How to make a girl quickly become pregnant. How to quickly become pregnant and what measures should be taken for this purpose. Can't get pregnant: what to do

Happiness maternity is not comparable. This is the highest gift of heaven, he can only appreciate the woman who is ready for the birth of a child and wishes his appearance to the whole soul. This is a selfogy sense of love Men and women, their connected particles that create a whole world in the womb, and after birth - the whole world around him. Children - not only literally our future, children - for many and the meaning of life, her goal, and, as it turns out later, only her beginning ...

Today, many are wondering: "What should I do to get pregnant?" When you think that the time to replenish the family has already come. And in fact, there are several secrets that will help the natural forces to create this miracle - to give the world of new, perfectly special person.

Why do you need a child

We will not be unnecessar than strict to those who do not plan, but gives rise to children again and again, without thinking about the fact that in addition to iron contraception for nine months and the public benefit, every future child is a person, and give him, except for education, living conditions and harmonious development is the holy duty of each parent. In large families, it is not worth exactly the question of what to do to get pregnant, in the same way as in religious. How God will give - says their position.

Anyway, every child does not just come to our world. The soul, given a small and gentle creature, needs parent warm and affection. And, perhaps, for the fact that someone grows in the family, as if orphans, or at all, no one will never be punished. But in such situations, the child receives his experience, parent or parents - his own, and the world Wakes up the missing item in order to function and develop.

Each of us occupies its place in the world, comes to this world at one time and leaves it at the appointed hour. The wise nature is harmonious and balanced, for its continuous development inside and in the universe is necessary, so that everything is in their places. The fact that we cannot explain her some manifestations does not mean that it is not direct or unfair. Even if such a role (half sighs, disabled) should belong to the most child who is conceived, he has the right to life, whatever it is, because she has already been given to him at that very moment conception. And it will be unfair to deprive the life of a child who is already growing and developing in the womb if it is not here ...

Everything has its time

You do not need to try to inform the fate by ordering when "conveniently" give birth to children, and when there is no. Many abortions, including drug, violated the balance of the universe, now humanity suffers from local infertility outbreaks, and developed and civilized countries that invest in the study of the problems of idiopathic incompatibility of partners or mechanisms of artificial fertilization - heads this list.

The question of what to do to get pregnant, rarely occupied the minds of our ancestors, and today even men show interest in this. The ecology of the planet, the lifestyle of many potential parents who use alcohol and smoke, lead an erratic sex life, gaining "experience", and sometimes infections - all these factors often make a pregnancy "untimely", which entails her interruption. It is unlikely that the "uncomfortable" moment potential parents think that the risks did not have the earlier child growing greatly. Ripening to a serious solution, sometimes when it is already pressing a degenerate age, a woman thinks that you need to do to get pregnant, plans and waits for the cherished two strips on the test.

What to do to get pregnant: folk remedies

Help the body tune in to the right way can have a sincere desire to have a child, but aggravate the process is capable of changing the thoughts on pregnancy. It is not necessary to introduce your body into a stressful state and worry, pregnancy will happen or not, to torment doubts, look for answers to questions about what to do to get pregnant quickly. Of course, conception will happen if:

You and your partner lead healthy image Life and do not take antihistamine drugs, antibiotics.
. You and your partner have no pathology that prevents the normal fertilic function (this can be found in the reproductive center: Women are appointed ultrasound and analyzes, a man - spermogram).
. You are not protected.

You can help your own body, spooking herbs brave death. Effective homeopathic remedies, such as oregano (it's oregano), boring uterus, St. John's wort, hops, plantain, nettle, yarrow, chamomile, donel, licorice, Maryan root.

What to do to get pregnant to get pregnant with insights on herbs? For a month or two, take a daily serving of the ragland of one of the above gifts of nature.

Some of the herbs have contraindications. They cannot be used during menstruation, because they contribute to strengthening blood flow, and this may cause bleeding. You also need to closely monitor the cycle schedule, because such herbs can provoke and miscarriage on early timewhich you can not even notice. But at the same time, it is often possible to improve women's health from these herbs and heal the diagnosis of "infertility", which sometimes, without understanding, put doctors.

Someone resorts to the help of Saints - Luke Krymsky, Matrones of Moscow, Nicholas Wonderworker and Ksenia Petersburg, Virgin Mary. Someone stops on homeopathy or calculating favorable dates for conception. Someone thinks over his way of life and changes him not only towards the recovery, but also cleared it - various practices for forgiveness and good, calm and faith in the power of the universe, the ability to let go of the situation from under its control and trusting fate bring their positive fruits Even from a psychological point of view. Those who are in the search for universal funds, and are asked about what to do to get pregnant to become faster, converge on the same thing - if the tool is safe and humane, why not try? Even if it does not work this time, it certainly does not hurt, and therefore it is necessary to try it all.

What else can you resort?

What to do to get pregnant if the grasses are not enough? Seeds and nuts are wonderful sources of vitamin E, useful not only for skin and hair, but also for hormonal background, favorable pregnancy. Green apples and greens (salad, dill, in small parsley) contain foliic acidwhich will also be pregnant. It will not hurt to drink a course of unplugging vitamins, go to rest, relax and abstract from everyday worries - work, home trouble, long-distance travel, tiring guests.

