Pain in the lower abdomen - when is it a sign of pregnancy? Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, reasons for what to do Why does the stomach ache in the first weeks of pregnancy

Hello! Tell me, what could it be. I'm going to the doctor soon, but I want to know. For several days, the lower abdomen periodically hurts, as with painful periods, and the lower back hurts at this time. It hurts a lot, the one that I can’t move for a few minutes then lets go. And at the same time, the stomach turns to stone, sometimes it just turns to stone without severe pain, but very often. Term 30-31 weeks. There are no blood discharges, only sometimes pieces of transparent mucus, like snot, stand out. Very scary, I don't know what it is. This is the second pregnancy, in the first there was nothing like this, the child is 3.5 years old, was born at 40 weeks and 3 days.

Any woman at the beginning of pregnancy is sensitive to her feelings and changes in the body. Many of these changes are alarming, because before that there were no taste preferences, increased sensitivity to smells and other unfamiliar feelings? Of particular concern are pulling pains in the groin, lower back or lower abdomen, which appear at 3-4 weeks and very often accompany pregnancy. In what cases should you treat this normally, and when is it better to sound the alarm?

Physiological causes of pulling pains in the abdomen during pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen can occur for two main reasons:

  • Causes that are associated with the development and condition of the fetus. This may be a threatened condition (miscarriage or premature birth) that requires special attention and medical attention.
  • Reasons that do not affect the situation and development of the child. These reasons are purely physiological and should not worry expectant mothers.

Agree, this division is very conditional, and a woman (if she is not a doctor) in case of pain will rather panic than understand the reasons, but in vain. Understanding this is not difficult if a woman knows her gestational age and is under outpatient medical supervision. In any case, if the pains are not cramping in nature, and there is no discharge from the vagina, it is not necessary to sound the alarm and call a doctor.

Why is it important for a woman to know the gestational age when pulling the lower abdomen?

The fact is that the entire period of bearing a baby (39-40 weeks) is divided into three trimesters, and the appearance of pain in each of them can be a signal - both physiological changes and pathology. Let's start with the norm, since in most cases it is the physiology that is "to blame" for the appearance of discomfort and pain.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen that do not require medical attention, as they can be attributed to physiological:

  • An increase in the size, volume of circulating blood and weight of the uterus.
  • Increased tension of the uterine ligaments that support the uterus in a suspended state in the small pelvis.
  • An increase in physical activity, which causes tension in the abdominal muscles and uterine ligaments.
  • Poor bowel movements, flatulence and bloating.
  • Stressful situations, disorder of the nervous system.

All these reasons, the appearance of which pulls the stomach during pregnancy, are understandable and easily eliminated, because it is easy to limit physical activity and improve bowel function. But there are other, more important reasons for pulling down and abdominal pain. You need to know about them so as not to harm the unborn baby and yourself.

With what pathology can there be pulling pains in the abdomen during pregnancy?

Pain can come from the growing uterus, or be the result of diseases of other organs. All the reasons that are described below are the reason for contacting a general practitioner or gynecologist, as well as appropriate medical care and treatment. These include:

  • It pulls the lower abdomen if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract (chronic constipation, dysbacteriosis, helminthic invasion).
  • Appendicitis or pancreatitis (acute or chronic).
  • It pulls the lower abdomen if there are chronic inflammatory conditions of the genitourinary system (diseases of the ureters, bladder, urethra, vagina, ovaries and uterus).
  • Ectopic pregnancy (in the period of 3-5 weeks).
  • The phenomena of a threatened miscarriage or premature birth.
  • Placental abruption before the due date.

How to distinguish causes that do not require intervention from others?

To do this, you need to listen to the nature of the pain, as well as carefully monitor other signs that may indicate the need to see a doctor. So let's go in order:

  • The pains in the lower abdomen are not permanent, but temporary, and gradually subside if you take a horizontal position and rest.
  • The nature of the pain is pulling or dull, but not sharp and cramping.
  • In addition to pain, there are no other symptoms from the stomach and intestines (stool disorder, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea).
  • There is no discharge from the vagina (blood, blood, brownish mucus, and others).
  • The lower abdomen pulls, but after taking 1-2 no-shpa tablets or rectal suppositories with papaverine, the pain subsides and becomes less intense.
  • The pain does not increase and does not become unbearable.
  • Over time, pain in the anus, in the lumbar region and during urination does not join (acute cystitis).
  • In addition to pain, no urge to empty the bowels, fainting, lowering blood pressure and increased heart rate (symptoms of a ruptured tube or ovary during an ectopic pregnancy).

