Cessation of fetal development. Freezing (non-developing) pregnancy in the early stages: symptoms, causes. Everything you need to know about a frozen pregnancy

Update: October 2018

Many couples dream of having a baby, but for some reason their dreams fail to come true. One of these reasons is missed pregnancy.

Not only the mother, but also the father may be to blame for this pathology, therefore it is important to fully examine and begin to conduct healthy image life to both partners.

According to statistics, missed pregnancies are registered not so rarely, in 15 - 20% of all desired pregnancies.

The definition of "frozen pregnancy"

A frozen or undeveloped pregnancy is a pregnancy that suddenly stops progressing, and the fetus grows and develops, and, accordingly, dies. At the same time, there are no signs of spontaneous abortion for the time being and the embryo is in the uterine cavity, therefore another name for this pathology is a failed miscarriage. "Freezing" of pregnancy can occur at any gestational age (up to 28 weeks), but this usually happens in the first trimester. Threatened periods of pregnancy due to miscarriage are 3 - 4 weeks, 8 - 10 and 16 - 18 weeks.

Miscarriage, like other spontaneous abortions, refers to miscarriage. But they talk about habitual miscarriage only in the case of two or more spontaneous abortions of pregnancy.

The essence of a frozen pregnancy is the fertilization of the egg, its transportation to the uterus, where it is implanted and continues to develop for some time, but then the development of the embryo stops. Also, one of the options for a frozen pregnancy is anembryonia or the syndrome of "empty ovum". In this case, the membranes develop, chorionic gonadotropin is synthesized, as evidenced by a positive pregnancy test, but the embryo itself is absent. Often this pathology is due to chromosomal abnormalities.

From what the fetus can "freeze"?

The reasons for a frozen pregnancy are very numerous. They can be divided into several groups:

Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities

This is one of the largest and most important etiological factors in miscarriage. If an embryo inherits an extra chromosome or an abnormal gene, then in the process of development, multiple malformations are formed, which are incompatible with life, and in this case the pregnancy is terminated. Action is evident natural selection- nature decides that it is unprofitable to produce an incapacitated baby and depletes the strength of the mother's body, therefore, it stops the progression of pregnancy.

But a genetic anomaly can occur precisely during this pregnancy, when exposed to any harmful external factors (radiation, drug addiction, drinking, smoking), or it can be inherited from parents, for example, when there is a malfunction in the "predisposition genes". So, if the ovum "adopted" the "thrombophilia gene" from the parents, then during its implantation in the uterus and the germination of the chorionic vessels into the mucous membrane, microthrombi are formed in them, which leads to disruption of nutrition and blood supply to the embryo and its death.


A huge role in the genesis of both spontaneous abortion and frozen pregnancy is played by infectious diseases... First of all, these are viral diseases of the TORCH infection group. These include rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes and cytomegalovirus infections. Particularly dangerous is the primary infection with the listed infections during the onset of pregnancy.

IN early dates this leads to the "fading" of pregnancy, in the later stages of the formation of developmental anomalies. Also, genital infections (gonococcal, chlamydia, ureaplasma and others) do not lose their significance. Even banal colds (flu, SARS) in the early stages are the cause of a miscarriage. The death of the embryo is due to three mechanisms.

  • On the one hand, infectious agents, having penetrated the placenta, have a direct effect on the fetus.
  • On the other hand, the infection triggers the production of prostaglandins in the maternal body, which either have a toxic effect on the embryo, or disrupt microcirculation between the membranes and the endometrium, as a result, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the embryo stops.
  • And on the third hand, a chronic inflammatory reaction in the uterus disrupts the normal implantation of the ovum and leads to a nutritional deficiency.

Hormonal Disorders

Lack of the most important pregnancy hormone is often one of the factors in miscarriage. Also plays a role and the high content of androgens, or a violation of hormonal function thyroid gland.

Autoimmune pathology

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the formation of antibodies in the maternal body that fight not with foreign agents, but with their own cells. Since the embryo inherits 50% of the genes from the mother, the maternal antibodies begin to attack the cells of his body, which leads to a frozen pregnancy.

For example, with antiphospholipid syndrome, the mother has antibodies to phospholipids in her body, without which the construction of new cells is impossible. During pregnancy, these antibodies attack the developing embryo, which leads to its death.


The failed father of the child may also be to blame for the termination of the development of the embryo and its death. A pathology such as teratozoospermia often causes the partner's infertility, but pregnancy in some cases, although it may occur, is likely to end in an aborted miscarriage. Teratozoospermia is a pathology of spermatozoa, which is expressed in their irregular structure. Abnormalities in the structure of sperm can manifest themselves in the form of a short tail, irregular shape heads present in the head of vacuole cells, an absent chromosome, bend or thickening of the tail.

