High glycemic carbohydrates. Low glycemic carbohydrates. Correct Eating Low GI Carbohydrates

The Slow Carbohydrate (Complex) Chart is useful for anyone looking to lose weight or maintain their ideal weight.

Thanks to the table of slow carbohydrates, in order to effectively burn excess calories and lose weight, you will be able to create your correct diet and not completely abandon familiar, tasty foods.

It is very important to approach the process of losing weight wisely, to correctly compose your menu, then you will not go half-starved, and you will look slim and fit, feel cheerful and light. And in order not to get fat and be energetic, you need to revise your diet in favor of slow carbohydrates.

Below in the text you will find a table of slow carbohydrates, which contains a list of the main slow carbohydrates, indicating the glycemic index in descending order and the content of carbohydrates in them in grams per 100 g of product.

Carbohydrates are substances whose molecules are composed of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. In the process of metabolism, they turn into a source of energy, the most important "fuel" for the body - glucose... Once glucose enters the body, it is used for energy, and unused glucose is deposited as glycogen in muscle tissues and liver in reserve or in the form of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat. Glycogen is a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues, a storage carbohydrate for the body.

Carbohydrates are divided into fast (simple) and slow (complex):

Slow carbohydrates are carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates have a glycemic index below 50 (but this table includes several GI foods that are slightly above 50, but they are very useful!) and unlike fast ones, they are absorbed slowly, hence the name, thereby glucose evenly enters the bloodstream without sharp jumps in sugar.

These carbohydrates primarily include cereals, coarse grains and some starchy foods - beans, lentils, as well as vegetables and most fruits that are rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the body.

In order to simplify the use of knowledge about fast and slow carbohydrates, scientists have introduced the term "glycemic index".

Glycemic index

The ability of carbohydrates to raise blood sugar (hyperglycemia), is determined by the glycemic index. This term was first introduced into circulation in 1976 as a result of a unique scientific study, the purpose of which was to create a list of products ideal for patients. diabetes mellitus.

The glycemic index or abbreviated (GI) is an indicator of the effect of the food eaten on the change in glucose levels. (Sahara) in blood. The glycemic index of glucose is taken as 100, and all foods rich in glucose have their own, individual GI, which is compared with the GI of glucose and shows the rate of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates by the body.

Slow carbs and exercise

As we have already learned, there are fast and slow carbohydrates, they differ in the speed of absorption, which is why they got their names. There are recommendations for consuming fast and slow carbohydrates in combination with exercise. Slow carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed a couple of hours before training so that they provide energy evenly throughout the entire workout, and fast carbohydrates after training during the so-called "carbohydrate window", which lasts about 30 minutes from the end of the workout.

Slow carbohydrates are so called because of their slow absorption rate by the body, and if you want to lose weight, they are a preferred source of energy than fast carbohydrates. Slow carbohydrates, due to the fact that they are absorbed slowly, nourish the body with energy for a long time, which means that throughout the entire workout they will give you energy. During training, it is precisely this kind of energy intake that is most optimal, because By consuming slow carbohydrates before training, muscles are provided with a constant source of energy throughout the workout. What else is good about eating slow carbs before exercise? - On the one hand, the muscles receive energy throughout the workout, but on the other hand, there is always a little lack of it, which forces the body to break down fats to obtain energy. Medical research have shown that when eating slow carbohydrates before exercise, fat is burned much faster, and endurance increases and does not decrease throughout the entire workout.

A constant and steady level of energy for the body, for the muscles, is the main function of slow carbohydrates. By consuming slow carbs, you do not feel hungry for a long time, thus consuming fewer calories and losing weight faster.

Slow Carbohydrate Chart (Complex)

Porridge and flour products

The product's name Glycemic index
Millet porridge 69 26
Oatmeal 66 9
Rye-wheat bread 65 42
Boiled white rice 65 17
Dumplings with cottage cheese 60 37
Durum wheat pasta 50 27
Barley porridge 50 20
Buckwheat porridge 50 29
Boiled brown rice 40-50 14
Cellulose 30 14
Barley porridge 22 22
Soy flour 15 21

Vegetables, herbs

Fruits, berries

The product's name Glycemic index Content of carbohydrates in g. Per 100 g.
A pineapple 66 12
Bananas 60 21
Persimmon 55 13
Cranberry 45 4
Grapes 40 16
Tangerines 40 8
Gooseberry 40 9
Oranges 35 8
Pears 34 9
Strawberry 32 6
Peaches 30 10
Apples 30 10
Red currants 30 7
Sea buckthorn 30 5
Blackberry 25 4
Strawberry 25 6
Cherry plum 25 6
Grapefruit 22 6,5
Plums 22 10
Cherry 22 10
Sweet cherry 22 11
Apricots 20 9
lemon 20 3
Black currant 15 7

Dried fruits


Milk products

Cottage cheese, kefir, etc. are, of course, more protein products than carbohydrates, but due to their usefulness, we decided to include them in this table.

The glycemic index (GI) is the rate at which carbohydrates in foods are absorbed and increase blood sugar levels. A low GI is considered, equal to or less than 35. In total, the glycemic index scale consists of one hundred units. The theory was created in the 1980s for diabetics, but it is widely used in diet for weight loss and in proper nutrition.