It is important to know what to do after sex to get pregnant if the uterus disorders take place: in a horizontal position, lift the pelvis in such a way that the bend is irrigated sperm. It is worth thinking about it even during sexual intercourse: to ensure the most deep penetration with the help of poses, which will be characteristic of the existing type of structure of female organs. If the uterus without bends is an optimal missionary position when a woman on his back or side. If the bend is behind, you need to lie on the stomach and put the roller or pillow under the hips, and then at the time of sexual intercourse, and then in the same posture to spend at least a quarter of an hour. If the bend to the side, it is worth adopting a pose that allows the opposite side to expand up.

Just or not?

For someone, pregnancy comes easily. If the organisms of both partners are healthy, then in order for pregnancy to come, not enough to be protected. Some are interested in what to do after sexual intercourse to get pregnant. The answer is simple: first, try not to dwell on the occurrence of pregnancy, do not try to feel some special feelings, the signals that it happened! Everything happens at the cellular level, and help the cells of future parents can be connected with calm behavior.

For a better effect, some advise a pillow under the pillow under the pillow or throw legs on the back of the sofa, the wall, stand on the blades in the "birch", in one word, to create conditions so that the spermatozoa remains inside the female body in as much as possible. For those who want to know what to do to get pregnant from the first time, there is advice: learn how to determine the ovulation date of the egg, and the pregnancy will come if you plan the conception that is this day.

Jewelry work

Boy or girl? Why say that the future girl is "conceived with jewelry accuracy"? Turn to physiology.

The fact that the floor of the future child depends on his father, everyone knows from school bench. X and Y chromosome, which brings a haplopoid spermatozoic ovid, and determine the combination of XX, XY for the future kid. However, not everything is so unequivocal. The fact is that the egg has its secrets. At the moment when ovulation occurs, the egg cell is ready for fertilization. Sperm, moving in the sexual paths of women, move at different speeds. The carriers of the Y-chromosomes are carrying on all pairs, they are smaller, more movable, and they have a smaller life expectancy. Media X-chromosome is slower, heavy, but live longer. During sexual intercourse, the chromosome of both species fall into the genital paths. Some are ahead of others, but faster die, the second live longer and achieve the goals slower.

By simple calculations, we will get the answer to the question of what should be done to get pregnant with a boy: it is necessary to wait for ovulation and spend directly during this period (allowed one day before and one day after) sexual intercourse. The spermatozoa is quickly achieved egg cell, fertilization will occur, the carriers of the Y-chromosomes that are responsible for the male floor will be connected to the egg to the male embryo. In the same way, planning a girl, you need to calculate the time of ovulation and refrain from both sexual intercourse directly into these three days (day before, during and after ovulation) and from frequent ejaculation on the eve. After spending a sexual act for 3-4 days before ovulation, it can be hoped that only the carriers of the X-chromosomes that are responsible for the female of the embryo are "live" before it began.

How to determine ovulation

In addition to the ovulation tests sold in pharmacies, the most accurate method is ultrasound diagnostics, which will reveal, in which of the ovary ripens the egg, how soon ovulation will occur. There is a home physiological method for determining allocations ovulation. Stretching a certain amount of female discharge between the index and thumb, pay attention to their elasticity. If the thread is broken, then the ovulation did not come, if the palm is almost completely straight, and the discharge thread is still stretched between the fingers - ovulation began, keep in mind!

Ovulation can be determined by the basal method. Measuring the daily temperature in the anal hole and recording the data into the graph, follow it with a sharp jump signaling about ovulation. Unfortunately, this method cannot be called one hundred percent, since there may be lack of sleep, indisposition, infections and overwriting, the adoption of the alcoholic on the eve of and so on.

We plan a child's date

Yes, life is that planning the time of conception of the baby after all. Someone thinks that in the winter to give birth to the baby - it is very convenient, because by the summer he will try all the vitamins on his own, someone thinks that in the summer - the best option, because to dry the diapers and clothes of the baby is easier than the sun, and ultraviolet Will caress his tender skin. Both those and other are right, but if you suddenly decided that the child should appear in the family, having scheduled his birth for a certain period, what to do to get pregnant faster?

Given that nature in the month allocated only 48 hours on the "fateful meeting" of the sperm and egg cell, it is actually taking care to get pregnant in this month, and not in the next. Oddly enough, the number of soils will not affect quality, but rather, even on the contrary: the more often the composition of the male seed is updated, the less concentrated. Therefore, it is recommended to make love after ovulation every other day. Skip the ovulation date will not work. If inside the pipes leading to the ovaries (namely the spermatozoa), the egg cell will appear, for 3-5 days of life of spermatozoa to meet every chance. The period of ovulation in all women is individual, but from the 11th to the 18th day of the cycle you can begin attempts to get pregnant.

