Logging industry. Timber and woodworking industry. Russian timber industry

Definition of "Logging industry" by TSB:
Logging industry is the largest branch of the timber industry, which harvests timber, removes it, and rafts it. Occupies important place in the national economy of the USSR. In foreign countries, forestry is usually a part of forestry.
In pre-revolutionary Russia, industrial logging was carried out on a limited scale. Production operations for logging and removal of timber were carried out manually.
In the first years after the Great October Socialist Revolution, there was an acute shortage of fuel, therefore, until 1922, wood harvesting prevailed. The restoration and development of the national economy led to a significant increase in logging (see table).

In 1972, the USSR ranks first in the world in terms of the volume of timber transported.
In the USSR, industrial logging is carried out by the USSR Ministry of Forestry and Woodworking (59 percent of the total volume of logging), the State Forestry Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers (12 percent), and other ministries and departments. Timber removal is also carried out by collective farms and inter-collective farm organizations to meet their own needs (in the amount of over 24 million m3 per year).
When logging, a number of forestry requirements are fulfilled: cutting areas of a set width, preservation of undergrowth and young growth, clearing felling areas from felling residues, leaving seed plants, etc.
From 1927 to the mid-50s. logging was carried out mainly in the north and northwest. The European part of the USSR, whose timber resources have decreased as a result of intensive felling. Later, logging developed widely in Siberia and the Far East. In 1972, of the total volume of logging, the Northwestern region accounted for 24.9%, East Siberian 16.9, Ural 15, Far Eastern 8.0, West Siberian 7.8, Volgo-Vyatsky 7.7, Central 7.5 %.
The development of new forests in the North-West, Siberia and the Far East made it necessary to build in these areas a network of main timber-carrying broad-gauge railways.
The main enterprise of the LP is the Lespromkhoz. The annual capacity of timber industry enterprises ranges from 300-700 thousand m3 of timber haulage. The main logging operations (felling timber, transporting timber to the upper warehouses, removing timber) are mechanized. As of January 1, 1973, the logging enterprises of ministries and departments had: 72.1 thousand tractors, 35.1 thousand timber trucks, 3.8 thousand diesel locomotives and diesel locomotives, 517 semi-automatic lines for bucking logs, pruning branches and cutting short lengths, 966 debarkers, 6.7 thousand loading cranes of all brands, 9.8 thousand different loaders. The average number of workers in the LP in 1972 was more than 1 million. Improved timber transport vehicles are being built. year-round roads. All this allows you to significantly increase labor productivity in logging. See also articles Forestry equipment, Timber roads. Much attention is paid to the most complete and efficient use of firewood as a technological raw material. The industrial use of wood and low-quality deciduous wood and its waste allows to significantly increase the resources of timber without a significant increase in logging.
In some foreign socialist countries, the export of timber was in 1971 (million m3): in Bulgaria - 4.9, Hungary - 5.4, the German Democratic Republic - 7.8, Poland - 16, Romania - 23, Czechoslovakia - 14.6, Yugoslavia - 17.
Timber export in capitalist countries (1971, million m3): in the USA 340, Canada (1970) 121, Sweden 64.3, Japan (1970) 49.8, Finland 42.9, France 34.8, Germany 28.3 ... In capitalist countries with significant forest potential, there is a tendency to an increase in the volume of forest felling with the simultaneous implementation of measures to intensify forestry.
Lit .: Directives of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU on the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1971-1975, M., 1971; Forest is the national treasure of the Soviet people. Sat, ed. N. V. Timofeeva, M., 1967; Rodnenkov MG, Mechanization and technology of logging operations, M., 1966; Medvedev N.A., Economics of the forest industry, M., 1970.
B. M. Perepechin.
Timber haulage by road train KrAZ-255 L.

Loading timber onto a road train with a jaw loader.

Skidding the forest with the TT-4 tractor.

The main factors in the location of the logging industry are raw (focus on forest resources) and transport (availability of logging roads and intermediate warehouses for transporting timber to transport routes). Logging and transportation of timber is seasonal. Transportation is carried out mainly by rail, but great importance it also has river transport.

Despite the fact that the main resources of mature and overmature wood are located in the eastern regions of Russia, the leading regions for logging are the European territories of the North and the northern part of the Volga Federal District, which leads to overcutting and damages forest resources. In the area of ​​the main commercial forests, the most affordable and high-quality stands have already been cut down, the productivity of mature and overmature stands is below average. For this reason, in the European part of Russia in the coming decades, there will be a shortage of high-quality coniferous wood. The share of the regions of Siberia and the Far East, where three quarters of all forest reserves of Russia are concentrated, does not exceed 40% of the total volume of timber export in the country.

