As Alisova, who knocked down the boy from the balashikha, will prove that she is innocent. The court sentenced the boy who hit the balashikha to three years in prison Who is Olga Alisova who hit the boy

Roman Shimko: "The investigator did not hesitate to hand over this examination to me"

The cynicism of this story knows no boundaries. Almost two months ago in the yard. Olga Alisova, 31, was driving the car. The lady, according to many media outlets, is not easy. The examination showed that there was alcohol in the child's blood.

From the first days, strange things began to happen to this case: first, the recordings from all surveillance cameras in the courtyard disappeared, then people began to knock on the doors to the witnesses of the accident. suspicious people... And towards the end of the day, the deceased six-year-old Alyosha was made "drunk." The expert found 2.7 ppm of alcohol in the child's blood, which means that the child drank at least one hundred grams of vodka before the walk.

Rave? Mistake? Evil intent? Any sane person would ask these questions. But not the investigator of the Balashikhinsky UVMD Arinushkin, who is investigating this accident - it seems to him that everything in this case is extremely clear.

Why was the scandalous results of the examination paid attention "from above" only after the hype in the media? Who could need such a ridiculous falsification of the case materials? And if there was a banal misunderstanding, then what was the fault?

Everything happened on April 23 in the courtyard of a house in the Pavlino microdistrict, where the Shimko family lives. Six-year-old Alyosha and his grandfather were returning from a walk. The pensioner was carrying his grandson's scooter, the guy was skipping towards his entrance. The clock was 17.56, that is, not twilight, when you might not notice a pedestrian. And even more so, not a deep night.

The Hyundai Solaris of 31-year-old Olga Alisova suddenly flew onto the road. It took off, as eyewitnesses of the incident say. Here's what they later wrote on social networks (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved):

“She hit a boy at a speed of about 60 km, drove over it and dragged him from one entrance to another. We have a playground and a dead end there, no one ever drove. But she is not a native ... ".

“I dragged the child at a distance of two buildings of parked cars. Behind her there was a dead end, from which the car began to accelerate. Precisely acceleration, not movement ... Immediately the brothers came in large numbers from the mountains, together with the police they protected this madam from lynching! "

At that moment, Alyosha's dad Roman Shimko was at home. He ran to the scene of the tragedy six minutes later.

When I came down, my son was no longer moving. But in the explanatory note, she wrote that after the run over, the child moved, showed signs of life. But she didn't even try to help him. Eyewitnesses put her son in the back seat of her car. And this Olga was always worried that her salon would not be stained with blood, - says Roman.

Even an ambulance, according to the child's father, was called by bystanders. They ran out onto the track and were able to intercept a passing reanimobile. But the doctors could no longer do anything ...

- Did Alisova give any explanations at the scene of the accident?

She claimed that she was driving at a speed limit of 20 kilometers per hour. But, excuse me, the Hyundai Solaris will not even drive onto the curb at this speed. And here the child's car ran over with two wheels. In addition, the witnesses as one assert: she not only drove around the yard, but at that moment she was also talking on the phone. After the collision, Alisova got out of the car with a phone in her hands.

From the very beginning, truly mystical things begin to happen with this case. For example, the accident was filmed by as many as three CCTV cameras - an unprecedented success. Only the image with any of them does not appear in the case. Simply because it allegedly does not exist.

One of the cameras was hanging at the entrance, information from it must be transmitted to the server of the Safe City project. But, as we were told by the responsible people from this structure, on the day of the accident, this particular camera did not work. There are recordings the day before the tragedy, the day after, and on April 23, due to some strange coincidence, the camera broke down, - the father of the deceased boy is indignant.

There was also a second camera on the wall of the house; one of the residents had set it up in order to keep an eye on their car. It was only on April 24 that the video surveillance device was dismantled. They cannot find the owners of the camera - none of the residents of the house admits that the device belonged to them. Although why all of a sudden such secrecy? After all, in this way you can help in the investigation of the death of a child.

