Zarema is the name of what nationality. Famous people named Zarema

The short form of the name Zarem. Zaremka, Zara, Zarya, Rema.
The origin of the name Zarem. The name of Zarem is Tatar, Muslim, Ossetian, Kazakh.

The name Zarem has several versions of its origin. According to the first, most widespread version, the name Zarema has Turkic roots and is translated as “scarlet dawn”. Semantic analogues are the names Zarina, Zoryana, Aurora.

According to the second version, the name Zarema is a Soviet revolutionary name formed from the combination “for the revolution of the world”.

According to the third version, the name Zarema has Persian roots, formed from the word "zar", which means "gold". Later, the name became associated with the Arabic word "zarim", which translates as "fire", "ignition of fire", therefore this name began to be given the meaning of "igniting, igniting".

Diminutive-affectionate terms Rem and Zara are also independent names. The name Zarema is used mainly among Muslims.

As a child, Zarema quickly grasps everything on the fly, very skillfully manages people. All her desires and requirements must certainly be fulfilled, and she achieves this in any way possible: from simple tears to threats of leaving home. As a girl, Zarema shows amazing prudence and self-centeredness. But at the moment of getting what you want, it simply transforms. One cannot even think that such a smiling and kind child a minute ago achieved his goal by all available means.

IN school years Zarema shows nice results... And in many ways she achieves this due to her perseverance. Friends Zarema most often chooses on the basis of benefits, and the one whom today she defiantly declared her friend, tomorrow will be excluded from the list of friends if the girl no longer needs him. But Zarema does not always act so recklessly, so her friendship can last for a very long time.

Zarema makes many decisions guided by her intuition. Remaining obedient to her elders, a woman checks everything that happens in her personal and professional life with her inner voice.

Zarema also uses intuition when choosing a life partner. Moreover, the woman will postpone the final decision for a long time, checking for the hundredth time what her mind and intuition tell her.

In marriage, Zarema makes every effort to achieve excellence in housekeeping and raising children. This woman does not leave the role of the best wife, even if she herself family life leaves much to be desired. However, even after marriage, Zarema has a lot of fans. The status of a married woman is extremely important for Zarema. In it, she draws confidence in order to go towards her goal, achieve career heights or receive additional education.

Zarema stands out favorably against the background of other women with her calmness and responsibility. She has a balanced character and strong will. From the outside, she appears as a silent and majestic lady, who devoted her whole life to caring for loved ones. In fact, she's just trying not to show her emotions.

Among the negative traits of a woman, one can single out stubbornness and resentment. Easily offended, Zarema can harbor anger at her offender, however, she will try not to give it away. She carefully hides the negative traits of her character, striving for those around her to know only good things about her.

It is almost impossible to break Zarema, her character is so strong. In her house, she waits out all the hardships that happen to her. She is not at all burdened by control from her husband, if he is attentive to her requests and provides her in everything. Zarema will not tolerate jealousy on his part, but she herself is jealous for any reason.

Zarema has a practical mindset. She proceeds to the solution of the tasks assigned to her soberly and without unnecessary fear. A woman will never make a decision at random, she will always calculate her every step. At the same time, behind the calm appearance of this woman, there is a very difficult character. He has both imperiousness and selfishness. Without being conspicuous, Zarema is trying to crush everyone under her, to subordinate her to her selfishness. But despite this, Zarema invariably remains a charming woman.

In a work environment, Zarema places great hopes on practicality and sanity. Indeed, this woman can quickly navigate in any situation and make the only right decision. Zarema is good at focusing on what she loves, putting her emotions aside. Responsibility and courage this woman does not hold. She will stand up for herself and for others, and prudence and practicality will save her from reckless adventures.

Zarema's birthday

Zarema does not celebrate name day.

