Dictation native land I am a seasoned hunter. Incoming control. On warm ground

Current page: 13 (total of the book has 23 pages) [available passage for reading: 16 pages]


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Why is everything traveling, temporary and fleeting so beautiful? Why are road meetings so important, precious sunsets, twilight and short overnight stays? Or the crunch of wheels, the clatter of hooves, the sound of the engine, the wind blowing in your face - everything that floats past, backwards, flashes, turns?

No matter how good the people with whom you lived, no matter how your heart was, where some days passed, where you thought, spoke, listened, and looked, but going further is a great pleasure! Everything is tense, everything is rejoicing: further, further. To new places to new people! Once again, rejoice at the movement, once again go or go, rush - no matter what: by car, by boat, in a cart, by train ...

You drive during the day or at night, in the morning or at dusk, and everyone thinks that what happened back yesterday is good, but not as good as it will be ahead.

What kind of roads there are! Heavy, worn-out, dirty, dusty, smooth and clean - wide highways shining with a dry gloss of asphalt, rocky paths, sandy shores, where the sand is hard and creaky, ancient roads, along which Tatars still rode, and new roads with kilometer-long columns painted with lime field and forest, gloomy even on a sunny day.

And how difficult it is on the road! You sit huddled in the back of a shaking car between barrels of fuel, spend the night on the firm vibrating seat of a river boat, beat bruises in the cart, gasp from the heat in a metal carriage, sleep on a bench in the dim light at some provincial station ...

But everything passes - fatigue, anger, fury, impatience and stupid obedience from road difficulties, only the charm of movement, the memory of happiness, the wind, the sound of wheels, the sound of water or the rustle of one's own steps, does not pass forever.

(According to Yu. Kazakov)


When, together with a varied, piously baptizing popular wave, you enter the gates of the Sergius Lavra, you sometimes think: why in this monastery there was not and was not a special observer, like the ancient Russian chronicler, who with a calm unchanging gaze watched and with an even, impassive hand wrote down what happened in the Russian land, and did it the same way from year to year, from century to century, as if it were the same person who had not died for centuries? Such a permanent and undying observer would tell what people came for five hundred years to bow to the tomb of St. Sergius and with what thoughts and feelings they returned from here to all ends of the Russian land. By the way, he would explain to us how it happened, that the composition of society, flowing in a continuous wave to the saint's tomb, remained unchanged for five centuries. Even during the life of Sergius, as his contemporary biographer tells, a lot of people came to him from various countries and cities, and among those who came were monks, princes, nobles, and ordinary people living in the countryside.

And today, people of all classes of Russian society flow to the saint's grave with their thoughts, prayers and hopes, statesmen come to difficult turning points in people's life, ordinary people come to sad or joyful moments of their private existence. And this influx has not changed over the centuries, despite repeated and profound changes in the structure and mood of Russian society: old concepts dried up, new ones made their way or floated in, and the feelings and beliefs that attracted people here from all over the Russian land are still beating with the same fresh key as they beat in the fourteenth century. If it were possible to reproduce by writing everything that was united with the memory of Sergius, which in these five hundred years was silently changed and felt before his grave by millions of minds and hearts, this writing would be full of deep content the history of our nationwide political and moral life.

(According to V. Klyuchevsky)


The air from the heated ground rose in a continuous warm stream and, meeting with the cold, motionless height of the sky, mixed its warmth with it, which is why it began to twist and flow towards the side in huge shafts. Thus, a broad riding wind was born - over the brown smooth hills, over the blue mounds - a powerful stream imperceptible from the ground. And holding on to its elastic streams, spreading its wings like a swimmer's arms, a hawk hung over the steppe.

Swinging almost in one place, fanning out the tail feathers and slightly wiggling the tips of the wings, the hawk carefully examined the wormwood bushes under him, cracks in the ground, black holes in gopher minks, two tracks of the road slicked to shine by wheels, along which he was now slowly flying. He saw the ground squirrels frozen in gray columns at the minks and, turning their heads, slyly looked up at him, confident of their invulnerability. And meeting one of them with an accidental glance, noticing an instantly swelling fear in the shining button of the animal's eye, the hawk averted his eyes contemptuously and indifferently. He knew that stupidity is no less characteristic of gophers than petty cunning, and sooner or later one of them will believe in himself so much that he will become impudent and impudent, and then he will die.