Teratozoospermia is said to be when a man's ejaculate contains more than 50% (usually 80%) of abnormal sperm. Conception is either completely impossible, for example, due to a short tail, sperm motility is low, or egg fertilization occurs if the sperm have head abnormalities, which leads to abnormal development of the embryo and the termination of the progression of pregnancy. After the examination (see) and treatment of men, many couples are forced to turn to assisted reproductive technologies, for example, to artificial insemination.

Wrong way of life

Of course, the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy can be influenced by both nutrition, daily routine, industrial hazards, and bad habits. Also, do not forget about the dangerous side effects medications taken during gestation, especially in the early stages. The age of the woman is also important. The older the expectant mother, the higher her risk of developing an undeveloped pregnancy (35 and more years).

Other factors

Constant stress, a sharp change in climate and other factors can lead to a missed pregnancy. In addition, they cause endometrial failure, which leads to malnutrition and oxygen supply to the embryo and the development of the described pathology. After IVF, there are also frequent cases of frozen pregnancy, but the causes of this pathology are due to those diseases that forced a woman to turn to assisted reproductive technologies.

Failed abortion clinic

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy have characteristic signs... First of all, the woman's likely signs of pregnancy disappear (in the first trimester). Nausea and vomiting, odor intolerance disappear, the mammary glands lose tension and become soft. However, the disappearance of the listed symptoms does not always indicate the death of the embryo.

  • Early toxicosis may be absent, as well as engorgement of the mammary glands.
  • Often the moment of death of the embryo goes unnoticed.
  • The pregnancy test remains positive for another 2 to 4 weeks, since hCG is not immediately excreted from the body.
  • But the basal temperature will be in the range of 37 degrees and below.
  • If the dead embryo is in the uterus for more than 3 to 4 weeks, then an intoxication syndrome occurs (increased body temperature, general weakness and malaise) due to the decomposition of the embryo and infection of the mother with the decay products of the fetal tissue and toxins.
  • If a frozen pregnancy occurs in the second trimester, then the first bell will be the cessation of fetal movement.
  • When a dead embryo is found in the uterus for more than 2-6 weeks, signs of a spontaneous abortion that have begun (smearing dark discharge, aching pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back) join.
  • Plus, during a gynecological examination, the lag of the uterus in growth from the approximate gestational age is determined. That is why gynecologists perform bimanual palpation of the uterus (examination on a chair) in the first trimester during each visit of a woman to an appointment.

Practical example: In the antenatal clinic, a re-pregnant woman was observed from 6 weeks of pregnancy. From the anamnesis it is known that there were 3 births, abortions and therapeutic and diagnostic curettage were not performed. The pregnant woman and her husband had no bad habits, chronic diseases were absent. The only negative aspects were the woman's age (40 years old) and work in night shifts (nurse). During the next visit to the reception, the woman complained of pulling pains in the lower abdomen and periodic "daub". On vaginal examination, the uterus is soft, enlarged to 12 weeks, painless (the estimated period was 16 weeks). After confirming the diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy by ultrasound, the woman underwent curettage of the uterus and prescribed antibiotic therapy. Fortunately, there were no infectious and coagulopathic complications, and after 10 days the patient was discharged home. What was the cause of the frozen pregnancy was never established, since parts of the fetus sent for histological analysis were “lost” in the laboratory.

Treatment for miscarriage

A woman must be hospitalized immediately, even if a frozen pregnancy is suspected.

  • After the examination (ultrasound, hCG in the early lines and AFP in the second trimester, coagulogram), the ovum is carefully evacuated.
  • A wait-and-see tactic is possible if the embryo is dead for no more than 2 weeks (in the early stages of pregnancy) and there are no signs of an ongoing abortion and infection of the uterus. In this case, the level of hCG in the woman's body drops sharply, and the uterus begins to contract, pushing out the ovum. But, as a rule, they resort to a surgical method, that is, to remove the ovum and membranes by therapeutic curettage or vacuum aspiration.
  • It is possible to use medical abortion (up to 7 weeks) by prescribing Mifegin (progesterone blocker).

After surgical or medical release of the uterus from the embryo is mandatory. In the postoperative period, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent endometritis and chorionamnionitis.

If fetal death occurs after 14-16 weeks of gestation, then its evacuation is carried out by transcervical amniocentesis of hypertonic sodium chloride solution and / or prostaglandins or intravenous administration of a solution of prostaglandins.

Frozen pregnancy: what then?

What to do after a frozen pregnancy? - all patients are puzzled by this question. The material obtained after curettage or induced labor is sent to histology without fail. In some cases (if a chromosomal pathology is suspected), a genetic study of the embryonic tissues (the number and quality of chromosomes) is additionally prescribed.

A woman is recommended to abstain from pregnancy for six months, while oral contraceptives are prescribed (Yarina, Zhanin). An examination for all genital TORCH infections is also shown. The hormonal status of a woman is necessarily examined, and if necessary, an adjustment is made. In addition, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, the blood coagulation system and a blood test for antibodies to its own phospholipids are performed.

