Libra guy what kind of girl he needs. Libra man character. Video: Libra man in a relationship

Libra man character changeable and capricious, and his indecision can easily drive you crazy. This is a windy and fickle lover who loves flirting, but certainly charismatic.He has a discreet, calm charm and a very pleasant appearance. Somewhere deep inside, he can be very emotional, but outwardly he seems cool, relaxed and calm.

Essentially, Mr. is a man with an interesting mixture of reason and feeling. Part of his soul is sentimental and sensual, while the other is sober and rational.

His way of thinking is so deep that it sometimes interferes with his feelings. And yet feelings always find a way to the surface.

Sometimes he may suffer from confusion of feelings, but usually he soberly assesses difficulties; with which he has to face, and the choice he makes is always conscious.He is passionate and romantic, refined, but loves pleasure.

Even his Sybarite inclinations, he demonstrates in a special stylish manner.

Beauty makes his heart beat faster, as well as romantic stories.

Libra man character -it a cloud-headed romantic who is in love with love, or at least with the brilliance of feeling. If he is truly in love, he is capable of a brilliant romance.

However, his partner must also be equally brilliant, otherwise his blindness may suddenly disappear.

A less developed representative of this sign is different

superficiality and is more interested in the façade than deep feelings.

At the same time, he can be completely selfish and very unreliable.

In his most developed form, Mr. Libra man reliable and devoted, sincere and full of sympathy.

He would like to fulfill his need for romance in the most mature form of love.

And as long as this love satisfies him, he will appreciate both her and the woman who helped her come true.

What do you think a Libra man wants?

Mr. Libra loves romance - the more poetry, the better. He dreams of perfect love and has a special weakness for all its attributes.

Candles, good music, delicious food, visible and perfume attract him. However, nothing captivates him more than physical beauty.

Therefore, he easily falls into slavery to some pretty face, especially if it belongs to a person with refined manners and if all this is combined with a sharp mind.

And it's not at all because Mr. Libra man too fastidious, but because he is a romantic idealist who longs for a great love adventure. Beauty is included in his ideas about prosperity.

Therefore, he is especially attracted - perhaps even more than intellect and character - by the face and body that he can admire.

Attitude of the Libra man to women, love and sex

Falling in love with love is perhaps the biggest dream of this man's life. However, whether he will remain in love for a long time is a completely different question.

Due to the fact that Mr. Libra sincerely loves women, he often becomes easy prey for them, falling under the spell of their beauty.

Unless he is a highly developed type of Libra, he can be irresistibly wrong.

However, unlike Gemini, this does not at all mean a thirst for change and diversity. Rather, a kind of momentary weakness makes him forget about everything.

Trapped by a beautiful and treacherous woman, he may later declare that he never understood what captivated him. Perhaps it should be added that he did not seek to understand this.

The most highly developed Libras usually suffer from hard-hearted beauties at a young age.

This experience Mr. Libra uses in his more mature years to figure out what he really wants from love.

The older he gets, the more seriously he takes all his novels, while recognizing the complete equality between a man and a woman (you must agree, this is worthy of praise).

He can both help you with the housework and offer to hire a maid. He will bring you flowers daily and then celebrate every anniversary of your first date.

You have only read about such novels in books before!

However, for this, his feelings must be heated to the limit.

Even the most highly developed Mr. Libra man loves pretty women who know how to use their appearance one hundred percent.

Ugliness depresses him, as does any manifestation of rudeness or vulgarity. It also turns off completely if a woman has an irritable or hysterical character.

Essentially, he views all relationship problems as a kind of contradiction and feels that these contradictions should be resolved in a process of calm discussion.

Screams break the harmony so highly valued by him and strongly get on his nerves. This does not mean that he himself cannot even raise his voice. It’s just that such situations are unnatural and unpleasant for him.

This is a very sensual man, whose passion is a continuation of his emotional susceptibility.

However, while with the highly developed Mr. Libra you can reach the pinnacle of physical passion, the less mature type is often passive, self-centered and sexually insecure.

Typically, Mr. Libra's sensuality extends to everything around him: he loves music, good food, wine, fresh flowers, and exotic scents. It should be noted that he also has a finely developed sense of color.

From a physical point of view, he is very gentle and loves to express his feelings through touch.

Essentially, Mr. Libra takes sex as seriously as he takes love. In these two areas, he is looking for the most thrill and the most subtle emotions.

Therefore, that woman whose mind prevails over feelings will never be able to captivate him or become his true friend.

Since it is more natural for Mr. Libra to think in terms of "we" than "I", he finds complete happiness only with a partner.

As a rule, he enjoys shared experiences much more than individual successes. The closeness and security that a harmonious romantic marriage brings are the most important things in life for him.

The virtues of the character of a Libra man

Because of its romanticism, it may seem to you that you are living with the Great Gatsby.

You will bathe in tenderness, drown in flowers, champagne and, perhaps, poetry.

By nature, the Libra mancaring, he does not limit you in anything, gentle, he is not nauseatingly sentimental. Of course, you will be excited by his languid sensuality, which no woman's soul can resist.

In his at its best Mr. Libra is a gentleman whose demeanor and impeccable manners are more than exquisite.

His character will charm you, and his wit will captivate.

This is a man. In any conflict, Mr. Libra tries to understand the other side, even if it is against his own interests.

It is easy to communicate with him, he quickly grasps the essence of the problem. Because he is so responsive to beauty and pleasure, his company can be very exciting. Essentially, Mr. Libra is a wonderful lover and also a very good friend.