To the left of the road, sometimes quite close to it, stretched a swampy floodplain with green thickets of reeds, and there, in a window of blue water, two dark herons stood side by side, their heads twisted equally on their flexible necks. They looked at the vulture calmly, hostile, without fear. They were large, strong birds with sharp peaks of beaks. Having exchanged glances with them, the hawk flapped its wings twice and slid forward, further.

(According to A. Kim)


The day begins to pale noticeably. The faces of people take on a strange shade, the shadows of human figures lie on the ground pale, indistinct. The steamer going down is passing by like a ghost. Its outlines have become lighter, have lost the definition of colors. The amount of light seems to be diminishing; but since there are no thickened shadows of the evening, there is no play of light reflected in the lower layers of the atmosphere, then these twilight seem unusual and strange. The landscape seems to blur into something; the grass loses its green, the mountains seem to lose their weight.

However, as long as the thin crescent rim of the sun remains, it still gives the impression of a very pale day, and it seemed to me that the stories about darkness during eclipses were exaggerated. “Really,” I thought, “this still insignificant spark of the sun, burning like the last, forgotten candle in the vast world, means so much? .. Really, when it goes out, suddenly night has to come?”

But this spark disappeared. It somehow impulsively, as if having escaped with an effort from the dark shutter, flashed with a golden spray and went out. And along with this, thick darkness fell on the ground. I caught a moment when a full shadow came across the gloom. She appeared in the south and, like a huge blanket, quickly flew over the mountains, along the river, over the fields, sweeping the entire heavenly space, wrapped us up and in an instant closed in the north. I was now standing below, on the coastal shallow, and looked back at the crowd. Deathly silence reigned in her. Even the German was silent, and only the metronome was beating off metal strikes. The figures of people merged into one warm mass, and the fires of the conflagration on the other side again acquired their former brightness ...

(According to V. Korolenko)


Halfway through, I sat down to rest. The brown water rang and muttered in the stone bed. The sea could be seen in the gorge, its horizon, too, seemed to rise with me, and it stood in the gap between the red rocks with a blue wall.

How beautiful this gorge is, what wildness, what autumn - purple, jubilant, sunny, with what golden light the larch trees are burning, why there is no home here, why it is impossible to live here for a month and work to aching bones!

When I reached the telephone line, I turned onto the trail and began to climb up again. The fern surrounded me like a solid wall. Here, in a calm, in a mountain valley, the evil wind was not terrible, and autumn had not yet come, it lingered, in some places some branches were just beginning to glow. An hour later I was upstairs, approached the cliff - the vast expanse of the sea opened up to me, and I didn't want to go anywhere else.

At the lighthouse, I learned that it was impossible to go further in the mountains: seven gorges, of which four are very deep. So, again by the shore and again by stones. Another fifteen kilometers of stones, and there will be sand. The village where I was heading was still thirty-one kilometers away.

What to think about on the way? When you walk, step by step surrendering to the heavy rhythm of the path, attention is all absorbed by the road, stones that fall under your feet, the weight of a backpack, worn out legs ... Again a difficult road, calm sea, light rain and low cold sky. Descending from the high cliff, on which the lighthouse stands, you again step on the rocky coast, and again the rocks on the left, the sea on the right - gloomy, cold, but calm.

(According to Yu. Kazakov)


I would call this time in our city the season of bamboo rods. The city is hot in the summer sun. Fishermen in straw hats and combed jackets carry their bamboo rods out to sea. Fishing rods do not fit inside a horse drawn carriage or tram car. They are taken to platforms, from where they protrude in dozens, touching with their thin, but surprisingly strong and flexible tops the through foliage of fading acacias.

The fishing rods are already equipped with everything you need: half blue, half red narrow cork floats, into which steel fishhooks are stuck, and lead weights dangle from thin twine; a thin twine is tied with a dead knot to a thicker one, wrapped around the end of the rod, which is glowing with the sun.

A good bamboo rod is quite expensive; to have a real bamboo fishing rod - varnish-canary, strong, light, long - about the same pipe dream as roller skates or a used bicycle, of course, there can be no question of a new one.

Oh, how I envy all the happy owners of large, or huge, or even medium and small bamboo fishing rods, which resiliently lean towards the green sea wave from rocks, from bathing bridges, from piles driven into the bottom near the coast, from scows swinging “on anchor ", which replaces a stone with holes tied to a rope, once beaten off by a storm from a limestone rock.