Low GI foods - vegetables, grains, and other complex carbohydrate variations. They slowly release their energy to the body and are mainly stored in the muscles in the form. In contrast, high GI foods are converted to free foods. fatty acid... Excessive use of them is associated with both a set of subcutaneous fat and harm to health.

Note that the glycemic index is gradually being replaced by the concepts and insulin index. GN takes into account both the rate at which blood glucose levels rise and the amount of carbohydrates in a serving of food. In turn, notes that meat also provokes the production of glucose. AI also suggests that a number of foods (for example, yogurt) cause increased insulin production.

Benefits of Low GI Foods

Scientific studies show that regular consumption of foods with a high glycemic index disrupts metabolism¹. Fast carbohydrates negatively affect the production of insulin, provoking chronic hunger and activating the deposition of fat in problem areas. Regular and uncontrolled use of such products leads to the development of diabetes mellitus.

In contrast, low-GI foods are high in content - not only normalizing insulin², but helping to lower bad cholesterol³ and having a number of other health benefits.

What are the benefits of foods with fiber:

  • Provide long-lasting saturation
  • Normalize insulin production
  • Reduce the level of bad cholesterol
  • Helps bowel mechanics
  • Possess function

The glycemic index of a particular food is a comparison of the rate at which blood glucose rises after consuming a serving of that food containing approximately 50 g of carbohydrates to 50 g of glucose purity. It is important to understand that GI does not take into account the "density" of carbohydrates in the product, nor the serving size, nor the combination with other nutrients - for example, the presence of lactose speeds up the absorption of sugar.

The high GI of a product means that as it is eaten and digested further, the blood sugar will rise as quickly as possible. This, in turn, will trigger the production of insulin, with the help of which the eaten carbohydrates will be processed by the body. First, they will be used for needs (or will be stored in muscle glycogen), and in excess, in fat reserves.

The glycemic index of foods is divided into three categories:

  • Low glycemic index - less than 55
  • Average glycemic index - 56-69
  • High glycemic index - over 70

Quick Glycemic Index Table

High GI Average GI Low GI
White breadBrown breadSweet potato
Sweet pastriesWheat flourUndercooked pasta
White riceBrown riceBuckwheat
Sweet sodaOrange juiceApple juice
CrispsPastaCottage cheese
A pineappleBananaDried fruits
SemolinaOatmealQuinoa, buckwheat

Complete GI Tables

Glycemic index of food

With the same calorie content, slightly undercooked buckwheat porridge with a portion and dressing from olive oil will have a low GI. While boiled buckwheat in milk with sugar and butter- tall. Also, the glycemic index is influenced by the salt content, the presence of lactose in the composition and even the temperature during consumption (cold food is absorbed a little worse than hot food).

What lowers GI:

  • the presence of fiber, protein and fat
  • no heat treatment
  • hyperacidity (such as grape vinegar)

What increases GI:

  • fast carbohydrate content
  • overcooking the product
  • adding salt

High glycemic index foods are foods that contain extremely high speed assimilation. They quickly release their calories into the blood in the form of glucose, literally overwhelming the body with excess energy. In case this energy and glucose is not needed in currently in the muscles, it goes to fat stores.

Strictly speaking, it is not the high GI foods themselves that are harmful, but excessive use of it at the wrong time is harmful. For example, immediately after physical training, fast-absorbing carbohydrates will benefit the athlete's body, since their energy will provide a direct stimulus for muscle growth and recovery. Gainers with maltodextrin and isotonics work on this principle.

Pros of foods with a high glycemic index:

  • Restores glycogen stores quickly
  • Easy to digest and absorb
  • They have a sweet taste

The harm of high GI foods

The combination of regular consumption of high GI foods and a sedentary lifestyle is one of the key problems that causes many diseases. It is both diabetes mellitus and increased levels of bad cholesterol. At the same time, the most harmful type of fast carbohydrates is - the body cannot use the excess of its calories otherwise than to store it in fat.

Product GI
White bread100
Butter buns95
Potatoes (baked)95
Rice noodles95
Canned apricots95
Rice fast food 90
Instant porridge85
Carrots (boiled or stewed)85
Mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes85
(Powerade, Gatorade)80
Muesli with nuts and raisins80
Sweet pastries (waffles, donuts)75
Rice porridge with milk75
Carrots (raw)70
Chocolate bar (Mars, Snickers)70
Milk chocolate70
Sweet carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Coca-Cola)70
A pineapple70
Soft Wheat Noodles70
White rice70
Potato chips70
Sugar (white or brown)70

Products with an average glycemic index - from high-protein buckwheat to muesli with sugar - are an example of the fact that it is impossible to divide food into healthy and unhealthy, relying solely on such a parameter as the rate of absorption of carbohydrates. Ultimately, both the timing of this food intake (in the first half for or just before bedtime) and the total amount are important.

If the regular and excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods with an average GI negatively affects general level blood sugar and disrupts metabolic processes in the body (including the mechanism for the production of the hunger hormone leptin) - then moderate consumption of such products (for example, oatmeal) can have a positive effect on the body.