If you are already under the supervision of a doctor, it is enough to contact him in a planned manner and establish the cause of the pain. If you have not done this yet, you need to register as soon as possible, take tests and seek advice, because the above reasons can worsen the condition of the mother and unborn child.

Pain in early and late pregnancy - what to do?

In the early stages of pregnancy (up to 24–26 weeks), the most dangerous obstetric causes are the threat of interruption and the ectopic location of the fetal egg. It is equally important for a woman to keep the baby and prevent the complications of an ectopic pregnancy, so the symptoms of each of these dangerous conditions are described below. So, the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage include:

  • Drawing and constant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, which are aggravated by movement and physical exertion.
  • Smearing or spotting.
  • General malaise, weakness, dizziness.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Constant dull or sharp pains in the lower abdomen and in the back, which, when the tube breaks, become sharp and stabbing.
  • Nausea, weakness, sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite and other signs of pregnancy.
  • Weak and frequent pulse, a sharp drop in blood pressure, fainting, pale skin (with a rupture of the pipe).
  • Bloody discharge of varying intensity, aggravated by a crack or rupture of the fallopian tube.

All these signs serve as a signal for contacting a specialist and providing emergency medical care.

What to do if in late pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

If the stomach pulls during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, then it is best not to hesitate, but immediately contact a specialist and establish the cause of the pain.

This must be done even with the temporary and short-term nature of the pain, since the causes can relate both to the development of the fetus and to the woman herself. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Normally, after 30 weeks, the body begins to gradually prepare for future childbirth. At this time, there is an active production of the hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. But smooth muscle fibers are not only in the uterus, they are composed of the gallbladder, intestinal walls and other organs. A decrease in the activity of the gallbladder causes symptoms of indigestion, therefore, in the period from 30–32 weeks, pregnant women often complain of heaviness in the abdomen, belching, heartburn, and bloating. To establish this process, it is enough to revise the diet, in which it is better to introduce foods rich in coarse fiber, raw vegetables and fruits.
  2. Intensive growth of the fetus in the last weeks of pregnancy causes overstretching of the uterine ligaments. As a result, it pulls the lower abdomen, and sudden pains occur when coughing or sneezing. The further the pregnancy develops, the more intense the feeling that an overstrain is created in the lower abdomen. To eliminate this cause, it is useful for a pregnant woman to start attending classes that have special exercises. These include yoga, water aerobics, Pilates. This helps not only to remove pain in the lower abdomen, but also to strengthen the rest of the muscles and make it easier to endure childbirth.
  3. If the lower abdomen is pulled at 37–38 weeks, it is most likely that these are harbingers of childbirth. At this time, it is important to observe the intensity and frequency of pulling pains, as well as the nature of the discharge. Usually, the harbingers of childbirth can be for 7-10 days, which is the norm. If the pain does not increase and the discharge is normal, you need to calm down and wait for the onset of labor.
  4. If for a long period of time the lower abdomen pulls, and the abdomen itself becomes hard to the touch, then we can assume the threat of premature birth. Bloody or spotting discharges that appear can aggravate this condition. Especially dangerous for the fetus are premature births at 32-34 weeks, because at this time the child has not yet formed the pulmonary system. With increased pain and the appearance of discharge, you need to urgently go to the hospital to save the pregnancy!
  5. Acute and cramping pains in the lower abdomen in the later stages can be a signal of the onset of placental abruption. Most often, the causes of this condition are injuries, a sharp overstrain during physical exertion, or an increase in blood pressure. Rupture of a vessel inside the uterus can cause not only pain and deterioration of the woman's condition, but also fetal hypoxia. As a rule, such women also begin external bleeding from the vagina, which is the reason for hospitalization and urgent surgical intervention (caesarean section).

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why the lower abdomen is pulled during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. If a woman listens carefully to the nature of pain, then she will be able not only to easily establish the cause, but also in case of complications, contact a specialist in time.

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30 weeks pregnant

If for some reason the birth occurs this week, you can no longer be afraid for the life of the baby. He is sufficiently prepared for a meeting with this world: the respiratory system has formed, the process of thermoregulation has been established, his own immunity has developed, the genitals and limbs have taken shape, the eyes are already opening, the nose “breathes”, the head turns, the kidneys and intestines are working - the baby has learned a lot!