Famous people named Zarema

  • Zarema Katusheva ((born 1954) Ukrainian politician, in 2007-2009 she was Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine)
  • Zarema Dzagoeva (maiden name - Alayeva; dancer of the Ossetian ensemble "Alania")
  • Zarema Butaeva ((born 1971) Russian public figure, Minister of Culture of Dagestan (since 2013), has the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan")
  • Zarema Irzakhanova (Chechen singer)
  • Zarema Biyasheva (Kazakh biologist, scientific advisor, author teaching aids and more than 80 publications)
Striving to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your clothes are always non-standard and correspond to the “latest trends”. However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: "It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead." Clothes should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your dignity, and not create them. Again, all the same, they are seen off in the mind, and the flashy external appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Zarema name compatibility, manifestation in love

Zarema, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but the business is for you, first of all, and you will choose your partner based mainly on how much he can meet your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, dedication and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and visual appeal. In a marriage, if this happens, you will primarily appreciate in your partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes to you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to make them "go in a water sled" with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need external assistance, and above all - as a "restraining principle". Otherwise, you may want to "flip the ground".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

This name is associated with a beautiful and somehow married lady, strong-willed, diligent, calm and caring. And also - with an extremely economic and responsible in all respects. Not excluded in her character and a certain devilry, already inherent in the name itself, do you feel?

Zarema is the rarest name in Russia. Although it is still found in Georgia. But Georgia is no longer Russia, right? Pushkin had a heroine named Zarema in the "Bakhchisarai Fountain". The beauty of the harem, the best and prettiest concubine Crimean Khan... Although an extremely jealous woman. This Zarema even decided the Polish princess Maria, a new concubine of the captives, to whom the khan began to pay increased attention. Here they are, Zarems. They are like that to this day - burning jealous and in this feeling extremely dangerous. Although they themselves do not like it when they are jealous of them. So there is a devilry, indeed, in the character of a woman with that name.

What does the name Zarema mean?

This name has Turkic roots and is translated into Russian as “scarlet dawn”. There is something ponderous in the word "scarlet", probably the fact that women with the name Zarema are usually large and rather stubborn. All their qualities, which Zarems are well aware of, they strive to use to the fullest in order to achieve their goals. Often these goals are very simple: successfully marry a wealthy person, continue your education at the expense of your husband, get a prestigious profession and create a strong family. To achieve these goals, she is ready to crush competitors and even walk over their heads.

Zarems are proud, touchy, capable of revenge, but both in calmness and in anger are extremely charming. It is impossible to break Zarema. In an extreme case, she will freeze, withdraw into herself, hide under the "turtle shell" or, like a snail in her house, lock herself in her apartment and wait for the unfavorable time for her to pass. And then, when the hour "X" comes, she will rise and, smiling, will declare publicly:

Here I am!

Zarema is not one of those women who headlong marry the guys they like and even beloved ones. No, she will test a man for strength, loyalty and honesty for a long time before accepting the offered hand and heart. After all, she is betting on her husband, and this bet is her whole life.

Oh, Zarema will be and best wife, and the best hostess. She is ready to endure her husband's severity and complete control over her, if only he fulfills her desires. The aging of Zarema leaves nothing to be desired. And she will be lucky if a man named Ivan, Mikhail, Gleb, Kondrat, Fedot or Sergey becomes her husband.

Her intuition is superbly developed, and she knows how to listen and hear her. It is intuition that tells her the choice of her future husband, since the beautiful Zarema has plenty of fans. Moreover, their army does not decrease even after her marriage, but the soldiers from this army have nothing to count on: Zarema is faithful, and will not change her husband, even if she is courted by a prince on a white horse. “Your train has left,” she will say to him, and without regret will go along the path of a married woman, faithful, honest and patient.

Anchor points:

Scarlet Dawn - the meaning of the name Zarem

stubborn and selfish, her willpower can only be envied, but this power is not always directed in a peaceful direction. You will not find such exactingness as that of Zarema in any child. In her arsenal there are a lot of ways and means with which she achieves her goal, here it is just whining, and threats, and blackmail. Zarema is physically developed, she is brave and courageous. She has a good learning ability in school, she is stubborn, resilient and determined. Can be productive in sports. Zarema has few friends, this circumstance does not bother her at all, because she will always find the opportunity to make friends with the child she needs, and then it is easy to part with him if Zarema is unwanted or unnecessary. She herself chooses a social circle and herself decides when to get out of there. Zarema is emotional, touchy, vengeful and vindictive, often insincere.