And from whatever point of view you consider it, this is already a lot.

Character flaws of Libra men

Perhaps this is the number one playboy on our planet. This man is more interested in the circumference of your chest and waist than your emotions.

He can be a slave to his desire for beauty and a hopeless prisoner of his desires. He has a special weakness for the "divine heights" of love and a beautiful figure,. The more of this, the better.

So he can fall madly in love in one week, and three months later decide that the old ardor has faded, the bells no longer ring, and that there are other seductive figures that are just begging to be used.

Libra man character not only can he be emotionally unstable - he often feels sorry for himself when he suffers from this. During emotional conflicts, he can behave so evasively that you have to work hard before you finally get straight, explanations.

At its worst, Mr. Libra is passive and indecisive, emotionally unstable and very insecure. And you can find out more on this page.

He can be a dependent person who needs a lot of emotional support, and at the same time he is able to leave you because of some beauty that he finds more seductive.

This least developed type of Libra tends to “immediate pleasure rather than mature love. And what is especially surprising, it seems that he always finds them.

What a Libra Man Needs

He needs beauty, harmony and reliability. Poverty and dirt drive him into a deep depression and have a bad effect on his physical well-being.

The harmony of the surrounding life keeps Mr. Libra in balance, and the beauty helps him to flourish.

However, most of all, he needs the beauty and depth of feelings, which can only be found in close, trusting and equal relationships based on sexual compatibility, common interests and mutual respect.

What is Libra man afraid of?

Although it rarely appears on the surface, deep down, Mr. Libra is quite restless.

Most of all, he is afraid of being abandoned and deceived in his best feelings. He is afraid of growing old alone and that he will not be able to find a partner who would make his dream of a woman come true.

How to Win the Attention of a Libra Man

Mr. Libra loves beauty the most. Appearance means a lot to him, so if he doesn’t like your face, it’s best for you to leave the race at the start.

He is only attracted to superb well-groomed women. Mr. Libra will be the first to notice the sloppiness in your appearance and signs that you are not taking good care of yourself.

So try to look your best and invite him to the Sunday afternoon chamber music concert (Mr. Libra has a very developed aesthetic sense).

Later, at dinner, politely excuse yourself and lightly touch up your makeup and perfume. Since your dinner is by candlelight, you will speak very quietly so as not to disturb the intimacy of the atmosphere.

When he leans towards you to hear what you have said, he will be mesmerized by the scent of your perfume.

How to keep a Libra man

Work on his feelings.

Perfume your Chanel No. 5 sheets and always try to be at your best.

He will surely enjoy candlelit dinners with Brazilian jazz playing somewhere in the background. Have a champagne breakfast on a gray, rainy morning, then give him a slow kiss on the neck when he least expects it.

But above all, never let him be a witness to that behind-the-scenes work, without which your charm simply would not exist.

If a quarrel suddenly breaks out, then never shout, explaining yourself. If you seriously violate family psychology, the harmony of the world around him, you will smash to smithereens the love that was between you.

This person may not agree with you, but he will do everything to understand you.

Therefore, boldly and frankly tell him about all your needs. Then offer reasonable suggestions for how he could satisfy them.

Don't blame him for not being able to make you happy - it's better to calmly discuss how he can fix the situation.

realistic expectations

The love of flirting is in his blood, and it is very difficult for him to stop.

Mr. Libra enchants even dogs, children and old ladies. However, if you come across a highly developed type of Libra, he will be devoted to you for the rest of his life.

When he is in love or even just very passionate, he will do more for you than he can. He will also offer you his help in cooking, food and may even surpass you in the culinary arts.

In essence, this is a sensual and caring man who sees the meaning of life in partnership and doing joint household chores.

Therefore, he is ready to create a long and lasting relationship. However, if this is an undeveloped type, weak, insecure and enslaved by his fears, then he is able to leave you for some teenage girl after twenty years of marriage.

Therefore, critically analyze in which direction he is moving before you have to part with him.

Of course, the influence of zodiac signs on fate is very great. Each deserves special attention, but in this article we will focus on the Libra zodiac sign. A man, just like a woman, falling under this sign, acquires distinctive features in behavior and character. If “what a woman wants” is quite difficult to understand, then with men everything is much easier, knowing some of the secrets that this sign gives its owner.

You will recognize him from a thousand

In fact, it is very easy to recognize the Libra zodiac sign. A man born under it is often endowed with good manners, knows how to behave in society, is tactful and well-mannered. He does not go into his pocket for a word, he will easily support any conversation. It is especially pleasant to talk with him on spiritual topics or talk about his problems, which he will experience with you. It is no problem for him to find exactly those words that are suitable at the moment, in order to console and help his interlocutor. At the same time, Libra in no case will climb into the soul in order to find out why the interlocutor's mood has deteriorated.

Horoscope Libra man

As already mentioned, it is the horoscope that determines the characteristics of our behavior in many respects. A male Libra, for example, referring solely to his logical judgments and rationalism, will be able to easily understand any situation and give the right advice. But as for the analysis of personal psychological motives, they are not strong enough, but in fact this does not change the essence of the matter, because society does not require this, but accepts them as they are. Thanks to their command of the word and complete control over the conversation, Libra can easily assert themselves in certain matters.

Despite the fact that Libra really does not like to analyze their own relationships, and even more so if someone does it from the outside, they are very good at orienting themselves in other people's problems. At the same time, they do not like it if their relationship begins to become complicated by some unacceptable factors for themselves. It is because of this that all their contacts and relationships for the most part go very calmly and evenly, according to the knurled.