What should be in the diet

Proper and useful food will provide a woman with good health and saturation of the organism vitamins. For vitamins E, A, folic acid need to be included in the diet of milk, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, cereals and vegetable oils. The future dad should also take care of a healthy offspring. Fish, meat, nuts increase fertility in men. You should not lean on sweet and flour, it is especially important to avoid semi-finished products with preservatives, carcinogens and harmful additives. To create an alkaline environment (it is recommended for increasing the ability to conceive), it is worth more often to eat herbs, vegetables, eliminate milk, meat and grain, creating a sour Wednesday.

By the way, this is what needs to be done to get pregnant with a girl: a diet based on inclusion in the diet of dairy products, fish, fruits, coffee and chocolate and an exception to meat, mushroom, flour, canned and sweet dishes for several months will help. Similarly occurs with the "order" of a male child. Only the diet will include just protein products, but from dairy will need to refuse. These requirements relate to both partners, and their rationale is simple. What to do to get pregnant with a child's child? Provocate the production of certain hormones, and it helps this is the dietary method of nutrition.

Another an important nuance Regarding diet food. It is worth thinking about him if your weight is redundant or insufficient. Exhausted and thin can not become pregnant due to overwork. Full - similarly, due to excess weight. And those and others have problems with metabolism.

Ways to plan the sex of the child

For those who want to know what to do to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender, techniques that are based on the calculation of the required date of conception will be interesting.

They are not one hundred percent guarantee, as well as all other ways, including vitro incense. However, in most cases, the expected results on the proposed methods coincide with real.

So, one of the most popular - Buddan method. It is based on a special table developed by the spouses of Buddansky, however, only the one who has a stable cycle, who was born on time (premature and stand-alone women who want to become mothers should consider differently). The essence of the method comes down to the fact that the woman, conceived in the menstrual even month for his mother, herself can become pregnant in the even one months, and in the odd - the boy, and the opposite. However, the method does not explain the conception of the Fillet, Troyen, twins.

By the way, what should I do to get pregnant with twins? Nature is so arranged that only the genetic predisposition of a woman (here in this matter rules the ball exceptionally the future mother) is responsible for the ability to multiple pregnancy. But, again, genetics suggests that a man who is from twins or has a twins in a genealogical tree, grandchildren or granddaughters can be born. After all, his cell carrying the gene responsible for multiplodes may well pass his daughter.

So what needs to be done to get pregnant twins if natural prerequisites No? Today is not too affordable to the widespread mass due to high cost means - Eco or Ixi - artificial insemination. The method is not entirely natural: artificially combined cells, becoming embryos, on the earlier period are attached to the uterus, stimulate the processes that should occur with natural conception, hormones, and often this enterprise has success. But it must be said about important: such methods have side effects. It often happens unbearable pregnancy (after all, the ECO process itself involves the invasion of the uterus, albeit microscopic instruments, but it is still foreign bodies for the body of a woman) or its course will have to provide constant hormone support.

But this is a way out for misfortunes. Those who are interested in what to do to get pregnant in 44 years, in reproductive centers they receive a response that pregnancy at the age when the fertile function is already reduced, it may well be successful with ICSI or ECO.

How is the most important miracle on earth

There is a peculiar version that the child himself chooses his parents. Let it be a fairy tale: a small angel sits on the cloud, from where he can see everything that happens on Earth. Watch and looks at people: pairs or lonely. He already has character traits, and he looks out for those who want to become similar and externally. If the pair has already been found, the angel becomes a child, going down with a light invisible feathelter from heaven to the maternal womb. And if not - it creates the conditions for their meeting, the Union, even if it is short-term. Therefore, if you do not know what to do to get pregnant, manifest yourself in good actions, clean your thoughts from evil intentions, irritation, bad emotions. Let your soul exude light, then the angel will notice him and will find you from millions of people.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


This entry checked the doctor a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a mammologist, a SPR specialist.

And now you have already changed your life, became family. Now it is always necessary to take into account that you have two and you need to take care of each other, take attention to each other. And you cope with this with this. You wanted your family to grow, so that the sounds of children's laughter and crying, so that someone called you mom and dad.
But after repeated attempts to get pregnant - nothing works ... You are confused and do not know what to do next to what means to resort.

What do doctors talk about failures in matters of conception?

Of course, the fact that I can't get pregnant, it comes to the thoughts that something is wrong with you. Therefore, to begin with, it is best to consult a doctor for advice on this issue, you will also need to examine you and your favorite man for pathologies.

If the results of the survey showed that you are all in order, and the predisposition to conception you possess, but I can't get pregnant, everything does not work in any way, it is brewing the question of turning to our grandmothers experience, to so-called folk remedies: with various kinds Note and healing herbs.

The only contraindication to the use of herbs for certain funds, but in most they are absolutely safe for health.

Commentary of the doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, SPR specialist:

I draw your attention to that folk ways to increase the likelihood of pregnancy can help with a light lack of spermatozoa survival or hormonal inferiority. In more complex situations, they turn out to be powerless.

As the author of the book "How to defeat infertility ...", I fully imagine all the difficulties in the fight against the scourge of our time - infertility. This diagnosis is set if the pregnancy does not occur in the first 2 years after the start of regular sexual life (short, irregular or disorderly connections are not considered).

