Active elders in Optina Hermitage. Optina Pustyn is a unique center of spirituality. Elder Optina Anatoly

This monastic monastery was founded in the 14th century, but its true spiritual flowering came in the 19th century. The Svyato-Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn is located near the town of Kozelsk. Here, two centuries ago, the experience of spiritual mentoring of the laity - eldership - was revived. Earlier, after the reforms of Peter the Great, it was customary in Russia to confess only briefly, and with distrust of the priest - Peter the Great ordered the clergy to inform on criminals under pain of punishment.

Optina Elders

In the Cathedral (assembly) glorified 14 venerable elders Optina Desert. The elders are ascetics and prayer books for all people, who did not leave anyone without consolation. In their prayer experience and help there is God's grace, faith, wisdom and understanding of the destiny of each person in this world. Indeed, today it is difficult to understand where to apply yourself among the many opportunities, how to act in a given situation.

Eldership is a great phenomenon in Orthodoxy. Since ancient times, the saints received people who came to them for advice. People learned about the holiness of the ascetic by his gift of miracle-working and clairvoyance. It was after long ascetic deeds that the Optina Elders received people. They cast out demons from possessed people, healed, prophesied and comforted people in any trouble.

The revival of eldership in Optina fell on the Golden Age of Russian literature. Some elders influenced the life and work of Russian writers: Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Konstantin Leontiev (the latter lived in the monastery for a long time). So, Dostoevsky found consolation with the elder Ambrose of Optinsky after a family tragedy - the death of his little son. Many episodes of the writer's greatest novel, The Brothers Karamazov, became the result of reflections on this trip, and in the literary image of the holy elder Zosima, all contemporaries recognized St. Ambrose himself. In the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" you can read about the daily reception of people by St. Ambrose, his help to them and read a description of his appearance and behavior: Dostoevsky left a truly invaluable gift to all admirers of Optina.

Today, Schema-Archimandrite Eli (Nozdrin), the spiritual father of the monastery, continues the tradition of the Optical Elders. He provides answers to pressing questions. For instance,

  • About prayer
  • About the meaning of life
  • About family relationships
  • About health.

The most important thing in life for all the Optina elders was faith in God and prayer, understanding the purpose of life, love for neighbors, and fulfilling the gospel word... Schema-Archimandrite Eli (Nozdrin), for example, said in an interview with an Orthodox magazine: “First of all, we must correctly understand the essence of our life, that is, to know what is needed in order, as it is said in the Gospel, to inherit eternal life. The Lord Savior Himself specifically said this: to love God with all your heart, with all your strength, with all your mind. And neighbor as yourself. When a person does this, then everything falls into place. The correct arrangement of life - both daily and all in its sequence. Correctly fulfill your purpose in this world.

Miracles and mysteries of Ambrose of Optina

The Monk Ambrose of Optina is a saint who lived quite recently, the founder of the Shamorda hermitage and the Optina elder, a teacher and healer. He had a very great influence not only on the peasants who loved and revered him, but also on the educated society of the 19th century.

The future reverend was born into the family of a village priest, but even at the time of the seminary he was a notorious ... dandy. Only a serious illness forced him to completely reconsider his views, making a vow to God to go to a monastery.

On October 8, 1839, he arrived in Optina, where he was gladly received as a novice by the Reverend Elder Lev (Nagolkin) of Optina. Father Leo immediately made the young and educated novice his cell-attendant, that is, secretary and assistant. In addition, as a novice, the future saint performed a number of difficult obediences in the refectory: he cooked yeast and was a baker. After a short time, in 1841, Alexander took the cassock tonsure and was named Ambrose, in honor of St. Ambrose of Milan, a preacher and educator.

In 1842 he was tonsured into a mantle, that is, a "small angelic image", a small schema. He gave vows of obedience to the abbot of the monastery, renunciation of the world and non-possession - that is, the absence of his property, everything now belonged to the monastery and the monastery itself took upon itself the responsibility of providing for the life of the saint. Such tonsure of monks has been going on since antiquity and continues to the present day.

A year later, Saint Ambrose was ordained a hierodeacon, that is, made a monastic clergyman who does not celebrate the Liturgy, but participates in divine services and helps the priest. In the same year, the Lord sent him a new test, a new serious illness: having caught a cold in the winter, he fell ill. The brethren thought that Ambrose would die, and according to tradition, on December 9, 1845, he was ordained a hieromonk, as if giving consolation to his soul. The saint could hardly move and for two years he was between life and death, but he survived. However, until his death, which followed in 1891, he could not perform divine services and was even almost unable to move, being most of the time lying down. A cell attendant took care of him.

The holiness of the Monk Ambrose illuminated everyone who came to him. This physically weak man was spiritually great. He endured his serious illness with patience, consoling many thousands of people who came to him. At first, he became an elder only in the Optical Monastery, and then many people began to come to him and ordinary people fallen from the monks about the clairvoyance of the elder. The Lord gave him knowledge of human thoughts, clairvoyance about the present, and the gift of foretelling the future—that is, giving advice on the future. After all, the priests Orthodox Church they differ from psychics and fortune-tellers in that, seeing the future with the Spirit of God, they do not simply say what will happen, but give advice on how best to act in obedience to the will of God.

The elder never showed people the gravity of the whole condition, but told how glad he was to serve and help people. Without getting out of bed, he blessed to transfer material assistance to those in need. Seminary students, residents of orphanages and almshouses, widows lived under his care. He remembered everyone, learned about everyone's life.

A circle of admirers of the holy elder was formed, who also wished to devote their lives to God and people, and the Monk Ambrose blessed the creation of the Shamorda Monastery known today throughout Russia - the Kazan Amvrosievskaya Hermitage. Here they took care of children and the elderly, cultivated the land, helped the sick residents of the neighborhood in the hospital (it must be said that in those days the very creation of the hospital was a good deed: rural medicine was not developed, and when transported on horseback, patients often died).

All the time the elder was busy either with prayer, or answering letters, or communicating with visitors: peasants, and nobles, and dignitaries came to him, and he answered the request for a blessing for feeding turkeys, and questions about the state system, he answered with the same attention and love. Knowing the mood of the intelligentsia, its thoughts — after all, before taking monastic vows, he managed to stay in a secular society, studying at the seminary — he exhorted these people not to indulge in empty philosophy, speculative tangles of thought, but to firmly profess Orthodoxy, which means to live a church life, to work on themselves according to the precepts of the Fathers of the Church.

The elder died in the Shamorda monastery, however, according to the will of the monk, his body was buried in Optina Hermitage, native to the saint.

On his tombstone, the words of the Apostle Paul were carved, if translated into Russian: “He was for the sick as weak, in order to gain the sick for the Church of God. For everyone, he was everything to save at least someone. This refers to the self-denial of the monk, his love for all people and understanding. His grave was located near the burial place of Saint Macarius, the spiritual mentor of the monk, who was the confessor of the monastery before him; now there is a chapel above the place of his burial, and the relics are in the Vvedensky Cathedral of the monastery.

Instructions of the holy elders

According to the testimonies of people who knew the elder, he spoke several languages ​​and was very erudite. His literary language- and the monk left a fairly large written heritage - simple, concise and figurative, the elder created many sayings, the most interesting and famous of which are:

  • “To live is not to grieve, not to condemn anyone, not to annoy anyone, and to everyone - my respect”;
  • “We need to live without hypocrisy, and behave exemplarily, then our cause will be right, otherwise it will turn out badly”;
  • "Where it is simple - there are a hundred angels, and where it is tricky - there is not a single one."

The main idea of ​​the elder’s precepts is to leave your life in God’s hands, trust God in all problems, and for your part, work on the feat of prayer, help loved ones, refrain from excesses, live simply. Saint Ambrose gave his advice to people of all classes, which means that each of us can follow them. God's commandments are simple; prayer as communion with God is also a common activity; simply enjoying every day of life, and giving thanks for it - all this together will give you a completely different quality of spiritual and everyday life.

Powerful prayers of the Optina Elders

We can say that the holy elders of Optina help in all difficulties. There is no such trouble in which people would not turn to them. However, the tradition of their veneration says that they have a special grace in guiding the human soul on the path intended by God for it:

  • in search of their profession;
  • in search of his man for marriage;
  • in getting rid of mental anxiety, longing, uncertainty;
  • problems with the choice and search for housing;
  • in getting rid of evil spirits, witchcraft influences.

