How many spoons of tomato paste do you need for borscht. Mom's borscht. Fresh tomatoes and young cabbage

Borscht rightfully occupies a central place in the national cuisine. This versatile dish, well balanced in terms of nutrients and other characteristics, has a number of advantages. Like bread, borscht never gets boring. He has a huge number of varieties, including lean options and dietary ones. Classic borsch does not provide for the use of tomato in cooking, but many housewives love to make a dish with frying on it, since the color is more intense. It is important to use quality paste so that it has good feedback and was without various additives. For example, the well-known “Tomato” is perfect.

Some hostesses prefer to cook tomato paste on their own or, like in pasta, put ketchup in borscht. Everyone has their own taste preferences. Below we will give a recipe for cooking, find out whether it is necessary to add tomato paste to the borscht and tell you how it can be replaced, since not everyone is allowed to eat tomatoes, but they want a tasty, rich borscht.

The calorie content of juice and tomato paste differs several times, and the nutritional value of borscht should theoretically increase, but given the large volumes of preparation, all this is smoothed out. After all, borscht is often cooked for future use almost in buckets, and when winter comes, it is frozen. In summer it is eaten as cold as okroshka.

Recipe for cooking borscht with tomato paste

Each housewife follows her own way, and, presumably, her borscht is different from what her neighbor gets. Even after watching one video, two novice chefs will make different dishes... This is normal, as the result depends on many things.


Servings: - + 15

  • broth, mushroom or water 2.5 l
  • beet 300 g
  • carrot 150 g
  • potato 300 g
  • cabbage 350 g
  • onion 100 g
  • green bell pepper 80 g
  • garlic 5 teeth
  • parsley and dill 2 bundles
  • black peppercorns 5 peas
  • Bay leaf 3 sheets
  • tomato paste 50 g
  • salt 1 tbsp
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil 25 ml

Per serving

Calories: 175 kcal

Proteins: 7.84 g

Fats: 8.16 g

Carbohydrates: 12.64 g

30 minutes. Video Recipe Print

    Chop the peeled and washed cabbage, beets and carrots into thin strips, and dice the onion.

    Chop greens with garlic.

    Cut the potatoes into large squares and the peppers into small ones.

    Put the onions, carrots and beets with tomato paste in a pan in stages for a quarter of an hour.

    Put cabbage in boiling broth to boiled meat and after 5-7 minutes - chopped potatoes.

    Add the rest of the stewed vegetables, spices, herbs and bay leaf garlic.

    Continue to boil for about 5 minutes more and leave covered for up to half an hour for the borscht to brew. Serve to the table.

    What can replace tomato paste

    For various reasons, sometimes it is necessary to replace tomato paste in borscht. Instead of it, it is quite acceptable to take ketchup, only put the sauce at the end of cooking, and not stew in a fry. A large amount of carrots will support the color well in borscht.

    The mushroom also does not like tomato paste and you can not put it in vegetarian mushroom soup. Red beans are sometimes added to borscht to enhance color. In the absence of tomato paste, the difference in shade is almost imperceptible.

    Advice: when frying is being prepared, tomatoes should be taken on average at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per liter of broth. If you have 3 liters of broth, then put three tablespoons of pasta in the frying.

    Gardeners prefer to plant vegetables that are part of the borsch set on their own and make sure that the varieties correspond to the description, and the yield is high. They know exactly how much and what should be in this world-famous dish.

    Cooking borscht is a great product that you can eat all year round and will not get bored. Experiment by adding your vegetables to the base in different proportions. Try to make stewed borscht without frying at all. The ingredients for it are stacked in ceramic pots. They are poured almost to the brim with broth.

    From above, the earthenware is tightly covered with dough and placed in the oven. This borscht is ready, as the crusts on the pots will brown in about 30 minutes. It is very convenient, since fresh bread is prepared at the same time: it is beautiful, at least take a photo, and useful, since such borscht can be eaten even by people with health problems. Good luck and bon appetit!

Difficulty level: Easy

What you need:

  • filtered water - 5 liters
  • 600-700 grams of pork (beef can be used)
  • 1 head of cabbage, medium
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 2 medium beets
  • 1 head of onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • parsley dill
  • 100% tomato paste - 450 grams
  • sunflower oil 5 ml
  • black peppercorns 5 pcs
  • bay leaf 3 pcs
  • sour cream or mayonnaise

Step 1

Pour 5 liters of filtered water into a saucepan and place over medium heat.
Take care of the meat: rinse it under a stream of warm running water, then cut into medium pieces. Once the water boils, dip the meat in a saucepan and simmer over medium heat for 40 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam! Add 3 pcs. bay leaves, 5 pcs peppercorns.