Fetus at 30 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

However, this is not the limit. Development and improvement continues. At the 30th week of pregnancy, the brain actively develops, its volume increases, convolutions and grooves are formed.

According to some experts, by the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby's brain is developed to the point where the fetus is already capable of analysis and memorization. To prove this opinion, the following fact is given: if at first an unfamiliar, initial stimulus caused fear and shudder in the crumbs, then when it is repeated, the fetus now only turns its head towards the source of irritation.

Despite the fact that from the moment of conception, a small organism has come a long way on the path of improvement and development, it is not yet ready for birth, improvement continues.

While the nervous system is just starting to turn on in the “trial mode”, the digestive system is trying to work. The liver stores iron to supply the little body with blood cells during the first year of a baby's life.

The skin of the crumbs is still wrinkled, but is slowly smoothing out. It is red in color and coated with protective primordial grease. Lanugo gradually begins to disappear, although many babies are born with downy hair on the body, which disappears over time.

Now he weighs over 1300 g and has grown to almost 40 cm in length. The baby is already big enough, and the space in the uterus is getting smaller every day. His movements are now acquiring a slightly different character: if earlier the baby freely tumbled and “floated” in the uterus, pushing off from one wall and moving to another, now he is kicking and pushing more and more, resting either on his elbow, then on his leg, then on his mother’s stomach with his hand .

The frequency and strength of the baby's movements now need to be carefully monitored. Normally, within an hour, a woman feels up to 6 movements of the baby, during the day - at least 20. Doctors say that sharp strong blows from the inside should alert the mother, because for the most part the baby behaves calmly due to lack of space. But "boxing fights" can also be evidence of the difficult nature of your child, so get ready ... It is interesting that girls' hearts beat more chaotically and quickly, while boys' hearts are calmer and more measured.

Future mom

The baby needs your attention and affection. Stroke your tummy more often, talk to the baby, ask for advice, sing songs. Now on sale there are a lot of good music CDs for pregnant women. Just calm melodic compositions are also suitable.

The entire third trimester should be extremely careful. You become heavier and rounder every day, the center of gravity shifts, the feeling of fatigue and weakness increases - it is not easy to carry such a burden. Moreover, the heart is displaced from its place under the onslaught of the fetus - sometimes shortness of breath appears. Now it is important to take care of yourself and not to rush anywhere. Be careful in the bathroom, on the bus, in the snow, everywhere! Some mothers cannot cope with the body and fall under the weight of the abdomen. This is undesirable, so the shoes should be comfortable and you should be leisurely.

You were supposed to be on maternity leave this week. Use it to relax and prepare for childbirth. Start collecting dowry for the baby and packages to the hospital, study useful information, learn to breathe correctly. If the baby lies incorrectly, do special exercises for breech or breech presentation. By the 32nd week of pregnancy, he still has a chance to turn his head to the bottom.

Of course, healthy, vitamin-rich nutrition is still very important these days. Drink kefir, eat vegetables, fruits and berries, but avoid those that can make you sick.

Take a walk every day. It is advisable to take your husband, girlfriend or sister with you - after all, at any time you may need their help. And listen to the baby: keep track of his movements.

Pain at 30 weeks pregnant

Take care of your back, do not walk or sit for a long time, do not cross your legs, do not lie on your back. After all, now it is on the back that there is a very large load, associated, among other things, with a shift in the center of gravity. For the same reason, many women for a period of 30 weeks complain of lower back pain.

However, pay attention to the nature of the pain: with pulling pains in the lower back, radiating to the lower abdomen, possibly accompanied by painful urination, one can suspect the development of a urinary tract disease.

In the second half of pregnancy, pain, heaviness, and burning sensation in the legs are also felt. Especially it can bake a woman in the evening, after a daytime stay in an upright position. The recipe for "taming" the pain is still the same: regular "sessions" of rest during the day, the rejection of shoes with heels, correct posture. Evening cool foot baths and a relaxing massage will not only help relieve fatigue and soreness, but also reduce the risk of convulsive contractions of the calf muscles at night.

Continue reading Fetus at 8 weeks pregnant

Be prepared for the fact that at some point you will again feel the "curse" of early pregnancy - headaches. As before, a headache becomes a consequence of major changes that continue in the body of a pregnant woman. Since, any medicines are now banned, we will fight the headache with “grandmother's methods”. So, it helps to relieve this unpleasant symptom of sleep in a cool, well-ventilated, semi-dark room. If the headache is haunting, try to lie down and relax, make a cool compress, massage your temples.

