Gramsicidin C - remedy for sore throat! Gramsicidin C - instructions for use, form of release, analogues and prices of alcohol solution of gramicidine in ampoules on Latin

Instructions for use:

Gramsicidin C is an antibiotic drug for local and outdoor use.

Release form and composition

Gramsicidin C are released in the following dosage forms:

  • Pills for resorption: plane-cylindrical from a chamfer, white with a yellowish tinge or white color, on the one hand, risk, on the other - the marking "R", or without it (20 pcs. In polymeric banks, 1 bank in a cardboard pack; 10 pcs. in contour cellular packs, 2 packs in a cardboard pack);
  • Concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and external use of alcohol 2%: a solution from yellow to light yellow (5 or 10 ml in bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack).

The 1 tablet includes:

  • Active substance: gramsicidin C - 1.5 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: Milk sugar (lactose) - 441.69 mg; Calcium stearate - 6 mg; Food flavoring - 1.98 mg; Sugar (sucrose) - 148.2 mg; Sodium saccharinate (soluble sugar) - 0.63 mg.

The composition of 1 ml of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and outdoor use includes:

  • Active substance: gramscidine C - 20 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: ethanol (ethyl alcohol 95%) - up to 1 ml.

Indications for use

Gramsicidin C in the form of tablets of gravities is used in the treatment of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity, including pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis (angina), gingivitis, periodontalosis, stomatitis.

The preparation in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for external and local applications is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Fatty and aqueous solution: burns, breakdowns, purulent wounds, ulcers, osteomyelitis, empi, injury of joints, carbuncoon, furuncle, phlegmon (in the form of washes, tampons and irrigation of dressings);
  • Alcohol solution: pyodermia;
  • An aqueous solution: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and throat, including periodontal diseases, angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, etc. Also an aqueous solution is used when removing and treating teeth (as an auxiliary medicine).

As part of combination therapy, gramicidine C is prescribed for the treatment of blepharitis, infected eyelid eczema, meibomit (barley).


  • Lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnant women drug should be used with caution.

Pills for resorption contraindicated to children up to 4 years, children 4-12 years old need to be taken with caution.

Additionally contraindications to the use of gramicidine C in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and outdoor use are dermatoses.

Method of application and dosage

Gramsicidin C in the form of tablets for resorption should be applied sublingual (slow resinking in the oral cavity, not chewing), after eating. For 1-2 hours after the use of the drug, it is necessary to refrain from intake drinks and food.

The drug is accepted 4 times a day. One-time dose is determined by age:

  • Children 4-6 years old - 1 tablet;
  • Children 6-12 years old - 1-2 tablets (no more than 7 tablets per day);
  • Children from 12 years old and adults - 2 tablets (for 20-30 minutes one after another).

The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-6 days. By appointment of a doctor, the drug can be used longer.

The gramicidine solution cooked from the concentrate is used externally and locally.

To prepare one rinse, the concentrate should be breed in 100 ml of drinking water. The one-time dose of adults is 10 ml, for children - 5 ml. Procedures should be conducted 2-3 times a day.

For the preparation of aqueous solution, a concentrate must be breed 100-200 times. To do this, 500-1000 ml of water, 10 ml - 1000-2000 ml of water (ordinary drinking or sterile distilled) should be added to the contents of the vial of 5 ml.

The solution should be applied by irrigation or using well-impregnated napkins, on top of which the sterile gauze napkin is imposed, and then fixed with a gauze bandage.

Castor oil, lanolin or fish oil can be used to obtain a concentrate in order to obtain a fat solution in a ratio of 125-150 ml of any of these agents for 5 ml of concentrate, 250-300 ml for 10 ml of concentrate. The obtained fatty solution of gramicidine C is applied using impregnated napkins, the sterile napkin from gauze is put on top, and then fixed with a gauze bandage.

To prepare a alcohol solution concentrate you need to dilute 70% ethanol 100 times (5: 500 or 10: 1000). The drug is used in the treatment of pyodermia, lubricating the skin 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

In some cases, when applying gramicidine with the development of allergic reactions and contact dermatitis.

special instructions

Patient diabetes It should be borne in mind that each tablet contains 0.05 bread units (xE).

Gramsicidine with an aqueous solution can be used within 3 days from the date of preparation. It is impossible to enter solutions in Vienna (the development of phlebitis and hemolysis is possible).

Medicinal interaction

Gramsicidin C can increase the effect of the use of other antimicrobial means of systemic and local action.


Analogue of gramicidine C is grammidine.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in protected from light, dry, inaccessible to children.

Shelf life:

  • Pills for resorption: 3 years at temperatures up to 25 ° C;
  • Concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and external use of alcohol: 5 years at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Gramsicidin C is an antibacterial drug of local action, which has a detrimental effect on staphylococci, streptococci, causative agents of anaerobic infection, pneumococci and other microorganisms.