Sawmill industry

Sawmilling is located mainly in the main logging areas and at the junctions of transport routes, at the mouths of large rivers with access to the sea, at the intersection of railways and timber floating waterways.

70% of the total production of sawn timber is concentrated in the North-West, Siberian and Ural federal districts. The main sawmilling centers are Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Kotlas, Mezen, Perm, Omsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Igarka, Chita, Khabarovsk, etc. The largest sawmills in Siberia are Lesosibirskiy and Novoyeniseiskiy timber processing plants (LDK) in Krasnoyarsk Krai Ust-Ilimsk LDZ and JV Igirma-Tayriku in the Irkutsk region.

In the world market in last years there is a growing demand for sawn hardwood, which is not yet produced in Russia.

Woodworking industry

The location of the woodworking industry is influenced by how raw and consumer factors.

The raw material factor is manifested not only in the orientation towards the multi-forest regions where logging is carried out, but also in some cases in the orientation towards the wood of certain species. For example, plywood production focuses on birch raw materials, matches - on aspen raw materials, etc. Coniferous and deciduous wood is used as a raw material for the production of chipboard.

Half plywood production in the country it is concentrated in the Northwestern and Ural federal districts. The main centers of plywood production are Bratsk (Bratskkompleksholding OJSC), Tyumen Plywood Mill, Biysk Plywood-Match Mill, Beregovoy Timber Processing Mill. The centers for the production of fibreboard (Fibreboard) - Bratsk, Lesosibirskiy and Novoyeniseysk timber processing plants, chipboard (chipboard) - Tomsk and Ust-Ilimsk timber processing complexes.

Chipboard production boards in Russia do not fully meet the modern requirements of the furniture industry, since boards with a thickness of 16 mm are mainly produced. Foreign manufacturers compete with Russian ones by supplying boards of different thicknesses, a wider decorative range, a wider variety of patterns and textures. Slabs of different thicknesses allow furniture manufacturers to implement more sophisticated designs.

In the world production and consumption of forest products, the share of sawn hardwoods, including chipboard and fiberboard, is steadily growing. The use of environmentally friendly fiberboard is growing especially rapidly. In Russia, there is a decrease in domestic consumption of fiberboard and the total volume of exports of this type of product (due to a decrease in exports to neighboring countries).

Standard house building is located both in logging areas and in areas of consumption: mainly in the Ural and North-West, partly in the Siberian federal districts and the Kirov and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The largest house-building factories operate in Novgorod (Garfipsky), Leningrad (Dubrovsky), Arkhangelsk (Kotlassky), Kirov (Vyatsko-Polyansky) regions, Karelia (Petrozavodsky), in the Urals (Yekaterinburg and Perm).

Furniture industry is focused mainly on the consumer, since the finished product is less transportable compared to raw materials (sawn timber).

The furniture industry is characterized by high degree concentration of production and is mainly concentrated in the European part of the country. The largest number of furniture enterprises is located in Moscow and the Moscow region (they provide more than 27% of furniture production in the country), in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The domestic Russian market is dominated by large enterprises such as PMO Shatura, Moskomplektmebel, JSC Elektrogorskmebel (these three enterprises currently produce almost 25% of all furniture). However, the number of small businesses specializing in the assembly of custom-made furniture from ready-made parts is also quite large.

New furniture manufacturing centers are being created in Siberia and the Far East.

Despite the fact that the main resources of mature and overmature wood are located in the eastern regions of Russia, the main logging areas are the European regions - the North and Volgo-Vyatka, which leads to overcutting and damages forest resources. In the future, it is necessary to significantly reduce felling in these regions, since the importance of the eastern regions as the most important sources of wood raw materials is increasing. At the same time, it is necessary to take measures for the fullest use of the felling fund and increase the yield of round timber as a result of improved cutting and sorting of wood. Large timber-processing complexes have been created, in which work is carried out on harvesting, full deep processing of timber and reproduction of the forest fund. Especially promising are new forestry complexes in the eastern regions of Russia: Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Asinovskiy, Yeniseiskiy, Amurskiy.

The weak link in the development of the logging industry is the logging roads, which do not fully allow the transportation of timber from deep forest areas to the transport routes of Russia. One of the important problems of the logging industry is also the creation of intermediate warehouses on logging roads for storing timber stocks with subsequent transportation. An important problem is the disposal of wood waste in the process of logging, that is, the use of branches, stumps. Currently, this most valuable raw material is largely dying. The technical equipment of the logging industry is also at a low level. All this requires large investments, which can be solved by attracting foreign capital, creating mixed companies on mutually beneficial terms.

The sawmilling industry is located mainly in the main logging areas and at the junctions of transport routes, at the intersection of railways and floating waterways. The main areas of sawmilling in Russia are Northern, Volgo-Vyatka, Central, Volga, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Urals. The largest sawmills are located in Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Yeniseisk, Lesosibirsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Abakan, Igarka, Chita, Khabarovsk, Lesozavodsk, Dalnerechensk, etc.