About folk remedies - All right. BUT! Some women and men are ready to lower their hands if the folk remedies did not contribute to conception. However, it is necessary to evaluate the situation with a cold head, use the specified ways of short time, and recognize that if the folk remedies did not help - it means that it is necessary to seek medical care.

10 folk ways to get pregnant

1. Sage for pregnancy

As for the healing herbs and decoctions, the sage is very popular. It contains phytohormon acting similarly women's hormones. Regular reception of the chalf's decoction enhances the "adulter effect" when almost all spermatozoa reaches egg cells.

Method for preparing a ragger of sage for pregnancy: The tablespoon of herbs is poured with one glass of boiling water and insist for an hour.

The decoction is taken on one tablespoon twice a day. During menstruation, it is not recommended to drink it.

If for the month the pregnancy did not come, take a break in one cycle, and then continue to accept decoction.

2. Boring uterus for pregnancy

The decoction of Ortlia one-sided or boring uterus is very useful, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

How to cook a tincture of a borovak for pregnancy: Two tablespoons of herbs are poured with water and bring to a boil. Then they put half an hour in a dark place, after being cleaned and used on one tablespoon 4 times a day.

The duration of reception is usually determined by circumstances and can reach the period of up to four months.

3. Red brush and pregnancy

Another of the similar funds is a red brush, the tool perfectly helps to cope with women's diseases, helps to rejuvenate the body and promote the rapid onset of pregnancy. But it should be remembered that the red brush cannot be used with other phytohormones or any other hormonal means.

Broth made of red brush to prepare like this: A tablespoon of chopped red brush root is poured with hot water and put on a water bath for 15 minutes. Then they insist within 45 minutes, filter.

Take a decoction on one tablespoon 3 times a day before eating for 30-40 days, then making a break in 10-15 days.

4. Vitamin E for pregnancy

Extremely useful will be eating vitamin E, which in large quantities is contained in wheat beans, sea buckthorn, soy oil, olive oil, hazelnut, walnuts, cashews, beans, oatmeal, pears, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, cottage cheese, bananas.

5. Plate of plantain for a man

It will not be superfluous for your man to drink a decoction of the plantain, it favorably affects the mobility of spermatozoa.

Plate of plantain is preparing like this: The spoon of seeds of the plantain is poured with hot water and tomatifs on a water bath for 5-10 minutes. Then the hour insist.

Ready blax use two tablespoons twice a day before meals.

6. Pumpkin will help get pregnant

Pumpkin all head. In addition, the pumpkin contains vitamin E, it is also the main regulator of the hormonal balance of the female organism. Therefore, use a pumpkin in all kinds of types: pumpkin juice, pumpkin cake, pumpkin casserole and everything in such a spirit.

7. Infusion Audio for pregnancy

Another hijacker's grass. Preparing a decoction from the dispatcher like this: Two glasses of grass are poured with two glasses of boiling water. Insist for 4 hours.

The finished decoction drink 4 times a day by half a cup of 15 minutes before meals.

8. Ficus for pregnancy

Women often use such a means like ficus.

There is a belief that the appearance of a house of Fikus has a beneficial effect on conception. Do not buy a flower yourself - ask you to give it.

9. Communication with pregnant women - to pregnancy!

Be in contact with a pregnant woman. It is believed that your finding, communication, combined food can affect the conception of the child in the most favorable way.

Do not forget to ask to stroke a pregnant belly. It is also believed that if pregnant on you sneezes, then it's for pregnancy!)

10. Vacation or work change

Sometimes itself effective tool There may be any way that distracts you from constantly stressing about the vain attempts to have a child. It may be a change in the kind of activity when you need to think only in a certain direction and everyone has time, or on the contrary, the long-awaited stay. After all, it is possible that constant stress at work is the main reason that you can not get pregnant.

What to do a pair, if after several months of active attempts pregnancy does not occur? First of all, it is necessary to visit specialists and pass the examination for the presence of pathologies of the reproductive system and diseases. If the survey finds that everything is in order with both partners, attempts to continue. Only make them more fruitful.

Why not get pregnant from the first time

An unambiguous answer will not give you a single doctor. So how to get pregnant faster? As a rule, the marina of several negative factors coinciding in one pair.

Frequent use of alcohol, smoking

It has been proven that harmful substances entering the body adversely affect the work of the reproductive system. In men, they practically immobilize spermatozoa. And even being in the body of a woman, they cannot move in search of an egg. In women, alcohol and nicotine can completely stop the production of eggs into several menstrual cycles. Doctors recommend full refusal of alcohol and smoking. Or, as a last resort, the reduction of alcohol consumption to the pair once a month.


If young people often quarrel or a woman is experiencing negative emotions at work, its body can include natural protection against the continuation of the genus. It is known that during the period of the war, when women on a par with men worked on wear, many ceased menstruation, and temporary infertility occurred. Therefore, before trying how to get pregnant quickly with the help of folk remedies, breathe deeply, leave the whole negative in the past, get only positive emotions and rejoice in every day.