Product GI
Wheat flour65
Orange juice (packaged)65
Preserves and jams65
Black yeast bread65
Muesli with sugar65
Rye bread65
Jacket boiled potatoes65
Whole wheat bread65
Canned vegetables65
Pasta with cheese65
Thin crust pizza with tomatoes and cheese60
Ice cream60
Long grain rice60
Industrial mayonnaise60
Buckwheat (brown, roasted)60
Grapes and grape juice55
Canned Peaches55

Low GI foods are above all organic products, which contain a lot of vegetable fiber. In fact, foods containing most cereals (buckwheat, quinoa, bulgur), seeds, nuts, and green vegetables have a low glycemic index. Fruits, although they have a low GI, still increase the level of insulin in the blood, which is dangerous for diabetics.

50 Basmati rice50 Cranberry Juice (Sugar Free)50 Oranges50 Kiwi50 Mango50 Brown brown rice50 Apple juice (sugar free)50 Grapefruit45 45 Fresh orange juice45 Whole grain bread toast45 Dried figs40 Al dente cooked pasta40 Carrot juice (no sugar)40 Dried apricots40 Prunes40 Wild (black) rice35 Fresh apple35 Fresh plum35 Fresh quince35 Low fat natural yogurt35 Beans35 Fresh nectarine35 Garnet35 Fresh peach35 Tomato juice30 Fresh apricot30 Pearl barley30 Brown lentils30 Green beans30 Fresh pear30 Tomato (fresh)30 Fat-free cottage cheese30 Yellow lentils, peas30 Blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries30 Bitter chocolate (over 70% cocoa)30 Milk (any fat content)30 Passion fruit30 Tangerine fresh30 Blackberry20 Cherry25 Green and red25 Golden beans25 Fresh raspberries25 Red currants25 Soy flour25 Strawberry wild-strawberry25 Pumpkin seeds25 Gooseberry25 Peanut Butter (Sugar Free)20 Artichoke20 Eggplant20 Soy yogurt20 Almond15 Broccoli15 Cabbage15 Cashew15 Celery15 Bran15 Brussels sprouts15 Cauliflower15 Chilli15 Fresh cucumber15 Hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts15 Asparagus15 Ginger15 Mushrooms15 Zucchini15 Onion15 Pesto15 Leek15 Olives15 Peanut15 Rhubarb15 Tofu (bean curd)15 Soy15 Spinach15 Avocado10 Leaf salad10 , flaxseed10 Parsley, basil, vanillin, cinnamon, oregano10


The glycemic index shows how fully carbohydrates in a food are absorbed by the body and increase blood sugar levels. The scale consists of 100 units, where 0 is the minimum (foods that do not contain carbohydrates), 100 is the maximum. Foods with a high glycemic index give up their energy quickly to the body, while foods with a low glycemic index contain fiber and are absorbed slowly.

A woman always wants to stay young and beautiful. To keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition.

Scientific research has proven that for a long and happy life you need to maintain a healthy diet.

What is the glycemic index

Currently, the shelves in stores are bursting with all sorts of food products, beautiful packaging shines around, and the aromas simply do not allow you to pass by various delicacies. But until recently, few people thought about how useful modern food is.

In order to determine the number of calories of food and, accordingly, its benefits for the human body, nutritionists and doctors often use the term glycemic index - GI. At first it was a purely medical concept, with the use of GI, diet menus for patients with diabetes mellitus were compiled.

It is very convenient to use GI to compose a diet for weight loss, and this indicator is also the basis healthy eating.

The GI of glucose is taken as a basis, which is equal to 100 units.

The body receives the maximum benefit from food only if the food includes foods that are digested for a long time and with a low calorie index. This keeps blood sugar at the same level.

It should be noted that GI depends not only on the product itself, its nutritional value, but also on the method of preparation. Some foods lose most of their nutrients when cooked improperly.

The effect of GI on the body

The influence is due to the level to which this or that food product can be attributed according to this indicator:

    1. High tier includes food with a GI greater than 70.
      This food dramatically increases blood glucose levels, which leads to an increase in metabolic rate and increased appetite.
      A person has to eat more often, the stomach is full, and this negatively affects all organs of the human body.
      Ultimately, such a diet can lead to the development of diabetes.

  1. Average level - the indicator varies from 40 to 70 units.
    These products are not dangerous to humans.
    The list is quite wide, which allows you to create the right menu.
    As a rule, products of this group are used for the preparation of main dishes.
    They provide a source of strength and energy.
  2. Products with a low index have characteristics from 10 to 40 units.
    Low GI has a great effect on the body, these products provide faster saturation, improve metabolism, but do not lead to overeating.
    But it is worth considering that there are foods that, despite the low glycemic index, have a fairly high calorie content.
    It is advisable to avoid them in your diet.

List of foods with a low glycemic index

For each day, the menu can include products from the following list. They have a low GI, which allows them to be eaten in almost unlimited quantities.

In addition, these products are available and can be easily purchased from the store. But if the goal is to lose weight, then you have to stick to a low-calorie menu.

  1. First and second courses: bean soup, cereals in water and milk, vegetable stews and pasta, bran.
  2. Milk and its derivatives.
  3. Natural freshly squeezed juices without added sugars: apple, tomato, orange.
  4. Almost all types of fruits, dried fruits, berries.

List of foods with medium GI

This list includes:

  1. Boiled vegetables: young potatoes, beets.
  2. Unprocessed rice, muesli.
  3. Dumplings, fish cutlets, pizza.
  4. Fruits: pineapple, apricots, melon.
  5. Yoghurt with fruit, milk ice cream.