The cable from this camera leads to the basement, where, obviously, there is a server where information is written. But the employees of the housing office refuse to open the door to the basement, - says Roman Shimko.

There is also a camera recording at the store. But even with this video, not everything is so smooth. Information on the server is stored for only four days, after which it is automatically deleted. When Alyosha's father, on the third day, found out that the investigation had not requested these shootings in the store, he tried to get them on his own.

But, since the record was withdrawn without a protocol, it will not be considered evidence in court. In addition, there is no direct moment of collision in this video, - comments Roman.

The case was opened 20 days after the accident. And the father of the deceased boy was informed about this even a month later. Apparently, the investigation decided that there was no need to inform him about such a "trifle". And a few days ago, Roman came to the police to find out if there was any movement in the case. He was handed the results of the examination, which do not fit in the head. Alcohol was found in the child's blood - 2.7 ppm. The victim, a quote from the examination, "at the time of death was in a state of intoxication, which could correspond to a strong degree ...". At six years old!

And the investigator did not hesitate to hand me this examination, - Roman's voice trembles. - Now everyone writes that this is half a bottle of vodka. Not certainly in that way. If we start from the body weight of the son, then 2.7 ppm corresponds to one hundred grams of strong alcohol. But where could they come from in the blood of my son, who even turned away from soda - could not stand it when the bubbles hit his nose ?!

- How did the investigator himself react to the fact that alcohol was found in the child's blood?

Initially, it seemed to me that he himself was surprised by such results. But to my request to conduct a second examination, using samples of my son's blood from the back seat of Alisova's car, the investigator responded super cynically: "I have no doubt that the samples will match." And then they began to ask me questions from the series, can alcohol in your family be freely available? Could the guy have a sip in the fridge? That is, they led me to accept the idea that my son was drunk ...

The examination of the son's blood was not done in our Zheleznodorozhny, but was sent to the Vladimirsky Clinical Institute (MONIKI). Perhaps, during the transportation, the test tubes were replaced - after all, they are not signed, - the father suggests.

But this option of avoiding responsibility is the stupidest one. Expertise is easy to dispute, and the results contradict common sense.

They didn’t manage to intimidate the witnesses - right after the accident at night some big boys knocked on their doors. But people were not scared - everyone wrote a statement. So they may have decided on this option. Perhaps they hoped that we would not agree to exhumation.

Here it will not be superfluous to explain how the expertise on fatal accidents is generally carried out. Lawyer Alexander Meltsev, a former senior investigator for particularly important cases of the accident investigation department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, told about this:

Let me explain right away - forensic experts do not go to the scene of accidents. The death is ascertained by an ambulance, then the certificate is handed over to the police - an investigator must be present at the scene of the accident. He draws up a protocol, records visible injuries, body position, contents of pockets, etc. After that, the corpse is transported to the forensic morgue, where research is carried out to establish the exact cause of death.

All injuries are determined - they are listed in detail, and tests are taken (blood, urine, pieces of tissue - usually part of the kidney). The laboratory assistant packs the biomaterials into test tubes, seals them and sends them to another expert institution - research is already being carried out there. The expert is warned about criminal liability for giving a false opinion. After everything is ready, the conclusion is sent to the morgue and handed over to the investigator.

By the way, it is not very clear why exhumation is needed in the case of the boy's death - after all, some parts of the tissue have been stored in the morgue for at least 10 years. In my opinion, in this case, there could have been a technical error - the laboratory assistant mixed up the analyzes. It is possible that on that day, biomaterials of several bodies were sent for research.

So, it is quite possible to admit that malignant ppm in the child's blood appeared due to the notorious human factor... But this does not make the situation any less shocking. Moreover, the investigation of the case is not progressing, and the alleged culprit continues to go free with impunity. Moreover, Olga Alisova did not show the slightest remorse; she made an attempt to make amends by sending a check for 50 thousand rubles to Alyosha's parents two weeks after the accident. Naturally, he went back. Familiar families suggest that this step was not at all out of good intentions, but for the court. To show - the culprit of the accident compensated the moral damage.