How excited me was the sight of blue-red floats, half submerged in the sea water, which so smoothly, temptingly swayed the bare tip of their goose feather over a cast, gentle wave.

(According to V. Kataev)


A city appeared around the bend of the channel. Lights were lit in it. Near the port, behind the pier, in the fleeting twilight, the planes tied to the poles could hardly be seen, like horses at the stalls. One small plane was orange and glowed like coal in the snow.

As the lights flared up in the city, the ember-airplane in the snow faded and the motley "sausage", swinging on the mast above the building of the airport, plunged into the sky at dusk.

From a distance, the city, which had clung to the right bank of the channel, almost at its mouth, seemed scattered, the houses in it scattered everywhere: where it was thick, where it was empty, as if from an airplane they were throwing houses in handfuls across the forest-tundra. But then lights were lit everywhere, houses were not visible, and everything became orderly. City lights are always hiding something, hiding something. Almost merging into a continuous chain, they border the lumber yard's spots of lights. In the middle of it, near the piles, half-blind bulbs flicker rarely and reluctantly. Closer to the Old Town, at the checkpoints, timber trucks hum with a continuous hum. There are more lights near them. In the New Town, there is another square - the lightest - a skating rink. On the outskirts, a square is no longer a square, but a curved arc of bulbs stretched along the coast - a tank farm.

The city is surrounded by lights. People live and work, illuminated from all sides, and beyond them darkness without end and edge. About ninety versts from the city, towards the north, the forest disappears altogether. There is tundra. There, the night is brighter from the snow, not shaded by forests and shelter. The night is endless and restless from dawn.

(According to V. Astafiev)


Something golden nuts were hatched on our trees!

I remember that in childhood we gilded them ourselves. It wasn't easy. In order to remove the gold leaf from the book, it was necessary to carefully blow on it. Then, with a slight rustle, he would rise, and one could very carefully, with two fingers, take it out of the book and hold it in the air, listening to the rustle that he made, almost inaudible and yet - oddly enough - metallic.

In order to properly cook a golden nut, the following things were required: a tea saucer with milk, a hammer, wallpaper carnations, a little multi-colored garus. It was necessary to blow into the booklet so that the golden leaves would move in it, and then gently remove one of them with clean, dry fingers. On dirty or damp fingers - what God forbid! - Immediately, golden traces remained, similar to the imprints of pollen from butterfly wings, and the leaf of the leaf turned out to be hopelessly spoiled, perforated.

If it was possible, without damaging it, to remove a leaf from the booklet and with the greatest accuracy put it on a clean, dry table, then there was another operation, not so delicate, but still requiring cleanliness and accuracy: it was necessary to take a walnut with two fingers - sometimes in our city it was called Voloshsky, - as beautiful as possible, ripe, of a new crop, with a clean, hard shell, and evenly dump it in a saucer with milk, after which, after waiting until the excess milk drains, carefully put it on a leafy leaf and roll into it in such a way that the whole nut is covered with gold. Gilded in this way, slightly damp but delightful, the mirror-luminous golden nut was laid aside on a clean windowsill, where it quickly dried up and became even more beautiful.

(According to V. Kataev)


Heavy turret guns rumbled overhead, and the air shuddered from the shots. Apparently, the battle flared up in full force, deciding the fate of one of the warring parties.

Downstairs, in the very operation center, it was quiet. Electric bulbs were burning brightly. Dressed in white coats, solemnly, as if on examination, stood doctors, paramedics, orderlies, waiting for the victims of the war. Near the exit door, to the side of it, engineer Vasiliev was sitting on a stool, stretching out an unhealed leg and holding crutches in his hands. He glanced at the priest, who was standing at a distance, as if admiring his attire, shimmering with gold and crimson shades, his fiery red beard, bordered by a loose and pale face. Dobrovolsky stood in a carefree position, hands folded back. The junior doctor Aurov, a short plump blond, crossed his arms over his chest and bowed his head, was thinking about something. Perhaps, in thoughts far from this room, he is talking somewhere with people dear to him.