This antibiotic is widely used in dentistry, ophthalmology and LOR-Practice. In the role of the acting substance of the drug is gramicidine S.

In this article, we will look at what doctors prescribe gramicidine, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real people who have already used gramicidine C can be found in the comments.

Composition and form of release

The gramicdine C drug comes on sale in the form of tablets for resorption and concentrate for the preparation of the solution for outdoor and local application.

  • in one tablet there is 0.0015 g of gramicidine C. Additional components: food flavoring, lactose, sodium saccharinate, sucrose, calcium stearate.
  • 1 ml of the concentrate contains 20 mg of gramicidine C. 1 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol was added as an auxiliary substance.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, gramicidine is used for irrigation of tampons and dressings, washing at the following states:

  1. Purulent wounds;
  2. Ulcers;
  3. Breakdown;
  4. Empiemes;
  5. Phlegmons;
  6. Injuries of the joints;
  7. Complicated appendicitis;
  8. Osteomyelitis;
  9. Carbuncules;
  10. Furuncula;
  11. Inflammatory diseases of the throat and ear.

pharmachologic effect

Gramsicidine is extinguished by an antibiotic that has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal (preventing reproduction of bacteria and destroying bacteria) action on streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, causative agents of anaerobic infection (bacteria that can exist in the absence of oxygen) and other microorganisms.

Instructions for the use of gramicidine

Locally. In the introduction for the preparation of aqueous solution, 2% solution is divorced at 100-200 times sterile distilled or ordinary drinking water. For the preparation of a fat solution - 2% solution is bred by castor oil, fish oil, Lanolin is 25-30 times. Apply for washing, irrigation of dressings, tampons.

To prepare an alcohol solution, 2% solution is divorced 100 times with 70% ethanol. With pyodermia, lubricate the skin with an alcohol solution 2-3 times a day.

Gramsicidine tablets are widely used for treatment and prevention. various diseases throat and oral cavity. Adult patients and children are absorbed by 2 gramidine tablets with an interval of 20-30 minutes no more than 4 times a day. If the improvement has not come for 5 days, the drug must be canceled.

Paste for local applications. Apply a thin layer on the affected surface and covered with a marlevary napkin. The dressings change in 2-4 days.

As a contraceptive means in the vagina, a special syringe is introduced 5-6 g.


Gramsicidine solutions and tablets are contraindicated to apply:

  1. Against the background of hypersensitivity;
  2. During dermatoses;
  3. Nursing women.

During pregnancy, gramicidine, according to reviews, are prescribed with caution (after evaluating the doctor's assessment of the estimated benefit and possible complications from the use of medication).

Side effects

When applying gramicidine can develop side effects In the form of contact dermatitis or allergic reactions.

Gramsicidine analogues

Structural analogues for the acting substance:

  • Gramicidine with hydrochloride;
  • Grammidine;
  • Grammidine for children;
  • Grammidin neo;
  • Grammidine with anesthetic;
  • Grammidine with anesthetic neo;
  • Sofradex.

ATTENTION: The use of analogs should be coordinated with the doctor.


The average price of gramicidine C, tablets in pharmacies (Moscow) 170 rubles.

Gramsicidine is an antibacterial agent of a threadricin group for local applications. Widely used in ophthalmology, dentistry and LOR-Practice.

pharmachologic effect

Being an antibiotic, gramicdinizes bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on causative agents of anaerobic infection, as well as staphylococci, meningococci, streptococci and pneumococci and other microbes.

Active substance - gramicidine S.

Form release

The drug is released in the form:

  • Ampoules 2, 5 and 10 ml;
  • Pastes of 30 g in banks or aluminum tubes. The composition includes 2% solution of gramicidine C, the acid milk 40%, emulsifier and water distilled;
  • Pills for resorption containing 1.5 mg of gramicidine C. Auxiliary substances - sugar milk, sugar, calcium stearate and methylcellulose. 10 or 20 pieces per pack.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, gramicidine is used in the treatment:

  • Stomatitis;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Phlegmons;
  • Skin burns at various stages;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Carbuncles;
  • Purulent wounds of soft tissues;
  • Pyodermia;
  • Keratitis;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Blufaritis;
  • Breakdown;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix.

Also, the drug is used as a local contraceptive agent.

Instructions for gramicidine

Gramsicidine use:

In the form of pasta:

A sterile gauze napkin with applied drug is applied on a wound surface. Change every 2-4 days.

As a contraceptive agent 5-6 g of the drug is introduced into the vagina with a special syringe.