- Did she contact Olga?

A month and a half later, her lawyer called me and insisted on meeting. I've come. But the other side began to prove to me that the child was to blame - he jumped out onto the road and there either fell or squatted down. Therefore, she did not see him. Although all witnesses claim that this was not the case. As a result, I could not listen to it - I left.

Moreover, the investigative experiment carried out proves that Alyosha could be seen running even from the back seat of the car.

This experiment is a different story. They took the same "Solaris", put people in it, asked a child of the same build as my son to go along the same route. But this experiment was not designed as it should - that is, the investigators did not take photos and video recordings. They just played a scene ... But I did the recording. Then the investigator asked me to provide him with this video. We refused, of course. We are afraid that in this case, the court will again mark her as not drawn up according to all the rules.

The father of the deceased boy very much hopes that after the transfer of the case to the UK, the investigation will be carried out properly. But it remains unclear what all these oddities in the case were: the result of an error, negligence (the Investigative Committee has already opened a case under this article, the expert is being interrogated) or deliberate distortion of facts?

Moreover, Olga Alisova is far from being an ordinary girl, although she works as an ordinary salesman in a communications salon. In the media, she is called the wife of "authority" Sergei Alisov. His criminal past has several episodes of the same type associated with credit fraud and a gang of "black" realtors.

Alisov stepped onto the crooked path in 2010, when he was only 20 years old. Sergei joined a group whose members decided to kill lonely people and appropriate their apartments. The gang was formed in 2007 by the forces of 29-year-old Muscovite Natalia Gomonova and her roommate named Novikov. Soon they were joined by a 26-year-old native of the Kursk region, Anatoly Kornyakov, who became the leader of this organized criminal group.

However, the group gained real power when seven more people joined it, including Alisov. At first, the criminals were engaged in issuing loans using fake documents in different banks. But, having rescued 600 thousand rubles, the company decided to move to a new level and turned its gaze to single apartment owners.

The first victim of the bandits was a 41-year-old Muscovite, a non-family man and, unfortunately, alcohol addicted. Gomonova came to the man disguised as a newcomer who wanted to rent a room. The owner agreed to receive the guest. And she, seizing the moment, stole all documents of title to the apartment. Soon, the rest of the gang joined in, who actively soldered the Muscovite, and even managed to move him to live at a construction site, having arranged there as a watchman. During this time, they sold the apartment for 6 million rubles, and the man was registered in the old house of Kornyakov in the Kursk region. Then they took their victim there and killed by cutting the throat.

The next in line, first in the homeless, and then in the dead, was a 55-year-old Muscovite, who rented out rooms to everyone. A 27-year-old native of the Oryol region was already living in one of the premises, and two gang members soon moved into the other. Having established a good relationship with the owner and the tenant, the criminals invited them to get-togethers in the sauna, and they themselves took them to the Lyubertsy district and locked them in the garage. There, the owner of the apartment was repeatedly beaten, demanding to sign the documents for the apartment.

The thugs also outraged the unfortunate girl. Moreover, only two bandits harassed the young lady, one of whom was the very "authority" Sergei Alisov. By the way, by this time he had already met with Olga (at that time she was 24 years old). The gang was tied precisely because Kornyakov and Alisov, having made fun of their victim, fell asleep, and the landlord seized the moment, ran away and went to the police. As a result, all members of the organized crime group received long sentences, Kornyakov sat down for 23 years. And Alisov went to the colony strict regime for 10 years. He should be released only in 2020.

Today, Moscow region investigators detained 31-year-old Olga Alisova, a defendant in a high-profile case of a "drunk boy", for violating the recognizance regime. According to law enforcement agencies, it was Alisova who knocked six-year-old Alexei Shimko to death in Balashikha and dragged him several meters under the bottom of the car. Who is she - the wife of a crime boss or a simple car enthusiast who was in the wrong place at the wrong time? "360" tells what is known about the notorious resident of the Moscow region.