Step 2

While the meat is cooking, turn to the vegetables. Peel and wash the beets, carrots and onions. Grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onions into cubes.
Take a frying pan, put it on little fire, pour sunflower oil into it, and add the ingredients. Fry the vegetables for 5 minutes, and then add 450 grams of tomato paste and 100 ml of water. Simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring always. After the time has passed, turn it off and let it infuse.

Step 3

Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and rinse it. Peel the potatoes immediately.
Cut the cabbage into medium strips - for the soup you need about 300-400 grams, cut the potatoes into medium cubes. After chopping, dip the vegetables into the saucepan with the meat, and cook for 20 to 25 minutes.

Step 4

As the cabbage is half-cooked, transfer all the contents from the pan to a saucepan and stir. Season to taste. Simmer for 7-10 minutes over medium heat.

Step 5

Peel the garlic. I prefer not to put garlic in borscht, but to serve it separately.
So, everything is ready !!! Pour borscht into a deep plate, add mayonnaise or sour cream (to taste), sprinkle with herbs on top.
Enjoy your meal!!! I hope you will like it.))

  • It is better to use meat on the bone, so the broth will be more rich)

Step-by-step recipes for cooking borscht with tomato paste - classic, green, with beet tops, meat or stew

2017-11-10 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of finished dish

3 gr.

2 gr.


3 gr.

45 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for borscht with tomato paste

This recipe is without tomatoes, but you need a good tomato paste, not burnt, natural, without dyes in the composition.


  • 800 gr. young beef pulp on the bone;
  • small carrot;
  • beets - 300 gr.;
  • large white onion;
  • garlic;
  • 300 grams of cabbage;
  • two tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 30 gr. tomato;
  • a spoonful of flour;
  • bay leaves;
  • three large potatoes;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • refined oil.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking borscht with tomato paste

We wash the meat with running water, put it in a saucepan with a volume of 4.5 liters, fill it with water. It will take no more than four liters so that the broth does not spill out during the further laying of the products.

We place the pan on maximum heat. Before boiling, foam will float up intensively on the surface. It is imperative to carefully remove it as it appears, if left, it will mix with the broth, and it will become cloudy. As soon as it boils, turn down the heat and cover the pan. Cook the broth with a slight boil for at least two hours.

Leaving the broth to boil, we are engaged in beets. Clean, rinse and cut into small cubes. Be sure to leave a small piece of beet, about a third of a small root vegetable, which will need to be added at the end of cooking.

We put the pieces of beet in a small saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers them with two fingers. Add two tablespoons of oil and 0.5 tablespoons of salt, sprinkle with sugar and set to simmer. After boiling, cook over low heat for 35 minutes. Add vinegar, simmer for another five minutes, and set the saucepan with beets aside.

While we are preparing the broth and stewing the beets, you can prepare the vegetable roast. Grind the carrots with coarse shavings, especially finely chop the onions. Fry vegetables in oil until light golden brown. Sprinkle the finished frying with flour, stir thoroughly, add the tomato, heat for no more than a minute. We set aside the frying pan with the finished dressing.

Put the meat from the broth on a plate, filter the liquid through a sieve or gauze put in a colander. This will remove small debris that have come off the bones during cooking.

We remove the cooled meat from the bones and return it, cut into pieces, into the filtered broth. We put the pan on fire.

Put large potato cubes in the boiled broth. As soon as it boils again, lower the thin julienne cabbage, and after another 10 minutes stewed beets and a piece of root vegetable left intact.

After letting the borscht boil for two minutes, lay out the pastry and garlic. Immediately after that, add some salt, add lavrushka, boil for another two minutes and remove from the stove.

Option 2: A quick recipe for borscht with stewed tomato paste

A simple borscht recipe for hastily with stew. It is cooked for half an hour, but it turns out to be no less tasty than in broth. When choosing a stew, give preference to glass containers. Choose jars that are more meat and jelly, but less fat.


  • pork or beef stew - one can;
  • three potatoes;
  • medium carrot;
  • three small beets;
  • 200 grams of fresh white cabbage;
  • two tablespoons of GOST tomato paste;
  • small stalk of celery;
  • one and a half tablespoons of flour;
  • half a spoonful of sugar;
  • 40 ml of refined oil;
  • a spoonful of vinegar.