According to the instructions, gramicidine is contraindicated in dermatosis. It causes a small soreness when the burn surface is hit on the devoid epithelium. In rare cases, various allergic reactions occur, such as itching, swelling, urticaria and skin rashes.

In the form of a solution:

Previously, gramicidine solution is divorced in a ratio of 1: 100 with a sterile distilled or conventional boiled water. Used with purulent-iaorous metrics and vaginites when dying, as well as for wetting tampons, rinsing, washing, irrigation of the dressings. The aqueous solution is stored within 3 days after cooking.

If necessary, you can prepare alcohol solution, using 70% alcohol.

Removal of the contents of one ampoule at 25-30 times in any cleaned vegetable oil (either with fish oil or lanolin), can be prepared oil solution.

In the form of tablets:

Gramsidine tablets are widely used for the treatment and prevention of throat diseases. For this, 2 tablets (one after another) are absorbed no more than 4 times a day. If the improvement has not come for 5 days, the drug should be canceled.

Contraindications for the use of gramicidine tablets include increased sensitivity to the preparation and allergic reactions.

For complex treatment It should be borne in mind that gramicidine strengthens the effect of the use of other bactericidal agents.

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug is undesirable. There is no data on the interaction with alcohol.

Yours faithfully,

The drug "Gramicidine", the instructions for the use of which will be given in today's article, is an antibiotic, very effectively preventing the reproduction of bacteria and destroying them.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Particularly successful is the use of said drug in diseases caused by staphylococcal, streptococcus and pneumococcal, as well as during the damage to the body (that is, such in which bacteria are capable of exist without oxygen).

The described medicine reduces inflammation, softens painfulness, when dissolving tablets, helps to clean the oral cavity and throat from microorganisms.

In what diseases an antibiotic "gramicidine" is used

The instruction on the use of the medication clarifies that, depending on the form of release, it is consumed with different diseases.

Thus, the aqueous and fatty solution is used in the process of layers, ulcers, burns, injuries of joints, furunculus and carbunculov. A alcohol is used for pyodermia and other purulent skin diseases.

Greasonicidine, manufactured in appointed for the treatment of burns and wounds, and can also be used for local contraception (due to pronounced sperm).

How the paste is used

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina, as well as fresh burns I and II degrees or II and III - in the granulation stage, they are applied to a sterile napkin with a spatula and put on the wound "Gramsicidine" antibiotic. Instructions for use proposes to change the bandage no later than 4 days.

For introduced into the vagina, a special syringe.

The method of cooking water, alcohol and fat solutions

The described drug is a light yellow liquid, which, interacting with water, forms a opalescent (light-scattering) solution. When backed up, he is greatly foaming.

Applies only locally. Note! Due to the risk of hemolysis development (the destruction of red blood cells, followed by the release of hemoglobin) or phlebitis (inflammation of the walls of venous vessels) is unacceptable introduction to Vienna.

  • For an aqueous solution, the contents are removed from the ampoule using a syringe and bred in a distilled or ordinary drinking water (in proportion 1: 100). The cooked medicine can be consumed over the next three days.
  • With a 70 percent medical alcohol mixed in a 1: 100 ratio.
  • And the fat ointment is done in the breeding of the original drug with castor oil, Lanolin or fish oil (1:25).

And alcohol, and fat solutions can be stored for about a year at 20 ° C.

How cooked funds are used

Antibiotic "Gramsicidin", mixed with water, is used to wash wounds, irrigation of dressings, wetting tampons, etc. They are stiffed by the throat, they are used in the treatment of ear diseases, legs (leases of tissue, which appear as a result of constant pressure on them during lying), as well as for washing the purulent wounds, ulcers, carbunculov, boils and other diseases.

The alcohol solution is useful for purulent skin diseases: they lubricate affected areas up to 3 times a day.

Means "Gramsicidine": Tablet Instructions

In addition to the forms of these funds listed above, it is also available in the form of so-called frozen pills. That is, such that are intended for clearing the cheek. By the way, the described drug is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, which determines the absence of any system effects.

This form is successfully used in diseases of the oral cavity or throat. These include: tonsillitis, angina, periodontalosis, stomatitis, gingivitis.

Sandy Tablets "Gramsicidin" have a sweet taste. They need to slowly dissolve one after the other for half an hour (only 2 tabs.). And so - four times a day. For a course of treatment, this means requires up to 20 tablets.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug "Gramicidine" is not used, the instructions for the use of which was presented to your attention, when breastfeeding. And during pregnancy, treated with this means should be very careful.

The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity and the presence of dermatosis (if necessary, the external use of this medication).

With individual intolerance to the active substance, a patient may manifest an allergic reaction to the use of the means, as well as contact dermatitis. When there were manifestations of hemolysis and phlebitis.