The following prayer was written by the saints of Optina Hermitage, but who exactly is unknown. It is called simply: the prayer of the Optina Elders. You can read the prayer online using the text below:
“Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me.
Let me completely surrender to the will of Your Holy One.
At every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

This prayer is a wonderful work of literature, at the same time carrying great spiritual power. He who prays for his path, asking with the words of the Optina elders for God's guidance, understands that it is necessary to hear the will of God, it is also important to ask Him for help, but it is also necessary to make every effort to ensure that the planned work is fulfilled.

Continuation of the prayer of the Optina elders for every day:

“Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Your Holy Will. In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything has been sent down by You."

Also, do not stop your daily prayer and be attentive to yourself: the Lord speaks to us in our heart. When you can't make a choice, pray and listen to yourself. A certain idea, a solution will appear as the only possible ones in your soul.
Completion of the prayer of the Optina Elders for each day:

“Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all its events. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen".

Our venerable fathers, Optina elders, pray to God for us!

How Volodya was looking for an old man

I am back in Optina. At home, in the Urals, there is snow. And here it is damp, slushy. Winter has not yet come to Optina. Optina cats leisurely walk through the wet grass, they are not cold. Flocks of birds are in no hurry to fly to warmer climes. The sounds of the Optina bells are heard loudly and loudly in the autumn bad weather. A rare drizzle sings along with them with its sad November song.

On this visit to Optina, my new obedience is to be a cell attendant to an old nun, to take care of her. Mother S. is the spiritual child of the Optina elder, father Iliy. He tonsured her as a nun. Above her bed is a photograph of her spiritual father. And the first glance she meets in the morning is that of an old man. I stare intently at the photo: kind, wise eyes. I look at the shegumen Elijah, and he looks at me attentively and penetratingly. And I am not at all surprised when the events of my life suddenly begin to intertwine with the image of an old man in an amazing way.

So sometimes we hear a sound and try to remember an old, familiar song. Where is she? Here is another sound - sad, like a stretched string. And after a while we hear such a native melody that the heart aches. Or we walk down the street and wonder how this stranger looks like an old friend. And in memory - his image. Sweet and dear. In the evening, a friend comes to visit and joyfully shouts from the doorway: “I don’t know how I came to you! The case is unrelenting! But for some reason I thought about you all day and now I decided - I need to visit!

So do I. I feel that the elder somehow enters my life. But how will it happen? Maybe I'll hear a story about him?

I need to go from Optina to Moscow, to a book publishing house, to sign an agreement. This must be done quickly, because you can’t leave mother alone for a long time, she needs care. One of the sisters of the monastery agrees to stay with her for a day, and my path lies in the publishing house. "To Moscow, to Moscow!"

On the bus, I can’t turn around quickly, I need a ride. And I am not at all surprised when the archdeacon, father Iliodor, the beloved child of the elder Shegegumen Elijah, helps me with a ride. Father Iliodor is a man very close to the elder; according to the Optina people, they cannot live without each other. They say that if they are far from each other, then at least once a day they will call each other. They also say that Father Eli gave his beloved child his name.

I listen to the inner music, which seems to sound somewhere - in the depths of my soul. Yes, that's another sure sound! Melody coming soon! How does is called? Premonition? Premonition? Yes, probably. After all, pain and joy often come to us with anticipation. Not from the past, but from the future.

The car goes fast, but the speed is almost not felt. Outside the window is a gray damp November day, and in the car it is warm and cozy. I'm not at all surprised by the multitude of icons. My question to the friendly driver is a tuning fork. Yes everything is correct! Father Vladimir is a Moscow deacon, a spiritual friend of Father Iliodor, the child of an old man, shegumen Elijah. For five years, Volodya was an Optina novice, according to him, it was a good school, which gave an inner core for the rest of his life.

I ask you to tell me about the elder, and a familiar melody is already sounding inside, and I know that I will hear an interesting story. And Father Vladimir really tells me stories about the elder, which, with his permission, I am passing on.

This story happened quite a long time ago. Father Vladimir was not yet a deacon at that time. And he was far from the church. And he was a young businessman. He was in the construction business. And things just got worse and worse for him. All sorts of sorrows and trials have piled up. Yes, it became so hard that he did not know how to survive such difficult and confusing life circumstances. In general, life has come to a standstill.

And then one of the believing friends advised: “You need to turn to the elder. He will give you advice. You will fulfill the advice, your whole life will get better. Moreover, the elder will pray for you. So everything will be all right with you, you will live better than before. How it is better than before - then Volodya could not even imagine. Will business do better? Will competitors disappear? Will there be any problems?

Right now Father Deacon is driving, and the main thing for him is spiritual life, life according to the commandments. And then he did not know how to get out of life's impasse. But the words about the old man deeply sunk into the soul. Where to look for this old man - Volodya had no idea. Sorrows continued, and from time to time he sighed: “It’s completely unbearable ... Oh, if only I could find an old man ...”

One evening Volodya was driving in a car through the city, and suddenly his heart became heavy that he stopped at the first place he came across, put his head on the steering wheel and sat. Suddenly - he hears - someone knocks on the window. He raises his head - there is a priest in a cassock with a cross on his chest and asks him to give a lift.

Volodya was startled:


Yes! I am the very one!

Father, of course I will give you a ride! But I have problems ... I'm looking for an old man ...

An old man? Well, then you need to go to Optina. Now you give me a lift, please, to Yasenevo. There is an Optina courtyard. And tomorrow, if you like, we'll go together to Optina. Want?

And it was, it turns out, Father Simon. Now he is already abbot, and then he was a young Optina hieromonk. The next day they went.

They come to Optina, and Volodya found himself in the monastery for the first time. We arrived late at night. They came to the skete, they went into a large cell. And there are bunk beds. There are a lot of people. Who prays, who sleeps, snores. “Father Lights, where did I get to?” - Volodya thinks. Very tired from the road. Asked the neighbors to wake him up early and hung up.

He wakes up, opens his eyes and cannot understand where he is. It's already light. Around empty bunks and no one. He looks at his watch - it's eleven o'clock. And late for work! Got upset a lot. Everything in the world fell asleep ...

Volodya went along the well-trodden path to the monastery. He wanders without raising his head.

He hears - the snow creaks underfoot - someone is walking towards. With difficulty he raised his despondent little head - and this is some old monk walking with a wand. He stopped and said to Volodya: “Happy holiday! Happy Sunday! What is unhappy?

And Volodya is so discouraged that he answers with difficulty:

Hello father. Do you know where I can find an old man?

An old man? No, I do not know. What happened to you?

Volodya cheered up a little. He was glad that at least someone was interested in his problems. He thinks: “How good it is that I met an old monk! Although not an old man, he has seen life. Maybe God sent it to me. Maybe he can give me some advice...

Began to tell. And the monk listens, so attentively. Nods his head. So, you know, listens well. Not everyone knows how to listen. Sometimes you tell and understand that a person only pretends to listen out of politeness. And he does not need your problems, he has enough of his own. Or he listens, and you see that he is just waiting for you to close your mouth to lay out his smart thoughts to you. And this old monk listened as if Volodya was his own son. And all his troubles for him, too, are pain. So this old monk wanted to tell everything that lies on his soul like a stone.

Explained everything to him. All problems. So, they say, and so, father, completely unbearable, they say. I don't know how to continue to live. And the monk listened attentively and said: “Did you at least eat today?”

Yes, what did you eat there, father! Don't wake me up! Late for service. And I didn’t meet the old man! You see, there are no elders anywhere!

I understand that there are no elders, only old people. Let's go to the dining room together.

And let's go. Only Volodya feels that his mood has changed dramatically. He raised his head, looks around - beauty! It's snowed! The snowdrifts are white, the snow is snow-white, this does not happen in Moscow. Sparkles in the sun. The air is clean, the frost is light. The sun in the blue sky. Good! Walks, breathes fresh frosty air. Hear the bells ring. He admires the golden cross of the top of the dome against the background of the blue transparent sky. And my heart is getting lighter and easier. In the air, as if grace is spilled, I want to enjoy life and somersault in the snow. And the old monk walks with him with his wand, smiling under his breath. And Volodya suddenly felt such love for him - as for his own father.

Before they had time to walk fifty meters, a crowd of people met them. Volodya looks, and they all run to the old monk to be blessed. Joyful ones. "Father, father!" - they babble. Volodya has already been pushed back. Everyone wants to ask a monk something. Volodya looked and looked, and even asked an elderly pilgrim:

Excuse me, but what, here they meet all the old monks with such a crowd?

