The longest car tunnel. La Mans: The longest underwater tunnel in the world, which turned out to be unprofitable. Railway tunnel sean

Tunnels are a real miracle of architecture, which originates from quite a long time. As a rule, before people used underground tunnels For shelter from enemies and secret transitions from one place to another. To date, the tunnels are elevated in completely different purposes - they allow you to reduce the path of the train or car, as well as combine different countries among themselves. And there are such underground structureswho have considerable sizes. So what are the longest tunnels in the world, and where are they located?

Railway tunnel sean

This tunnel, located in Japan and connecting Honshu and Hokkaido, in our time is the longest in the world - in its length, it equals 53900 meters. It is even difficult to imagine how much time it takes to make a walking trip from the beginning to the end of the tunnel of the Sean. Moreover, it is considered not only among the rail, but also among the underwater tunnels. The longest tunnel began its work in 1988. It was spent on its construction approximately $ 360,000,000.

Nowadays, this tunnel is used for destination not so often as it was before. The reason for the very popularity of airlines, which also allow people to save time and cash. But it can be confident not to say that the construction of this building led to the fact that Japan is currently a strong and united country. It is worth noting that the sequence is in the world the longest until the Gothard tunnel will be launched, the construction of which is in Switzerland.

Railway Gotard Tunnel

This facility will be the longest tunnel in the world, since it will be 57,000 meters. The construction of this structure is underway for 14 years and it is planned that trains on it will begin its movement since 2017. Locking it was carried out under the mountain pass Saint-Gothard, where the name of the tunnel itself came from. Its main purpose is the message through the Alps using railway transport.

The Gothard tunnel is designed in such a way that the trains on it moved in the counter direction. It is assumed that the movement of high-speed trains on this tunnel will take place at a speed of 250 km / h, and cargo trains will move at no less than 160 km / h. In the meantime, this tunnel is still preparing to become the longest in the world, consider another tunnels that are impressive with their length.

The length of this tunnel, located under La Mansha and connecting the United States (Folkstone) and France (Calais), is 50500 meters. His construction was started back in the distant 1802, but was stopped due to the political situation and fluctuations from the British side. But in 1988, the construction of the structure was resumed, and in 1994, the railway tunnel began to act. On the tunnel moves the largest train in the world, which transports cars and is called "Eurotunnel Shuttle".

Despite the fact that Eurotonnel is inferior to the world's longest tunnel in the world for a total length, it has a much greater underwater plot - approximately 39,000 meters, which is 14,700 meters longer than the underwater sequence. Evtoronnel, though it has a special role when creating a message of Britain and the mainland, but from an economic point of view is considered unprofitable.

Mountain tunnel Löchberg

It is the longest land tunnel, which is quite young compared to other similar structures, since it was built in 2006, and became used in 2007. It took only two years and all this thanks to innovative technologies that were used.

This Swiss tunnel has a length of 34,700 meters. According to him, the train moves both passenger and cargo. This tunnel allows tourists by the poorest path To get to the Warlish thermal resorts - in this way, these resorts visit more than 20,000 Switzerland residents.

Car Lerdal Tunnel

This tunnel, located in Norway, is the longest among the automotive. Its length is equal to 24,500 meters. This tunnel was developed on modern standards. It consists of four parts, each of which is covered in a special way - the effect of natural lighting is ensured (if there is a dawn on the street, then in the tunnel will also imitate the morning lighting, and if the sunset, then the lighting like twilight light). A positive point is also the fact that you do not need to pay for travel on the tunnel - it is absolutely free.

Humanity boasts great achievements. One of them is tunnels. This is rightfully real wonders of architecture. The development and improvement of them occurred and always will occur.

Who and when invented the tunnels is unknown. It is assumed that such structures take their beginning with the caves that people in antiquity used in the role of dwellings.

The modern role of buildings has changed somewhat. In the civilized period of the tunnels are used as a secret passage, a positive plan. Often they were used for shelters from enemies.

In modern times the role of tunnels has changed significantly. Now this is the main environment for high-speed movement. The structure of structures has a standard scheme in different countries. But the length and equipment of such tunnels can differ significantly.

1. Gotard basic tunnel

Its length is 57.00 km. It is often referred to as the Gothar base tunnel. Used as the main railway construction of Switzerland. His length is the maximum worldwide.

If you include all moves (pedestrian and service) length, it will be about 152 km. The southern end of the design is located near the village of Bodio, the North - the village of Ersfed. The construction was originally created for railway needs. With this tunnel, it was possible to create a message through the Alps.