Wrong clothes in men

Yes, even clothes affect the quality of male sperm and the number of active spermatozoa in it. Forget about synthetic wrames, boxers and thongs. We carry only cotton family panties in which your childbearing organs feel best. Do not overheat and do not overcoole the pelvic area.

Attempts to get pregnant not in time

Want to know how to get pregnant from the first time? Exactly determine the day of your ovulation and actively have sex in this and the next day. Whatever enough, the female organism is almost all the time not capable of conception. A happy event can only happen within 48 hours after the exit of the egg from the ovary, while it makes his ways in sex paths to the uterus. To calculate the day of your ovulation, use the body measurement method, buy a pair of test tests in a pharmacy or watch your well-being. If somewhere in the middle of the cycle you have increased the volume of discharge from the vagina and the bottom of the abdomen has become ill, this day has come.

How to solve the problem of pregnancy at home, so as not to take physical measures. After excluding all the negative factors, proceed to the most pleasant - sex, which will definitely make you mom and dad in 9 months. But they also need to do it.

  • Poses behind or from above. Nothing personal, simple physiology. In the postures "Rear" ensures the deepest penetration of men and ejaculation with the maximum proximity to the cervix. Pose "From above" improve the pillow under the female hips to raise the pelvis higher. So sperm will not flow.
  • Raise legs up after sex. Try this way how to get pregnant quickly if it does not work. Do not get up immediately from the bed, lift your legs on the wall and lie so half an hour. Let all active spermatozoids run there, where at least one of them will necessarily meet an egg.
  • Do not take shower 2-3 hours. Immediately after sex, do not hurry in the bathroom. Water with soap actually immobilizes spermatozoa, and contact with soap foam for 40 seconds completely kills them. Cast shower a little on then.
Photo: ©

How easy it is to get pregnant if it does not work. People's Method number 1

Excellent assistants in pregnancy will be for you medicinal herbs. What do you need to drink so that there is an effect? Here are the most popular and helping people will quickly become pregnant.

Boring uterus when infertility

Is it possible to drink it without a knowledge of the doctor? Yes! Used over the centuries and proves its effectiveness. The decoction eliminates the inflammatory processes of the genital organs and paths, stimulates the activity of the egg. For its preparation:

  1. 2 tablespoons of dried grass fill 0.5 liters of water;
  2. bring to a boil, remove from the fire;
  3. put in a dark place for 30 minutes;
  4. strain and break into clean dishes;
  5. use before each meal intake on 1 tablespoon.


The plant contains natural phytoestrogens, similar to female sex hormones. Activates the work of the reproductive system of women. For cooking a beam:

  1. 1 tablespoon of sage fill 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  2. put in a dark place for 1 hour;
  3. take 2 times a day on 1 tablespoon for a month. At the time of menstruation reception, stop. If pregnancy has not come, take a break for 1 month and continue the reception.

Red brush

Plant to combat female infertility and sexual diseases. Contains a large volume of phytohormones. For cooking a beam:

  1. grind the root;
  2. 1 tablespoon fill 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  3. put on a water bath, cook for 15 minutes;
  4. remove from the stove, insist in a dark place for 45 minutes, strain;
  5. take daily for 30-40 days on 1 tablespoon of the beam before each meal intake. Make a break for 10-15 days and continue the reception.


Effective plantain seeds when infertility, feedback confirm it. However, take them to a man. Prepare a hole in this way:

  1. 1 tablespoon of seeds filter 0.2 liters of boiling water;
  2. put on a water bath, Tomite 10 minutes;
  3. remove from the stove and insist in a dark place for an hour;
  4. take 2 times a day before eating 2 tablespoons.

Now you know how to get pregnant - folk ways will become your best assistants. Forget about experiences, eat well, use our tips. And you will succeed!

Related Materials

Many women, deciding to give birth to a child, face a problem - it turns out to be pregnant not so simple, especially if we are talking About age 38 or 39 years. Sometimes attempts made for months are in vain. What to do in this case? How to get pregnant in a scheduled time to get pregnant? Are there any methods for approaching the long-awaited point?

If you can't get pregnant, the first thing you need to visit the doctor, go through a full examination. Causes can be wounded in both partners. For a woman, a barrier to fertilization becomes:

  • menstrual disorders,
  • problems with hormonal background,
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases
  • lack of ovulation
  • stresses and elevated physical exertion, etc.

As for men, there is often a reduced activity of spermatozoa, the consequences of varicocele and other ailments, the wrong lifestyle.

In any case, the advice of doctors, conducting a prescribed course of treatment will help to cope with the existing problems. In most situations, it is possible to do conservative therapy. For example, during polycystic ovarian, a woman is recommended for a certain period of taking oral contraceptives, restoring the menstrual cycle, excluding intermented bleeding, normalizing hormonal background. After hormonal tablets, conception occurs very quickly, which is difficult to achieve with an irregular cycle. Also here increases the likelihood of pregnant twins. Such an effect is observed after Yarina, after Zhanina and other options approx.

When erosion and inflammation, it is also necessary to undergo therapy. In the first case, cavity or freezing is performed, in the latter - a conservative approach.