In essence, the airy (and some horoscopes even describe it as windy) zodiac sign Libra. A man born under the rulers of Venus and Chiron always strives exclusively for harmony and balance. Any conflict unnerves him, and it is because of this that Libra is ready to make almost any compromises, only in order to resolve the problem as soon as possible. The character is mostly more than calm, reasonable, and the heart is big. Libra is an incorrigible dreamer and idealist, despite the fact that they experience a certain impartiality to everyone around them to a greater extent. At the same time, their position in relation to society in no case develops into rigidity, which, in principle, is inherent in all other signs in a similar situation. They feel the aesthetic beauty very subtly and strive for comfort in any place of their stay, whether it is work or home.

Libras have a certain duplicity, which is determined primarily by their desire to please people, thereby not creating any conflict situations, in order to maintain stability.

Positive, purposefulness, ability to adapt, the ability to maintain inner peace - all this is possessed by a person who is patronized by the sign of the zodiac Libra. A man in this case (endowed with such abilities) is, as a rule, more successful than a woman, but at the same time neither one nor the other can stand loneliness, and any activity is more successful in partnership.

Marriage and family

Libra men in marriage are full of romanticism. With such a second half, you can live your whole life and not worry about any external factors that could disturb this idyll. But even if some conflict situations arise, you can be sure that the man will try his best to find a compromise.

The Libra husband will be very lenient in many matters. At the same time, everyone around will be sure that your family is an ideal, because he will do everything to win the sympathy of others. At the same time, a woman should always be on her guard, because a husband under this sign is very easily suggestible and can fall under someone else's (not always good) influence. Otherwise, it is the best companion for life.

Libra born in the year of the Dragon

The Dragon-Libra man has a rather complex, and sometimes simply incomprehensible character, this is due to the fact that, on the one hand, before making a decision, he needs to calmly think everything over, and his second essence categorically does not accept such an attitude to the matter. Because of this, there may be a constant feeling of discomfort.

It is that Dragon-Libra man who can find the “golden mean” between anxiety and prudence, who will be able to perfectly adapt to absolutely any situation. An important role in this will be played by natural intuition, which sometimes, even in spite of cold calculations, can push you to the right decision.

In love affairs, he will not be equal, but it will be quite difficult to predict marriage or a long-term relationship with someone. It is unlikely that you will have to rely on stable connections, since a man will not be able to choose one girl.

Libra born in the year of the Snake

The Snake-Libra man is primarily a workaholic who always strives to be the best in any business that interests him. But he can achieve heights not only in work, but also in love and family affairs. This is due to the fact that his natural charm and external qualities are skillfully combined with natural wisdom and an accurate vision of a specific goal. Cooperation with someone for him, first of all, should be fruitful, since for no apparent reason he will not make any efforts.

As for love affairs, in them he may seem somewhat shy due to his indecision. But even despite this, the male Snake-Libra often remains very attractive to the female representatives. All that remains for him is to choose one for himself.

Libra born in the year of the Tiger

If attractiveness, natural magnetism and charm are combined in one person, it is safe to say that this is the Tiger-Libra. A man born under this sign is quite mysterious, but despite this, he can establish relationships with anyone. Every time when active working days come to an end, in order to restore strength, he needs complete peace in solitude.

As for love affairs, the Tiger-Libra man shows his difficult character here. Due to the fact that he is constantly in search of the perfect woman, in the end he can go completely in the opposite direction from his goals and intentions. When he finally decides to stop and looks around, he will realize that none of the representatives of the weaker sex around him fit his parameters. Only that woman can be with him, who will understand all his wanderings and take control. Only in this way can she marry him.

Compatibility horoscope: description of the zodiac sign Libra male characteristic - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Horoscope men Libra

Libra man: appearance

Men born under this sign of the zodiac are distinguished by grace, courtesy of manners, and the whole appearance. Such people are very concerned about the impression they make, they like to arouse sympathy, give people pleasure, be useful to someone. And they succeed: others usually treat Libra with genuine sympathy. A man is exacting in his style, thinks through the details of the image, actively uses perfumes and even cosmetics. Among the representatives of this constellation, you can find many metrosexuals.

Libra man - a characteristic of behavior

It is good to turn to such a man for advice: he likes to give them out, he is well versed in the situation, relying on rationalism and logical judgments. But in the analysis of psychological personal motives, Libra is not strong, but this is not required of them, because already their society is quite comfortable and pleasant for people. Communication helps Libra to declare himself as a person, due to him he asserts himself, checks how true or relevant his beliefs or views are.

Libras are good at reasoning with others, but they find it difficult to understand their own lives. They do not like to be criticized, they can splurge, show off their achievements. Libra men cannot stand it when their communication, relations with someone become complicated, therefore, most often his contacts with others are friendly, even.

Typical Libras often have mood swings and may question a decision they made after weighing the pros and cons for a long time.

Libra sign - a man in work and career

If Libra overcomes the tendency to an idle lifestyle, relaxation, laziness, then they can achieve serious success, especially if their field of activity is related to art, communication with people. The work team for Libra often becomes a second family; a good relationship they develop with subordinate employees or partners if the Libra man is engaged in business. These people do not like when all responsibility falls on their shoulders, therefore they are happy to work with partners who do part of the work that is unpleasant for Libra themselves, and make operational decisions. Whatever a man of this sign does, he will certainly equip a comfortable and beautiful workplace.