What are you talking about there? What kind of old monks? Do you know who this old monk is? Yes, it's an old man!

How is the old man?

Yes, I'm telling you that this is the well-known Optina elder, shiigumen Eli. Why are you so clueless!

Volodya even sat down.

How so - the old man?! And he said that there were no elders, only old men! I didn't even ask him questions. Here was an opportunity - and missed it!

Here, from the crowd of pilgrims, the same monk, who turned out to be an old man, gets out and waves his hand to Volodya - he calls for him. Everyone immediately paid attention to him and began to push in the back:

Come quickly, father is calling!

They came with the old man to the refectory. Volodya and his novices were imprisoned. And he really can’t eat something - he was worried. Yes, even in a jacket, in a breast pocket, he reached for the phone, but there is no usual bag there. And in the package - right. Really lost?!

After the meal, the novice alone approaches Volodya and says:

Father Elijah is calling you. Come, I will accompany you.

He brings Volodya to the old man, and all the questions flew out of his head. Everything I wanted to ask, I forgot everything, I don’t remember anything from excitement. I could only mumble:

Father, how am I going to get home?!

And he shut up. He doesn’t know what to say about rights: lost, dropped? Maybe they are lying on the bunk in the cell?

And the shiigumen Elijah says to him:

Are you talking about rights? Nothing, you will find. You left them at home, they are in your pocket in another suit. And you really can't get home. Take your car to the workshop, let them have a good look at it. And further. You need to live here, in Optina, to work, to pray. Now, let me bless you on the road. Guardian Angel!

Volodya came out of the refectory. Feels - and the soul is so easy! And the questions all seemed so petty and unnecessary. And most importantly - I so wanted to live in Optina!

When the car was looked at in the workshop, it turned out to be a really serious problem. And there could even be an accident.

Volodya is going home without documents, halfway there is a traffic police post. Slowed down the speed. The road is deserted, and he looks - a traffic cop is walking towards him, twisting his rod. He himself looks at Volodya so cheerfully, almost winks. Volodya starts to slow down and thinks: "Well, that's it."

As soon as the traffic cop began to raise his baton, when his cell phone rang in his pocket. The traffic cop immediately turned away in the other direction, took out the phone and stood talking. Volodya and drove.

And he drove so easily, so quickly, as if the angels had brought the car along with him. And at home, as the elder said, he found the documents. They were in the pocket of another suit.

And Volodya's problems resolved themselves. Well, not by yourself, of course. The elder, although he didn’t say anything special to him, didn’t read morality, but helped. He just prayed for Volodya. “The prayer of the righteous can do much…”

And Vladimir's life became completely different. Five years of obedience in Optina, and now he serves as a deacon. Apparently with God's help will soon be ordained to the priesthood. This is how Volodya's search for the elder ended.

I listen to this simple, kind story and remember the words of the holy fathers about the providence of God that have sunk into my soul. I take out my thick, tattered notebook and in the semi-darkness of the car I read aloud almost from memory:

“The Lord, to whom all things are possible, is able to arrange any external circumstances for His chosen ones. There is no doubt that at the right time He will bring the person seeking salvation to the right place and place him in the right conditions.” Father Vladimir nods in agreement and turns to the gas station. We refuel the car, drink coffee and drive on. The November twilight is rapidly descending. And Father Deacon, having rested, tells me one more story.

A story about tomorrow

Father Vladimir knows many of the children of his spiritual father, Shegumen Elijah. I know some of them closely, I met some of them only a few times. I was familiar with one businessman and his driver, with whom this story happened.

The businessman of this business did not go well. And he sometimes went to Optina. And once, apparently, by the grace of God, he managed to turn to the elder for help. Through the prayers of the elder, things went smoothly. The growth of material well-being was evident. To celebrate, the businessman comes to the priest:

Father, things are going well! I want to thank the Lord! I want to do charity work! What would be good for me to do? Batiushka, Father Eli, can I donate something to you?

I do not need anything. And if you want to do a good deed, thank the Lord, then help the temple alone. True, he is not here, not in Optina, but I will give you the address. The temple is in distress, you need help with the restoration.

What are we talking about, dear father?! Of course I'll help! Give me the address, I'll donate tomorrow!

A month or two passes, and then he has no time, then he doesn’t feel like going somewhere, then it seems that he will feel sorry for the money.

He comes to Optina, stands at the Liturgy, confesses, takes communion. Again his heart will burn. Things are going well. Suitable for the elder for a blessing:

Father, I want to donate something, to do a good deed! Who to help?

Well, if you want to do a good deed, help the orphanage. They are in great need.

Yes, I will go to this shelter tomorrow! Yes, I can help them! I can buy spiritual books! Toys! Fruit! And then I will donate icons!

A month passes, another, I forgot about the shelter. Yes, and the address fell somewhere.

And this happened many times. Only somehow, on his next visit to Optina, when he began, as usual, to ask the elder what a good deed he could do, the priest began to answer him in a strange way. He is a father:

What good deed can I do? I'll donate the icons to someone! Tomorrow! Lots of icons!

And shiigumen Eli, instead of naming some address, as usual, answers very strangely:

Yes, now you can buy at least one icon and donate.

Why one?! Yes, tomorrow I will buy a lot of icons and donate!

No, now you should have at least one.

A businessman came out of the temple, got into the car and said to the driver:

What a strange father today. I tell him that I want to buy and donate a lot of icons. And he answers me about one icon. They say that I had time to donate at least one. Very strange. Okay, let's buy one. Now, what to buy? Okay, go, go to the shop, buy one icon.

And the driver, a believer, was usually meek. And then suddenly he did not agree. “I won’t go,” he says. “The elder blessed you to buy, you yourself will buy it.”

Well, what nonsense! Why are you all conspiring today, or something, to argue with me?

He got out of the car, went out, bought an icon, and drove home. Pass by a temple. It is clear that the church is in need of renovation.

In, it is immediately clear that the temple is poor. Here I will donate to him.

The businessman got out of the car, took the icon to the temple. Returned. They go further. Only they didn’t drive a kilometer, he says to the driver:

I'm somehow tired today. Stop the car, I'll rest a little.

He got out of the car and lay down on the grass. And died.

I listen to this short story and keep quiet. Then I say: “Still, the elder didn’t leave him, didn’t turn away. Prayed for him, I guess. So he did a good deed before his death. The thief, too, just managed to say: “Remember me, Lord, when you come into Your Kingdom.”

Father Deacon nods his head and answers sadly: “Yes, it is, of course. The judgments of God are many abyss. But we must always remember: everyone is promised the forgiveness of confessed sins. But none of us is promised tomorrow.”

Optina elder

When they find out that I work in Optina Pustyn, they often ask, “Are there any elders in Optina now?” Or: “How can you talk to an old man?”

At first, I was embarrassed by these questions ... After all, most often we - even those who have been living in the church for a long time - are novice. Spiritual Babies... My First spiritual mentor, hegumen Savvaty, who has forty years of life in the church and twenty-five years of ordination, sometimes says about himself: “I’m good at the theological school if I graduated from two classes ... Here is my spiritual mentor, Father John Krestyankin, he - yes ... he was a professor spiritual…"

Yes, an old man is a spiritual professor… But why would a spiritual baby need a professor? Any experienced Optina confessor can answer the questions of a beginner… And people are persistently looking for an elder. They are looking for the Optina Schiegumen, and now the Schema-Archimandrite, Father Iliy (Nozdrin). They ask questions, ask for prayers, seek the blessing of the elder.

I told about my embarrassment to the famous spiritual father of Optina, hegumen A. And he answered:

Don't be embarrassed. The elders are the beauty of Orthodoxy, the spirit of Orthodoxy, evidence of the truth of our faith. Through the elder man sees God. Were the people of the nineteenth century embarrassed when thousands came to the monastery to St. Ambrose? Sometimes you can hear from our contemporaries: “Now there are no elders left -“ Oskuda reverend ”... And in what century did the psalmist David say this? That’s it… Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are the same…

Everyone who happened to meet Father Eli is sure that even a fleeting meeting with him is an event of great spiritual significance in their lives. I feel the same. By the grace of God, I had a chance to talk with the elder several times, confess to him, accept from his hands Holy Communion. And when Father Eli asked me about my first stories in 2009, he gave me his blessing for writing. And so, after the blessing of the elder, in the most miraculous way, unexpectedly for myself, who had never dealt with book publishers and publishers, during three years my books “Monastic Meetings” and “Uninvented Stories” were written and published.

