cheap pregnancy pills How are abortion pills used? After taking drugs

Possibility of inducing miscarriage early term with the help of medications - this is not only the preservation of a woman's health, but also a guarantee that in the future she will be able to give birth. It is recommended to take the tablets that will be presented below in consultation with a specialist. This is necessary to maintain a full life.

The tool is included in the category of progesterone opponents that block uterine receptors. This is what provokes the rejection of the embryo. This happens in accordance with the following algorithm: a change in size and softening of the uterus is noted, its neck begins to open and the fetal egg comes out. The described process lasts at least 6 and no more than 8 hours.

In order to enhance the characteristic muscle contractions, specific adjuvants (prostaglandins) are used. As part of the simultaneous use of non-steroidal anesthetic drugs, the effect of "Mifegin" becomes less significant.

Despite the fact that there are analogues, the presented tool is one of the most reliable. The degree of its effectiveness approaches 100%, but the side effects are more than insignificant. The probability of formation of even minimal allergic reactions is minimized. The use of the presented drug has been officially authorized by the Russian Ministry of Health since 1999. It will be most rational to use "Mifegin" for a period of no more than 6 weeks. After this period, the degree of effectiveness decreases significantly.

A prerequisite for the use of the presented medication should be considered the exclusion of the possibility of future development of the fetus outside the uterus. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out an ultrasound scan to examine all the organs related to the small pelvis. Adverse reactions, which occur in about 15% of cases, are entirely dependent on characteristic features female representatives and from the period of pregnancy.

In such situations:

  • pregnancy is still developing;
  • the fetus may die, and remaining in the uterus;
  • bleeding becomes active, as a result, there is a need for medical intervention.


Belongs to a category of substances called antiprogestogens. The presented synthetic agent makes it possible to block impulses to progestin-type receptors. Termination of pregnancy through the use of "Mifepristone" involves the use of another remedy. It consists in a set called Misoprostol. The tool allows you to activate such contractions that end in a miscarriage.

Termination of pregnancy with the help of the described tablets is allowed for a maximum period of up to 9 weeks. It is permissible to use the drug, only as directed by a specialist, also for initiating labor. In addition, if it is necessary to interrupt the natural course of pregnancy due to the death of the fetus inside the womb and for medical expansion of the uterine area. Also, "Mifepristone" is shown as part of an operational miscarriage for a period of up to 12 weeks and to enhance the effects of prostaglandins. This occurs from the 13th to the 22nd week.

The described substance will most correctly be used in specialized medical institutions and only after a professional examination. The presence of a specialist - a gynecologist or an obstetrician - is also considered mandatory. After using the required dosage, the patient should be observed for at least several hours. Checking the degree of ultrasonic activity is most often carried out after one and a half to two days.


The tool can be used for a 6-week period. Despite the fact that it is highly effective, the medicine in the vast majority of cases does not provoke even the slightest complications. "Pencrofton" is good in that it creates protection of the integrity of not only the cervix, but also its cavity. The presented form, which helps to cause a miscarriage, does not bring psychological trauma to the female representative, and the use of the remedy will not be fraught with infertility after an abortion.

Thus, the presented technique should be perceived as the most desirable tool to help get rid of pregnancy for those women who have never given birth. It should be noted that this remedy that provokes a miscarriage seems impossible to purchase at a pharmacy.

Penkrotfon is delivered only to special medical institutions, and it is used only in the presence of a gynecologist or obstetrician. It happens like this:

  • a woman after taking three tablets for at least an hour, and even better two, remains under specialized supervision;
  • at this stage, the process of rejection of the fetus begins, and therefore it requires special attention;
  • in the absence of any side effects, a follow-up appointment must be made. The most optimal period of time will be 3-5 days.

Of course, in the early stages of pregnancy, the presented method, which provokes a miscarriage, can be considered a good tool. However, it should always be borne in mind that 100% safe types of abortion do not exist and all of them, at a minimum, require the supervision of a gynecologist.


The presented drug has been used for many years for emergency contraception. It is suitable in situations where contraceptives were not used as part of sexual intercourse. The package of the drug includes several tablets, the list of components of which includes levonorgestrel and coatcosin.

According to experts, the remedy cannot give a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be terminated.

Realistically assessing this probability, we can only say that it is 85%. The first of the pills is most correct to use immediately after sexual intercourse has taken place. However, no later than 74 hours, which is very important to increase the likelihood of miscarriage. The next tablet should be taken by the woman after another 12 hours.


The presented tool is suitable for terminating a pregnancy for up to 42 days. The main advantages of "Mifeprex" can be considered a high degree of efficiency and almost perfect tolerability. After using the remedy, a woman is likely to have slight spotting for the next 2-3 days. If they continue for longer, you should contact a gynecologist.


This medication is made in France. It is perhaps the most reliable of the known drugs that are needed in order to terminate a pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. The degree of its effectiveness reaches 100% with proper use.


Another drug designed exclusively for emergency contraception, which is pointless to use after 72 hours from the end of sexual intercourse. The algorithm for its use is similar to Postinor, but in some cases it may be necessary to take not two, but more tablets. Given their high activity, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Because possible undesirable consequences for example problems with thyroid gland and hormonal background in general.

General contraindications and other nuances

Some contraindications should be noted general, in which the use of any of the drugs that cause miscarriage will not only be undesirable. This will be detrimental to a woman's health:

  • either diagnosis of ectopic type pregnancy, or suspicion of it;
  • diseases associated with the kidneys, namely insufficiency of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • prolonged use of corticosteroid-type drugs;
  • the presence of such diseases that are associated with a violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • inflammatory diseases, even the most insignificant, arising in the field of female gynecology;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids in a woman.

Provoking a miscarriage through the use of pills has more than significant advantages. These include the absence of the likelihood of injuring both the endometrium and the cervical region. This is what is very often observed after the implementation of an abortion due to surgical exposure. In addition, psychologists point to a significantly higher psychological tolerance, the admissibility of using in an outpatient setting.

The lesser advantages are high degree the effectiveness of the technique (on average it is 95%). And, finally, the most important - the presented impact should be considered the best option for women who have never given birth. After all, again returning to the operation, in the vast majority of cases, it excludes the likelihood of a subsequent pregnancy.