Libra man in love

Libra does not like loneliness, but in most cases it does not threaten them. Libra men are born for love, for communicating with the female sex, for beautiful courtship, and for conquering hearts. Such representatives of the stronger sex are very sociable, cheerful, able to conquer any impregnable fortress. However, it often happens that, having won another woman, Libra does not know what to do next - to maintain relationships or not, whether to bind themselves with obligations.

Often they consider the weaker sex, first of all, as an object of application of sexual talents; a woman as a person, as a person with her own advantages and disadvantages, is not of particular interest to them. Such a man may well leave his partner if she stops arranging him in bed. Moreover, after parting, which will not be accompanied by serious remorse and emotional distress on his part, he will not show much interest in the state of the abandoned girlfriend.

Libra man in sex

The sexual needs of Libra men are quite consistent with their capabilities, but women should keep in mind that their own satisfaction is most important to them. They conquer ladies not so much by quality as by quantity.

Characteristics of a Libra man in marriage

The decision to connect life with one woman is given to the Libra man with great difficulty, especially given the indecision of the representatives of this sign in other matters. Being a fair man, he tries not to offend his beloved, but, on the other hand, he is sorry to lose his freedom and the opportunity to have connections with other women with impunity. However, many Libras solve the second problem in their favor, having mistresses.

Nevertheless, it is the spouse who will be the main person in his life, even if he has children. Libra men are in dire need of harmony in family relationships, maintaining a psychologically comfortable, warm atmosphere at home, they value all this very much and simply cannot live in other conditions. If the wife creates them, then he will please her with responsiveness, constant readiness to help, courtesy, kindness. True, the character of the Libra man is such that he does not always want to delve into the intricacies of the state of mind of his wife, into her problems and experiences. It is difficult to wait for sincere deep sympathy from him, but such is the nature of these people.

Libra zodiac sign - male owner

For Libra, it is very important that not only moral purity reigns at home, but also purity in the literal sense of the word. A wife is supposed to be an excellent hostess, ready at any moment to adequately receive guests, whom her husband loves very much. Everything in the house of Libra should be as comfortable as possible. As the horoscope is reassuring, Libra-man will always help with household chores, but, most likely, he will have to be asked for it: you can wait for his initiative and enthusiasm for a very long time.

Zodiac Signs: Libra Man - Father

Scales, as a rule, do not burn with a special desire to have heirs, they are quite calm about the fact of the appearance of a child. Rather, love for children comes to them gradually and flares up to the point of adoration. The Libra man tries to be fair, if he punishes, then only “on merit” and explaining why. A father of such a sign will not terrorize children only because of a bad mood and will not allow his wife to do this. Children also fall under his natural charm and are considered a great authority.

Who suits the Libra man according to the horoscope for creating a family

What to give a Libra man

When choosing a gift for a Libra man, you should always remember about his difference from the representatives of the stronger sex of many other signs of the Zodiac. Whatever the offering may be, it is necessary to look for the golden mean in everything. They will not without pleasure accept, say, an excellent tool, household appliances that allow them to save time on a job they do not like very much. homework. But no less, or even more, they will be delighted with jewelry, perfume, a stylish accessory to their appearance, for example, an umbrella-cane with an original handle. If one of the clothes is chosen as a gift for a Libra man, then it should be exquisite, not looking too simple. The same principle applies to any gifts for those born during this period.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

A man with the zodiac sign Libra: horoscope and characteristics

The Libra man is a cheerful and affable person who becomes the soul of the company wherever he goes, despite the fact that he has a timid manner.

When this man decides to help someone, he tries to identify where the problem arose and put everything on the shelves. The fact is that he is afraid to make an unfair decision or offend - that is why he is always guided by logic and intelligence.

The character of the Libra man is such that he does not accept criticism and avoids conflict situations. That is why he tries to maintain friendly and stable relationships with acquaintances and family.

Libra man: characteristic

The representative of the Libra sign spends a lot of time in the company of highly intelligent persons. This can be a great opportunity to show off your erudition and assert yourself.

The man of the zodiac sign Libra is an excellent adviser to his friends, but when it comes to decisions that he must make himself, he needs to know the opinion of everyone around him.

Libra strives for justice and this quality is manifested not only in relation to relatives and friends, but also to their children. For them, he is an authority and, even if he is angry with them, he will not treat them cruelly or unfairly.

Character of the Libra man

The Libra man is overly fond of making surprises and giving luxurious gifts. Representatives of the opposite sex are attracted to this man by kindness and intelligence, as well as a willingness to help his lady in difficult times.

The representative of this zodiac sign easily wins the hearts of girls, but hardly decides to tie the knot. In addition to the above, he does not seek to lose his freedom and the opportunity to meet with other ladies.

If this man meets a temperamental girl who can become not only a great friend, but also a sexual partner, then they will have every chance of creating a harmonious and long-term relationship.

It should be borne in mind that sexually, this man is somewhat selfish and puts his own pleasure above the satisfaction of his partner.

Scales: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Libra. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Libra man horoscope

The Libra man is a very graceful person, they have courteous, just fine manners. They are very much concerned about what impression they can make on others with their appearance. They love to evoke sympathy from others. Moreover, they like to give people pleasure and always be useful to someone.

Most importantly, representatives of this zodiac sign are good at it. The man of this sign is always working on his image, always trying to come up with something new and very interesting. They are able to use not only a good perfume, but even use cosmetic preparations.

You can contact them at any moment for advice. He likes this, as he is a big fan of giving advice to everyone, even those who do not ask for it. Being together with them in the same company, all people feel quite comfortable and pleasant. Thanks to communication with others, Libras try to express their own personality more clearly. Thanks to this, they assert themselves.