Next to him, pinching his chestnut beard with his hand, stood the senior doctor Makarov, tall, thin, with an elongated matte face. And although everything had long been prepared for receiving the wounded, he looked around his property with his usual gaze: cabinets with glass shelves, large and small jars with various medicines and solutions, open nickel-plated boxes with sterilized dressings, a set of surgical instruments. Everything was in place: morphine, camphor, ether, ointment for burns, needles with silk put in a solution of carbolic acid, hair brushes, hot water, basins with soap and a brush for washing hands, enamel buckets - as if all these items were on display. for sale and buyers are about to pour in.

People were silent, but everyone, despite the difference in facial expressions, had the same thing in their hearts - an intense expectation of something terrible. However, there was nothing terrible. Gleaming with electricity, the walls and ceiling of the room gleamed white. To the left, as viewed from the door, was an operating table covered with a clean sheet. I looked at him and wondered who would be the first to writhe on him in painful convulsions?

Freshening the air, fans hummed around the side, humming persistently and monotonously, like bumblebees.

We felt that the battleship was hit by shells - one, the other. Everyone looked at each other, but the wounded did not appear.

(According to A. Novikov-Priboi)


We headed deep into the rainforest. I had to stock up on raincoats and umbrellas. But the rain is quickly replaced by the bright sun. When it rains, everything falls silent, all life falls silent. But then the downpour passed, the blue sky appeared, the sun shone, and everything came to life. An incredible crackle of cicadas begins, some kind of rustle, crackle of branches. A lot of hummingbirds fly out, various insects, among which every now and then you can see huge, amazingly beautiful blue mother-of-pearl butterflies. Catching them is fraught with great difficulties due to the marshy soil. Here is a real forest. It is peculiar, first of all, in this forest, a huge number of bent, fallen trees.

The usual route through such a tropical forest is rivers and streams, as it were, a system of canals, along which it is possible, albeit with difficulty, to move by boat. All the time you have to clear the path, pushing the fallen trees apart. The rivers of the rainforest abound in fish, alligators, and turtles. The swampy forests are full of frogs, snakes, ants. The rainforest is filled with an incredible number of diverse life forms of all kinds. Occasionally, you can hear the roar of jaguars, the only large animal in the tropical South American forests. Among the trees and over the trees, often in whole groups, especially after the rain, birds of paradise and motley parrots fly out, filling the air with their peculiar roar. Almost every minute huge beetles the size of a small bird fly overhead.

It is not easy to live in such a forest, and therefore huge areas of tropical forests are still very little inhabited, although there is no doubt, as the experience of other countries shows, in the possibility of clearing the rainforest, building roads, which we witnessed on the Amazon.

(According to N. Vavilov)


The caravan moved slowly along low-traffic paths, stopping in rare villages for the night. Subsequently, we had to meet many difficult mountain paths, but, perhaps, this one was the most difficult. The passage to Garm was separated by an almost sheer mountain cliff cut in half. The horses had to be circled at the bottom, across the mountain rivers. The guides, having thrown over a crack more than a meter wide, made a living bridge, over which my companion and I had to cross. It was especially difficult for the khan with his seven-pound weight.

After crossing the crack, a significant part of the path went along the edge of the glacier. Overnight we found under the rocks. The trip was not designed to stay overnight near the glaciers. The lack of warm clothing forced me to move on. The state of a person who freezes for two days is not very pleasant, and it is softened only by a general lowered tone - indifference to everything, no matter what happens.

There was a passage, familiar to travelers in the Pamirs, through wooden bindings driven into the rocks hanging over the abyss in the form of narrow strips, suitable only for a careful foot crossing. Even now we remember one of these difficult transitions.

The road wound like a thin snake along the river along a steep mountain over an abyss up to 1000 m deep. Every now and then the natural path was replaced by an artificial step made of wooden beams covered with decking. The path narrowed and widened, and sometimes it was a whole staircase with high steps, along which even horses familiar to the mountains could only be moved with great care.

It is as if the most difficult path has been passed, you can mount a horse and move on. Suddenly, from the rocks above the path from the nest, two large eagles fly up, flapping their huge wings. The horse snores and begins to gallop along the path. The reins fell out of the hands of surprise, you have to hold on to the mane. Above the head itself there are rock ledges. And below, in the abyss of a thousand meters, the beautiful blue Pyanj flows violently - the upper reaches of the great river of Central Asia ... This is what the traveler later remembers most of all. Such minutes give a temper for the whole life, they make the researcher ready for all kinds of difficulties, adversities, and surprises. In this respect, my first big trip was especially rewarding.