How to quickly cook borscht with tomato paste on stew

We clean carrots, beets and onions. Rub the carrots coarsely, cut the beets and celery thinner, into strips, finely chop the onion as it turns out.

In a deep frying pan or saucepan, heat one and a half full tablespoons of oil, put carrots and onions with celery in it. Fry, stirring regularly for ten minutes.

Mix the browned vegetables with flour, then add the tomato and simmer over low heat for two minutes.

We open the stew. Put the meat with the vegetables and drain the meat juice, leave the fat in the jar. Simmer over low heat, about three minutes, add a little boiling water. We cover the stewpan with a lid, heat the vegetables with the stew for another five minutes, and remove from the stove.

In a clean frying pan, spread the beets over a thin layer of oil. Place on medium heat and fry for seven minutes. Add vinegar and a little water, add sugar. Leave to simmer under the lid until soft. Vegetable frying and beetroot can be cooked at the same time.

Bringing two liters of clean water to a boil, put in it thinly chopped cabbage and potatoes, cut into strips.

After boiling for no longer than a quarter of an hour, add the stewed beets and sauce from the saucepan. After stirring, add salt, lower the lavrushka and, bringing to a boil, boil for eight minutes, not letting it boil intensively. It is advisable to let the ready-made stewed borscht stand for a while, so that all the tastes are better mixed.

Option 3: Spring green borsch with tomato paste

Borscht with cabbage is an autumn-winter dish. In the spring, when the market is filled with herbs and the body lacks vitamins, diversify the menu by cooking, for example, sorrel borscht. It, like the classic one, is cooked in meat broth; to save time, you can take a poultry.


  • two liters of clear meat or chicken broth;
  • potatoes - three large tubers;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • one bright orange carrot and one salad onion;
  • garlic;
  • small sweet pepper fruit;
  • a third of a glass of thick tomato;
  • sprigs of fresh dill;
  • a large bunch of sorrel;
  • three tablespoons of frozen sunflower oil.

Step by step recipe

To make the borscht rich, it is better to take bony pieces of meat. To prepare two liters of base, you should take at least 500 grams. meat or 650-700 gr. Chicken. Cooking broth for general principle: fill in meat or poultry cold water, remove the foam until it boils. Next, cook over low heat, covered with a lid, until the meat is cooked.

While the broth is cooking, cook three eggs. We leave one raw, it will be required for refueling. We clean the vegetables, rinse the sorrel leaves and lay them on a cloth to dry.

Cut the potatoes into cubes, the onion and the pulp of sweet pepper into small slices. Three large carrots, cut off the tough stems of the sorrel, cut the leaves themselves across, in thin strips. Chop the boiled eggs coarsely.

After taking out the meat, we filter the broth through a sieve. After pouring it into a clean saucepan, put the collected meat into it and set it to maximum heat.

Place a frying pan on the adjacent burner, pouring quite a bit of oil. Fry carrots and onions. Fry over low heat until softened.

Dip the potatoes into the boiled broth and cook until soft.

Add roast, bell pepper and chopped eggs. After boiling for five minutes, add the tomato and add the sorrel.

As soon as the sorrel strips noticeably change color, pour the loose egg into the borscht in a thin stream, stirring continuously. Add finely chopped dill, crush or chop two large garlic cloves. After bringing to a boil, turn it off.

Option 4: Delicious borsch with tomato paste - "Summer"

Summer borscht is prepared using a variety of fresh vegetables. But if there is a January blizzard outside the window, but you wanted to indulge in useful and delicious dish greenhouse vegetables are also suitable. We will only replace tomatoes with canned tomatoes, the richness of the borscht depends on its quality, and greenhouse tomatoes are not the best choice.


  • young beets, together with tops - 3 root crops;
  • two potatoes;
  • one small carrot;
  • small onion;
  • tomato paste - 30 gr.;
  • 30 ml corn oil;
  • two small leaves of laurel;
  • black, unmilled pepper;
  • sour cream.

How to cook

Rinse the beets and divide them into "tops and roots" - separately the root crop itself, cut leaves and stems. Cut the stems (petioles) into four centimeters long, the leaves into strips, as is usually cut cabbage into borscht, cut the beets into strips.