At the moment, this message is closed - the discovery of the design is planned at the end of 2017. In general, the construction of the tunnel through the Alps lasted as much as 14 years.

2. Sea

The length of the structure is almost 54 meters (53.9 meters). The longest underwater tunnel in world practice. Built for the message of two Japanese islands Hokkaido and Honsu.

Translated its name means "majestic sight" and this is true. The design has an underwater part (about 23.3 km), since the tunnel runs under the Sangai Strait.

3. Eurotonnel, 49.94 km long

The design is laid under the La Mans. Connects between Folkstone (Count of Kent from the UK) and Kale (part of France).

The tunnel is not the longest in the world, but has the longest underwater part (as much as 39 km, which is 14.7 km more than at Seicana). The tunnel was officially opened in 1994. Since then, he has been working trouble daily, moving through the flow of millions of people.

4. Hereberg, 34.70 km long

Representative of the longest land tunnel. Located on Bern Milan, in Switzerland. The design was created in the middle of the 20th century. She managed to combine the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bern area and interlaken with the Brig and Zermatt zone.

5. Guadaram Tunnel, Long 28, 37 km

It takes the 5th place ranking. This is a Spanish railway project, which was created in the early 2000s. Official discovery took place in December 2007.

Since then, people have received a unique opportunity to get from Madrid to Valladolid and back. He received the title of the longest and demanded device in all of Spain.

6. IWATE-ICHINOHE TUNNEL, the duration of which is 25.81 km.

This is an example of an underground railway construction in Japan. Connects between his two distant cities - Tokyo and Aomori. The discovery of the structure took place in 2002. The tunnel received the title of the longest, underground railway facilities in the world.

7. Hakkoda, length 26.5 km

Refers to the longest land designs of Japan. The length of its railway segment is equal to almost 27 km.

8. Lerdal tunnel

The length of this design is about 24.5 km. He is rightly called the longest automotive tunnel. Built for 5 years, opened in 2000. Connects two remote municipality - Lerdal and Eurlan, which are located in Norway.

The tunnel is part of the European car expensive between Oslo and Bergen. Mountains, through which the structure passes sometimes can reach 1600 meters and above.

The design feature is the presence of 3 significant in size of artificial caves (grottoes). They are approximately at an equal distance from each other. Thus, the entire tunnel is divided into 4 approximately equal sections. This is done specifically. Similarly managed to minimize drivers.

Proven, long-term movement in monotonous conditions strongly tires the driver. Also in such grumps it is convenient to unfold, stop at rest.

Special designer lighting of grotts, the special device of the track make a trip over the tunnel more exciting. The duration of moving n constructions is no more than 20 minutes.

9. Daishimizu Tunnel, with a length of 22.20 km

Japanese tunnel, created for the Railway Connection of Niigata and Tokyo. All construction work was completed in 1978. He entered the story not only as the longest, but also the most tragic tunnel. The fact is that during its construction in the construction there was a huge fire.

As a result, 16 workers died.
Thanks to the opening of the construction, the time spent on the road decreased by approximately one and a half hours. In addition, the construction of the tunnel made it possible to find a spring drinking water. Due to this, natural drinking water began production not far from the tunnel.

10. Wushaoling Tunnel, length - 21.05 km

The only one-of-a-kind railway tunnel, which was opened in 2006. Located in the north-west of China. Created for a message of the two ends of the province of Gansu.

The design allowed to reduce the distance between Dakigoou and Longhoa by 30.5 km. He received the title of the longest railway construction in all of China. Can take train at a speed of 160 km / h. The maximum depth of the structure is 1100 m.

In the ideas of humanity - the construction of the longest, grandeur comfortable tunnel of the future. We are talking about the Japanese-Korean tunnel. Its length is supposed to be about 187 km. The design must combine the Japan and the southern part of Korea. Negotiations on the start of construction work have already begun, but are underway for a long time.

March 1, 1880and the construction of the railway tunnel On the pass Saint Gothard In Switzerland, the most complex engineering structure of those times that has become a symbol of the subordination of Nature by man. And today we will tell about several the greatest and most significant tunnels in the world - from the already mentioned Saint Gotard in the Alps to the Marmaray Lines opened in October 2013, each of whom marked the new milestone in the development of his country.

