F. I. Tyutchev "These poor villages": analysis of the poem. Buy polish liquid glass for cars Tyutchev these poor villages

Written in 1855, the poem is an expression of the poet's view of the state of Russia. This work is political poetry.

Tyutchev was interested in politics throughout his life, but there was no freedom of speech as such at that time, and therefore he was forced to frame his thoughts in veiled lines of poems.

The main theme of the work

The main idea of ​​"Poor Villages" is condemnation domestic policy king and serfdom, which existed on the territory of our country for quite a long time. The lines "the land of the native long-suffering" are about this.

Tyutchev writes about the lack of freedom of a Russian person and indirectly points to his inability to resist the authorities.

The lines "poor villages" and "poor nature" are an indication of the poverty and humiliation of the people, as well as the general exhaustion of the country.

And although the lyrical hero experiences heartache, seeing the true state of things, he still remains proud of his homeland, as evidenced by the line with the exclamation: "The land of the Russian people!".

The fate of the Russians appears in the lines of the poem not only as an unfair burden, but also as something sacred. Tyutchev exalts the people and sings of their humility, indirectly mentioning Christian values ​​​​in the poem. The "proud gaze" of foreigners is opposed to the calmness and meekness of the Russian inhabitants.

In this context, the author mentions that the Russian people are under the patronage of Jesus Christ - the "king of heaven", who blesses our lands. At the same time, in the poem, the image of Christ and the image of the Russian people seem to draw closer and become one. This is evident from the expressions "in the form of a slave" and "dejected by the burden."

The symbolism of the poem and the means used

Size: four-foot trochee. The type of rhyme in the poem is cross.

You should also pay attention to the abundance and alternation of the sounds "s" and "r". The first is muffled, and the second is voiced. This sets the rhythm and reflects the general direction: humility and slavish obedience are opposed to blessing and pride in one's homeland.

Expressive means:

  • Allegory (king of heaven);
  • Metaphors (foreign gaze, the edge of long-suffering);
  • Epithets (humble, meager, poor).

Main characters:

1. Christ

The work is not just filled with Christian motives.

First and foremost, Christ is the expression of the Hero archetype. Bringing together in their lines Christ and ordinary people, the author tacitly declares the heroism of the Russian people.

In Tyutchev's poetics, light is usually interpreted as an expression of something higher and a sign of blessing.

In addition, in a broad sense, light is a symbol of renewal and hope.

Author's message

This poem is a kind of message to the Russian people, as well as the author's "spiritual cry" about the injustice and imperfection of those political and economic realities during which he lived.

Tyutchev analyzes the main problems inherent in our mentality and sums up a little. The Russian people are by nature a humble martyr who is saved by patience and faith.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev not only felt the surrounding space and understood it, he lived like a poet, but he never claimed such a title. He was a modest writer and never rushed into the ranks famous people. Tyutchev called his occupation associated with writing a poem "paper-scribing". He did not seek to be published in world-famous print media, did not want to know the assessment of his works, and did not even collect his poems. They were set out in various letters and drafts, which the author sent from time to time to his acquaintances, poems could be found among securities or in forgotten books.

Features of F.I. Tyutchev

Tyutchev's lyrics belong to the philosophical direction. At that time, this direction was highly developed in Russian poetry. Many poets wrote philosophical poems, setting out their worldview on paper and tying this or that text to a specific event, revealing the images of lyrical heroes as qualitatively as possible. Fyodor Ivanovich is unlike his contemporaries in this.

The works created by the author personified the human essence, which had inexhaustible questions in the face of the whole world, there were comparisons with natural nature and its features. The lyrics created by Tyutchev can be safely attributed to the lyrics of nature, and not to the description of the features of natural landscapes and images. Each described situation or topic takes the reader not to a certain lyrical picture, but shows the whole world, which has its own exceptional features.

Fyodor Ivanovich always had a special humility, which only intensified under the influence of life experience. This is what personified his aesthetic development and understanding of things happening in the world. Such features convinced the author more and more that without a certain belief in something, a person would not be able to exist in the real world. The poet was fully aware of how imperfect, contradictory and weak, and sometimes even destructive, the manifestation of one's own "I" in each human person. He openly declared that each person has his own self-aggrandizement.