They perfectly talk about the relationships of other people, while it is quite difficult for them to figure out their personal lives. They just hate to hear criticism in their direction. Libra is able to throw dust in the eyes of others and often brag about their own achievements. They do not accept if their communication or relationship with other people begins to deteriorate. It is because of this that his contacts are constantly friendly and quite simple.

Libra's mood changes quite often. At a time when they have been thinking for a long time about making this or that decision and at the same time, weighing all the pros and cons, they may sharply begin to doubt their own decision.

As for work, these people can achieve great success only if they overcome constant laziness and relaxation in themselves. They can achieve particular success if their main work is related to art or constant communication with people. Very often, the team in which they work becomes a second family for Libra.

In the event that a representative of this sign is engaged in running his own business, then his relations with colleagues are getting along very well. They are very fond of when all the responsibility is thrown on them.

Libra man in love and marriage

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not tolerate loneliness, but it is worth noting that it does not threaten them at all. Men of this sign are simply born for love, they are intended for constant communication with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. They can beautifully look after, and this wins hearts.

These men are very sociable people, moreover, they are very cheerful and can conquer every impregnable woman. It often happens that after Libra has conquered another lady, he does not know what to do next. They become confused whether they should continue to build relationships with this lady or not.

It should be noted that such men turn their attention to women as an object of sexual significance, they are not at all interested in what advantages and disadvantages lie in this person. This man can very quickly leave a woman immediately after she stops satisfying him sexually.

Before deciding to tie the knot, a man of this sign will need a lot of time, especially if you take into account his indecision. Given the fact that Libra is fair, they will try in every possible way not to offend their beloved in any way, but if you look at it from the other side, they do not want to lose their own freedom. Libras are prone to treason, as they do not like monotony.

How to understand that he is in love

To do this, simply observe his behavior. If he is really in love with you, then in this case he will be very worried and fussing. If you want to be with this person, then you should be prepared for the fact that you should not wait for romance on his part.

Libra man in bed

His intimate needs are fully consistent with his capabilities, but before going to bed with this man, you need to remember that for him his own satisfaction comes first. They are able to conquer a lady not by the quality of sex, but by its quantity.

What kind of women do Libra men like?

Men of this sign have a clear idea of ​​what a woman should be. They know what kind of behavior a woman should have, and what appearance. Remember that, having met a woman, he will evaluate her from head to toe. Even the smallest details will not pass him by. Based on this, many women believe that it is very difficult to please such a man, but in fact, everything is quite the opposite.

In order to please him, a woman must be dressed the way he likes. In addition, she will be forced to adhere to the line of behavior that will undoubtedly help to attract the attention of this man.

What women suit him

  • He likes women who can dress with taste. Clothing should certainly be stylish and sit on the figure. You need to try to make sure that clothes, shoes and all accessories included are selected in the same style. Don't wear too bright clothes.
  • If you want to be with this man, you must behave properly and with dignity. In order to understand what exactly you should do, pay special attention to how he behaves himself.
  • Libra sees only courageous and self-confident women near them. If you are timid and not capable of decisive actions, then you cannot be with such a man.

Remember that he is attracted to fairly calm women who are confident in themselves, their abilities and clearly know what they want to get from life.

What kind of women do Libra men like? Libra sign, male: characteristic

Libra men are always very tactful, handsome and gallant. Therefore, many ladies want to get to know them better. A distinctive feature of the representatives of this zodiac sign is natural charisma. What kind of women do Libra men like? You will learn the answer to this question from the article.

Characteristics of the sign

Libra men are sophisticated and romantic natures. They are capable of platonic relationships. Sexual contacts without love are not interesting to them. They are more important inner beauty and external attractiveness of a woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign spend their lives in search of a rare, unique personality similar to themselves. What kind of women do Libra men like? They must be special, combine incompatible qualities and at the same time complement their own contradictory nature.


Libra men love it when they maintain some distance with them. You can not dissolve in all their desires and dreams. You can separate them, but in no case follow them without looking back. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are very vulnerable, so you should not unceremoniously interfere in their inner world.

What kind of women do Libra men like? They prefer versatile personalities who can do literally everything. A girl should take care of herself, run a household, be an excellent lover, have a developed intellect, be able to behave in society, and so on. And she should be able to support her partner at the right time, give him good advice.

love horoscope

A Libra man immediately demonstrates his love. It becomes romantic, poetic and sublime. Representatives of this sign begin to shower their beloved with compliments, give her gifts, devote all their free time. This is not easy to achieve, because Libra likes it better when women achieve them themselves. They don't know how to take the first steps. Therefore, almost always the initiative should come in a delicate form from the partner.

Libra in marriage

In marital relations, the Libra man is distinguished by some detachment. This is a great spouse if a woman is ready to forget about her own interests and become a “free application” to him. It is important for a representative of this sign that his wife be his inspirer and muse, but at the same time not violate his inner harmony.

The Libra man in marriage is ready to become a support, a kind of amulet and earner. He has a well-developed intuition, he often senses danger on an unconscious level. Therefore, it is difficult for him to make important decisions - he prefers to shift this responsibility onto other people's shoulders.

How to keep a Libra man

As mentioned above, Libra is a very indecisive sign. The man, whose characteristics are presented in this article, will think for a long time before deciding on any specific act. But if he decides on something, he cannot be kept. Representatives of this sign are very categorical, and if at least one criterion in the list of their requirements turns out to be unsatisfied, then the struggle for their love will be useless. When the Libra man decides to leave, only rational arguments can influence him. If you put all the pros and cons of the relationship in front of him and offer a specific way out of the current situation, then he may change his mind and stay.