Furniture production is concentrated mainly in the Central, North-West, Ural, North-Caucasian, Volga regions of Russia. New centers for the production of furniture have been created in Siberia and the Far East.

Standard housing construction is located in the Urals, the European North and Northwest, in the Volgo-Vyatka, Central regions and in Eastern Siberia. The largest house-building factories have been created in the Novgorod region (Garfinsky), in Leningradskaya (Dubrovsky), in Karelia (Petrozavodsky), in Kirov region(Vyatsko-Polyansky), in the North (Kotlassky), in the Urals (Yekaterinburg and Perm). Standard house building has also been developed in the timber industry complexes of Siberia.

The chemical processing of wood is becoming increasingly important. As a result of chemical processing of wood, cellulose, paper, cardboard, charcoal, resin, rosin, phenol, turpentine, tar, acetic acid, ethyl and methyl alcohol, glucose, acetone, tannins, artificial fibers, vitamins, camphor, glue, gunpowder are obtained and many other substances. Wood chemistry products are used in the production of synthetic rubber, industrial rubber goods, photographic and film films, varnishes and paints, and plastics. They also receive preparations for combating diseases and pests of agricultural crops, and means for controlling weeds. A significant amount of wood-chemical products is consumed by the chemical-pharmaceutical, textile, light and food industries.

The wood chemical industry widely uses waste from the logging industry and mechanical processing of wood - sawdust, pine needles, wood chips, twigs, bark, etc.

The most important branch of chemical wood processing is the pulp and paper industry. Various grades of paper can be made from sulphite pulp with added wood pulp. More than 200 basic types of paper and more than 40 types of cardboard are produced in Russia. In addition to various types of writing paper, printing paper, paper for banknotes, paper is also produced for industrial and technical purposes, for example, capacitor, cable, insulating, photosemiconductor, paper for transferring images at a distance and fixing electrical impulses, anti-corrosion, etc. From some types of paper yarn is obtained for the manufacture of twine, twine, coarse fabrics, burlap, etc. We also produce paper for wrapping and bitumen pipes. Technical grades of paper and cardboard are widely used for the production of corrugated cardboard, book bindings, in the auto and electrical industry, radio engineering as an electrothermal, soundproof and waterproof material, for filtering diesel fuel and air purification from harmful impurities, for insulating power cables as gaskets between machine parts; in the construction industry for the production of dry plaster, roofing materials (roofing felt, roofing felt), etc. When processing highly porous paper with a concentrated solution of zinc chloride, a fiber is obtained from which suitcases, containers for liquids, helmets for miners, etc. are made.

Waste from sawmilling and mechanical processing of wood, as well as lower-quality wood of small-leaved species, are widely used as a feedstock for pulp and paper production. For the production of cellulose, not only wood raw materials are used, but also a large amount of heat, electricity and water. Therefore, when locating pulp and paper mills, not only the raw material, but the water factor and the proximity of the energy supply source are taken into account.

The main centers of the pulp and paper industry are located in the Northern Region: Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Kotlas, Kondopoga, Segezha; Ural region - Krasnokamsk, Solikamsk, Krasnovishersk, Novaya Lyalya; Volgo-Vyatka region - Balakhna, Volzhsk, Pravdinsk. Only in these three regions of Russia almost 2/3 of all paper is produced.

In the last 20 years, under the influence of the raw material factor, the pulp and paper industry has developed in Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Asino) and in the Far East (Amursk). The pulp and paper industry is developed on Sakhalin (Uglegorsk, Dolinsk, Makarov).

The production of artificial fibers and threads is inextricably linked with the pulp and paper industry. Artificial fibers (viscose, acetate, etc.) are produced from natural raw materials, for example, from wood, as well as from cellulose.

In terms of production scale and economic importance, the hydrolysis industry takes the second place among the branches of wood chemistry after the pulp and paper industry. During hydrolysis production, ethyl alcohol, protein yeast, glucose, furfural, carbon dioxide, lignin, sulfite-alcohol stillage concentrates, thermal insulation and construction lignoplates and other chemical products are produced from non-edible plant materials. As a raw material, hydrolysis plants use sawdust and other waste from sawmilling and woodworking, crushed wood chips.

The main product of hydrolysis production - ethyl alcohol - is used in the food industry, in agriculture, in production building materials, in medicine. The main centers of hydrolysis production: Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Volgograd, Solikamsk, Sokol, Tavda, Krasnoyarsk, Zima, Tulun, Bratsk, Biryusa, Kansk, in the Khabarovsk Territory the village of Khorsky. Hydrolysis production is developed in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.