It is important to pay the attention of the regularity and the fact of the onset of ovulation. Its presence is the main condition for fertilization. It happens that ovulation does not occur, then the methods of artificial stimulation are used.

In order to become pregnant faster, it is necessary to conduct an ovulation schedule, controlling the basal temperature. When the egg is ripe, ready for fertilization, the latter indicators will be 37 degrees and slightly higher. You can use a pharmacy test for ovulation.

The creation of a new life is a unique miracle of nature. Unfortunately, not always a couple of lovers awarded such happiness as children. The chances of continuing the kind are increasing if the woman knows how to get pregnant quickly, successfully put out and easily give birth to a healthy child.

How to conceive a child?

Pregnancy after contraceptive

If a woman takes contraceptive drugs, it significantly reduces its chances of pregnancy in the future. Tablets often give a lot side Effects. Women 23 years old can engage in the child planning a few months after the abolition of drugs, 30-year-old moms must wait at least a year. Women who are over 35 years can recover for several years.

Is it possible to get pregnant on the first day after menstruation?

When the cycle lasts less than 21-22 days, the probability of conception in the first days after critical days is high. Ovulation can happen about 7 days. If the bleeding lasts longest weeks, then it is possible, when it is conclusted, a new egg will ripen - from this woman will become pregnant at the end of menstruation or on the first day after them. There is also a phenomenon called Spontaneous ovulation when several eggs are born at once, in this case you can get pregnant almost any day.

What doctor helps become pregnant?

Pregnancy planning usually begins with the consultation of the gynecologist. The specialist should examine the female medical card, learn about past births, possibly on abortions, methods for pregnancy protection. It is worth making a doctor full information about the existing pathologies undergoing or at the moment.

First inspection, then the woman gets a direction to all sorts of analyzes. It is also often recommended to undergo a survey from such doctors as an allergist, an endocrinologist, a surgeon. A woman can be directed to any doctor if a gynecologist has suspicion of any disorders and need to confirm or refute the diagnosis, to undergo treatment.

Usually you have to go through the therapist, he can identify hidden chronic diseasesthat impede conception or tooling the child. To determine and neutralize infectious foci, you need to go through the dentist and the ENT doctor.

It is important to cooperate with a geneticist, especially if the ancestors had cases of inconvenience of pregnancy or deviation, like Khorean Huntington, Daun's disease, Alzheimer's disease or Miodistrophi. With the help of a physician of genetics, a pair can be fully examined and calculated the likelihood genetic diseases At the offspring.

What days can you get pregnant?

If it turned out that a man and woman are healthy and they have a high chance of conception of healthy children, then you can begin to actively fulfill marital duties. The proven way of conception is the maintenance of a female calendar for a clear tracking of the cycle. If a woman for any reason periodically occurs, the delay in menstruation and the schedule is generally unpredictable, it is almost impossible to accurately calculate the days of conception and unfavorable days.

So, it is necessary to analyze the entire menstrual cycle for six months or a year. It should be borne in mind that the reception of hormones can prevent adequate ovulation calculations. When the oscillations of the cycle are minor and stacked in a normal framework, you can do simple calculations.

We take the shortest and long menstrual cycles. We subtract the number 18 from the shortest cycle and we get a starting day - it is from this day that you can talk about the high probability of the child's conception. For example, the short cycle is 25 days, if it takes 18 from this number, then it turns out 7 and it means that you can get pregnant theoretically starting from 7 days from the start of the menstrual cycle.

Such calculations are carried out with the longest menstrual cycle, it will be subtracted from it 11. This value is the last day of the high probability of conception. If the length of the cycle is 29 days, you need to take away 11 and get 18, it means that it is in 18 days that you can finish attempts to get pregnant. Let's summarize: a large number of women from 7 to 18 days of the cycle, there is a capacity to conceive. You can conceive with anyone's child with the first attempt, if you know the day of ovulation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with spikes?

About 25% of women are not capable of conceiving due to adhesive processes in the reproductive system. This means that in the pipe itself or between the ovary and the royal tube there connective tissue. This happens after operations, inflammation, endometriosis. During spikes, the impassability of uterine pipes is often raised.

Fortunately, to conceive and endure a child today at any condition of pipes and even in their absence. It is difficult to view the state of reproductive organs and adhesions on them. Exists effective method Diagnostics - laparoscopy. If it is revealed that the spike is overlapped, plastic can be carried out. Also, with the help of laparoscope, the patency of pipes is estimated and the nature of the upcoming operations is determined.

In rare cases, thanks to the efforts of doctors, the pregnancy during spikes comes. True, with a high probability of pathology - ectopic pregnancy, this is the attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterus. If such a violation is detected, then a woman is sent to an immediate operation of laparoscopy or at a weighty operation.

Is pregnancy possible when inflammation of the ovaries?

Against the background of inflammatory processes in the ovaries, a frozen pregnancy can develop, infection of the fetus, have premature childbirth or miscarriage, there is no embryo in a fruine egg.

