, you must carefully read the information on the package, advises Piri Jamalova, GMO Research Engineer, Test-St. Petersburg. - The manufacturer is obliged to inform about the content of such additives in the product. This is a requirement of federal legislation, and the sanctions for violating it are very serious. Unfortunately, an ordinary consumer cannot independently check the product for GMO content. Studies are carried out only in laboratory conditions and can take up to one and a half days.