The works of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev had a civil-philosophical direction. The views revealed in the works were reminiscent of the thoughts of the Slavophiles and the spiritual desire to comprehend the truth. It should be noted that no one helped the author in overcoming life's problems, he had to cope with everything on his own - alone. The poet needed to do a certain feat for himself, and he did it, did everything with the highest quality.

Tyutchev was distant from Russia at a very early age. young age. He was sent to work in Germany, namely the city of Munich, upon reaching the age of eighteen. Here he was left only to himself and solved all the problems that arose from time to time on his own. Fedor himself experienced a process of internal development, which lasted from his very youth to adulthood. The author returned to his homeland only when he was in his fifth decade. Life abroad lasted more than 22 years and had a huge impact on the formation of his personality.

The author never lost contact with Russia, believed in her better future, and was convinced that the supreme historical vocation would help to cope with many problems. The motherland owned the poet with special power, perseverance, indivisibility. Fedor Ivanovich did not hide his views and did not change them. On the contrary, the views that the poet adhered to gave him special strength and power.

Russia is the highest interest life path Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

Analysis of the work "These poor villages ..."

The poet created a large number of works. Some described the features of nature, combined with human life, others talked about love. There were also poems telling about the peculiarities of the author's homeland. A striking example is the masterpiece, called "These poor villages ...". This creation is a kind of revelation of the author, who possessed certain prophetic features.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev sympathized with his people, and in this he was not alone. Many contemporaries of that era also wrote in this direction, partially condemning the Russian person and trying to direct him to the true path. The author expressed his thoughts piously, they were filled with special and careful loving attitude to the homeland. He tried to reveal the features of all of Russia, giving the reader the opportunity to look into its most remote corners.

It should be noted that in the work "These poor villages ..." a special opposition is traced, where there is both pride and exceptional humility. Often such features can only be understood on a religious level. Pride is a certain source of all evil in the world, it leads to irreparable consequences. In this case, the basis for salvation is precisely humility, without which it is impossible to do, humility with the whole environment and life problems. If you look at these two concepts from a Christian point of view, then pride can simply blind the eye, and humility will open a person's true vision, allow him to take a sober look at the current situation.

The main idea of ​​the masterpiece

In the lines of the Poem "These poor villages ..." the most concentrated concept of wisdom is traced. The author shows that it is precisely behind scarcity that humility itself is hidden, capable of illuminating obedience to the will of God, as well as showing patience.

The author does not give direct statements, but gradually leads the reader to a thought that reveals the concept of Holy Russia. The poem has a religious overtones and a special sound with philosophical notes. Many contemporaries of that era noted that the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev "These poor villages ..." is the strongest, has the most revealed lyrical sensations and there is no equal to this creation and never will be. There were also opponents of such a statement. They argued that one should not compare the landscape of Russian nature with the deprivation and scarcity of the Russian land. Such aesthetic measurements, some critics, indicated that the author at the time of writing was restless in his soul.

The poem "These poor villages ..." strikes the reader with its exceptional contrast. Here the ugliness of both the external and internal greatness of the spiritual state of a person is most clearly described. The lines trace the fact that when writing the work, the author had a feeling of longing. Tyutchev constantly saw the scarcity, poverty of the Russian people, which is why he tried to transfer these feelings to nature. Depressing sadness most accurately conveys the impression of abandonment and constant loneliness. These special sensations are caused by huts abandoned by people and overgrown paths that are lost in the fields and have not been used for a long time. Despite all the sadness, it is precisely these features that make it possible to accurately reveal the long-term humility and patience that is present in a Russian person.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev created truly exquisite creations that can evoke in a person and help to realize the most cherished thoughts about the homeland. The reader understands about his high calling, as well as duties in faithful service. It is such masterpieces that are firmly included in the awareness of the culture of the whole people.

Currently, many poets of our time, as well as writers, quote lines from the masterpiece "These poor villages ..", they are used by historical figures, priests, and politicians. The work seems to be a litmus test, highlighting the features of the state of mind of the Russian people with the highest quality. The lines are directed to create a worthy spiritual aspiration, as well as to support religious quests. The main idea of ​​the work is to convey to a person the knowledge of his life path. Spirituality is the main asset of Russia.