Gotard tunnel. Switzerland

Saint-Gotard Pass in the Alps is known in Russia thanks to the feat of the commander Alexander Suvorov, with great difficulty and losses of the fall of 1799 through him. And in 1880, overcome the mountains in the area, it became much easier, because the construction of a 15-kilometer railway tunnel was completed there, one of the most famous such structures in the world. He significantly simplified the movement of goods in Europe, and also became one of the pledges of the economic well-being of Switzerland.

In 1980, near the age-old railway tunnel was opened and a car length of 16.9 kilometers. And now the construction of an even more large-scale structure on the Saint-Gotard Pass is a 57-kilometer railway tunnel, which after commissioning it in 2017 will become the longest in the world.

Tunnel San. Japan

In 1954, a tragic event occurred in Japan - during an unprecedented storm in the Sangar Strait between the Islands Honsu and Hokkaido, five passenger ferries sank, which led to the death of more than a thousand people. And it was far from the first such catastrophe in this place - ships running between the two largest Japanese Islands, sitting regularly during the centuries. To finally solve this problem, the Government of Japan decided to build a tunnel under the strait.

Work on this building began in 1964 and lasted for more than twenty years. Outdoor in 1988 54-kilometer Saican became the longest railway tunnel in the world and keeps this record so far.

In 1988, about 3 million passengers took advantage of the services of the Sangan tunnel, in 1999 - 2 million, and in 2009 - a little more than a million. For comparison, the annual passenger traffic between Honsu and Hokkaido - ten times more. But as a cargo road, this tunnel has no worthy competitors.

Eurotonnel. France-United Kingdom

It is difficult to believe, but the idea about the construction of the tunnel between France and the UK appeared even at the end of the eighteenth - the beginning of the nineteenth century, and Napoleon Bonaparte himself spoke by the "customer" of the project. But real advancement in this direction began only after World War II, the construction itself started only in December 1987.

The solemn opening of the Eurotonnel took place on May 6, 1994 with the participation of Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II and French President Jacques Chirac. Tunnels (only three: two transport and one technical) are used as railway - on both sides there are high-speed trains TGV Eurostar and Eurotunnel Shuttle connecting London with Paris and Brussels. Eurotonnel accounts for 67% of passenger traffic between France and England.

Lerdal tunnel. Norway

Built in Norway in 1995-2000, the Lerdal tunnel can be called the most beautiful similar engineering structure on the planet. In addition, this is the longest automobile tunnel in the world, because its length is 24.5 kilometers.

To at least a little diversify the route of promotion and remove the voltage from drivers, the architects who worked on the Lerdal tunnel were divided into four approximately equal parts of three artificial caves. Each of these grots has its own illumination color, which gives the engineering object originality and beauty. You can also stop in these caves, parked in special sumps, and a little rest.

Ereysoon bridge. Denmark, Sweden

It is not quite logical that the bridge, connecting the two Scandinavian countries - Denmark and Norway, got into the list of the greatest tunnels of the world. But there is no mistake in this fact, because of almost 12 kilometers of the length of this construction 4050 meters underground.

At such an extraordinary solution, the architects of the Erezunsky bridge went for the reason that it was in this place that the glide of aircraft, heading to Copenhagen Airport, and it cannot be brazed. Yes, and the ships going through the ereff, also need space for successful navigation.

Severnoe tunnel. Russia

On December 5, 2003, the event has occurred in Buryatia, the event has occurred - there was a 15 kilometer-343 meters long 343 meters. It became not only the longest in Russia, but also marked the end of the construction of the Baikal-Amur highway, the legendary Bama is one of the greatest buildings of Soviet times.

The construction of the Baikal Amur highway began in 1938, in 1974 it was announced by the All-Union Shock Komsomol Construction Commander, began to write songs about him and shoot films, and ended in the estimated volume only in 2003. In the creation of Bam, 10 tunnels were broken, the largest and Important of which became nomevomy.

Marmaray. Turkey

In October 2013, an event had happened, about which humanity was dreamed of centuries, but the reality of which did not believe until the last moment. In Istanbul, a railway tunnel Marmaray was opened, which connected the European and Asian Bosphorus Strait coast.

After the opening of Marmaray was integrated into the metro system of Istanbul as a separate branch. It is also planned to be used for transcontinental freight and passenger traffic - the tunnel will be part of the global railway project to create a single pathway infrastructure from the UK to South Korea.