In principle, it is impossible to exclude pregnancy in inflammation of the appendages and the absence of seals that create the obstruction of pipes, and microorganisms, which can also prevent the normal path of the egg.

Frequently recorded complications during pregnancy or spontaneous interruption of pregnancy in its very beginning, as inflammation is inhibited ovulation and the body does not make a hormone of progesterone. If there are suspicions of inflammation of the appendages, then it is necessary to be carefully examined, since there is a possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

Many cases of conception are distinguished by low attachment of the fetal egg and predisposition to bleeding, thromobics and placenta detachment. To evaluate the chances of a woman on motherhood, you need to treat it right, pass the ultrasound, pass the entire spectrum of analyzes. Treatment usually includes hormonal agents, anti-inflammatory medicines and vitamins.

What to make a man to pregnant?

The woman will become faster if her partner is healthy and makes all possible efforts to improve the quality of sperm as its own genetic material. Obviously, when planning children, speech cannot go about the reception of any alcohol, smoking.

Healthy lifestyle, adequate physical exertion and prevention of stressful situations in relations are welcome. Stress in a woman may be the cause of ovulation failures. In smokers and drinking men, the sperm and there are many non-visual sperm and among them, so conception becomes either impossible, either by poor-quality - a lot of complications occurs during pregnancy and the child is born with deviations.

If a man has health problems, he must first decide to fully solve them, and then plan to plan their children. Also, a man can increase the chances of conception through the selection of the most successful posts of sex so that the sperm makes it easier to penetrate the cervix.

The future dad should pay a lot of attention to your health, eat and maintain my soul mate.

How to get pregnant:check and correct the health of both partners, pick up a favorable day and commit unprotected sexual act

How to conceive a girl?

When the risk of transmitting a certain disease is detected only by the offspring of the male, parents try to conceive the girl. There is a mass of methods with unproved efficiency. Today, one hundred percent method is known - this is an overlapping genetic diagnosis, it is practiced only in combination with ECO. A female egg takes and placed in a medical capacitance, its fertilization occurs, after 3-5 days information appears on how this floor will be. The embryo can be examined for pathologies.

True, the technique is not used in all countries. To comply with ethical standards, such diagnostics are done strictly according to the testimony of doctors.

To enhance the chances of conceiving a girl, you need to have sex 2 days before the alleged ovulation. To accurately calculate ovulation, you can use pharmaceutical tests.

In addition, it is possible to plan the floor of the child today by a group of blood and a rhesus factor, you can tell you the doctor.

Specific food habits also increase the chances of pregnancy with a girl. For example, for this, a future mother is recommended to limit the consumption of potatoes, meat, sugar, salt. Calcium, magnesium must prevail in food. It is useful to eat vegetables, such as carrots, beets, onions, cucumber. In the women's menu to conceive the girl, do not do without rice, seafood, eggs, milk and fruit with the exception of peaches, bananas.

How to conceive a boy?

Mom and dad will be useful to know that the probability of conception of a male child is higher if intimate proximity occurred strictly on the day of ovulation or immediately the next day. There is also a boy planning technique according to blood. It turns out that women's blood is updated every 3 years, men's every 4 years. It is believed that whose blood will be more young at the time of conception, that sex will be offspring.

It is also interesting that women who receive good nutrition more often give birth to sons, and with a scarce diet daughters. To predispose your body to conceive exactly the boy, you need to focus on products with potassium and limit as far as possible calcium, magnesium. It is recommended to constantly saline food and eat canned cucumbers, fish, legumes, rice, mushrooms, sausage and egg squirrels.

To conceive a boy, fruit drinks or fruits in pure form, such as peach, banana, dates. Also include in the teas and hydrocarbonate diet mineral water. When planning a son, it is necessary to less use dairy products, nuts, pall beans, chocolate, baking with milk and eggs, cocoa, seafood, calcium mineral water.

Vitamins for conception

Popular means in planning pregnancy are folic acid and vitamin E. There are many vitamin complexes and formation forms of drugs, the optimal version for both spouses will select the attending physician. Before using any vitamin, you need to read the instructions and study contraindications.

How to drink vitamin E to get pregnant?

If there are no gynecological problems, then the future mom is usually prescribed 3 capsules at 100 mg per day. When any complications are predicted, the dose of two is raised. Tocopherol is recommended to take up to childbirth, it is also worth adding products to this vitamin.

How to take folic acid for conception?

To ensure a child, all the necessary women require about 400-800 μg of Folazin daily. The question of increasing the dose with the deficiency of vitamin B9 is solved by the attending physician. To successfully conceive the folic acid begin 3 months before conception.

What is infertility?

If the couple after long attempts can not have children, then the diagnosis of infertility is often raised. It is not necessary to immediately lower your hands, even if unsuccessful attempts have been going on for several years. It should be borne in mind that a huge number of women cannot become pregnant due to improper planning of married proximity relative to the menstrual cycle or the presence of hidden diseases.

It is known that infertility can be psychological soil. Perhaps for any reason, the woman at the subconscious level does not want to have the offspring specifically with this partner. Fortunately, today you can get competent support and adjust your consciousness. Simple psychological techniques, conversations with a psychologist or psychotherapist help bring their thoughts in order, look into your soul and understand relationship with your husband or cohabitant.