When planning the next pregnancy, spouses are advised to give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, treat infectious diseases and, if possible, eliminate the causes that led to a frozen pregnancy. A woman 3 months before pregnancy and during the first 12 weeks of gestation is prescribed folic acid and vitamin E.

According to official statistics, 15% of all pregnancies end with a frozen diagnosis. And, the older the woman, the higher the risk that the fetus may die in the womb. For example, in 45-year-old women, this pathology occurs in 50% of cases, while in women at the age of 20, this indicator is kept at the level of 10%. It should be noted right away that in 90% of cases after a frozen pregnancy, the subsequent one goes well and healthy babies are born. Therefore, if something like this has happened, it is necessary, no matter how difficult, to gather courage, undergo rehabilitation and examination in order to determine the reasons for the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. And not only to establish, but also to eliminate them.

According to official statistics, 15% of all pregnancies end with a frozen diagnosis. And, the older the woman, the higher the risk that the fetus may die in the womb. For example, in 45-year-old women, this pathology occurs in 50% of cases, while in women at the age of 20, this indicator is kept at the level of 10%. It should be noted right away that in 90% of cases after the subsequent one goes well and healthy babies are born. Therefore, if something like this has happened, it is necessary, no matter how difficult, to gather courage, undergo rehabilitation and examination in order to determine the reasons for the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. And not only to establish, but also to eliminate them.

In medicine, a frozen pregnancy is called the cessation of fetal development and its death for up to 28 weeks. Most missed pregnancies occur in the first 14 weeks, so doctors advise you to especially listen to your body at this time. And there are still the most dangerous periods from the point of view of the occurrence of this pathology. These include 3-4, 8-10, 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of the fetus.

Quite a bit of. The most common are congenital abnormalities of the fetus and the so-called "genetic breakdowns", latent infections in women (especially those that are sexually transmitted), environmental degradation and even bad habits (such as smoking, alcohol and drug use).

To determine a frozen pregnancy in the early stages, you need to have information on what are the signs of this condition.

In most cases, brownish or red vaginal discharge is the first warning sign. In this case, a woman may not feel any pain at all. In case of any discharge, it is necessary to urgently call the doctor and inform him about what is happening. If an appropriate examination (ultrasound) confirms that the fetus has died, the woman is placed in a hospital, where tests are performed, and drug treatment(antibiotic therapy) and clean the uterine cavity. After that, another course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

But in the early stages, very often there is absolutely no discharge, which makes it difficult to seek medical help in a timely manner. Below is a list of signs, but it should be noted that all of them are quite subjective and cannot be one hundred percent evidence of the misfortune that has happened. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, and not in any case not by a friend or the Internet. Especially this fact is worth paying attention to very suspicious girls and women.

Nevertheless, the following signs can indeed be noted in the case of a frozen pregnancy.

So, you can suspect that something was wrong if:

  • the woman suddenly stopped the manifestations of toxicosis;
  • cramping pains appeared in the lower abdomen, which become stronger, then a little weaker;
  • the mammary glands, which were "filled" before, became less elastic and insensitive;
  • basal temperature (measured in the rectum) has decreased;
  • body temperature became the opposite - increased;
  • deterioration, weakness, chills are observed.

Those women who suspect that they have a frozen pregnancy should not panic, because in fact the symptoms are a secondary sign. First of all, you need to seek qualified medical help. After all, no test at home is able to show a frozen pregnancy. And for many, signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages may be absent altogether and do not appear for many weeks. This is already extremely dangerous, because a fertilized egg that does not develop and is in the uterus for more than two months can cause the development of DIC (desseminated intravascular coagulation) syndrome. And this is extremely life-threatening, since the blood loses its ability to clot and any bleeding can become fatal.

There are three ways to diagnose a frozen pregnancy in the early stages: take a blood test for the hCG hormone (with a frozen pregnancy, its level is lower than the indicators that should have been at this time), go to (the doctor will determine the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the duration of pregnancy ) or do an ultrasound (the device in such cases will show the absence of the child's heartbeat).

Life presents us with different trials and, if something very unpleasant happens, there is always a reason to think: why this happened and what can be done to avoid this in the future. A woman who has a frozen pregnancy needs to undergo a course of treatment and rehabilitation, including moral, to tune in to the positive, and then next time everything will definitely be fine. Doctors advise starting the next conception no earlier than a year later. This time is simply necessary for the body to recover and get stronger physically, and the woman herself to perk up. Be healthy and let your pregnancy not be overshadowed by anything!

Especially for Olga Rizak

Any woman expecting a baby is afraid of a frozen pregnancy. An ultrasound scan and regular follow-up by a doctor help monitor the development of the fetus. But a woman's personal feelings also matter - signs that not everything is in order with the child are visible to her in the first place.

The fetus can become frozen already in the first weeks of the term, immediately after the egg has entered the uterus. Therefore, the most dangerous is the first trimester up to 12 weeks. It is possible that the development of the child stops in the second and third trimesters.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy and live after it? When you can plan your next pregnancy and what tests you need to take - read in this article.