After heating a frying pan with oil, put the beets and their young stems. Warm up a little at maximum, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for a quarter of an hour under the lid. We put the tomato, stir, if possible, reduce the heat even more. Simmer for five minutes.

We peel other large vegetables, cut the potatoes with carrots into thin strips, finely chop the onion. We put in a saucepan, to one and a half liters of boiling water. After counting 12 minutes, spread the beetroot roast.

After boiling for a short time, no more than five minutes, put pepper, beet leaves, lavrushka. Under the lid we keep on fire for five minutes, taste, salt, check the readiness of all the products. We insist as expected - from a quarter to half an hour, serve with homemade or just very fatty sour cream.

Option 5: Lean borsch with tomato paste on mushrooms and sauerkraut

Mushroom borscht is usually lean, sometimes even vegetable oil cannot be found in them. The last recipe in the selection is based on mushrooms and sauerkraut, but since we use tomato paste, it is advisable to fry it with a minimum of refined oil.


  • 250 grams of beets and the same amount of potatoes;
  • 100 grams dried mushrooms, better than forest;
  • a glass of sauerkraut;
  • medium-sized onion;
  • unsweetened carrots - 150 grams;
  • dessert spoon of flour;
  • two parsley roots;
  • one and a half tablespoons of unsalted tomato paste;
  • two tablespoons of frozen oil;
  • sugar, table salt, aromatic spices.

Step by step recipe

We examine the mushrooms, make sure that they are not spoiled, soak them in warm water. Boil, salted, in two liters of boiling water. Ready mushrooms, cut into strips. The broth will turn out fragrant, do not pour it out, the borscht will be cooked on it.

Preheat an empty saucepan, add some of the oil, add the cabbage. Add a little mushroom broth or water, simmer on a minimum, covered, up to ten minutes.

In a skillet, sauté carrot strips, chopped parsley and small onion slices in oil until browning. Add pasta, sprinkle with flour, continue heating until strong aroma. Place the roast in a bowl and rinse the skillet.

Pour vinegar on the beets cut into strips, add a little of the remaining mushroom broth, simmer under the lid until softened.

We put all products in a saucepan with hot broth, temporarily setting aside only the mushrooms. Let it boil, cook for twenty minutes under the lid. We try, add salt, if necessary. We put mushrooms and spices, we insist for twenty minutes.

Option 6: Ukrainian classic borscht recipe with tomato paste

Just replacing fresh tomatoes in a recipe with a concentrated tomato will not work. The borsch will be tasty, but it will lose its usual freshness. Sautéed with tomato paste is fried a little harder, and cabbage and beets are boiled a little longer than usual.


  • pork and beef trimmings - a kilogram;
  • 500 grams of beets;
  • two large onions and one medium carrot;
  • half a garlic head;
  • three potatoes;
  • 0.3 kilos of white cabbage;
  • two full tablespoons of vinegar and six - sunflower oil;
  • a spoonful of unsalted tomato and white flour;
  • a teaspoon of salt, coarsely ground, and the same amount of sugar.
  • lavrushka, black and hot pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for classic borscht with tomato paste

Prepare the selected meat, rinse and chop the cartilages, if required. Dip boiling water into a five-liter saucepan, remove the foam and cook, covering with a lid and adding a little salt, for two hours on low heat with all the spices.

Peel and cut the beets, set aside about a fifth, and pour the rest with water and simmer with two tablespoons of butter, sugar and a couple of pinches of salt. It will reach the required condition in forty minutes on low heat under the lid. Pour in vinegar five minutes before turning off.

We consistently put onion slices, grated carrots and, at the very end, flour and tomato paste in the heated oil for sautéing. Each time adding fresh vegetables, stir and bring the new product to a blush. At the very end, stir in the chopped garlic and set aside, covering with a lid.

We catch the meat from the finished broth, and carefully filter the liquid. Disassemble the frozen meat and put it back in the pan. Bring to a boil.

Next is the turn of potatoes. When cleaning, we cut it into cubes and temporarily leave it, flooded with water. Dip the potatoes into the boiling broth, and after it boils again, put the thinly sliced ​​cabbage. We mark ten minutes, at the end we send all the beets to the borscht.

We boil for a short time, five minutes is enough, after which we add the cooled sauerkraut. At this stage, add garlic, if it is not heated in a frying pan.
Important! So that the borsch does not turn sour ahead of time, the garlic must be boiled for at least three minutes.

Cook the borsch in the last minutes without covering. We try for salt and readiness of cabbage with potatoes.

