Urgent money ritual. Conspiracy to get money quickly Nim's spell for money

It often happens that money is urgently needed, but there is nowhere to take it. It remains only to use the spell to urgently receive money.

For this you will need:

  • Green candle
  • Vegetable oil
  • Dry powdered basil

Write on the candle your name and the exact amount of money that is urgently needed now.

Grease the candle with oil and roll it in the basil. Light a candle and say: "Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket!"

Here's another ritual that works(tried it myself):

Combing your hair - making your dream of wealth come true!

By combing your hair (or beard), you can start the implementation of any ideas! Stand in front of a mirror and, looking into your eyes, brush your hair rhythmically. At the same time, imagine that money is falling on you from above, a whole rain, a shower of money!

This simple ritual can be performed daily, except for adverse lunar days... But it is especially effective on the 3rd and 4th lunar days.

For those who find all the above actions stupid, I remind you that you are performing a ritual. Rituals reflect our goals and intentions. They are more than psychological tricks, as they transform energy into action, and this is the essence of magic!

What simple but important steps to take to enable the fulfillment of desires

Spell to quickly raise money

It should only be used when money is badly needed, NEVER for profit!

We do on the table magic circle of 10 gold coins, inside the circle we put a bowl of holy water. Light 1 candle and place it in front of a bowl of water.

We read: "Let the pockets be filled, let the money come to my house, soon as this bowl is filled with water."

We take 10 coins and throw them into the bowl one by one, saying:

  • I wish you wealth!
  • I wish you success!
  • I wish you happiness!
  • I wish you prosperity!
  • I wish you abundance!
  • I wish you health!
  • I wish you help!
  • I wish that money came into my life!
  • I wish it all!
  • and so be it!

We leave everything on the table until the candle burns out.

Another ritual , it is completely harmless and helps a lot (everyone who tried it - say the worker and I confirm!).

I will say right away that it should be done in the first week of the new moon and preferably on Thursday.

Because: the color of money is green

element of money - metal

number of money - five

planet of money - jupiter

day of rituals for money - Thursday.

In a metal can green color omit 55 coins for 5 or 50 kopecks. Close the hole in the jar with wax.

On the day of the new moon, you need to go around the apartment with this bank 3 times clockwise, rattling it like a rattle and calling for money. While walking around the apartment, mentally imagine what exactly you need money for, how much you need and what you will buy with it. You can order a specific amount of money. After the ritual, the bank is removed until the next new moon. Everything is very simple and effective!

I wish everyone more money, joy and fulfillment of all desires!

This is a spell to quickly raise money. It should only be used when you badly need money, never for profit.

First, create a circle.

Then you will need 10 coins of 1 ruble each, a bowl and consecrated water.

Light 2 green candles and place a bowl between them. Then fill the cup with blessed water and say:

Let the pockets be filled, let the money come to my scrap as soon as I fill the vessel with water.

Then take the coins one at a time and, throwing them into the water, read the spell one phrase for each

I wish wealth, I wish success,

I wish you happiness

I wish for gold

I wish silver

I wish abundance

I wish you health

I want help

I wish that money came into my life,

I wish it all, and so be it!

Leave the candles to burn out and go to bed. In the morning, sprinkle water from a container of the piggy bank in the corners of the dwelling and pour the remaining water on the threshold. Place the coins along the windowsill, and in the evening, when you pour the coins saved for the day into the glass piggy bank, throw them there too.

Money spell

You will need a green candle vegetable oil, basil powder. Write your name and the exact amount of money that you urgently need on the candle. Grease the candle with oil and dip in the basil. Light a candle saying:

Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket.

Magic spell to get money

Even after a simple reading of this spell, after a while money will literally fall on you, or you will not know where rich relatives or sponsors will appear, and the like! It's incredible, but true!

Nima! Ogawakul to san ivabzi, he is eineshuksi ov san idev en and; mishan makinjlod meyalvatso y and ezhokya ishan iglod man ivatso i; send man shad yinshusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, yovt yalov will be hell, eovt eivtsrats tedi-irp ad, eovt yami yastityavs hell! Heseben en her. Jerzy shan something yenin and avale,

(three times :) yulimop, idopsog idar ogeovt yenemi ashan ishomen ileisi and itesop iytyavs; ashan yinokuzzeb ytsorp okydalv; ashan iherg itsicho, idopsog; san yulimop, etsiort yatyavserp. Nima. Wokev ikev and onsirp and yenin and, worse umoyavs and unys and uito avale.