The relief of the earth's surface is not perfectly flat, and almost always difficult, so when the road laying is almost impossible to do without tunnels. Preparations of tunnels in ancient times were subcopy, with the help of this military tricks, it was possible to quietly reach the back of the enemy and fell on his shoulders. Today's tunnels most of them serve completely different purposes. Tunnels are the most different, distinguished long, location and structure. What is currently the longest tunnel in the world?

10. Lerdal Tunnel, Norway (24,510 m)

The Trans-Siberian Highway or the Great Siberian Way, which connects the capital of Russia to Moscow with Vladivostok, who recently wore an honorary title with ...

In this case, we are talking about a car tunnel, which has reduced the path from the municipality of Lerdal to another municipality of Eurlan (both in the provinces of Sogn-Fiwuran, Western Norway). The tunnel is an element of the E16 European route, connecting Oslo with Bergen. This tunnel has begun in 1995, and finished in 2000. At that time, he became the world's longest car tunnel, surpassing for as many as 8 km of the famous Gotard Automobile Tunnel. Above the tunnel are mountains with a medium height of about 1600 meters.
The Lerdal tunnel has a unique feature - three large in the volume of artificial grotto are chosen at the same distance from each other. These grotes split the tunnel itself on 4 of about the same area. This is not a whim of architects, but the appointment of grottoes is to remove the drivers for a long time traveling in completely monotonous conditions of the tunnel, fatigue, besides, they can stop and relax.

9. Ivate-Iitinohe, Japan (25,810 m)

The Japanese tunnel connecting the capital with the city of Aomori, at the time of his discovery in 2002 it was he who was the longest Japanese railway tunnel until he was overtaken by Löterberg's tunnel. This tunnel is located 545 kilometers from Tokyo, halfway between Hatinoch and Morihi, and the expressions of Töhoka walk on it. They thought about its construction in 1988, and started him in 1991. The construction was ready for exploitation in 2000, but the line earned only in 2002. The tunnel goes down to 200 meters as much as possible.

8. Hakkoda, Japan (26 455 m)

The haccode railway tunnel is only a bit length of the previous one. He was a kind of pioneer - before him there was no long tunnels in the world, through which the train in different directions could simultaneously move.

7. Tahanshan, China (27,848 m)

In 2007, a new Thaihanshan tunnel was commissioned in China, which passes into the thickening of the same mountain massif. Before the construction of a new Guan Diao, it was he who was the longest Chinese tunnel. He became an element of an ultra-speed railway, taking the capital of the Eastern province of Hebei Shijych-Juan with the capital of the Shanxi Province of Shanxi, the city of Taiyuan. If earlier from one city in another you need to get 6 hours, now it is enough for the hour.

6. Guadarram, Spain (28 377 m)

In the same 2007, but in Spain, the opening of the Long Tunnel of Guadarrama took place in the country, which connected the capital of Madrid to the country with Valladolid. It began to be built in 2002, therefore it is obvious that it was done quite a rapid pace. This is a rather complex technical structure, in which two separate tunnels are also present. Thanks to this train, they walk along it simultaneously in different directions. It is especially worth noting that the speed trains of the AVE system are used here. After starting the tunnel, getting from one city to another it became possible in just a few minutes. It was especially like to tourists who were more often visiting Valladolid from the capital.

Large and very large objects, animals, people have always attracted people, and we are equally interesting to us as man-made objects, for example, the Great Ki ...

5. New Guan Jiao, China (32,645 m)

This is the longest Chinese railway tunnel. At the same time, located, as it should be the tunnel under the ground, it is on a very decent height above sea level (from 3324 meters to 3381 meters). And all because it is part of the second line of the Qinghai Tibetan Railway, laid in the mountains of Guan Jiao Chinese Qinghai Province. In fact, two separate tunnels with one-sided movement are laid here. They built this tunnel for 7 years, and he was commissioned at the very end of 2014. Trains are able to bear on these tunnels at a speed of 160 km / h.

4. Letchberg, Switzerland (34 577 m)

Lörberg Railway Tunnel is located on the same line, passing through the Alps, and it is located 400 meters deeply automobile tunnel Löterberg. On this one of the longest land tunnels in the world, passenger and freight formulations run. It takes place under such cities as Bern, Frutigen, Vale and Rarone. This is a pretty new tunnel, because he was finished pierced only in 2006, and in June next year he was officially opened. With its penetration, the most modern technologies drilling, so it was possible to break in less than two years. Now every week they enjoy over 20 thousand Swiss, seeking quickly to get on the thermal resorts in the shaft.
The appearance of Letchberg significantly reduced the number road traffic jams In this area, since first trucks and trucks were to go around Switzerland, making a big circle to drive just from Vale to Bern. It is curious that in the tunnel there is a source of hot underground water, which the Swiss is also not losing the gift, but heated with it with a greenhouse, where rain fruits are growing.