Option 7: A quick borscht recipe with tomato paste and meatballs

To hurry up when borscht is boiled in a saucepan is a thankless task, because it is not difficult to spoil this delicious dish. Therefore, fast borscht usually refers to either lean, without meat, or with some kind of hidden cunning. The proposed recipe saves time by using ready-made broth and replacing natural meat with minced meat.


  • two liters of pork and beef broth;
  • 150 grams of cabbage;
  • large potato;
  • minced meat, non-liquid - 120 grams;
  • on a medium onion, beets and carrots;
  • three tablespoons of oil and two - thick tomato;
  • fresh egg;
  • a spoonful of sugar and vinegar;
  • a handful of young chopped greens.

How to quickly cook borsch with tomato paste

We put the cabbage, chopped thinner, into the boiling broth, boil for three minutes, put the potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes, in the same place.

Saute the onions and carrots, cut into short slices, and in another pan quickly fry the grated beets in two tablespoons of oil. Add tomato, sugar and vinegar to the beets, a little broth from the pan, cover the pan, simmer over very low heat for about twenty minutes.

Salt and pepper the minced meat, shape into small round meatballs and roll in flour. After the potatoes added to the broth in the first step have boiled for five minutes, put the meatballs in a saucepan and cook for another ten minutes.

We put both sausages in the borscht, gently stir and cook for a short time, take a sample for salt, check the readiness of the vegetables. Cook and salt if necessary.

Option 8: Autumn lean borsch with tomato paste and beans


  • half a cup of dry colored beans;
  • two potatoes;
  • a spoonful of unsalted, not burnt tomato;
  • 200 grams of white, middle-aged cabbage;
  • large onion and carrots, medium size;
  • beets - 180 grams;
  • two fruits of sweet pepper, different colors;
  • three tablespoons of unrefined (aromatic) oil;
  • a third of a glass of finely chopped greens;
  • a spoonful of paprika, salt, garlic and pepper.

How to cook

Like all similar borscht, we start by soaking the beans. We leave the washed beans for three hours in clean cool water, rinse, set them to cook without salt, in a full three-liter saucepan, for about an hour. After making sure that the upper translucent skin has begun to burst, and part of the water has boiled away, we lay the cubes of peeled and washed potatoes.

The time for boiling potatoes is a quarter of an hour, this is enough for cooking sautéing. Coarsely rub the beets in a pan with heated oil, stir a couple of times over the next three minutes. Putting the stewed beets in a saucepan, add more oil to the pan and quickly fry the onions and carrots on it. Add tomato paste, stir, leave on moderate heat for three minutes.

Chop the garlic and herbs or finely chop, dissolve the peppers in narrow strips, and the cabbage with thin noodles. We shift the vegetables into a boiling bean broth, after boiling, add the sautéing there. We cook the borscht for ten minutes and definitely try it.

At the last stage, put everything that remains in the pan - herbs, garlic, salt and seasonings. We warm up for a short time and insist under the lid.

If there is no need to immediately set the table, then the last step can be replaced by a half-hour heating in a hot oven.

Option 9: Green borsch with tomato paste

If you come across a luxurious bouquet of sorrel leaves, but you can't find a fresh tomato in the bins, don't despair, buy greens for the stove too! The following recipe for green borscht with tomato paste is equally good in any season, whether there are fresh tomatoes on the shelves or not.


  • the meat half of the chopped pork shank;
  • two thick bunches of sorrel;
  • five medium-sized potatoes;
  • two onions and one sweet carrot;
  • two tablespoons of thick concentrated tomato;
  • four hard-boiled eggs;
  • dill and ground pepper;
  • full spoon white sugar and a little less coarse salt.

Step by step recipe

In a three-liter saucepan, lower the scorched and cut to the bone shank. It makes sense to make cuts if you refuse to fry in oil or when the layer of meat and lard is very thick. Cook, removing the foam, for at least one and a half hours, under a tightly closed lid. We do not add salt and spices, you can put only a peeled onion.

Cut the potatoes into three-centimeter cubes. Its taste is very important in green borscht with tomato paste, so try to put the one that you have already tried and were satisfied. Chop the onion with carrots in the usual way for you, the size is medium.

Put the potatoes in strained broth, cook until tender. During this time, the meat will have time to cool down and it will be much more comfortable to cut it. Decide for yourself what to do with the skin and the layer of fat under it. The best option is to cut into small slices and serve separately to the hot borscht, everyone can add it to their plate at will.