Thus, it should be remembered that in no case should you use these drugs on your own. It would be even more wrong to use several doses in a row or several hours apart in order to increase the effect. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound in advance to confirm pregnancy and exclude its ectopic type of development. Because in the latter case, the use of pills to cause a miscarriage is strictly prohibited.

Video - pharmacological abortion

Termination of pregnancy at the initiative of a woman under the law is possible for up to 12 weeks. Late abortion is allowed only in case of genetic or physical defects in the development of the fetus. Types and regimens for taking interruption pills early pregnancy without a prescription are divided into 2 categories.

The method refers to preventive measures and dramatically reduces the likelihood of fertilization of the egg or attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrium of the uterine cavity.

Preparations to prevent pregnancy contain components from the group of progestogens that reduce the production of progesterone, which is critical for maintaining pregnancy. Early abortion pills are available without a prescription.


The drug contains 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel, taken once within 3 days after unprotected intercourse. Its effectiveness directly depends on the elapsed time. During the first day, the probability of contraceptive action is 95%, the next day - 85%, then the protective effect drops to 58%.

The active substance inhibits ovulation and prevents fertilization, and also contributes to a pronounced regression of the endometrium of the uterus and prevents implantation of the fetal egg. In case of attachment, the drug is ineffective.


The drug is taken twice with a time interval of 12 hours. The package contains 2 tablets of 750 micrograms of levonorgestrel. Efficiency is comparable to "Escapel" - the earlier the first pill is taken, the more likely a positive result. The interval between taking both tablets is no more than 16 hours.


The active substance is 10 mg of mifepristone. The drug is also taken once and helps prevent pregnancy. The contraceptive effect reaches 99% even on the third day after possible fertilization.

Drug analogues:

Prices for drugs vary depending on the place of sale, but on average the cost of drugs does not exceed 300-500 rubles which is much cheaper than the price of medical abortion.

Disadvantages of postcoital contraception

The method significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy, but is accompanied by some risks.

Effect on the fetus

The first weeks of embryo formation are the most important in terms of organogenesis. Therefore, deciding to continue bearing, it is necessary to assess the possible risks. The probability of damage decreases only towards the end of the 1st trimester However, the travel time of the fetal egg to the uterine cavity takes an average of a week.

During this period, theoretically, there is no possibility of causing harmful effects to the embryo. Therefore, taking drugs should not harm the fetus, this applies to levonorgestrel. Mifepristone is more aggressive. In the case of taking drugs based on it, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy or undergo a thorough examination for a period of 11-12 weeks to exclude pathologies of fetal development.

The dose of "Postinor" or "Escapela" is contained in 50 tablets of the drug "Microlut", and this is almost 2 months of planned contraception. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to emergency measures in extreme cases and not to apply the method unnecessarily, especially regularly.


It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, control is necessary before the arrival of the next menstruation. In case of its delay, it is recommended to immediately contact a gynecologist and take a blood test for the presence of advanced level human chorionic gonadotropin. The indicator indicates the successful implantation of the fetal egg and the development of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy abortion pills are available without a prescription, but before using them, it is important to read the instructions and consult with your doctor.

Timely confirmation allows you to resort to other gentle methods of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. These include medical abortion and vacuum aspiration. However, they also have clearly defined deadlines.

medical abortion

The method is gentle.

With its successful outcome important benefits are:

  • lack of surgical intervention;
  • ease of implementation;
  • rapid recovery of the body.

The disadvantages include the high cost, subject to contacting the help of a specialist. The price in clinics reaches 10 thousand rubles.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy without prescriptions are taken according to this method in 2 stages:

  1. "Mifepristone". The drug has a toxic effect on the embryo and leads to its death. The dosage is 200 mg in a single dose, which should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. If a woman decides to have an abortion on her own, she herself will be responsible for all the negative consequences. Within 24-36 hours after ingestion, fetal death occurs.
  2. "Misoprostol". For up to 49 days of gestation, after the allotted time, the second drug is taken at a dosage of 200 μg of the active substance. If there is no effect, take 1 more tablet. For up to 63 days, a single dose of 800 mcg of misoprostol is allowed.

There are special tools designed for phase 2 medical abortion. Most often, Mirolut is used, containing 4 tablets of 200 mcg. The drug stimulates labor activity and leads to the expulsion of the embryo from the uterine cavity.

The result of a medical abortion is similar to a normal miscarriage and is accompanied by profuse blood discharge mixed with remnants of the fetal egg and exfoliating uterine endometrium.

Is it possible to have an abortion on your own with pills

The option is possible, but do not forget about the very high risks and possible complications.

An experienced gynecologist is able to choose the required dosage of both drugs, taking into account many indicators, including:

  • gestational age;
  • patient weight;
  • associated pathologies;
  • drug tolerance;
  • general well-being.

Abortion pills are available without a prescription. For abortion, Gynestril and Cytotec preparations are used, containing 4 tablets of 50 mg of mifepristone and 2 tablets of 200 mcg of misoprostol, respectively. The combination will cost 4000 rubles. When contacting the clinic, the price is much higher.

With self-administration of tablets, it is necessary to follow the dosage regimen and carefully monitor your well-being. A week after taking the second drug, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination to confirm the abortion and complete detachment of the fetal egg.

The use of drugs for postcoital contraception containing lower dosages is not economically viable. For the death of the embryo, it is necessary to take 20 packages of Zhenale, for example. Therefore, it is much easier and safer to seek professional help or purchase a set of special preparations.

Attention! Among the particular risk of self-carrying out the procedure is the possibility of ectopic implantation of the fetal egg. Such cases are accompanied by especially negative complications.

If the drug does not cause the death of the embryo, and bleeding occurs, there is a risk of rupture of the fallopian tube as the fetal egg increases.

Contraindications for admission

Postcoital contraception:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • liver failure in severe form;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy.

Medical abortion:

  • hepatic and renal dysfunction;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • age over 35 years of infection;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • smoking;
  • lactation period;
  • porphyria;
  • anemia.

Features of medical abortion

Pills for termination of early pregnancy, purchased without a prescription, and their reception are characterized by a number of features.