(According to N. Vavilov)


A huge distance separates the seemingly primitive sounds born in the bell tower from the subtlest perfection of symphonic music. But, honestly, you feel deep excitement, listening to the regular beats of the bell with the echo of small bells and the chirping of sparrows, caught by the microphones on the bell tower in the pauses between beats. The walls of housing in these minutes cease to exist. You feel the large spaces with the alarm floating above them, and your imagination can easily draw people walking to the veche square, or the alarming confusion of a city fire, or the enemy approaching the walls of the city.

Since ancient times, bells in Russia have accompanied the entire life of a person. Bell ringing united people on holidays and in the face of the enemy. Bells called people for advice, in bad weather they showed the way to lost travelers, the bell was counting down the time. And, apparently, the mobilizing power of sounds was great, since Herzen called his rebellious magazine "Kolokol", if, having conquered the city, the enemy first of all took the veche bell out of it, and the Russian tsars sent the bells into exile for offense.

Peter I melted bells into cannons. In the thirties, I remember, bells were also removed in our village Orlov. A huge crowd of curious people. The women were baptized: "The tractors will be poured." And indeed, in the same year, a brand new tractor drove through the village, sparkling with spurs, confirming for us boys the reality of a strange transformation.

The loudspeaker replaced the bell. But, you see, it's interesting to hear and understand the sounds of the past. Remember, in the film "War and Peace" the solemn ringing of bells! In another picture - "Seven Notes in Silence" - there is a lovely story about the belfry and the bell ringer. And finally, a gramophone record that brings ringing sounds right to your home ...

The beginning of all beginnings

What did the word mean for the life of the people in general? Such a question is even a little creepy to ask, not just answer it. The fact is that the word was equated by our ancestors with life itself. The word gave birth to and explained life, it was for the peasant the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. At the same time, it consoled, helped, moved to feat, interceded, healed, inspired. And all this happened by itself, like the flow of river water. Will it seem surprising under such conditions the emergence of the cult of the word, which exists in the villages and in our time?

The ability to speak figuratively and tactfully was a measure for social and social status, a reason for respect and deference. For small and wicked people, this skill was the envy of. The word - whether spoken, sung, or even only felt in general - has always strived for its figurative perfection ...

Beautiful speech cannot be stupid speech. The ability to speak well is not at all tantamount to the ability to speak a lot, but the dense silent people were not at all honored, they were also laughed at. Deliberate silence was considered a sign of cunning and ill will, with all the ensuing consequences.

1. Explain the use of punctuation marks in the first paragraph.

2. From the text, write down examples of continuous or separate spelling NOT with words. Explain your choice.

3. Write out a sentence in which the main idea of ​​the text is formulated.

Control dictation with grammar tasks.

An experienced person, I am still happily excited, irresistibly attracted by the vast expanses of my native Russian nature. Perhaps that is why I was so passionately fond of and am fond of hunting. In the hunt, in the old wanderings of the sea, in the forest poetic lodgings, a blond-haired dreamy boy with an uncovered head, burnt out in the sun, came to life in me.

People who do not break their connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, a wonderful sunny world is still revealed to them! And, as in the distant days of childhood, over the head of a tired traveler who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, white and gold flowers sway, and a buzzard hawk circling high in the sky, looking for the way.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds motionlessly frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new surge of strength I rise from the warm native land to continue my journey among the blooming beloved world ...

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "On the warm earth")

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (used in the text of the meanings): poetic, dazzling, extensive, dear.

2. Make a synonym with words wandering, road, traveler, hike.

Control dictation for the year

On warm ground

As a seasoned hunter, I am still happily excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I am fond of hunting.

People who do not break the connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years go by, but a transformed, beautiful world is still revealed to them. As before, over the head of a weary traveler, who lay down to rest, white and gold flowers sway, and a hawk circles high in the sky, looking for prey.

Having rested in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with renewed vigor from the warm native land. I am returning home to meet new working days, vigorous and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but there is an expectation of something bright, pure, beautiful ahead.

I don't want to talk to anyone, so I would walk on my native land, stepping barefoot in the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.