3. Eurotonnel, France / United Kingdom (50,450 m)

This tunnel, laid under the strait of La Mans, is a two-way rail tunnel, and it takes 39 kilometers under the waters of the English channel. Thanks to him, the island of the United Kingdom turned out to be connected with the continent of railway communications. Since then, it became possible to take the train in Paris, and for two and a quarter of an hour to be in London. In the tunnel itself, the train is 20-35 minutes.
The solemn opening of the tunnel took place on May 6, 1994. The leaders of the two countries were present on him - French President Francois Mitteraran and Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II. Eurotonnel is a record holder among tunnels passing under water, in addition, it has become the longest international tunnel. Manages his work Eurostar. The American civil engineering society crouched in complies and even compared Eurotonnel with one of the seven modern miracles of the world.

2. Sanchika, Japan (53 850 m)

This incredibly long Japanese railway tunnel also has an underwater part with a length of 23.3 kilometers. It deepens to the ground by 240 meters, as a result of which 100 meters it turns out below the seabed. The tunnel passes under the Sangar Strait and connects the prefecture of Aomori (Honshu Island) and Hokkaido Island. He is part of Kaiko and Hokkaido-Sinkansen local railway company.
In length, he is inferior only to the Gothard tunnel, and at the location under the seabed and is at all the leader in the world. In the title of the tunnel there are first hieroglyphs of the names of the cities, which it connects - amiori and hakodate, just those in Japanese are pronounced otherwise. The Tunnel "Saikan" became the second after Cammon Tunnel in Japan underwater railway tunnel, and he connects Kyushu and Honsu under the Cammon Islands.

Hydroelectric power station or hydropower plants produce electricity using the energy of falling water. HPP most often appear on the largest rivers, which for this ...

1. Gotard tunnel, Switzerland (57,091 m)

This railway tunnel, punched in the Swiss Alps, with a summation of its own length with a length of pedestrian and official moves, turns on 153.4 kilometers. From the northern end, he comes out near the village of Erstfeld, and the southern exit is located near the village of Bodio. The laying of the eastern part of it was completed in October 2010, and Western in March 2011, after which he became the longest railway tunnel in the world.
Thanks to its construction, there was a transalpian railway link, and the north-west of Italy was able to switch to more environmentally friendly automotive on clean and cheaper rail transportation. The time of traveling from Zurich to Milan was reduced by almost an hour. Opened the tunnel was in June 2016. The construction of its construction "Alp Transit Gotthard" in December of the same year passed it by Swiss federal railways in fully working condition, and on December 11, its commercial operation began.

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The longest and deepest tunnel in the world, running under the Swiss Alps, has finally opened! To celebrate this event, in this article we will look at the longest railway tunnels in the world.

So let's go!

10. Tunnel Gumanangl, South Korea - 20.3 km


Gumangl - takes the tenth place in the list of the longest railway tunnels of the world. It is part of Seoul Busan's high-speed railway. The tunnel dries in the mountains connects the Nopo area with Busangin Station in Busan.

Also, Gumangl is the longest railway tunnel in South Korea. It is at a depth of more than 300 meters from the ground. Its width is 14 meters, height 12. The tunnel belongs to the management of the South Korean Railway.

The construction of the tunnel, which was completed in 2009, took place on three sites. The first two plots were open in 2008. The last plot connecting the Nopo-Don and Hwmaong-Don was completed in February 2009.

9. Tunnel Ushaolin, China - 21.05 km

(Wushaoling Tunnel)

Ushaolin is a railway tunnel in Gansu Province in the north-west of China, was the most extended country tunnel until the end of 2007. Located on the Lanzhou Xinjiang Railway, crossing the Mount Ushaolin. After commissioning the tunnel, the road between Lanzhou and Urumchi decreased by 30.4 km and became completely twisted.

The tunnel is two parallel threads laid at a distance of 40 meters from each other. The portal from Lanzhou is located at an altitude of 2663 m, the opposite portal - at an altitude of 2447 m. When building the tunnel, a new Austrian method of laying tunnels was used, the tunnel equipment allows you to pass the compositions at a speed of up to 160 km / h. The east thread of the Ushaolin tunnel was put into operation in March 2006, Western - in August 2006. The total cost of construction amounted to 7.8 billion yuan.