First Lady of the OCG

According to "Moskovsky Komsomolets", Olga Alisova works in one of the salons of cellular communication as an ordinary seller. At this time, her husband, Sergei Alisov, is serving a ten-year sentence in a strict regime colony. The man was a member of an organized criminal group (OPG), whose members have committed a lot of crimes. At first, they took out loans in banks using forged documents, but soon they reached a new level. The bandits became "black realtors" and began to kill lonely people, then appropriating their apartments.

There was also a charge of rape in the Alisov case. At the same time, at the time of the crime, he had already met his future wife, who at that time was 24 years old. As a result, all members of the organized criminal group received long sentences. Alisov went to jail in 2010.

Sergei's father Alexander works as a mechanic in the Moscow metro. He told the REN TV website that his son went to prison for his youth and stupidity. At the same time, there was never any special connections or big money in their family. Before the accident, Olga lived with her husband's parents, worked a lot and paid a loan for Hyundai Solaris, on which she later hit Alyosha Shimko. The mother of the alleged crime boss does not work because of disability and sits at home with her granddaughter. Alisova comes from the small town of Balashov in the Saratov region. The spouses did not have time to buy their housing.

Was the boy drunk

It was with the "authority" of Alisova's husband that the public connected the surprisingly mild reaction of law enforcement officers to the fatal accident. The accident happened on April 23, but a criminal case on the incident was opened 20 days later, and the father of the deceased Alyosha Roman was informed about it a month later.

The media wrote that immediately after the accident, recordings of the accident disappeared from all surveillance cameras in the courtyard, then extremely suspicious people began to visit the witnesses. The biggest oddity was the results of the forensic examination, which showed the presence of 2.7 ppm of alcohol in the child's blood, which would have knocked down an adult man.

The fact that the boy was allegedly drunk at the time of the accident embarrassed everyone involved in the case, but not the investigator of the Balashikhinsky Department of Internal Affairs, who did not comment on the results of the examination and their possible falsification. The father of the deceased boy said that the alcohol in Alyosha's blood was a 100% mistake.

“The child didn’t drink, I don’t drink, my wife didn’t drink. The grandfather, with whom he walked, does not drink for medical reasons, he must not drink, ”he told investigators and journalists.

The doctors were also surprised by the results of the examination. According to the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenyi Yuri Pigolkin, such a drunken child simply could not stand on his feet. Within a few minutes after drinking alcohol, he would have gone through all the stages of alcohol intoxication, and then he would have fallen into a coma. Doctor-narcologist Oleg Stetsenko, in turn, said that there are several versions of alcohol getting into the blood. These include the usual carelessness - for example, experts mixed up the samples or forgot to wash the device, and the introduction of alcohol through a syringe into the child's body after his death.

Despite the scandal that erupted, forensic scientist Mikhail Kleimenov, who took the samples and signed the conclusion, continues to insist on the absolute reliability of the research results. “I am an expert, a professional in my field, I am honest. I cannot imagine what purpose a person could pursue who would want to engage in falsification in such a case. If this does not affect the severity of the guilt of the person who committed the accident, then who benefits from it? To me - no, to the investigator - no. And to whom? " - he declares.

"It's hard for me too, I'm a mother myself"

Olga Alisova's lawyer, Natalya Kurakina, stated during the proceedings that the boy did not die from a collision with a car. In her opinion, the child himself fell under the car and received some of the injuries as a result of the fall. The injuries received during the road accident were not fatal. “The death was due to some other action that followed the collision,” she said.

Kurakina also said that Alisova simply did not have time to notice Alyosha, who himself threw himself under the wheels of her car. Therefore, the woman allegedly did not have time to press the brake and avoid a collision with the child.