You can learn how to use the glycemic index in the video.

High GI Foods - Prohibited

The following food groups that have high GI values ​​should be avoided.

These include:

  1. All potato dishes: mashed potatoes and fried potatoes, fries.
    The glycemic index of these dishes is 70-85 units.
  2. Baking and bread: rolls, White bread, bagels, baguette - GI from 75 to 95 units.
  3. Vegetables: fried zucchini, boiled corn, baked pumpkin, boiled parsnips - GI 80 to 97 units.
  4. White rice cooked in any form - GI 80-100 units.
  5. Sweets: waffles, dates, cornflakes.
    The GI of dates alone is about 145 units.

However, there are some facts to consider when it comes to high GI foods. Take, for example, a watermelon, which has an indicator of more than 70 units, or a vegetable marrow with a GI of 72-75.

Despite the fact that these products are classified as prohibited for consumption, you can eat them. Moreover, fasting days are held on their basis.

The point is this: to get 50 grams of carbohydrates, you need to consume at least 1 kilogram of watermelon or about 2 kilograms of zucchini, which is beyond the power of an ordinary person.

And if we take into account the low level of calories in these products, we can safely say that they will bring more benefits to the body, despite the high glycemic index.

Therefore, the choice of the menu should be approached competently, taking into account not only the GI indicator, but beneficial features and calorie content of products.

In order to find out the exact glycemic index of foods, you can use the table:

Low Glycemic Diet - Who Is It For And How To Follow It

The basis of the diet for the glycemic index is made up of foods that saturate the body and prevent the rapid onset of hunger. The menu includes foods that are low in fat and high in low GI carbohydrates.

These are legumes, vegetables and fruits, unprocessed cereals and rice, natural yogurt.

Sample menu for a week

The total calorie content per day is 1500 kcal.

Breakfast: oatmeal in water with raisins, a green apple, a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: cereal soup and two pieces of rye bread with bran, a couple of plums.

Dinner: durum wheat pasta and a piece of boiled beef, tomato and cucumber salad, a glass of low-fat natural yogurt.

During the day, you can drink a lot of water, natural fresh juices, green tea sugarless.

For a week of such food, you can lose up to 1 kilogram.

Low Glycemic Diet Rules

When maintaining power on this system, it is advisable to adhere to certain requirements that will allow you to get the best result:

  • confectionery, ready-made meals, semi-finished products and instant food, rich bread cannot be included in the diet;
  • should increase the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and lean meat, dried fruits and various nuts;
  • breakfast must be complete, for example, porridge from different cereals - buckwheat, oats, barley;
  • during this period, it is worth giving up potatoes in any form, you should not add it to other dishes;
  • you can eat durum wheat pasta and whole grain breads.

Positive aspects of the diet

The appeal of this food system is as follows:

  1. There is a gradual weight loss, which has a positive effect on the state of the body.
  2. It is quite easy to withstand this food, there is no discomfort during the period of the diet.
  3. The simplicity of execution allows you to leave most of the usual dishes in the diet, but the choice of products will be slightly different.
  4. The cost of this diet is low and affordable for most people.
    It will take a little more money if the diet contains mainly vegetables and fruits with a low GI, and even then only in the winter.
  5. It is easily tolerated, the diet is quite satisfying.
    Great for people who practice vegetarianism, but some may find it hard to consume a lot of legumes.
    Although they can be replaced with other vegetables.

Effectiveness of the diet

In most diets, the body slows down the metabolic process in order to save and retain the calories. Since he is regularly hungry, there is a need for replenishment of energy.

Thus, any strict diet is very difficult to tolerate.

Diet on the glycemic index allows you to maintain blood sugar at the same level, the feeling of hunger does not arise, respectively, the body does not make sense to sound the alarm and delay metabolic processes. As a result, a decrease in calorie intake does not negatively affect metabolic processes, and weight loss occurs.

A low glycemic diet not only allows you to lose weight, but also benefits the body. After a month of maintaining this nutritional system, the results will delight the woman - minus 3-4 kilograms and excellent health.

There are some tricks that will make it easier to carry over this diet.

It can be an excellent foundation for a healthy diet.

  1. Many people are used to buying processed rice.
    It can be easily replaced with other types: brown unpeeled or basmati.
  2. Unrefined grains have a low GI.
    Healthy and tasty muesli should always be on the table.
  3. If a woman is very fond of potatoes, sometimes you can afford to be pampered.
    Moreover, young potatoes have a much lower GI than old ones.
  4. It is worth giving preference to the following types of heat treatment: baking, steaming, boiling.
  5. Pasta should not be cooked until fully cooked, and freezing them will help reduce the GI of dumplings and dumplings.

There are several options for GI diets, the most famous of which are - chinese diet and Michel Montignac's food system.

Learn everything about carbohydrates and the glycemic index from the video.

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Knowledge of the glycemic index will help you to correctly formulate a diet, because depending on this indicator, you can both increase your weight and lose weight.