To date, in addition to the psychological cause, the following factors causing infertility are known:

  • chromosomal pathologies;
  • obstruction or lack of uterine pipes;
  • immunological infertility;
  • spikes in a small pelvis;
  • endocrine pathologies - malfunctions in the hormonal system;
  • pathology of the uterus or her absence;
  • endometriosis.

Such areas of medicine as gynecology, reproductology and Andrology offer a solution to the problem of infertility. For example, a surgical restoration of the work of the uterine pipes of a woman or the seed canals of a man can be carried out. Also, the ECO Industry is actively developing today, with such a fertilization, twins are often born.

Signs to get pregnant

It turns out that it is possible to stimulate ovulation not only by medicines with the help of doctors, but also by folk remedies. If you apply some kind of herbal agent at home, then do it with caution. Superstition and grandmother signs do not mean health risk, but also do not guarantee conception.

It can be refer to a superstition seriously or with humor, but still there are some beliefs:

  • when planning a child, you need to buy children's things - when we visualize our desires, they are faster than;
  • you can go on a trip by holy places, then the highest forces will help get pregnant;
  • ficus and willow in the house contribute to the birth of offspring;
  • it is impossible to call himself fruitless or argue that there will be no children in the family, since words and thoughts are material;
  • you need to stop worrying and release your desire to get pregnant, try to improve life and do good deeds, perhaps the goal itself will be achieved;
  • you can go on a long vacation to warm countries along with the spouse, in such cases the likelihood of conception increases;
  • an adoption of someone else's child often conjugates with the subsequent birth of his children;
  • you can apply clothes for pregnant women, sit in place, where you just sat the future mother, drink from her glass or just stroke the belly;
  • it is necessary to briefly and clearly formulate their desire and sincerely believe that it has almost turned out;
  • if the homeless animal will be randomly falling in need, it is better to shelter it;
  • if you stick to the Orthodox faith, then prayer to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child should be sent to Holy Joachim and Anna, Peter and Fevronia;
  • no appeal to the astrologer, he can make a plan favorable days for different lifestyles, including conception;
  • if it is possible, it is advisable to eat kumys daily;
  • hang a ribbon on the fruit tree;
  • on the day of his wedding, chat with a pregnant woman or hold on the babies handles;
  • meditation and self-compliance - effective tools to attract forces and achieve goals;
  • the future mother should have a rest to his brain, do not overload emotionally;
  • you can plan a pregnancy in the lunar calendar;
  • sex at 2 o'clock in the morning contributes to conception;
  • go well on the mud or therapeutic water resort;
  • acupuncture predisposes to pregnancy;
  • get married with her husband;
  • to get pregnant, you need to tie a red thread on the wrist and walk with this faucer, the thread will remind you of your desire;
  • to get pregnant with a boy, you need to put a knife under the bed, a drink, a stone or an ax - this is men's accessories;
  • according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, there should be no corners in the bedroom, all kinds of Chinese attributes contribute to harmony and successful conception;
  • on the married bed should be one solid mattress, and not two connected together;
  • contact a specialist in Feng Shui, it will tell you how to put the bed is valid specifically in your residential room.

Folk remedies to get pregnant

List of grasses for conception

Can be purchased in a pharmacy healing herbs and drink brazers strictly in accordance with the attached instructions (also carefully examine the section of contraindications female grass). So, in improving reproductive features help:

  • boring uterus;
  • red brush;
  • hilb Grass;
  • herba deer;
  • linden;
  • flax seeds;
  • dill seeds;
  • plantain seeds;
  • sage;
  • maryan Root.

Application of a red brush, sage and plantain for conception

Folk Lekari know exactly how to drink a red brush to get pregnant. They believe that it is necessary to take a decoction from 14 to 28 days of the cycle for one or one and a half months and it will help stimulate ovulation.

Also consider how to brew sage to get pregnant. We take a teaspoon of the pharmacy chalf and pour a glass of water, insist and filter. Infusion drink daily to food for 60 milliliters, only 3 receptions, it is advisable not to take the remedy before bedtime. It is worth abiding with this plant, it has a pronounced effect on the body and the uncontrolled consumption of herbal tea can cause any unpredictable consequences.

It is known that the plantain is used when planning pregnancy. Most likely, few people helped become pregnant the seeds of the plantain as such. It is likely that this natural remedy was applied to a whole complex of other medical, folk and secrets and activities. The plantain decoction does not distort the menstrual cycle, so you can drink it on any days. This tool contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background. To cook it, we take a teaspoon of seeds and brew boiling water. Boil infusion for 5 minutes. Warm tea drinking 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. His women and men are accepted.

Despite the popularity of folk remedies, they should not be carried away. It is better to treat with traditional medicines and apply herbs only according to the doctor's testimony.

If you have health problems, and you have decided to have a child, then you need to fully rely on medical care. After examining a man and women, the doctor will choose the most secure, effective and fast method of planning offspring.