Belly at 30 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Mom is not insured on the line at 30 weeks of pregnancy and from such a frightening symptom as abdominal pain. That's just, feeling pain, you should not immediately panic: listen to exactly where it hurts, what character is inherent in pain.

After all, abdominal pain is associated with completely harmless phenomena - pain is accompanied by disorders of the digestive system, pain can occur due to softening and stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus. In the first case, you are unlikely to be mistaken in establishing the cause of the pain: it usually occurs against the background of increased gas formation, bloating, and constipation. In the second case, the pain is localized from the sides or from one side of the abdomen, usually occurs when turning the body, changing position, at the moment of getting up from a bed or chair, when sneezing or coughing.

As if “pulling together”, the stomach can painfully tighten at the moment when the baby beats or sharply hits it from the inside. This usually happens if the baby is dissatisfied or frightened with something: a sharp and painful hit on his mother can be caused, for example, by a loud unexpected sound. In this case, the pain occurs suddenly, but just as suddenly and soon passes.

But if at the 30th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls, it hurts for a long time, absolutely not painful and irregular training contractions become periodic and become painful, pain from the lower abdomen spreads to the lower back - call an ambulance without delay. With such symptoms, the risk of the onset of preterm labor is too high, the start of which will be prompted by the outflow of amniotic fluid. Please note that it is not possible to stop the birth that has begun prematurely, therefore, now you need to do everything in your power to save the baby.

Discharge at 30 weeks pregnant

Above, we mentioned that the outflow of amniotic fluid should be an unambiguous reason for an urgent call to an ambulance. Amniotic fluid looks like a liquid watery discharge that has a slight yellowish color. Keep in mind that not necessarily amniotic fluid can be poured out at once: it happens that amniotic fluid leaks in small quantities, leaving only a feeling of increased moisture on the panties. But even then, you should go to a specialist as soon as possible: amniotic fluid always leaks, except in case of violation of the integrity of the membranes. Which, in turn, creates a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus: only 24 hours is enough for the infection to reach the fetus.

The pregnant woman should be alerted by the appearance of discharge of an unhealthy green, yellow or earthy color, discharge mixed with pus, mucus, flakes, foamy or curdled discharge. Even if the “colored” discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and does not provoke a feeling of discomfort in the genitals, most likely, you will most likely be diagnosed with some kind of infectious sexual disease. It is the infection that is responsible for the change in color, consistency and smell of the discharge, and it should be treated without fail. Otherwise, the penetration of the infection into the uterus and infection of the fetus is not excluded.

Without delay and without hesitation, call the "ambulance" if you find spotting in any quantity and of any nature. Bloody discharge, and even a brown “daub” on panties, is a dangerous symptom that most likely indicates problems with the placenta. Thus, the separation of blood is accompanied by presentation or detachment of a normally located placenta - conditions that threaten not only health, but also the life of the mother and child. Placenta previa does not usually cause pain in the abdomen, but its detachment usually causes palpable pain in the abdomen.


The most optimal period for the third planned ultrasound is from 30 to 32 weeks. But more often, an ultrasound examination for a woman is prescribed just in time for the period of 32 weeks - then the baby should already take the position from which it will be born. While at 30 weeks, and this will display the ultrasound, he may still not be in the head presentation, thereby giving the mother understandable concerns.

If, nevertheless, an ultrasound scan was scheduled for the 30th week of pregnancy, then, as in later periods, the development and well-being of the baby, the functionality of his body, and the condition of the uterus will now be examined and evaluated.

So, the doctor will determine the growth rate of the child, establish the compliance of these indicators with the deadline. The baby's heart rate will be assessed. By the way, the ultrasound now shows how the baby breathes: his chest rises and falls. In addition, now the specialist will be able to examine the functionality of the internal organs and systems of the baby, which was not possible to do before. Ultrasound, for example, will tell if the fetus suffers from intestinal or urinary tract obstruction, if the baby has a heart defect.

An important marker during ultrasound will also be the condition of the uterus: its size, standing height, the state of the myometrium. The quantity and quality of amniotic fluid are also assessed, the risk of entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord is excluded, the place of attachment and the location of the placenta are examined.

Especially for — Elena Kichak

It is very common for a woman to experience pain in the abdomen or back while waiting for a baby. Why can the stomach hurt? There are many reasons that cause these sensations.