(three times :) san yulimop, yintremseb yityavs, yyk-perk yytyavs, yytyavs. Ashan ishud, yazhob, isaps i, yn-revks yaikyasv to yn itsicho iynv yatslesv and idiirp, yuleta-dop life and higalb yeshivorkos, iayanlopsi yasv and yys edzev hedgehogs, ynitsi yeshud, yuletishenu, yytsinse. Fuck avale, shan ezhob, fuck avale. Nima. San Yulimop, Hytyavs Hesv and Heretam Yaeovt Yytsicherp Idar Vtilom, Yizhob Enys, Et-Sirkh Yesusii Idopsog.

Umonsherg enm idub witsolim Nima. Akhud ogatyavs and anys and AUTO YAMI OV.

against financial difficulties

If you have financial problems, despite the fact that you are fighting like a fish on ice at work, do the following.

On your birthday, take a handful of wheat and buckwheat and drop it at the intersection at noon of the same day. If the birds eat them before sunset, the money problem will go away forever.

At night on a growing moon, or better on a full moon, when there are many stars in the sky, go to any fruit-bearing tree with leaves until the fruits are ripe on it.

Hug him and repeat 7 times:

There are countless stars in the sky, and they all hold on; there are countless leaves on the tree (shake it a little), they do not fall, so it would be with me, the servant of God (name), the day yellow, silver, green would never be translated.

Let it be so!

Whisper, having with you 50 yellow and 50 silver (white) coins and one large bill-

This money is "spoken" - they should not be spent, as they will "call" others to themselves.

    By the way, all rich people use the services of white magicians, then Feng Shui or something else mystical. Why don't ordinary people increase their finances a little too? Thanks for the article, I will definitely use the advice, I will make a conspiracy. I believe in it, I am sure that everything will work out and my finances will grow. I advise others not to wait for the weather from the sea, but to act


    The advice in this article helped me, the first time I did something like this 10 years ago, after university, then there were financial problems, and I remember that I was almost immediately taken to a good position. And the second time was recently, I went on maternity leave, my earnings decreased and I decided to try something of my own. True, they decided to hold a ceremony, so that everything would work out for sure!

    There were constant problems with money. It was not enough for that, then for that. But I wanted more! And in the evening I came across this site. I decided to make a rite of white magic for wealth. A couple of days later, I won a lot of money in the lottery! I decided not to stop and do more. After a couple of days I got a promotion at work! I started getting much more. Now I recommend this site to anyone who has the same problems as I did. Thank you!

    During my studies at the university, there was always a lack of money. I had to constantly earn extra money, but this was not enough. One friend told me about white magic and I decided to read about it on the Internet. Came across this site. I decided to try a conspiracy for money. After a couple of days, I managed to find a great job with a salary higher than I could have imagined! They said that their employee quit, they urgently need a replacement, and I was very lucky. But I know it's not luck! Thanks to this article for helping me so much! I recommend to all!

    And these conspiracies do no harm to a person? I want to try a few, but I'm afraid it will only get worse. I liked the rite of white magic for wealth, I will probably carry it out and see the result. This is how a piggy bank turns out. And who's financial situation improved, what kind of conspiracies did you do? And did it improve immediately or after a certain time?

    These fortune-telling are very useful and relevant to me, once I have already tried something similar, when there were financial difficulties, I remember what worked, there was an opportunity to quickly earn a good amount. I believe that it will work out now, especially the word white in the title of fortune-telling carries a positive motive.

    The article seemed very useful and interesting. I always wondered why some are bathed in money, while others can hardly scrape together for a piece of bread, starve, deny themselves everything. I have a dream to live in wealth, not to deny myself and my children anything, but working 50 hours a week does not allow me to do this. I'll try to make a conspiracy, I hope it helps.

    I read about such a conspiracy in the open spaces of boarding schools, and the most effective thing is that I heard from a friend whom I recently met in a store. In my memory, she was from a poor family, she never allowed herself luxury. And then I saw her in a fur coat, with an expensive phone, in branded clothes ... I didn't even recognize her at first. She secretly told me about this conspiracy, she had no hope at all, she turned to your website. I was convinced with my own eyes, I will also fulfill the conspiracy.

    After the divorce from my husband, it became much more difficult with finances, since he was the main capital in our family. There was simply no time left for one more job, so I had to make a choice in favor of the children. I stumbled upon a conspiracy, did it. I am writing already because there is a result that pleased me very much. There is no need for another job, I was promoted on my current one and my salary was almost doubled!