Chemical and mechanical processing of wood includes the production of plywood, chipboard and fiberboard. Plywood is processed mainly from the least scarce hardwood species - birch, alder, linden. Several types of plywood are produced in Russia: glued, facing, thermal, fire-resistant, colored, furniture, decorative, etc. The largest plywood plants are located in the Komi Republic, the Vologda, Novgorod regions, in the Urals, in the Volgo-Vyatka region and in the Eastern Siberia. Well-known plywood factories are located in St. Petersburg, Ust-Izhersk, Zhezhart, Cherepovets, Kostroma, Murmansk, in the Urals, in Perm, Tavda, Tobolsk, Bratsk, Tomsk, Lesosibirsk, on the Amur. A large plywood factory is located in the Primorsky Territory. The production of fibreboard and chipboard is carried out in the North, Volgo-Vyatka, Central regions, in the Urals and in Eastern Siberia.

The role of the raw material factor in the distribution of the branches of the forest industry is enhanced by the integrated use of wood, on the basis of which a combination of production arises. In the many-forested regions of Russia, large timber-processing complexes have arisen and are developing - Syktyvkarsky, Tavdinsky, Bratsky, Ust-Ilimsky, Asinsky, Yeniseisky, Amursky. They are a combination of logging and many timber industries, linked by a deep and comprehensive use of raw materials.

The main direction of the development of the branches of the forestry complex in the conditions of the formation and development of market relations is the outstripping growth in the production of progressive types of products, a reduction in the export of round timber and sawn timber and an increase in the production and export of finished products of mechanical and chemical processing of wood. At the same time, the most important task is a more complete use of forest resources without damage to the environment, the creation of integrated enterprises for forest growing, harvesting and processing of wood.

Increasing the productivity of forests is the most important task of the branches of the forestry complex. Its solution lies in the further improvement of the methods of reproduction of forest resources and the species composition of crops, taking into account the forest-growing zones, types of forests and the intensity of forestry production. Especially necessary is the care of the forest, its protection and protection.

The irrational distribution of forestry industries leads to the fact that, in the presence of huge forest resources in certain regions of Russia, there is an acute shortage of raw materials, as a result of which there is a need to reduce production and increase the export of forest raw materials and products from other countries, in particular from Finland and Sweden. This deficit applies primarily to the European regions of Russia, where there are significant cuttings and insufficient work on reforestation is being carried out. At the same time, valuable timber is lost in many forest regions of Siberia, and the number of mature and overmature trees is increasing. The timber is losing its industrial qualities. This problem can be solved only with huge capital investments, the construction of timber roads, equipment of the industry the latest technology and attracting labor force to logging. It is necessary to attract foreign capital, create mixed companies, since many countries of the world are interested in Russian forest resources, and the quality of Russian timber is the highest in the world.

In addition, there is a need for state programs that provide measures for the protection of forests and their rational use. The complex of measures for the protection of forests and reproduction should first of all include the renewal and improvement of the composition of tree species with the help of fast-growing and highly productive species, especially conifers - pine, cedar, spruce, fir. Technical methods of influencing the natural conditions of forest growth and measures to combat the loss of raw materials during operation should be developed and implemented.

Reforestation measures include land reclamation, the introduction of soil-improving woody, shrub and herbaceous plants, the use of fertilizers, means of protecting trees from harmful insects, improving microclimatic forest felling using various felling systems.

The way out of the crisis is seen in the creation of mixed companies, attracting foreign investment. A number of joint ventures and joint-stock companies have already been organized. To meet the needs of Russia in logging equipment, the Government of the Russian Federation made a decision to conclude a barter deal between JSC "Exportles" and Finnish and Swedish firms. With the participation of Finnish and Swedish economists, a program has been drawn up and a contract has been concluded for the strategic development of forestry industries in the European regions of Russia until 2005. This program provides for the following measures:

Creation of effective economic systems throughout the entire production cycle - from harvesting to deep processing of wood in accordance with the requirements of forest protection and protection and prevention of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and water basin by wood chemical enterprises.

Creation of a progressive structure of consumption of products of the pulp and paper and woodworking industries.

Development of recommendations for the maximum use of existing production facilities, including their technical re-equipment and modernization. Development and implementation of proposals for balancing infrastructure; for the construction of new and reconstruction of old enterprises.

Creation of an effective system for the export of all types of products of the timber industry complex. Development of recommendations for the balance linkage of the forestry complex with other sectors of the national economy. Development of recommendations for the implementation of market mechanisms

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Lumber industry

general characteristics industries

Analysis of the dynamics of industry indicators

Prospects and directions of development of the industry in the Republic of Belarus


General characteristics of the industry

As you know, forest resources are one of the main natural resources of the Republic of Belarus: our country ranks 14th in terms of the percentage of forest cover in Europe.