Is it normal to feel abdominal pain during pregnancy?

Yes. Spasms and other pains in this area most often occur due to fetal pressure on the muscles, joints and veins. While you're expecting a baby, your ligaments that connect your bones will stretch. During movement, this can lead to mild pain on one side of the abdomen or on both sides at the same time. Most often, women note discomfort on the right, because the growing fetus stretches the uterus in this direction. It is quite easy to make sure that the pain occurs precisely because of the ligaments. You need to sit down, relax, and if the discomfort is gone, then the matter is just in the ligaments. In case of severe pain, a warm bath or lying on your side helps. A gentle back massage will also relieve your condition.

If you feel unwell and your stomach hurts

Perhaps the pain has a completely different reason, not related to your position. It could be appendicitis, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, gallbladder problems, or uterine fibroids that you never knew you had. It is worth asking your gynecologist for advice on what to do in this case. But go to the hospital immediately if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • burning and pain when urinating;
  • unusual;
  • spotting or bleeding;
  • vomit;
  • fever;
  • chills.

If the stomach hurts in the first trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, in the first weeks this is normal. But sometimes, in combination with other symptoms, pain may indicate. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens a lot these days. The main reason is that the development of the fetus does not occur properly. What are the features of an early miscarriage:

  • Feel. Spasmodic pains in the center of the abdomen below, bleeding nie.
  • Timing. It can happen any time before 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • What to do? Call your gynecologist or an ambulance for a consultation. Sit or lie down. Relax. In case of severe bleeding (more than one pad per hour), you should urgently go to the hospital emergency department.

Sometimes a pregnancy can develop outside the uterus. This pathology is called an ectopic pregnancy. Unfortunately, this embryo cannot be saved in any way and an urgent termination of pregnancy is necessary. This is a serious condition and occurs in 1% of cases. Features of this pathology:

  • Feel. Pain of a cramping nature, which is localized on one side, but during a fight it spreads to the other part of the abdomen. Watery bleeding is quite dark in color.
  • Timing. Usually from 4 weeks to 10.
  • What to do? Call an ambulance immediately. Treatment in this case should be started immediately.

Pain in the second trimester

In most cases, discomfort in the abdomen at this time is not dangerous. But there is a small chance that it could be a late miscarriage. This condition is very rare, even in comparison with early miscarriage. Features of a late miscarriage:

  • Feel. Contractions and bleeding.
  • Timing. Between 12 and 23 weeks
  • What to do? If you have light-colored bleeding, call your gynecologist or ER for advice. If severe bleeding, then urgently go to the hospital.

If abdominal pain occurs in the 3rd trimester

3rd trimester for a pregnant woman - the finish line before meeting with her baby. Pain in the abdomen can mean training contractions before childbirth. But very rarely it can indicate premature birth. Even if premature birth has begun, this does not mean that the child is now necessarily born. Sometimes, until the water breaks, it's just a false alarm. Peculiarities :

  • Feel. Pain in the pelvic region, lower abdomen, back. Cramping sensations. There may be diarrhea, leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Timing. Between 32 and 37 weeks.
  • What to do? Call your doctor, an ambulance, or someone in your family. If the amniotic fluid has broken or started to leak a little, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

If you have stomach pains after 37 weeks of pregnancy, it means that you are in the early stages of labor. At this stage, contractions should not cause you concern, because the body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

Attention! This article contains general information only and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.

In the article we tell why the lower abdomen aches during pregnancy. You will learn what to do in such cases and how it can be prevented.

Why does the lower abdomen ache during pregnancy

Aching pain in the lower abdomen can have different causes

Expectant mothers throughout the entire period of pregnancy may be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon can be associated both with natural physiological processes, and indicate various pathologies, diseases of the mother or fetus.

Let's look at what such pains can mean at different stages of pregnancy.

In the initial stages, some discomfort and mild pulling pains may be one of the signs of pregnancy.. The uterus is stretched, and therefore the stomach aches at the 6th week of pregnancy. In this case, the pain has a pulling or cramping character and soon releases.

If the stomach aches like before menstruation during pregnancy, it constantly hurts in the lower abdomen in the early stages, you should immediately consult a doctor. This can signal such diseases and pathologies:

  • urinary infection;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes;
  • uterine hypertonicity.