Using Zarema's abilities

She clearly knows what she wants to achieve. Before making a decision, he will carefully consider and weigh everything. Prefers to deal with knowledge that can be applied immediately. He relies only on himself, but he will certainly use someone else's help at an opportunity. Zarema does not give in to panic, she knows how to find a way out of difficult situations. Fast, dexterous and practical. Knows how to be charming and uses this quality with success. She likes to be in sight, often attends entertainment events, has a peculiar sense of humor. He will never allow himself to be joked. In relationships with men, she does not rush things, she needs to know what her admirer is worth, she considers all possible prospects for their communication. Zarema is attracted to men who are wealthy, independent, experienced, self-confident.

How the fate of Zarema could be

She able to achieve professionalism in her field, can easily cope with a leadership position, but her manner of leading people is tough and demanding. She does not hold on to any of her employees, sincerely believing that there are no irreplaceable ones. But outwardly he tries to show the most positive traits, surprising others with his hypocrisy. She is slow to get married, she is in no hurry to get married, she needs confidence in the chosen one, for whom in the future Zarema is trying to ensure maximum comfort in the house, she knows how to cook, surprising her husband with her ability to run a housekeeping, Zarema likes luxurious interior items for which she spares no money. She is strict with children, early instills in them independence, gives the best of all possible, education. He rarely receives guests, but he does it at the highest level, demonstrating wealth and sophistication.

The female name Zarema has several origin theories. One of the most popular versions is the Türkic origin of the name, from Türkic it is translated as “scarlet dawn”.

The second version is the Soviet origin of the name Zarem. After the 1917 revolution, the fashion for abbreviations and neologisms flourished in the USSR, and it also touched upon names. Such names were especially common among Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar peoples... So the name "Zarema" is an abbreviation of the slogan "for the revolution of the world."

According to one of the versions, the name of Zarema is composed of the ancient Persian words "Zar" - "radiance", sometimes - "gold" and "emma" - large gold jewelry (crown, for example). In this case, the name takes on the meaning of "shining (golden) crown".

There is a theory of the Arabic origin of the name. But it is absent, neither in Arabic, nor Turkish, nor Persian, which are the main source of Muslim names. The word “zarima”, which is similar in sounding, is translated from Arabic as “humiliated, submissive,” this is a literary word that is little used in living language. The masculine word “zarim” means “fire”, “that which burned fire”, “ignition of fire”. But it would not be correct to translate the name Zarem from Arabic, since these are not the same words, which means they cannot have the same meaning.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Zarem

The sound of the name Zarema characterizes the bearer as a strong, bright optimist who knows how to enjoy life. True, having a somewhat rough character. But the literal analysis is not so straightforward. The owner of the name, although she has good intuition, is an insightful, self-confident, strong and domineering person, but is not without doubts, is in constant tension. Nevertheless, she is resilient and cheerful, hardworking and caring.

The positive characteristics of the name include the ability to convince and even manipulate people and events to their advantage. She quickly navigates the situation, makes decisions and implements her ideas. This woman is smart and organized, she is able to simultaneously control several completely different areas of activity, she easily recovers from defeats, forgives offenses. At the same time, on the way to the goal, Zarema does not look back at the laws and rules, she always goes to the end. She cannot stand pressure, control and restrictions, she is touchy. Moreover, strong and strong-willed, she herself is capable of suppressing and subduing.

Zarema has a practical mind, she thinks logically and soberly. She only takes risks if the result is calculated and predictable. This is a purposeful and pragmatic woman. She is characterized by imperiousness and a certain amount of selfishness, capable of blackmail. But all these qualities do not detract from her charm and ability to enchant. Does not restrict the freedom of loved ones, expecting the same in return. Trust and requires trust. Having achieved what she wants, Zarema becomes calm, peaceful and even kind.

Zarema is well trained and persistent, so learning is easy for her, but she can achieve high grades and pressure or manipulation. She rarely makes friends with peers, community of interests is important to her, but she cannot be called constant in affection.