22,221 km

(Daishimizu Tunnel)

Tunnel Daismiz, Japan. Photo: Nihongarden / Wikimedia Commons

Railway tunnel on the high-speed line of Zeetsu-Sinkansen (Jōetsu Shinkansen) on the border of the prefectures of Gumba and Niigata.

In 1978, the construction of the Dai-Shimyz tunnel was completed. This tunnel was divided specifically for the Zeetsu-Sinkansen line, the construction of which was to be completed in 1982. This tunnel was the longest tunnel in the world. During construction, a fire broke out in the tunnel, as a result of which a very strong smoke was formed - 16 workers died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Tunnel Daismise reduced the trip time between Niigata and Tokyo about one hour and forty minutes, which is three hours faster, if you get along the usual line Zeeets.

In addition, drinking natural was discovered during the construction of the tunnel mineral waterwhich to this day is sold in bottles.

24 km

(Wienerwald Tunnel)

Wienerwald Tunnel, Austria. Photo: Linie29 / Wikimedia Commons

The railway tunnel with a length of 13.35 kilometers near the veins, which is in operation from December 9, 2012, and runs under the northern part of Wienerwald between Gublister and Mauerbach. This segment of a new section with a speed of up to 250 kilometers per hour between Vienna and St. Pölten is part of the Austrian Western Railway.

The Vienna-Saint Pölten plot, the current four-sided and largest railway corridor in Westban, received two new high-speed sleeves far from the original line. The biggest superstructure is a tunnel that crosses the Mountain Winwald.

11 km from the western portal of the Wienerwald Tunnel was built a two-pipe tunnel (a tunnel consisting of two connected single-screw pipes), and the rest of the two-band single-tube section. The construction of a single-tube section began in the fall of 2004 with blasting and drilling. The drilling of the tunnel was completed two years later, structural works were completed in February 2010, the construction of roads began in the summer of 2010.

Wienerwald tunnel is only part of the tunnel complex: his Eastern (Viennese) portal ends with a subterranean transition to a tunnel with a length of 2.2 km with two additional lines for the old Westban (which is already in operation since December 2008) and the Lainzer Tunnel - Lainzer Tunnel A single-tube two-way tunnel is 11.73 km long, which opened in 2012). The eastern portal of Lyanzer tunnel branches down to two portals. A total of 24 km of Wienerwald and Tunnel Lyanzer allow Westban travelers to visit the new Vienna Station. This tunnel is the longest tunnel in Austria.

6. Ivate-Iitinohhe Tunnel, Japan - 25.810 km

(Iwate-Ichinohe Tunnel)

Japanese terrestrial railway tunnel Ivate-Iitinohhe - part of the Tokhok-Sinkansen line connecting Tokyo with Aomori. During the opening in 2002, he was the longest ground tunnel in the world, but in June 2007 he surpassed the Swiss tunnel Löchberg.

The tunnel is located 545 km from the Tokyo station on the Toshok-Sinkansen line, halfway between Morijah and Khachinoh. Preliminary work The construction of the tunnel began in 1988. In 1991, construction began. The tunnel began to function at the time of opening the railway in 2002. Maximum depth of about 200 m.

The tunnel passes through a hilly terrain near the mountains of docks and OU. The Mabuchi and Chinese rivers are close to Tokyo's tunnel port.

Ivate-Iitinohe is a single-tube two-way design in the shape of a horseshoe. Cross-section dimensions: 9.8 m (width) x 7.7 m (height). The tunnel rises with a gradient of 0.5% of Tokyo port about 22 km, and then drops with a 1% gradient to the Aomori port. With its construction, a new Austrian tunneling method was used (New Austrian Tunnelling Method; NATM).

26,455 km

(Hakkōda Tunnel)

Hakkoda tunnel, Japan. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Railway tunnel with a total length of 26.445 kilometers (16,432 miles), located in the north of Japan in the central prefecture of Aomori. He extends through the Hackey Ridge and connects the village of Tenmabaisha with the city of Aomori.