    I hide from my wife and daughter, but I am a very gambling person and last month I lost a large sum in casinos and slot machines. I was ashamed to admit, I still haven't told the girls, but they didn't even feel like it. I came across your site, asked for advice from a fortune-teller friend from the village where I grew up, I will definitely do it. I hope that after the conspiracy, only luck will accompany my hobbies.

    These conspiracies are quite famous and popular. I know for sure that our politicians and stars use them. They enhance the effect of your work and effort. Yes, yes, and you thought it was just luck and luck? Do not tell me) I also use them and do not complain about loans and lack of money. Work on your destiny and everything will be fine.

    My great-grandmother taught me to say this way: “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen". I read in this article that this is a white magic spell for money. I just thought of it as protection. She also told me to always carry a mirror in my pocket. That's what I do. Here I also looked at this conspiracy "Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket." I will also use

    Help me with advice on how to get rid of debt. Two years ago I was fond of slot machines and since then I have not been able to get out of the debt hole. I work, but my salary is not enough for anything. Which of these conspiracies are the most powerful and bring instant results? He has already performed rituals of white magic for wealth.

    My money, too, went down the drain. I became interested in conspiracies and spells. I have already read this site up and down. I don't know what exactly worked, but mine financial situation is gradually improving. While I will continue to repeat everything I do. I regret that I did not start helping myself with white magic earlier.

    I have tried so many times to invest somewhere in order to multiply money ... well, deposits in banks are now completely unprofitable, but there is not enough money ... I want to eat, and take care of myself, and buy myself something, and take a rest, and the car wants to eat ... I will try conspiracies, only necessarily white ones !!! I love denyuzhki very much, but they are not easy to earn

    Financial problems arise regularly. I climbed on your site, now I was throwing a link to conspiracies to everyone I knew, I decided on a conspiracy of white magic for wealth. After that, I soon got lucky with a lottery ticket! I saw you have conspiracies for a lottery ticket, you also need to try.

    With white envy I envy people who do not know financial problems. Who can easily want and buy, who can not count the receipt when buying products in the store, so that it is enough and does not have to spread at the checkout. We live very frugally, we are just tired, sick of work, of bills, of lack of money. I will turn to a knowledgeable woman with this conspiracy, let an intelligent person in this matter help me

    Good afternoon. I don't know how much conspiracies will help, but legally I am powerless to remain in this situation: a year and a half ago, my husband, without consulting me, lent money to family friends. At that time, they could afford it, they lived in abundance, and friends had financial difficulties just. It's been 1.5 years now, and the situation has changed a bit. Yes, we are not in poverty, but there are a number of problems associated with money, they are needed very much now. But everything returned to normal for friends, the debt was returned. But it seems that along with the debt, the husband passed on our financial well-being to them. Do you need to do something in this case? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I believe that this kind of conspiracies, especially in terms of finance, need to be dealt with by an intelligent person who knows all the nuances and requirements, and the conspiracies themselves by mouth. It is a very risky business, because I myself am absolutely not a professional, I can screw it up. It is always easier to lose than to earn, especially now, during a never-ending crisis.

    This attracts, because working in our country in the civil service (I live in Belarus, Mogilev region), it is not at all clear how you can save money or build housing. The salaries are penny, but you also want to leave something for the children and help them financially ... The question arose in me, which coins are better to take (by color, at face value, which country)?

    It happens that you live in prosperity and confidence in the future, and then everything collapses literally in one moment, and you understand how precarious your position is now ... I have no confidence in my business, everything depends on the state, every day with good earnings, I understand that everything turned out well and thank you for it. Do conspiracies really help? I would just like to keep at least the current state of affairs, so as not to be worse.

    A couple of weeks ago I went to an interview in one office, got off the bus and did not understand where to go, an unfamiliar area, I am not guided well. I asked a woman bystander how to get there. We talked, said that I was going there for an interview. She advised me to ask God for luck and finances to help. I don’t know how it worked, but they took me and my salary was higher than it was indicated in the vacancy, I’ve been working there for the second week, everything is fine so far.

    All conspiracies, including those for money, work on the principle of belief in it, there is a place for self-hypnosis of a person, which is very cool. Many films on self-development advise to think, visualize, play in your imagination (about love, about wealth). In general, without the power of thought and faith, all these conspiracies do not work, believe me.

    I once read on the Internet that even scientists have proven that spell water changes its structure. (the arrangement of molecules, atoms there, some angles of their arrangement, I am not a chemist or a physicist, therefore I am not strong in the formulations of these). So the power of the word is and works, money, like water, you need to talk, the main thing is to positively tune in to the result.

