Facts on vitamins and water. Vitamins are interesting facts. While calcium is good for your bones, studies have shown that potassium is healthier. Down with milk, long live bananas

We bring to your attention a selection of short interesting facts about vitamins and minerals.

By using vitamins correctly, you can add ten years to your life! Even the most exotic food combinations cannot contain all the vitamins and minerals a person needs, but in some products the concentration of nutrients is much higher.

Recent studies have found that although calcium is good for bones, vitamin K is even more beneficial. Goodbye milk, hello bananas!
In 1912, the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk first introduced the concept of vitamins. He called them "vital amines" that is, "amines of life."

Some studies have shown that Mederma cream (containing vitamin E and onion extract) is actually useless in healing scars.
Skin contact with vitamin E causes dermatitis in about 30% of people.

Lack of iodine can cause disease thyroid gland in which the neck swells. It can also cause growth retardation in a child.
To compensate for the lack of iodine, iodized salt was introduced, and since then the average IQ on the planet has risen.

In the male body, vitamin D is closely related to testosterone. The more sunlight a man receives, the higher his testosterone levels.
If you hold bananas in the sun, they will increase the amount of vitamin D.

NASA made its astronauts eat clay to strengthen their bones in zero gravity. Thanks to the combination of minerals in the clay, the calcium it contains is better absorbed than pure calcium.

Under extreme conditions, pine needle tea can be a source of vitamin C, as demonstrated by the inhabitants of Leningrad during the siege. Pine needles are also believed to prevent scurvy.

In scenes with cocaine, actors usually use lactose powder. In case of lactose intolerance, vitamin B powder is used.
Eating polar bear liver could kill you due to its incredibly high vitamin A content. Eskimos usually bury the liver after butchering the carcass to prevent dogs from eating it.

To get a potassium overdose, you have to eat 400 bananas in 30 seconds.

Strontium, as an element related to calcium, is sometimes prescribed in the treatment of fractures and to strengthen bones. In some cases, it works more effectively than calcium!

A serving of chili peppers contains 400 times more vitamin C than a serving of oranges.

When naming vitamins, letters from E to K are omitted, because the vitamins under the missing letters turned out to be either subtypes of vitamin B or erroneous discoveries.

Molasses, or molasses, is extremely useful, although it is a by-product in the production of sugar. It contains significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.

Nine baked potatoes contain more than enough calories and essential amino acids for a day for a person weighing about 65 kg.
Numerous studies show that vitamin C and other dietary supplements do not reduce the risk of getting a cold or flu.

In the 1990s, "golden rice" fortified with vitamin A was created. It could help prevent childhood blindness in many countries, but was banned due to prejudice against GMO foods.

Potatoes are very useful. If you eat only potatoes, you will lack calcium and omega 3, but you will get much more nutrients than you might think.

Four tablespoons of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of milk and more potassium than a whole banana.

Something is wrong with the teenager.

Signs of internal readiness for suicide can be changes in sleep and appetite, problems with academic performance, loss of interest in your appearance, increased aggressiveness. Teenagers may start giving away things that are dear to their friends. Without parental support, a teenager often gives up.

Some information about vitamins that we are accustomed to in everyday life, in fact, turn out to be incorrect. Therefore, before you start taking it, you need to study both common misconceptions and useful facts about vitamins. So let's get started.

Many vitamins - always useful

You can often hear the opinion that the more vitamins you take, the better. In reality, this turns out not to be the case. Interesting Facts about vitamins confirm that it is important to strictly observe the necessary dosages. After all, an excess of these substances is sometimes more dangerous than a lack. It is not for nothing that doctors emphasize that vitamin deficiency can cause a weakening of the body and various diseases, but in no case do they call for mindlessly absorbing tons of pharmaceutical products.

For example, the well-known, useful and seemingly safe vitamin C, interesting facts about which they say, it turns out that its excess is very harmful. It can cause high blood pressure and temperature, impaired kidney function and insomnia, and even reduced insulin production.

Based on this, in no case should even the most famous vitamins be abused without thoroughly studying their required dosage.

In the summer you need to eat vitamins for the future

Another common myth that has little to do with reality. Reliable and interesting facts about vitamins prove that it is impossible to stock them up for a long time. After all, they are all quite quickly excreted from the body. The only exceptions are a few fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).

allergy to vitamins

Common mistake mothers - diagnosis of "vitamin allergy" without tests. Such mothers forget that various flavors, dyes and additives are used in multicomponent vitamin complexes - they are often the cause of allergies.