Quick navigation through the article:

The glycemic index (hereinafter GI) is an indicator of the rate of absorption of carbohydrates entering the body and increasing blood sugar levels. The glycemic index of each food is compared to the GI of glucose, which is 100 units. The less carbohydrates in the product, the lower the indicator will be. Thus, all carbohydrate-containing foods are divided into three groups:

  • high GI - above 70 units;
  • average GI - 40-70 units;
  • low GI - 10-40 units.

Foods with a high GI are usually called fast or empty. Blood glucose levels rise very quickly after consuming high GI foods. Practically, sugars are present here in a pure, almost unchanged form. Those foods that have a low GI are called complex or slow, because the energy supplied with them is released gradually, over several hours.

GI depends on:

  • type of carbohydrates;
  • method of heat treatment of products;
  • storage conditions;
  • the amount of fiber;
  • protein and fat content.

Important facts:

  1. Initially, the study of this indicator was started to correct the diet in patients with diabetes mellitus. But later it turned out that foods with a high GI can raise blood sugar in perfectly healthy people.
  2. The more such foods enter the body, the more problems this can cause.
  3. Sometimes even those foods that are considered low in calories have a high GI and are therefore easy to recover from.
  4. It should be noted that those foods that contain fiber have a lower GI and are absorbed more slowly, gradually releasing energy.
  5. Foods devoid of fiber with a high GI give a lot of energy, but if you do not spend it, leading a sedentary lifestyle, then this energy is converted into fat.
  6. Frequent consumption of foods with GI leads to metabolic disorders. Constantly high sugar levels increase hunger.

Video: everything important to know about the glycemic index of foods

Glycemic index of foods: weight loss table

The table has been compiled from the most commonly used products. For ease of use, foods with the same GI are put together.

The glycemic index of foods shown in the table is an average and approximate. This is due to the storage conditions, the method of cooking, the initial content of carbohydrates in a particular product. Possible GI changes will be discussed in the next article.

Download complete table GI of products on the refrigerator for free, PDF 570 kb

Foods with a high glycemic index of 70 and above GI
Beer 110
Dates, hamburger 103
Glucose, starch, white bread, rutabagas, bagels, fried croutons 100
Butter rolls, baked, fried potatoes, potato casserole, parsnips 95
Rice noodles, White rice, canned peaches, apricots, honey, pies, hot dog 90
Cornflakes, stewed or boiled carrots, popcorn, rice milk pudding, root celery 85
Mashed potatoes, muesli with raisins, crackers, donuts, caramel, lollipops, condensed milk 80
Pumpkin, watermelon, French baguette, lasagna, rice porridge with milk, unsweetened waffles, squash caviar 75
Millet, chocolate bars (like "Mars"), young chocolate, croissant, sweet soda, pearl barley, white and Brown sugar, chips, semolina, couscous, soft wheat pasta, halva, cheese cakes, juices in the package, jam 70
Foods with an average glycemic index of 50-69 GI
Wheat flour 69
Pineapple, instant oatmeal 66
Black yeast bread, Wheat flour, orange juice, jam, boiled or stewed beets, marmalade, muesli with sugar, jacket potatoes, canned fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes, rye and whole grain bread, pasta with cheese, raisins, marshmallows, marshmallows, fruit waffles 65
Fritters, pizza, bananas, ice cream, lasagna, melon, mayonnaise, sour cream, oatmeal, cocoa, long grain rice, coffee and black tea with sugar, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes 60
Canned corn, grape juice, ketchup, mustard, spaghetti, sushi, shortbread cookies, margarine, processed cheese, feta 55
Cranberry, apple and pineapple juice b / sugar, mango, persimmon, kiwi, brown rice, orange, sweet yogurt, cutlets, pork schnitzel, fish cakes, omelet, beef liver fried, natural coffee b / sugar, egg, yolk 50

Foods with a low glycemic index of 49 and below (recommended for weight loss) GI
Dry wines and champagne 44
Cranberries, grapefruit juice, canned green peas, basmati rice, coconut, whole grain bread, orange juice, buckwheat, wheat pasta, carrot juice, dried apricots, prunes, eggplant caviar, beef, crab sticks 40
Wild rice, chickpeas, apples, fresh green peas, Chinese noodles, vermicelli, sesame seeds, plums, quince, sesame seeds, natural yogurt 0%, fructose ice cream, soy sauce, boiled sausage 35
Beans, nectarine, pomegranate, peach, b / sugar compote, tomato juice 34
Soy milk, apricot, lentils, grapefruit, green beans, garlic, beets, pear, tomato, low-fat cottage cheese, pear, sugar-free jam, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, dark chocolate, milk, passionfruit, tangerine, green bananas, chicken 30
Cherries, raspberries, red currants, strawberries, strawberries, pumpkin seeds, gooseberries, soy flour, fatty kefir, crushed yellow peas 25
Artichoke, eggplant, soy yogurt, lemon, seaweed 20
Almonds, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cashews, cauliflower, white and Brussels sprouts (in any form), chili peppers, cucumber, nuts, asparagus, ginger, mushrooms, zucchini, onions, leeks, olives, peanuts, tofu cheese , soy, spinach, pickled and pickled cucumbers, bran, kefir, black currant, olives and olives 15
Avocado, green pepper 10
lettuce, sunflower seeds 9
dill, parsley, vanillin, cinnamon, oregano, shrimp, hard cheese 5

When to eat high GI foods

  • after prolonged sports training;
  • with a sharp decrease in blood sugar, (for example, in insulin-dependent patients)
  • When to consume low-GI foods

    • if you want to lose weight;
    • when conducting sedentary and sedentary lifestyle;
    • during forced decreases in activity, for example, during illness;
    • restore metabolic processes if desired;
    • with diabetes mellitus of group 2.