Secrets of seduction

The most refined, sublime and incomprehensible sign is Libra. A man, whose characteristics are of interest to many female representatives, is somewhat selfish. Getting his attention is easy, but keeping it is much more difficult. Here is a list of qualities that Libra men really like in women:

  • Originality. In order to win the heart of a representative of this sign, you need to stand out from the crowd. However, excessive outrageousness can repel them.
  • Strength of mind. Libra men need a partner with a strong inner core. It makes them feel secure.
  • External attractiveness and lack of material problems. The beloved representative of this zodiac sign must be self-sufficient and well-groomed.
  • Sense of humor. The subtle humor of Libra men needs to be understood and supported in every possible way. In the company of unfamiliar people, they prefer to remain silent, but among their own they simply sparkle with wit.

It should be remembered that Libra men are very sensitive and vulnerable. You need to have considerable intuition to win their trust and love.

Libra sign compatibility

A man born under this zodiac sign will look for an energetic and bright companion.

This union will be very stormy. Partners will constantly sort things out. They will have to learn to give in to each other.

Spouses will be united by the desire for life's small pleasures. You will get a harmonious union.

More friendship than love. A man will appreciate his partner's sense of humor and turn a blind eye to her small weaknesses.

A very strong marriage. Spouses will be comfortable with each other.

Difficult relationship. Libra will often be accused of lack of ambition and indecision.

There will be no violent passions in this union. But love and understanding will reign in the house.

Lasting marriage. Spiritual relationship between partners. However, they will quarrel until self-forgetfulness.

In this union there will be love and passion. However, Libra will have to make a career in order to meet the high demands of his beloved.

In this marriage, partners will support each other in every possible way.

Such a companion will conquer Libra with fortitude and determination. Strong union.

Marriage may not be very harmonious. A love affair is preferable.

There will be some disagreement between the partners. However, this will not prevent them from living together happily and for a long time.

Now you know what kind of women Libra men like. Choosing such a person as a spouse, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of his character. Such people need to be loved to madness and understood without words. And not every woman is capable of this. In general, representatives of this sign are usually reliable, energetic and purposeful.

Libra man - characteristics and horoscope

Characteristics of a man - Libra

Libra man in love and marriage

Sexual life of a man - Libra

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  • Text: Sasha Gluvein

    You may not believe in astrology, but from this, men born under different constellations are unlikely to become similar. the site presents a series of articles where it talks about what to expect from each zodiac sign.

    Do not take this article as the ultimate truth. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% suitable for the above description, do not exist in nature, just as there are no phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic and sanguine people in their pure form. However, get general idea about what awaits you is quite real.

    Libra and sports are poorly compatible, among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are very few men of athletic build. They prefer more intellectual activities - chess, checkers, Scrabble and others board games.

    The Libra man is a good conversationalist and expects the same from others. If you do not distinguish Monet from Manet, or at least Beethoven from Picasso, he is unlikely to be interested in you.

    He is friendly, has a strong sense of justice, is diplomatic, tactful and knows a lot about jokes. The Libra man is a good colleague and a pretty bad boss. Compromises are an element in which he has no equal. However, this coin also has a downside: if there is a need to make some decision quickly, Libra will hesitate indefinitely, unable to make a choice on their own.

    The main problem of the “weigher” is that, on the one hand, there is no such thing in which he would not want to stick his curious nose, on the other hand, he is categorically not ready to be responsible for something personally.

    This man has excellent intuition, think seven times before throwing dust in his eyes. "X-ray man" - he sees "through" other people's reasons and motives, but rarely uses this information for personal gain, rather, he tries to find an excuse for this or that act.

    The man - Libra - is a connoisseur of beauty, he is attracted by architecture and painting, music and theater, women and ... women. At the "candy-bouquet" stage of the relationship, he is charming and uses his charm to full program. He knows how to win a woman, but having achieved her favor, he begins to doubt whether he needs this person?

    The reason for this behavior is a kind of perfectionism, Libra wants everything to happen at the ideal_opportune_moment and nothing else! The slightest deviation from the ideal - and now everything starts all over again. True, some women like it when they are so "tormented", stretching the pleasure.

    Libra is very sensitive to praise, a good compliment said at the time can inspire him to any feats. For a woman who knows what she wants, a Libra man is easy prey. He falls in love too easily, but ends the relationship with great difficulty. Libras hate scandals!

    A Libra man begins to be interested in girls at a very young age, usually this interest persists throughout his life. It is easy for him to turn his head, but if you really want to marry him, discuss the wedding ceremony without him - the need to delve into the details, trifles and nuances annoys him.

    A man - Libra will be happy if his chosen one has the ability to control himself and maintain peace of mind without falling into hysterics. With great difficulty, he manages to distinguish love from friendship, but he is sure of one thing for sure - his beloved has no right to flirt with other men. This does not prevent the “weigher” from using double standards if we are talking about himself. Do not expect fidelity from him, he rarely has deep feelings, his connections with women can rather be called superficial. This devilishly charming type sees nothing shameful in twisting two novels at the same time.

    Libras are attracted to well-dressed women with long hair and hydrated, shimmery, kissable lips.