Many expectant mothers, though, know for sure how long a frozen pregnancy can be in order to save the child and protect themselves from its consequences.

The eighth week of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous. During this period, the embryo is most susceptible to teratogenic effects, which can lead to fetal freezing. The first trimester carries more risks for the fetus, in particular at 3-4 and 8-11 weeks. In the second trimester, mindfulness should be shown at 16-18 weeks.

How to recognize a frozen pregnancy? She may not show herself at all for several weeks. Symptoms are not indicative either - they differ from woman to woman.

The general features of pathology include:

  • a sharp cessation of toxicosis;
  • the presence of bloody discharge;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • increase in overall body temperature;
  • cessation of breast enlargement;
  • cramping painful sensations.

In case of any such manifestations, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. In the second and third trimesters, a frozen pregnancy is determined by the cessation of fetal movement.

A frozen pregnancy has its own reasons:

  • medications;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • negative reaction of maternal immunity;
  • frequent stress and harmful work;
  • genital diseases;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome.

The following categories of women are at risk of fetal development fading:

  • over the age of 35;
  • having anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • with a previously diagnosed intrauterine pregnancy;
  • underwent several abortions.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester (in the early stages)

Medicine knows the following reasons for a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • genetic in nature - they account for 70% of cases, these are genetic abnormalities of the embryo;
  • hormonal background - imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, an increase in the amount of androgen;
  • autoimmune disorders - antiphospholipid syndrome, which blocks the access of oxygen to the fetus;
  • intrauterine infections - sexually transmitted diseases and viral diseases, rubella is especially dangerous;
  • bad habits - alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • nervous tension - regular stress, taking antidepressants.

It is very important for a pregnant woman to know how to determine a missed pregnancy in the early stages. The main clue will be her personal feelings and changes in overall health. But only a doctor can accurately diagnose the fading of pregnancy.

Like any disease, the cessation of fetal development has its own symptoms, so it is important to know exactly how a frozen pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages.

It can be installed on the following grounds:

  • the sudden disappearance of signs of immediate pregnancy - toxicosis stops and painful sensations in the mammary glands disappear;
  • deterioration in general health - chills, elevated body temperature, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, bloody and bloody discharge from the uterus.

Can there be toxicosis with a frozen pregnancy

A woman cannot know for sure when the fetus stops developing in the womb. She may suspect this when the main signs of pregnancy cease, which were directly related to hormonal changes in her body.

A frequent question - whether there is toxicosis with a frozen pregnancy has a very clear answer - no. If toxicosis was and it was accompanied general weakness and vomiting, a negative reaction to various odors - all these manifestations quickly disappear and the general condition improves within a couple of days. For this reason, toxicosis with freezing of fetal development is impossible.

Can there be toxicosis with a frozen pregnancy , if vomiting progresses and the temperature rises? Also the answer is no. These are signs of an infection entering the body, which spreads at a rapid rate and can lead to the freezing of the embryo. In this case, immediate treatment is required.

Signs of intoxication with a frozen pregnancy

With a sharp cessation of toxicosis and an improvement in well-being, it is necessary to consult an observing gynecologist. A frozen pregnancy that has not passed into a miscarriage is dangerous by intoxication of the body.

The signs of intoxication during a frozen pregnancy will be the same as the main symptoms of toxicosis. Added to these are the risk of infection, sepsis, and suppuration. The main cause of intoxication will be the death of the fetus and its further stay in the mother's body.

What tests need to be passed after a frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy- not a reason to give up trying to get pregnant and have children again. Many women are interested in what tests need to be passed after a frozen pregnancy . They will help determine the likelihood of a successful pregnancy again and identify inconsistencies in the body, if any.

The main analyzes include:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • histological examination of uterine tissues;
  • blood test for hormones - the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body;
  • examination of a smear from the vagina for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • genetic testing for the compatibility of partners.

Cytogenetic analysis of the fetus after a frozen pregnancy

Cytogenetic analysis a fetus after a frozen pregnancy is necessary to identify the reasons for the termination of its development and miscarriage. It is carried out for up to 15 weeks. This analysis allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities that could provoke a stop in the development of the embryo.

Cytogenetic research determines the presence of abnormalities in the chromosomes. For him, the genetic material of the embryo is taken. In some cases, the blood of the parents themselves may be required.

The analysis process lasts several days, it allows you to establish with precision whether chromosomal defects were the cause of a frozen pregnancy or chromosomal abnormalities were absent at all.

HCG analysis for a frozen pregnancy

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin- a special hormone that is present only in the body of pregnant women. Thanks to him, pregnancy is determined using a well-known test. The reaction to its presence is manifested in the form of two stripes. This is the most reliable and sure sign of the development of a child in the womb.

Chorionic gonadotropin is present only in developing pregnancy, which is due to the growth of the child. The shell in which it is located and produces this hormone. Its amount in the body increases every two days. It is possible to detect hCG in the blood already from the second week of the period, when it is excreted through the urine.