At week 10, the expectant mother has a scheduled 2 visit to the gynecologist. During this period, a woman may also complain of abdominal pain. Under the influence of hormones and in connection with the growth of the fetus, the ligaments that hold the uterus soften and stretch. This may be accompanied by episodic pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen and in the groin area. If at the 10th week of pregnancy the lower abdomen aches, while the pain is accompanied by spotting, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

The same symptoms occur if the stomach aches at the 12th week of pregnancy.

In the 2nd trimester, if the pregnancy proceeds normally, most often women do not complain of pain. Right now, the fetus is not large enough to cause inconvenience to the mother. The uterus is constantly growing, it has not yet reached the size when it begins to put pressure on the internal organs.

However, some expectant mothers complain that at the 15th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen aches. If no other unpleasant symptoms are observed, then this means that the muscles of the uterus are greatly stretched. This, in turn, can cause mild pain that does not threaten pregnancy. Do not panic prematurely, the woman's body is preparing for the upcoming birth, so stretching the muscles of the uterus is quite normal.

The threat of miscarriage in this period is significantly reduced, but pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • physical stress;
  • stress, nervous exhaustion;
  • the movement of the baby inside the uterus;
  • problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to intensively prepare for the upcoming birth.. Already at this stage, the expectant mother periodically has training contractions, which can lead to abdominal pain. Also, if the lower abdomen aches at the 34th week of pregnancy, this may indicate a number of problems:

  • urinary infection;
  • premature birth;
  • placental abruption.

Placental abruption is accompanied by bleeding. Sometimes it can be internal, and the blood does not go out through the genital tract, it collects in the abdominal cavity. In this case, the woman has sharp pains in the abdomen. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Aching lower abdomen at 35 weeks pregnant? What does this mean:

  1. training bouts;
  2. early birth.

If the pain disappears within 15-20 seconds, then your body is preparing for the upcoming birth with the help of contractions. If the time between contractions begins to shorten, pack your things and go to the hospital.

If the lower abdomen aches at the 36th week of pregnancy and at the same time pulls the lower back, but the pain is not severe, then this is a sign of the norm. You should rest, change the position of the body. If the pain does not let go even after a long rest, you need to see a doctor. These symptoms may indicate the development of oligohydramnios. If the pulling pain in the abdomen is accompanied by vaginal discharge, this indicates a premature birth, which is undesirable at this time.

A week later, the stomach begins to fall. The child is almost fully formed, breathes independently and is able to digest food. The fetus has already taken a permanent position. Almost all children by this time are already turned head down. It is quite normal when the stomach aches at 37 weeks of gestation. Pulling, slightly painful sensations in the lower abdomen - a harbinger of an approaching birth.

The 38th week of pregnancy is the period when a child can be born without fear for his life. Now the false contractions are getting much more intense, and some women are panicking about it. As in the previous week, you should not be afraid if the lower abdomen aches at the 38th week of pregnancy - very soon you will become a mother, and the baby will let you know about it.

If in the last 14 days your stomach has not dropped, it will happen exactly in the last week before delivery. If the stomach aches at the 39th week of pregnancy, and the pain radiates to the lower back, this indicates that the birth is very soon.

What to do if your stomach hurts

Pain in the abdomen can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child. In some cases, this is the norm. But if the pain in the abdomen does not go away for a long time and is accompanied by bloody discharge and a general deterioration in the condition of the woman, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause.

If the pain has become sharp and very noticeable, call an ambulance immediately. This, depending on the duration of pregnancy, may mean a threatened miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, a frozen fetus, detachment of the amniotic egg, premature birth, or an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the mother.

Abdominal pain may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • bleeding.

The doctor will conduct a thorough examination and find out if there is a threat to the fetus. In some cases, drastic measures may be needed: surgery, hospital treatment, etc. If you seek medical attention on time, the doctors will be able to give you the care you need and keep the pregnancy going.

Some future mothers come with complaints that the right side of the lower abdomen aches during pregnancy. On the right side of the abdomen are the liver, gallbladder, part of the intestines and the right side of the diaphragm. Such pain may indicate diseases of these internal organs or inflammation of the appendix.

When the left side aches during pregnancy, this may indicate problems with the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestinal loops and the left side of the diaphragm.

Prevention of aching pain

Do not forget to rest, observe the daily routine

If you went to the doctor with a complaint that the lower abdomen aches during pregnancy, and at the same time he did not reveal any serious abnormalities, then you should reconsider some of your habits and diet.