Permissible terms

The maximum period for an abortion is 63 days of gestation, which corresponds to 9 weeks in obstetric terms. The earlier the method is applied, the higher the chances of achieving a full result. However, a period of less than 5 weeks with a confirmed pregnancy is also not suitable, since the uterine receptors during this period may not be sufficiently sensitive to the components of the drugs.


Confirmation of pregnancy is required before medical abortion. For this, blood tests are performed for the level of hCG, but more often, an ultrasound result is needed, on which a fetal egg was found. It is possible to see it for a period of about 5 weeks. Ultrasound also allows you to determine the exact number of days after fertilization by the size of the fetal egg.

Body reaction

A woman who decides to use pills may not feel anything after taking them. But sometimes the first drug causes a strong deterioration in well-being as a result of the death of the embryo. After taking the second remedy, severe cramping pains and heavy bleeding may occur. Symptoms are aggravated against the background of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Disadvantages and possible complications

Medical abortion does not always go smoothly both at home and under the supervision of a specialist. The complication rate is much lower than that of surgery, but the likelihood is there.

incomplete abortion

The most serious and frequent complication, it is caused by a partial or complete absence of abortive effects, as a result of which the remains of the fetal egg remain in the uterine cavity, or, which happens much less frequently, the pregnancy develops further. In this case, due to the toxic effects of the drug, vacuum aspiration is a necessary measure. The combination of agents disrupts the process of organogenesis of the embryo.

The frequency of incomplete abortion reaches 4% and increases in proportion to the duration of pregnancy. If consequences are detected on the ultrasound machine, the patient is sent for a vacuum aspiration or curettage procedure. The remains of the fetal egg can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the endometrium and problems with conception in the future.

Uterine bleeding

The usual duration of bloody discharge is 7-10 days, while there is a gradual decrease in their volume. If this is not observed, and the color of the blood is bright scarlet, pathology can be suspected. Intense bleeding can occur with anemia or problems in the hemostatic blood system.

If the frequency of changing pads is more than 1 per hour, an emergency call for medical help is required to identify the causes and stop bleeding.

intense pain

Misoprostol stimulates labor and causes contractions. Their severity and intensity may differ in women and depend on the gestational age. Acute cutting pain occurs in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, urgent care is required for the patient.

Dyspeptic disorders

After taking the drugs, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. The frequency reaches 5%. For symptomatic therapy, Metoclopromide (Cerukal) is recommended. inside 1 tablet 3 times a day. With indomitable vomiting - intramuscularly 10 mg 2 times a day.

Increased body temperature, fever

Medical abortion may be accompanied by an increase in rates to subfebrile values ​​(37.5 ° C). This temperature should not cause concern. An increase of more than 38.0°C and persistence for more than 1 day may indicate the development of an infectious-inflammatory process in the uterine cavity.

The temperature may accompany an incomplete abortion, in which the remains of the fetal egg become fertile ground for the reproduction of bacteria.

Opinions on the effectiveness of drugs

Most often, taking postcoital drugs and following the pill regimen for medical termination of pregnancy pass without complications and allow you to achieve the desired result. According to some reviews, the reception is often accompanied by nausea and a general deterioration in well-being, over time, the phenomena disappear by themselves.

Over-the-counter abortion pills prevent fertilization or cause miscarriage. However, for every woman, abortion is a necessary measure. Psychological consequences occur in almost everyone. Most women admit that they blame themselves and will not forget about a rash act.

Abortion pill video

Effective over-the-counter early pregnancy abortion pills:

Terms of possible termination of pregnancy with pills:

IN Lately has become widespread. The method of interruption is chosen by the doctor, taking into account the age, duration and general condition of the woman. Early abortion drugs are being improved and new forms are being produced that provide greater reliability with a minimum of side effects.

How do pharmacological drugs work

After examination by a gynecologist and carrying out all the necessary procedures, the doctor prescribes a suitable drug that will ensure the termination of pregnancy. The action of such drugs is to block the production of a hormone that supports the normal course of pregnancy - progesterone, as a result of which a so-called miscarriage occurs.

For a woman, this method of abortion is easier both physically and psychologically, because it looks like regular menstruation, only more plentiful and prolonged.

Early abortion drugs were developed in France back in the 80s, but became widespread much later. Now there is a wide variety of medications that provide the desired effect.

Benefits of pharmacological abortion

Medical abortion has many advantages over surgical abortion:

  • easy psychological tolerance of the procedure;
  • the absence of damage to the cervix or endometrium of the uterus, so that the woman will not have problems with pregnancy in the future, while after a surgical abortion, the woman often can no longer become pregnant;
  • the high efficiency of the drugs used (more than 95%), this makes it possible to safely and reliably terminate a pregnancy at an early stage.

This method is optimal for nulliparous women, as it eliminates problems with re-pregnancy and does not cause scarring on the cervix. Drugs for medical termination of pregnancy are considered safe and effective if they are used as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict guidance.

When is the best time to have a medical abortion?

Early-acting drugs are more effective when used before 4 weeks of pregnancy. The last term for the possible use of pharmacological abortion is 6 weeks. However, in this case, the drug may not provide the desired effect and the pregnancy will not be interrupted.

This course of events is strongly influenced by the features menstrual cycle and other individual indicators of a particular woman. That is why, if you want to have an abortion using drugs to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, you need to do it as early as possible so that the effect of the medication is as effective as possible.

Contraindications for medical abortion

With any intervention in the physiological processes of the body, there are contraindications. Carry out pharmacological treatment for:

  • uterine myoma;
  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drugs;
  • gastrointestinal infections;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of scars on the tissue of the uterus or cervix;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • the presence of any sexual infections.

In order to exclude the development of complications, before carrying out an abortion, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination and select the appropriate drug. The name of the drug for abortion can only be said by the attending physician, who has all the necessary test results for the patient.

Characteristics of "Postinor"

Women are often interested in the question of which abortion drugs can be used immediately after unprotected intercourse. One of these drugs is Postinor. The active substance of the drug is levonorgestrel. It provides a thickening of the endometrium, as a result of which a fertilized egg will not be able to implant in the wall of the uterus.