    For the vast majority of people, low-GI foods are much preferable for the following reasons:

    1. food is absorbed slowly, sugar level rises and falls gradually, and not abruptly;
    2. sick diabetes mellitus can control the increase in blood glucose levels, preventing the progression of the disease and the development of concomitant diseases;
    3. using in the diet foods with a low glycemic index, you can steadily lose weight;
    4. foods with a high glycemic index useful only for athletes and physically hard working people.

    Approximate GI values ​​in different food categories

    Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find data on GI in products produced in our country. But in developed countries, this important parameter is mentioned on almost all food products.

    To have an approximate idea of ​​the size of the GI, we present some data.

    High GI foods:
    • Chocolates, milk chocolate, fast food, ice-cream in chocolate, cakes, pastries - GI = 85-70;
    Average GI:
    • Fruit juices without sugar, pizza, coffee and tea with sugar - 46-48
    Low GI:
    • Bitter chocolate 70% -22, tomato juice -15, meat and fish dishes -10.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Low or High Glycemic Foods

    GI Benefits disadvantages
    • a quick influx of energy, increased efficiency;
    • increased blood glucose levels.
    • short duration of energy inflow;
    • the formation of body fat due to sharp surges in blood sugar;
    • danger of admission for patients with diabetes.
    • gradual release of energy, which lasts for a long time;
    • delayed increase in blood glucose, which prevents fat deposition;
    • reduced hunger.
    • Low effect during training and physical activity;
    • Not enough rapid increase blood sugar in coma with group 1 diabetes mellitus.

    Metabolic Disorders from High GI Foods

    Energy from carbohydrates is consumed in three ways:

    1. to replenish the expended energy;
    2. for the storage of glycogen in muscles;
    3. for back-up needs in case of power shortages.
    4. The storage tanks are fat cells found throughout the body. By eating foods with a high glycemic index, the body is overwhelmed with glucose, quickly processed into fat... If at the moment the energy is not in demand, the person is sitting or lying down, then this fat is sent to storage in the depot.

    Are high GI foods harmful?

    • With the constant consumption of foods with a high GI, the blood glucose level is constantly kept at elevated level... Eating something sweet or high in calories during every half hour or hour, even if only a glass of tea with sugar, candy, cookies, roll or sweet fruit, the sugar level will build up and rise.
    • The body responds by reducing the production of insulin. There is a metabolic disorder, which is expressed in the accumulation of extra pounds. The fact is that with a lack of insulin, glucose cannot get into muscle fibers, even if the body needs it at the moment.
    • Unspent energy reserves sent for storage, deposited in the form of folds on the abdomen, sides and thighs.
    • At the same time, it would seem that constant overeating, a person feels constant hunger, weakness, trying to get energy, he eats more and more. The stomach is overstretched, but satiety does not come.


    It is not the foods with a high GI that are harmful, but their excessive and uncontrolled consumption. If you worked hard, or spent a couple of hours in the gym, then a high GI will go to restore energy, to boost vivacity. If you eat these foods in front of the TV, at night, then body fat will grow by leaps and bounds.

    Are Low Glycemic Foods Really Good

    The good thing about slow carbohydrate foods is that they gradually keep your energy levels up. Using them, you will not receive bursts of energy, but you can effectively spend it throughout the day. These products include:

    • most of the vegetables;
    • hard pasta (el dente, i.e. slightly undercooked) and brown rice, many legumes;
    • fresh fruits, milk and dairy products, dark chocolate, etc.

    The glycemic index and calorie content are not related to each other, so you need to understand both concepts. Any food, even with a low GI, still contains calories.

    Here's what nutritionist Kovalkov says about the glycemic index:

    Foods with a low glycemic index. Slimming table.

    This table contains foods that help you lose weight. They can be eaten daily without fear of typing excess weight... If you adhere to such a diet throughout your life, only occasionally pampering yourself with foods with a high GI, then the weight will stably remain at the same numbers. However, do not forget that overeating, even healthy foods will stretch the walls of the stomach, requiring more and more portions, and then it will not be possible to lose weight.

    Conclusion: the predominant content in the diet of foods with a low GI, periodically - with an average GI and very rarely, in exceptional cases with a high GI.

    Low glycemic index diet

    Many factors can alter the glycemic index of a food, which must be considered when formulating a low GI diet.