I began to carefully write down stories about the elder, which his children and those who simply had the experience of meeting Father Elijah generously shared with me. These stories were somehow very “quiet”: the humility and meekness of the elder, as it were, extended both to these stories and to the narrators themselves ... They wanted to be told in an undertone, as people tell about something precious, secret.

Nun Filareta told about her meeting with the elder and allowed her to write down her story.

Filaret's mother, and then just Lyudmila Grechina, believed in God all her life, but she became a church, being already a mature person. She graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and worked as a satellite launch engineer in the memory department. She thinks that if she had not come to God, she would no longer be alive, just as some of her peers who worked with her are no longer alive. But when a person grows spiritually, the Lord gives him time, does not pluck the unripe fruit.

The churching of Lyudmila Grechina happened in a rather miraculous way. She and her son spent their holidays in Italy. I went out for a walk in the evening, admired the hills in the distance and some monastery, beautiful view which opened from a hillock. And suddenly I heard a voice:

If you return to Russia, you will go to a monastery.

This was said so clearly and clearly that, returning to Russia, Lyudmila, who at that time was already 57 years old, decided to turn to the elder. She came to Optina Pustyn to the Optina elder, Father Eli.

It is always difficult to get to Father Elijah; those who want to consult with the elder, ask for his prayers or just blessings are always more than the day of even such an ascetic can accommodate. But Lyudmila, with God's help, was not only immediately able to talk to him, but also became his spiritual child. The elder foresight foresaw her monastic path. He immediately invited Lyudmila to go to the Novodevichy Convent.

How - in Novodevichy? Yes, there is a museum, father!

The old man smiled and replied:

There is a monastery there. It's been open for four months now.

And who will take me there at my age?!

Go go! The local abbess will take you, do not hesitate!

And he gave a description of the abbess, although he had never seen her in his life.

Lyudmila went to the Novodevichy Convent. And he has lived there for eighteen years. Father Eli became her spiritual father. True, she comes to him infrequently. Once, already a nun, she thought: “I rarely see the priest, maybe he doesn’t consider me his child?” And she got sad. A couple of days later he receives a letter from the elder. And it begins with the words: “My spiritual child!” Comforted the father ...

Mother Filaret recalls instances of her spiritual father's foresight: "Batiushka could sometimes repeat verbatim the words spoken in the cell of the Novodevichy Convent, although he was four hundred kilometers from Moscow - in Optina Hermitage."

Once she brought spiritual father a gift from a pilgrimage to Alexandria - a cassock of very good quality, made of natural cotton. Putting a gift in a bag, she went in search of an old man. No one can see what is in the package, there will be a surprise for the priest ... And so she walks along Optina and sees: the elder is talking with pilgrims at the temple.

Filaret's mother got up on the sidelines and waits until Father Iliy is freed, so that, therefore, she will give him her gift. She waits, but she herself remembers that the elder immediately gives away all the gifts. Somehow, a pilgrim gives him a jar of strawberry jam, and he immediately hands it to her mother Filarete and says: “Let's give mother some jam, she needs it more.”

And her thoughts began to pester about the cassock: after all, the father would not wear it, he would give it to someone! If only I could take it myself! Such a good cassock! No, he won’t wear it himself… It’s like he’ll give it to someone…

At this moment, the elder turns to her and says:

Come on, give me your present! Yes, I will, I will wear it myself!

Filaret's mother smiles...

Somehow she introduced me to her spiritual sister, also a child of Father Eli, schema-nun Elizabeth. And mother Elizabeth told me her story of meeting with the elder...

She also came to faith as a mature person, being not only the mother of a family, but also a grandmother. She came as if she had been looking for faith all her life, and, having found it, fell down, as if to a healing spring, healing the wounds of the soul. She quickly went to church, lost interest in watching TV, fell in love with fasting and church services. Feeling the need for spiritual guidance, I went to Optina.

Further events developed rapidly. She saw an old man, father Elijah, surrounded by pilgrims, and she really wanted to talk with him for at least a couple of minutes. But there were too many people, and she decided to wait until the next day.

And the next day, the elder was not in the monastery: he left for the courtyard in Moscow. Having learned the phone number of the farmstead, she dared to call and, although she did not believe that this was possible, she asked if she could talk to the priest. There was silence on the phone, they asked for her phone number and politely said goodbye. That's it, she thought. “It didn’t work out ... It was foolish to even hope ... Doesn’t the elder have enough things to talk with all the aunts who want to talk ?!”

And the next day the phone rang, and she, looking up from household chores, picked up the phone. She took it, but almost dropped it - the priest himself called her! And he invited me to come for a meeting and conversation in the courtyard.

Worried, not herself, she arrived - and now she is already sitting next to the old man. And he talks to her like he's known her all his life. At the end of the conversation, Father Eli said: “Do you know that your future path is a monastic one?” And he gave the future child a prayer rule.

For several years she took care of the priest, and then the time came when the elder warned: “Get ready for the tonsure.” She was deeply worried: it was not clear how to prepare... She went up to the archdeacon, Father Iliodor, the old child of the elder: “How are they preparing for the tonsure?” Father Iliodor, a kind, caring man, immediately took her back to the elder and asked her spiritual father:

Batiushka, give your blessing to take my sister to Shamordino, so that she can be sewn a monastic vestment for her tonsure.

Father Eli turns around, looks at them attentively. And he sometimes has such a keen, penetrating look - it seems that he sees not only the interlocutor standing next to him, but also his past and future. And so, looking so intently and penetratingly at his spiritual children, the elder answered:

You don't need to go anywhere. Sew attire. At the Danilov Monastery.

And she never had any acquaintances in this monastery. Well, the old man said - he knows better. The future nun returns to Moscow. And at that time she was a parishioner of the temple of Tsarevich Dmitry, and at the temple they organized the first school of sisters of mercy in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Elizabeth. Father Anatoly served as the rector of the temple. And so she shared with him her anxiety about the monastic vestments. And he says:

We will now ask one sister of our school, she just sews vestments. Come on, Valya, come here.

Valya runs up, joyfully agrees to help. And the next day he announces that they will sew this vestment, and they will sew it for free - to the glory of God.

Where do such good people work?

As where? I work in the Danilov Monastery, I sew vestments. They will sew there...

And the circle is closed. But the old man had never seen this Valya in the eyes ...

So the priest tonsured his child in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Elizabeth.

People often ask: “And what is he like, Elder Eli?” It is difficult to answer this question: how can we, sincere people, understand a spiritual person? A spiritual person sees and understands everyone, but a spiritual person does not understand the spiritual... We only feel the grace of God, love, humility that come from a spiritual person - and our hearts reach out to him, open before him...

Here the priest comes out after the service on the salt of the temple in honor of the Kazan Icon Holy Mother of God, the hands of pilgrims reach out to him: they ask for blessings, prayers, pass notes with names. Next to me is a tall, powerful man with an expression of grief on his face. He tries to approach the elder, but there are too many people in front of us. And I notice with horror that my neighbor is quietly crying from mental anguish and suffering. It is hard to see men's tears, it takes my breath away, and I frantically try to figure out how to help him approach the elder.

And Father Eli, short, completely hidden from us by the crowd, already hears this grief in his spirit. The crowd parted, and he himself approached the suffering person, and we see how the old man embraces him affectionately, like a mother comforting a crying child. A man through tears tries to explain, talk about his grief, and others understand that this is a loss. loved one. And now the man is already sobbing, leaning over the elder’s shoulder, and the priest himself is almost crying and affectionately hugs the sobbing one. And such love on the face of the old man ...

So they stand, pressed against each other, and everyone understands that the priest is praying for this suffering person with all the exertion of his strength. And gradually the sobbing calms down, his face changes in some elusive way. It is difficult to define it in words: despair and anguish are replaced by hope, consolation… This is what happens when someone takes on your pain and your suffering.

The next day, at the evening service, the Optina brethren go to the polyeleos and stand in two rows according to the seniority of ordination. My sisters and I are standing among the praying pilgrims not far from the center of the temple and we hear how one of the brethren, who decided that the elder had taken a place that was not honorable enough for his spiritual dignity, said to the elder: “Father, you stood in the wrong place.” And the elder humbly crosses over to the other side. And there it seems to the brethren that the elder should stand in a more honorable place, in another row, and they again say to him: “Father, no, not here, there.” And the old man again humbly passes. There they again say to him: “No, father, not here,” until one of the older brethren, realizing what is happening, explodes: “What are you doing?! Leave the old man alone!"