The haccode tunnel is part of the northern line of Tohok-Sinkansen and is located between the stations of Budava Budava and the Aomori tire. Preliminary work on the creation of the tunnel began in August 1998. On February 27, 2005, he surpassed the Iwate-Ichinoe tunnel of the same line Tohoku-Sinkansen, and became the longest ground tunnel in the world. After just two months, this title was selected by the Swiss tunnel Löcberg, who lost this title thanks to the Gothard Base Tunnel in 2016. However, Löterberg's tunnel is more importantly uninterrupted, and the Gothar base tunnel is two-way, and that is why it remains the longest two-chain single-tube ground railway tunnel in the world.

The tunnel began to function in 2010.

4. New Tunnel Guan Jiao, China - 32,645 km


New tunnel Guan Jiao, China. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

This two-pipe railway tunnel is located on the 2nd line of the Qinghai-Tibetan railway in the Gangsian Mountains, Qinghai Province. The total length of the tunnel is 32.645 km (20,285 miles), which makes it the longest railway tunnel in China.

For the design of the tunnel answered China Railway First Survey and Design Institute. The new Tunnel Guan Jiao was designed for two parallel single-section tunnels at a speed of up to 160 kilometers per hour (99 miles per hour). The total duration of construction amounted to 5 years. The tunnel was laid in complex geological conditions and at high altitude, exceeding 3,300 meters (10,800 feet) above sea level. Work on its construction began in 2007 and were completed in April 2014. The tunnel was opened on December 28, 2014.

The northeast tunnel portal (37.1834 ° N 99.1778 ° E) is located in Tianjun district, Southwest portal (37.0094 ° N 98.8805 ° E) is located in the district of Ulan.

3. Eurotonnel / Tunnel under La Manshas, \u200b\u200bUnited Kingdom - France - 50 km

Channel Tunnel)

Eurotonnel, United Kingdom France. Photo:

By connecting the UK with continental Europe (portals in Folkstone, Kent and Pa de Calais in the north of France), the tunnel has the world's longest underwater plot - 37.9 kilometers (23.5 miles).

Despite the fact that this tunnel is a miracle of the modern era, the idea of \u200b\u200bits construction belongs to the French engineer Albert Mathieu, who in 1802 suggested paving the tunnel under La Mansha. His plans included the creation of an artificial island in the middle of the channel, which could stop for maintenance Horse crews.

"This is megaproject. He radically changed the geography of Europe and helped strengthen high-speed railway As a viable alternative to short distances, "said Matt Sykes, expert on tunnels and director of the engineering company Arup.

Interesting fact : Despite the fact that the work on the creation of a tunnel simultaneously begged both the British and the French, the first did more work.

53.850 km


Tunnel Sanika, Japan. Photo: BMazerolles / Wikimedia Commons

A unique feature of the Japanese tunnel of Saican is that its plot with a length of 23.3 kilometers (14.2 miles) runs 140 meters (460 feet) below sea level. Before the moment the Gothard base tunnel appeared, Saican was the longest and deepest railway tunnel in the world.

He covers the shed Tsugar, connecting the aomori prefecture on Honshu Island with Hokkaido Island. Work on the tunnel began in 1964 and was completed in 1988.

Interesting fact: In 1976, the builders stumbled upon a piece of soft rock, as a result of which water was dropped into the tunnel at a speed of 80 tons per minute. Leakage managed to neutralize only two months later.

57 km

Gotthard Base Tunnel)

Gotard base tunnel, Switzerland. Photo: Matthieu GAFSOU /

European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former French President Francois Holland, in June 2016 attended the opening ceremony of the Grand Construction - Gotard Base Tunnel, during which colorful surrealistic scenes were demonstrated with the participation of costume dancers, songs and fireworks.

Located at a depth of 2,200 meters (7.545 feet, almost 1.5 miles), the tunnel reduces the time at the time between Zurich, Switzerland and Milan.

The 57-kilometer tunnel runs between the cities of Erstfeld in the north and body a south. According to SWISS Travel System, trains reaching speeds up to 250 kilometers per hour (155 mph) pass it in 20 minutes.

Commercial exploitation of the tunnel began on December 11th. On this day, the first regular passenger train left Zurich at 06:09 local time and arrived in Lugano at 08:17.

The Gothard base tunnel took away from the 53.9-kilometer North-Japanese tunnel of Sansic, the title of the longest railway tunnel in the world and pushed the 50.5-kilometer tunnel in the third place between the United Kingdom and France.

Interesting fact: In the construction of the tunnel, 3200 kilometers of copper cable were used, whose lengths would have been enough from Madrid to Moscow.