The drug is used exclusively for emergency contraception and provides its effect only for a few days after unprotected intercourse. The package contains two tablets, one of which must be taken immediately after sexual intercourse, and the second after 12 hours.

If vomiting occurs after taking the first tablet, the second must be taken immediately. Use this method of contraception as little as possible. Taking emergency contraceptives in one menstrual cycle is prohibited, as this can be fraught with severe bleeding and hormonal problems.

The use of the drug does not give a 100% guarantee of termination of pregnancy and has many side effects. That is why Postinor has recently been replaced by more effective and safe drugs. Abortion drugs have been tested for a long time before being given to a woman.

Characteristics of "Ginepriston"

Used as a postcoital contraceptive. Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, it affects the rate of ovulation, slowing it down and thereby preventing fertilization, or changes the thickness of the myometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from gaining a foothold in the uterine wall.

Contraindicated in hepatic, renal and adrenal insufficiency, individual intolerance to mifepristone. After administration, it causes side effects from the central nervous system (dizziness, headache), nausea and vomiting, as well as weakness, lower abdominal pain and urticaria.

Characteristics of "Genale"

Genale is a French abortion drug. Used immediately after unprotected intercourse. Provides obstacles for fertilization or implantation of the egg (depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle).

The active ingredient is mifepristone. These drugs are not effective for, but can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the drug after 72 hours after sexual intercourse. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination and conduct a medical abortion with the help of other drugs.

Characteristics of "Mifegin"

Mifegin is the most common and safe drug used for pharmacological abortion. The active ingredient is mifepristone. Reception should be carried out according to the doctor's prescription in his presence. In case of overdose, adrenal insufficiency may occur.

Once in the body, it acts on the receptors of the uterus, blocking the production of progesterone. As a result, the embryo dies and is rejected, the cervix opens, muscle contractions of the uterus occur, and the fetal egg is excreted from menstrual blood from the genital organs of a woman. Abortion drugs at this stage are valid for 6-8 hours.

It is important to note that in order to increase the effectiveness of the drug, it is necessary to prescribe the intake of prostaglandins, which cause muscle contractions, with the help of which the embryo will be pushed out of the uterus. If you take painkillers during this period, then the effectiveness of the drug will decrease significantly. And the dead embryo can remain in the uterine cavity, causing serious consequences.

Before taking the pills, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the small pelvis. This is necessary to confirm pregnancy and determine the place of attachment of the fetal egg, since the termination of an ectopic pregnancy is medication forbidden. Early abortion drugs do not work on a developing fetus outside the uterus.

In some cases, unforeseen side effects may occur, such as severe bleeding requiring medical intervention, continued pregnancy, fetal death without removing it from the uterus, and others.

Characteristics of "Mifepristone"

"Mifepristone" is a synthetic steroidal antiprogestogen that causes contractile activity of the myometrium. After administration, severe weakness, dizziness, nausea, and diarrhea may occur. Breast-feeding after taking the drug, it must be stopped for 3 days.

Drugs for medical termination of pregnancy, which have a duration of up to 9 weeks, are used more often than other analogues. In combination with the drug, Misoprostol is prescribed, which stimulates contractions and blocks the uterine receptors that secrete progesterone.

Mifepristone can also be prescribed in other cases:

  • to stimulate labor activity in case of intrauterine fading of the fetus;
  • for up to 12 weeks to cause dilation of the cervix;
  • for a period of 13-22 weeks is used to normalize the action of prostaglandins.

Abortion drugs are taken only after a thorough examination in the presence of a doctor.

Characteristics of "Pencrofton"

Pencrofton is a Russian-made drug. It is an effective means for terminating a pregnancy, which practically does not cause any side effects and complications. Pharmacological abortion is quite easy for a woman psychologically, and also does not damage the integrity of the uterine cavity and cervix, so that the woman will not have problems in the future if she wants to become pregnant.

Preparations for abortion without a prescription are not sold, they can only be purchased after a full examination in a special medical institution. The drug is taken only in the presence of a doctor, after which it is necessary to be under the supervision of health workers for some time in order to prevent unforeseen consequences of an abortion and, if necessary, receive the necessary assistance in time.

Characteristics of "Mifolian"

It is a complete analogy of "Mifepristone", all indications and contraindications also practically do not differ. What is the name of the drug for abortion, suitable for a certain woman, only the doctor can say after the examination.

After taking the pill, the patient must be observed for several hours to identify possible side effects or complications. After 36-48 hours, an ultrasound examination is performed to determine whether a complete miscarriage has occurred and whether a fetal egg or part of it remains in the uterine cavity.

If this is not done, then the remaining embryo, decomposing in the uterus, will provide intoxication of the body and, in especially severe cases, may cause the death of the patient or the need to remove the uterus.

To get acquainted with the features of medical abortion and to study drugs for abortion in more detail, reviews can be found in the public domain on any of the pharmacological agents.

It is fundamentally important to exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy before taking the pills, otherwise there is a certain risk to the woman's life. Be sure to consult a gynecologist, as self-medication can lead to serious negative consequences. Among the advantages of such drugs: no need to go to the hospital; anesthesia and surgical intervention are not needed; the risk of infertility is practically zero; fetal rejection is almost similar to the extra-term arrival of menstruation.

Tablet options

Most pills are designed to terminate a pregnancy for up to six weeks (42 days). It should be remembered that during their action, blood clotting worsens, pain in the lower abdomen is often observed. In connection with the intake of drugs, there have been cases of inflammatory processes in the genital organs, and the risk of tumor formation increases.

"Mifegin" (a French-made drug) is characterized by an efficiency as close as possible to 100%. The price starts from 3000 rubles. Applies up to six weeks.

Mifeprex is effective and well tolerated. Its price is from 1500 rubles. The term of application is up to six weeks.

Mifepristone 72. Pharmacies usually require a prescription for this drug. The spread of prices for it is very large - 3-5 thousand rubles. The term for termination of pregnancy is up to six weeks from the moment of conception.

"Mifolian" (active ingredient -) is sometimes used to speed up natural childbirth. The price of the drug is from 1200 rubles, but it is much easier to find it in a antenatal clinic than in pharmacies. The term is up to six weeks.