And the priest himself, absolutely without any embarrassment, calmly goes every time to where he is asked to go. He, the spiritual mentor of the brethren, is not at all angry, not at all embarrassed. Confusion is usually characteristic of pride, vanity: how could I have done something wrong! And humility and meekness are not embarrassed. And at the same time, this meekness and humility is not humiliation, not at all!

Here the priest blesses one novice to read the fiftieth psalm. But he does not understand and excitedly asks: “Read fifty times?” And everyone around is laughing. The old man doesn't laugh. He is such a subtle and delicate person, he has such a love for people, he does not even show that his interlocutor was mistaken. As if everything is in order. And meekly, with love, the father explains: “No, not fifty, you will read it once.” And all of us who laughed become ashamed that we laughed at a person who simply did not understand ...

The Lord, by His mercy, grants us elders... Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov) of Smolensk and Vyazemsky wrote about the modern elder, Father Pavel (Troitsky): sometimes there were thoughts of unbelief. When I got to know Father Pavel, I always answered these thoughts in the following way: if there is Father Pavel, then there is God. The fact that there is Father Paul, for me it was the best proof that God exists.

And no matter how the darkness thickens, no matter what thoughts the devil puts into my empty stupid head, no matter what feelings crowd in my evil, hardened heart, this is the memory of what Father Paul is and the knowledge of that grace that is given to man by God , of course, kept me from disbelief, kept me from despondency, kept me from various temptations, of which there are so many in our lives.

through the gaps

Optina fathers are humble. Optina monastic traditions are preserved. To praise a monk is the same as to put a running bandwagon. While they are alive, everyone strives, and we judge the holiness of a person after his death. I read a good statement about this from the Holy Fathers: “Just before the harvest, the hail can destroy the grapes, and the righteous before death can sin. Therefore, do not rush to anyone to start with praise. I read and imagine large and fragrant bunches of grapes filled with juice. But hail may pass or snow may fall ...

This is probably why the Optina tale is passed from mouth to mouth. They asked the elder, Father Elijah: “Father, is it true that all Optina fathers are seers and miracle workers?” To which the elder replied with a smile: “I don’t know about the seers, but the miracle workers are definitely all.”

Does this joke mean that the elders in the monasteries have disappeared? Thank God they didn't get carried away! The Lord consoles his people, but these miracles are hidden, they are given out of need. In line for confession, a resident of Kozelsk, Elena, tells me how recently her neighbor stood in this line. She came to Abbot N. with her grief - her son was gone. After listening to the sobbing mother, he went to the altar, prayed for a long time, and when he returned, he said: “Do not cry, he will return in a couple of days.” And indeed, on the second day, the son returned.

At her obedience in the hotel of a servant of God, Nadezhda told me about the same priest, how he persuaded a woman who was no longer very young to stay in the monastery. She did not listen to the persuasion, and the priest said: “What are you going to do there in the world, you will suffer, and even with a child.” It was completely incomprehensible about the baby, but it became clear when a visiting young man seduced a woman and left her with a child, and she really suffered a lot.

The recognized elder of the Optina Hermitage is father Eli (Nozdrin). When a person is still striving, it is better not to talk about his exploits and spiritual growth. But Father Iliy is an all-Russian famous old man, everyone knows about his clairvoyance. Therefore, his children and just pilgrims share their experiences and experience of meeting with the elder openly - they don’t hide the lamp under a bushel ...

The first story about the Optina Elder Elijah was told to me at a joint obedience in the fraternal refectory of Optina Pustyn by the pilgrim Olga: “I wanted to ask the elder if it was God’s will for my monasticism, but I couldn’t talk to him. And here I was standing after the service, suddenly the people moved, rushed after the elder who had left. Someone wants to ask a question, someone wants to ask for prayers, someone just wants to be blessed. Well, I think, do not approach me to the old man.

And suddenly people push me right in the back to the priest. Without thinking twice, I ask loudly: “Father, Father Eli! Will I be a nun? And the priest, without looking back, answers: “Yes, you will be a nun. Be sure to be a nun!” And he leaves, accompanied by the people. And I stay and feel distrust seizes me, followed by despondency. The old man didn't even look at me. I might as well have asked if I would be an astronaut.

In despondency, I trudge to the fraternal refectory. I stand and cry. Pilgrims are standing nearby. Someone is waiting for their spiritual father. Someone is waiting for the old man. I stand without any hope. And suddenly Father Eli appears. Hands with notes immediately reach out to him, people vying with each other ask questions. But the father comes right up to me. He carefully looks at me and asks: “Well, have you already chosen a monastery for yourself, where do you want to live?” At this point, the narrator's eyes are moistened - the father comforted! Although he did not look at the question, he sees a lot with spiritual vision.

Hotel Elena shares with me: “How right the proverb is: What we have, we don’t store, if we lose, we cry! Here was our Optina elder, father Eli, next to us - we did not fully appreciate this. You will come sometimes - you will be blessed. And sometimes you look at how many people surrounded the priest, and you pass by, thinking: you need to take care of the old man, not to annoy him once again. And now he has gone far away, the confessor is with the Patriarch himself, so how are you waiting for his arrival! Like a red sun!

We only grieved that now the elder does not often visit Optina - he came. And they were blessed, and the notes were given. I go up the stairs of the pilgrimage hotel - and shiigumen Eliy comes down to meet me. Two more sisters are standing on the stairs - like me, they almost jump for joy.

Batiushka blessed us, talked a little with each of us, and he has spiritual books in his hands - just three. He gave one sister, the other, I'm next. And I stand and think: “I already have such a book. Only the archdeacon Father Iliodor gave it to me yesterday.” Father Eli looked at me attentively, smiled… and did not give me the book. And from below, a new pilgrim is already rising. He gave it to her.

So I think - the father sees everything! How I wish I knew more about him!

If only someone else could tell about it!

The next day I go to Kaluga on business, I return late, I miss the bus. I call my spiritual father and explain that I was late. He answers me that in Kaluga there is just an Optina car. Now he will go back to the monastery, and they will capture me.

And here I am sitting next to the driver, a young boy, Sergey. Despite his youth, he has been working in the monastery for several years, now he is a foreman at one of the many monastery construction projects. And it turns out that he is the child of Father Elijah.

Brother, tell me at least a little about the old man! I ask.

He agrees. And he tells me about his meetings with the elder.

At first, Seryozha did not always turn to the elder for a blessing. Here he passed on the rights, he began to drive a car - without blessing. “What,” he thinks, “to disturb the old man over trifles, how many worries does he have! You will not report everything - here, they say, you have become a driver!

Surrounded by forests, on the banks of the Zhizdra River, far from the noisy cities where Optina Pustyn is located, stands an old monastery, which was of great importance before the Bolsheviks came to power.

Today, when the Orthodox Church in our country is experiencing a period of revival, attention to this ancient monastery is returning.

Numerous temples, closed during the Soviet era, became available to believers. Their magnificent architecture pleases everyone, regardless of religion. The realm of Faith, Hope and Love is being revived.

In contact with

Geographical location and place on the map

Optina Pustyn has the following GPRS coordinates: 54.053416, 35.831969. Located in the Kaluga region.

Pilgrimage trips from Moscow to the Holy places of Russia. can be found in the pilgrimage center "To the Origins".

The distance from the regional center is 79 kilometers, from the capital of Russia - 256 kilometers, from St. Petersburg - 935 km. And the shortest distance from the nearest town called Kozelsk is only 2000 meters.

Brief history of the monastery

People lived on the modern territory of the Kaluga region for a very long time. Archaeologists during the excavations found the sites of people of the Stone Age. Kozelsk is mentioned in chronicles as early as 1146.

The small town became famous for its unprecedented rebuff to the Tatar-Mongols in 1238. For seven weeks a huge army could not take Kozelsk. After his capture, the town was burned to the ground and turned into a wasteland, glorious warriors and residents were killed.

The history of the monastery begins much later. Exact date The foundation of the monastery is unknown, but in 1625 it already existed. A secluded, deserted place in the middle of the forest was chosen for the monastery by hermits. In the 17th century there were only monks' cells and a wooden church. At the same time, the Vvedensky Cathedral was built.