  1. Review your diet. Eliminate spicy, fried and smoked foods from your menu. Choose light, protein-rich foods (white meat, lean fish, nuts). Remember to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to keep the water regime. Do not get carried away with carbonated drinks and coffee.
  2. Limit physical activity. This does not mean that you have to lie in bed all the time. If the doctor has not found any threats to your health and the life of the baby, you need to walk more in the fresh air, engage in gentle sports. Well suited for women carrying a child, gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, swimming.
  3. Never take hot baths. Even foot baths can provoke the loss of a child in the early stages.
  4. Don't forget healthy sleep. The duration of sleep during pregnancy should be at least 9 hours. It is also advisable to take a short break for daytime sleep.
  5. Pay attention to your mental state. You don't have to worry about trifles. Avoid stress and mental stress. If you have a stressful job, try to take your maternity leave earlier. This is allowed by law, you need to contact a gynecologist, he can help in opening a sick leave for pregnancy before 7 months.

If the stomach aches during early pregnancy, and at the same time, examinations do not confirm any danger, do not worry. Your body adjusts to a new, unusual state for it. Here again, you need to be reminded of proper nutrition and lifestyle.

In the later stages, with aching pains in the abdomen, you need to take more frequent rest breaks. Change position: if you were standing - sit down, if you were lying on your right side - roll over to your left. Take deep breaths. It is better to take courses for expectant mothers, which teach the basics of breathing exercises.

For more information about abdominal pain during pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Now you know why the lower abdomen aches during pregnancy. In most cases, this is the norm. However, if the pain does not go away for a long time, there is a discharge or other painful sensations, consult a doctor.
  2. We told in which cases the lower abdomen and lower back ache at the 38th week of pregnancy. Such pains are harbingers of an approaching birth. At this time, you can no longer worry that labor activity began prematurely. There is no threat to the life of the baby at all, his organs are fully formed. The child can already breathe and digest food on his own.

Almost every woman during pregnancy at least once experienced pulling or tingling pains in the lower abdomen or a feeling of discomfort. And this is understandable: with the birth of a new life, our body begins to rebuild (stretching of muscle fibers, swelling and stretching of the ligaments, "divergence" of the pelvic organs). A woman usually experiences such pain in the first few months of pregnancy. However, they most often occur in women who had dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) before pregnancy.

However, pain in the lower abdomen during the period of bearing a child is not always the result of changes occurring in the body. The appearance of any pain in the abdomen should alert a pregnant woman, as it can serve as a likely threat to the fetus (miscarriage). But it is not worth sounding the alarm in advance, it is necessary to determine the nature of the pain, its intensity and what it is connected with. Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor even if there is the slightest discomfort in the abdomen.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy?

Wrong nutrition.
So, it is clear that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can occur even in an absolutely healthy woman. What are the main causes of pain? Very often, malnutrition can provoke spasms of the digestive system, which end in pain in the lower abdomen, which is aching in nature. Pregnancy is one of the causes of hormonal changes in the body. Against this background, a woman's taste preferences also change. During the bearing of a child, a woman can consume foods that cause various metabolic disorders. For example, the abuse of pregnant spicy and sour foods can cause irritation of the walls of the stomach, frequent consumption of sweets can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines and the appearance of dysbacteriosis. The latter, in turn, can cause bloating. In this case, you should consult with your doctor, who will prescribe a special treatment, and of course, a transition to a healthy diet is mandatory.

Stretching of muscles and ligaments.
Quite often, pulling pains in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman are the result of sprains and muscles that support the uterus. As the fetus grows, the uterus also increases in size, resulting in increased pressure on the ligaments, and as a result, pain in the lower abdomen increases. That is why with sudden movements, sneezing or coughing, you can feel a sprain, which manifests itself in the form of sharp pains in the lower abdomen. They can also be observed due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles of the press. In this case, pain in the lower abdomen does not pose a danger to the fetus. Such pains during the bearing of a child do not require any treatment, it is enough just to have a good rest. Cramping pains in the lower abdomen and pelvic region, accompanying a sprain, doctors recommend removing with a warm bath, sitting in which you should relax well.

Enlargement of the uterus.
If pain in a pregnant woman is observed at the top of the abdomen, the reason for this may be an enlarged uterus, which begins to compress the organs of the chest cavity (liver and gallbladder, digestive organs). The result of this may be a violation of the process of bile secretion, which may be accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen.