Alisova herself almost did not comment on what happened. According to, some time after the accident, she stated that she did not believe the results of the examination, which made the boy "drunk." The woman also apologized to Alyosha's father and offered him 50 thousand rubles, which the family of the deceased child returned to her. Two months after the fatal accident, Alisova again offered condolences to the boy's parents and stated that she was not afraid of possible punishment.

"Forgive me if you can. It's hard for me too, I am a mother myself and I am also worried with you. I know that you will not forgive me. Forgive me, do not forgive, but accept condolences. If it is proved guilt, I am not afraid. I have not seen him . I'm not afraid, because I already have the main punishment, it will be with me until the end of my days, "- Olga Alisova.

Whether the friends of Alisova's husband, who are authoritative in the criminal circles, really help the woman to hush up the case and drop the charges is an open question. Alyosha's parents hope that the investigators will be able to restore all the problems in the story with the mysterious ppm, which inexplicably appeared in the results of the examination. Multiple theories only say that the case of the "drunk boy" will be discussed for a long time in the pages of publications and in in social networks... The final point in the case will be put by the court.

On April 23, six-year-old A. from the town of Zheleznodorozhny died under the wheels of a car in the yard of his house, where he was walking with his grandfather. But a sensational story about a downed child became a few days ago, when the results of a forensic examination were made public: 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the boy's blood. That is, according to the results of the examination, the child "at the time of death was in a state of intoxication, which could correspond to a strong degree."

How it was

The tragedy took place in the courtyard of the house. The boy ran across the road from the playground to the entrance. His grandfather followed with a bicycle. The car, which left the parking lot, dragged the child several meters. When the boy was taken out from under the car, he was still alive, but died before the ambulance arrived. The residents of the house witnessed the incident. One of the neighbors, Anastasia Kuznetsova, said that she saw the boy before the fatal accident while walking with her grandfather. “The boy was lively and completely adequate,” she says, “and the driver, driving out of the dead end,“ gasped ”. Then she got out of the car, looked at the bumper and went to call. "

The child's father, Roman, could not get a criminal case initiated for almost a month. The case only moved after he turned to Sergei Mironov, the leader of the Fair Russia party, for help.

2.7 ppm as a catalyst for investigation

The most significant thing in this story today is that only the publicity of the "sensational" results of the examination made this tragedy socially significant and, paradoxically, gave impetus to an objective investigation of the case. The "drunken" boy attracted the attention not only of the public and all federal channels, which made talk shows about the tragedy to varying degrees of adequacy, but also the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, who promised to personally control the course of the investigation.

If the investigation is carried out in a dispassionate and objective manner, there will be answers to several key questions.

The first question: could Olga Alisova, who knocked down the child, whose husband Sergey Alisov is serving a 10-year sentence in a maximum security colony for participating in the case of "black realtors", influence the course of the investigation?

Some media outlets in the past few days managed to call Alisova the wife of the leader of the organized crime group. And it was this fact that most excited the residents of Zheleznodorozhny. Alisova in social networks began to openly threaten. The intensity of passions and hatred towards her reached such a level that the child's father asked those who sympathized with his grief "not to be provoked." Alisova herself said on a talk show: “My husband offered to help me, but I told him - I’ll figure it out myself.” According to some reports, the woman has accumulated 10 speeding tickets in a month.

Olga Alisova, already under investigation and having given her recognizance not to leave, continues to work as the director of a communications salon. Some time ago, the parents of the deceased child received a transfer from her for 50 thousand rubles. The translation was sent back immediately.

Alisova herself, when asked by the correspondent of the Mash portal, whether she believed that the child was drunk, replied that she did not know how such an examination appeared.

One way or another, it is still unclear whether Alisova's criminal marriage could have influenced the course of the investigation.

Question two: why, a few days after the tragedy, the recordings from all surveillance cameras installed in the courtyard of the house disappeared?