While straining the broth, scoop the fat off the surface with a spoon. We will fry vegetables on it, although you can remove it, and cook sautéing in oil. Dip the onions and carrots in the heated fat, fry until blush. We put and stir the tomato, bring the dressing to a noticeable thickening.

Cut the sorted sorrel and peeled eggs, put them to the boiled potatoes, after sautéing. At this stage, salt the borscht and season with spices. The meat, of your choice, can be dipped in a saucepan or put on plates, and the same with chopped herbs.

If you still serve the boiled bacon, do not forget about mustard or horseradish, although you can eat it with borscht "bite", with coarse salt.

Option 10: Very Simple Borscht with Chicken Tomato Paste

If a company of small eaters should gather at the table, offer them a hearty and simple lunch - borscht for chicken broth... A component in the form of millet, unusual for borscht, is the very secret that will allow you to saturate the fidgets for their benefit.


  • a quarter of a one and a half kilogram chicken;
  • ten small potatoes;
  • two onions and one medium beet and one carrot;
  • 250 grams of sauerkraut, unsharpened cabbage;
  • five spoons of tomato;
  • a third of a glass of millet;
  • refined oil, salt, spices and herbs.

How to cook

Cook chicken, cut into small pieces, the volume of water is 2.5 liters. Be sure to rinse the meat before placing it in the saucepan and skim the broth until it boils. Cut the potatoes into cubes, the rest of the vegetables into strips, and the root vegetables can simply be grated coarsely. Scald millet with boiling water, changing it twice.

Heat the oil, fry the onion until golden brown, add the carrots, and a couple of minutes later, add the beets. Simmer until the beets are clarified and fill with diluted tomato paste, leave on low heat for eight minutes.

Put potatoes in a saucepan to the cooked meat, immediately behind it, millet. We cook these products until cooked, lay the sautéing process, and after a couple of minutes - soaked cabbage and chopped greens. We are waiting for the cabbage to be ready, season the borsch with spices and salt. The borscht is ready, it is not necessary to insist on it, and it will not hurt to put a spoonful of sour cream on the plates.

Borscht with tomato paste Is a modern recipe for making your favorite soup. Many housewives have not prepared a tomato dressing for a long time, since it takes a lot of time, and the taste of borscht is not as rich as with pasta.

Tomato paste must be chosen very carefully. Study the composition of the pasta: apart from tomatoes, there should be nothing there. No thickeners or preservatives. The product cannot be used with them. If you do not trust store products, then you can prepare tomato paste yourself at home. The principle of cooking is to boil tomatoes, peeled from seeds and peels.

Surely, many of you cook borscht only with tomato paste. It's so easy, fast and, most importantly, delicious! This borscht is obtained with a pronounced taste and rich brown color.

I offer you a proprietary recipe for cooking borscht with tomato paste, but we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our step by step photo recipe. Perhaps you will learn something new or discover previously unknown secrets of how to cook delicious borscht. Such knowledge will not be superfluous even for an experienced housewife.


Pork - 500 g

White cabbage - 700-800 g

Potatoes - 4-5 pieces

White onions - 2 pieces

Beets - 3 pieces

Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp

Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

Garlic - 1-2 heads

Parsley root - 3 pieces

Celery root - 2-3 pieces

Parsley - to taste

Dill - to taste

Edible salt to taste

Ground black pepper - to taste

Sour cream - a little for serving

Cooking steps:

1. For a tasty and rich broth, take a good piece of meat with small layers of fat. Borsch with such meat will turn out to be rich, and during cooking, there will be no dirty foam on the surface of the broth, which is often formed from cooking meat on the bone. Rinse the meat well and place in a saucepan.

Wash the celery and parsley roots thoroughly. Remove dirt that cannot be washed with water with a vegetable brush. Place the washed roots in a saucepan along with the meat and cover with purified water.

Take one onion, peel it and place it in a saucepan with meat. Salt the water well and put on fire. When the broth boils, set the heat to low and cover the pot with a lid. Let the broth simmer for a few hours.

2. After the broth is ready, remove the meat, celery and parsley root and onion from the broth. Cool the meat, and the onions and roots can be thrown away: their taste and smell remained in the broth.

3. Cut the cooled meat into large strips or divide into long strips. In general, cut as much as you like, then return back to the broth.