"Pencrofton" (active ingredient - mifepristone) is acceptable for use as emergency contraception. Has a low risk of complications. Price - from 15,000 rubles. Applies up to six weeks.

For emergency contraception immediately after unprotected intercourse, you can use Postinor. Moreover, the first tablet should be taken as soon as possible, and the second - 12 hours after the first. "Postinor" gives an 85% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy. The price of the drug is from 230 rubles, it is contraindicated in adolescents, and you should consult a doctor before use.

General contraindications to taking drugs

Any pills of a similar plan are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, with subsequent consultations and ultrasound. But there are absolute contraindications such as: tumors (malignant and benign), diseases of the adrenal glands, inflammation of the genital organs, impaired blood clotting. Smokers are at risk, especially over 30 years old, as the drug can cause them complications in the cardiovascular system.

The procedure for medical termination of pregnancy is not carried out for renal failure and severe pulmonary diseases, as well as for allergies to mifepristone and suspected ectopic pregnancy. Contraindications are also diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver failure and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Modern pharmaceuticals has an alternative to abortion, which it can offer to the fairer sex.

The ability to terminate an unwanted pregnancy without surgery using pills is called medical abortion. Pregnancy is terminated in the early stages up to about seven weeks.

Early abortion drug

What pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy, and how safe it is, let's try to figure it out below.

To get rid of an unwanted pregnancy with medication, the antiprogestogen Mifepreston will help. This drug has many other names.

This drug may also help with emergency contraception. But the dosage in this case is different and the name of this medication is Ginepriston.

Preparative abortion can be fraught with side effects, the main of them is a violation of blood clotting, which is fraught with bleeding. Various tumors and inflammations can develop, and there is also no one hundred percent guarantee that the pregnancy will disappear.

Conditions under which an abortion can be performed:

  • First of all, this desire of a woman does not become a mother.
  • If the woman is pregnant for no more than forty-nine days.

Benefits of using tablets

When you have a medical abortion, you get some benefits:

  • A hospital that you don't have to visit.
  • Fetal rejection is similar to menstruation.
  • Minimal risk of secondary infertility.
  • There is no need for anesthesia or surgery.

Termination of an unplanned pregnancy with pills is not recommended:

  • If your pregnancy is in the eighth week.
  • If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected.
  • Acute and chronic liver failure.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urine - the reproductive system.
  • Acute and chronic renal failure.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Personal intolerance.

In order not to have to do an abgort using any methods, you can use emergency contraception using pills after unprotected intercourse.

  • Postinor. A drug that helps against unwanted pregnancy. The package contains two tablets. The first tablet should be taken immediately within seventy-four hours. The next tablet is drunk after the first one in twelve hours. This process will help you urgently protect yourself from pregnancy. The guarantee is 85%.
  • Pencrofton. This medication can be used as an emergency contraceptive. It is also used to terminate an already existing pregnancy at a short time. This remedy is recommended for women who have not given birth.
  • Mytholian. To get rid of a pregnancy that does not exceed six weeks, you can use these pills. They are also used as a means to stimulate childbirth.
  • mifepristone. Helps terminate pregnancy for up to six weeks. To do this, you need to use the remedy for three tablets at once.
  • Mifeprex. A drug that is very effective in stopping the course of pregnancy. It is also fairly easy to carry.
  • Mifegin. Very good remedy distinguished by its reliability. Used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What tests should be taken for a pharmacist

Abortion without surgery should, like surgery, be supervised by specialists. And it is not advisable to carry it out at home. List of tests that you will have to pass:

  • The first step is to undergo an ultrasound.
  • Rhesus is a blood group.
  • Smear.
  • Tests for HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis.

Remember that not long terms are given, therefore, the sooner you pass the tests, the better. Some clinics conduct express tests and terminate pregnancy on the day of treatment.

What is a medical interruption

It is necessary to do such an abortion in a medical institution, since it is a complete miscarriage.

Drugs that are allowed for this procedure in Russia.

Mirolut and Misoprostol, so that the fetus comes out, are taken a few hours after the above drugs.

  1. Determine pregnancy.
  2. Decide on medical abortion.
  3. Sign relevant documents.
  4. Pass tests.
  5. Identify the absence of contraindications or their presence.
  6. If everything is fine, then the doctor gives you a pill that you should drink on an empty stomach and under the supervision of a specialist.
  7. After taking the medication, the doctor's observation continues for a couple of hours, in order to react urgently in case of side deviations.

The reaction of each organism to this process is individual and can manifest itself after an hour or for two days. If spotting appears, then the process has begun. Be sure to purchase and take pads with you before going to the hospital. Do not forget to take all the contact details of the specialist, so that in case of anything you can contact him.

You will have to visit the doctor again a couple of days after the procedure.

There is another small nuance, not always the death of the fetus occurs without the use of drugs that reduce the uterus. So, you may also have to take another medication on an empty stomach and under the supervision of specialists.

After taking the remedy for uterine contraction, bleeding should open, so the presence of medical personnel is very important.

Types of body reactions to taking the drug

Each body tolerates the drug in its own way.

  • In the best cases, abortion proceeds like normal menstruation, although with the release of clots and more abundantly.
  • In some cases, nausea and vomiting appear.
  • Headaches may be bothersome.
  • Cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.

Mifepristone is excreted from the body within four days. It occurs naturally through faeces and urine.

If the pregnancy is not terminated

Ten days after the pharmacist, you should definitely undergo an ultrasound scan, this will help determine whether the pregnancy has terminated or not, and check for the presence of remnants of the fetal egg.

  • If the abortion was not complete and there are residues, then other methods will have to be used for a complete cleansing.
  • If, despite the bleeding, the pregnancy is preserved, then in no case should it be left.

The body is given one month for this process. During this period, one must take seriously any even insignificant deviations from the norm. If suddenly something starts to cause concern in you, immediately consult a doctor.

Prohibited during the recovery period:

  1. Drinking alcohol.
  2. Heavy, physical activity.
  3. Sauna, steam room and hot tub.
  4. Engage in sexual intercourse.
  5. Supercool.
  6. Use tampons.

How long can medical abortion be used?