The child's father, Roman, claims that one of the cameras was hanging at the entrance, the footage was transferred to the server of the Safe City project. However, it was on the day of the accident that this camera did not work, although there are records a day earlier and a day later. The investigation could also be helped by a private camera, which was installed by one of the residents to monitor their car. The day after the tragedy, the camera was dismantled, but it was not possible to find out who it belonged to. The data from the camera, apparently, could be obtained from the server, which is installed in the basement of the house, but the housing office employees refused to let the child's father there.

In addition, according to the documents of the management company, two speed bumps were allegedly installed in the courtyard of the house long ago. The yard was indeed hastily equipped with road signs, but a few days after the tragedy.

Question three: can we believe the experts' conclusion that the child was drunk?

The only official statement about the examination was made on the air of Channel One by Mikhail Kleimenov, a forensic medical expert of the railway department of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examinations of the Moscow Region.

“On April 24, I made an examination of the boy<…>whose cause of death was an injury received in an accident. I took blood from the body of the deceased, as well as biological objects - blood and bile. These objects were packed, sealed and transported with a special police officer to the laboratory located in MONIKI ( Moscow Research Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky.LF.). After receiving the results of the biochemical study, I had questions, and it was decided to clarify whether the blood really belongs to this boy.

We had two objects of this child. During the medical and genetic examination, it was revealed that, 99.9% of the probability, both blood samples that were sent for examination belong to the same person. Along with a high concentration of alcohol in the blood, it also contained the substance acetaldehyde, which is formed under the influence of liver enzymes in a living organism. This suggests that alcohol entered the bloodstream during life. The concentration is high enough, refers to a strong degree of alcoholic intoxication. In this case, it has been proven with a 100% guarantee that there is alcohol and that it got into the body during life.

All doubts can be resolved with one blow - this is to appoint a genetic and molecular examination at an independent center, even in the laboratory of the Investigative Committee, where biological samples from the mother and samples that I sent from the child will be examined. If they coincide at the genetic level, all questions should be unambiguously removed. "

The child's father said that he and his wife had been tested for a DNA test to find out if there was a child's or a stranger's blood in the test tube.

The Investigative Committee has already opened a criminal case based on the results of a strange examination (article "Negligence"). First of all, experts, as well as carriers of biological materials, can become its defendants.

Railway collects signatures

A large-scale campaign to collect signatures was launched in the city over the weekend; printed forms were handed out in shops, beauty salons, and post offices. The organizers of the collection of signatures, who created their own group on VKontakte, decided that the “live” signatures would complement the petition posted on the platform demanding that the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin “punish, to the fullest extent of the law, all those involved in this tragedy”. More than 19 thousand signatures have already been collected.

Today, an end has been put in the case, which, without exaggeration, was discussed by the whole country - the speech about the death of a six-year-old boy in Balashikha. In the spring, he was hit by a car in the courtyard of his house. But the story gained scandalous notoriety after an expert discovered an allegedly lethal dose of alcohol in the blood of a deceased child. And this has already become a new criminal case.

In the meantime, the verdict was passed to the woman who was driving that car. And, in fact, from whether the child was drunk or not, her guilt in the death of the boy did not diminish. The court sentenced her to three years in prison.

In the Balashikha Railway Court, the verdict was announced to Olga Alisova. She was found guilty under the third part of Article 264 "Violation of the rules of the road and the operation of vehicles, resulting in the death of a person by negligence." The father of the deceased child could hardly hold back tears, Alisova herself kept calm.

Earlier, this morning, Olga Alisova made her final speech in court. The woman who shot down six-year-old Alyosha Shimko to death, announced some mistakes made during the examinations, and also reiterated the guilt of the parents of the deceased boy. Like, it was due to their oversight that a tragedy occurred.