In the distant childhood, with a special joyful feeling, in the spring we greeted the cranes returning to their homeland. Hearing their voices coming from the high sky, we left our games and, lifting our heads, looked into the blue heavenly heights.

“Cranes! Cranes! " - we shouted loudly, rejoicing at the arrival of the spring guests.

The cranes flew in slender schools. They were returning from distant warm countries. Having circled over a swamp or over a river bank, they sometimes sat down to rest and rebuild their strength after a long journey.

Once I had the opportunity to closely observe cranes. I hunted capercaillie near a large, almost impenetrable swamp. While spending the night in the forest, you know, many times at dawn I heard cranes dancing in circles. Having made my way to the swamp, hiding in deep dense bushes, I watched these wonderful birds with binoculars. Gathering in a wide circle, flapping their strong wings, the cranes trumpeted and danced. This, of course, was the spring wedding crane festival.

Grammar tasks:

Option 1.

2. Write out from the proposal

Circling over the swamps, ...

Option 2.

1. Parsing a sentence

Having made his way to the swamp, hiding in the deep dense bushes, ...

2. Write out from the proposal

all phrases, make up their schemes, indicate the types of connection of words.


We walked along the left bank of the river. Suddenly a squirrel appeared on the deadwood ahead. She sat on her hind legs and, putting her tail on the back, gnawed a lump. As we approached, the squirrel grabbed its prey and threw itself into the tree. From there, from above, she looked at people with curiosity. By the way, a few words about protein. This animal, a representative of rodents, has an elongated body and a long tail-panicle. The small beautiful head is adorned with large black eyes and small rounded ears. Oh, how funny it is to watch this animal!

The squirrel is either a sedentary or a nomadic animal. She is on the move all day. She, one might say, cannot stand rest and only in the dark lies on her side, now curled up, now her tail thrown over her head. She seems to need movement as much as water, food and air.

(According to V. Arseniev)

Grammar assignment:

1. Parse the sentences:

Option 1 - She sat on her hind legs and, laying her tail on the back, gnawed a lump.

Option 2 - This animal, a representative of rodents, has an elongated body and a long tail-panicle

2. Write out the subordinate phrases from the specified sentences:

Option 1 - with communication control;

Option 2 - coordination with communication.

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 They amaze with their changing landscapes. Here you will see the undisturbed peaks, peaks covered with eternal snow, smoking volcanoes. In the west, the Pacific Ocean sparkles with turquoise, in the east, the endless jungle, cut by a web of silver rivers, delight.

After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly in the direction of the lost city of the Incas. We go by train to a small town and on foot through the eucalyptus forest we get to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts remind of the ancient civilization. We try not to lose in places the disappearing path winding upward.

A mysterious city appears in the distance, perched on a rocky summit. After five hours of ascent, we pass the heavy gate and enter the fortress on the mountain. 4 On numerous terraces, connected by countless staircases, there is a stone world with streets and squares. The ancient city fascinates us.

(121 words) (According to J. Palkevich.)

Grammar assignment

3. Run:

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 (option 1);

After five hours of ascent, we go through heavy battles and enter the fortress located on the mountain. 4 (option 2).

Control dictation for the first half of the year


There is a small pond at the edge of a young forest. An underground key springs from it. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga will be born in swamps and bogs and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is a beauty. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, vegetation and fauna. The beauties of the Volga are glorified by the people in legends, and by poets and artists.

From Rybinsk, the Volga begins to turn to the southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. These Volga landscapes have a unique beauty and charm. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the farther, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most beautiful places in the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli mountains is unique and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is close and dear to millions of residents of our Motherland.

Additional tasks

1. Designate the grammatical basis in the first four sentences, determine the type of predicate:

First paragraph (option 1). Second paragraph (option 2)

2. Parse the sentence:

Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.(Option 1)

Volga is a beauty.(Option 2)


Fasting was over, it was Holy Week. The weather was fine: the days were bright, quiet and warm. The snow was covered with black tulle, and in some places large glades appeared. The walkways, from which they occasionally shoveled excess snow in winter, were completely blackened and lay like black ribbons. But then you step out of the yard and plunge into the water. You could only drive on the highway. The peasants dug in the yards, plowing harrows and plows, the children skipped rivulets, which flowed into the river all the fruitful juices from the manure heaps piled up in the middle of the yard.