During the reign of Peter I, the monks were almost deprived of their livelihood, having taken away the mill, crossing the river, and forbade fishing. And then it was decided to close the monastery, however, it did not operate for only 2 years, the monastery was not empty for long.

Metropolitan of Moscow Platon

Metropolitan Platon of Moscow and Bishop Philaret of Kaluga played a huge role in the revival of the monastery.

It's important to know: the role of Father Avraamy, who was appointed rector of Optina Pustyn, is great. It was he who introduced into the monastery the way of life that lasted until the 20th century, the time of the closing of the monastery.

His care for the material well-being of the monastery, the repair of dilapidated church buildings, and the attraction of believers from the surrounding area over the long years of his activity made the monastery famous not only in the Kaluga province, but also beyond its borders.

Moscow Metropolitan Filaret

The most important period in the life of Optina Pustyn was the time when Filaret became Metropolitan of Moscow. Despite the high spiritual dignity, Filaret loved a quiet, silent life, and therefore patronized the monastery, often visited it.

Note: under Filaret, a skete of John the Baptist was built a kilometer from the monastery, which became the place of life for all the elders of Optina Hermitage.

Many books have been written about eldership in Russia. This unique, purely Russian phenomenon dates back to the time of Sergius of Radonezh. The elder, as a rule, is a priest - a monk who provides spiritual guidance and mentoring over people who come to the monastery. This guidance takes the form of conversations or advice, as well as in correspondence with spiritual children.

hermit elders

Filaret invited the first hermit elders to Optina Hermitage. Here this amazing phenomenon flourished the most, making the monastery the spiritual center of Russia.

Interesting fact: The monastery became famous not for architectural marvels, not for ancient icons, but for the great Optina elders.

For almost a century, a huge number of pilgrims have been striving to the Optina Monastery for advice, guidance, and spiritual help. Among the visitors to Optina there were many celebrities: N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, philosopher V.S. Solovyov, V.A. Zhukovsky, S.T. Aksakov, F.I. Tyutchev, P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.L. Chizhevsky and many others.

Monastery after the revolution and the USSR

After October revolution The spiritual center of Russia was closed in 1918. There was an agricultural artel, a museum, a sawmill, a tannery, where the monks and elders worked, and secretly continued their religious activities. Pilgrims continued to visit the monastery.

A series of various organizations on the territory of the monastery was replaced by the Rest House. In 1939 a concentration camp was made here.. It accommodated more than five thousand Poles, who were shot at Katyn.

With the beginning of the Second World War, a hospital for the wounded was needed, the place for which they chose the Optina Monastery. Already three years after the start of the war, the hospital was converted into an NKVD camp intended for captured Soviet officers who returned from Germany to their homeland. In 1949, the camp was replaced by a military unit.

1987 - the year of the return of Optina Hermitage to the Russian Orthodox Church. The very first liturgy was served in June 1988 in the gate tower. There were many years of work to restore the holy monastery.

The current state of the monastery

Vvedensky Cathedral

Immediately after the transfer of the monastery to the church, its restoration began. Elder Elijah headed the work. It was not only about returning the churches to their original form, but also about the spiritual revival of the monastery, about the return of Optina to its significance as the most important center of Orthodoxy.

Today, there are 8 functioning churches in excellent condition on the territory. Restored, in addition to temples, and other buildings:

  • Vvedensky Cathedral is the main temple of the monastery. The shrine with the holy relics of St. Ambrose is located in the northern limit, the shrine with the holy relics of Fr. Nectaria - in the refectory;
  • The Vladimir temple was rebuilt on the site of a hospital church that had not been preserved. This temple is the tomb of seven great elders of the monastery: Leo, Macarius, Hilarion, Anatoly, Joseph, Barsanuphius, Anatoly;
  • The skete where the Optina elders lived was also restored. But access to it is closed to everyone, except for monks who serve worship day and night;
  • The infirmary tower is adjacent to the hospital building. Today, a hotel for pilgrims is open here.

But what about the elders? Are they in the monastery today?

It is interesting: Elder Elijah, who lived in the monastery for 20 years, today is the confessor of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Optina Pustyn. Given the venerable age of the elder - he is 85 years old - and the burden of the affairs of the confessor, he is practically elusive and inaccessible to ordinary people.

But the glory of the monastery is still great. Pilgrims, believers, who want to become workers of the monastery, seek peace and meaning in life. Since July 14, 2018, Bishop Leonid of Mozhaisk has been the abbot of the monastery.

Optina Elders

The skete, built under Filaret, became the place where the Optina elders lived. This place became a source of grace for hundreds of people who came here for a century and a half.

Optina Elder Father Ambrose

There are many written testimonies, books, and memoirs about the 14 elders who lived in the skete in the 19th-20th centuries. A lot became known thanks to the archive of the monastery, which in 1928 was taken out by the poetess N. Pavlovich to the library. Lenin.

The elders were not only spiritual teachers of their parishioners. Many of them had the gift of foresight, healing. There are many documented cases of curing terminally ill patients by them.

Among all the Optina elders, Father Ambrose stands out for his ascetic life. The scale of spiritual guidance of Fr. Ambrose is amazed. Every day a crowd of people from all over Russia and from abroad gathered at his modest cell. In addition to personal conversations, Fr. Ambrose conducted extensive correspondence, while he was a very sick person.

In the diary of Ambrose kept records of how overwhelming the work of eldership was for him, about the lack of sufficient time for prayer, about the lack of strength to overcome the road to the monastery. For his service, Fr. Ambrose received a rare award - a golden pectoral cross.

Women's Shamorda Monastery

Father Ambrose became the founder of the women's monastery of Shamorda, which still exists today. Here the priest spent a lot of time, finding the solitude and peace he needed so much.

Father Nectarius

By the beginning of the revolution, three elders lived in the skete: Nektary, Nikon and Anatoly II. Their fate was different:

  • O. Nectaria arrested in 1923, taken into custody, then demanded to leave the region. Father Nektary obeyed, he went to the Bryansk region and settled there with his spiritual son. Even in this distant village to Fr. Spiritual children came to Nektarios. He died in 1928 from illness. Seven years later, robbers arrived at the cemetery, wishing to find treasures and enrich themselves. Rupture the grave of the old man, they saw the incorruptible body;
  • O. Nikon after the closing of the monastery, he worked hard, trying to provide food for the remaining monks. In 1924 he moved to Kozelsk and served in the Dormition Church. In 1927 Fr. Nikon was arrested and after a three-year imprisonment in the Kemperpunkt camp, in unbearable conditions for life, he was sent to the North, to Pinega. He died in 1931 of tuberculosis in the arms of an Optina monk at the age of 43;
  • O. Anatoly Potapov continued his religious activities in Kozelsk and its environs, despite the Bolshevik ban on serving. He refused to leave and in 1923 he was arrested. There were several of them in the life of Fr. Anatoly II, as a result he was accused of counter-revolutionary activities and shot in 1938.

Thus ended the amazing age of eldership. A tradition has been interrupted, the revival of which will take a very long time.

Monastery in the spiritual life of Russia

One can appreciate the enormous significance in the life of Russia on the example of the influence of visiting the monastery on the worldview and work of three great writers - N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky:

  • N.V. Gogol visited the monastery three times. The time of the first visit coincided with a deep spiritual crisis aggravated by illness. The writer, who has already written his best works, is tormented by doubts about the correctness of the chosen field. Gogol felt the vocation of a monk in himself, dreamed of living in Optina Pustyna, praying for the sins of people. The genius gift of the writer was contrary to his religious beliefs. This was his tragedy. But the elders, many of whom were very educated people, and, of course, read his works, did everything possible so that the literary world would not lose the writer. Long conversations with Fr. Macarius, Fr. Porfiry and the monks of the monastery had a beneficial effect on Nikolai Vasilyevich. Father Porfiry subsequently carried on a lengthy correspondence with the writer, was his friend and mentor;
  • Leo Tolstoy visited the monastery several times. One day he and his companions came here on foot. The relationship of the great writer with the church was complex. Even repeated conversations with Elder Ambrose did not return him to the bosom of Orthodoxy. But here's the strange thing: disagreeing with the elders on religious issues, the writer considered visiting the monastery a very important event in his life;
  • In 1878, the great Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky lived here for some time. The writer's younger son, Alyosha, dearly beloved by his father, died of epilepsy. In the monastery, the writer met and talked with Fr. Ambrose, who became the prototype of the elder Zosima in the writer's last novel, The Brothers Karamazov.