The main task of logging production is to meet the needs of the republic in wood raw materials. At the same time, one of the priority tasks for the development of the industry is the development of the allowable cut in full using modern multi-operational logging equipment, equipment and technologies. Therefore, logging plays a leading role in attracting investment in fixed assets.

The timber industry ranks first in the timber industry in terms of production and the number of employees. Its products are wood materials, which are used, depending on the quality and size, for production and construction needs (industrial wood) or as fuel (firewood). "Commercial wood" is a part of a tree trunk of a certain size and quality, which is the final product of logging production or used as semi-finished products for further mechanical or chemical processing. Annually 15 timber industry enterprises and 84 forestry enterprises harvest about 9 million m 3 of "commercial timber", but this amount is not enough for the country's needs, therefore Belarus imports about 1 million m 3 of timber from Russia.

There are logging companies in all areas. Most of them are in Vitebsk, Gomel and Minsk regions, which provide almost 3/4 of all timber. Timber harvesting is carried out in the basin of the Western Dvina, Berezina and Pripyat. There are fewer enterprises in the Grodno region, but even here in the Neman basin there are quite large tracts of forests and, accordingly, large volumes of logging. Wood is harvested by timber industry and forestry enterprises, as well as enterprises of the Ministry Agriculture and food, the Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus, etc.

Logging includes: logging and removal of timber, its crosscutting, production of industrial timber and round timber, production of sawlogs, plywood, Christmas tree and technological raw materials, extraction of resin. Timber harvesting is carried out during main and intermediate felling - maintenance felling, selective sanitary felling and reconstruction felling. Cuttings for renewal and formation (reformation) of plantations, sanitary felling, cleaning up litter, clearing forest areas for the construction of pipelines, roads, power transmission lines and communications, and other facilities are also carried out.

The volume of the allowable cut and the percentage of its use in the forests of the republic for 2008-2012 in the following table:

But the main harvesting processes are not fully mechanized. General level mechanization of labor - no more than 50%. In this regard, the main task is to introduce a system of machines and mechanisms at all stages of production. Until 2015, it is forecasted that the total standing timber stock will grow to 1.4 billion m3, and that of mature timber - up to 185 million m3, which will make it possible to harvest at least 20 million m3 of timber annually. Forestry enterprises export their products to 22 countries of the near and far abroad. Among non-CIS countries, Poland is the leader in purchases of Belarusian industrial wood. Mainly sawn timber is shipped to Germany. Exports to Lithuania, Latvia, Belgium and the Netherlands are growing. Shipments are also carried out to Russia, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

2.Analysis of the dynamics of industry indicators

6.9 million m 3 of commercial timber and 0.9 million m 3 of firewood are harvested annually (wood growth is 20 million m 3 per year). The demand for industrial wood is met by local production for about 94%.

Revenue from the sale of products and services for seven months of 2012 amounted to 1 trillion. 200 billion rubles. This is 2.1 times more than in the same period last year. For seven months of this year, almost 6 million cubic meters have been harvested. m. of wood. Last year, for the same period, 10 million cubic meters were harvested. m. of wood.

Forestry enterprises of Belarus in 2012 intend to increase the volume of investments by 24% and bring this figure to 460 billion rubles. For five months of 2012, organizations of the Ministry of Forestry raised 189.1 billion rubles in fixed assets. investments with the expected 95.7 billion rubles. For the same period last year, 94.9 billion rubles were raised. And already in seven months of this year, 308 billion rubles of investments have already been directed to the fixed capital of the forest industry.

The largest volume of investments (61.9%) was directed by the forestry enterprises for technical re-equipment - the purchase of machinery and equipment, vehicles. 79 harvesters, 141 forwarders, 412 log trucks, 953 trolleys for the transportation of small-scale timber were purchased. The use of modern machines and mechanisms in forest growing, timber harvesting and woodworking today is the basis for the economic efficiency of forestry work. According to the State Program for the Development of Forestry of the Republic, by 2015 already 70% of the total volume of harvested timber will be carried out using multi-operational equipment - harvesters, forwarders and other modern machines. Currently, 17% of timber is harvested in the forestry enterprises of the republic in this way, the rest is harvested by fellers using chainsaws.

The forestry sector of the economy in Belarus accounts for approximately 2.2% of GDP. This is less than in Finland and Sweden (about 8% of GDP), but more than in Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

To date, 41 production facilities have been created, which produce 1 million cubic meters. m of wood fuel. By 2015, it is planned to build 40 more such plants so that the annual production of wood fuel reaches 1.5 million cubic meters. m.