4. Take another onion, peel and cut into small cubes. Heat a skillet and add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. When it's warmed up well, pour the chopped onion into the pan.

5. Meanwhile, while the onions are fried, peel the beets and cut them into small, long strips. You can grind the beets on a coarse grater. Add the beets to the skillet and mix well with the onions. Fry for 10-15 minutes, then add a tablespoon of vinegar and mix thoroughly. Thanks to this, the borscht will turn out to be bright pomegranate.

6. Wash and peel carrots and potatoes well. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into small strips. Cut the potatoes into small cubes or strips.

7. Finely chop the white cabbage, cutting out the thick and rough areas of the cabbage leaf: they do not boil well. Yes, and such veins look rough.

8. Put cabbage, chopped potatoes and carrots into the broth. You do not need to cover with a lid.

9. Do not forget about beets, stir occasionally.

10. Add five tablespoons of tomato paste to the sautéed beets and onions. Choose a paste from the brand you trust. Thoroughly mix the beets with the tomato paste and simmer the dressing for a few more minutes.

11. Following the vegetables, add the beetroot-tomato dressing to the boiling broth and stir all the ingredients well. Let the borscht with tomato paste simmer for a few more minutes. After that, the fire can be turned off, and the pan must be covered with a lid.

12. Now let's bring the borsch to taste. Wash and chop the greens. Peel the garlic and chop finely or pass through a press. Taste the borscht: if there is not enough salt or sweetness, add a little salt or granulated sugar. Send half of the chopped greens to the pan, followed by black pepper and chopped garlic. Cover and let the borscht brew for 15 minutes.

13. Now you can pour the delicious and fragrant borsch with tomato paste into plates and serve. Put the rest of the greens on a saucer. Put the sour cream on the table, peel the garlic and juicy onions and put them on a plate. Let everyone add whatever they like to their plate. Believe me, not only delicacies and festive salads can bring joy. Such a hearty and tasty borsch with tomato paste will become a delicacy for both adults and children.


Red borscht is one of the most unsurpassed soups in Slavic cuisine. A traditional recipe, lean or dietary, can always be reproduced in the kitchen in such a way that it will be impossible to pull the consumer away from the plate. Cooking borscht with tomato paste seems to be a simple matter, but not all housewives know how to preserve its rich color without spoiling the taste. This and some more secrets will be revealed today.

A little about the bright burgundy color of homemade borscht with tomato

The color of the borscht largely depends on the beets and their amount in the dish. If the roots have white circles in the cut, it is quite possible that the color of the borscht will turn out to be not deep red, but red. You can change the recipe and add more beets, but then the flavor will become more pronounced in the finished dish. Remember, the darker the color of the beets, the closer to the burgundy color of the soup will be.

Tomato paste is included in the borscht recipe for a reason. The acid contained in it preserves the color of the beets and prevents them from roasting. Instead, during browning, you can use lemon juice or vinegar, but not all housewives are ready to take risks trying such a recipe.

Sugar is also included in the recipe for a reason. It neutralizes the excess acidity of tomato paste while enhancing the flavor of other ingredients. This is why chefs add sugar to many dishes, including soups, snacks, and meats.

If the recipe for frying vegetables is not to your liking, but you still want real red borscht, then you can do it differently. Bake the beets or boil them in unsalted water until cooked through (boil for about an hour, bake for up to one and a half hours). Grated straws of beets are added to the borscht before the end of cooking, it is enough for it to boil in a common saucepan for 2-3 minutes.

Another recipe for burgundy soup without frying vegetables: lower the chopped beets to cook at the very beginning, along with the meat. And we take it out almost at the very end exactly as many minutes before turning it off, so that it would be enough to rub it through a coarse grater and lower it back.

A simple recipe for homemade borscht

No matter how many options for cooking red borscht exist, it is tastier traditional recipe, probably not. It turns out to be moderately greasy, spicy and thick. Well, just lick your fingers! And cooking it is quick and very easy.

Servings Per Container: 8.

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes.


  • 400 g pork;
  • 4-5 potato tubers;
  • 400 g of cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1-2 pcs. beets;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • dill greens;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Red borscht is served with sour cream and garlic donuts. Bon Appetit!

Some housewives, who like to prepare "lunch in reserve", freeze borscht. They pour the cooled liquid dish with the addition of beets into a plastic container and send it to the freezer. When one of the household members wants borscht, it is enough just to chop off the desired portion and warm it up in a bowl.

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