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Poem F.I. Tyutchev "These poor villages ..." is one of the few works of the poet where philosophical motives give way to social issues. The poet, being an official at the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich, lived abroad for more than twenty years. He inevitably suggested a comparison of satisfying and comfortable environment German life and half-starved unsettled life of the Russian people. F.I. Tyutchev, like any humanist writer, was an opponent of serfdom. In it, he saw the cause of poverty and inferiority of the Russian people. Arriving at home, he looked with pain at the rickety huts and mismanagement, incompatible with deep spirituality: "These poor villages, This meager nature - The land of the native long-suffering, The land of the Russian people!" Anaphoric repetitions reinforce the mood of hopelessness. The exclamatory intonation of the first stanza is intended to draw the reader's attention to a problem that has become the author's deep spiritual anguish. F.I. Tyutchev is trying to explain with what contempt and arrogance a foreigner will look at all this poverty: “The proud gaze of a foreigner will not understand and not notice, What shines through and secretly shines In your humble nakedness.” However, the poet himself is aware of the depth and subtlety of the Russian soul, which was brought up by Orthodox culture. He believes in a happy future for Russia, which is why the patriotic lines sound so piercing in the final stanza: “Dejected by the burden of the godmother, All of you, dear land, In a slavish form, the king of heaven Came out, blessing.” The final chord of the work, thus, once again emphasizes the contrast between the slavish appearance and the highest spiritual beauty and nobility. Kindness, patience and humility - these are the values ​​that the poet cherishes so much in the character of a Russian person. It is them that he blesses with the name of the king of heaven and endows with a secret light.

Light is a stable symbol in the poetics of F.I. Tyutchev. Light is invariably associated with the highest earthly value. The desecrated homeland with its dim beauty is still illuminated by a secret light, only it is loved and desired by the poet. However, one should not confuse the liberal mood of F.I. Tyutchev with revolutionary spirit. It is known, for example, that he condemned the Decembrist uprising. But what exactly cannot be blamed on a talented poet and thinker is the lack of patriotism. It is no coincidence that throughout the poem the alliterations “r” and “s” intertwine and replace each other, as if dissolving the words “Rus”, “Russia” in themselves.

Thus, in the poem "These poor villages ..." there are three main motifs: the image of suffering Russia, mired in poverty and slavery, the opposition of the homeland and the foreign side (as more prosperous, but still alien) and religious symbolism, represented by definitions ( "godfather", "heavenly", "humble"), and most importantly - the image of the king of heaven, who in the work becomes an invisible witness to the people's torment and suffering, the only one left to rely on in the current situation.

These poor villages
This meager nature
The land of native long-suffering,
The land of the Russian people!

They don't understand and they don't notice
The proud gaze of a foreigner,
What shines through and secretly shines
In your humble nakedness.

Dejected by the burden of the godmother,
All of you, dear land,
In the form of a slave, the king of heaven
Went out blessing.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "These poor villages ..."

Fyodor Tyutchev from his very youth began to build a socio-political career, and at the age of 19 he left for Germany as part of a diplomatic mission. A significant part of the poet's life was spent abroad, where he not only defended national interests, but was also actively interested in literature. It was Europe that instilled in Tyutchev a love of romanticism and taught him to succinctly express his thoughts in poetic works. Nevertheless, he dreamed of returning to his homeland, and considered each of his visits to Russia a real holiday.

Having lived in Europe for more than 20 years, the poet was well aware that in terms of the level of culture of Russia, it was very far from the same Germany or France. but in the Russian people, the poet saw those features that were completely absent from the Europeans. This is not only natural kindness and responsiveness, but also philanthropy, humility, patience. Ordinary peasants carried their life cross with such nobility and dignity, which could not always be found among eminent European aristocrats.

Having decided to leave his diplomatic career, Fyodor Tyutchev returned to Russia and enthusiastically continued his literary experiments. In 1855, he published a poem titled "These poor villages ...", in which he tried to explain why Russia, despite its many problems and shortcomings, is much closer to him than a well-fed and prosperous Europe.

Trying to give the most accurate definition of his homeland, Tyutchev notes: "The land of the native long-suffering, the land of the Russian people!" The author agrees with Nekrasov about the fact that Russia is far from perfect, and does not try to disguise those problems that are evident at first sight. This is the poverty of people, their daily slavish labor, the colossal gulf between different classes and social groups. However, at the moment, all this does not matter to the poet, who sees in his homeland those distinctive features that turn Russia into a great power. Tyutchev notes that the notorious Europeans are simply not able to notice and understand “what? shines through and secretly shines in your humble nakedness.