At proper nutrition no synthetic vitamins needed

Properly balanced nutrition with plenty of vegetables and fruits is undoubtedly very good. However, modern fruits and vegetables are not nearly as rich in vitamins as we would like. Due to the depletion of soils and the use of large amounts of fertilizers, they do not fully provide the body with useful substances. Therefore, well-chosen vitamin complexes should be present in every family.

Vitamins are needed only during illness

The immunity of modern children is often reduced due to many factors, therefore, as a preventive measure, it is worth taking pharmaceuticals in regular courses, even in the absence of signs of disease.

Important Facts

Consider the most essential vitamins and interesting facts about them.

  • As you know, vegetables are rich in nutrients. However, do not store them for a long time either in the refrigerator or at room temperature, because after a few days the amount of vitamins in them will decrease significantly. Approximately 30%.
  • Vitamin A is very useful, many mothers should know interesting facts about it. For example, it is noteworthy that it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it is afraid of any heat treatment.
  • Interesting facts about vitamin C: if people had not lost the ability that they had millions of years ago, they could, like other animals, synthesize it themselves. But now we have to take this useful element with food.
  • Group B includes vitamins, the facts about which are also interesting. The least we need is vitamin B12 (only 0.001 g per year). B1 should be used by those who do not tolerate flights and sea travel, there is a lot of it in herbal products. With the predominance of protein foods in the diet, it is worth paying special attention to vitamin B6. And B2 is destroyed by the sun's rays.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of B vitamins for our body. One of their most important functions is to participate in the process of energy release of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, that is, these valuable vitamins provide us with energy from food. But without energy we cannot live!

Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, is, like the other B vitamins, soluble in water. Thus, if you consume a lot of it, then its excess is excreted through urine (urine). Vitamin B6 plays in the human body important role for protein metabolism, blood formation and as a recharge for the system.

For beautiful hair and skin, you need a sufficient amount of B vitamins in the body, and for strong nails there are only two ways: B vitamins plus nail strengthening with biogel and other opportunities to have beautiful nails have not yet been found.

What you should know about vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 deficiency very unlikely, but still in rare cases it occurs. The consequences here can be expressed in anemia, dysfunction nervous system irritability and depression. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers need to be careful, as a higher daily intake of vitamin B6 is desirable for them.

Overdose pyridoxine is also very unlikely. Consequences of chronic high intake of vitamin B6 could lead to damage to the nervous system and disturbances in the body's temperature sensitivity. Thanks to the balanced and healthy diet an excess or deficiency of vitamin B6 is extremely unlikely.

Important to remember:

The recommended daily amount of vitamin B6 will depend on age and gender. For children aged 1-3 years, a daily dose of vitamin B6 in the amount of 0.4 mg is recommended. Children aged 4-8 years should take 0.7 mg per day, those aged 9-13 years should take 0.9 mg per day. During pregnancy, a higher daily dose of 1.9 mg per day is recommended.

Important Sources of Vitamin B6 these are: bananas, avocados, salmon, liver, meat, fish, eggs, cereals (cereals), potatoes, nuts and legumes. Leafy green vegetables, cheese, and milk also contain vitamin B6, but in small amounts.

Since the vitamin is water soluble, it is very important to use only a small amount of water, and preferably steam cooking. This allows you to save valuable vitamins in products, including vitamin B6.

It is important to always remember that the functions of various vitamins are closely related. Most often, a general deficiency of various vitamins in the human body is recorded, and not just vitamin B6.

Vitamins and nutrients play an important role in maintaining health. Many diseases and problems of our time could be eliminated if people eat properly and in a balanced way and receive the necessary set of nutrients. Instead of devouring hundreds of empty calories and junk food, you can indulge yourself in those eating habits that will prolong your life. Do you want to see your grandchildren? In fact, you could add 10 years to your life!

1. 4 tablespoons of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of milk and more potassium than a whole banana.

2. Molasses, a by-product of sugar production, is very healthy. It contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium and iron.

3. Chili peppers contain 4 times more vitamin C than an orange. It used to be that vitamin C was the best remedy for preventing flu and colds. Recent studies cast doubt on these properties.

4. Although calcium is good for your bones, studies have shown that potassium is more beneficial. Down with milk, long live bananas

5. In 1912, the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk first introduced the concept of "vitamin"

6. Intravenous vitamin E was sold without FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval in the 1980s. After the death of more than 40 children, Dr. Karl Bodenstein managed to convince Congress that this vitamin could be hazardous to health.

7. Iodine deficiency can cause goiter, which is expressed in swelling of the neck. It can also cause growth retardation.

8. Vitamin D has a positive effect on testosterone levels. The more sunlight a person receives, the higher the level of testosterone in his blood.