Often during pregnancy, a woman feels pain in the abdomen on the right. As a rule, this is due to the position of the fetus in the uterus. Pain may increase with fetal movement. Usually this process is accompanied by loss of appetite and the appearance of a feeling of heaviness. Pressure on this area of ​​the abdomen can also provoke heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, and bloating.

Ectopic pregnancy.
Pain in the lower abdomen can occur against the background of an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg is fixed and develops not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube (probably due to adhesions). It is very easy to identify an ectopic pregnancy in yourself, if you are sure of your pregnancy, by the symptoms that accompany it: fainting, dizziness, nausea, sharp pains in the abdomen, spotting. A woman is usually referred for an ultrasound examination to reduce the risk of rupture of the fallopian tubes and preserve childbearing function. The egg, increasing in size, breaks the walls of the fallopian tube, which is accompanied by unbearable pain and internal bleeding. As a rule, this occurs in the fifth or seventh week of pregnancy. In this case, surgical intervention is mandatory.

The threat of abortion.
Pain in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman can also be observed when there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Cramping pain radiates to the lower back and is long and aching in nature. In addition, as a rule, such pain is combined with secretions from the genital organs, which have a different consistency and color (from brown to bright red). A woman with such pain is immediately sent to the hospital, where they examine the hormonal background, determine the condition of the fetus, and also do tests for infections that can provoke a miscarriage. After the cause of the violation of the course of pregnancy is identified, the specialist prescribes the appropriate treatment.

If there are similar pains and accompanying symptoms, you should immediately call a doctor. Most likely, in order to maintain pregnancy, a woman will be assigned to a hospital for some time.

Premature detachment of the placenta.
Premature detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall can also cause sharp pains in the lower abdomen. Several reasons can cause this phenomenon: toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, abdominal trauma, hypertension, physical overstrain, etc. In this case, there is a rupture of blood vessels. This process occurs with the simultaneous occurrence of bleeding into the uterine cavity and severe pain. Such symptoms are a serious reason for a quick call to the doctor, since the only solution in this situation is a quick delivery and stopping the bleeding in the pregnant woman.

Surgical diseases.
Surgical diseases in a woman during the period of bearing a child can also cause pain. Often, sharp stabbing pain is a sign of acute appendicitis. If there are cramping stabbing pains in the right hypochondrium of a pregnant woman, there is a possibility that this is inflammation of the gallbladder or cholecystitis. During the period of bearing a child, inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis can also be observed, which is also manifested by severe pain in the upper abdomen. In women in position, pains of a pulling nature often appear, which acquire an intense stabbing character as the bladder fills. In this case, unbearable pain appears precisely at the time of urination. Similar symptoms indicate cystitis or inflammation of the bladder. Quite often, such symptoms are signs of the presence of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Stinging pains can appear with hypertonicity of the uterus. With a slight nature of the pain, it is enough to lie down in a calm state for an hour. With intense pain, accompanied by vaginal discharge, you should immediately seek medical help.

Stitching pains can be observed during pregnancy and in the intestines due to a decrease in the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to stagnation of feces, flatulence, constipation, resulting in pain.

While waiting for the baby, some women experience stabbing pains in the coccyx. At the same time, they can be localized, they can give to the thigh, lower abdomen, and also to the perineum. Many reasons can cause them: these are psycho-emotional stresses, hormonal changes, and even the threat of abortion.

It should be separately told about the pathological phenomenon - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. A similar pathology occurs against the background of trauma to the isthmus and cervix due to abortion, childbirth (large fetus), the use of obstetric forceps. Because of this, the cervix is ​​​​not able to hold the fetal egg, which falls down. This process is accompanied by severe stabbing pains in the vagina. This can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. This usually happens in the sixteenth week of pregnancy.

Hiatal hernia.
Hiatus hernia or hiatal hernia can also be a source of pain. With this anatomical anomaly, part of the stomach enters the chest cavity through a natural or pathological opening in the diaphragm. A similar phenomenon is observed quite often in people with weight problems. In addition, hiatal hernia can occur due to frequent coughing, smoking, and stress. The main symptoms of this anomaly are: acid reflux (the liquid contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus), pain in the chest and in the upper part of the stomach.

Reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of this anomaly will help exercise, fractional nutrition, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and chocolate. In especially difficult cases of this disease, urgent surgical intervention is required.

A pregnant woman is responsible for the life inside her, so she must treat her body with extreme caution and trepidation. Therefore, at the first signs of discomfort or the appearance of pain, a woman needs to call a doctor who will determine the cause of the pain and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.