How does HCG fall during a frozen pregnancy? With a slow development of the embryo, the level of the hormone will be so low that the test can show a negative pregnancy result. The drop in hCG can be sharp or gradual in each case. But if, during the analysis, the doctor establishes a violation of the growth of this hormone, the pregnancy is considered pathological and the fetus is likely to die.

Urine analysis for frozen pregnancy

Analysis of urine with a frozen pregnancy, it is general. By analogy with a blood test, it is necessary to verify the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Also, urinalysis is able to show the level of gonadotropin in the body.

With the help of this study, you can reveal detailed clinical picture frozen pregnancy and show probable diseases of various organs.

Urine analysis with a frozen pregnancy reveals:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • drop in hCG levels, general condition hormonal background;
  • infectious diseases and the likelihood of intoxication of the female body.

When and how you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy

The question of when you can get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy , is always solved on an individual basis for each specific case. It is influenced by the results of examinations and the general health of the woman. Psychological readiness to become a mother also plays an important role here.

The recommendations of the specialists are reduced to the minimum period that must be waited for, lasting half a year. During this period of time, the consequences of pathology decrease. But it should be borne in mind that one, and even more so two or more frozen pregnancies have a strong Negative influence on the woman's body. Therefore, a number of preventive measures are required to exclude the likelihood of fetal freezing in the future.

Preparing for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy

Preparation for pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy begins immediately after the diagnosis of freezing is made. The first stage is research for genetic abnormalities in the unborn child. Usually this is a histological examination of tissues under a microscope. But there may not be an embryo mutation. The results of histology can show a number of other causes - infection, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases. Then the rest of the tests are assigned to confirm the causes of the frozen pregnancy.

The second stage is the process of physical and psychological recovery. A woman needs some time to rest after a tragedy.

  • Re-planning for pregnancy should be no earlier than 6 months later.
  • It is imperative to protect yourself after a frozen pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months.
  • You should not plan a pregnancy under pressure from the outside, with psychological unpreparedness or depression.
  • You should not get pregnant before identifying clear reasons for a frozen pregnancy.

How to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy? The main thing here is not to rush, but to create a favorable situation, both from the psychological and physical sides. Pregnancy planning should take place in a relaxed atmosphere and with the exclusion of all unfavorable factors and the reasons that led to the freezing of the fetus for the first time.

How to avoid a frozen pregnancy

It is quite possible to get pregnant after the first frozen pregnancy, as well as after the second one. To do this, you need to undergo appropriate treatment, get the necessary vaccinations against infectious diseases and start planning.

But, To How to avoid a frozen pregnancy, so as not to face its consequences later? Most The best way- lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid potential health risks. Sexual diseases should be excluded, a general strengthening vitamin course should be taken, and immunity should be stimulated.

The first trimester is most at risk for a missed pregnancy. During this period, the internal organs and immunity of the unborn child are laid.

How to avoid a frozen pregnancy at such an early stage?

  • Timely undergo an ultrasound procedure and attend gynecologist's appointments.
  • Exclude physical exercise and the likelihood of stress, hard work.
  • Give up bad habits and unhealthy food.
  • Refuse to take medications containing chemically active ingredients.
  • Eliminate the likelihood of infectious and sexual diseases.

To avoid the risk of a frozen pregnancy, it is not enough to follow one medical prescription. It is necessary to create all conditions for the comfort and tranquility of the pregnant woman, which would contribute to the full development of the child in the womb.

In obstetric practice, the problem of miscarriage (freezing) of pregnancy is relevant for the reason that the number of cases of this pathology is increasing every year. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of complications, various procedures are performed.

A stop in the development of the embryo occurs at different periods of gestation:

  • 70% of fading is recorded at the time of early embryogenesis (up to 12 weeks);
  • the remaining 30% of cases are diagnosed late (12-26 weeks).

Common infectious diseases of the mother (rubella, malaria, toxoplasmosis, influenza) are a provoking risk factor for freezing at any time. The percentage of intrauterine fetal mortality is 95%.

Dangerous timing

Embryogenesis, or the period of embryonic development of the fetus in the uterine cavity, at different stages is associated with the peculiarities of the development of a particular system of the child.

By concentrating forces on the gestation process, the body weakens the protective functions of the uterus. At such times, there is the greatest risk of fading.

Dangerous periods for fetal development by week:

  • 7-12;
  • 16-19;
  • 24-26.

At this time, especially important functions and systems of the growing body of the baby are laid and developed. If negative factors interfere in the process, then development becomes impossible, the fetus freezes.

You should not be afraid of these periods, but be more attentive to your health.

Early signs

Diagnosis of undeveloped gestation in the early stages is difficult. This is due to the following factors:

  • the woman does not know about her position;
  • no obvious clinic;
  • no complaints.