    Here is some of them:

    • the duration of storage and the degree of maturity of starch-containing products. For example, an unripe banana has a low GI of 40, and after ripening and softening, the GI rises to 65. Apples also increase the GI when ripe, but not so quickly;
    • a decrease in starch particles leads to an increase in GI. This applies to all grain products. That is why cereal bread or coarse flour is considered so useful. In large particles of flour, dietary fiber, proteins, fiber remain, which lowers the GI to 35-40. Therefore, preference should be given to bread and wholemeal flour;
    • reheating food after refrigeration reduces GI;

    • cooking increases GI. So, for example, boiled carrots have a GI of 50, while in raw form it does not exceed 20, since the starch contained in it gelatinizes when heated;
    • industrial products are prepared using heat treatment, gelatinization of starchy products. This is why cornflakes, instant mashed potatoes, and breakfast cereals have very high GIs of 85 and 95, respectively. In addition, they contain dextrins and modified starch - GI 100;
    • many foods contain cornstarch. Seeing such an inscription, everyone should understand that the GI of this product is close to 100, which can increase glycemia;
    • breaking corn kernels when making popcorn leads to an increase in GI by 15-20%;
    • some types of noodles and spaghetti, obtained by the method of pasteification or extrusion under high pressure, have a reduced GI -40. But dough for dumplings, dumplings, homemade noodles, made from durum flour in the usual way, has a high GI of -70;
    • Spaghetti and durum pasta are recommended to be slightly undercooked, so that they crunch slightly on the teeth. This will keep your GI as low as possible. If you cook pasta for 15-20 minutes, then the gelatinization of starch will increase and the GI will increase to 70. If you cook spaghetti (even with white flour) in the al dente (slightly undercooked) method and serve cold, for example, in a salad, then they GI will be only 35;
    • Long-term storage of foods containing starch also contributes to the decrease in GI. Warm, freshly baked bread will have a much higher GI than one that has cooled down and even more so one that has dried out. Therefore, it is recommended to store bread in the refrigerator or even freeze it at first, followed by defrosting. And there is it in a dried, stale form. For quick drying, you can cook croutons in the oven or in a toaster;
    • Chilling foods, such as those sold in a vacuum casing and stored at temperatures no higher than 5 degrees, also lowers the GI;

    1. Use as many vegetables as possible in your diet. Their low GI makes it possible not only to increase the reserves of vitamins and minerals, but also to eat in any quantity. In addition, vegetables lower the GI of other foods when eaten together. The fiber found in vegetables significantly reduces blood sugar levels as it takes a lot of energy to digest it.
    2. Eliminate foods with a higher glycemic index from the diet: beer, carbonated drinks, confectionery and flour products, sweets.

    1. Choose cooking methods that lower your GI. For example, mashed potatoes with mashed starch particles have the highest GI, while baked or boiled potatoes have a much lower GI. The stronger the boiled starchy product (porridge, pasta, potatoes, cereals), the higher the GI.
    2. Grinding foods increases their GI. For example, a piece of meat has a lower GI than cutlets. Any crushing speeds up digestion, which means that less energy is required for this. The same applies even to vegetables. Therefore, do not try to chop vegetables for salads too finely. Raw carrots are healthier than grated and even more so than boiled ones.
    3. Natural vegetables and fruits are healthier than juices, since juices lack fiber, which slows down digestion and lowers GI. For the same purpose, it is not necessary to peel vegetables and fruits from the peel, since it can lengthen the digestion process and lower the GI.
    4. Add a little to salads and other dishes (half a teaspoon) vegetable oil, since all oils slow down the digestion process, impair the absorption of sugars, and lower the GI.
    5. Separate meals are not all that beneficial, as proteins can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, lower glucose levels, and lower GI. In turn, carbohydrates are needed for the assimilation of proteins. Therefore, in dietary nutrition, it is necessary to combine a protein dish with a vegetable one.
    6. In the daily diet, it is necessary to lower the GI with each meal. It can be quite high in the morning, medium GI dishes at lunchtime, and only low GI for dinner. During the night's rest, energy consumption is minimal, which means that everything eaten at night is converted into body fat.

    How to create your own healthy diet. Nutritionist advice.

    This article provides food for thought and everyone can benefit from it. Of course, we most often choose not what is useful, but what is available, for which there is enough money. But this is not a reason to eat only deliberately harmful food that destroys health. As a result, you will have to spend much more on medicines.

    These rules will help everyone create a menu for themselves and their families:

    • choose buckwheat and rice instead of fries and fast food;
    • steam meat and vegetables instead of frying;
    • bake or boil potatoes instead of mashed potatoes
    • slightly undercooking pasta and cereals to reduce their glycemic index;
    • to add flavor, use spices, tomato and lemon juice instead of mayonnaise, ketchup and other high-calorie sauces;
    • do not try to immediately change your eating habits, and do not look for universal diets. Gradually, day after day, pick up such dishes that suit you, you like your taste and can replace harmful and excessively high-calorie ones. This is the only way to find your ideal diet;
    • Learn new ways of cooking, monitor the reaction of your body, your health and mood. This will allow you to find your own regime and way of losing weight;
    • Remember that the consumption of foods with a high GI is permissible only after hard physical work and prolonged strength training, as well as according to the testimony of a doctor during or after illness;
    • A large number of effective diets are based precisely on the judicious use of foods with a medium or low glycemic index.

    If you haven't downloaded it yet, be sure to download the Glycemic Index Table of Foods, as well as roughly the low GI diet menu. We made the files easy to print and hang on the refrigerator.

    The vital parameter for diabetic patients, called the glycemic index, is very important, because its value shows how different foods affect the glucose level in a person's blood.