The smell of manure over the villages. In the middle of the day it seemed that the courtyards were drowning. But this did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals. And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming dung, imagined themselves to be some kind of priests. They puffed up their feathers gravely, shook their red combs and, throwing their heads down gravely, exclaimed: "Long live spring!"

Take care of this cochet, - leaning on a pitchfork, the peasant said to his wife, pointing to the rooster walking. - This is a real bird, and the one, the pockmarked one, must be slaughtered for the holiday.

And the man, spitting on his hands, again began picking with a pitchfork.

(160 words) (According to N. Leskov.)

Grammar assignment

Option 1

Option 2 is more difficult

Indicate the types of predicates


The walkways, from which they occasionally shoveled excess snow in winter, were completely blackened and lay like black ribbons.

They puffed up their feathers importantly, shook their red combs and, throwing back their heads importantly, exclaimed: "Long live spring!"

Parsing a sentence

But this did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals.

And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of steaming dung, imagined themselves to be some kind of priests.

Good she-wolf

A young she-wolf walked in the pack that winter, who had not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 In the afternoon, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, circled, trampling the snow, and woke the old people. The wolves reluctantly got up, poked their cold noses at her, and she snarled playfully, biting their legs. The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4

One night, the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and after her, tongues sticking out, the old men began to shake. The wolves remained lying, then they ran after the pack.

The wolves ran along the road, and shadows slid behind them, breaking in the snow. The snow in the rays of the moon glittered with diamonds. Bells were ringing from the village. It seemed that the stars, which had fallen from the sky, had rang along the road. The wolves, tying up to their belly, retreated into the field and lay down, turning their muzzles to the village.

(125 words) (Based on I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

Grammar assignment

  1. Write down examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.
  2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (option 1); from paragraph 3 (option 2).

A young she-wolf walked in the pack that winter, who had not forgotten her childish amusements. 4 (option 1);

The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, looked at the young prankster. 4 (option 2).


The Duke took great pleasure in inviting Don Quixote and Sancho to the castle and amusing himself with their eccentricities. But Don Quixote began to be weighed down by bondage and an idle life, believing that a real, and not an imaginary knight, wandering, should not indulge in laziness and incessant amusements and sit idly by. That is why he asked permission to leave.

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared on the square in front of the castle. 4 From the gallery, bewildered, barely restraining himself from laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the duke, the duchess, the courtiers ... ...

Bowing courteously to the duke, as well as to all those present, Don Quixote turned Rocinante and, accompanied by Sancho, drove out the gate into an open field, saying:

- With freedom, Sancho, no treasures are incomparable!

(126 words) (According to M. de Cervantes.)

Grammar assignment

1. Write down examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write down 3 different phrases and sort them out: from 1 paragraph (option 1); from paragraph 3 (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence:

Having said goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared on the square in front of the castle. 4 (option 1);

From the gallery, bewildered, barely holding back from laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the duke, the duchess, the courtiers ... 4 (option 2).

Control dictation with grammar task

at the end of the second quarter

The estate was all white, fluffy flakes lay on the trees, as if the garden had blossomed again with white leaves. A fire crackled in a large antique fireplace, everyone entering from the courtyard brought with them freshness and the smell of soft snow.

The poetry of the first winter day was accessible to the blind in its own way. Waking up in the morning, he always felt a special cheerfulness and recognized the coming of winter by the stomping of people entering the kitchen, by the creak of doors, by the sharp, subtle smells, by the creak of steps in the yard.

The frozen ground, covered with a fluffy, soft layer, was completely silent, but the air became somehow especially sensitive, clearly transferring over long distances the cry of a crow, and the blow of an ax, and the slight crack of a broken branch. From time to time there was a strange ringing, as if from glass, passing to the highest notes and freezing in the distance. It was the boys who were throwing stones on the village pond, which was covered with a thin film of first ice.

But the river near the mill, heavy and dark, still oozed in its fluffy banks and rustled on the sluices.

(160 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".)

Grammar assignment

Option 1

Option 2 is more difficult

Write out the predicate

simple verb

compound nominal

Underline in the text

isolated circumstance

stand-alone definition

Write down 3 different types of phrases

from 1-2 paragraphs

from 4 paragraph

Parsing a sentence

From time to time there was a strange ringing, as if from glass, passing to the highest notes and freezing in the distance.

Having put on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, making a loose trail along the paths.