Early terms - the period of development of the embryo up to 10 weeks according to obstetric calculations. If there is an irregular menstrual cycle determination of early fertilization is impossible.

Risk of a frozen pregnancy by week

Functional diagnostics of pathology in case of suspicion of an abnormal development of the process begins at the time of planning.

It is important to establish, exclude or confirm all existing risks of the development of pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities and genetic breakdowns. If these factors are not identified in time, there is a risk of fetal freezing.

Diagnosis of pathologies of pregnancy was not carried out until the 19th century. Women who suffered complications at the time of gestation, in 85% of cases, died at the time of pregnancy or childbirth. Today, diagnostics allows you to identify violations even in the early stages.

Symptoms by week

Symptoms of abnormal fetal development differ in intensity, nature, and timing. In later weeks, the following manifestations are pronounced:

  • opening of the cervix;
  • bleeding in any amount;
  • soreness;
  • cramping pain;
  • outpouring of water.

In the early stages, the symptoms are less pronounced, manifest as a decrease in symptoms:

  • lack of vomiting, nausea, heartburn;
  • reduction of breast tenderness and swelling.

Until what week can freeze

Freezing is the cessation of fetal development at different stages of its formation. However, for such a manifestation, a framework of up to 26 weeks is considered characteristic.

Cases of fetal freezing after this time are associated with the formation of a thrombus in the umbilical cord or exposure to infections.

With a frozen pregnancy, for a period of more than 18 weeks, obstetricians recommend stimulating labor to avoid complications.

Weekly statistics

Statistical data differ depending on the specific region, material security of the population. So, the cases of late frozen pregnancy in third world countries are 12-18% higher than in developing and developed countries. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization in Russia and the countries of central and western Europe:

  • 70% of pathologies occur in the first trimester;
  • 25% in the second;
  • 5% in the third.

Freezing in the first trimester

Determination of frozen pathological development of the fetus in the first two to three months is difficult due to its size.

Diagnostics and specialized analyzes help to establish a complication on time only if a study is carried out and a comprehensive study of clinical indications in the anamnesis is carried out.

3-5 weeks

The third to fifth obstetric week is a delay of 5-10 days. It is possible to detect pregnancy at this time only if the woman was planning to conceive. Otherwise, developmental fading occurs, as a rule, accompanied by vaginal discharge, the woman thinks about a belated menstrual cycle.

6-7 weeks

With a month's delay, a woman can already determine independently the pathological development and the course of a previously established pregnancy:

  • there is a selection of brown or red;
  • chest pain is not observed;
  • nausea and heartburn are not recorded.
  • Usually, pain, spasmodic manifestations are absent.

8-9 weeks

To reduce nausea and soreness, which were recorded earlier, pulling pains in the lower back, lower back, abdomen join.

Basal temperature is also normal, as before fertilization. However, this indicator can be said only if the woman kept a monitoring diary.

10-12 weeks

The third month is the result of the chromosomal consistency of the fetus. Normally, complications do not occur. In the presence of abnormalities or an incomplete chromosome set, the formation stops, which is accompanied by painful bleeding, edema of the lower extremities, fatigue against a background of hormonal imbalance.

The first trimester is a dangerous period if there is a bad heredity of miscarriage in the family. With repeated abnormal development of the embryo, the woman is placed in a high-risk group.

Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester

A woman's body usually recognizes fetal chromosomal abnormalities before the start of the second trimester.

In this case, a natural voluntary abortion is triggered. When the fetus freezes in the second trimester, doctors consider:

  • risk factors that led to late anomaly;
  • the reasons why the body did not recognize the abnormality in the first trimester.

Anomalies of the uterus, which could provoke freezing, are difficult to diagnose during the period of bearing a baby. 4-11% of cases remain without identified pathogenesis.

Frozen pregnancy at 13-14 weeks

At the beginning of the second trimester, when gestation freezes, the following symptoms are observed:

  • bloody issues;
  • uterine spasms;
  • back pain;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased appetite.

At 15-16 weeks

The formation of the circulatory system of the fetus leads to the fact that the blood supply to the uterus also increases.

When the fetus freezes at this stage, bloody discharge is noted, which are accompanied by painful sensations, with a change in the hormonal background in the mother. Palpation of the abdomen also causes pain, the temperature rises.

Week 17-19

The lack of progesterone in the mother provokes insufficient nutrition of the fetus inside the uterus. During this period, a pregnant woman feels the movements of the fetus, with abnormal development, the tremors stop.

If the placenta is attached to the front of the uterus, the woman may not feel the tremors even with repeated pregnancies until the 21st week. It is not worth worrying prematurely, you need to go to the hospital, and if you suspect a frozen pregnancy, it is better to be hospitalized and conduct cardiological monitoring.

Frozen pregnancy at 20-23 weeks

At the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester, an alarming symptom is the absence of fetal movement for more than two days. Pain and discharge are usually absent. Rejection of the fetus occurs against the background of intoxication of the mother's body. This condition is deadly.