    A person who has never seen the calculated rates of various dishes may find them complex, incomprehensible. The glycemic index is represented by a systematization with the assessment and distribution of everything that a person eats, where it is seen how a certain fruit, vegetable or other dish can affect the "sugariness" of the blood. This index focuses on the calculation of carbohydrates contained in food. Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are rated between 0 and 55. These foods have minimal effect on sugar levels in the bloodstream. The index parameter from 56 to 69 signals that sugar is able to rise at a moderate pace. If the value is more than 70 ─ such food has the maximum effect on the rise in glucose.

    The statement about the harmfulness of food with a high glycemic index is incorrect. It is useful to eat this food after physical work, and it is able to restore the spent carbohydrates in the shortest possible time. But the abuse of such foods will negatively affect the human body. With a significant drop in glucose caused by this food, a person's weight, cholesterol will increase, and metabolic processes will be disrupted.

    To the indicator of glycemia, it is necessary to take into account not only one volume of carbohydrates. This indicator is influenced by the type of sugar present in the product, as well as the production technology of this product. For example, when comparing carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, the table shows that mashed potatoes and milk rice pudding have a high value, while buns and canned apricots have an even higher value.

    When the index is low

    For this type of product, the properties are opposite to those with such a high indicator. These products are technologically processed and cleaned to a minimum. The index of fiber, which slows down the absorption of glucose by the body, is medium or high, and there is little sugar, but it is natural and healthy. Low glycemic carbohydrates contain foods in the form of:

    • vegetables;
    • fruit;
    • seeds;
    • nuts;
    • legumes.

    About diet

    This diet will help regulate your sugar ratio. With her, the energy from the food eaten is released slowly, respectively, satiety is felt for a long time.

    The low glycemic diet has 3 stages. The emphasis is on foods rich in healthy protein, lipids and fiber. The first stage imposes a restriction on the intake of carbohydrate compounds, which means a two-week rejection of bread products, potatoes with rice, and fruits are also not allowed. In the second stage from the excluded list, you can eat fruit fruits with whole grains. At the third stage, the achievement of the desired weight is observed, it is considered a supporting period of this diet. At this stage, they are guided by past postulates, but all types of products are already included in the nutritional diet, it is advisable to avoid products with "empty" carbohydrate compounds (chips, hamburgers, crackers and many others), preference is given to "healthy fats". Overeating and eating late are contraindicated.

    Together with nutritional value any food containing carbohydrate compounds and absorbed by humans contains a glycemic index. Often, foods with a high calorie content have a high index value, and the opposite happens.

    The very concept of this indicator conventionally means the rapidity of the breakdown of various products with carbohydrate compounds in comparison with the speed of breakdown of simple glucose. The sooner the product is broken down, the more more value index.

    Therefore, there is a division of products containing carbohydrate compounds into high, medium and low index. "Empty carbohydrates" are found in foods that have a high index. This food will instantly increase glucose in the bloodstream, while stimulating the production of insulin, and diabetic patients have problems with this to varying degrees.

    Insulin distributes "unnecessary" blood glucose to all tissues, part of which is converted into fat, and it also prevents fats from being broken down back into sugar. When this hormone works, fat can accumulate, but the process will never go in the opposite direction. Therefore, food with a high glycemic index in large quantities can add extra pounds.

    Carbohydrates with low, medium and high glycemic index are described in the table. For example, the glycemic index of plums is 35 and is considered low, the glycemic index of pasta made from durum wheat is 50, is considered medium. The glycemic index of pears is 30, which is low. The glycemic index of grapefruit is also 30. The glycemic index of mango is 50, which is average.

    About carbohydrates

    Simple carbohydrate compounds have easy digestibility and high sugar levels. These are the sweetest products (confectionery products, sweet juices, sugar, and others).

    The assimilation of complex carbohydrates (starch, polysaccharide and glycogenic compounds) occurs gradually, glucose is increased at a slower pace and the working regime of the human body is maintained for a long time. Found in fruits such as:

    • grapefruit;
    • mango;
    • pears.

    There are also many of them in pasta and bread products.

    Fibrous carbohydrate compounds contain vegetables, bran. There are 2 types of fiber:

    • able to dissolve, for example, pectin found in various fruits (mango, grapefruit), slows down digestion and lowers the blood cholesterol level of a person;
    • incapable of dissolving (grain husk) is not capable of being absorbed in human digestion. Using it, you can prevent colon cancer and constipation.

    Start day better welcome whole grain products. For those who like porridge, try whole oats or wheat, or other whole grains. Limit potatoes, try brown rice instead. It is advisable to cook pasta using whole wheat. It is a good idea to include legumes in your diet. They are the basis of protein and slowly digestible carbohydrate compounds.

    How to bypass this index

    • If the food contains a lot of fiber, then this figure will be low.
    • In natural vegetables and fruits, the value is lower than thermally processed.
    • In mashed potatoes, the parameter will be high when compared to boiled in the peel. Here there is a connection with the "denaturation" of starch compounds in the cooking process of potatoes. As a rule, the greater the number of digestions of starch products (pasta, cereal), the higher the index will be.
    • If proteins and carbohydrates are combined, then this parameter is lowered. This symbiosis allows proteins to be absorbed slowly into the bloodstream, and carbohydrates help proteins to be absorbed as much as possible.
    • Crushed products have a high index value. This mainly applies to cereals.
    • When too little lipids are added to carbohydrates, their digestibility increases, and the index parameter decreases.
    • Prolonged chewing of food contributes to the slow absorption of carbohydrates