Preparation "Gramicidine": analogues and price

A means of a similar effect are "grammidine" tablets, which have antibacterial properties in relation to causative agents of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and throat. In addition to them, the same group includes medicines: "gramicidine with hydrochlodes", aerosol for inhalation "bioparox" and "grammidine neo with anesthetic".

The price of "gramscidine" the price in the Russian Federation was established ranging from 104 to 184 rubles.

Gramsicidin C refers to antimicrobial drugs, it is produced by so-called disputes of bacillos from the group of aerobes, in addition, the drug can be obtained and synthetic. I will consider in detail his instructions for use.

Instructions for the use of gramicidine C (abstract)

Composition and form of gramicidine with

There are several dosage forms of gramscidine C, one of them is represented by 2% alcohol, it is placed in ampoules of glass, their volume is two, five and ten milliliters. In addition, there is an aqueous and fatty solution of this drug-containing gramicidine.

The pharmacy produces the so-called buccal (grinding) pills gramscidin C - tablets for resorption, there are 1.5 mg of gramidine in their composition, in the package you can count ten dosage forms.

In addition, there is a gramicidine paste, it is in small aluminum tubes, the container is 30 and 50 grams. The shelf life of the drug in ampoules corresponds to the ten years.

An aqueous solution of gramicidine C, cooked from gramicidine, is recommended to be used in the first three days after direct manufacture. Alcohol and oil solutions are stored much longer. You can purchase all the dosage forms of gramicidine with without a recipe.

Action Gramscidin S.

The antibacterial agent gramscidine with has a bacteriostatic effect in particular with respect to Streptococcus Pneumoniae, as well as meningococci and gonococci. In addition, the drug has a bactericidal effect especially in elevated concentrations.

The drug increases the permeability of the membrane of directly microbial cells for some inorganic cations. Moreover, medication It has a fairly pronounced spermatocidal effect.

Medicine is non-toxic with local use, it does not affect the annoying tissue, in addition, contributes to the accelerated healing of the wound surface.

Indications for the use of gramicidine with

In the presence of patients with purulent wounds;
With diagnosed osteomyelitis;
Under articular injury;
During breakdowns and ulcers;
Assign this dosage form and in burns.
Use medicine for empya, in the presence of boils, phlegmons and with carbuncule as washing and irrigation of the affected area;
The alcohol solution of gramicidine C is used if there is piedermia.

As part of a combined treatment, this means in solution can be applied in the following cases:

With inflammatory eczema of the eyelid and with blufarite;
Effectively means for meibomit and episclerite;
Prescribe a means for iridocyclite;
With outdoor otitis.

Indications for the use of buccal tablets. They are used in the disease of the oral cavity and the throat of infectious-inflammatory nature, such as, in stomatitis, with acute pharyngitis, with gingivitis, with angina and periodontal disease.

The next dosage form is a gramscidine paste, it is used to conduct local contraception, in addition, it is used if there are burns, as well as with wounds.

Contraindications to the use of gramicidine with

The drug-based gramicidine C is not used in hypersensitivity to drug compounds, in addition, it is contraindicated in the presence of dermatosis, as well as during lactation. With caution, this agent is used during pregnancy.

Application and dosage gramicidine with

Gramsicidine with apply local. In order to prepare aqueous solution, it is recommended to dilute a 2% solution 100-200 times distilled or drinking water.

For the preparation of a fatty solution, it is necessary to dissolve a 2% solution with lanolin, castor oil or fish oil by 25-30 times. In this form, the drug is used for washing and irrigating the painful area.

Tablets are recommended to use two pieces, one by another with a break of twenty minutes. At the same time, they must be dissolved in the mouth until the drug dissolution. Such a procedure can be repeated up to four times a day.

The next dosage form is a paste, it is used locally. The drug is applied directly to the affected surface with a rather thin layer, after which the treated area is covered with gauze. It is recommended to change the bandage in two, four days.

As a contraceptive paste gramscidine C is recommended directly into the vagina, while you need to use a special syringe that makes a drug in the number of five grams.

Side effects Gramicidine S.

When using the drug gramicidine with an application instruction warns that allergic reactions can develop, in addition, the appearance of contact dermatitis may not be excluded. If these manifestations are pronounced, then you should consult with the doctor, if necessary, it will hold symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

It is impossible to introduce gramicidin C in the form of a solution of intravenously, as this can lead to hemolysis (destruction of erythrocytes), as well as to inflammation of the veins, where infusion was carried out.

Gramicidin S.

Gramicidin with hydrochloride, gramicidine from tablets of gravated 1.5 mg, in addition, gramicidine paste and grammidine belong to the analogues.


Apply the dosage forms of gramicidine C is recommended on the recommendation of the doctor.