Pregnancy period after a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is stressful for a woman. But even after such a tragedy, the desire to become a mother for many does not disappear, and therefore the question arises about the possibility of such an event in the future.

Obstetricians recommend starting planning a new pregnancy no earlier than a year later, but if artificial childbirth was performed, the period can be reduced to six months. In this case, an important condition is to undergo a complete examination of the body and find out the causes of fading.

Frozen pregnancy occurs in women of all ages. A similar problem arises from the confluence of numerous factors and circumstances. You can prevent a frozen pregnancy by following the advice of your attending gynecologist and taking care of your health even at the stages of planning the conception of a child.

In addition, every woman planning to become a mother should know the signs of fetal fading. Of course, you should not think about this problem all the time and try to find signs of pregnancy fading in yourself.

In fact, this pathology is not so common. According to statistics medical professionals, in 176 cases of normal pregnancies, there is only one case. But still, if you know the symptoms of fetal freezing, you will be able to control your condition.

What is a missed pregnancy?

A frozen pregnancy is a pathology in the development of pregnancy, the danger of which most expectant mothers have no idea about. Freezing (or not developing) pregnancy is the cessation of the development and growth of the fetus, its complete death. It can occur at all stages of pregnancy. The most common missed pregnancy occurs in the first trimester. Further development of events can provoke inflammatory processes in a woman's body and other unpleasant consequences. A frozen pregnancy, the reasons for which may be implicit, can definitely pose a serious danger to future offspring. Signs of a frozen pregnancy can appear both at the earliest and at a later date.

However, of course, the symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester are radically different from those in early pregnancy.

How to determine a missed pregnancy on time?

The development and proper growth of the fetus at each stage of pregnancy depends on many explicit and implicit factors. Sometimes a certain set of circumstances can lead to a halt in the development of the embryo and its death. This phenomenon is called a frozen pregnancy. Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy are quite accurate, diagnosis by doctors does not cause difficulties.

The most important symptom, of course, is that the signs of developing pregnancy disappear. However, do not diagnose yourself. If you have any suspicions or signs of a frozen pregnancy, see your doctor immediately. He will conduct an examination and an ultrasound scan, after which the picture of the course of pregnancy will become clear: are there any symptoms of a frozen fetus.

At what stage does a frozen pregnancy occur?

Knowing how a frozen pregnancy manifests itself, a woman can consult a doctor in time and begin immediate treatment. Usually, this anomaly manifests itself at the most early stages pregnancy. Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in later stages are different from those that occur in earlier stages. At the same time, the expectant mother feels great: she has no pain and the slightest discomfort, toxicosis disappears, and a great appetite appears. But the life of the future person inside her has already stopped, and she does not even know about it. In the meantime, if you have disappeared symptoms of pregnancy, you need to urgently see a doctor.

Frozen pregnancy - symptoms

Often, the first symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages can be found out only at the next scheduled examination by a gynecologist. And this can happen a few weeks after the onset of the problem, since a frozen pregnancy appears barely noticeable, without obvious signs. And now it is found that the fetus does not hear the heartbeat, its development has stopped. For any mother, this terrible diagnosis is a tragedy. It is difficult to imagine the grief that overwhelms her when realizing the misfortune that has happened.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early and late stages:

Freezing early pregnancy is often not accompanied by any obvious signs. The first "bell" that may indicate the occurrence of problems may be a sudden cessation of toxicosis, provided that it manifested itself in a woman. In addition, all the obvious symptoms that indicate the presence of pregnancy disappear: a decrease in basal temperature, pain in the mammary glands. As a rule, a woman who is in early pregnancy may not appreciate these symptoms.

Freezing late pregnancy manifests itself in different ways. It can be spotting and pain in the lower abdomen. Similar symptoms indicate the possibility of miscarriage due to exfoliation of the ovum. Signs of a frozen pregnancy in late stages do not go unnoticed by a woman. A frozen pregnancy in late stages is also characterized by the cessation of the child's movements.

Unfortunately, even experienced gynecologists do not undertake to assert how to accurately determine a frozen pregnancy at home. The woman's abdomen may be enlarged as before, and blood tests may indicate pregnancy. But, alas, it is not a fetus that develops, but an empty fetal membrane inside.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages and at later stages of fetal development

There are many reasons for a frozen pregnancy: hormonal disorders in the woman's body, chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, chronic infections, acute infectious diseases, etc. However, the most common and common causes of this disease are the abuse of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs by the expectant mother, as well as such typical diseases, like herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, etc.

Of course, if a woman, who knows what a frozen pregnancy threatens, wants to have a child, she will try to eliminate all these causes of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages. Of course, in order to exclude the possibility of a frozen pregnancy, one should be attentive to the slightest changes during the carrying of a child. With this approach, the signs of anomaly appear quite clearly. An attentive mother will notice that the fetus has stopped moving, will pay attention to rare spotting and mild pains in the lower abdomen.