What you must visit and see

The relics of Ambrose and Fr. Nectaria

Unfortunately, due to the tragic history of the monastery, there are almost no old buildings left on its territory. Everything had to be rebuilt, practically from ruins. And yet there are a lot of important shrines here, which will be useful and interesting to look at even for an unbeliever.

The monks of the monastery have done a lot to restore spirituality to this holy place. This is felt by any person, regardless of faith, who is here.

So, what is worth visiting:

  • Arriving at the monastery, you must definitely visit the service in the main Vvedensky Cathedral. Especially solemn services during church holidays, as well as on the Days of Remembrance of the great Optina elders. In the temple, you can venerate the relics of Fr. Ambrose and Fr. Nectaria, pray, just stand or light a candle at the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which is located to the right of the altar;

Keep in mind: the territory of the skete is closed to visitors, but to pass the road along which the elders went to pray means to some extent to penetrate into their world.

Vladimirskaya Church

  • Behind the Vvedensky Cathedral is the Vladimirskaya Church with a small blue dome with stars. Here are the relics of six great elders of Optina;
  • Holy monastic springs are famous for numerous healings and miracles. Three sources of Optina are no exception:
  • One of them, the most famous, is located on the territory of the monastery, in honor of Pafnuty Borovsky the Wonderworker;
  • Source in honor of Fr. Ambrose is not far from the skete;
  • The third source in honor of Sergius of Radonezh is hydrogen sulfide. It was recently rediscovered by monks. There is a bath here, immersion in the waters of which gives an extraordinary surge of strength.

From any source, it is worth not only drinking holy water, but also taking it home. Holy water will stand for a long time. It should be drunk in the morning, after reading a special prayer before taking holy water, or in case of illness of family members. But everything must be done with faith. And how many people have gained faith, thanks to a visit to Optina Hermitage, probably cannot be counted ...

Information for pilgrims and tourists

How to get there

By train or bus you can get from the capital to

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A new book

The publishing house of our monastery published A new book"The Life of the Hieromartyr Benjamin (Kazan), Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and others like him who suffered the Monk Martyr Sergius (Shein), Martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov » .

In the new book of the famous Russian hagiographer, Archimandrite Damaskin (Orlovsky), the reader is offered the life of Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazansky) of Petrograd, one of the first holy martyrs, who did not sin in his soul or conscience during the persecution that began and gave his life for Christ and His Church .

Venerable Optina Elders


The first founder and inspirer of the Optina eldership. A man of unshakable faith, extraordinary courage, firmness and energy. The expression of evangelical love was the whole life of this elder, which was spent in selfless service to God and neighbors. By his deeds, unceasing prayer and God-imitating humility, he acquired abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit. The miracles performed by the elder were countless: crowds of the destitute flocked to him.


Have chenik and sotainnik Elder Leo. He served as elder in Optina Hermitage at the same time as the Monk Leo, and after his death, until his death, he carried out the great and holy feat of senile care. The main virtue that he especially brought up in people is humility, considering it the foundation of the Christian life. “There is humility—everything is there; if there is no humility—there is nothing,” said the monk. The name of Elder Macarius is associated with the beginning of the publication of patristic works in the monastery, which united the best spiritual and intellectual forces of Russia around the monastery.


To the mouthy elder-priest. He showed an amazing example of a combination of strict asceticism, humility and non-possession with wise management of the monastery and extensive charitable activities. It was thanks to his boundless mercy and compassion for the poor that the monastery gave shelter to many wanderers. Under Schema-Archimandrite Moses, the old churches and buildings of the monastery were recreated and new ones were built. Optina Hermitage owes its visible flourishing and spiritual revival to the wise abbot of Elder Moses.


Brother and associate of Schema-Archimandrite Moses, a humble ascetic and a prayer book, patiently and courageously bearing the cross of bodily diseases throughout his life. He contributed in every possible way to the work of eldership in the skete, which he led for 14 years. The written instructions of the venerable elder are the wondrous fruit of his paternal love and the gift of a teaching word. Before his death, he said: I would like to console everyone, and if it were possible, I would tear myself to pieces and distribute them to everyone in pieces.


The disciple and successor of Elder Macarius. Being a zealous defender and preacher of the Orthodox faith, he managed to return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church many who had gone astray and fallen away from the Orthodox faith. “Only from the moment we got to know him, the spiritual child of the elder recalls, we learned what peace of mind is, what peace of mind is ...” The elder-skete leader died in prayer, with a rosary in his hands.


In the great old man and ascetic of the Russian land, whose holiness and God-pleasing life God testified by many miracles, and the Orthodox believing people - with sincere love, reverence and reverent appeal to him in prayer. A disciple of the elders Leonid and Macarius, he inherited from them the grace-filled gift of elderhood, he remained in selfless service to people for more than 30 years. He founded the Shamorda convent, nourished many monasteries, his letters and instructions are a source of spiritual wisdom for those who seek salvation. The monk had a high clear mind and a loving heart. Unusually compassionate and gifted with grace, he was especially distinguished by Christian love.


With the chief of the whale and the elder, he instructed in the spiritual life not only the monks of the Optina Hermitage, but also the inhabitants of the Shamorda convent and other monasteries. Being an ardent prayer book and ascetic, he was a sensitive father, a patient teacher for all who came to him, always sharing the treasure of wisdom, faith and special spiritual joy. Elder Anatoly possessed an amazing gift of consolation. Rev. Ambrose said that he was given such prayer and grace as one in a thousand is given.


The memorable rector of Optina Hermitage, who combined the firm management of the monastery and the finest art of pastoral leadership with humble obedience to the great Optina elders and high asceticism. Schema-Archimandrite Isaac's life's work was the preservation and confirmation of the spiritual precepts of eldership in the monastery. He did not know peace - the doors of his cell were open to the brotherhood and the poor. In food, and in clothing, and in the decoration of the cell, he observed the complete simplicity of the ancient ascetics.


The disciple and spiritual successor of the Monk Ambrose, who showed the image of great humility, gentleness, unceasing mental-hearted prayer, the elder more than once was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, many, even during the life of Hieroschemamonk Joseph, saw him illuminated by the blessed divine light. Rev. Joseph was a man of deep inner work, always keeping silence of heart and unceasing prayer.


With the chief of the whalers, about whom Elder Nectarios said that the grace of God in one night created a great old man from a brilliant military man. Not sparing life itself, he fulfilled his pastoral duty in the Russo-Japanese War. The elder possessed extraordinary insight, the inner meaning of the events was revealed to him, he saw the intimacy of the heart of a person who came to him, awakening repentance in him with love.

The progenitor of the Optina eldership was the elder Pasiy Velichkovsky. His disciple Leo is the first Optina Elder, who led a whole movement of monks who moved to live in a monastery, the rector of which at that time was Archimandrite Moses. Thanks to his merits, much was done in the monastery: hotels, refectories, a library, a mill, factories, buildings, horse yards and even walls with turrets were built. The Archimandrite was assisted by thousands of pilgrims who came to Optina Hermitage.

But the most important asset is the deepening into spirituality, which became possible thanks to the arrival of the elders Leo and Macarius. Since that time, the spiritual flowering began. What an amazing personality is this Optina Elder Lev?

Elder Optina - Reverend Leo

He was a man who lived in the interests of the people. He loved people very much and felt sorry for them in every possible way. No one could resist his intelligence and perspicacity, and tears of repentance rolled down from the eyes of everyone. Elder Leo truly healed people. The villagers accepted him as their father.

But not everyone received the elder so cordially. Some spiritual mentors forbade him to communicate with ordinary people. It was unfair, which only spoke of ignorance. Good deeds were quickly forgotten, and the elders at that time were pretty oppressed. Elder Leo's successor was hieromonk father Macarius, who came from a noble family.

Reverend Macarius

Optina elder Macarius was engaged in economic activities throughout his adolescence. At first he worked as an accountant, later he decided to fully manage the economy, which he did not do so well. In all his troubles, he always turned to the Holy Scriptures, but he was often laughed at for this not only by the offenders, but also by his family. But one day the offenders of Macarius fell before him in repentance. Since then Macarius decided to devote the rest of his life to God. He went to the Ploschanskaya hermitage, where he took the tonsure. Upon the arrival of Elder Leo in the Ploschanskaya Hermitage, Father Macarius accepted him as his spiritual teacher.