The nominal accrued average monthly wage in the industry for the first half of 2012 is 2,319.9 thousand Belarusian rubles. rubles, whereas for the same period in 2011 it amounted to 1,080.0 thousand Belarusian rubles.

The average number of employees in 2011 in the industry was 47.9 thousand people.

In January-August 2012, the republic's forestry enterprises sold 4.2 million cubic meters on the domestic market. m of round timber (104% to the same period, etc.), including 1.85 million cubic meters. m of commercial timber and 2.3 million cubic meters. m of firewood.

Compared to the same period last year, the volume of commercial timber sales increased by 100.8 thousand cubic meters. m, or 106%, including plywood logs - by 3.5 thousand cubic meters. m (103%). Firewood sales increased by 47.5 thousand cubic meters. m, or 102%.

Sales of sawn timber on the domestic market in January-August this year amounted to 204.1 thousand cubic meters. m and amounted to the level of the same period last year 101% (201.8 thousand cubic meters. m).

The profitability of products sold to the domestic market was 19.1%, while the plan was 13.6%. The highest profitability of products sold to the domestic market was in the Brest State Forestry Enterprise (26.2%), the lowest - in the Vitebsk State Forestry Enterprise (16%).

Industrial activity, including logging, production of wood fuels, sale of by-use products, is completely self-supporting, and the profit received is used for further development.

The dynamics of changes in the volume of production of wood waste products in 2011-2012 is as follows: fuel and wood pellets in 2012 amounted to 28.6 thousand tons, and in 2011 - 19.5 thousand tons; timber, longitudinally sawn or split in the first half of 2012 amounted to 437.5 thousand tons, in the same period in 2011 - 443.8 thousand tons.

For five months, the organizations of the Ministry of Forestry procured more than 4.3 million cubic meters from all types of felling. m of marketable timber - 5% more compared to the same period last year.

The supply of the standing timber stock amounted to 3.87 million cubic meters. m (44.4% of the AAC in 2012 and 112% of last year's figure).

From the total volume of the supply, the coniferous forest fund amounted to 1.89 million cubic meters. m, hardwood - 56.8 thousand cubic meters. m and soft-leaved species - almost 1.92 million cubic meters. m.

By the end of 2015, it is planned to annually increase the volume of timber harvesting by 1 million cubic meters. m and to master the allowable cut of up to 95%. The volume of timber harvesting from final felling alone should amount to more than 9.6 million cubic meters in 2015. m.

In 2011, budget revenues in the form of tax payments for the industry as a whole amounted to 528.9 billion rubles, this year the forestry enterprises are planning to send 900 billion rubles to the state budget, and the amount of allocated funds is 601 billion rubles.

Last year, 4 additional wood fuel production facilities were created and by the end of 2011 there were already 41 of them with a total annual output of 946 thousand cubic meters. m of wood fuel. The work continues in the current year - 5 more such productions are being created. By the end of the year they will produce 1 million 10 thousand cubic meters. m of wood fuel. Taking into account that by 2015 the country plans to complete the construction of a mini-CHP, the volume of wood fuel and fuel chips production will increase to 1.5 million cubic meters. m. This year, it is planned to allocate 20.2 billion rubles for the production of wood fuel and wood chips for supplying them to the republic's mini-thermal power plants.

In the first half of this year, the forestry enterprises of Belarus exported forest products worth $ 55.7 million to 22 countries. Moreover, 2% of supplies fall on neighboring countries, 98% - on far-off countries. Poland is the largest consumer of Belarusian timber products. Belarusian forestry enterprises successfully export pallets and fuel briquettes to Germany and Denmark. Recently Belarus first mastered the sales markets of Hungary, Greece, Switzerland and Spain. The most promising export destinations in the coming years may be Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan and Armenia. There are practically no forests there, so timber products and sawn timber are in great demand in these countries.

Per January-July In 2012, goods from unprocessed wood were imported into the Republic of Belarus for about 12,480.2 thousand US dollars

forestry investment industry profitability

3. Prospects and directions of development of the industry in the Republic of Belarus

First, I will consider the main prospects for the development of the logging industry, to achieve an increase in the profitability of the industry.

The increase in the industry's income is primarily due to active investment activities, thanks to which the volume of supplies of products to the domestic market is growing.

Efficiency gains will be achieved by increasing the output of products with higher added value. For this, it is planned to form special timber base in the immediate vicinity of large woodworking industries. At the forestry enterprises, modern procurement industries will be created using domestic and foreign multi-operational machines.

It is planned to install drying complexes for the production of sawn timber. The commissioning of new drying chambers and the creation of a planing production facility will make it possible to manufacture products with a higher added value.

One of the promising areas of development is to increase the production of local fuels. This year it is planned to create one production facility for the production of fuel pellets with a capacity of 3.2 thousand tons per year, eight - for the production of wood briquettes with a total capacity of 9.3 thousand tons per year, nine - for the production of chopped firewood with a total capacity of 19 thousand cubic meters. ... m per year.