    Prayers really help me in my life. Once I even asked for help with a prayer for a missing thing. The love spell on the apple somehow helped, I found it on the Internet,
    it was written that he was not strong, but nevertheless worked. Now I want to try it for money, I'm waiting for the growing moon.

    Conspiracies work, 100%. Only it is imperative to approach them with sense, faith, positive attitude. To do everything clearly, as knowledgeable people write, and even better to consult with an intelligent person so as not to make mistakes and not screw up, because you can harm and bring something bad to yourself, be careful, do not deviate from the instructions

    At one time, a conspiracy to work helped me a lot. I got a job, and with a good salary, after the conspiracy, everything happened in about 2 weeks. He quit, however, after a couple of years, he was very tired of work, but he managed to earn good money. So the conspiracies work, but the question is whether for how long.

    Girls, I was so fond of all this in my childhood, I did a lot of conspiracies for happiness, money, children and much more, I just found my grandmother's notebook with a huge number of conspiracies (I wonder where they were taken then, there was no Internet). Is it possible to somehow cleanse yourself and make them anew? A familiar grandmother appeared who could help, but before going to her, she decided to take an interest here so that she could go clean from those children's things.

    A couple of years ago, I was carried away by all sorts of signs, conspiracies. My husband generally called me a witch and laughed at me at one time, but this did not stop me and still does not stop me. Six months after the beginning of my hobby, I was promoted at work, my salary was increased. Believe it or not, it works. Most likely, it is in our subconscious, of course.

    In difficult times (in terms of finances) I take all the coins from my wallet, at the crossroads (while I’m waiting for the bus or the green light of the traffic light), I squeeze them into my fist in my pocket, firmly, tightly and mentally very strongly ask to save me from difficulties, bring them into my life is more money. Then I bless this money and either give it to someone in the passage or donate it to the church in the store. I think in this way I cleanse myself and let go of my problems, and at the same time I do good for someone.

    Hello. Made a ritual of three candles: white, green, brown. But when I connected them, the green candle went out. I didn’t stop at half of the ritual, I finished it.
    How can you attract customers on the Internet (ad)?

    As I read that in any transactions with money, you need to say the right thoughts to yourself, it became noticeably better financially. I especially do not part with this phrase: “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen". It turns out that it works, the cash flow is attracted.

    And I put my wallet on the windowsill on the full moon so that it is also saturated with lunar energy (full moon) and attracts money to itself. And by the way, I noticed, they can write out a bonus, or offer a task for an additional monetary reward, so it works very well.

    Very good exercise to attract money is to take, for example, all your paycheck and go shopping and allow your imagination whatever it wants. For example: I want a new bag or boots and you say to yourself, of course, I have money for this. The main thing is to respond positively to all your requests in thoughts, not to say no and money will be attracted

This ritual for money makes it possible get a certain amount of money... Psychic Elena Yasevich recommends conducting a ceremony on the growing moon, since at this time the moon has powerful growth energy.

A money ritual is done with the aim of obtaining a specific amount. You shouldn't make a million dollar fortune. The amount must be real and must have a precise purpose. That is, if you need money to buy a car, furniture, training, a new dress, vacation and other similar purposes, then this ritual will suit you.

On any day of the waxing moon, retire to a quiet room. Take a green taper and write the amount of money you need on it. Be sure to indicate the currency in which you want to receive money. You can write on a candle with an ordinary pen or the point of a needle. Be sure to think over the amount in advance - write no more and no less than the one that is vital for you now.

After that, light a candle and read the conspiracy: “The money is coming. Money is growing. Money will find its way into my pocket ”.

Candle should burn out completely. During this time, it is advisable not to spend a penny.

How and when will this money ritual work? According to Elena Yasevich, the rite begins after the conspiracy has been pronounced. The energy inherent in your intention and word begins to gradually translate into life.

After this ritual, the most successful time for all decisive actions and financial issues is the period until the full moon. It is on these days that you may have the opportunity to make money, or there will be an opportunity to buy what you have planned.

Don't expect that the desired amount will fall on you from the sky, this does not happen. All the money attracted through rituals and conspiracies appears in our life in completely ordinary ways, just sometimes, we do not notice or do not want to notice, waiting for the manna from heaven. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.05.2015 09:50

Life is unpredictable, and very often situations arise when a certain amount is urgently needed, which is not available in ...

Candles are used very often in magic. Each ritual needs its own candle. It turns out that in order to achieve that ...