The doll came out from behind the partition. She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to one side. Her hair was the same color as the feathers of small gray birds. Her gray eyes gleamed merrily. Now she seemed serious and considerate, but there was no trace of her sadness. On the contrary, they would say that this is a minx pretending to be a shy woman.

Then further. Where did her former magnificent dress go, all this pink silk, golden roses, lace, sequins, a fabulous outfit, from which every girl could resemble, if not a princess, then, in any case, a Christmas tree toy? Now, imagine the doll was dressed more than modestly. A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white. The shoes were worn on bare feet. Do not think that this outfit made the doll ugly. On the contrary, he was to her face. There are such dirty tricks: at first you don’t deign to look at them, and then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty trick is nicer than a princess.

But most importantly: remember, the doll of the heir to Tutti had terrible black wounds on the chest. And now they are gone. It was a funny, healthy doll!

(160 words) (According to Yu. Olesha.)

Grammar assignment

Option 1

Option 2 is more difficult

Indicate the types of predicates

Write down 3 different types of phrases

A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white.

There are such dirty tricks: at first you don’t deign to look at them, and then, looking more closely, you see that such a dirty trick is nicer than a princess.

Define the type of one-part sentences in the text

Parsing a sentence

She smiled, tilting her disheveled head to one side.

Her hair was the same color as the feathers of small gray birds.

Control dictation for repetition at the beginning of the year

Heavy thunderstorm

I remember a thunderstorm that caught us on the road.

I sat with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. Lightning blazed in blue zigzags in the open gates, muddy from the pouring rain. Mother hurriedly crossed herself, clutching me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy rolls of thunder, to the audible crackling of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw at the gate a diamond mesh of rain, and through the transparent drops the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses, shining from the rain, frightened by the thunder, and shifting their feet impatiently and restlessly. The road, lined with birches, washed by rain, seemed even more cheerful. A multicolored rainbow hung over the meadow, the bright sun shone on the backs of the cheerfully running horses. I sat next to my father, looked at the shining puddles winding in front of the road, at the ear-drowning dark, sunlit and still formidable cloud, at the column of white smoke that rose in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the washed, wonderful sunny world that opened up to me.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (153 words)

Grammar assignment.

1. Find 3-4 words with the same word stepping overshih structure.

2. Underline the participles, highlight the suffixes in them, determine which kind of participle did not occur.

3. Find two adjectives: qualitative and relative.

4. Parse the sentence with a partial turnover (I option) and with an adverbial turnover (option II).

Control dictation following the results of the III quarter


Soon a path led to the right, on a rather steep hillock. We went along it and after half an hour we found ourselves in a pine forest. Flowering coce. As soon as we hit a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud surrounded us. Gold dust slowly settled in the calm.

Even this morning, forced to live within four walls spaced no more than five meters from each other, we suddenly got drunk from all this: from flowers, from the sun, smelling of tar and pine needles, from luxurious possessions, which suddenly got nothing for nothing. US. My backpack was still holding me back, and Rosa ran ahead and shouted from there that lilies of the valley had been caught, then she went deeper into the forest and returned frightened by a bird that fluttered from under her feet.

Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. There was a thick lush grass of a forest glade, and suddenly water began at the level of the same grass. As if a puddle had poured rain. So it was thought that the grass also continued under the water and flooded it recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water peeped out a dense sandy bottom, which went deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

(155 words) (According to V.A.Soloukhin.)

Grammar assignment:

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including those in complex ones: 1 paragraph - 1 option; 3 paragraph - 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon led to a large lake.

Option 2 - But through the yellowish water peeped out a dense sandy bottom, which went deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

3. Write down the different types of complications from the text.

Control dictation for the year

Warm earth

As a seasoned hunter, I am still happily excited and attracted by the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I am fond of hunting.

People who do not break the connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years go by, but a transformed, beautiful world is still revealed to them. As before, over the head of a weary traveler, who lay down to rest, white and gold flowers sway, and a hawk circles high in the sky, looking for prey.

Having rested in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise with renewed vigor from the warm native land. I am returning home to meet new working days, vigorous and renewed. A foggy curtain rises from the river, not yet warmed by the sun, but there is an expectation of something bright, pure, beautiful ahead.

I don't want to talk to anyone, so I would walk on my native land, stepping barefoot in the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.