According to the law of the Russian Federation. abortion is allowed up to twelve weeks, the terms for pharmaceutical abortion are much less.

  • The maximum period is six weeks.
  • The optimal period is three to four weeks.

At later stages, termination of pregnancy is not recommended, as this is fraught with:

  • Incomplete abortion.
  • Bleeding.
  • Continuation of pregnancy.

In such cases, you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

If you still decide to terminate the pregnancy at home, then you need to remember:

  1. It is very dangerous.
  2. It is necessary to study thoroughly the instructions for use.
  3. Abortion at home can have negative health and sometimes life-threatening consequences.
  4. Try to have someone else at home so that, in extreme cases, there is someone to call an ambulance.


Early termination of pregnancy: how can you terminate it at home with the help of pills and folk remedies?

Not always life circumstances are favorable for the birth of a baby. A pregnant woman is forced to have an abortion for various reasons: social, economic, due to health problems or unwillingness to have children in currently. There are several methods of artificial termination of pregnancy - curettage, vacuum aspiration and medical abortion. Early termination of pregnancy with medications is considered the safest for a woman's health.

In other words, medical abortion is called pharmaceutical, because to terminate a pregnancy, a woman only needs to drink two pills. The first contains the steroid drug mifepristone, which rejects the fetal egg. The same substance is included in the composition of tablets for postcoital, emergency contraception.

Mifepristone is an antiprogestogenic substance that blocks progesterone receptors, which increases the contractility of the myometrium. The principle of action is based on the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells, which increases the sensitivity of myometrial cells to prostaglandins. In addition, mifepristone blocks the effects of progesterone, due to which the endometrium grows and increases susceptibility to oxytocin.

The second tablet, misoprostol, must be taken 36 to 48 hours later. It contains a synthetic analogue of prostaglandins. Due to pretreatment with mifepristone, the myometrium is sensitive to these substances. It begins to contract strongly, helping to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Medical abortion is done in the early stages of pregnancy - no later than 6-7 weeks, in the later stages it is prohibited. The effectiveness in the first month is due to the fact that the embryo is not firmly implanted in the uterus. The best term for termination of pregnancy is 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, doctors perform a pharmaceutical abortion at 4 weeks.

Folk remedies for early pregnancy failure

How did our great-grandmothers terminate the pregnancy? Getting pregnant out of wedlock 50 years ago was considered a shame for a girl. Abortion was forbidden for many because of strict moral principles or religious beliefs. In order not to go to the hospital and not inform the family, some girls decided to get rid of the unwanted child at home.

Alternative methods of terminating an unwanted pregnancy are very dangerous. They cause severe consequences, starting with inflammation of the reproductive sphere and ending with the death of a woman.

One of the most accessible, but at the same time dangerous folk remedies for abortion is mustard baths. To carry out the procedure, you will need very hot water, which a person can endure, and mustard powder. Pour the powder into the bath and stir. A pregnant woman sits in the water and stays in it for half an hour. If during this time the bath begins to cool, then you can add hot water.

Mustard bath, as a way to remove unwanted fruit in a short time, is very dangerous. It can cause uterine bleeding, which alone, without medical help, cannot be stopped. Girls who decide to terminate their pregnancy in this way usually invite their friends over. Sitting in a hot bath, a woman can quickly lose consciousness due to heavy bleeding and die, however, having a girlfriend does not guarantee a successful outcome of the procedure.

Aloe is one of the most useful plants that is used to treat many ailments. Previously, it was used to prevent pregnancy or get rid of the embryo.

Aloe juice provokes the contractile activity of the uterine muscles, which causes the expulsion of the embryo from the uterine cavity. To prepare juice to prevent or disrupt pregnancy, you will need 1 medium-sized leaf, from which juice should be squeezed. It must be taken 4 times a day.

Aloe juice does not always give the desired result. Instead of terminating the pregnancy, a woman may start bleeding, while the fetus will remain inside, but its further development will take place with deviations.

One of the most ancient ways to protect or get rid of an unwanted fetus is herbal decoctions. In the villages, young girls looked for a healer who would give them suitable plants.

Types of herbs against pregnancy:

  1. Anise. Two tablespoons of dried anise are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and kept on fire for 3 minutes. Then the decoction is infused for 30 minutes. For abortive effects, drink a quarter cup before meals. Anise increases blood circulation and provokes uterine bleeding, expelling the fetus.
  2. Barberry. The leaves of this shrub are used both as a method of abortion and as a way to prevent conception after intercourse. 1 large spoonful of dry leaves pour 100 g of vodka and put in a dry place for 2 weeks. When the liquid turns brown, it can be drunk. To exclude pregnancy after unprotected contact, you need to drink 25 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Oregano. To terminate a pregnancy, you need to prepare an infusion of this herb. In half a liter of boiling water, pour 2 tablespoons of the dried plant and leave for 30 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, it must be taken in 3 divided doses. The herb has the ability to disperse blood and increase blood flow.
  4. Tansy. The principle of the plant is based on the fact that it causes contractions of the myometrium, which eject the fetus. For home abortion, 2 small spoons of tansy flowers should be poured into a glass of boiling water. Drink 3 times a day, 50 ml.

Another type of home abortion with folk remedies is the disruption of pregnancy with the help of iodine. To prepare an abortifacient, you will need a glass of warm milk, into which 10 drops of iodine are dripped. The solution is drunk in one gulp.

The abortive effect is based on the fact that iodine causes the fetus to freeze. Subsequently, the dead embryo is rejected by the uterus and comes out.

Unfortunately, in practice, this method does not always work and the embryo dies, but is not brought out. This leads to severe inflammatory processes in the uterus and infection that will spread throughout the body. The woman needs to urgently go to the hospital, where she will be scraped. If the fetus managed to survive, then the child will be born with serious pathologies.

It is jokingly said that aspirin helps prevent unwanted pregnancy if taken instead of after sexual contact. Unfortunately, not all women use pills in this way.

The contraceptive effect of aspirin is based on the fact that spermatozoa do not survive in the acidic environment created by acetylsalicylic acid. To avoid pregnancy, an aspirin tablet should be placed in the vagina like a candle. For this purpose, lemon juice is sometimes used. Both of these remedies are unreliable: a woman can become pregnant and get a chemical burn of the mucosa.