Also, one of the main directions of development of the logging industry in the Republic of Belarus is the creation of joint ventures, which are created within the framework of the forestry development program, designed for 2011-2015, in order to expand the market for timber harvesting services. We currently have six joint ventures. In the Gantsevichi forestry enterprise of the Brest region - JLLC “Alastre” for sawmilling and planing, where the founder from the Estonian side is the company “Belleka”. In the Volkovysk forestry enterprise of the Grodno region, a joint Belarusian-Swedish enterprise for logging and production of fuel chips, RindiBel JLLC, has been established. A similar Belarusian-Italian enterprise, IC-El-Bel JLLC, operates in the Liozno forestry enterprise of the Vitebsk region. All of them are quite efficient and produce competitive products. In addition, in the Gomel and Grodno regions joint ventures are being created with the participation of residents from Poland, in the Mogilev region - a joint venture founded with the resident firm from Estonia "Beaver Forester".

Belarus is especially interested in setting up joint ventures for the production of pellets, fuel briquettes and wood chips - negotiations are already underway with investors from Poland, the Baltic countries and the Czech Republic. Cooperation with foreign companies will allow Belarus to master new technologies in the logging industry.

The efficiency of the logging industry also largely depends on the density and quality of the road network. The developed road infrastructure in the forest fund of the republic allows forestry enterprises to fully use the allowable cut, timely carry out reforestation work, carry out the necessary forest care, provide effective fight with fires and pests.

Everyone is so accustomed to the common phrase "Forest is our wealth" that they seem to overlook the person thanks to whom this wealth is preserved and multiplied. Note that about a quarter of the Belarusian forests are man-made. Thanks to the painstaking work of foresters in Belarus, 20-25 thousand hectares of new forests are laid annually and about 30.3 million cubic meters are growing. m of wood. One resident of the country has 0.8 hectares of forest and more than 160 cubic meters. m of wood stock, which is two times higher than the average European level. But for the economy of our country, forestry, and in particular the logging industry, is of paramount importance, and in the literal sense of the word is the "wealth of the country", because the effective development of forest resources brings significant income to the state, that is, to make a profit, it is necessary to increase the area and quality of the woods. But in order for incomes to increase, and the ecology of the country's nature to be in a positive balance, it is necessary to organize rational forest management at the state level.

Our main task is to grow and care for the forest in order to preserve it for posterity. For this, it is planned to create permanent forest seed plantations on an area of ​​111.4 hectares. The Republican Forest Seed Selection and Seed Center introduces modern technologies microclonal reproduction of woody plants, including intensive agro-technologies for obtaining planting material in the open closed ground with the use of the latest growth regulators.

Forest management forms the economic basis of forestry and determines the level of its intensity. It is represented by various uses with a predominance of timber harvesting.

The basic principles of forest management follow from the theory of a normal forest, and in modern conditions should also comply with the requirements of environmentally friendly forest management, defined by the UN conference on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, as formulated in Agenda 21.

In Belarus, the principles of forest management that correspond to the above provisions are determined by the following regulatory documents:

The Concept for the development of the forestry complex until 2015;

The concept of sustainable development of forestry until 2015;

The Strategic Plan for the Development of Forestry in Belarus until 2015;

The State Program for the Development of Forestry in the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015;

The National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2020;

Forest Code of the Republic of Belarus.

The named documents define following goals when organizing forest management:

Rational, sustainable and continuous use of forests.

Provision of relatively permanent forest use within the forest fund for forestry entities.

Implementation of ecologized (environmentally compatible) forest management.

To accomplish the listed goals, the following tasks are solved:

Organization of forest management in accordance with the functional purpose of forests: taking into account the belonging of plantations to certain groups and categories of forests.

Scientifically grounded methods for determining the size of forest use (allowable cut), ensuring its inexhaustibility and relative constancy, which is carried out during basic forest management under the control of policymakers.

Compliance with the principles of multipurpose forestry, i.e. rational consumption by society of not only wood, but also food and medicinal resources (mushrooms, berries, medicinal raw materials, etc.), as well as other benefits (carbon dioxide sequestration, water protection, soil protection functions, etc.) of forest plantations.

Ensuring reliable restoration and further reproduction of forests.

Compliance with environmental imperatives in the organization of multipurpose forest management: preservation of the forest environment, biological diversity, minimization of damage to the ground cover, etc.

Gradual optimization of the species structure of the forest fund in accordance with the current and future needs of the national economy, the peculiarities of the conditions for the growth of plantations, economic and environmental requirements and the possibilities of growing stands.