Optina Elder Macarius was a mentor learned people and intelligentsia. He mainly communicated with those who translated into Russian the works of Father Paisius and other ascetics.

The real heyday of the Optina Hermitage came thanks to the elder Ambrose, the successor of the father of Leo and Macarius.

Father Ambrose

Grandfather Ambrose was a priest. The elder was born on one of the holidays, when there were many guests in his grandfather's house. Later, Ambrose often joked that he was born on people and lives all his life on people. Ambrose's upbringing took place in a church environment. He successfully graduated from the theological seminary due to his unique abilities. Ambrose began his mentoring path by accepting disciples at home. Later he became rector of the Lipetsk Theological School. A serious illness forced the elder to leave for a monastery. But, having recovered, Ambrose for some time still continued his worldly activities. Later, on the advice of Elder Hilarion, Ambrose went to Optina Hermitage, where he became an assistant to Father Macarius in publishing, since he knew 5 languages. Everything a monk did, he did it for the Lord. Everyone around noticed this and loved Ambrose dearly for this. Both the spiritual life and the practical one were successful for the monk. His advice, often given in jest, was quickly remembered. By all means he tried to save human souls, sometimes even resorting to the whip and penances.

Healing Miracles

A special role in his life was played by the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Bread". Batiushka urged everyone to pray to her. So, he taught that the Mother of God takes care not only of the human soul, but also of the earthly needs of everyone.

Elder Ambrose was known as a great miracle worker. He healed many people from merciless diseases. During the time of the eldership of Ambrose, an intelligentsia began to emerge, the main idea of ​​​​which was to change the political system of the country. But many were disappointed. The void in the souls of the idealists was skillfully filled by the Optina elder Ambrose. He revived the meaning of life in the minds of many people. Crowds stretched at that time to Optina Pustyn. Here people were charged with enthusiasm to live happily and without worries. Visited this monastery and artists, famous writers, politicians, philosophers.

Social activity

Elder Ambrose was engaged in asceticism for more than thirty years. For the last decades, he was engaged in the foundation and organization of the women's Shamorda monastery, in which more than a thousand nuns later found peace. There was also a school, a hospital and an orphanage for girls. After the death of the elder, everyone plunged into sadness.

Optina Elder Joseph the Monk

It was the closest companion of Father Ambrose. The elder raised him in his hut. From childhood, Joseph had the gift of seeing the saints. The Mother of God appeared to him. His favorite pastime was reading the Scriptures. When the boy's parents left this world, the merchant for whom he then worked wanted to marry his daughter to him. But the young man dreamed of a different life, a life wholly dedicated to the Lord. Then he decided to go to the elder Ambrose, and he strongly recommended that he stay in the monastery. For 30 years, Ambrose took care of Joseph with great love. After the death of Ambrose, Joseph became the rector of the convent in Shamordino. He received visitors, and many saw in him the personification of Father Ambrose himself.

During his life, the ascetic endured many trials. For many years he did not even have a place where he could retire in prayer. He lived right in the waiting room, in which there were always a lot of people, but all this only tempered him.

Elder Joseph was an ascetic. He practically did not eat, slept little, was content with old poor clothes. But all this only developed his spiritual wealth. In return for the hardships, the Lord endowed him with the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to heal people. Crowds of pilgrims turned to him for help and advice. With just a few words, he could lift a stone from the soul, instruct and console. His grace-filled prayer covered all the suffering.

Elder Barsanuphius of Optina

Elder Barsanuphius led an active secular life before his tonsure. He was a colonel, leader of the Orenburg Cossacks. In a difficult moment of a fatal illness, the elder ordered to read the Holy Scriptures. At that moment, the heavens parted, and a healing bright light illuminated everything around. Something in the soul of the monk turned over. A heavenly voice told him to go to Optina Pustyn. People in the world did not want to let Barsanuphius go, trying to keep him with all sorts of titles. They wanted to make him a general and even marry him. But the elder easily overcame all difficulties and obstacles.

After ten years of monasticism, Barsanuphius received the status of hieromonk. After serving as a priest in the Russo-Japanese War, he returned to Optina Hermitage and headed the skete.

The elder saved many destinies with his instructions, but not everyone liked his work. Many complaints were received against him, and he was removed from Optina Hermitage.

Elder Optina Anatoly

WITH early childhood Elder Anatoly sought God and strove to live according to his laws. But his strict mother did not want him to go to the monastery. After her death, the elder immediately went to Optina Hermitage. Later, he took refuge with Elder Ambrose and became his novice. The venerable Optina elders brought him up in asceticism.

Father Ambrose asked Anatoly to help him, and he immediately plunged into active work. Among his Anatoly bore the nickname "Comforter". He received special recognition from the common people, especially from the peasants. But the nobility listened to his advice.

Nektarios Optina

In his youth, Nectarios (Nikolai) was a smart boy. He was an excellent worker in a merchant's shop. After the proposal of marriage, on the advice of the merchant, Nikolai went for a blessing to Feoktista, who advised him to go to Optina Pustyn. There, Father Hilarion met Nicholas and sent him to Ambrose, who convinced him to stay in the monastery.

In 1912, Nectarios was ordained an elder. But he did not accept this title until the last, humbly considering himself unworthy of it. The elder received many visitors in his little hut. To each he found his own approach. Some he gave instructions for a long time, while others simply left the books in the waiting room. While waiting for their turn, people read them and all their questions were answered. intelligentsia and simple people for an old man there were no differences. He treated both equally, and spoke their languages.

In 1923, the monastery was closed, and Elder Nektary was taken under arrest. After his release, Nektariy went to the village of Kholmishchi, but even there he was pestered by people thirsty for advice.

In 1989, Optina Pustyn was revived, and the relics of Elder Nektarios from Kholmisch were brought here. Eyewitnesses said that a pleasant fragrance emanated from the relics of the elder, and they themselves had an amber color. Therefore, everyone who turned to the elder for help even after his death received his blessing.

The Optina elders left valuable teachings to the common people. Never condemn your loved ones, pray to the Lord for forgiveness for condemning your own brother. To achieve success, you always need to make an effort. A person should become a servant of his life, and not she should serve him. You should never become a slave to your senses. The way to go to the Lord is humility.

Many great deeds for mankind were accomplished by the last Optina Elders. One of them was Nikon.

Elder Nikon

Two brothers, Ivan and Nikolai, inherited from childhood the love for God instilled by their parents. Having matured, they decided to go to Optina Pustyn. Elder Barsanuphius immediately saw a special gift in Nicholas, so he took him on as his disciple.

In 1915, after taking the vows, Nikolai received the name Nikon. And already in 1917 he received the rank of hieromonk.

After the closure of Optina Hermitage, almost all the elders were expelled, some were arrested. Elder Nikon was instructed to receive parishioners wishing to confess. So he became the last Optina elder.

Only the instructions of these God-chosen monks have survived to our time. The prayer of the Optina Elders plays a special role in the life of every Christian. This spiritual appeal to the Lord destroys all obstacles and helps to correctly tune your mind for the whole coming day.

Complete prayer of the Optina elders

"Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day sends me. Lord, let me completely surrender to the will of your saint. Lord, at every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Lord, no matter what news comes in throughout the day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your holy will. Lord, manifest Your holy will for me and those around me. Lord, in all my deeds and thoughts, guide my feelings and thoughts. Lord, in all unforeseen situations, do not let me forget that all this was sent down by You.Lord, teach me to properly communicate with people close and around me, older, younger and equal, so as not to upset anyone, but to bring good to everyone.Lord, give me the strength to endure weariness of the present day and all events during the day. Lord, direct my will, teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to endure, to forgive and to love."

In this version, you can say the prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day. But this prayer has a continuation.

"Lord, do not leave me when meeting face to face with my enemies, but for the sake of Your Holy Name, rule over me.

Lord, illuminate my heart and mind so that I can understand Your eternal laws that You govern the world, so that I can properly serve You and my fellowmen.

Lord, thank you for everything that was with me and will be, for I firmly believe that You are especially favored by those who love You. Lord, bless me in all words, thoughts and deeds, make me worthy to glorify You with joy, for only You are worthy and glorified forever and ever. Amen".

The prayer of the Optina Elders for a day charges with faith and gives protection. By reading it every day, many unresolved problems can be solved. The songs of the Optina Elders truly heal not only the body, but also the soul.