Adherents of folk methods are advised to perform the following exercises:

  • exhausting and long exercises on the press - lifting the torso from a prone position or raising the legs;
  • weight lifting;
  • running long distances.

Sports exercises can really cause uterine hypertonicity and, as a result, miscarriage. However, each organism is individual. Women who have never played sports before and led an inactive lifestyle are more likely to get rid of a child. At the same time, excessive activity does not always give results. A woman may have uterine bleeding, but the child will survive.

On women who have previously played sports, this method of disrupting pregnancy will not work. There are cases when athletes continued to engage in weightlifting or athletics until childbirth, which had a successful outcome.

Short-term medical abortion using Mifepristone tablets is considered the safest. After it, there are practically no complications. Rarely, pharmaceutical abortion early stage However, it can lead to complications:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • partial rejection, after which curettage is needed;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • gagging;
  • increase in pressure.

To prevent the occurrence of complications, it is recommended to drink tablets in the health worker's office. If the woman feels unwell, she will be advised to stay in the hospital for a few hours.

Termination of pregnancy by folk remedies is strictly prohibited by doctors. They lead to severe consequences up to disability and death. Thousands of women die from dangerous abortions performed at home. If a woman finds out that she is expecting an unwanted child, she should immediately contact the antenatal clinic in order to have an abortion safely and with minimal risk to health.


Hello dear readers!

The article discusses the termination of pregnancy in the early stages. We tell how abortion occurs at home and in hospital, what are the consequences of this procedure. You will find out reviews of women who have used abortion pills, as well as the cost of drugs.

Early abortion methods

Not always 2 strips on the test bring happiness to a girl. Therefore, many women are looking for various ways early termination of pregnancy. This may be due to the reluctance to become a mother or the danger of pregnancy for women's health. Every woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy has her own good reasons for this.

In the early stages, there are several methods of abortion:

The drug method involves taking drugs that cause the expulsion of the fetus. This technique is used for up to 6 weeks and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

The surgical method consists of vacuum aspiration or curettage. Vacuum abortion is performed for up to 5 weeks under anesthesia. With the help of special equipment in the form of a vacuum pump, the contents of the uterus are sucked out.

If the gestational age is minimal, then a mini-abortion can be performed in the antenatal clinic using local anesthetic injections. It is extremely rare that bleeding occurs after vacuum aspiration, while the duration of bleeding is no more than a week.

The most popular method of terminating a pregnancy for up to 3 months is curettage. Because of the pain, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure is an artificial expansion of the uterine cervix, followed by curettage of the organ cavity using a curette.

The duration of the scraping is approximately 20 minutes. After that, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for two to four hours. This procedure is the most traumatic. Of the possible consequences after it:

  • bleeding;
  • damage to the uterine neck;
  • the appearance of endometritis;
  • infertility;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • trauma to the endometrium;
  • the appearance of an extensive wound in the region of the internal uterine cavity.

Below we will talk in detail about which pills will help get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages with pills

Elimination of pregnancy with the help of pills refers to a medical technique. Can this method be called safe for women's health? Yes, if the procedure is supervised by a specialist. But self-administration of drugs can cause irreparable damage to your health, ranging from severe bleeding to infertility or death.

Also, the possible consequences of medical abortion include:

  • non-rejection of the embryo - in such a case, pregnancy cannot be maintained; curettage is used to eliminate the fetus;
  • severe bleeding, which requires surgery;
  • unbearable pain, decrease or increase in blood pressure, nausea, deterioration of well-being.

The only advantage of this technique for eliminating unwanted pregnancy is the absence of surgical intervention. As a result, injury to the uterus and its cervix, as well as possible infection, are impossible.

If you want an abortion with minimal negative consequences, pay attention to the medications that we will discuss below.

This is a steroid and antiprogestogen medication that is best used at 3 weeks of pregnancy, since at this time the result is maximum. The action of the pill is aimed at preventing the functioning of progesterone receptors and disrupting its regulation in the case of attachment of a fertilized egg. After taking the pill, mucus begins to collect in the cervix, which forms an unfavorable environment for the continuation of pregnancy.

The cost of the medicine is from 350 to 500 rubles.

This drug is used for up to 6 weeks. It is used together with Mirolut. Miropriston neutralizes progesterone, which provokes detachment of the fetal egg. Mirolut stimulates the contraction of the uterus, causing the embryo to come out of the uterine cavity.

The drug has contraindications, which must be read.

The cost of the medicine is from 1900 rubles.

As with other drugs, the action of mifepristone is aimed at blocking the production of progesterone. The tablets do not contain hormones.

It is best to take the drug for a period of 4-6 weeks. For medical reasons, the drug can be used for up to 22 weeks inclusive, while using additional methods to activate uterine contractions.

In some cases, after taking the drug, incomplete abortion is observed. Therefore, after medical abortion, ultrasound monitoring is necessary.

Cost - from 5000 rubles.

The active substance of the drug is levonorgestrel. The effect of the drug depends on the time of administration. For this reason, gynecologists distinguish 2 types of his work:

  • Use in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, which allows you to delay ovulation. In this case, the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy is reduced from 1 to 3 percent.
  • Application in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, caused by unprotected intercourse. In this case, levonorgestrel blocks the production of estrogen, provoking a decrease in the ability of the endometrium of the uterine cavity to accept a fertilized egg. Possible consequence taking the medicine at this time is the early onset of menstruation.

According to studies, about 2 percent of women were able to get pregnant after taking Escapelle. And this makes this medication very effective tool to prevent unwanted conception.

The price of the drug is from 350 to 600 rubles.

Postinor is a medication used for emergency contraception. The effect of its use occurs only if the pill was taken within three days after unprotected sex. At the same time, gynecologists do not recommend using this medicine on their own.

The product contains levonergestrol, corn and potato starches, magnesium stearate.

Experts do not advise frequent use of Postinor, as it causes severe harm to the female hormonal system.

The cost of the medication is from 300 to 500 rubles.