    Libra and sex

    For the "weigher" - task number 1 in bed is the partner's orgasm, so she just needs to take the initiative into her own hands and gently (it's better not to command the Scales in the bedroom) demonstrate what is needed to achieve this goal. The Libra man will immediately echo all wishes and immediately begin to fulfill them. The main thing is not to scare! Do not hurry! With Libra, you have to be very patient. Never think that you are wasting your time. This approach will allow you to enjoy foreplay, and the combination of his art of love and tranquility almost guarantees a feeling of deep and complete satisfaction. Scales are experts in female anatomy, endowed with excellent intuition and prone to the realization of erotic fantasies.

    The Libra man is a real “sex marathon runner” and don’t let his not the most athletic appearance in the world deceive you. The chances that you will come to the finish line first are very high. But be careful - as soon as intimacy turns into a routine, Libra's interest in him will immediately fade away.

    This type will never tear off your clothes in a fit of passion, but will undress you “artistically”, in accordance with his vision of aesthetics. During the foreplay, he is patient, gentle, caring and much more inventive, and going directly to the process, he acts purposefully and with concentration.

    Intimacy for him is a separate, significant event, which has nothing to do with mouse fuss under the covers and darkness or rough intercourse in the bathroom of a nightclub. And a woman is an instrument from which he is able to extract various sounds, acting with his fingers and tongue.

    The lack of contraceptives is not able to unbalance him, he is able to "switch" to oral sex or sex "in Spanish", placing his penis between the partner's breasts. Everything that pleases a woman brings pleasure to him, but the "weigher" must know exactly what she wants from him.

    His tendency to voyeurism can be expressed in many ways - he will be happy to watch other people having sex (the sex composition of couples is not important), look in the mirror at himself and his partner in the process. Put on a mask yourself and blindfold your partner? Do some homemade sexy body art? Record what is happening in the bedroom on a voice recorder or video? For the "weigher" all these erotic pranks, however, like threesomes, are in the order of things.

    According to modern horoscopes, the characteristic of the Libra man is very positive: the representatives of this sign are very friendly and not conflict. They love to be in society, often have an optimistic attitude and are the soul of the company. Women highly appreciate such men: he knows how to make compliments and is always gallant with a lady. At the same time, he has a pronounced love for everything beautiful, it is interesting to discuss art and fashion with him.

    The scales of men received their character from the elements of air. Her patronage made it possible to adapt to any situations and circumstances: they feel comfortable everywhere.

    At the same time, representatives of this sign are very reasonable and practical people. Before making any decision, all the pros and cons will be weighed, and the answer to the question they ask always has solid arguments.

    To understand how to communicate with a Libra man, you need to remember the main thing: they do not tolerate criticism in their address. Any unfavorable comparison or reproach can upset them, while they themselves do not always talk about their merits. In addition, nature endowed them with inconsistency: the mood can change very quickly. Therefore, before deciding how to make peace with a Libra man, wait until he starts smiling or joking again.

    This zodiac sign is also characterized by a sense of justice and equality. He always acts according to his conscience and expects the same from others. This man is truly honest. He will not deceive, you can rely on him. No wonder many women think how to marry a representative of this sign: he seems to be an ideal life partner.

    Features of the sign in relations with women

    Libra is incredibly delicate and gallant with the opposite sex. Relations with them are like a fairy tale: gifts, compliments, long conversations about love, and so on. It is not at all difficult for women to determine how a Libra man in love behaves: he is unusually romantic and strives for spiritual rapprochement with his chosen one. At the same time, he elevates her image to heaven, considering it perfect.

    The Libra man is often surrounded by many women and he likes it, as he cannot stand loneliness. But having found the one and only, he easily leaves the fans alone: ​​from that moment on, he will strive for unity with his beloved. But it should be borne in mind that the Libra man is not ready to sacrifice his plans for the sake of his beloved. He always puts his business first. If a woman forces him to fulfill her script, he can easily part with her. Deciding how to like the scales, you need to give him the right to freedom.

    At the same time, he pays special attention to spiritual intimacy. The chosen one must be erudite, well-educated, be in solidarity with all his principles.

    More greater value for him, the appearance of a woman plays. She should be neat and well dressed: he simply will not pay attention to the other. If slovenliness is noticed behind the beloved, his feelings may decline.

    How to understand that he is in love by behavior:

    • Says a lot of compliments, tries to be delicate and unobtrusive;
    • Seeks to explore the inner world of a woman. Interested in her affairs, hobbies, opinions about various things;
    • In decisive moments can be very shy;
    • Reveals to her his desires, thoughts, hopes;
    • Organizes cultural leisure: invites to the theater, to the exhibition, to the cinema.

    At the same time, in serious matters relating to relationships, he may not show himself at all. If a woman wants something more than just a meeting, she will have to think about how to win him to the end. She will need to take responsibility for solving the main issues herself (cohabitation, marriage), since he himself will never be ready for this.

    Compatibility with other signs

    Representatives of this sign have a pronounced sense of beauty. They enjoy beauty in everything, and female image here is no exception. It is not difficult to understand how to seduce such a man: he pays attention to beautiful and sophisticated women.

    He does not tolerate vulgarity and vulgarity, he is more attracted to romantic and modest girls. At the same time, his chosen one should be beautiful not only externally, but also internally: have a rich inner world and be quite erudite. The ability to be a good housewife is also important: he appreciates family comfort and delicious food.

    Most often, his preferences in love exactly coincide with zodiac compatibility. He seeks to find a woman with those qualities that he lacks: confidence, the ability to clearly set goals, the ability to support others.