Optimization of the assortment structure of the logging fund in accordance with the needs of the national economy of the republic and the demands of the world timber market.

Gradual optimization of the ages and turnovers of felling as a technical tool to ensure the production of the most valuable assortments, to achieve the highest economic indicators of forest management and its greening.

Rational integrated use of wood and other products obtained from forest management. For this, the organization of full deep processing of wood is carried out in order to obtain products with the highest share of added value, complete disposal of waste, incl. for energy needs.

Expanded use of the forest to fulfill its recreational potential.

Implementing in practice the principles of sustainable forest management and forest use, forestry ensures not only constant forest use within the limits of the annual increase in timber, but also the economic security of the state, the stability of the functioning of the national economy.


Prikhodchenko O.I., Economy of Belarus: A course of lectures. In 2 parts / Prikhodchenko O.I. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2005.

National economy of Belarus: textbook / V. N. Shimov, Ya.M. Alexandrovich, A.V. Bogdanovich [dr]; ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. V.N. Shimova. - 3rd ed. - Minsk: BSEU, 2009 .-- 751.

Official site of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. - Access mode: www. government.by

Official site of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. - Access mode: htpp: // www.belstat.gov/by/

Official site of the National Center for Legal Information. - Access mode: http: // www. pravo.by

Official site of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus. - Access mode: http://www.mlh.by/

National navigator site AgroWeb Belarus. - Access mode: http://aw.belal.by/russian/belal.htm

Posted on Allbest.ru


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The logging industry is a branch of harvesting, hauling, primary processing and partial processing of large timber and logging waste. It includes the following main industries:

Logging, consisting of a complex of logging operations and timber removal;

Forest jogging, which involves the extraction of resin and the preparation of pneumatic resin;

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In addition, the logging industry includes production for the use of low-value wood and waste: sawmilling, sleepers, production of technological chips, container boards and other products.

By the nature of the impact on the subject of labor, logging and forest cutting are related to the extractive industry, and the industries associated with the processing and processing of wood are related to the processing industry. Unlike other extractive industries in the logging industry, forest resources are not only developed, but also renewed and restored.

The location of logging on the territory of Russia is determined by the availability of timber and labor resources, the location of operating enterprises and timber consumers, the historical course of the economic development of the territory, the conditions of transport development, etc. However, the raw factor plays the main role.

This branch is characterized by a discrepancy between the reserves of forest resources and the main areas of the logging industry. Thus, 75% of the total timber stock falls on Siberia and the Far East, but the share of these regions in timber harvesting does not exceed 40%, although in recent years the richest resources of the Asian part of Russia are being developed at a high rate. For the 1990s. the share of the European part of the country in the total volume of timber removals decreased from 64.4 to 61%, while the share of the eastern zone increased from 35.6 to 39%. In 2000. timber removals in Russia amounted to 94.8 million m3 of commercial timber, compared with 174 million m3 in 1995.

In the production of industrial wood, the first place is occupied by the Northern Economic Region, in which the Arkhangelsk Region, which gives 8.3% of the total output of the industry, and the Republic of Komi, 3.9%, stand out. This is facilitated by the proximity of a large timber export port - Arkhangelsk, a relatively developed network of rafting routes, railways and forest roads, as well as the presence of large consumers of timber in neighboring regions, primarily in the Central and Volga regions.

The second place belongs to the East Siberian region, on the territory of which the Irkutsk Region (11.3%) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (7.2%) stand out. Moreover, in terms of timber export, Eastern Siberia is approaching the indicators of the Northern Economic Region, and in terms of the area of ​​cut down forests, it practically exceeded the indicator of the Northern Region.

The third place is occupied by the Ural economic region, which surpasses such forest-abundant regions as Western Siberia and the Far East in terms of production of commercial timber. Here the main role is played by the Sverdlovsk region, which gives 6.2% of all timber in the country and the Perm region (4.7%). The Ural is the only one of the most developed economic regions of Russia, which possesses relatively large forest resources and conducts large logging.

In the West Siberian economic region, the Tyumen region stands out, giving 5.2% of the production of Russia. In the future, it is necessary to increase the importance of the logging base in Siberia and the Far East.

The most important task of the logging industry is to increase the share of haulage of harvested timber (at present, this share is about 95%), which can be facilitated by the expansion of the network of logging roads throughout the year. The problem of utilization of wood waste generated in the process of logging is still not fully resolved. In addition, in Russia, forest exploitation is focused on conifers. The share of coniferous timber in the total felling volume is 67%, and the timber resources in soft-leaved forests are clearly underutilized. The regions of the European part of Russia account for only 17% of mature coniferous forests, but almost half of their total volume is cut down. At the same time, every fourth cubic meter of coniferous wood is harvested in the European North, the share of which in the reserves of coniferous forests is only 11%.