Filming during the trial was prohibited. There is an opportunity to hear an audio fragment of her speech: “Based on traffic rules, when crossing the road, pedestrians should not interfere with the movement of a vehicle and leave behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle, limiting visibility, without making sure of the approaching vehicle. In addition, according to Article 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the child's parents or, in their absence, other older relatives are fully responsible for the child. In this case, the child was deprived of supervision and protection. "

A terrible accident occurred on April 23 this year in Balashikha, right in the courtyard of one of the high-rise buildings. According to eyewitnesses, Alisova was driving at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, ran over the child with her front and then rear wheels, and dragged him along the road for about 10 meters. The child died on the spot from his injuries.

Later, according to the results of one of the technical examinations, it was established that Alisova could have prevented a fatal collision with a child, but she was driving, firstly, with speeding, and secondly, at the time of the accident she was talking on the phone and simply did not notice the little boy.

The relatives of the deceased Alyosha Shimko said that with the initiation of a criminal case on the death of the child, at first they delayed, and later, amazing things began to happen. They received the results of an examination in their hands, according to which the child at the time of the accident was allegedly in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication - 2.7 ppm. Given the weight, experts say, this is tantamount to having an adult drink a bottle of vodka.

This did not seem to have a direct relationship to the charges brought against Alisova. In any case, this would not have affected her responsibility. But the case received a wide public response and for a long time appeared in the press as "the case of a drunk boy." For half a year, the boy's family demanded to challenge the results of the examination and prove that the child's memory had been slandered.

Only at the end of October, an official statement of the Investigative Committee appeared: 18 experienced experts denied the conclusions of their colleague Mikhail Kleimenov - there was no alcohol in Alyosha Shimko's blood. Their conclusion: Kleymenov made the withdrawal of the blood sample in an inappropriate manner. A criminal case was opened against him for negligence.

A high-profile trial in the case of a fatal accident in the courtyard of a residential building in Balashikha near Moscow, in which a six-year-old died, has ended. On Wednesday, November 15, the judge read out the verdict, which took over an hour to read: not only the participants in the trial listened to it, but also dozens of journalists who had difficulty making their way into the courtroom.

The accused motorist Olga, according to part 3. Art. 264, faced up to five years in prison.

The prosecutor asked to choose a preventive measure in the form of three years of imprisonment with serving a sentence c. Alisova herself, in her last word, asked the court for a softer court decision: instead of three years of real term in a general regime colony, she asked for a suspended sentence or sending to a colony-settlement. The motorist also hoped for a delay in the execution of the sentence until her daughter reached the age of 14.

Alisova did not admit her guilt until the very end and assured the court that what happened was an accident, she did not violate traffic rules, and she could not see the boy. The accused also tried to reproach the child's parents for the fact that young children should be constantly supervised by adults, and pedestrians should observe traffic rules and not interfere with the movement of cars when crossing the road outside the "zebras".

“The court concluded that Alisova had the technical ability to stop the car and apply emergency braking.

The arguments of the defendant that she could not see the child are refuted by the evidence, in particular, by the testimony of witnesses, ”the presiding judge read out the verdict.

At the same time, the court concluded that at the time of the accident, Alisov mobile phone did not speak - this is evidenced by the detailing of the woman's telephone conversations on the day of the accident.

As for the statements of Roman Shimko regarding the drug intoxication of the accused, the court found them to be of a presumptive nature. “The results of the medical examination showed Alisova's sobriety, she is not registered with a narcologist, moreover, none of the witnesses that evening saw or reported that the woman was in any state of intoxication. Her condition can be explained by the experience of what happened, ”said the judge.

As a result, the court made a compromise and appointed Alisova three years in prison, which she would have to serve in a colony-settlement.

The adjournment, which Alisova requested to raise her daughter, was denied by the court. However, the deadline will be based on the time she spent in custody during the trial.

The court also ruled to recover from Alisova in favor of Roman Shimko 2.5 million rubles in compensation for moral damage and the cost of the child's funeral - 61.5 thousand rubles.

The prosecutor asked to pay Shimko three million rubles, to which Alisova stated that she was not ready to pay this money, since she considered the incident to be an accident and herself was suffering from an accident and persecution by the media.