    Libra man compatibility with other signs according to the horoscope:

    • Aries. The most suitable partner for creating a strong family. A woman of this sign will complement him with her confidence and determination. It will help him learn to set and complete tasks, overcome difficulties. At the same time, the Aries woman will not restrict his freedom, and this is especially important for the sign of scales;
    • A lion. This woman will give her chosen one tenderness, care and attention. She will subtly and unobtrusively push the Libra man to make any decisions, without hurting his pride. In any difficult situation, the lion will become a reliable support for the scales: it will support and inspire;
    • Aquarius. An ideal partner who is incredibly similar in internal structure. Such a couple will understand each other perfectly, and their love and tenderness will not pass over the years. Intimacy will allow these people to be at the same time: together they will not only create a strong family, but will also be able to build a successful career.

    Of course, it is not necessary to choose which zodiac sign suits Libra men in every case. Some women are also able to live happily with the scales, but a lot depends on how you behave with him and how tolerant the spouse will be to the shortcomings of the chosen one in the relationship.

    How should a woman behave

    It is not difficult to determine what kind of women a Libra man likes knowing their love for everything beautiful. Being aesthetes by nature, they pay attention to the most beautiful women. At the same time, every detail is important in the appearance of a beauty: clothing style, makeup, hairstyle, fragrance.

    Libra men will never look in the direction of an untidy or vulgar girl. He would rather be interested in a mysterious romantic stranger than a defiantly sexy temptress with a deep neckline in a miniskirt.

    Since he himself is rather shy, he often pays attention to determined women. But her self-confidence should be expressed in actions, and not in rude manners or conversation.

    To better understand how to attract a Libra man, it is recommended to follow the tips:

    • Dress smartly and tastefully. Think through all the nuances in the wardrobe, pay attention to every detail. Make-up should not be vulgar, but clothes should be defiant;
    • Watch for neatness. Carefully style your hair, pick up a subtle perfume, do a manicure;
    • Be interested in his inner world. Ask a question about hobbies, plans and dreams;
    • Praise him. Don't mention flaws, don't joke about him;
    • Impress him with your thriftiness. cook tasty dish, sew a small present;
    • Be intelligent. Do not use obscene language, do not argue or raise your voice;
    • Do not try to limit his freedom in a relationship. No need to convince him and insist on his own.

    At the same time, it is important to ask yourself not only how to fall in love with this sign, but also how to keep it in the future. If, after a short communication, the Libra man realizes that his interlocutor is not perfect, he will quickly disappear from the horizon. It will be more difficult to draw his attention to yourself again.

    Libra in family life

    Married Libra men in relationships with women know how to be good and caring spouses. They will be able to give their chosen one everything: love, attention, prosperity, and so on. He needs an equipped life, where it is always cleaned, and delicious homemade food is prepared for dinner. The Libra man is ready to work hard in order to provide his home with everything you need.

    But only that woman who is able to understand what they are in love and accept them will be truly happy. Due to the duality of nature, representatives of this sign are characterized by a change of mood and indecision. It is important for Libra to feel the support of loved ones, and his house should be a reliable shelter from life's adversities.

    With full mutual understanding in the family, the Libra man will love his chosen one until old age. Their relationship will be tender both sexually and spiritually.

    Most often, a Libra man does not seek to acquire offspring, but when this moment comes, he will be extremely happy. He will be a good father and will quickly figure out how to conquer even the most capricious baby. Such a father will diligently teach lessons with his son or tell his grown daughter how to win a fan.

    A family idyll can only be broken by a misunderstanding on the part of the wife: it is better for her to be more loyal to his shortcomings and praise him more.


    In business, Libras are quite successful and can easily build an excellent career. Their natural charm and ability to communicate with other people will help any start-up company grow: Libras know how to establish business connections and intuitively feel who is suitable as a reliable partner.

    Libra men are almost always innovators. They are able to serve a companion original ideas to come up with actionable plans and negotiate.

    They always go about their business with enthusiasm, if it is not related to routine work. The Libra man will be a reliable partner, but he is unlikely to be able to succeed alone: ​​he is an excellent team member, but he does not know how to make responsible decisions.

    Helpful information

    Women who decide to become a companion of such a man should not be surprised how sensual they are at times. Many of them do not consider extramarital affairs to be something reprehensible: many women can fall under their charm. But the wife should not worry too much about this. If everything is fine in their relationship, then the man will not cheat on her.

    At the same time, in bed, he can strike a woman with selfishness: his pleasure always remains a priority for him. Do not be surprised and his strange preferences. Due to natural sensuality, he is prone to love and is ready to enter into a relationship with several partners. Also will not refuse to be an observer.

    Everything beautiful attracts him. Women looking for a way to get a representative of this sign back after a breakup should not put pressure on pity or apologize. The best way is to attract him again with beauty and thriftiness. Perhaps in this case, fleeting connections will bore him, and he will return home.

    In order to understand whether a man is suitable for a woman, a horoscope or a compatibility table is not always needed. But still, representatives of some signs have special distinctive features. Knowing them, you can easily achieve the location of a person.

    How to behave with people of this sign:

    • Be open, be interested in your interlocutor, smile more;
    • Do not lie. Libra men have a heightened sense of justice and do not like pretense;
    • Be neat and polite. Representatives of this sign pay special attention to appearance;
    • Always notice his virtues and keep silent about his shortcomings. Think about how to understand him and provide moral support in special cases;
    • Do not argue or try to change his plans: he does not like intrusions into his intended schedule;
    • Be prepared for changes in his mood, do not reproach for anything;
    • If you see that a Libra man cannot make a choice, help him: delicately make a choice for him.

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