In some cases, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifeprex - used for pharmaceutical abortion for up to 42 days of delay. The tool is highly effective, while practically does not cause any harm to women's health.
  • Pencrofton - the drug contains mifepristone. It is recommended as an emergency remedy for abortion in childless women. After taking the medication, in rare cases, gynecological complications or infertility are observed.
  • Mifegin is a French-made drug, it can be used for up to 6 weeks. Highly efficient.
  • Mifolian - after taking it, rejection of the tissues of the uterine cavity occurs along with the embryo.

Injections for early termination of pregnancy

If you do not want to go through the procedure of surgical or medical abortion, you can try to get rid of the embryo through injections. To carry out the abortion procedure, an injection of calcium chloride is used. Under its influence, fetal death occurs, followed by miscarriage.

If within 2 days after the injection there are no signs of abortion, then the specialist prescribes tests and ultrasound. Based on them, the doctor decides on curettage, otherwise a strong inflammatory process is likely to appear, leading to sepsis or death.

Some women believe that getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy can be done with a mixed injection. ascorbic acid and No-shpy. The efficiency of this method is only 10 percent.

The safest injection of all drugs is the use of oxytocin. It causes cramping contractions that lead to miscarriage. At the same time, in early pregnancy, oxytocin is used only in emergency cases, if there are contraindications to surgical abortion.

Terminating an early pregnancy at home

Traditional medicine offers a large number of remedies for eliminating pregnancy at home. Remember, you can use them only after the permission of the doctor! In addition, after the use of folk remedies, there is a risk of deterioration in well-being, the appearance of intense bleeding or partial abortion.

Below we will talk about the most popular traditional medicine for terminating early pregnancy. But remember, any means for terminating a pregnancy at home for a period of 3-4 weeks cannot be safe for your health. Even if you are up to 3 weeks pregnant or more than a month, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Many women seek to terminate their pregnancies with iodine and are at great risk, especially if pure iodine is used. After all, this alcohol solution has a toxic effect on the entire body.

After taking pure iodine, a deep burn of internal organs is likely, causing severe harm
thyroid gland and a powerful change in hormonal levels. And all this is possible after using only 3 g of the product.

But at the same time, there is an opinion that the composition of iodine and milk will help to eliminate unwanted pregnancy. Such a mixture does not cause such a toxic effect as pure iodine, while after application the death of the embryo, in most cases, still occurs. That's just the dead embryo remains in the uterus, since it does not contract. In the future, this leads to the development of sepsis and inpatient treatment.

In addition, the milk-iodine composition does not always help to get rid of the fetus, and in the event of the birth of a child, severe pathologies appear.

Sometimes, after consuming iodine, it is possible to open bleeding, which no physician can handle. And this is fraught with the death of a woman.

This method of terminating unwanted pregnancies was quite popular until the advent of medical and surgical abortion. Although at present, many continue to practice it, but less so, because after it some women feel worse.

Why do girls choose this method of abortion? The answer is obvious - availability and free of charge, except for possible health problems. This technique is practiced only until the 3rd week of pregnancy, since after this period the embryo is sufficiently developed for a miscarriage to occur due to this method.

Using a hot bath after 3 weeks of pregnancy has a number of negative consequences for a woman. Therefore, it is better to practice it immediately after confirmation of pregnancy.

Using a hot bath causes the blood vessels in the uterus and pelvis to expand. These vessels put pressure on the vessels that are located next to the uterus, as a result of which they burst.

The embryo present in the uterus comes out of it along with the blood. Vaginal bleeding is the main sign that a miscarriage has occurred.

What should be done for a miscarriage? It is enough to be in hot water for 3-4 hours, while it is important that the hips are in hot water. If the procedure takes place in the bathroom, then you need to constantly add hot water. One procedure is enough to terminate the pregnancy, since with repeated it is possible to open severe bleeding.

Candles for abortion in the early stages

Sometimes, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, women use vaginal or rectal suppositories, which are contraindicated during childbearing. Such drugs cause uterine contraction and, as a result, miscarriage.

Applying them according to the instructions, you can cause uterine bleeding. But this doesn't always happen.

Herbs for early abortion

Herbs - Another product that can cause termination of pregnancy. Below we will talk about the main herbs that are used for miscarriage.

Bay leaf is one of the herbs that are not recommended for expectant mothers due to the high risk of miscarriage. Bay leaf is an abortive product that can terminate a pregnancy.

When using a decoction of bay leaves in early pregnancy, there is a risk of bleeding. Together with the blood secretions, the embryo comes out of the female body. This method can be used up to 8 weeks of gestation. The effectiveness of using this method largely depends on the personal characteristics of the body, but it is possible to eliminate pregnancy with lavrushka.

The sooner the laurel decoction is taken, the higher the likelihood of abortion. To prepare a decoction, pour 100 g of bay leaves with a glass of hot water. After that, boil the composition for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Drink the strained decoction before going to bed. Wrap bay leaves in gauze to form a tampon, then insert it into your vagina overnight.

After the procedure, a miscarriage should occur within 1-2 days. At this time, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding. If after 2 days there are no changes, the method turned out to be useless.

The use of a decoction of tansy flowers provokes an active uterine contraction, followed by the expulsion of the fetal egg. But remember, such a product is very toxic, it can cause intoxication, liver failure, convulsions and vomiting. In addition, with severe bleeding from the uterus, the probability of death is high.

The use of oregano affects the production of estrogens, which support and maintain pregnancy. The use of this herb disrupts the normal female hormonal background, because of this, the course of pregnancy fails, and the growth of the embryo stops. In the future, this leads to a miscarriage.

Below are the reviews of women about medical abortion and the use of folk remedies.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in a stupor for a while. I already have three children, and my husband and I did not plan to replenish the family. I went to an appointment with a gynecologist, chose medical termination of pregnancy. The doctor prescribed Mifepristone for me, there were no side effects after it.

I want to tell all the women who practice folk remedies to eliminate pregnancy. Girls, take care of yourself! It is better to take a pill or go for an abortion, but do not drink bay broth and do not sit in a hot bath! After these funds, uterine bleeding opened in me, I barely survived!

Your health is in your hands! Do not self-medicate. In the event of pregnancy, think twice, you may want to keep the baby. If not, then seek help from qualified specialists to terminate the pregnancy.

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