9. Fortification of salt with iodine was originally considered as a remedy for iodine deficiency. Since iodized salt has been widely used, the average IQ in the world has increased.

10. Black sapote, or "chocolate persimmon" contains 4 times more vitamin C than a regular orange

11. When there is a scene with cocaine in the film, the actors use lactose powder. If they are lactose intolerant, they replace it with vitamin B powder

12. Strontium is a calcium analogue that is sometimes used in medicine to treat fractures and increase bone density. In some cases, it is more useful than calcium

13. Eating 9 baked potatoes provides an adult with the necessary amount of calories and amino acids for the whole day.

14. Pine needles brewed as tea are a good source of vitamin C. This method was used in besieged Leningrad. It is also effective in preventing scurvy.

15. If you keep bananas in the sun, their vitamin D content will increase.

If the law is unjust, then it is good to break it.

Can you find a person who would not know that vitamin C is good for the body? But on this, perhaps, all our knowledge about him ends. Meanwhile, there are many interesting facts about vitamin C.

The value of vitamins for the body

Vitamins are natural organic substances that are necessary for every person. And they are vital. No wonder their name comes from the Latin - vita - "life".

A lack of vitamins can cause hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency). A complete absence can lead to beriberi - a serious disease.

1. Scurvy and Vitamin C

One of the terrible diseases caused by vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. It's deadly dangerous disease in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of Europe were mowed down no worse than plague and cholera.

Sailors, who were forced to sit for long months on a meager and monotonous food ration, suffered especially from this ailment.

And it was the sailors, still not knowing anything about vitamin C, who were the first to notice that scurvy was less rampant where citrus fruits were eaten.

Lemons and oranges were introduced into the diet of sailors. At the beginning of the 18th century, this tradition was continued by Peter the Great.

2. Discovery of vitamin C

The right of primacy in the discovery of vitamin C was disputed by many scientists of the world, including Russian researchers.

But the discoverer of vitamin C is considered to be the Hungarian biochemist Albert Saint-Györgyi, who in 1928. first isolated this substance from cabbage, red pepper and oranges.

3. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid

In 1933, Swiss scientists were able to obtain an analogue natural vitamin C synthetically. It was named ascorbic acid for its ability to fight scurvy, which in the old days was called "scorbut".

In other words, vitamin C is an antiscorbutic (antiscorbutic) vitamin. The scientific name for vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid.

4. Characterization of vitamin C

Vitamin C in its pure form is a crystalline substance white color lemon flavored and odorless.

5. Sources of Vitamin C

The body of most animals is able to produce its own L-ascorbic acid from glucose, which protects them from many diseases.

However, in the process of evolution, a person has lost the gene responsible for the synthesis of ascorbic acid. Therefore, it is so important for him to get vitamin C from food or vitamin complexes.

6. Vitamin C absorption

Assimilation of vitamin C in the body occurs very quickly. Immediately after taking it, it instantly enters the bloodstream and penetrates the cells, optimizing all body processes and arming it against many diseases.

7. Vitamin C is water soluble

All vitamins are divided into 2 groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Vitamin C belongs to the first group.

It does not accumulate in the body, and, being washed out through the genitourinary system, disinfects it, preventing the development of inflammatory processes.

8. Vitamin C content

In nature, ascorbic acid is found in many vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and non-food plants.

9. Destruction of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is an extremely unstable substance. It is easily destroyed under the influence of water, light, temperature, oxygen, as well as during grinding and long-term storage of products.

When vegetables and fruits are soaked, vitamin C passes into the water.

In the air, the oxidation of "ascorbic acid" occurs with the release of harmful substances. So a brown coating on a bitten apple is nothing but copper, which in large quantities affects the central nervous system.

When drying, freezing, salting, sourdough, pickling and long-term storage of vegetables and fruits, they lose part of their vitamin C content.

The most stable is "ascorbic", which is found in fresh and sauerkraut.

10. Vitamin C when heated

Thermal cooking of foods containing vitamin C leads to the loss of most of it. When cooking, frying and hot pickling - up to 90%.

11. How to store vitamin C?

  • Vegetables and fruits should be eaten fresh and whole, if possible, and not in the form of salads.
  • Subject them to minimal cooking, in a sealed container or in a slow cooker with minimal addition of water.
  • Immerse vegetables in boiling water.
  • It is better to cook fruit drinks from berries and fruits than compotes and jams.

Interesting facts about vitamin C- this is an occasion to read a series of articles about ascorbic acid.