The signs of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester are much more pronounced, so the diagnosis is always accurate. If you suspect a disease, you should immediately seek a thorough examination from a doctor.
The doctor will not only help you with an emergency delivery, but also establish the causes of a frozen pregnancy at a later date. Knowing the cause of the tragedy, in the future you can try to avoid it.

How to avoid a frozen pregnancy?


Pregnancy that does not develop normally can be diagnosed in the following ways: on examination by a gynecologist, a frozen pregnancy, the signs of which are reflected in the size of the uterus, can be diagnosed quite accurately.

The size of the uterus should be normal for the current month of pregnancy. On ultrasound (ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs), frozen pregnancy is manifested by the absence of fetal heartbeat, as well as anembryonia. Anembryonia is a disorder in which the ovum is completely empty and does not contain an embryo.

A hormonal blood test can also diagnose this pathology. A frozen pregnancy, the signs of which are manifested in a blood test by stopping or reducing the normal developing growth of pregnancy hormone numbers. Those. there is a deviation from the indicators characteristic of a normal pregnancy.

The consequences of a frozen pregnancy

Almost all women who have experienced such a shock are wondering what to do after a frozen pregnancy and whether it is possible to have children in the future.

A frozen pregnancy, after which the consequences are mostly uncomplicated, does not always indicate a woman's inability to have children. In most cases, the causes of early pregnancy fading remain a mystery even for doctors. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of women give birth to full-fledged and healthy children. A frozen pregnancy, the cause of which is usually random and depends on many factors, does not mean a woman's complete inability to have children in the future.

If such cases are repeated repeatedly, then a frozen pregnancy, the treatment of which requires a full examination of both members of a married couple, may indicate an inability to bear a child. Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages are difficult to identify. This is due to the fact that the signs of a normal pregnancy at such periods are different for all women. However, the fact that a frozen pregnancy is a heavy burden both on physical health women, and on her psychological state, is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, after appropriate treatment, the woman will need some time to recover. It is better to start thinking about the baby after three or six months. It is very important to undergo an appropriate examination by a doctor in order to determine possible deviations and to prevent another frozen pregnancy. During this time, you should take care of the health of both partners: do not drink alcohol, stop smoking, take a sufficient amount of vitamins. In addition, do not forget about the psychological factor: a future mother who has suffered such a complication may need the help of a specialist in order to overcome fears and worries and give birth to a healthy and full-fledged baby in the future.

What to do after detecting a frozen pregnancy?

A frozen pregnancy, the treatment of which must be started after the final diagnosis has been made, usually leads to a miscarriage. If a frozen pregnancy is detected, the doctor can choose the following treatment options:

  • Wait until miscarriage occurs. This will become a natural course of this pathology due to a decrease in placental hormones.
  • For up to eight weeks, your doctor may prescribe special medications that will cause a miscarriage.
  • The specialist can also appoint surgery- scraping of the uterine cavity. After curettage, with a frozen pregnancy, therapy with antibacterial effects is carried out. Two weeks later, an ultrasound scan is required to assess postoperative recovery.

Many women are concerned about the question: how long can you walk with a frozen pregnancy? Gynecologists do not give a definite answer. It can be a week, or two, or a month. That is why it is so important to visit a doctor on time.

Recovery and treatment after a frozen pregnancy

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy begins with an examination of the mother and father to prevent the situation from recurring in the future. Both spouses are tested for sex hormones and thyroid hormones, which undergo a thorough examination. This will help to establish and eliminate the causes that provoked the appearance of pathology. Further, for the prevention of the woman's body, the treatment includes careful contraception and good nutrition, containing multivitamins. These measures strengthen the body and prepare the woman for future pregnancy.

How to avoid a frozen pregnancy in the future?

Mothers who have suffered from this disease think about how to avoid a frozen pregnancy in the future already at the first stages of pregnancy planning. Experts recommend that women, after a frozen pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor and undergo an individual examination. The plan for such an examination is drawn up based on the personal characteristics of the woman's body and the history of her illness. But still, the main standard diagnostic examinations, which are shown to absolutely all women during the recovery period after a frozen pregnancy and planning a second conception, are:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of all organs of the small pelvis
  • a blood test that will show the level of autoantibodies and homocysteine
  • identification of possible urogenital diseases (smears)
  • examination of the thyroid gland and determination of its hormonal level in the blood
  • ToRHC-complex (identification of infections that pose a danger to pregnant women)

Such measures are imperative, since preventing a missed pregnancy helps reduce the risk of a recurrence of the tragedy and increases your chances of becoming a happy mother.

Summing up, it must be said that spouses planning to have a child must necessarily understand how a frozen pregnancy manifests itself, how to avoid and treat it. This will make it possible to eliminate the reasons unfavorable for pregnancy in time, as well as detect the symptoms of the disease and take measures that will increase the likelihood of adverse consequences of a frozen pregnancy.

If after a frozen pregnancy you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, then we recommend