Meanwhile, according to the author, Russia is a country chosen by God. “All of you, dear land, in a slavish form, the King of Heaven came, blessing,” Tyutchev notes. In his opinion, spirituality is the most important asset of this country, and it was given to the Russian people for centuries of torment and humility before the will of the Almighty.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873) - a famous Russian poet who came from a poor noble family. From his youth, he lived abroad, where he left as part of a diplomatic mission. Tyutchev lived in Europe for many years, only occasionally visiting Russia. The poet perceived each visit to his homeland as a holiday. He loved Russia very much. Realizing that in terms of culture the countries of Europe, Germany and France, were higher than Russia, he still believed that Russia was famous for its people. After all, it is the Russian people that have features that are characteristic of it like no other people: responsiveness, kindness, a broad soul, patience, humility, philanthropy and purposefulness.

An analysis of "These Poor Villages" by Tyutchev shows the dignity with which the peasants carried their cross. This delighted the poet. None of the most eminent European aristocrats has this quality.

Spirituality is the strength of the Russian people

Upon returning to his homeland, the poet writes a poem in which he explains to the reader how closer and better poor, hungry Russia is for him, compared to well-fed and spoiled Europe. At the same time, Tyutchev does not try to smooth over Russia's problems, noting that it is very far from perfect. Serfdom, a huge gap between the social strata of the population, hunger, devastation, poverty. But it doesn't matter to him, because he calls it a great power. Spirituality is what Russia is strong and can be proud of. According to Tyutchev, Russia is chosen by God and blessed.

In the poem, the poet speaks of the greatness of Russia, despite the poverty of the people, the slave labor of people.

Patriotism of the poet

Tyutchev's poem "These poor villages ..." was written during a trip from Moscow to the Ovstug family estate. This poem is a synthesis of narrative and descriptive lyrics. In it, the poet tells the reader about his thoughts, feelings and impressions of what he saw around him. In his lines one can hear a call to see the surrounding reality. In the poem, Tyutchev in a generalized form shows the image of Russian life and life, depicts a poetic picture of the life of the people. An analysis of "These Poor Villages" by Tyutchev demonstrates that the poet sympathizes with people who live in poor villages. He hopes that the Almighty will not leave the blessed land and the people living on it. He admires the moral qualities of the Russian people.

Social problems of the poem

In the verse "These poor villages ..." social problems come to the fore instead of the usual philosophical motives. Tyutchev compared the comfortable and well-fed life of Europeans and the poverty of the Russian people, knowing full well that the reason for this is the main problem of Russia - serfdom. Contrasting "own" and "foreign".

"These poor villages, this meager nature" - poverty, inferiority and mismanagement, which the poet saw around him, are completely incompatible with the spirituality of the people. The repetition of the lines of the poem only reinforces the feeling of hopelessness. After reviewing Tyutchev’s analysis of “These Poor Villages”, you will find out that the poet says that arrogant Europeans do not know what wealth and beauty of the Russian soul, what spirituality is hidden behind slave poverty and disorder of life. To an outsider's eye, Russia is seen as a miserable, backward and wild country in which the people humbly accept oppression and a difficult fate. However, the poet knows that the Russian people can cope with any life difficulties.

Light in Tyutchev's poetry

An analysis of "These poor villages" by Tyutchev shows that the symbol in F. Tyutchev's poetry is light, which the author associates with spiritual beauty - the highest earthly value. Light is a deep religiosity, patriarchy, faith, which is characteristic of the Russian people.

beauty native land poor poet. But she is dearly loved by the poet. Tyutchev is deeply patriotic, he is admired by the Russian people. Throughout the poem, he often reverently uses the words "Russia", "Rus".

In Tyutchev's poem "These poor villages ..." you can see three directions. The first is the image of suffering Russia, which was swallowed up by poverty and slavery. The second is the opposition of the native country and European countries. A foreigner who does not know Russian reality is unable to understand the Russian people. And, finally, the third - religious symbolism through the image of the King of Heaven, who becomes a witness to people's suffering and patience, and on whom the only thing left to hope for is the oppressed and destitute Russian people.